Devils Gambit

By Jason Gordon

Published on Feb 6, 2011


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

The Devil's Gambit, Chapter 9

"Moving On"

Rachael met them at the door with open arms, pulling Tom into a hug. "How are you, Tom?"

"Getting better...." he said softly. Then, withdrawing, "Rachael, this is my boyfriend, Aiden O'Connel, and these are my new friends, Peter and David Dawson...."

Rachael shook hands with Aiden warmly, and gave the brothers big hugs, whispering in her sweet English accent, "You poor dears," and giving them each a soft peck on the cheek. "Come in, come in," she said, leading them into a house Tom knew well. It was nearly as large as his own, but newly built and designed by a top artist for flow and efficiency. It really was a marvelous home, with wonderful art gracing the walls. Alasdair emerged wearing black pants and a white shirt.

"Alasdair, you've met Peter and David.... And this is Aiden O'Connel, my boyfriend...."

Alasdair stepped forward and took Aiden's hand to shake, smiling. "It's so nice to meet you, Aiden.... We've been so hoping ... that a new door would open for Tom...." Releasing him and motioning everyone to sit, he asked, "So what do you do, Aiden?"

"I'm a police officer," he said, simply but proudly.

"Very good! So you were able to help with this situation with Peter and David's parents...."

"Yes, at first anyway.... It was Tom who broke the case...."

"What do you mean?" Aiden explained how the judge had asked Tom's opinion and how he'd gone back and had the revelation of the bodies. "So you mean that ... Dawson was a serial killer?" Alasdair looked pensive for a moment. "You know, when this really hits the news, people are going to know who you fellows are.... You'll never escape it...."

"Shit," David muttered. "Sorry, sir!"

"You're quite right, my boy," Alasdair said, shooting him a quick smile. "Has your mother confessed to her part in all this?"

"No," Tom answered, "But Jim is going to testify against both his wife and his oldest son...."

"Do you think, given the situation, the judge would emancipate David? He is sixteen, after all, with a home and a school, all guaranteed...."

"Maybe.... What are you thinking?" Tom asked.

"It's a more straightforward way of terminating parental rights.... Petition for emancipation, then offer to adopt him.... That would change his name.... Or he could just change his name if he didn't want to be adopted...." Everyone was looking back and forth at everyone else. None of them had thought so far ahead or considered what all this would mean for them. "Peter, of course, can take any name he likes, and I'd start that process as soon as possible...." Alasdair did always have a practical streak, despite himself, and Tom couldn't help but shake his head.

"Well, on those cheery notes, can I get anyone a drink?" Rachael asked. "We've got soda, tea, beer, wine...."

"I'll take a beer if it's no trouble," Aiden asked. Peter asked for a coke. David stood and offered to help and left the room with Rachael. Once they were in the kitchen, Rachael mixed her husband and Tom the drinks they didn't ask for ... she just knew what they liked.

"So, how are you doing, David?" He shrugged, with a non-committal smile. "You know, I know most of what you went through, if you need or want to talk.... How's Tom doing? I really thought he'd die of sadness for a while...." She said, glancing out of the corner of her eye, seeing the surprise on his face.

"Because of Jamie?" David asked. She nodded. "Since I've been there, he's seemed really happy...." He told her everything Tom had done for him and his brother, and all that stuff. The generosity of it wasn't what surprised her -- it was Tom's willingness to open himself up to them. "He and Aiden are really great...."

"They got together really fast...."

"Well, they're good together...." David said, a surprising note of defensiveness entering his voice. They took the drinks out and sat with the rest of the group, joining in the conversation at random. When the doorbell rang, they all look surprised, but Alasdair smiled.

"I thought I'd invite another family from the school, give the young ones some people to socialize with...."

"Young ones," Tom snorted, rising to greet the newcomers. "You're making us sound far older than you need to, Alasdair!"

Alasdair walked to the door and jovially welcomed his guests. "Mr. and Mrs. Peabody! Mitch, Peggy! Come in, come in.... I'd like to introduce you to one of my closest friends, Professor Tom Corman, and his partner, Officer Aiden O'Connel.... These fine young gentlemen are David and Peter Dawson, their wards...." Alasdair's eyes sparkled as he described them in terms of a family, however nontraditional. "Mitch and Peggy Peabody, and their fine progeny, Catherine, who I believe you met on your visit," he said with a little wink to David, "and her younger brother Sebastien...." Hands were shaken all around, and David leaned in to give Catherine a peck on the cheek, blushing when he realized all eyes were on him. Little conversations sprang up as the two families got to know each other.

Tom noticed that Sebastien, who was perhaps thirteen or a small fourteen, had wandered off on his own and was browsing the shelves silently. The boy had stopped in front of an ornate chess set and was examining it carefully, when Tom stepped up next to him, startling him slightly when he asked, "Do you play?" The boy was silent, but nodded. "Well, here," he said, making himself at home and lifting the set from its shelf to place it on a side table, sitting down and inviting the boy to do the same. Tom opened, and they played silently for a moment, before Tom said, "You know, when I was your age, I was very shy.... I missed out on a lot...."

"You got over it?" the boy asked in a sweet, slightly higher than expected voice.

"No," Tom said, laughing, "but I learned to deal with it.... Little by little, I made myself go out of my comfort zone, opened up and took a chance on people.... Most of them aren't as bad as they can seem...."

"Why were you shy?" Sebastien asked softly, averting his eyes as they spoke.

"Does there have to be a reason?" The boy smiled and shook his head. "I always was, but my mom died and I had to come to live with my grandparents when I was about your age.... I really walled myself off then.... Threw myself into books and things. I was a great student ... got my Ph.D. at 24...."

"Cool!" The boy's brown eyes sparkled when he smiled. Across the room, Peggy was casting glances at her son, who was beginning to open up, to her amazement.

"Yeah, but I missed out on a lot! In college, I opened up a lot -- I was younger than everybody, but people were nice to me.... I spent a year in France, which is where I met Alasdair ... Dr. Franklin.... He really helped me learn to be confident...."

"It's not easy," the boy said, moving his bishop and continuing to avoid eye contact.

"No, but it's worth it," Tom answered, countering.

"I'm littler than the boys," he said, "so I never get picked for teams -- not that I'd be good anyway -- but I don't feel like I could ever fit in, anyway.... Being small, having a girly voice, liking books and stuff, definitely doesn't help...."

"Well, you definitely can't be someone you're not.... You've got to be proud of who you are, no matter what, and get confidence from that.... You're a very good chess player ... you're a good strategist and thinker. Find activities that accentuate that gift...." The boy nodded, struggling to think of his next move. He made a good move, not seeing yet that whatever move he'd chosen, the game was decided. In three moves, Tom had beaten him.

Sebastien smiled at Tom and held out a hand. "I haven't lost in a long time...."

"You only get better by stretching yourself, playing with someone whose skill rivals or exceeds your own.... I must say, you proved more of a challenge than a lot of my fellow professors," he said, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder, guiding him toward the people.

He caught David's eye and they boy came over to say hi to Sebastian, who was clearly intimidated by him. But David put an arm around his shoulder and quickly disarmed him, talking about the camping trip and other stuff. Apparently Sebastian was a nature guy as well, so they were off on their own soon, and Peggy approached Tom purposefully.

"That was amazing," she said quietly, drawing Tom away for what was clearly a private conversation.

"Oh? Your son is good, but he's got a lot of work...."

She laughed and said, "You know very well that's not what I mean! My son is painfully shy.... And now you've got him off chatting with my daughter's jock boyfriend...."

"We're a lot alike," Tom said. Seeing the panic in her eyes rising uncontrolled, he quickly added, "I was very shy as well, especially after I lost my parents.... I've recently had a setback on that front, I'm afraid.... Someone I loved dearly was killed, and I spent most of the last year locked up at home alone.... But then, that's not important...."

She nodded, and then looked as if she was thinking better of something before adding, "Maybe you're alike in other ways too...."

"Sebastien is young, but who knows? He just needs to know that, no matter what, he has your unconditional love and support...." The woman nodded. "I know it must be difficult to consider that ... one's son might be ... different.... The world can be a hard place.... But you know, there's nothing wrong with ... being different...."

Again, she nodded. Changing the subject, she asked "So, how did you and Aiden come to have Peter and David?"

Taking a sip of his drink, he smiled and said, "I'm not sure I should say.... There are still court issues.... But Peter had been put on the street by his parents when they found out he was gay.... They cut off his college money and left him high and dry.... He ended up on the street. When I found him, he'd been stabbed and was bleeding to death on the street...."

"My God!"

"I kept him alive until the paramedics arrived and I helped nurse him back to health.... I invited him to come stay with me.... I live in my grandparent's Victorian that's way too huge for me. I worked to get him readmitted to college and I'm going to pay for any of the excess so he can get a fresh start.... But then we found out he had been ... hurt by his parents and older brother in other ways, and that he had a little brother, so Aiden helped organize a raid and we got custody of David transferred temporarily to Peter.... It looks like that's going to stick as the whole family seems to be going to jail...."

"God! David's so sweet, and Peter seems nice.... They've been through so much...."

"Please, don't mention anything to your daughter that David doesn't tell her.... He will in his own due time, but it's hard to talk about a lot of what he went through...." She nodded.

"How long have you and Aiden been together?"

Tom smiled wryly and asked, "Care to guess?"

"A few years?"

"We met the day I found Peter on the street...."

"A couple of weeks then?" she asked, surprised.

"Yep, that's about it...."

"You seem so ... close...."

"It's really been love at first sight.... The person I mentioned losing ... was a young man named Jamie.... He was my whole world ... we were both attacked in Memphis.... I survived, he didn't, and I never thought.... But here we are.... I'm madly in love and Aiden is such a great man...." Feeling the warmth against his back, Tom leaned back slightly and felt Aiden's arms close around him.

"Talking about me then?" he asked with a cocky smile.

"Just telling Peggy here how we came to be together and to have Peter and David with us...."

"Don't give the poor woman a fright ... I think her daughter and David like each other...."

"I'm pretty sure they do," Peggy said with a smile. "Don't worry; anyone can see they're fine boys with a good home...."

The dinner was nice, and Tom enjoyed catching up with Rachael and having Aiden get to know his friends. They also found that they liked Mitch and Peggy, though the couple was a decade older. They seemed quite comfortable with the younger gay couple, surprisingly enough. Peggy was a librarian at the local library, while her husband was an architect with a prominent firm. Tom was happy to see that, at the other end of the table, David was dividing his time between Catherine and Sebastien, and the younger boy was clearly enjoying the attention. Tom thought he might have seen the boy stealing glances at Peter in the odd moment, but filed that away for later.

Shortly after dinner, the Peabody family excused themselves, and the boys helped Rachael straighten up in the kitchen. Tom and Aiden sat on the little love seat in the library across from Alasdair, who offered them drinks. Tom declined, so Aiden took a drink from the man, and Tom sat by quietly as his friend and his boyfriend got to know each other better. After a while Alasdair caught Tom staring off into space with a slight smile and called him on it.

"Tom? Tom, are you still with us?"

"Hmmm?" The two laughed at him. "What?"

"We seem to have lost you...."

"Oh, I'm just enjoying a little relaxation with two of my favorite guys...."

"Well, we were just comparing notes...."

"Dangerous," Tom said, with a wry smile. "In any case...."

Aiden squeezed Tom and kissed the side of his head unselfconsciously. Rachael and the boys returned shortly, and soon everybody was looking a little overdone.

"It's a school night," Alasdair announced, winking at Tom and Aiden. "We old fogies need our sleep...."

On the ride home, David announced that he had invited Sebastien on the Thanksgiving camping outing.

"You sure, buddy? You'll have to look out for him...."

"I know.... I like him, so it will be fun...."

"So, what is this camping trip?" Aiden asked, and David excitedly explained it to him. "Well, I don't guess I can get off for this one, but maybe for spring break we could go for a whole week? Someplace awesome!" Tom smirked lovingly at his use of the word awesome. Hearing that made David's day, because he was still unsure what his situation would be, but the men seemed pretty sure they would all be together come spring. Plus a big camping trip with Tom and Aiden, and maybe even Peter if David worked on him, sounding like the best thing in the world.

Back at the house, David and Peter got ready for bed, while Tom went to his office for a few minutes to print his notes for class for the next morning. He found Aiden in bed, sitting up reading and waiting for him. Tom quickly stripped and slid into bed, resting his head on the man's chest.

"Thank you for going tonight...."

"It was fun.... Rachael's nice, Alasdair's...."

"What?" Tom asked with a chuckle.

"Intimidating.... I don't see what you see in me...."

Tom laughed genuinely, and Aiden looked a little hurt. "No, baby, I'm not laughing at you.... I'm just remembering the first time Jamie met Alasdair.... Alasdair knew we could only be friends -- he was married to Rachael, who he met shortly after our time in Paris.... But he wasn't really ready to see me with anyone else.... At heart, he can be a big baby.... He's getting better.... Afterwards, Jamie was so insecure! He went on and on about how I could move on and settle for him after being with a rich, powerful, beautiful genius like Alasdair.... I laughed then, too, because ... and I want you to hear me ... Alasdair and I will always be close, but I would never have been enough for him.... He could never have been satisfied by our life together.... When I looked at Jamie, and I could see when he looked at me, I could see to the edges of time.... He was all I needed, and I was all he needed...." Taking a break, Tom threw a leg over Aiden and straddled his lap. "When I look into your eyes, I see my future," he whispered. Aiden leaned in until their lips were barely touching, their breath warming each other's lips, and Tom could feel the hardening cock pressing into him.

"Tom, if I dreamed for a hundred years, I'd never have imagined you...." After returning his kiss with passion, Tom grinned and reached into the nightstand and got out the lube, reaching around behind him and smearing the slippery stuff on Aiden's cock and his crack. Then he guided the man home. Tom put his hands on Aiden's shoulders to support himself and settled in for a long slow ride, occasionally lowering himself so he could kiss his man, lick his ear. After a while, Aiden grabbed his waist firmly and used his tremendous upper body strength to drive Tom down on his aching cock. Tom held on tight as Aiden started to buck, hitting all the right places. Tom's orgasm was so powerful, he shot cum in Aiden's face, just as Aiden shot off inside of Tom. With a sleepy smile, Tom leaned in and licked his own cum off Aiden's face before sharing it with him in a kiss.

The next week was remarkably unremarkable. David was back in school, and Peter was recuperating at home, reading and thinking about a job. Some mornings, when he did not have class, Billy would come by and help him take his mind off of it before his delivery shift began....

On Monday, Tom came straight home from school, and sat in his bedroom alone, staring at the closet he'd promised to clear out. "Jamie," he whispered to himself. "I know you said it was alright ... but..." Tom shook his head and sat contemplating.

At last, he forced himself to his feet and began removing clothes from the closet. Piece after piece of Jamie's favorite clothing reminded him of the quirky, beautiful style of the young man who'd always walked to the beat of his own drummer.

"What's all this?" Peter's soft voice called from the door.

"Just some old clothes... Clearing out a closet for Aiden," he added with a weak smile.

Peter stepped in and picked up a pair of jeans. "What are you going to do with them?"

"Goodwill, I guess," Tom said.

"I guess these haven't fit for a while?" Peter mused, having totally missed what was going on. "Would you mind if I took some things? Some of it's my size, when I gain some more weight back, and it's kind of cool..."

"Sure," Tom said with raised eyebrows. "Cheaper than buying you new clothes, I guess..."

"Plus, vintage is cool," Peter said, smiling broadly and repressing a laugh at his own joke.

"I'll show you vintage, you young whippersnapper," Tom said, mimicking an old man shaking his cane. He quickly emptied the clothes from the closet and told Peter, "Anything you want, it's yours!"

All told, Peter took about three fourths of the clothes. He should have figured Peter would appreciate Jamie's style, Tom thought to himself with a sad smile. Tom moved a few things directly to his closet – a couple of packing boxes he'd never opened after Jamie died, a little wooden box and a jewelry box, and a really vintage hat Jamie used to wear. Then he vacuumed the closet and hanged an air freshener inside.

When he was alone again, he took out the little jewelry box and put it on his night stand and lay down on the bed. He opened it on his lap and went through the box. He found some of Jamie's favorite jewelry: a couple of silver bracelets, as well as a hand-woven friendship bracelet a friend had made for him at camp when he was fourteen. Jamie had been madly in love with the boy – his first serious crush – but the boy was straight and made a good friend. Then, there was the platinum ring Tom had given him when they committed themselves to one another. The ring had come home months after the crime, recovered from a pawnbroker and returned to Tom after some legal wrangling. There was even a little diamond stud, a memento of Jaime's teenaged foray into body piercing. It had made it less than a month in the boy's belly-button.

Closing the little box, Tom sat it back on his night stand and removed the larger wooden, hand-carved box from the closet. It was the first time he'd opened the box, and he discovered it held even more personal tokens: a leather journal, some cards, and some notes and letters Tom had written to him, especially from their early courtship. Tom started to open one of his letters, but he replaced it. It felt like opening someone else's mail to him, strangely enough. He wasn't ready to read the boy's journal either, so that box too went on the shelf. The two big boxes would have to wait. He didn't have the strength for any more.

Tom rolled so his back was to the door and cried a little more, until, despite himself, he fell asleep.

Aiden arrived at dinner time to find the house surprisingly quiet. David was sitting on the couch working on homework and Peter was in his room. "Hey, buddy," Aiden smiled at David. "Where's Tom?"

David nodded toward the bedroom. "He was asleep when I got home," David said quietly.

Aiden frowned, then patted him on the shoulder and made his way to the bedroom. He found a couple of bags of clothes, clearly not a closet-full, by the door on his way in, and it struck him what Tom had said he was going to do.

Quietly, Aiden slipped into the bedroom and changed into some comfortable clothes before sitting next to Tom and putting a hand on his shoulder. "Tom?"

"Hmmm..." Tom stirred. "What time is it?" he asked, smiling up at the man.

"I just got home," Aiden said. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," Tom said, opening his arms for a hug. "It was harder than I thought..."

"I saw the bags of clothes," Aiden said. "But what happened to the rest? The closet's empty..."

"A few little things I kept, and Peter liked a lot of it and it's his size, so I let him take what he wanted..."

Aiden smiled. "Are you going to be okay with that when you see him in one of Jamie's shirts, or outfits?"

"I think so," Tom said. "Easier to give it to him than to send it off to some stranger, anyway..."

"Do you want to get some dinner?" Aiden asked. "Why don't I drive down to the grocery store and pick something up at the deli?"

"That would be great... I don't feel like cooking," Tom said with a weak smile.

"Be right back," Aiden said, kissing his forehead.

He returned half an hour later with rotisserie chicken, potato salad, baked beans and a few other sides, and they all ate together.

After dinner, Tom went upstairs to his office and did some of the work he'd skipped. Meanwhile, Aiden watched some television with David for a while, until he got a message on his cell.

He ran upstairs and found Tom. "I've got to run back to the station, Tom! There's been a break in a case I've been working on..."

"See you when you get home, if it's not too late," Tom smiled. "I had too long of a nap this afternoon!"

Aiden gave him a big kiss, before hurrying downstairs to grab his badge and gun. "Night," he said to David as he ruffled the boy's hair on his way out.

"Hey!" David called after him laughing, reaching up to fix his mussed hair.

Aiden drove directly to the new crime scene, a Catholic church just four miles from Tom's house. He flashed his badge and stepped through the police cordon. "Aiden," Jim Reynolds called and motioned him over.

"It's like the others?" Aiden asked, looking around to make sure no one heard him. So far the news had failed to make the connection between the vandalism at various churches around town, and they wanted to keep it that way.

Jim nodded. "But worse..."

Inside, Aiden found the church in disarray, blood splattered on the walls and white marble pillars gaudily. On the altar, some kind of animal had been dismembered and disemboweled, its blood collected in the church's chalice.

"Officer O'Connel... I think we could handle this one without you," Detective Philips laughed as he approached from behind. "Shouldn't you be home with your new girlfriend?"

Man, gossip spreads fast, Aiden thought. He brushed the comment off, and he had bent over to look at what looked like a piece of cloth ripped from someone's clothing, when he felt Philips bump into his ass, no doubt mimicking a fucking action to the officers around.

Aiden turned and faced him angrily. "Watch it, Philips! There's some evidence here," he said, pulling on a glove and grabbing a bag for the cloth. When Aiden signed the tape sealing the bag, he stormed off to turn it over to the lab boys.

Before Philips could walk away snickering, Jim had his night stick out, pressed against the underside of the detective's chin. He whispered menacingly, "You try any shit like that again, Philips, and I'LL file the sexual harassment charge against you. Understand me?" Philips nodded defiantly, and Jim reminded him, "I cut you a break when I caught you with that hooker out in Old Towne... Remember? Your wife never found out about that..." Philips deflated and nodded. "He's a good kid, so lay the fuck off..."

"Sure, Reynolds," Philips nodded, looking somewhat repentant, before walking away.

As Aiden returned, he said, under his breath so only Jim could hear, "You didn't have to do that..."

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, O'Connel," the man said with a fatherly smile. As they were walking away, he did add, "I know your father couldn't always show it, but he respected the way you had the courage... Well you know. If he had been here tonight, Philips woulda been in deep kimchee..."

On Tuesday, Tom, Peter, and David met Felicia at Judge Tucker's courthouse. After consulting, they went to the courtroom, where the brothers' parents' lawyers were waiting, their clients present in jailhouse orange.

When court was in session, the attorneys for the parents tried to make a case that Peter was unfit to look after his brother because he was a homosexual. "Do you have any evidence that Peter has ever behaved inappropriately towards his brother?" the judge asked, at last, getting short with them.

"It's more of a lifestyle matter, your honor.... Additionally, David and Peter are being housed by two known homosexuals. What kind of home is that for a teenage boy?"

"Mr. Evans, I ask you again, do you have any reason to suspect Professor Corman or Officer O'Connel of anything untoward?"

"No, your honor, but...."

"However, I have good reason to believe, along with hard evidence to support, that your clients ritually abused their children, and are suspected of serial murder.... Additionally, they allowed their older son to sexually abuse both his brothers for years...."

Felicia jumped to her feet, seizing the opportunity. "Your honor, I would like to adjust my motion. Rather than seeking custody of David for Peter, I move that David be emancipated and declared a legal adult...."

"Young man, you realize that in doing so, you waive all parental support -- except of course any damages the court may award at a future date?"

"Yes, your honor...."

"How will you support yourself, secure housing for yourself?" the judge inquired.

"Your honor, if I may," Tom said, rising to his feet. "I have secured David a place in Saint Sebastian's High School.... He was awarded a full scholarship.... His brother and he are living together, and support one another educationally. Both will have a steady income, and I personally guarantee that he will be taken care of financially until he finishes his schooling...."

"If we can get that in writing, Mr. Corman, and I can be assured that the boy's well-being is secured, there is little reason...."

"Your honor," Evans exclaimed, rising to his feet. "This is highly irregular...."

"So is this entire situation," Felicia retorted. "But I have a completed petition, signed by my client for your consideration, and Professor Corman is prepared to enter a contractual obligation to secure the boys' future. In fact, should you grant his petition, my client intends to move immediately for a legal change of name, as well...."

The judge raised her eyebrows questioningly. "And do you have a name in mind, young man?"

"Yes your honor," David said, rising and casting a shy glance at Tom. He hadn't told anyone. "David Corman."

The judge nodded, fighting back the mist that arose in her eyes. "I'll consider this matter and rule shortly.... Given the circumstances, and given David's needs, I'd like to question him in chambers with his counsel...." With that, she left. David's mother glared at him, while his father stared out the window. David and Felicia stood to meet the judge in chambers, but before he left, he gave Tom a big hug.

"I hope you don't mind?" David asked. Tom had tears in his eyes and could only shake his head, no.

Thirty minutes later, they emerged from the judge's chambers and Felicia gave Tom a thumbs up. "We'll have to wait a couple of days for a ruling I think, but I think it's in the bag...." Privately, she pulled him aside and said, "David really loves you, Tom.... You're a little young for the role, but you're the dad he always wanted, or is it the mom? In the meantime, I'll draw up some paperwork for you...."

Tom nodded, and they all left. Back at the house, David retreated into his room to do some homework, and Tom went to Peter's room. "You didn't say much today...."

"Not much to say...."

"Are you okay with everything that's happening...? Maybe you wanted to pick a name with your brother, something you could share...."

"Maybe," Peter said with a slight smile. Then he nodded. "I think he's decided though.... So ... I suppose, if you don't mind...."

Tom put an arm around Peter and said, "Welcome to the family...."

Tom walked up to his office and did some work. Shortly before Aiden got home, David stuck his head in the door. "Can Catherine come over?"


"Good," he said with a grin, "because she's on her way...."

"Will she stay for dinner?" Tom asked with a smile.

"If it's not too much trouble...." Tom nodded and David disappeared. Later he would see that the boy had run to change. Catherine arrived and she and David sat in the living room talking, David telling her about the court visit and she telling him what he had missed.

Aiden arrived and waved at them. "Hi guys!"

"Hey, Aiden! Tom's up in the office...."

"Thanks," he answered with a smile, taking off in that direction. Tom was just shutting down his computer when Aiden walked in and walked up behind him, running his hand down his body, from chest to hips, gently nibbling on his shoulder. Tom sighed and melted back into him.

"How was your day, sweetheart?"

"Oh, nothing too exciting. A couple of domestic disturbances, a teenager shoplifting.... Finished up some stuff on the case from last night... You know...."

"Felicia says that she thinks that the judge will grant David's emancipation petition.... David told her that he wants to take my last name...."

Aiden turned Tom around to face him. "How do you feel about that?"

"Great.... Having you and the guys, it's like having a family again.... Peter was a little surprised though -- he thought they'd talk about it together...."

"So what's he going to do?" Aiden asked.

"They're brother's.... He's going to do the same...."

Aiden nodded and asked, "So what's for dinner?"

"I don't know ... we have a guest.... I guess I could make some spaghetti.... I have a fresh loaf of Italian bread...."

"Sounds good," Aiden said. "I'm gonna go change...." Tom kissed him deeply and let him go unwillingly. Aiden smiled and winked as he turned the corner.

Tom walked to the living room and asked, "How does spaghetti sound?"

"Great," David said. "You need any help?"

"No, no, you guys hang out...."

"Thanks for having me, professor...."

"Tom's fine, Catherine," the man answered, smiling.

Tom through together a sure-fire spaghetti sauce and put some noodles on to boil, and heated up the bread. Soon, the five of them sat down to dinner. At one point, Tom asked Catherine, "What do you do in school? Extra curriculars, clubs?"

"Oh, I'm editor of the school newsletter, and I'm on the student council...."

"Impressive! Have you thought much about colleges?"

"Not a lot. I'd be happy to stay in town, but I'll apply to a few big name places and see what kinds of scholarships I can get...."

"Very good...."

There was more conversation about school and the like, and Catherine asked David, "Are you going to the Halloween dance at school, David?"

"I didn't really know about it...."

"It's a big deal of a costume ball.... If you want to go ... I haven't accepted any invitations, just in case...."

David blushed and asked, "Would you ... go with me?" She nodded and smiled. Now that that awkward moment was past, Tom made a mental note to consider that they had a massively powerful supernatural force after them and Halloween could present a perfect storm of possibility. Perhaps he could get Alasdair to allow him to attend as a chaperon.

"So, Catherine," he asked, "do you have a costume in mind? I'll need to take David to pick up one...."

"There was a terrific Cleopatra costume I'd love, at the costume shop on Grand. There was a Julius Caesar costume with golden crown and purple-trimmed white tunic.... You'd make a gorgeous Caesar," she said, smiling at David and making him blush. And so it went for the rest of the evening. Aiden and Peter cleaned up the kitchen, while Tom stretched out on the couch and David and Catherine cuddled on the love seat. When they finished cleaning, Peter went to call Billy and Aiden came and lay down next to Tom.

When it was almost ten, Tom said, "David, I'm sure it's about time for Catherine to get home.... You have school tomorrow...."

"Oh, my parents are out," the girl said. "I should have said something.... They were going to pick me up on their way home. It shouldn't be more than thirty minutes...."

"Oh, okay! Just didn't want you to miss your curfew...."

"Speaking of, I have an early morning," Aiden said. "I'm going to catch a shower...."

"I'll be in in a bit," Tom said. "I want to say hi the Peabodies." Aiden gave Tom a kiss, chaster in front of company, and walked off, waving to Catherine. When her family arrived, Tom went out to greet them. Even Sebastien got out to say hello. Tom invited the whole family to come over for a barbeque on Sunday, and they accepted. Back inside, Tom found Aiden waiting for him in bed, where they cuddled to sleep.

More to come soon. If you enjoyed this story, you might consider my other on-going stories at Nifty, Fantasy/SciFi, Things that Go Bump and A Light in the Darkness.

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Next: Chapter 10

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