Detention with Chas

By chris Andy

Published on May 29, 2003


DETENTION WITH CHAS Part 4 (hs/ t-t/ oral) by Chris Andy

The rest of the school day crept by--I struggled to stay alert in calculus and through Shakespeare's HAMLET in English Lit, but I was lost in my thoughts.

'How did I get in this mess?' I wondered. Just a few days ago I wasn't even sure I was gay, but now I was servicing three hot dudes--The Vision: Chas--the Greek God: Mike--and my newest 'master': John, a rugged football stud with a nine inch cock!

'Where will it end?' I thought. I was relatively new at Point City High and it wasn't really too late to stop this foolishness before I got the 'cocksucker' label all over the school. I didn't really care much--but it would break my dad's heart. He was always so proud of me.

I decided that I'd tell Chas on the way home that I had decided to end our 'friendship'. I hated to do it, but it had to be done.

I was surprized to see Chas asleep in the front seat when I arrived at The Bug. I tried to express my thoughts to him, but he snored and settled back in the seat. I stewed around a bit, but was unable to get him awake and focused on the 'problem'.

When I pulled up in his driveway, he climbed out--stretched and hit me with his shy, but brilliant smile. He said," See ya after the game, Billy!"

Staring at his dick lump, how could I say 'no?' So I agreed to meet him outside the locker room that night.

I drove home, and, rushing in the house, headed straight for my room. I collapsed on my bed and must have been really tired because the next thing I knew, it was night and my little brother, Danny and his buddy, Trevor, were standing by my bed in the dark.

My brother, Danie, (or Danny, as he prefers) was not very little. A sophomore at Pinewood High, he was a jock and worked out daily, pumping up his body and kinda dominating me!

"Wassup, dudes?" I asked.

"You goin' to the Point City ball game tonight, bro?" Danny asked.

"I think so," I replied. "What time is it now?"

"About 7, Billy." said Danny.

My eyes flew open and riveted on my brother and his stud muffin buddy standing near naked at the foot of my bed. Sweating and oozing maleness from every pore, they had just finished working out. Both were shirtless and wore baggy jeans and 'spiked' hair.

'Man!' I thought fixing my gaze on Trevor's justting package.

"Wanna ride it, Billy?" Trevor asked.

"Huh?" I answered.

"Wanna ride us to the game, bro?" Danny asked. He and Trevor were laughing their balls off.

I continued staring at Trevor's bulge. My eyes roamed from there to his abs and pecs and then to his blue eyes and dirty-blonde hair.

"Told ya, Dan!" Trevor said.

"Huh?" I asked again. But suddenly I realized that one of the JV players who saw me coming out of Coach Zimmerman's office was Trevor! He was also going to Point City to play football. ' God,' I thought. 'He knows! And he told Dan!'

Both guys chuckled at my sudden recognition. "S'matter, bro? Danny asked. "You look pale."

"Yeh, Billy," Trevor said. "You look like you need somethin' to eat."

They both roared with laughter at Trevor's witty remark! But my eyes again flew to Trevor's pouch.

"Like what you see, bro?" asked Danny.

"C'mere, Billy. Get a closer look." Trevor smirked, unbuttoning his jeans and whipping out his swollen peter.

"Yeh, bro," Danny said. "I hear you've been suckin' off the Point City football team. I hope you saved room for us!"

Trevor kinda giggled at my brother's clever sense of humor, but, when I tried to climb outta bed, Danny shoved me back down. Slapping my face hard--once--twice, he pulled me up to his eye level.

"Fuckin' queer!" he yelled, slapping me again. "You been suckin' dicks, man? You been slurpin' cocks? Well, big brother, you need to do me and my buddy Trev."

"If I tell dad," he continued, "he'll fuckin' boot ya outta the house. If you hurt him, faggot, I'll kick your homo ass all the way to Morgan County!"

"Now, get to work on our pricks, fag boy!" said Trevor.

I slumped to my knees and gobbled Trevor's boymeat. It was fat, but kinda short like mine. I was able to deep throat it easily and the boycock tasted fine!

"Suck it, fag!" Trevor said. "Suck my cock like the slut you are! Man, Dan, it feels fuckin' great, dude! His 'fuckface' feels like a cunt!"

"Give me a turn, Trev!" my brother Daniel said. "I'm so fuckin' horny!"

Trevor slid his peter out and Danny replaced it with his. 'Damn!' I thought. 'Little Bro has a way bigger cock than mine! But I was humiliated--my brother was using my mouth like he would a bitch's pussy!'

"Ah, fuck, dude," Danny said. "His mouth is hotter than Maddie's twat! It feels so fuckin' good! Suck harder, big bro! Gonna feed you my spermies!"

He shot a few spurts down my throat, then pulled out and splattered my face and hair. "Gonna mark ya as my bitch, Billy!"

"Get over here, faggot!" Trevor commanded, standing there stroking his wet, shiney boycock.

It took just a few minutes to drain Trevor's nuts. Both dudes smirked at me, "It's gonna be hot having my own cocksucker right here at home," Danny said. "Won't need to jack-off anymore!"

"Please don't tell dad," I begged Danny.

"As long as you're ready to service my dick anytime, day or night, I won't tell him. But you are my fuckin' slaveboy, now, asshole!" Danny said.

"O.K., bro, " I said.

"Now, Billy. Before we go to the game--get my room straightened up and my bed made." Danny said. "And, call me 'Sir' fag boy!"

"Yessir," I said, hurriedly picking up the crap off his floor. I had to get to the game before it was over to meet Chas, Mike and John. (At that time I had no idea how long a football game lasted!)_

Trevor and Danny sat in the two good chairs in my little brother's room, watching me scurry around picking up dirty underpants, cum-crusted Kleenex, chip bags and coke cans. After the quick pick-up and bed-making, I kneeled on the floor between my brother and his buddy.

"This is so fuckin' wicked bad," Danny said.

"Sure is, man," Trevor agreed.

"Hey Trev,." Danny said, "Do me a big favor, bud."

"Anything, man." Trevor answered.

"You can use "The Faggot" anytime I tell ya you can, but please, man, don't tell anyone about the homo." Danny said, "I don't want the assholes at Pinewood High thinkin' it fuckin' runs in the family!"

"Sure, dude," Trevor said, "But I'd never tell anyone. You know me--you're my best friend, man!"

"Yeh, bro," Danny said. "We are super pals, but The Faggot stays our secret."

"Yeh, Dan," Trevor said. "No way I'd tell anyone."

As they chatted, I continued kneeling on the floor. They spoke about me as if I wasn't there. First the pledge to keep "The Faggot" a secret--and then a short discussion as to how many points Point City would score tonight and the 'health' of their defensive line.

I kinda zoned out till I heard Danny say, "Get your candy ass dressed and let's get to the stadium!"

"Yessir," I said, grabbing my jeans and a tee, shoes and my car keys.

"I'll drive, faggot!" Danny said, wresting the keys from my grip.

"But, Dan," I said, "You ain't old en-----"

"I got my permit, homo!" he said," Now get in the back seat and let us men drive!"

I crawled into the rear seat and tried to get comfortable. But I was upset and afraid Danny would wreck the 'Bug'. The 'men' talked about football plays, quarterbacks and pussy. Would they get any tonight? Danny said they otta be able to pick up some chicks at the game and take 'em up on the Freedom Trail for a little "sweet cunt!"

"You don't mind if I take your car after the game, do ya, bro?" Danny asked me."

"You can't------" I started to say, but Danny whirled around and pounded me with his fist.

"Homo! You don't say 'no' to me. I'll fuckin' tell dad about you bein' a dicklover!" Danny growled.

"Hey, Dan." Trevor said. "You mind if I climb back there and give him a little more peter? All this ' chick talk' has me boned again."

"Sure , man," Danny replied. "The cunt won't mind. He can't seem to get enough!"

I sat there horrified. My little bro was gonna let Trevor use me whenever he wanted! As he climbed over the seat and sat beside me, he slapped my face and said," Unzip my jeans, faggot. I got a prize for ya!"

I got a little teary-eyed from the slap, but quickly recovered. I wanted Trevor's 'prize!' He was so fuckin' hot and his dick was practically ripping out the crotch of his pants.

I unzipped his pants and started lapping up his cockhead. He slammed me again saying, "Pull my jeans down, cocksucker. I want ya to lick my balls!"

I licked and sucked on Trevor's nuts and peter. He shot a load in my mouth. I cleaned the cum off his dick and balls just as we pulled into the stadium parking lot.


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