Devils Gambit

By Jason Gordon

Published on Aug 2, 2010


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

The Devil's Gambit, Chapter 5

"Wicked Things"

Aiden found him there in the morning. "Tom," he whispered, shaking the man. "Tom!"

Tom woke up groggy and feeling grungy. It took him a minute to get oriented, but finally he smiled up into the beautiful face. "Hi, sweetheart," he whispered, causing Aiden's stomach to flutter.

"Hey, babe! I figured I'd find you here when you weren't at home.... You were here all night?"


"What happened?" Tom filled him in and decided to leave nothing out. Aiden's face was drained of blood when he finished. He wouldn't have believed a word of it, no matter how much he liked Tom, except he had heard the voice himself. Even now, he could see how he might come to doubt that.

"Are you alright," Aiden asked, at last.

"Fine.... I was worried about how you'd react...."

"My job – I'm a cop -- I'm in danger all the time...."

"Ever been threatened by a cosmic superpower?"

"No, but I've been bitch-slapped by tranny hookers, which is pretty scary," Aiden responded, trying humor to bolster himself. Carefully disentangling himself from Peter, Tom grabbed his bag and pulled out a powerful talisman, a trinket he'd picked up in Paris at a flea market which was really without value to any but those who know how to use it.

"Aiden, please ... carry this with you all the time, wear it all the time until I can find something stronger," handing the little pendant on a silver chain to the man.

"What is it?"

"It is the single most powerful ward against evil that I've ever come across.... Please, promise you'll wear it everywhere, even in the shower, even at the precinct."

"Alright," the man said, sighing for effect. Secretly, he felt a lot better wearing the necklace. "I've got to go to class.... You be careful!"

"You too," Tom said, before Aiden rushed off. Tom stayed at the hospital most of the day, leaving only to shower and change, grabbing a cheap chess set. But he did go home that night to sleep, and only got to talk to Aiden on the phone. That evening, Tom made his way home, his senses on high alert, but nothing at all seemed out of place. For the first time in weeks, he could not feel the heaviness of the presence at all.... He didn't know whether to be relieved or terrified by that.

He prepared for class before collapsing into bed that night. The next day would be somewhat busy. Tom packed a pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt for Peter to leave the hospital in; he'd have to take the young man to get some clothes of his own soon. Then he grabbed his bag and headed back to campus. Dropping the clothes with Peter at the hospital, Tom promised to come back around three to pick him up.

At lunch time, Walt stuck his head in on Tom. "So, is Peter still coming home with you?"

"Today, actually," Tom answered, looking up from his book.

"Well, good I suppose.... The university will award him 70% next semester and bump it up if he gets good grades.... But I doubt that's a worry...."

"Certainly not among our top worries at the moment...."

"Oh," the man asked, concerned. "Complications?"

"You might say that.... It seems that there's a younger brother who's being abused.... Aiden is working with the DA and the police to get a warrant, and obviously I'm going to try to help Peter get custody of his brother...."

"Well, I suppose since they'd both be living with you, that will improve his chances.... How do you feel about all this, Tom?"

"It's a lot," he said with a sigh, but he shrugged. "But I'm not going to turn my back...."

The man nodded somewhat grimly, before breaking into a smile, "But Aiden is a big hit.... Martha can't stop talking about him. You'd think we didn't have enough sons...."

Tom laughed and said, "I know.... It's kind of scary ... how quickly I've...."

"You know, Martha and I only dated for six weeks before I asked her to marry me...."

"I know, Walt.... You just never expect it to happen, much less twice...."

Walt stood to go, smiling and nodding, but before he left, he looked over his shoulder and said, "And you don't want to miss out because you're scared...."

Tom smiled and went back to work. He decided to pack up a little early and head over to the hospital, where he found a much more upbeat Peter dressed and ready.

"You're early," the younger man said with an excited smile.

"I'll make sure you're cleared and then we can go," Tom said, but before he could leave, the doctor in charge of Peter's case came in smiling.

"Well, my boy, it seems you're doing better than anyone expected.... We just need to get some information before you can be discharged...." Peter answered what he could, and Tom told them to send the bills to his address. He knew they could negotiate over the prices and cut a deal later. About an hour later, Peter climbed into the front seat of Tom's car and they were off.

"How about we head to the mall so you can get some real food and pick out a few changes of clothes?"

"The food sounds good but I can't...."

"Of course you can.... After all, you can't very well do anything -- go to school, get a job or anything else -- without clothes of your own...." Peter nodded and they drove off to the nearby mall. At the food court, Peter wanted to eat at Friday's and ate like there was no tomorrow. Afterwards, Tom took him down to the Macy's and found a sales clerk in the young men's department to help Peter set himself up with a small wardrobe -- Tom didn't want him getting too many things, because he had a feeling the young man would bulk up when he was on a regular diet. Seeing him in designer clothes, it became radically apparent that Peter was majorly cute, and the clerk, a young man of perhaps twenty-two named Dustin, was definitely smitten. The young man kept looking at Tom jealously, so Tom made some comment about helping his 'brother' out, and the clerk's attitude became more forward and less suspicious.

Over an hour passed, and they checked out with five sets of clothes, underwear, socks, as well as a new pair of casual shoes. Tom handed over his card and while the he was running it through the machine, Dustin picked up a Macy's calling card and wrote his name and number on the back. Handing it to Peter, he said, "If you need anything else, let me know.... My number's on the back, too," he added with a nervous smile. Peter smiled back and looked over his shoulder as they left to see Dustin watching him walk away.

"I think he likes you," Tom said with a laugh.

Peter giggled cutely. "It's been a while since I got any attention from anyone but dirty old men and the type you meet on the street.... He was cute...."

"Yes he was," Tom said, laughing. "What do you think, baseball?" Dustin was clearly athletic, and he was kidding the boy.

"Wrestler," Peter replied, dreamily.

"You wish, perv!"

"A boy can hope," Peter said and they both broke out laughing. On the way home, they picked up a few prescriptions for Peter, and soon they pulled up in front of Tom's place. "Wow!"

"It was my grandparents'," Tom said by way of an explanation, grabbing the young man's bags. Showing him inside, he led him to a second bedroom on the ground floor, set up as a guest room. He set the bags on the bed and said, "When you're feeling better, you can pick any of the bedrooms and set it up as your own.... You'll need a computer and all that, for school, in the spring, but we'll see to that later...." Suddenly and unexpectedly, Tom felt thin arms wrap around him tightly and he could feel the young man crying.

"I don't know how to thank you, Tom," he whispered.

"There's no need to.... Let's just stay focused on the future," he said, patting the boy on the back and retreating to the living room, leaving Peter to unpack or rest or do whatever. Then he called Aiden, who said he'd drop by after his shift ended. Tom was sitting in an armchair, grading papers, when Peter came in wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

"Do you mind if I turn the television on, doc?"

"No, go ahead," he answered, smiling over the top of a paper. Peter put on a comedy and Tom couldn't help himself. Soon they were both watching, and Aiden found them laughing together when he arrived.

Tom gave Aiden a big hug and a kiss, and whispered, "I missed you...."

"Me too," he replied. Then, he said more loudly, "I have news about David.... I'm going out to meet the county cops tomorrow and we're arresting your father and taking your brother into protective custody.... Would you two like to ride out there, so you can talk to David? He might have to stay in the custody of child protective services for a while...."

"Do you think they'll send him back to my mom? Carter'll kill him...."

"No, I don't.... Not for a while, anyway. He's sixteen, so they'll take his wishes into account. Tom, do you have a lawyer?"

Tom nodded and picked up the phone, calling a friend of his from college. "Felicia?"


"Tom Corman...."

"Well, well! To what do I owe the pleasure, professor?"

"Give it a rest, Fellatio," he said, snorting as he reminded her of her college nickname, causing Peter and Aiden to giggle. On the other end of the phone, he could hear she had cracked up. "Listen," he said, "I know it's a lot to ask, but I have a young friend who needs some legal counsel.... Yes, he was in college here, but his parents cut him off and kicked him out when they found out he was gay.... I took him in.... Now it looks as if his sixteen year old brother's being abused...." He went on to fill her in on the details and the arrests that were coming.

"Alright, Tom, for you, I'll meet with both boys out at the jailhouse tomorrow, but you'll owe me a dinner...."

"Too right," he said, before smiling at Aiden. "You can meet my new boyfriend, too...."

"Oh," she said, surprised, knowing how far he'd sunk into despair. "I thought maybe Peter...."

"I'm young, Felicia, but not that young.... Aiden and I will take you to dinner soon...."

"Aiden.... Sexy name," she said with a laugh.

"Perfect fit, then," Tom retorted.

"See you tomorrow, Tom...."

"See you then. Love ya," he concluded.

"You too, bro," she said with a laugh, and hung up.

After that phone call, they decompressed some, talking and watching television. At last, however, a question struck Tom, and he asked, "Peter, you've twice mentioned that you're afraid of what your brother Carter might do.... Why are you so afraid of your brother?" The boy's face turned red, and he looked away from both men. "Peter, we're trying to help.... You need to tell us what's going on...."

"Carter found out I ... liked boys when I was in middle school and ... you know, we shared a room in those days, so it was easy for him to.... He'd always beat me up, but when he found out, he started molesting me.... If I fought, he'd beat me, and tell me he knew I liked it.... If I didn't fight, he'd beat me and tell me I was dirty for liking it.... If I threatened to tell, he'd threaten to kill me.... I believed him.... After I got out of there, I got cocky.... It never occurred to me that my brother was so evil and sick, and that it might not matter whether David was like me or not...."

"You think that he's ... hurt David...."

"I don't know.... He doesn't live there anymore, but when my parents leave town, they'd put Carter in charge...."

"Shit," Aiden said. "When was the last time Carter forced himself on you?"

"May, before I left for college. He's so much stronger than me...."

"In the last five years, how many times do you think he might have?"

"Hundreds? When we shared a room, he did it a few times a week...."

Tom got up and sat next to Peter, wrapping an arm around him and drawing him into his chest. "We'll get him, we'll get them and we'll do our best to get your brother the help he needs."

Peter just cried in his arms, and eventually the two men helped him to his new bed and wished him good night. Back into the living room, Aiden wrapped his arms around Tom and pulled the man into him, as they sat on the couch. "Those two are going to need a lot of help, Tom...."

"I know," Tom said, with a heavy sigh. "Thanks for all you're doing...."

"I'd do anything for you," Aiden whispered, causing Tom to smile up at him.

"How about a massage?"

Aiden winked and nodded toward the bedroom. "Strip!" Laughing and giggling, they made their way into the bedroom, stripping one their way to the bed. Tom collapsed face down on the bed, and the hunky cop straddled his back and began to firmly knead the muscles of his shoulders and back, working his way down the tight back. Tom could feel the man's hardening cock between his ass cheeks and smiled, gently humping back into Aiden. Aiden leaned in and kissed his neck and nibbled his ear, before whispering, "You want it?"

"God, yes, please, baby," Tom nearly begged, and he felt Aiden slipping between his legs, lifting his hips into position, then burrowing into his ass with his tongue. As soon as it was good and wet, he placed his cock at the tight hole and began to press in. Tom relaxed and Aiden slipped in relatively quickly, prompting Tom to growl, "Harder!" They were both exhausted, but Aiden pounded him hard and fast until he collapsed onto Tom's back, firing hot cum deep inside of him. Aiden could feel Tom's own orgasm squeezing the last drops from him as they both fell onto their sides and fell asleep sticky. They both woke early and had a little fun in the shower together, before emerging from the master suite laughing in each others' arms.

Peter gave them a wistful smile from the couch where he sat watching the news wrapped in a blanket. "Morning, guys!"

The fear in his face revealed a deepening inner anxiety "Morning, Peter," Aiden said, patting him on the shoulder and giving him a quick squeeze of reassurance. He recognized the look from the station, when a victim came in to give a statement he wasn't sure he was ready to give. "I'm making breakfast.... Why don't you get dressed? We'll need to head out soon...." Aiden whipped up a simple breakfast of eggs and toast in Tom's kitchen while the man looked on amused. "What?"

"You're looking very domestic," Tom said with a smile. Aiden winked and plated up breakfast, which they all ate quite quickly. The drive out to the county sheriff's office in the neighboring town took a while and they all rode in silence. Peter was thinking about his brother, still wondering if he was doing the right thing, while Tom was thinking about a whole host of problems. Would the demon allow them to get the boy away from his parents without a struggle? Could they get the boy placed in their care without a fight?

They pulled up out front of a big country police office, and walked inside. A burly older man walked out to meet them, extending a hand to Aiden with a smile. "Aiden, how've you been?"

"Not too bad.... Not too bad at all.... How's it going, Carl?"

"Well, my daughter is starting to date, so her mother and I are pulling our hair out.... Otherwise, no complaints.... So we're all ready to go, but what are we doing with the boy?"

"Clearly he can't be sent home to his mother.... And you'll know more when you talk to him, but I think the other brother might have molested him, as he did with his middle brother, Peter.... We'll be getting a warrant for him as soon as we get some confirmation from David.... That just leaves his brother, Peter...."

"How old are you, Peter?"


The man looked deep in thought. "You got a lawyer?"

"Yes, he does," a woman's voice intruded. Felicia gave Tom a hug and took over. "We'll motion in family court for emergency custody and then seek a more permanent arrangement. My client has the means to support the minor as well as a stable living arrangement...."

"Well, you get on that, ma'am," Carl smiled. "You want to ride along ... in a purely observational capacity, Aiden?"

The man looked at Tom with a smile and nodded. Before the cops left, Tom pulled Aiden aside. "When they're searching for evidence of abuse, look for hidden rooms, secret panels. Signs of ritual abuse will go over real well out in these parts," Tom said, conspiratorially.

"Will do," Aiden said, putting a hand gently on Tom's arm, looking desperately like he wanted to kiss him. Then he ran outside to catch a ride.

"Ouch," Felicia said, as she watched him go. "You guys are hot like napalm...." Tom laughed and gave her another hug.

"Go talk to Peter, you need to get straight on his facts.... Do you think you can get before a judge, today?"

"This morning, actually.... I know the clerk over at the courthouse, and the judge in family court is a real bear of a mother about these things.... Given Peter's experience, she'll be ready to hear from David and will no doubt take his wishes to heart...."

With that, Tom was left alone to wait, as Peter and Felicia went to their business. He pulled a book from his bag and read, taking a break only to answer a phone call and update Walt on the progress of the day....

Meanwhile, a small swarm of police officers descended on Peter's former home. Jim Dawson, the father, looked as if he were expecting them, and he went without any resistance. Mary Dawson, however, fumed, following the police around and sniping at them. Aiden was watching her very carefully and slowly a smile spread across his lips.

"What are you smiling at, faggot?" the woman spat, venomously.

"How did you know?" he asked her with an open smile. She knew she'd revealed too much. "I've just been watching you ... you're standing between the police and that closet.... What's in there you don't want us to find?"

She began to sputter but Carl saw that what he said was true and brushed past her. The closet was small and if it wasn't for Aiden he never would have seen the small opening at the back that opened, as Tom had warned, into a secret room filled with occult paraphernalia. The police photographer carefully documented the beams mounted to the far wall, shackles dangling obscenely and blood spattered around.

At that, David was brought out of his room and put in the back of a car, and the police went ahead and arrested the woman, too. There was no way she didn't hear the screams coming from that room. Though clearly well built and big for his age, the boy looked small as the officers escorted him.

Aiden got in the back seat with David, who cringed at the sight of him. His curly blond hair and steel grey eyes, which were a few shades darker than Peter's, confirmed their relation. "David, don't worry.... I'm a friend of Peter's.... He's waiting for us at the police station along with my friend Tom, who saved his life and took him in...."

"Tom," the boy said as if it meant something to him, and he smiled.


"My dad's afraid of Tom.... Not my mom, but dad, for sure...." The thought of it made the boy smile again.

"Listen, David, you're going to have to talk to a judge today.... And tell them where you want to live.... You can go with your mother if they release her, you can go to a foster home, or you can come home with Peter...."


"I know, but you need to know that Tom is gay too, like Peter, and they aren't together and Tom won't hurt you, ever.... But you need to decide whether you will be comfortable with them.... with us...."

The boy's eyes widened, "You?"

Aiden nodded with a smile. "Don't look so shocked...."

"I just ... never knew any gays besides Peter.... But I love Peter, he always ... looked out for me.... He's the only one who understands... If he says you guys are alright, that's good enough for me. More women for me, anyway," he said with a weak but cheeky grin. Aiden couldn't imagine what the boy had gone through, but like Peter he seemed remarkably adjusted.

The police left an investigative unit behind to sort through everything, and the suspects and their son were brought back to the station. When the door was opened for David, he burst out of the back and ran to his brother. Throwing his arms around him, David wept, "They said you'd be dead...."

"They sent it and it tried," he whispered, "but Tom brought me back.... And saved me again...."

"Dad's been talking about him, he's really freaked out.... So, can I stay with you guys?"

"Here, this is Felicia, she's a friend of Tom's and she's trying to help us out.... You need to talk to her about that...." Meanwhile, Aiden filled Tom in on what he had found and about what David had told him. After a long meeting, Felicia summoned the men and beckoned for them to follow her across to the little courthouse, where they were ushered into a small courtroom. Judge Rita Tucker heard statements from the two boys and the two men, before making a ruling. "I am temporarily placing the minor, David Dawson, in the care of his brother Peter Dawson, until a full hearing can be arranged. At that time, we will revisit the issue...." With that, she banged her gavel and whispered to her bailiff before retreating from the room.

The man walked over to Tom and said, "Judge Tucker would like to see you in chambers...." Tom looked doubtful, so the man added, "It's URGENT!"

More to come soon. Thanks to Tarton and Darryl the Radio Rancher for reading and commenting on an earlier draft. If you enjoyed this story, you might consider my other on-going stories at Nifty, Fantasy/SciFi, Things that Go Bump and A Light in the Darkness.

Or, better, send me a note and join my Yahoo!Group,

Next: Chapter 6

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