Devils Gambit

By Jason Gordon

Published on Mar 11, 2011


Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction which will include t/t and m/m relationships, and probably some sex too. If it is illegal in your area to read this, or if you are not old enough to read this (you know who you are), stop here. Otherwise, please enjoy.

The Devil's Gambit, Chapter 10


On Thursday night, Felicia came over for dinner with a whole stack of papers Tom had asked her to prepare. After dinner they all retired to the library so Tom could explain what he had done. "First, I asked Felicia to make up the documents I promised Judge Tucker," he said as he signed the thick document, then passed it to David and Felicia to countersign. "Second, I had a will drawn up.... I never had any family to ... worry about before.... So I had a will drawn up that leaves this house to Aiden, along with half of my estate, along with a quarter each to you guys...." He signed that document and Felicia witnessed and notarized. Everybody sat there in silence, not sure what to say. "Last, because I have no blood relatives in the world to make decisions for me in case of emergency, I am assigning those rights to Aiden.... I'm sorry to bring up so much heavy stuff, but I need to make sure we are all taken care of, especially with such potentially dangerous times on the horizon...." Felicia knew better than to ask.

When they were alone in their room that night, Aiden curled up behind him and whispered, "Tom..."

"Hmmm?" Tom asked.

"Is it really that bad?"

"It really is," Tom said. "I know it's a lot to ask, and a heavy burden, but..."

Aiden smiled and put a finger on Tom's lips. "I just wish you'd talked to me about it first... We're in this together now."

Tom looked at him wide-eyed and nodded. He should have and he knew it. "You're not mad?"

"No," Aiden said with a smile, wrapping his arms around Tom. "Just remember I'm here for you..."

Tom laid his head on Aiden's chest and nodded, a single tear falling to the man's chest.

Friday came and went without much ado, and Tom took David to get fitted for his costume. On Saturday, he and David and Peter went to the movies at the mall, then walked around the rest of the afternoon, picking up some casual clothes for David.

They ran into Dustin, who said to Peter, "You never called.... Is this your boyfriend? No, he's got to be your brother...."

"Yeah, sorry," Peter said with a laugh, "but I met a guy I really like...."

"It's cool.... I don't suppose little brother would be interested...."

David smiled, but shook his head. "Girlfriend...."

"It would be too good to be true," the young man said, shaking his hand.

After they left, David looked at Peter. "He was cute. Why didn't you call him?"

"I met Billy.... Dustin's cute, and nice, but he's a little ... overly ... I don't know, for my taste.... Billy's handsome and down-to-earth and...."

"Masculine?" Tom asked.

"Yeah," Peter laughed.

Before heading home, they went grocery shopping, buying a lot of meat for the cookout the next day. When they got home, Tom prepared the marinades and put the meat in to soak, then he made dinner. Billy joined them before taking Peter out for the evening. Aiden and Tom were sitting on the couch that night, Tom reading and Aiden watching the news, when David came in in his shorts and t-shirt and sat down next to Tom and put his head on the man's shoulder Tom wrapped his arm around the boy.

"Everything alright, buddy?" Tom asked.

"Trouble sleeping.... Nightmares...."

"Not like before?" Tom asked, concerned.

"No, real nightmares ... about my family...."

Aiden reached around Tom to put a hand on David's shoulder. "We're your family, now, bud...."

Soon David yawned and got up to go to bed. "I guess I'll try again...."

"Night," Aiden said, getting up himself and dragging Tom with him. "Come on, you...." The two men undressed and Aiden dragged Tom to the shower. Beneath the warm water, Aiden kissed too passionately, getting him all worked up. Then he washed him sensually, before allowing Tom to do the same. When they were dry, Aiden led Tom to the bed and pushed him down gently, crawling on top of him. They kissed until he felt Tom's hard cock pressing against him, then he reached for the clear bottle, lubed Tom's cock and pressed his ass back onto it. Tom's eyes widened as he looked up into Aiden's face, contorted with concentration. Suddenly, they both gasped as the fat head slipped in. Aiden perched carefully, waiting for the pain to subside, as Tom reached up to stroke his face and neck. Slowly, Aiden began to settle onto the thick pole, grimacing when he went too fast, until he felt Tom's hairy balls against his cheeks. Then he leaned in to kiss Tom.

"Are you okay, baby, it looked like you hurt yourself...."

"It's okay, its fading...."

Slowly, he began to rock back and forth, just barely, and he began to moan with something other than pain. Then, inexplicably, he lifted himself off of Tom. Rolling onto his back, he looked at Tom and said, "I want you to make love to me...."

Tom knelt between the man's muscular legs, lined himself up and slid in slowly. Aiden wrapped his legs around Tom and drew him in deeper. They kissed as Tom began to slowly pump Aiden's ass. Aiden began to moan into his mouth, running his hands all over Tom's body aimlessly. "God Tom, I've waited for this...."

"All you had to do was ask.... I just love to feel you inside me so much.... But this is ... fantastic...."

"God, Tom, you feel so good.... Please, harder...." Tom picked up the tempo and grinned as the obscene sound of balls slapping ass, and Aiden's moans, filled the room.

"Do you like this?"

"God, yes," Aiden cried, pulling Tom tightly to him and biting his shoulder gently.

Tom moaned then, and whispered, "You can do that harder, if you want...."

Aiden latched onto him like a vampire in heat, alternately sucking his sleek muscular shoulder and neck and biting him, just too softly to break the skin. But he noticed that when he did it, Tom really started pumping him, so he did it more and more often. Finally, Tom couldn't hold out any more and blasted his hot cum inside of Aiden. He quickly pulled out and devoured Aiden's cock, finishing him off with lightning speed. Then he dragged Aiden to the bathroom to clean up. He could see his shoulder in the mirror and grinned at Aiden, pointing out that his neck and shoulders were covered with hickies and bite marks. Aiden blushed and Tom said, "Don't worry, all but the worst will fade away by the morning.... Oh, and grab some shorts to sleep in...."

"Why...? Oh...." He knew Tom was worried that David might be along at some point, if he had trouble sleeping. In any case, Tom was right, and around three in the morning, he felt a cool hand on his shoulder, so he scooted over and felt David crawl in next to him. Tom could feel the boy's tears on his shoulder, which woke him up in an instant.

"What's wrong, David?" he whispered.

"I'm such a loser...."

"David! You are a sweet young man who's been through more than anybody should.... If anything, I think you're brave...."

"Brave?" the boy asked

"After all you've been through with two very important men in your life, you trusted us enough to help you.... You trust us enough to come in here for comfort.... It's brave to be able to trust after what happened to you...."

David squeezed him tightly, and whispered, "I know you wouldn't hurt me...."

"But most people in your position wouldn't be strong enough to trust themselves.... Trust me, you are no loser.... I know Aiden and Peter ... and Catherine ... agree with me...."

"Thanks, Tom...." Tom laid awake until he felt the boy's breath fall into a sleeping rhythm, then went back to sleep himself. In the morning he woke early and, with difficulty, extricated himself from between David and Aiden without waking either of them and went to the bathroom. He grabbed his robe and walked out and up to his office, sitting down to work on his book. Shortly, he heard a toilet flush and walked down in time to catch Peter going back into his room.

"Have fun last night?" From Peter's blush, Tom knew. "Billy's here?" Peter nodded, looking embarrassed. "Peter, there is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about.... Billy is a nice guy and you're both adults.... Just...."

"Be safe.... I know, thanks Tom...."

Tom put his hand on Peter's shoulder like an older brother might, and said, "Ask him to come back for the barbecue tonight.... And of course, he's welcome to stay for breakfast...."

Peter nodded, then asked, "David had a rough time again last night?"

"Yeah, he came in and laid on the couch with us last night, then he got up and came to our room about three...."

"Well, at least I know why he didn't come to my room last night," Peter said with a grin.

"Peter, you know the reason he comes to me.... He knows your father was afraid of me; he believes I can fight off the demon...."

"I know.... It's just, you know...."

"Just don't take it to heart.... David loves you...."

Peter nodded and retreated to his room, revealing for a moment a naked Billy with a sheet draped over his midsection. Tom chuckled to himself, thinking that Peter was a lucky boy. Billy too, as Peter was very beautiful, despite being almost desperately thin from his time on the street. Tom crept silently into his room and got some proper clothes on, given there was a guest in the house. In his absence, David had curled up against Aiden, draping an arm over his chest. Not wanting him to be surprised, Tom walked around to Aiden's side of the bed and kissed him softly. Aiden stirred and Tom whispered, "I'm leaving you here with David...." Aiden nodded and kissed him back, before falling back to sleep.

Tom got a lot of work down while everyone slept, and finally put his computer away, standing and sliding his ladder around to a section with a lot of books about the history of magic. He climbed to the top and mumbled a spell that translates roughly: "Let that which is hidden be seen." A stack of his most prized possessions glimmered into view on top of the book case. He took down the book of the most powerful spells he owned, and laid it out on his desk, opening it to a section of very arcane defensive magic. Reaching into his desk, he pulled out a golden laurel crown, part of David's Halloween costume. Following the instructions on the page, he stepped into his closet and fetched the appropriate oils and herbs to anoint the crown, then read the obscure Akkadian incantations over it, as the little crown glowed brighter and brighter. His concentration waivered as he felt someone enter the room, but he didn't lose a step. At last, the light flowing from the crown was so intense that the metal could no longer be seen, and then it was gone, and all that remained was the little trinket.

"What the hell was that all about?" Aiden asked, stepping up beside him and kissing him on the cheek.

"A little extra protection for David for Halloween.... I think something's going to happen.... Oh, did you ever hear from Reynolds?" Aiden had invited his partner and his wife to the barbecue.

"Sure, they're coming.... So are Carl and his family...."

"Great! I'll get everything started.... What time do you think you'll get home?"

"Should be able to get away early," he said. "Home by four?"

"Wonderful! I love you," Tom said, wrapping his arms around his man.

Aiden sighed gently and whispered in his ear, "I love you too...."

Tom broke their hug and put his book away, muttering, "Let that which is seen be hidden once more," and the whole pile of books shimmered into invisibility.

"You'll never cease to amaze me," Aiden said, as he stepped down the ladder. Then they went down and made breakfast for a houseful of men. Aiden ate quickly with Tom and left in a hurry.

Tom was sitting at the table with his coffee when David came out of Tom and Aiden's bedroom and sat down at the table, sleepily filling his plate. "Morning, David...."

"Morning, Tom.... Thanks...."

"Don't mention it...." Tom patted David on the shoulder with a smile. "Would you like something to drink?"

"Orange juice, but I'll...."

"Don't be silly. You eat, I'll grab it...."

When Tom sat the glass of juice in front of David, he noticed that the boy had tears in his eyes again. "What's the matter?" Tom asked, kneeling next to the boy and putting a hand on his knee.

"I just ... why did we have to go through so much before we found someone to take care of us and love us? Why couldn't you have been...?"

Tom put his forehead to David's, and laughed, "Because I was ten when you were born.... But I'm proud to have you now," he added as the boy squeezed him tight. Sitting down with his knees to David's, he took his hand. "David, I'm so proud of how well you're doing, but ... I'd like you to talk to someone. I know a very nice lady who teaches in the psychology department, and she still sees patients.... I'd like for you to talk to her?" He nodded, and Tom added, "You know there's nothing wrong with you? IF you're twenty-five and still need to come to me, that'll be just fine...." David hugged him again, then took a drink of the juice, wiping his face.

Tom let him be for a bit, then suggested, "I need to go pick up a couple of table and some folding chairs for this evening.... Wanna take a ride?" Once David was ready, they set off to the Wal-Mart and picked up a couple of folding tables and as many folding chairs as they could stuff in the car. Then David helped Tom lug a bunch up from the basement and wash them off, before they set up the back yard. After Billy was gone, Peter also picked up and helped, and they were soon all set up. Around 4, Aiden got home and lit the charcoal in the barbeque pit so it would be ready for the meat. Then he went back inside to help in the kitchen, where the guys were making potato salad, cole slaw, and baked beans. Tom was washing corn on the cob for roasting.

When their first guests arrived, all the preparations were finished, and Tom offered Carl, his wife Rosanne, and their daughter Megan drinks and showed them to the yard, where Aiden was tossing a football with David, while Peter sat and watched. Megan made tracks toward David and got in on the game. She'll be disappointed when Catherine shows up, Tom thought to himself. "I'm Tom Corman, by the way," he formally introduced himself to Rosanne.

"I've heard a lot about you," she said, smiling. "Aiden's dad used to look out for my husband when he was a rookie.... Anyway, what with your role in closing all those murders, you are a popular guy out our way, on the force at least...."

"Well, I'm sure it all would have come out anyway...."

"Maybe," Carl allowed, "but the Selkin case.... Nobody would have connected that...." Tom waved off the praise and they talked for a few minutes `til the bell rang again. Aiden went to the door and led Jim Reynolds and his wife Francine, as well as the Peabody family, to the back yard. Carl and Jim and their families already knew one another, and introductions were made. Catherine quickly went to stake her territory, and show Megan that David was taken. Tom laughed to himself. Soon, Alasdair and Rachael, as well as the Moores, arrived, with Billy a few minutes behind. Even Felicia showed up, along with a few friends from the department, including Emily Frost and her crew. Her little boy Adam was so cute, and he immediately took off after Aiden. Soon, however, he made his way over to Sebastien, who was sitting by himself, watching the older kids toss the ball.

"Don't you want to play, too?" he asked.

Sebastien smiled at him and shrugged. "I'm not very good...."

"It's still fun...." The boy ruffled Adam's hair and did go join, the boy hot on his heels. Tom brought out the meat and put everything on the grill, while Aiden brought out the fixings and buns, and soon all the adults were talking around the pit, smelling the meat with watering mouths.

Reynolds sidled up next to Tom at the grill while the others were talking about something or other and said, "So, Tom, the chief wanted me to ask if you might be able to come down to the station next week...."

Tom looked at the man with arched eyebrows. "How's that?"

"Well, with everybody talking about the Dawson case, I think the chief's thinking we might have some cases you might consult on...."

"I'm just a professor, Officer Reynolds, I'm not a cop, I'm not a pro," he said with a sigh, shaking his head.

"Call me Jim," he grunted. "But you do have some damn good instincts.... And Carl here actually let me see the tape of you interrogating that Dawson fellow.... A lot of detectives couldn't do so well.... Besides, you've got knowledge cops don't got," he said, tapping his skull. Tom nodded and took a deep drink from a beer bottle. "Good man," Jim laughed.

"When should I...."

"Just come in one morning.... Do you teach Tuesdays?"


"Tuesday morning would be just fine," he said. "The chief will definitely be in, because he has a big meeting that afternoon...."

Tom nodded, and Jim rejoined his cop buddies for some sports talk or other. Tom checked all the meat and walked over to where Sebastien was playing with Adam. "Hi, guys," he said with a smile. "You looked like you were enjoying playing ball with the others, Sebastien...."

"It was fun.... I lost interest.... What with Catherine and Megan competing for David's attention, well ... not my thing...."

Tom laughed. "David tells me he asked you to go camping with us?"

"Yeah," the boy exclaimed, brightening, "it'll be fun! Just us guys?"

"You got it, buddy.... Actually, this time it'll just be you, me, and David, I think...."

"Cool," the boy grinned.

"You know, if you want to play chess some time, you're welcome to catch a ride here with David from school, with your parents' permission, of course...."

"Thanks, Tom," he said, as Adam tugged on his sleeve.

Dinner was a big hit and the adults sat around in the cooling air talking as the teens found other things to do. Tom learned a lot about Carl and Jim, as well as Aiden for that matter. Once the cops were well fed and had a few drinks under their belt, the naturally began to reminisce about their connections -- who had saved the ass of whom, who they had taken down. They were all laughing and talking, but Tom could see their wives' faces. When Tom went to get a drink, Francine followed him.

"You know," she said, "it really is true, what they say.... Being a police officer is like being part of a brotherhood.... They depend on each other...."

"I can see that...."

"You know, Aiden was partners with my husband for less than two months.... Jim went into a store to get some coffee, just a cup for the road, you know? Aiden saw the guy go in after him, saw the bulge in his coat. He got out and crept to the door.... The guy pulled his gun.... Anyway, Jim, he backed away and put his hands out, but the guy ... maybe he just wanted to kill a cop.... I don't know.... Jim went for his gun, but there was no way.... But Aiden was standing in the doorway, and he killed the guy.... One bullet, they said.... I'm thankful they've got each other, but everyday he leaves.... It happens to all of us eventually, the fear.... I just wanted to say, you know, if you ever need to talk, sometimes it's easier to talk to us, the wives, you know? We've all been there...."

"Thank you, Francine," he said. He couldn't explain that Aiden would suffer the same fear for him, because he was supposed to be a college professor. "I'll keep that in mind...." He certainly wouldn't tell her the story of how he had once saved Alasdair from that succubus. "I'm certainly glad that Jim's watching Aiden's back...." He handed her a drink then took his own, lingering by the bar on the porch.

"What are you thinking about?" Walt asked as he stepped out of the house, returning from a trip to the men's room.

"What a funny world we live in," Tom smiled at the man. "It's nice to have the house bustling.... Even when it was just Jamie and me, it always seemed so full of life.... I had forgotten...."

Walt put a heavy hand on Tom's shoulder. "Wherever he was, it was like that.... Aiden's very different, not in a bad way, just different. He makes you happy, you make him happy.... There's the boys.... I'm very proud of you...."

"Thank you, Walt...."

"David tells me you're taking him and Sebastien camping the weekend before Thanksgiving...."

"Yes, I thought we might go up to your cabin, if you don't mind...."

"I thought you might.... You can use it whenever you like...."

"Thanks, Walt...."

"Oh, and if Aiden isn't taking you to the folks' for Thanksgiving, why don't you and the boy's spend it with us? All three of my boys will be in this year...."

"Sounds great.... Aiden hasn't mentioned anything, so I'll talk to him about it and let you know...."

"Good.... They always ask about you, you know, so, if you can, I expect you...."

Tom nodded and accompanied the man back to the group. Pretty soon, people started to leave. The Frosts left first and Emily had to drag Adam off of Sebastien. Carl and Jim left next -- both had to work the next day, and both men, macho cops with their buzz on, gave Aiden big hugs on the way out. Alasdair and Rachael got up to leave with the Peabodies. Sebastien pulled Tom aside before they left and gave him a hug, which shocked Tom, but he quickly returned it. He nodded silently to the boy's mother, who backed out of the hallway.

"See you soon, champ," he said, ruffling the boy's hair. After everyone was gone, Tom and Aiden, Peter and David, with some help from Billy got everything sorted out, with a promise from Peter that he would clean up the next day while everyone else was at work or school.

That night, in bed, Aiden said, "That was fun tonight.... A lot of friends...."

"Mmmmhmmmm," Tom said, rolling over and resting his head on the man's chest. "Listen, I don't know if you have any plans for Thanksgiving, with your family...."

Smiling, brushing the hair from Tom's face, he said, "Thanksgiving day is the only day I'm off this year, so I thought I'd spend that day with my new family...."

Tom smiled and kissed his chest. "Walt and Martha want us all to come to their place.... All of Jamie's brothers will be there.... They all want to see me, and meet you...."

"Sounds like a plan," Aiden said, kissing his head.

After a long pause, Tom asked hesitantly, "Have you ... told them ... you know, about us, Aiden?"

"What?" Aiden asked, confused.

"Have you told your family ... about us?"

"Well, with everything going on, I haven't really talked to them in the last few weeks.... So, no...." Tom rolled away, but felt Aiden's hand on his shoulder, breath on his neck. "It's not because I don't want to! Really.... I just haven't talked to them.... Look," he said, reaching for the phone.

Tom tried to grab it away, laughing, "Okay, okay, I believe you.... I'm sorry I was so ... touchy...."

Aiden, however, laughed, and held on to the phone, speed-dialing. "Mom," he asked, laughing as Tom finally had to stop trying to take the phone away from him. "Didn't wake you, did I?"

"No," she answered, "your father and I are just watching some television...."

"Can you put it on speaker, there's something I need to tell you.... Something I should have talked to you about a ways back...."

"Are you alright?" she asked, pushing the button. He set his cell to the same so Tom could hear.

"Yes, mom! By the way, dad, had dinner with Carl tonight...."

"How is the old son of a bitch?"

"Same as always.... Been busy since we broke that serial murder case...."

"Oh, yeah.... You were part of that?"

"Yeah, I actually filed the first search warrant against the guy, over a child abuse claim...."

"No shit!"

"Yeah, but it was a friend of mine who put it all together, told us where the bodies would be, and got the guy to confess...."

"Sound's like a hell of a cop...."

"That's the thing.... He's not a cop, just a ... private consultant.... Actually, he's a professor of philosophy...."

"Huh," his dad replied, sounding ... skeptical.

"He's an expert on the occult, so that's how he put it together...."

"So what was it you needed to tell us, honey," his mother cut in. "Sorry dear!"

"It's okay, mom.... It's not unrelated.... You see ... we.... I.... We're together...."

"You're dating?"

"It's ... a little more serious than that, mom.... We've ... moved in together...."

"My gosh," his mother exclaimed. "You're right, you should have called us! Well, tell us about him.... A professor, you said.... Is he old?" Tom giggled, and she said, "Are we on speaker phone, Aiden!?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am," Tom said. "My name is Tom Corman, and I am a professor.... But no, I'm not old.... I'm almost twenty-seven...."

"How did you fellows meet?" she asked.

Tom looked to Aiden who responded, "Tom saved the life of a young man he found stabbed on the street.... Jim and I were sent to the hospital, and we got to know each other there...."

Aiden took most of the rest of the questions, and promised to get a picture to email to his mother soon. She also extracted a promise that they'd visit over the winter break. "And dad," Aiden said before he hung the phone up, "if you want to check him out, start with Carl, get his opinion?" His dad just grunted and laughed a little. "Love you guys," he said, hanging up. Looking at Tom, he smiled cockily and asked, "Satisfied?"

Tom shoved him playfully onto his back and straddled him, "Not yet," he smiled, kissing the man forcefully. Aiden made slow, sweet love to Tom before giving Tom a mind-blowing blow job. After sex, it took less than half a minute to finish Tom off, and Aiden crawled up and kissed the man with a smile.


"Absolutely," Tom grinned. "But let's rinse off.... I'm sticky...."

Thanks to Darryl and Tarton for reading over a copy of this in advance. More to come soon. If you enjoyed this story, you might consider my other on-going stories at Nifty, Fantasy/SciFi, Things that Go Bump and A Light in the Darkness.

Or, better, send me a note and join my Yahoo!Group,

Next: Chapter 11

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