Devils Gambit

By Jason Gordon

Published on Jul 17, 2010


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

The Devil's Gambit, Chapter 4

"Turning Over a New Leaf"

"What's wrong, Pete," Aiden asked as he came in, dressed in a nice pair of pants, shirt and tie, and sport coat. Peter told Aiden about the whole encounter and Aiden looked furious. "Would your brother make a statement, if we arrested your parents?"

"I think so.... He sounded so scared, and now that he's talked to me, it'll get worse.... But our family is in Lockewood...."

"We've got contacts.... It'll take a couple of days, but I think I can make it happen.... But I might need your help...."

"I'd do anything...."

They stayed as long as they could, but finally, Tom said, "Peter, I'm sorry, but I promised some friends I'd come to a dinner party.... They'll be very disappointed if we don't make it...."

"I understand, Doc. Thanks, and thank you Aiden...."

"Look, call us if you need us. Otherwise, I'll come by first thing in the morning.... I'm free all day tomorrow...." Out at their cars, he said, "I hate to leave him like that...."

"You can't fix all of his problems, Tom...."

"I'm going to do my best.... You can grab the rest...."

They both laughed. They quickly pulled in at Aiden's so he could change, and left Tom's car there. Tom directed Aiden to the Moore's home, and it turned out that everyone else was running a little late. When they knocked, Martha answered. Seeing Tom, she burst into happy tears and threw her arms around him, whispering, "It's been too long, Tom...." Poor Aiden was entirely in the dark and looked on helplessly.

"I'm sorry, Martha.... It's just so hard to be here, but I'll try harder...."


"I promise...." With that, Martha released him and stepped back, sizing Aiden up with a well-tuned eye. Taking that as his cue, he said, "Martha, this is my friend Aiden O'Connel...."

She shook his hand, but asked in that motherly interrogation mode, "Friend?"

"We just started dating Martha, take it easy on him? I'll consider it a personal favor," Tom said with a laugh.

"Alright," she said, laughing, "but not too easy...."

With that, she waved them in. Walt was sitting in his chair with a scotch, and struggled to his feet. "Tom! So good to have you here.... And you must be...."

"Aiden O'Connel, sir, nice to meet you...."

"So what do you do, Aiden? Our Tom doesn't meet many people," Walt said with a laugh as he settled uneasily into his seat.

"I'm a police officer, sir...."

"Ah, you must have responded to the incident with young Peter Dawson...."

"Yes, sir.... I found Tom covered in blood with his hand in the boy's bloody wound, actually...."

"The Dawson boy was stabbed," Martha gasped, and Walt and Tom looked at her knowingly. "And Tom found him...." Tom nodded and the woman's eyes filled up with tears, as she turned to flee the room. Tom started after her, but Walt put a hand up and shook his head. They steered the conversation in another direction, and shortly, Aiden excused himself to the bathroom, but made a side trek into the kitchen, where he found Martha working on some food with tears in her eyes.

"Martha," he asked.

"Yes, dear?"

"I feel as if there's something I'm missing, here.... All I know is that I've come to my boyfriend's department chairman's house...."

"Oh, dear, dear.... I'm not sure how much I should say.... Take a look at the wall behind you...." He was looking at photo's of handsome young men and women, clearly related, and all of whom looked vaguely familiar. One large photo, however, was a family photo from last Thanksgiving. Walt and Martha stood in the midst of five boys, two of whom were Tom and Jamie. Then he saw the resemblance of Jamie to the other boys, and he sighed heavily, settling onto a stool and staring at the picture.


"Yes, dear, Jamie.... So you do know that much.... Walt sees Tom all the time, but I can't help but feel like I lost them both, every day...."

"It's got to be difficult for him to be here...."

"I know, Aiden, I know.... It's also difficult for him to be with me. Jamie, of all my sons, was closest to me.... I love all my sons equally, but Jamie was my sidekick, you know...." Aiden got up and stood beside her, grabbing a knife to help. For a while, they worked side-by-side. After a long silence, Martha said, "I hope you can make Tom happy again. When I first met him, he was so bottled up, so brittle and scared. By the time Jamie died, it was like he had come to life, and then I saw him slipping away again, bit by bit. I see he has a little of the old fire back."

"It gets better?"

"Tom is still a shadow of the man he was a year ago, but with someone to show him love and support...."

"It's hard to imagine.... He's so good, so kind...."

"If you stick with him, you'll be amazed...."

"Martha, can I ask you a ... personal question?"

"You mean, private?"

"Yeah," he said with a laugh. "Do you believe in love at first sight?" Martha laughed and choked back a sob at the same time. "I'm sorry, please don't say I said anything...."

"It's not that, dear, it's just, the last time I was asked that question was right here.... Tom is a very special man, and he doesn't understand the effect he has on people.... He's always surprised that someone could even love him, much less that they do.... Jamie met him and was floored. I remember it like yesterday. Tom was twenty-four and we had our beginning of the year party. He was the new faculty person and he wasn't saying word one to anybody. So shy! Jamie was still a student at the college, and he was trying to avoid all the stuffy professors, but he came downstairs for a drink and saw Tom sitting in the corner with his drink. He came right in here and asked me that same question. I said, 'What are you talking about, dear,' and he asked, 'who's the kid in there who looks like he's lost his kite?' I laughed and said, 'That kid is the new professor in your dad's department.' He just shrugged and walked right in there and sat down next to Tom, practically in his lap in that little seat, and before long he had him out in the back yard on the swings hanging from a big oak, laughing and talking. I brought Walt in here to see through the blinds, which he closed and shook his head laughing.... There was no point in getting in Jamie's way...."

"I ... I don't think Tom's been able to deal with it, even as well as you have...."

"Maybe now he will. Just try not to let his feelings for Jamie, feelings he'll always have, get in between you...." Aiden nodded, and continued to help until everything was ready. When the two of them returned together, after a long absence, Walt and Tom looked at them quizzically, but Martha just took Aiden around and introduced him to the guests who had arrived: two philosophy professors and their spouses, and a professor of religion, Emily Frost, and her family. She had brought her child, apologetically, as her babysitter had cancelled at the last minute.

Aiden got down on his knee and said, "Hi, I'm Aiden!"

"Hi Aiden, I'm Adam!"

"How old are you, buddy?

"Three," the boy said happily.

"Wow, you're a big boy...." Throughout the evening, everyone noticed the boy watching Aiden closely. Conversation over dinner was lively, and at desert, Walt raised his glass in a toast. "Tom, congratulations on your latest accomplishment, and we look forward to many more...." After a lot of clinking of glasses, Walt, out of character, continued, "I think everyone here is aware of the recent difficulties that Tom and my family have gone through, and I just want to add," he paused to wipe away some tears, "I just want to add, how wonderful it is to have you back home Tom, and I hope that ... hmmh, that you will be here much more often...." With that, he wiped his eyes again, and there wasn't a dry eye in the room.

Clearing his throat, Tom said, "I ... am sorry. It's been wonderful, and I realize that ... locking myself up hasn't done me or anyone else any good. So thank you for your patience." Aiden took his hand and squeezed. Soon, conversation turned to lighter matters and carried on into the evening, as they retired to the parlor for an after dinner drink.

Emily Frost and her crew were the first to need to go, and they said goodbye to everyone. Emily gave Tom a hug and whispered, "It's good to see you, Tom.... We'll have to get you two over for dinner sometime soon?"

Tom smiled and nodded, "For sure!" Everyone laughed at the cuteness factor as Adam walked over to Aiden and gave him a big hug goodbye. "I guess that seals the deal, Emily. Call me!"

Slowly, the guests departed until it was time for Aiden and Tom to go. Apologetically, Aiden announced, "I have a weekend intensive seminar for my graduate program, so I need some sleep...."

"Thank you for coming, dears," Martha said, hugging them both. Walt hugged Tom and shook hands with Aiden. "Don't be strangers," he insisted.

"We won't," Aiden answered with a wink, cutting Tom off. He just shrugged and nodded.

On the way back, Aiden said, "They're good people...."

"The best...."

"Martha has missed you," he said, gently.

With a sigh, Tom replied, "I know...."

"She said ... it was like losing two sons...."

"Oh, God, I've been so selfish," Tom said, looking up into the stars.

"You lost the only person you had ever truly been in love with.... It's understandable, but ... you might want to make up for lost time...."

Tom smiled at him and almost let slip an 'I love you,' but caught himself. "You're amazing!"

"I'm okay, you are amazing...."

"We'll agree to disagree," Tom added, good naturedly. Back at his house, as they sat in the car, Tom asked, "I suppose you need to get back to your place, but ... would you like to spend the night?"

"I really need to be able to get dressed in the morning and have my books so I can get to school.... You could come to my place?" Tom smiled and hopped out, got in his car and followed Aiden back to his place, a little one bedroom apartment a few miles away. "It's not much," he said as he opened the door, "but I save a bunch of money!" Clearly it was a bachelor's apartment. Leanly furnished in what looked like IKEA, it was clear that no one spent much time there, except to sleep, relax, and study. Relax because the modest furniture was arranged around a fancy entertainment system and study because there were two bookcases full of books on criminology.

Tom followed Aiden to the bedroom and found a little room with a double bed. As he began to strip, Aiden said, "It'll be a tight fit, so I guess we'll have to cuddle...."

Tom replied, with a dirty mind, "You didn't seem to have a problem with either last night...."

Aiden laughed and started helping Tom out of his clothes. Naked, they crawled into bed together, and Tom spooned Aiden, kissing his shoulder, as they drifted off to sleep. In the morning, however, Tom awoke quite early with a throbbing need to piss, so he padded off to the bathroom and returned to find Aiden stretched out on his back, taking up the whole bed. Gently pulling back the sheets, he wrapped his fingers around the man's hardening cock and slowly stroked it to full mast. Slicking it with his saliva, he straddled the man and pressed the penis into himself. Feeling the tight warmth squeezing his cock, Aiden moaned and arched his back, driving his full length home and making Tom see sparks. He opened his eyes with a cheeky grin. "Fuck, yeah, what a way to wake up in the morning...." Grasping Tom's muscular hips, he added extra force to Tom's downstroke. Tom leaned in to kiss him, and at that angle, every movement pressed against his prostate, so he kept in that position and let Aiden fuck him. The man started to get tired in his back, so he flipped Tom onto his back and began making love to him in earnest. With one hand, he grabbed Tom's head and kissed him hard, while the other stroked Tom's cock. Tom was overcome with sensation, and soon his orgasm set off Aiden's. Sticky, Aiden laid on top of his man until the post orgasmic bliss faded.

Then he hopped off and dragged Tom to the shower, where they washed off quickly, before getting dressed and grabbing a quick breakfast. Then Aiden hurried off to class, while Tom went home for a fresh set of clothes and then ran to the hospital to see Peter. Peter was still a little down, but better, and Tom assured him that Aiden would help them. Tom spent the day teaching Peter how to play a few card games and talking to the boy.

"Do you know how to play chess," Tom asked.

"No.... I always wanted to learn, though...."

"Just what I wanted to hear.... I'll bring the board in tomorrow...."

So they passed the day, and Peter was in much better spirits when Aiden called. "Hey, babe," the man said over the phone.

"Hey," Tom replied, blushing. "What's up?"

"Just got out of class, thought I'd call...."

"I'm at the hospital.... Peter and I have been playing cards most of the day...."

"Strip poker?"

"No! Innocent games!"

"You want me to come by? I could bring dinner?"

"Perfect.... You don't even have to sneak it through.... Power of the badge...."

"Hell, yeah! Chinese?"

"Perfect.... I l... I'll see you in a little while.... Bye...." Peter was cracking up on the bed. "What," Tom asked, a little testily.

"You almost let slip the L-word!"


"No, silly, love...."

"Did not," Tom laughed.

"Did too...." And so on and so forth. They both knew that they both knew the truth.

Aiden arrived and they all ate and played a few more games. It was getting late, but Aiden finally had to ask, "I don't mean to ruin the mood, but we need to talk about your brother...." Aiden took a statement from the boy about his experience with his father, so they could charge his father with assault for striking him. That would allow a more thorough inspection of the home by child services. He promised that he would have it typed and ready to sign the next day, so they could get it in front of a judge and get the warrant they needed. At last, he asked, "You're sure this is what you want? It'll mean a potential trial, and your dad could go to jail, and there is no guarantee your brother will be removed...."

Peter looked at Tom, who nodded imperceptibly. "Yes, I'm sure...."

"Wait," Tom asked, "I thought you said you had brothers. When you told us about getting kicked out...."

"I have a younger brother, David, and an older brother, Carter. He's not that different from my parents. He actually scares me more than my dad...."

"Alright.... I've got to go get this ready and get ready for class tomorrow. Later, Pete!" Tom got a kiss on the cheek and a nod to the hall.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" Tom asked.

"I wish you could see me tonight, but I'm worried I won't get my work done...." They laughed and hugged.

"Alright.... I'll be here tomorrow, giving chess lessons...."

"Right, then.... I'll come straight over...."

Tom went back into the room, after they parted, and talked to Peter some about living arrangements. They'd start him out on the ground floor til he was feeling ship-shape, then he could pick a room, upstairs if he wanted. Tom laid out some ground-rules, to which Peter readily agreed.

"What about David," the young man asked as Tom was getting ready to go.

"What do you mean?"

"I said I was okay with all that, but do you think the system will be a better place for my brother than home?"

"The system can work, and you'll have friends working on this for you, so I think you can bet on it...."

"Can you promise me?"

"Peter, I ... " but he couldn't finish, seeing Peter's anguish. "I promise...." The words might as well have been punctuated by thunder. What was he going to do now, if things started going wrong. He knew, but that made him a little queasy to contemplate. He hated overpowering people, even bad people. That evening as he walked home, he was overburdened by that thought, and a familiar feeling began to creep into his bones. A feeling of being watched, a feeling of pressure increasing imperceptibly until it felt like he was walking through jello. Then, the lights began to dim around him; the whole world seemed to flicker. In the distance, perhaps thirty yards, a dark figure in long coat and hat stood facing him like a gunslinger. But he kept walking and when he was within ten yards he could see its radiant black eyes and its wicked smile.

Reaching into his pocket, he palmed a bottle of blessed water in one hand and a talisman in the other. "What do you want?"

"Don't worry, Tom, I'm here for pleasure, not business. For now, anyway...."

"No games.... What do you want?"

"I want the boys, Tom," the figure snarled and lurched forward, not on legs but across the shadows.

"That," Tom laughed, "is not going to happen...."

Now they were nearly face to face. "Tom, you have two options -- stay out of this, and live a long and happy life, or get in my way and lose another...."

Tom's anger flared and he began spinning a verbal web for the demon, barking in an unreal voice, "I bind you, unclean spirit," but the figure was standing at a distance now, having slipped the coil.

"Weak," the figure called, cackling.

Tom rubbed his hands together and raised them to the sky, "Lord of peace, cast Satan down under our feet, so as to keep him from further holding man captive and doing harm.... Archangels, carry our prayers up to God's throne, that the mercy of the Lord may quickly come and lay hold of the beast, the serpent of old, Satan and his demons, casting him in chains into the abyss, so that he can no longer seduce the nations...." Lowering his hands toward the figure, a peal of thunder ripped the starry sky as a bolt of lightning struck the figure, eliciting an unholy cry....

When Tom was able to continue on his way, the disembodied voice cried out, "THIS IS NOT OVER...."

The heaviness lifted and the light returned, and everything seemed normal enough. But Tom rushed home for supplies and returned to the hospital, finding Peter still awake, reading. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"I ... I was approached on the way home by a dark figure...." Peter sat upright in his bed, his hands trembling. "Nearly seven feet tall and surrounded by shadows like clouds, and its eyes glowed black when he got close to me. Tell me, Peter, tell me the truth.... The man who stabbed you, is that what his eyes looked like?"

"Yes," the young man stuttered. "Like a radiant black...."

"The man who attacked you was possessed ...."

"I know...."

"I kind of expected you to be ... shocked."

"I wish...."


"I don't even know where to begin, Doc.... I was like eleven when I found it...."

"Found what?"

"The spirit board.... It was my dad's.... Later, I found out what my dad's true 'religion' was.... At the time, I had no idea, I was just screwing around with the board.... Apparently there was a spirit my dad had been dealing with that got let loose. It was terrible, but finally it got put back, wherever...."

"How did it get free again?"

"I'm guessing that my dad turned it loose to get rid of me...."


"Doc, how come you aren't freaking out more? How come you know anything about demons at all? I don't suppose it's part of your classes...."

Tom looked at him with a smirk, as he pulled out a few amulets and a smudge marker. Above the door on the doorjamb, he marked symbols which disappeared as they were completed, a process he repeated above the windows. Then he handed a defensive amulet to Peter, and slid a bag of herbs under his pillow. "Keep the amulet on your person at all times...."

The young man looked at him appreciatively. "Who are you, Doc?"

"Just an independent student of magic...."

"So it wasn't a dream...."


"After I was stabbed, I dreamed that an angel, who, come to think of it looked a lot like you, dragged me back and healed my body and fought the demon...."

"Probably a dream.... But not unrelated to what was actually going on.... I'm no angel...."

"Doc, I think you have no idea what you are...."

Ignoring that, Tom said, "This stuff won't keep him out long, but should do long enough for me to get here.... And if it does get in, the talisman should keep you safe...."

"I'm sorry I dragged you into this, Doc...."

"You didn't drag me.... I seem to be running headlong into this. I felt his presence for days before I found you. I think he did it there to rub it in my face, never intending I'd save you.... I just don't know what to tell Aiden.... He freaked out when the demon spoke when I healed you...."

"I hope it doesn't screw things up for you, but the man is seriously into you.... I think he'll deal...."

"Peter, the demon threatened to go after Aiden if I didn't let him have you and your brother. Apparently it has plans for both of you...." Both the threat and the idea that the demon wasn't only after him floored the young man, who was again reduced to tears. "Peter, it's not your fault," he said, trying to soothe the distraught youth. Finally he sat on the edge of the bed and laid back, letting Peter cry on his chest, patting the boy's back.

More to come soon. Thanks to Tarton and Darryl the Radio Rancher for reading and commenting on an earlier draft. If you enjoyed this story, you might consider my other on-going stories at Nifty, Fantasy/SciFi, Things that Go Bump and A Light in the Darkness.

Or, better, send me a note and join my Yahoo!Group,

Next: Chapter 5

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