Devils Gambit

By Jason Gordon

Published on Jul 6, 2010


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

The Devil's Gambit, Chapter 3

"The Beginning of Something Good"

Pulling out the card, he called Aiden's cell, but got no answer. "Hi, Aiden, its Tom.... I missed you this evening at the hospital. Anyway, give me a call when you get a chance."

That aside, he made dinner, roasting a chicken breast in barbecue sauce and baking a potato. Pouring himself a glass of wine, he sat down and had dinner, before refilling his glass and grabbing a book, curling up on the couch to read. A knock on the door roused him and he sat the book down. Opening the door, he found Aiden waiting patiently.

"Aiden," he said a little too excitedly, "come in..." He took the man's coat. "I called you and left a message a little while ago...."

Grinning, Aiden said, "I got your message, just thought I'd stop by on my way home.... I missed seeing you, too...."

"Listen," Tom asked, taking his coat, before leading the way to the kitchen, "what's your work schedule like on Friday? Beer? Wine?"

"Beer, thanks.... Uh, let's see.... I'm off on Friday -- all weekend, actually -- I have a seminar this weekend, for my graduate program.... Why?"

"Well, I just heard that my book is getting published by Cambridge University, and my department chair is hosting a dinner to celebrate.... I was instructed to bring someone...."

"And I'm the only someone you know...." Aiden teased.

Tom's face showed a very serious expression. "You're the only person I want to be there with," he said, reaching out and taking Aiden by the hand. "I told you I needed some time, and I needed to think.... But that wasn't true. I've had enough of both time and thinking.... I'm just damn scared." He leaned in and stroked Aiden's cheek with his thumb before kissing the man softly on the lips. Aiden wrapped an arm around him and drew him in for a more aggressive kiss.

When they parted, Aiden was smiling brightly, "God, you're amazing, doc...." Tom laughed and rolled his eyes. "I'm serious!"

"I know you are," Tom said, "but I just don't know why...."

Aiden shook his head and took Tom by the hand and lead him to the couch, where they cuddled up and talked. Tom gave Aiden a rundown on his life history, which was really a litany of tragedies. Mother died when he was nine, father the year he went off to college, grandmother when he was twenty-two: the house he inhabited was her Victorian house. Well, mansion.... Eight bedrooms, five baths, massive library, formal dining room and sitting room, yadda yadda. He still kept his parent's home in Chicago, as well. The inheritance was more than enough to cover his education and the upkeep of the two homes, and make him comfortable without his employment. But it meant he was largely alone in the world.

Aiden gave his family history, as well: he had two older brothers and two younger sisters. His was a large Catholic family, of the Irish persuasion. His dad was a cop, his oldest brother was a detective, both in Memphis. His other brother was a prosecutor with the US Attorney in New Orleans. One of his sisters was in college to be a teacher and the other was in nursing school to become an RN. He came out to his family when he was sixteen and his dad did not take it well, but did some research and talked to the department shrink, who helped him see that his son was still the same boy he'd always been. He'd turned seventeen when his dad offered him a humorous quip, 'At least you're not a queen' by way of acceptance. All of his brothers and sisters had accepted him completely. He'd once gotten jumped at school, and his brother, who was a senior, had made a lesson of the guys who'd done it. He was out at the force, for the most part, and he was not treated badly. A small support group and legal counsel for gay cops had improved their situation over the years. He was getting his graduate degree and hoped to be the youngest detective in the department's major crimes unit, maybe work for a federal agency if that didn't work out.

"It's getting late," Aiden said, at last.

"Mmmm," Tom groaned in protest, feeling the man's chest radiating against his back, the warm arms wrapped around him. He leaned his head back onto Aiden's shoulder and said, "It's just, being here with you ... is the freest feeling I've had in ... too long...."

Aiden smiled and squeezed him tighter. "I could stay, but...."

"It's a little too early for that?"

"No, I just don't know if I could control myself...."

Tom laughed and rolled over on top of him and between his legs and kissed him, running a hand down the man's chest and side, letting it rest on his waist. "Alright.... Tomorrow's Thursday.... Will I see you?"

Aiden laughed, "Unless you tell me otherwise.... I get off earlier tomorrow, around five. We could have dinner...."

"I promised Peter I'd drop by tomorrow evening. Can you come by the hospital and pick me up, say hi to him...."

"Sure! It's a date," he said.

"It is a date, huh?" Tom thought it sounded funny even as he said it. He gave Aiden another kiss, before climbing off and leading the man to the door.

Aiden embraced him again, and whispered, "Why is it so hard to leave? We just met...."

"I don't know, but I'm glad.... See you tomorrow...."

"Tomorrow...." Tom couldn't help but watch the man's ass as he walked away and smiled.

He woke later the next morning and went through his routine with a little more pep in his step. He dressed down since he wasn't teaching, wearing just slacks and a button-up shirt, and set off for campus on foot. He waved at a few neighbors and said hello to a few students he passed as he walked to the hospital.

"Good morning, Peter!"

"You're peppy, doc! What's up?"

Tom looked at him and, a little out of character, answered the young man's question. "If you must know, I have a date tonight!"

The boy's face lit up. "I bet it's a hot little number in a polyester costume, huh?"

Tom blushed cutely, and said, "Its a uniform, not a costume!"

"Cool, Aiden's nice for a cop..."

"Aiden is nice, period!"

"By the way, thanks for the books! I'm about half-way through the mystery and I like it...."

"Great," he answered and asked if he should pick up a few more. For a while, they talked about books and things, then they talked about getting Peter back into school and what he'd like to study. "Were there any classmates you were friendly with.... I could get you a phone and you could have some other company, maybe?"

"My roommate was a nice enough guy, but I think he'd be freaked out by the gay thing.... I never got the chance to get real close to anyone...."

"Alright, well, I have to get to the office.... Call me if you need anything, otherwise, I'll be back around three.... And Aiden will join us after five...." Peter winked at him and waved, picking his book up. It was amazing how well the boy was looking, given his situation. He had been eating and sleeping well, as opposed to the streets he'd been living on.

Back at the office, Tom looked in on Walt. "Tom, we're on for dinner Friday -- 7:30.... We need to get a headcount so...."

"I'm plus one, Walt," Tom said with a smiling shrug. "But I need some advice...."

"I'll start charging," he laughed. "Shoot!" Tom filled him in on Peter and what he intended to do. "So you're going to bring a boy off the streets into your home.... I don't like it...."

"Could you get a look at his record, application and stuff.... If anything red-flags, I promise to reconsider.... But I'd also like to look into getting him back into school. Is there anybody in financial aid I can talk to? His parents cut him off when he came out to them, and...." He could see the fire in Walt's eyes at that. He'd seen his own son through it and he despised fathers who couldn't hack it....

"I'll check into him and get back to you," Walt said, reaching for a phone and shooing him out.

Tom laughed as he walked to his office. He spent the rest of the morning grading, and the first hours of the afternoon working on a chapter of his next book, on the role of medieval mystics in the development of medieval theology. He was just saving his document when the phone rang. "Corman...."

"Hey, doc," Peter said, "could you do me a favor?"

"Sure thing!"

"I'd kinda like a cheeseburger...."

"I'll slip by the Burger King and smuggle one in for you in my bag," he said with a smile.

Twenty minutes later, Peter was unwrapping his burger as Tom put a few other books onto his side table. "Listen, Peter, you should know, I am looking into your background.... Is there anything you want to tell me?"

The young man looked at him and shrugged, "You know the embarrassing stuff. Before I got kicked out of college I was an honor student and one of the good boys.... Well, mostly," he grinned.


"There was one guy in high school.... He claimed he was straight, but was curious.... We had some pretty nasty times playing in his attic, considering he liked the 'pussy'...."

Tom laughed despite himself. "That wasn't what I meant.... No trouble with the police or discipline?"

"No, no.... Not that I'd be against getting into some trouble with certain policemen," he added, bringing the blush back to Tom's face.

"Alright! Alright! A friend of mine is pulling strings in financial aid, so I'm hopeful we can put together some funding for you and get you back in January...."

"That would be so cool, doc!" The young man shook his head. "You know, my mom and dad couldn't care less and I'm their son.... But you've known me like a few days, and you've saved me twice...."

"You deserved better.... And I can help with that," Tom said, as if that was an explanation.

Peter shook his head again, but changed the subject to Tom's work. He'd seen Tom's lecture, so he asked a bunch of questions, and Tom found him a very able student, at least as far as his oral explanations were concerned. Indeed, two hours later when Aiden arrived they were still talking about something Aristotle had said.

The man smiled at them, looking gorgeous in black pants and a white shirt, his hair immaculately styled. "Doc! Pete! How's it going?"

"Just talking philosophy," Peter said. "Doc tells me I won't be getting that private frisking I was hoping for...."

Aiden laughed and said, "Doesn't look like it.... When you're feeling better, there are a couple of cute young recruits I could introduce you to if you have a polyester fetish...."

Peter waggled his eyebrows lasciviously and said, "Yes, please!"

Tom stood and patted Peter on the shoulder. "Down boy!" Then, "See you in the morning?"

"That's great. Thanks for keeping me company, doc! Oh, and Aiden?"

"Yeah, Pete?"

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do...."

Aiden laughed as he walked Tom to the door, turning at the last minute to say, "But that doesn't rule anything out...." As they left, they could hear the young man's laughter far down the hall. Aiden drove Tom to his house and waited while Tom changed into dress slacks and a burgundy sweater that hugged his muscles. Then they walked back outside and Aiden drove off.

"So, where are we going," Tom asked.

"It's a surprise!" As he drove, Aiden reached over and grabbed Tom's hand in his own, stroking it with his thumb, after putting on a CD.

"Mozart?" Tom asked.

"Good ear, professor! My favorite violin concerto.... What? I was, well am, a bit of an amateur musician myself...."

"It's always surprising what you find out about people...."



"You know, I'm a lot more than a cop...."

"Aiden, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it that way, of course.... I know you're more than a cop.... Your kindness and sweetness are not traits I've often encountered in cops.... You are smart and handsome, to boot.... To be honest, I don't much think of you as a cop...."

Aiden squeezed his hand. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so touchy.... It's just, you're, you know, a genius and all. I guess I kind of expected you to look down at me...."

"Aiden! I'd never look down at you...." They drove on in silence with a little of the discomfort hanging between them. Finally, Aiden pulled in to the parking lot of a beautiful house transformed into a French restaurant. It was new and served a set menu, and the smells emanating from it were delicious. Aiden hopped from the car and opened Tom's door, coaxing him out of the car.

Taking his hands, Aiden looked into Tom's eyes. "Tom, I am sorry! I ... well, since we met, I've been so insecure.... And I guess I didn't expect you to be so open to me.... But that's about me, and not about you.... Tom, can you forgive me and just enjoy dinner?"

Tom squeezed his hands and kissed him on the cheek. "You're too cute to stay mad at," Tom said.

Inside, they were escorted to their seats, and the host seemed confused why two young guys would have requested such a romantic seat until Aiden took Tom's hand across the table. "Would you gentlemen care for a drink? Your server will be with you momentarily...."

"Could the sommelier suggest a nice wine to complement dinner?"

"Yes, sir...."

Shortly, a short pudgy man with a French accent arrived with a glass and an open bottle. "Good evening, monsieur.... This is the wine I have selected for this evening's dinner," he said pouring a wee dram for them to smell and taste.

"Perfect," Aiden said.

"Very good, sir. I'll decant a bottle and have it to you shortly...."

"This is beautiful, Aiden...."

"I remembered you saying you had spent a year in Paris, so I thought this would be nice...."

"It's so sweet you remembered," Tom said, eyes watering. They chatted, learning more about each other as the courses began arriving. They ran the gamut of emotions as they discussed some of the formative events in their lives. Finally, desert arrived, and they each also ordered an after-dinner drink. Soon they were feeling over fed and tipsy. Each had another drink, and Aiden paid the bill, asking his waiter to call them a cab. He tipped handsomely and they left, arm-in-arm, to find the taxi waiting for them.

"Where to, gents," the man asked, but before Aiden could speak, Tom gave the man his address and squeezed Aiden's hand. When they got back inside, Tom locked the door and went to the kitchen, returning with a bottle of champagne and two flutes. With a nod, he motioned for his bedroom.

Setting the glasses on the nightstand, he popped the cork and poured two glasses, handing one to Aiden. "Please, don't think I'm easy," he laughed, "and you're not getting any tonight, for that matter.... But if you'd like to spend the night...."

Taking a drink, Aiden put a hand on Tom's chest. "I'd like that...." Setting his glass down, he unbuttoned his shirt, revealing a smooth, muscled chest. "But I do think I'll get more comfortable." Hanging his shirt off the back of a chair, he removed his shoes and socks, before dropping his pants to reveal toned legs and tight muscular thighs. Tighty whities hugged his firm ass. Tom's eyes were wide, and Aiden sauntered over to him, whispering saucily, "Like what you see?" Tom just nodded dumbly. "Well, get your clothes off," the man laughed lying back on the bed to watch the show, finishing his glass of champagne and refilling it.

Tom pulled his sweater over his head and was delighted to hear Aiden gasp as the muscles on his stomach and chest rippled from the activity. Then he kicked his shoes off and dropped his pants. Even in his boxers, you could see that his ass was tight and he was packed nicely. Neither man was a stranger to working out, but there were differences. Aiden's figure was more tightly muscled and lithe like a swimmers, while Tom was built more bulkily but still sleek, like a gymnast. Tom slid into bed next to Aiden and curled up with him, drinking his champagne. Soon they both put their glasses away and gave in a little, making out and petting heavily, but above the belt. Their midsections were rubbing into one another, their cocks pressing together through two pairs of underwear. Gradually, Aiden rolled so he was on top, pinning Tom's hand's to the mattress and being dominant, which Tom was clearly loving.

"Oh, Aiden," he moaned as the man kept his hands secured with one of his own, while caressing his body with the other, grinding their cocks together. "Aiden, Aiden, I'm going to ... oh my God!"

"Yeah, baby, me too," Aiden whispered, grunting.

"So much for not getting any," Tom said, laughing, when they both came down from their orgasmic high.

"Not much of any, anyway," Aiden said. "Wanna share a shower?"

"Why not, at this point," Tom said, so he took Aiden's hand and led him to the large walk-in shower. They stripped their underwear off and hopped into the warmed water. Aiden stepped into Tom and kissed him, grabbing a handful of ass on each side. Then they set about washing themselves, with Aiden suggesting they wash each other's backs. Aiden paid extra attention to Tom's ass again, before giving him a massage on his inner thighs, smiling when he saw the product of his labors, a renewed seven inch hard-on. Tom lifted him and spun him around pushing him against the wall like he was going to frisk him, and began washing his shoulders, sliding his cock between the man's tight cheeks, teasing him with his head. As he worked his way down Aiden's back, his cock never slipped from between those hot cheeks. The way Aiden was writhing and pressing back into him, Tom thought the man might impale himself on his cock. Then Tom got to his knees and massaged the man's ass, and thighs, running a finger across the crevice and tickling the tight pucker. Then he rinsed the man off and turned off the water, casually beginning to dry himself as if nothing was happening.

"Hey," Aiden demanded, slipping in behind him, feeling a thick, eight inch cock at his ass.

"Just giving you a taste of your own medicine...."

Aiden whispered in his ear, "How about giving me a taste of your own medicine," before nibbling on his neck.

"Ahhh," Tom moaned, feeling his will slip away. He turned to face Aiden, who kissed his way down Tom's chest and abs. Tom gasped again as Aiden grabbed his balls and closed his mouth over his cock. "Oh God, Aiden! Oh yeah!" He ran his fingers through the man's wet hair, moaning unceasingly. He spread his legs and felt Aiden's finger at his hole. Relaxing, he let the finger inside and soon Aiden had found that special place. "Fuck! Shit, I'm gonna...." But Aiden didn't pull off, taking it in his mouth.

Tom pulled Aiden to his feet and feverishly kissed the mouth that had brought him so much pleasure. "Aiden.... Shit, I can't believe this, but ... it's been so long and after this ... I need to feel it...." Aiden grabbed the towel and finished patting him down, then dried himself off and led Tom back to the bed. "Lay on your belly," Aiden said, before straddling him and starting at his shoulders, giving him a very firm massage. Once Tom was very relaxed, Aiden spread his legs and grabbed his waist, lifting his backside into the air. Then he licked Tom's anus, rimming him persistently, tonguing the hole aggressively. Slowly, Tom relaxed around his tongue, and Aiden flipped him onto his back, sliding a pillow beneath him.

"Do you have a condom?"

"You're clean?"

"Absolutely certain.... Tested six months ago, after a potential exposure that with a suspect who turned out to be clean, and no sex since...."

"Go for it, then...."

"Are you ready," Aiden asked.

Tom nodded and Aiden lined himself up and pressed his head against Tom's hole. He pressed hard, until his head slipped in. Tom gasped and grabbed his waist, holding him still. Soon, he relaxed and Tom pulled on him. Aiden pressed in and slowly, inch by inch, he worked his way in until he bottomed out. Aiden leaned in and kissed Tom greedily until Tom was loosened up and Aiden began to pump in and own, in slow long strokes. Tom had a far-away look in his eyes and was moaning incomprehensible things. Aiden nipped at his neck and drew Tom's attention back into the world. "So good," he moaned. "Harder...."

Tom picked up his pace, but Tom grabbed the back of his head and pulled him down to his neck, and he understood he was to bite Tom's neck again. He began to bite and suck and the muscular neck and was rewarded by the man squirming and moaning in pleasure, humping up into him on the downstroke. Aiden grabbed him by the hair and gently tugged, causing Tom to lift his head so Aiden could get a better angle on his neck. "Feels so good.... Oh Aiden, you're so.... Mmmm, tell me what you want...."

"I want to make you mine," the man whispered throatily. "Tell me you want me...."

"I do, oh Aiden, I want you, I want you inside me...." Tom wrapped his legs around Aiden and pulled him in deeper. "I want every inch of you inside of me...."

"Yeah, baby, you feel so good...."

"Oh Aiden, I need this so bad, just another minute and I'm gonna.... Ungh...." Aiden felt the warm sticky liquid shoot out between them and he felt Tom's hole tighten around his cock, triggering his own orgasm. A few minutes later, Aiden's cock slipped out of Tom's ass while they were kissing, and they ran to the bathroom to rinse off again, before crawling back into bed and drifting off to the deepest sleep. It was the most restful sleep Tom had enjoyed in ages.

Tom awoke with a start, however, as the bed was empty and he had a moment of panic. Shit, I let him fuck me and he slipped out in the night! But that can't be it -- no car.... Unless he called a cab. But then he heard a rattling in the kitchen and Aiden returned with a tray of food, naked. "Breakfast in bed...."

Tom stretched and smiled. "Well, what's the fucking food for, then?"

Aiden laughed and shook his head. "Fuel!"

"I've got to teach at ten!"

"Well, eat fast!" They did eat, and then Tom took a shower. Aiden joined him shortly and soon had Tom's upper body pressed against the wall as he slipped into his ass. This time, they fucked fast and furious, Tom begging for it while Aiden pumped him and sucked on his shoulder, giving him a reacharound.

When they finished and dried off, they shared the mirror and got ready. Tom let Aiden use his toothbrush; after all they'd done, it didn't seem like a problem. "You know," Tom felt like he had to say, "I am not ... easy. I've never done it on a first date. Hell, you're only the third guy I've...."

"You've gotta be.... No you said you were shy, but damn.... A fine man like you.... I feel special," he said, laughing but not making fun. He was sincere. "Well, I'm not a whore either.... Like I said, it's been almost a year since I went out with a guy I liked at all.... Don't exactly meet many prime catches in my line of work, what with the criminals and cops and all...."

"Jamie talked me out of my pants on the third date...."

"I hope you don't feel like I took advantage," Aiden said, looking away....

"I was going to hold out," Tom said with a smile, "but you made me feel the need so desperately.... No, you didn't take advantage, you're just the first guy since, you know, to make that need come alive that way.... I was never going to say no to you, not really.... I don't guess I ever will, so take that however you want...."

Aiden stepped into him and kissed him. "I'll never take advantage of that fact, but just knowing that the hottest guy I know feels that way, makes me tingly," he laughed. They finished dressing, and Tom dropped Aiden off at his car before hurrying to the hospital. They had made their plans to meet up at the hospital in the evening for the dinner, this time a little earlier so Aiden could visit a minute with Peter.

"Doc, running a little late this morning ... thought you wouldn't make it...."

"Of course I made it...."

"That little pep in your step's been replaced with a little bit of a limp, or something.... You go boy!"

"Peter!" But the blush said it all. "That's not really, well, something I want to talk about...."

"Sorry, doc...."

"But you are right, I'm running a little late, just wanted to check in. I need to get to class, but I'll be back this afternoon. And Aiden's coming by earlier so you guys can get to know each other a little...."

"Good!" He cast a look at Tom's middle area and said, "I'm guessing we'll be seeing a lot of each other...."

"I hope so," Tom said, rolling his eyes and walking out with a wave.

Tom taught his morning classes, and Walt caught him over the lunch hour to confirm dinner again and let him know what he found out. "Seems your Peter was an outstanding student, good boy.... Should have come to the administration with his trouble.... It could have been worked out then.... But with his grades, he's eligible for some scholarship money from the school, and a little from the emergency fund since he's been cut off. He can get loans for the rest...."

"That won't be necessary," Tom said. "I'll be covering the rest.... This boy needs to finish college with a chance to get out from under all this, not get weighed down by debt...."

"Well, I don't suppose I can convince you that it's not your burden, so I won't bother...."

"Thanks, Walt!"

After his medieval class, Tom went straight to the hospital and found Peter in low spirits. "What's wrong, Peter?"

"I ... called my house today.... My brother answered and I got to talk to him some.... Seems things are pretty bad there now.... They're on his case hard. Dad's been hitting him.... Then, my mom caught him on the phone with me and I heard him scream...."

"How old is your brother?"

"Sixteen last month.... He sounded real bad, Tom.... And mom got on the phone and told me to keep the fuck away from her son...." The boy was crying and Tom sat down next to him and hugged him tightly. In fact, he stretched out and let the boy curl up into him and wrapped his arm around him, which is how Aiden found them.

More to come, soon. Thanks to Tarton and Darryl the Radio Rancher for editing and offering suggestions. If you enjoyed this story, you might consider my other on-going stories at Nifty, Fantasy/SciFi, Things that Go Bump and A Light in the Darkness.

Or, better, send me a note and join my Yahoo!Group,

Next: Chapter 4

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