Development as a Kinky Deviant

By Richard Stuffer

Published on Apr 21, 2023


For comments, questions and sites information contact the writer

Do not contact me if you are pursuing some prurient interests or `curiosity' about the facts stated here.

If you are truly interested in the facts and have personal experience I would like to hear from you. I'd like you to provide details about yourself, such as age, sexual experiences however deviant, an email with pics/vids of yourself (face not needed.) I am not interested in the idly curious but only those who have experienced some of what I relate in these stories. It is very hot to meet a kindred spirit. Thank you.

My Development as a Kinky Deviant, Pt 2 (Or cockstuffing, cockfucking or "Sounding" endeavors)

In the previous chapter I have told of my development as a young homosexual and the availability of gay sex venues at a time when the internet had not yet been conceived.

I should have mentioned in Pt 1 that this will be a series of stories chronicling my enlightenment and further experience and growth as I learned more as time passed.

Being gay at this time was very frustrating. It was a revelation to learn that my best schoolmate and others desired the same-sex intimate encounters that I yearned for despite the oppression and condemning attitude of society at that time. Yet, being at the mercy of your hormones often made your little head control you while the thinking head was suppressed in its morality and ethics. As mentioned in part !, I slowly discovered places where you could hook up for the kind of hot intimate play my crotch demanded. I had learned of several new venues to add to my cruising grounds. Outdoor cruising and parks were limited to a six-month period of usefulness due to the cold and foliage-bare half years of the region. Men's rooms were good year-round but had periods of activity that could vary, for some unknown reason. Also, if the men's rooms were too widely known they were often patrolled by police or security guards which put a damper on the attraction and the participation.

Anyway, it was about this time that I developed a liking for what some would call a kink' or deviant and perverse pursuit. It was the down' time of the year (Autumn and Winter) when the seasons caused cruising activity to decrease to a slow crawl. Beaches were closed and many of the other outdoor venues were deserted because of the temperature and lack of foliage often used for covert play spots.

I had only recently begun to live alone. It was late Autumn. I was home alone one evening and looking at gay porno videotape (remember them ?) VCRs and videotapes made gay sex movies much more available. Anyway, while watching a tape I had seen many times before I thought to myself that I needed something to make me really hot because this often-viewed tape was not doing it for me. I was lying there on my bed with my stiff, uncut cock and balls out of my pants and jerking but the movie and the stroking was just not enough for me. I wanted to do something different.' Something I had never done before. Something that would feel intense and make me very hot and horny. Somehow, this weird idea formed in my mind. I do not know from where this idea originated except to say it suddenly popped' into my mind. Remember, at this time the internet was not yet in existence.

Somehow, I got this thought of inserting something into my cock. I mean inserting a rod or tubular item in my urethra to see how it felt. I reasoned that if the urethra served as an exit it could also serve as an entrance. The most common household objects I found were stick pens and pencils. I started pushing a pen deeper and deeper into my urethra. Once I'd gotten to the crown of my cock ,about an 1.5 inches (3.81 cm) deep did I feel some stinging. This caused me to stop the practice. The stinging disappeared quickly but I could not get over how hot it was to see a pen entering my cock. I spent hours this evening playing with the pens and pencils. When the stinging would subside, I'd again insert the pen into my cock. I found that I could go deeper each time and that the stinging became negligible. I discovered there are sphincters in the urethra. The first occurred at the ridge of the head (about an 1.5 inches or 3.81 cm) deep. The second occurred at about 6.5 inches or 16.51 cm or the base of the penis. Once you got past these sphincters the pleasure of the invading object returned. I got these object to about 5 inches embedded in my cock. Although there was some stinging it abated after just a minute or two. The feeling of my stuffed cock, and the feel of the underside of my cock stuffed with an object made me tremendously hot. The feeling of my stuffed cock was hotter than the sight of seeing my cock impaled on a pen. Remember, this occurred at a time before the internet was born. I thought I was the most perverted man in the world. I could not imagine a man ever doing this to himself. I called it cock fucking' or cock stuffing" since there was no name for it at the time. Months later, I discovered a 3rd sphincter somewhat past the base of my cock. This third sphincter may have been at about 8.5 inches or 21.59 cm of the object's inserted length. I felt this 8 inch depth in my taint area and the end of the rod was well past my balls.

Suffice it so say, that I felt very alone in my kinkiness. I felt so debauched and perverse that I kept this secret to myself. I never revealed it to anyone, including my best friend, (the schoolmate in Pt 1) with whom I was having sex whenever either one of us felt the need for cock. I nevertheless loved it and continued to do It from that first time. I was like Walter Mitty in that I lived a completely secret and different life sexually. Through the years, I used various objects to push deeply into my urethra. Anything that was tubular shaped became a candidate for pushing down my cock. I say down because I often held my cock up and it faced the ceiling as I pushed the object deeper in the urethra. When I learned to use longer objects that would go past my balls, I often had to angle my cock with the object in it to get it to go deeper. Even after months of play with various objects, whenever I got that feeling of deep fullness in my cock I was enslaved. The sexual excitement was like a fever and the only nerves that mattered were those in my urethra as it was filled with an object. The rest of the world would fade away as my nerves and eyes were focused on my cock. To this day, viewing a cock (my own or other's) with a sound sticking in the urethra is an immense turn-on. The feeling of fullness made me so hot. I would jerk off with the object by continually pulling it out and pushing it back in. Through the years I graduated from stick pens and pencils to various objects to push down or up or just deeply into my cock. I developed an assortment of toys for use as `cockstuffers' to indulge in this very kinky yet intense and ecstatic means to pleasure myself.

I have used screwdrivers, letter openers, sliding door metal pin guides, spoon and knife handles, artists' paintbrushes, a telephone handset antenna, and long and thick knitting needles. The list is endless and not enumerable at this moment. Anything that inspired me was sure to wind up pushed deeply down my cock.

One of my favorite stuffer toys was the handset with a -inch (or 15.24 cm) long hard, rubberized antenna from one of the first cordless landline telephones. I wish I had pics and vids of this toy and its use. I would take the handset and insert the tapered end of the antenna into my cock. I'd keep my hands near as a means to guide it when necessary. I'd lay back and position myself so that the antenna pointed straight down and let gravity take its course. The feeling of the weight of the handset pushing the tapered antenna deeper down my cock was just so intense. The full length of the 6-inch antenna would descend of its own weight until it hit the end of the antenna at the handset connection. Man, it felt so good to feel it descend by itself, and widening my urethra according to its taper, and see that handset resting on the head of my cock. When fully embedded I had to concentrate not to cum too quickly. I would do this repeatedly loving every minute of it. Then I learned to rotate the handset because the rubber antenna had a texture that increased the pleasure as I rotated it when fully inserted.

It was only technology that caused me to trash this toy. It was suitable only for landline use and these days too few landlines are in existence, having been replaced by cell phones. My excuse for keeping this phone would have been a curiosity to others. These days, I seek objects that are heavy enough to sink deeper into my cock of their own accord. One of these objects is a tubular metal knife sharpener. It tapers to the widest at the handle end and feels great as it slips deeper down my cock without any help from me. It is comical to see the handle sticking out of my cockhead when it is fully embedded.

I have found that the thicker and longer the object used and the deeper I push it the more pleasure I feel.

With the advent of the internet years ago, I believe I found my mecca. Now I can watch men of all ages in various states of undress and various manner of pleasuring themselves. It was only through the internet porn sites that I learned that what I called cockfucking' and cockstuffing' was actually called "sounding." To this day, finding a fellow cammer who sounds gets my immediate attention. I must have been sounding my cock with various objects for about 15 to 20 years before I learned its proper name and learned there are others who do it. These days I live' on the internet seeking older naked men in various states of play...whether kinky' play or just jerking and dildoing themselves. It is the man himself who interests me, generally, but even more so if he is into something different' that many would call kinky, perverse, depraved or weird.' I have found men online who sound and are much more advanced that I am. They can insert tremendously thick sounds (1/2 inch or 1.27 cm) and more into their cocks and go much deeper....some as much as 14 inches or 35.56 cm. My maximum thickness is 7/16 inch or 1.11125 cm and 10.5 or 26.67 cm deep. Much as I'd like to do as some men can, I believe I have reached my maximum limit and stick with the thickness and depth and continue to get pleasure from impaling my cock. Love watching other , especially older men, sound their cock. Love when there is audio on their cam so you can chat and hear the cammer moan as he works the sounds in his cock. It may not be for everyone but it certainly is the right type of play for me.

Next: Chapter 3

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