Devils in the Detail

By Col .

Published on Nov 17, 2009


Hi my names Cody and this is my story about how I gave my word to a mate without knowing the details of what I was agreeing too.

I'm eighteen, six feet with a fantastic body, not that I`m modest mind you. I have black hair and black eyes. And I am as straight as they come, well I thought I was until...

"Come on Luke pick up." I said, impatiently waiting for an answer.

"This better be import." Luke answered in a sleepy voice.

"You still in bed dude?" I asked.

"Cody, why the fuck are you calling me this early for?" Luke asked, in a not so pleasant tone.

"Dude its almost 10, why aren't you at work instead of sleeping the day away?" I asked, jokingly.

"Day off dick, I told you that yesterday." Luke replied, still no amused.

I had completely forgotten, now I felt bad that I had woken him up and was not sure whether this was the best time to ask what I had called him for.

"Sorry Luke, I-" I started to say before Luke cut me off.

"Its ok dude I'm up now." "So dude, why the call?" Luke continued sounding a little more like his cheery self.

"Ah.... well..... Um." I stuttered.

"Spit it out dude." Luke said.

"I wanted to ask you a favor."

Luke asked "And what would that be?"

"You know Chris, the girl at work." I said "Well she finally said yes to going out with me." I continued.

"And what, you want me to hold your hand." Luke said, jokingly.

"Funny, but no," I replied. "She has a friend and-"

"Oh no... No way. You're not setting me up with one of her friends Cody." Luke said, cutting me off before I could finish.

"Please dude. Her friends new in town and she wont go out with me unless I can set her friend up." I begged.

"Can't you find someone else, what about Nick, LJ or even Steve?" Luke asked.

"Chris knows all my other mates and she reckons their not good enough for her friend." I said. "But she hasn't met you, so you're my last hope, PLEASE dude!" I continued.

Their was only silence from Luke.

"I'll do anything, just say yes." I begged, sounding desperate.

With a hint of excitement in his voice Luke asked "Anything?"

Thinking I almost had him I said, "Anything dude, you name it. You know how long I've been trying to get Chris to go out with me, so what ever you want you've got it, just say you will dude."

"You will do anything I ask, absolutely anything?" Luke asked, stressing the anything.

Thinking what ever Luke wanted couldn't be that bad, I replied "I'll put it in writing if you want just say yes dude."

Sounding almost devilish, Luke said "I'm going to hold you to that Cody."

"Don't worry Luke I will pay you back for this you have my word. So it's a yes then?" I said hopefully.

"Yes, it's a yes but I will be colleting on this favor." Luke replied.

Excited I said "You're a life saver, thanks dude I owe you." "So you're right for this Friday night?" I continued.

"Yep, what time?" He asked.

"Be at my place about six." I replied.


"Thanks Luke you're the best. I better get back to work; I'll talk to you later ok." I said.

"Okay, cheers." Luke said as he hung up the phone.

Walking back to work I was on cloud nine. I couldn't help wondering what Luke had in mind for me though, he did seem to be excited by the fact that I would owe him. I didn't really care I was going out with Chris, that's all that matters.

Friday night finally arrived and dead on six there was a knock at the front door.

As I opened the door and before I had a chance to say anything, Luke said "You owe me big time for this."

"You don't scrub up to bad." I said with a smile as Luke walked in, I had to admit he did look good.

Standing just on six feet, Luke is a year older then me with short sandy blond hair. He is a builder by trade and works out in the gym with me three times a week so he has a great body. I've heard a few girls say they can lose their soul in his deep blue eyes, what ever that means, women. Tonight he was wearing black pants with a long sleeve maroon dress shirt. He was even wearing black dress shoes, which I don't think I've ever seen him wear. He did go all out tonight trying to make a good impression which I was glad to see.

I finally got ready and we headed out to pick up the girls. After picking them up we headed to the night club. While the girls found a seat Luke and I grabbed our drinks.

"Lee seems ok." I said to Luke while waiting for the drinks.

"Yea I suppose." Luke replied.

"What, not your type?" I asked as I picked up two of the drinks.

Following me back to the table, Luke said, "Something like that."

Once we were seated we started chatting to Chris and Lee, then after a few minutes the girls seemed to leave us out of the conversation. Luke looked at me and smiled as if he thought it was funny. I on the other hand thought it was the rudest thing out. To make things worst, when their drinks got low they turned to Luke and I and asked for a refill. By this time I was getting pretty pissed off, Chris and I were suppose to be on a date and she has said barely two words to me all night. Thinking, well hoping things would get better I headed to the bar with Luke to get another round.

"Having fun yet?" Luke asked with a grin from ear to ear.

"I`m having a blast!" I replied sarcastically. "And you?" I asked.

"Oh I'm having a ball." he replied, with a devilish grin.

"Glad one of us is." I said before I ordered our drinks.

Back at the table and the girl said thanks for their drinks then continued to act as if we were not even there.

As I finished my drink I turned to Luke and said "You want to blow this joint?"

"Sure, where did you want to take the girls now?" he asked.

"Stuff them; the only time they talk to us is when they want a drink." I said.

Grinning, Luke replied, "Ok."

"Ladies, I wish I could say that this has been fun but....." I started to say before Chris said "What you're leaving?"

Standing, I said, "You catch on quick." Then turned and headed for the door with Luke in tow.

Exiting the building I turned to Luke and said "That was a fucking waste of time." "Sorry to put you through that dude." I continued.

Putting his arm around my shoulder he said "Oh it wasn't a waste of time for me, you still owe me that favor don't forget."

"You're not going to hold me to that considering how the night turned out... are you?" I asked, turning looking into his deep blue eyes.

With that devilish grin again, Luke replied "Hell yeah!" "You're not going back on your word, are you?" he continued, knowing full well I wouldn't.

Like a kid who just had his bike pinched I replied "No........ I'm not backing out."

"How about we head back to my place for a few more beers?" Luke asked, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Sounds good, I can drown my sorrows." I answered.

"Don't be like that." Luke said as he haled a cab. "You might just enjoy what I have installed for you." he continued as a cab pulled up at the curb.

"Wh...What do you mean, `what you have installed for me'?" I asked nervously getting into the cab.

Luke just smiled at me, making me feel real uneasy at what he was planning.

Once inside Luke's place I removed my jacket and flopped myself down on the lounge. Luke joined me a couple of minutes later and handed me a cold beer.

Taking a large swig of beer, I turned to look at Luke who had sat right next to me on the lounge and asked "So what have you got planned for me?"

Luke slowly drank his beer, all the while looking into my eyes and then he said "Well, I was thinking......" "Thinking we could have a bit of fun....... together." He continued as his hand moved to his crotch.

I had to think for a moment what he meant by "fun". Then by the grin he was giving me, it hit me and I said " mean..."

Luke continued smiling and said "Yep."

I was stunned and said "That's so gay dude. You're not gay are you?"

"Would that bother you?" he asked, cocking his head to one side.

I was unsure, would it? He was my best mate and has been for the last ten years, "No, no it wouldn't. You're my best mate Luke." I finally replied.

"So, are you going back on your word?" He asked.

I wanted to say yes, fuck did I want to say yes but I would never do that and Luke knew dam well I wouldn`t.

I shook my head and said "I can't believe I'm going to say yes to this."

After taking a large swig of my beer I continued, "Yes I will do it...but theirs no way in hell your putting that cock of yours anywhere near my ass, you hear me?"

"That's ok, because I was hoping you would be putting yours near mine." Luke said with a cheeky grin.

"You really want me to fuck you? " I asked shocked, "How many times have you been fucked." I added, still stunned at hearing him say he wanted me to fuck him. . The smile vanished from Luke's face and he turned serious and said, "Never, I've been thinking about this for awhile and I knew I wanted you to be my first."

Even though this was so gay I felt so honored that he wanted me to take his cherry. I was beginning to get turned on by all of this and my six inch cock was starting to grow inside my tight jeans.

I put my hand on Luke's thigh and said "Okay, let's do it."

My whole body was literally shaking I was that nervous but I had to admit, I was finding all of this very erotic.

"So what do we do now?" I asked with my hand still on his thigh.

Placing his hand on my leg and moving it towards my crotch Luke replied, "You just relax and let me do all the work."

As his hand came in contact with my now rock hard cock Luke smiled at me and said, "Looks like someone is turned on."

"What did you expect with all this talk about sex!" I said, slightly blushing.

We just seemed to stare into each others eyes then Luke moved closer until our lips connected. I didn't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this. His lips, hard against mine felt so good, soft but firm and moist, wow it felt fantastic. When he pushed his tongue pass my lips all the fear I had seemed to leave my body. I put my hand on the back of his neck and returned the passion of his kiss. Our tongues doing a dance between, back and forth they went. As our hands explored each others body I seemed to freeze when my hand finally came in contact with his now rock hard cock.

Our lips parted and Luke asked with a worried look, "You okay... you want me to ...stop?"

Still with my hand on his cock and a little shocked, I replied, "Dude how big is your cock... it feels huge."

Like a proud father talking about his baby boy, Luke answered "Nine and a half inches."

I couldn't take my hand off it, my gawd it felt like a serpent under the fabric of his trousers. For the first time in my life I wanted, no I needed to see another guys cock and feel it in my own hands. Luke seemed to sense what I wanted and gently placed his hand over mine and lifted my hand off his crotch. Still holding my hand gently in his he used his other to pull down the zipper to his trousers, all the while staring into my eyes. I wanted to break his gaze and look at the monster he was revealing but I couldn't look away from those deep blue eyes of his until he placed my hand back on his rock hard cock, only this time their was no fabric between my hand and his monster of a cock. I looked down the second my skin touched his. It was big, fat and cut, it looked twice the size of mine. I wrapped my hand around the shaft and gently squeezed it, Luke moaned as did I.

"That feels good." Luke softly sighed, his eyes closed and head tilted back.

"I can't get over how big it is." I said, still stunned at the size of it.

Luke moved his hand to my zipper and said, "Now let's see what you're hiding."

"Nothing like you, that's for sure." I said feeling a little insecure.

With my zipper down and his hand inside the fabric of my boxer briefs Luke said, "It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it that counts."

For the first time in my life another guy now had hold of my six inch cut cock and I had to admit it felt pretty dam good. Then it happened. I held my breath as Luke moved his head towards my hard throbbing cock. Luke stopped an inch from the head of my waiting cock, I could feel his hot breath running over my naked flesh as he opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue and licked the precum off, sending a bolt of electricity throughout my entire body. I let out a long load moan as I started to breath again. I wanted Luke to take my cock deep into his hot mouth and down that sweet throat of his. Luke had other ideas, he wanted to tease me to the point where I thought I would pass out by licking my shaft from top to bottom even stopping and spending time sucking on my oh so hot balls. No girl had ever touched them and I never thought they could feel so good inside someone's mouth but they did, gawd did they feel good inside Luke's hot wet mouth. Finally Luke made his way up the underside of my cock with his tongue, reaching the head he opened his mouth and took my cock into his hot moist mouth. I held my breath again as I watched my throbbing cock disappear into a guys mouth for the first time but not just any guy mouth it was my best mates mouth. I let out a long sigh of approval as Luke's soft moist lips closed around my hard throbbing cock and he began to take more and more of me into that sweet mouth of his.

I have had plenty of girls give me head but none and I mean none have ever come close to the way Luke was making me feel right now, he was good I had to give him that. As Luke's noise brushed against my short pubes I felt the head of my cock enter his throat.

I blew!

Boy did I blow a load. I didn't even have time to warn Luke that I was about to cum. Luke was startled at first but he didn't pull off, he seem to suck harder once he got the taste of my hot white cum until he had sucked ever last drop. I on the other hand thought I was going to pass out from the feeling of the best orgasm I had ever had. I was gasping for breath, chest heaving up and down as I tried to take in air.

Luke kept my still hard cock in his mouth gently sucking and running his tongue over my sensitive head. I ran my fingers through his hair as if to say thanks. Luke let my cock slip from his soft lips, letting it slap against my hard abs.

Looking into his eyes I blushed and said "Sorry, I didn't mean to cum so fast."

Moving closer to my lips with his, Luke replied, "I don't mind, you tasted pretty good."

Our lips once again connected and we kissed hard and with passion. As we kissed my hands began to roam over his body until I found his hard cock.

When our lips parted, I said, "Let's go to your room."

Luke smiled from ear to ear and jumped off the lounge and led the way. As we walked to his bedroom we shed the last of our clothes. I kept watching Luke's ass as we walked and I found myself thinking, how would it feel to shove my hard cock up that sweet ass of his.

By the time we reached the bed both of us were naked, we stood staring at each other in all our glory. For the first time in my life I was looking at a naked guy as a sex object and I liked the idea of it. I told Luke to lie on the bed and I sat next to him grabbing his still rock hard cock. As I moved my hand up and down the shaft of Luke's cock I started to wonder what it would taste like. Could I really suck another guy's cock? Before I could answer my own question I found myself leaning down towards it. As I reached Luke's rock hard cock I slowly parted my lips and stuck out my tongue. I licked the head, it didn't taste too bad so I went a little further and sucked on just the head of Luke's cock, Luke moaned loudly which I found erotic. It was a turn on to know I was giving him such pleasure.

I can do this I thought to myself, so I started sucking more and more into my virgin mouth. Luke was throwing his head back into the pillow and moaning loudly at the pleasure I was giving him.

"Fuck Cody, you really know how to suck a cock. Fuck yeah keep going dude." Luke said. "Keep sucking like that and I'm going to blow my load down that hot throat of yours." Luke continued as he placed his hand on the back of my head and pushed me further down his nine and a half inch hard cock.

I wasn't sure whether I could do that, sucking cock was one thing but taking Luke's cum down my throat, I don't know. I had to admit I was getting turned on by the way he was talking to me though.

"Suck harder.....Gawd yeah....boy are you good!"

"Take it into the back of that sweet throat of yours." Luke continued as he pushed more and more of his cock into my mouth and down my throat. Their's no denying it, I loved it. I had two thirds of his cock in my hot wet mouth and I wasn't even gagging. I can do this, I thought to myself as I pushed down on Luke's cock and felt the head of his shaft enter the back of my throat. Luke let out a gasp as he felt his cock slide into the back of my tight virgin throat.

"Do that again, PLEASE!" Luke begged as I pulled my mouth up to the tip of his cock.


Hearing Luke beg was turning me on more then I ever thought possible, it was very erotic. I made my way back down the length of his shaft taking the head of his cock into my throat and held it there, turning my head left and right in a circular motion. Luke was gasping, moaning and thrashing about from the feeling I was sending up the shaft of his nine and a half inch cock.

In between gasp of air Luke said, "I'm cumming Cody!"

I didn't have time to get his long hard cock out of my mouth before he started shooting. I don't know what I was expecting but half way up his cock I got the taste of his cum on my taste buds, I was surprised how good it tasted, sweet but salty at the same time. I stopped my retreat off Luke's cock and started sucking him harder as he kept shooting wad after wad down my waiting throat. I kept sucking until I was sure I had it all. Luke's breathing was erratic as I slowly slid my lips up and off his softening cock. I lay next to him on his bed and looked into his eyes.

Returning my gaze Luke said "That was fantastic!"

I didn't know what to say, I had so many feelings running through my mind and body and not all of them were good. I just smiled at him and put my hand on his chest. My heart was fighting with my head for control over my feelings, I was unsure which would win. My mind kept racing as I watched Luke, I had to admit that I did like what we did.....does that make me gay? Could I handle that?

As I laid there gazing at Luke's naked body, he asked, "You ok Cody, you haven't said a word since..."

As he started to speak, tears started to roll down my cheek. God! I jumped out of bed and ran out of Luke's bedroom, picking my clothes up as I ran. Luke tried in vain to stop me but I was dressed and out the front door before he could.

I ran and ran till I could no longer run. I didn't know where I was running too I only knew who I was running from, Luke. When I finally stopped running I was on the beach about five kilometres from Luke's place, the sun was just beginning to rise above the water line. I stopped, fell to my knees and watched the sun as it rose, still with tears in my eyes. As I sat there I started to go over in my mind what had happened with Luke, and then I realized I wasn't crying because I hated what had happened I was crying because I liked it and that scared the hell out of me.

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 2

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