Detention with Chas

By chris Andy

Published on Apr 21, 2003



I transferred from my small, neighborhood suburban high school (Pinewood) to the larger Point City High downtown. My dad wanted me to take German 1 and 2 and Chemistry 2 and 3 to prepare me for college. He wanted me to major in Chemistry at his university so that I could work beside him at the large chemical conglomerate where he was vice-president in charge of research.

I loved chemistry AND German, but, although I loved my dad, I wanted to leave this fuckin' town--maybe MOVE to Germany.

Point City was maybe 5 miles from Pinewood and I could get there by bus, but my dad, knowing how I hated riding the bus, got me a small VW (bug) convertible (used, but in Tip-Top condition!) I loved that car.

But soon that VW came in second on my list of 'loves'. My new

first 'love' was Chas, a junior at Point City who had also transferred from Pinewood to Point City, not for academics, but for athletics. Point City had an outstanding football team Chas hoped to use as a springboard to college--'to fuck hotter chicks' he told me.

The district gave us tokens to ride the city bus from Pinewood to Point City. Every morning Chas, whom I hardly knew at Pinewood--we ran in different crowds--his popular, mine dweeby! Everyday for weeks I raced by Chas who was hitchhiking. I always felt that I was in too much of a hurry to get to Chem Club each day to stop. Plus, what would I say to him? He was all sports and I was all studies.

But one day I thought, 'what the hell'--it was raining and I felt sorry for him--and I thought, 'I'd love havin' a jock buddy!' I screeched to a stop and Chas ran to my VW, opened the door, hopped in and flashed me that 'movie star' smile of his.

"Thanks, bro," he said, looking straight at me with his sparkling blue eyes.

'God, what a hunk,' I thought. I was convinced I was 'gay' since 6th grade when me and a buddy, Hal, used to jack off together, telling each other what 'hot dude' we'd like to have fuck us. We were both submissives. But I didn't know the word then.

As Chas climbed into the car, my eyes zoned in on his crotch which was bulging, almost visible, through his thin, worn levis. Chas smirked when he caught me staring.

I quickly recovered and began chatting about our 'before school' activities. I told him that I went early to meet with the Chem and math Club. " What club do you meet with, bro?" I asked.

"Lift," he grunted. Charles Watson (his real name) was not gifted in language, but , fuck, who cared!

"You work out?" I asked. (I knew he did--everything bulged--oecs, shoulders, guns, neck, thighs--you get the idea--nobody is born with a body like that!)

"Yeh, dude," he muttered. "Why was you starin' at my crotch?"

"I wasn't star......uh uh--" I blustered. 'caught in the act', I thought.

"Yeh, you was, dude," he laughed. "Does the jizz show that plain?"

"Huh?" I asked.

"Chick--maybe you know her--Jackie Groggins--gave me a blow job last night, but the 'bitch' wouldn't swallow--so the 'cum' ran all over my jeans. I tried to rub it out last night in the bathroom, but the fuckin' jism wouldn't come out. I couldn't put 'em in the hamper for wash day--my mom gets pissed when I get pecker tracks on my pants."

I just swallowed. "Man,' I thought, 'Saved by Jackie Groggins' leaky mouth! He didn't think I was peekin' at his long, huge cock, hanging, strangled-looking--down his leg.

"Yeh, bud," Chas continued , " I was gonna toss 'em in the team washer and dryer in the locker room, but , man, I wanna get liftin'--can't be late for German Class with ol' lady Prickeater (her real name was Pritchard, but we all called her Prickeater--not to her face--she was a fuckin' tank!)--Could you do it for me, bro?"

"Sure, man," I said. "Chem Club was just gonna sit around and shoot the shit this a.m. Don't want a fellow Pine Woodian goin' to class with jism on his pants!"

Laughing, he said," Sure as shit don't! Thanks bud--c'mon in the locker room with me."

"O. K., man," I said, trying to sound causual, but jeez--I loved locker rooms--loved the smells, the sounds, the excitement. Loved naked boys! "Lead on, McDuff!" I (paraphrasing the line from MACBETH we had studied last term.

I followed him into the jock dressing room and he chatted away about his 'conquests' and 'sex life' (which I had none of!) "Yeh, bro, Ol' Jackie gives great head but won't swallow and she was late with the tissues! Man! but she will suck me off--which is more than my girl (Nancy Wallace) will do. She's such a goody-- goody she won't even give me a hand job!"

Chas continued thrilling me with his 'sex talk' while he stripped off his clothes and put on his workout gear. I was so boned up, and enjoying my new friendship with a bonafide jock! I was lost in his words (and his beautiful long cock--about 6 inches SOFT) when I heard a voice from across the room call, "Hey Fluharty--he your slave, man?" indicating me.

I looked over and saw Mike Talarjeck, Point City Panther's football quarterback (naked with an uncut dick jutting out of a dark blonde bush.

"Nah, Talarjeck," Chas said, " he's my new buddy, Billy Boyton."

"Buddy--slave--what's the difference?" he asked. "Hey, Billy--Mike said, "Wanna try out my new breakfast meat?" He grabbed that sucker and stroked it in my direction.

"Nah," I said, blushing.

"Hey, Mike--leave the kid alone, man!" Chas said.

Acting like nothing much was bothering me, I picked up Chas' levis and started toward the machines.

" Take my underwear, too," Chas said, chuckling.

"Sure, bro. Want me to put 'em in your locker when they're dry?" I said.

"Nah, Billy, bring 'em upstairs to the wrestlin' gym. O.K., dude?" he asked.

I headed to the washing and drying area and looked around. Seeing nobody was around, I took his white briefs and breathed in his 'jock aroma"--' Better than CK cologne!' I thought.

"Hey, Billy," Chas said, stopping short when he saw me smelling his clothes. Then he smirked, threw a jock and a pair of workout shorts to me and said, "Will ya wash these, too, bro? Then noticing my embarrassment he said, "Sure ya will, man!" and turned away, hurrying to wrestling conditioning, but not before he winked at me!

I was mortified. Bu I stayed with his clothes through the washing and drying cycles, folded them and took 'em upstairs to him. He was bench pressing what looked like a lot of weight--groaning and sweating at the challenge.

"Hey, Chas!" Mike Talarjeck bellowed. "Your maid's here, man. Ain't she sweet? Sure you don't want some breakfast milk, dude? he asked me, rubbing his pecker through the short workout pants.

I just blushed and said, "Uh----uh--no, thanks," which brought a chorus of laughter and taunts from the other wrestlin' dudes.

"I said, leave him alone, man!" said Chas, grinning as if he was also in on the secret. ( I was so embarrassed I left Chas' clothes on the floor by him and ran outta the gym and to my First Period German 1 class.

Entering the room, I saw Ms. Pritchard helping some Freshman with his 'conversation'. She beamed at me and said, Good Morning to me in Kraut-speak. I smiled weakly and stuttered around, but couldn't get any words out. I took my seat. I loved my seat, also because it was next to my new buddy, Chas!

A few minutes later, Chas strutted into the classroom----as only a jock can and I giggled like a schoolgirl suckin' dick when he came up to me, said,'hi' and sat down, pullin' on his crotch and straightenin' his peter.

'Fuck! What a hunk!' I thought. 'I'd like to have a bite of that honeysweet sausage!'

"Hey, stud!!" Chas greeted me.

"Hey bud!," I said back. God! I was thankf ul for my 'assigned' seat! I felt my four incher throwing wood as I lusted after my crotch-stretching neighbor. "Man, Is his always hard,' I thought

He flashed his Hollywood-handsome smile and asked me, "Hey, Billy (I noticed he always called me 'Billy' when he wanted something!) "You understand this irregular verb conjugration shit?"--he motioned to the German book.

"It's--'conjugation' Chas," I said "And yeh, bro--I do understand it. My dad helps me with it at home. He works in the chem plant downtown and has to speak it with his boss."

" Cool," Chas said, "We got study period with ol' Pickle-Boy last period (we called Mr. Gerkon, our study hall teacher and my C . P. (college prep) English teacher. ":Let's work on it then, dude."

"Sure, man," I said, settling back to learn the language of the Huns. But Chas wanted to chat the whole period and by 8:20 I was so enthralled with him I would have run naked into the girls' locker room if he wanted me to.

Ms. Pritchard kept giving us dirty looks as we continued our conversation, but she made no attempt to 'silence' us or 'separate' us and there was no way I was gonna say, 'SSHHHHH, Chas!' He was the first guy I ever fell in love with. Up till then I was certain I was 'straight. I always had a girlfriend, but was a little concerned as to whether or not it was 'normal' to 'stay soft' when kissing Tiff or Brittany or feeling their titties. But, I digress! On to detention!

So there I was in German class, fully boned, and sucking up all the 'bullshit' that Chas threw at me about his love-life--about fucking and getting blown and 'who had the tightest cunt' and how he hoped he'd get some pussy tonight.

It was fuckin' wicked to hear him brag on and on. This jock talk

was so different from chatting with my 'prissy' buddies who hardly even said,'shit' or 'fuck'. That adjective (fuckin') flowed from those beautiful lips before every noun. I relished his talk and focused my devoted attention on him--alternating glances from his 'hot lips' to his swollen bulge, straining against the thin, worn fabric of his denim Levis.

Spreading his legs open wide to re-arrange his equipment, he smiled at me , again, almost acknowleging my package' worship. Lost in my cockhungry reverie, I didn't notice in the silence that he'd quit talking.

"Wha-----huh?" I said (way too loud) and he whispered 'sshhhh' to me as Ms. Pritchard glared at us. I wanted to end the conversation before we got into trouble--something I had never done at my 'other' high school.

"What?" I said.

"I asked you how you thought the 'Pirates' were gonna do this Spring,"Chas asked.

I looked at him blankly, thinking--'I'm sure he didn't mean 'The Pirates of Penzance', an operetta I had actually seen in Penzance, England.

He gave me that 'never mind, shit-for-brains' look that jocks reserved for us 'wimps' when discussing sports. I thought, 'Damn! I've lost him now!"

But he didn't seem to notice my 'sports-ignorance'as he continued, "Man. baseball's my real game. I can't wait till Spring to crack the ol' bat and (he gestured with his body the action required to 'blast one outta the park' and I was so charmed that I chuckled out loud.

"Mr. Boynton--Mr. Flarrety--you two will have detention (finally--you readers say!) tonight after school. Go to Mr. Freeze's office (the V. P.--discipline) and call your parents to inorm them.

"But, Ms. Pr---------,"I said.

"But, man--that ain't fair!" Chas shouted.

"Jesus!" I said very quietly, "You're gonna 'fuckin' get us expelled, dude. Cool it!"

He continued muttering as I led the way outta the class and down the hall and to the principal's office, a journey I hadn't made since 5th grade when I screamed 'bullshit' at Ms. Fertilizer (never knew her real name, but we called her fertilizer because she 'spread on the lies thick and even!) I got spanked that time. My dad insisted that Mr. Willford 'lay the board on me'. So he did.

One thing I learned about jocks right then--they have the attention span of fleas! Right outta the room he was pissed, but as we passed Julie Wassim, Chas muttered something like, "You want it, baby?" and rubbed his cock and balls through his pants. He even followed her a couple steps, but quickly turned back to me, saying, "I gotta take a leak, dude. Let's stop here (in the boys' john).

Trailing him into the john, I was unsure what to do with my iron-like hardon. I knew I could hardly get it out of my fly, let alone piss! But I edged up to the urinal next to him, struggling to pop it out, very aware of Chas unbuckling his belt, opening the button fly on his 501s and fishing out the rugged whitesnake with the ruby-red head and exquisite blue veins. I was mesmerized! That Whitesnake charmed me.

He pissed. Then he chuckled at my fixation, putting the object of my lust back inside his lucky denim. (I wished I were his levis and could hold him all day.)

He asked, "you gonna piss, dude? Smirking at my confusion, he winked at me and said," C'mon, bro. We gotta go see THE MAN.

Struggling to get ol' Waldo (the name I gave my prick--I guess most guys name theirs) back in hiding, I followed Chas outta the restroom, down the hall and into the principal's office where we got a lecture and a phone caall to our parents.

My dad was outraged at my behavior and at being called at work. Chas said his ol' lady's never home--so Mr. Freeze left a message for her to call him (which he documented) and told us to wait for the bell and then to go to 2nd Period.

The rest of the day was pretty uneventful; I take all C.P. classes and Chas was in a 'Tech Pathway' which, no matter how they fancied the name up, it was still 'dumb-greaser tech school to us C.P. s--they place where the low I.Q. kids went. I didn't care that my new buddy's brain was in his jockstrap and I'd have kicked the ass of any C.P. wimp who called my friend 'dumb'.

Chas was quiet in last period study hall. Three teachers supervised that humongous crowd of 'non-studying' students. And, so, that room was as silent as Juliet's Tomb (a little literary symbolism there!) Most of us slept, but, like the dweeb I am, I studied for tomorrow's chemistry test, and prepared for my tutoring session with my 'awesome dude.'

I could see him on the other side of the cafeteria (where they held this massive 'study pit'). He had his head down, using his arms on the table in front of him as pillows. I walked past him once on my way to the pencil sharpener. He was asleep, but still stunning with drool running out of his mouth and onto the table that cradled his handsome head.

Finally the dismissal bell rang and I gathered my 'shit' together to drop off at my locker on the way to detention. But, again, my eyes were drawn to the crotch of my 'sleep-waking beauty' as he stretched and thrust it forward, hoping to catch the attention of an adoring female (a trait I noticed all the jocks at this school utilized--they all seemed to wear their jeans two sizes too small with their packages jutting!)

Grinning at my baseball guy, I hurried to catch up with him but he was focused on Jennifer Saltworth, a hot redhead with 'loaded torpedos!). He flexed his guns in a salute and wrapped his tree-trunk arms around her waist and grabbed her ass.

Jennifer tittered shyly and 'my' stud was off and tenting again. "Hey, Jen," he smiled seductively, saying, "How 'bout you givin' me a little piece tonight?"

Jennifer just laughed and said, "In your dreams, Chas! But call me, o.k.?"

"I'll call ya, honey, " he said, rubbing his pecker through his jeans, playfully.

"Jesus!, dude," he said to me, watching Jen's ass twitch as she walked away. Is she hot or is she hot, Billy!!!"

"She's hot, Chas," I answered, "But we best get our tardy asses to detention, bro."

"Shit, man," he said, "You fuckin' worry too much. Chill!"

We entered the detention and I followed Chas to the back of the room--our bodies hidden by the tall auditorium-- style seats.

"Hey dude", he yelled to Mike Talarjeck. "See ya after this shit's over!"

Then he sat down, unbuckled his belt and fly, took his peter outta his pants and through his tighty-whiteys.

"Gosh, Chas," I said. "What you doin' bro?"

"Billy, I want you to meet someone. Mr. WeeWee--this is Billy. Billy--Mr. WeeWee." He introduced me to huis cock as we had been taught in Personal Improvement Class.

"Wha???" I said.

" Shake hands with Mr. WeeWee, Billy." and his pecker twitched as if nodding to me. "I SAID--"Shake hands with Mr. WeeWee."

"But, Chas, I can't........"

"Sure you can, Billy---just reach out and shake him. You know you wanna". He wasn't smiling. He wasn't winking. He wasn't smirking. He was dead serious.

I took Mr. WeeWee in my hand and stroked him, till Chas said. "Kiss Mr. WeeWee, Billy."

I quit fighting it. I licked and kissed that fucker till he blew in my mouth. I went to Chas' house after school and kissed Mr. WeeWee all afternoon till Mike Talarjeck arrived and introduced me to Mr. Happy. And I kissed Mr. Happy, too.

That's how I became the Point City football team's whore. But that's another story.

Next: Chapter 2

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