Destinys Child

By Alpha DomTop

Published on Mar 8, 2022


It is my second attempt to do a fiction and I hope u all like it. The story is written by my slave on my instructions. And if anyone if you think you can be my obedient writing slave just like him then email me. And also my session for online ownership has opened so you can apply for it too. Email me at:

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Destiny's Child - Chapter 1

Ken jerked his cock furiously lost in his need as the words flooded his mind. The words Peter had taunted him with in front of his entire gym class just two hours ago, "what you looking at faggot?"

Peter was the school bully and Ken hated him. Ken knew he was not the same as most of his classmates who were strong, well developed 17-year old men from farming stock while he was a lanky city boy even though he had been born here in New Haven. He loathed what Peter Daniels and his cronies did to him, but he had to admit he was different. He couldn't help it, when he saw the man sized six, seven and eight inch dicks on his jock class mates, and he then looked at his own puny thing what else was he supposed to think. Men's cocks were so exciting. He was clearly inferior to his classmates with their bulging muscles, total self-confidence and overall masculine swagger, but he didn't want to be. He wanted to be like them. He would do anything to be like them. With this thought his cock twitched and he was getting close to cumming.

The doorbell went and seconds later his mum shouted upstairs, "Ken, visitor."

He quickly stuffed his dick back in his underwear and pulled up his pants as his bedroom door burst open and in came his best friend, Jack Brokaw. "Started without me", Jack said accusingly obviously aware of exactly what Ken had been doing moments ago.

Ken joked with Jack, the only friend he had, the only one who understood his pain and supported him. They both knew what they were and what they wanted but neither of them having the courage to actually do anything about it they spent most of their time watching gay porn and then jerking each other off. For appearance's sake they would have a video game on the computer just in case Ken's mum came in or, if they were at Jack's place, for the sake of his dad or brother. Ken was an only child and he never knew his dad who had died when he was only two. Although Ken was born in New Haven his mum had moved them to the city after his father's death where she had got better work and they only moved back when just before he started high school after his mum has lost her job and could not afford city rents. His mum looked after him the best she could but her new work kept her out of the house a lot in the evenings and at weekends so it gave Ken and Jack plenty of time to do whatever they wanted without being interrupted.

After they had both shot of couple of loads and cleaned up they started chatting about their favourite subject which was, Mr Lupman, their history teacher. Andy Lupman was just perfect, about ten years older than them, six foot five, pure muscle and handsome as fuck. He was clean shaven but had long flowing dirty blond hair that just increased his incredible sexiness. But it was his eyes that always had Ken and Jack transfixed, they were bright blue, piercing and with the strangest shine that they could never understand. They both realized they really knew nothing about their teacher, like where he was from, and if he had a girlfriend or maybe just maybe a boyfriend. What did he do out of school? Did he go to the gym to keep that magnificent body in shape? They had even visited gyms to try to find him working out but never found him. Maybe he had a gym at home.

Ken found it impossible to concentrate in his class and it wasn't just how the man looked but how he smelled. He had a weird erotic smell getting Ken almost instantly erect whenever he sensed it. It was his own direct connection with his idol and it drove him totally to distraction. As a result, he was in danger of failing history but didn't care as long as he got to spend time with his teacher. Most of their classmates were a little wary of Mr Lupman as he never smiled and although he was always professional there was a hint of aggression that, while it scared his classmates, had the opposite effect on Ken, exciting to think about he and this man could do together.

Jack stayed for dinner, as usual, and was polite to Ken's mum, Mrs Robertson, thanking her for the food and pretending to listen while she went on about the fact there had been another murder, a girl this time. They found her in the park and just like that boy Mrs Roberson had explained and she was a real mess, having been attacked, raped and then a huge lump bitten out of her neck. The New Haven Herald had decided the city had a monster on the loose, the Vampire Killer.

On Saturday morning Ken was heading into town to pick up his magazines and once again spend time in, Adamant, the local gay sex shop where he would look at all the toys and DVDs but never actually buy anything. He was heading back home when he spotted Peter with his older brother James and their friend, Simon Michaels, the school wrestling team captain on the basketball court across the street. Ken was transfixed just watching the men, they weren't playing, they were just messing about laughing, joking, rough housing with each other. How he wished he could be with them.

"What you looking at fucker", James shouted at Ken when he spotted him spying on them.

"Oi, faggot", Peter shouted as he saw who it was, "Answer my brother when he asks you a question. Now!"

Ken, not wanting trouble, replied "Sorry, was just heading home", and started to move off.

"Where the fuck you going?", Peter shot back, "I saw you staring at us you perverted little fuck. I think you should apologise."

"Look guys", Ken started to say but Simon cut him off.

"Shut up, fag. Now apologise and make it convincing", he ordered

Ken was in shock but him mind starting asking himself why they kept doing this to him. Peter took Ken's silence as further insult and punched him in the stomach. Ken's brain was screaming at him to run but realizing he was in trouble he made a decision and said, "I'm sorry for watching you."

"Not fucking good enough", said Peter, "James is not just someone he is `Sir' to the likes of you, we all are, and you're not just sorry for spying on us. I bet that little cock of yours getting hard at the sight of us, it's disgusting, so you will beg for forgiveness. Now say it fag."

Ken's mind screamed that he was not a fag, was not inferior, did not have to do this but then he looked at there muscular bodies and defeated said, "Sir, I am sorry for spying on you and I beg your forgiveness."

"Again, and louder faggot", Peter demanded making Ken say it three more times until he was practically shouting and drawing attention from other shoppers in the street.

"Come on, let's go", said James, "I'm bored of this fucker." They left, laughing and joking with each other, leaving Ken dumbfounded and totally confused. Ken knew he wanted to be like these men, confident, muscular, hung but why would they never let him in, why would they always torment and bully him. He was not a faggot. It was so unfair. He had cried himself to sleep many times in frustration at all this through his nightmare high school years. The only person he could tell was Jack, only he seemed to understand. He turned and headed home totally dejected.

As he got home his mum was in the kitchen and she had someone to introduce to him, her new boyfriend, Marcus. This man held out his hand and introduced himself, assessing Ken carefully as he did. Ken melted under the gaze, his own needs forgotten, and considered the man in front of him. He was toned but not built, a couple of years older than his mum so maybe 42 and had the classic look of a screen icon from the 1920s like Rudolph Valentino apart from his long hair which was gelled back holding it firmly to his scalp. His clothes were definitely not in fashion but they suited him and when he spoke it was entrancing. He said he was Marcus Fengari originally of Greek descent, but his family had been in New Haven for generations. Ken could tell his mum was really into Marcus and while desperately trying not to think too much about it he was happy for her, Marcus seemed like a real catch. Apparently, they had met a couple of weeks ago but it was going so well Marcus had suggested it was time he met Ken.

Introductions done Ken headed to his room leaving the oldies too it and was immediately on his phone telling Jack about his encounter with James, Peter and Simon.

Ken had been with Jack all evening going over everything yet again and finally remembering to tell him about Marcus. The boys had not had a chance to have their usual fun as Jack's dad was out and they had to baby sit his younger brother by playing video games. It was late as Ken headed home taking his usual short cut through the park eager to get home to release another pent up load.

As he passed the bandstand he heard a scuffle and turned to see a man on the floor with another man. No, not a man, more of a beast, towering over him covered in blood. As Ken watched this animal bent down and starting drinking the blood from the prone man's neck. Just then another man walking his dog came into view causing the attacker to flee but not before he glanced in Ken's direction. Ken was sure he was out of sight behind the bandstand and so unseen, but it was disturbing as the attacker seemed to glide across the ground at a near impossible speed. However, that was not the worst of it and as he watched the attacker started to transform from the hunched beast into a man and not just any man, it was Marcus. He was there for just a second and then he was gone. Petrified, Ken ran. Hearing sirens as he got home he was pleased to see his mum already back from work but unable to think or process what had happened properly he just hugged his mum and headed to his room.

Ken could not even call Jack he was so scared, he did not know what he was going to do, had Marcus seen him? Was Marcus some kind of fucking vampire? Was he this Vampire Killer in the papers? Ken tossed and turned on his bed for hours, the horror of what he had seen playing over and over but eventually, exhausted, he fell asleep.

Ken's subconscious shut out the horror and took him back to the morning as he slept. In his dream he started replaying his encounter with James, Peter and Simon except this time they were in the basement dungeon of a sex shop with the owner telling the naked men to have fun with the boys. Ken realised three slave boys were bound over fuck benches and the men were preparing to fuck them. Ken's imagination went into overdrive with a frenzied world of hard jock dicks and greedy slave boy holes.

As Ken dreamt on he relaxed and as the evening horror receding further and his mind took him in a new direction. In his dream James, Peter and Simon where now the ones bound over the fuck benches and he and Jack were the ones preparing to fuck them. Jack was taking the lead, as he usually did being a good foot taller than Ken, more toned but still lean, and Ken had to admit with the larger cock by about an inch. That cock was already buried in Simon's ass pounding in an out with Jack moaning in pleasure. Simon was screaming for him to stop but Jack just ignored him.

Tiring of the noise Jack suggested Ken should make himself useful and gag the three bound men to shut them up. Ken quickly gagged Simon then James and used a huge penis gag to shut up the protesting Peter. The jock's shouts and screams now muffled Jack resumed his fucking.

"Come on man", Jack said to Ken, "Pick a hole and get yourself off."

Ken looked at the two bound jocks before him. James' ass twitched and his hole looked inviting but there was only one choice for Ken. It had to be Peter. This would be payback for years of abuse. This would be his chance to prove he really was a man. He lined himself up with the presented hole, clenching in a vain attempt at resistance, he spit then rammed his hard five-inch dick in. The scream, even through the gag, that erupted from Peter was music to his ears. He started thrusting in and out getting into sync with Jack in an orgy of jock fucking.

Years of frustration and desire meant Ken was not able to keep this going for long, it felt too good, and within minutes he started to tense and as he came and shot his load deep up Peter's ass the world around him dissolved.

He was no longer in a dungeon he was in the open on some alien world, two moons in the night sky and a figure approaching him. It was Marcus. "I found you now, the Angus is mine", Marcus cackled.

Ken, screamed. He woke, in a cold sweat in his bed, to find Marcus towering over him with his face still covered in congealed blood.

The councilman Alaric sensed it, a change was coming. The Angus had been found but would the operative, the agent he had sent, know what to do without the book. He looked out over the Selenian landscape and he felt the acolyte move beneath him. He slapped it hard ordering it to be still then resumed his casual fucking of its ass, the act calming him while he thought.

Selenia is a large planet orbiting a dying star deep in the heart of the galaxy. The planet was ancient and tidally locked in orbit of its star keeping half the planet in perpetual darkness and the other half in a weak, twilight, from the dying mother sun. The planet had very little vegetation limited to the types that could survive in the twilight of the day side and silvery moonlight from the planet's dual moons on the night side. There were animals but the planet was dominated by the clans. The clans that called this planet home and who fought each other for total control as they had done for millennia.

Alaric, was what the beings of the other realm, the humans, called a vampire but was actually a Vrykolkasian male and at 476 years old was in the prime of life. He laughed to himself at the humans and of what his clan, his own family, had done to the people of Earth since the discovery of the portal. Earth was irrelevant in comparison to Selenia, it was just a distraction, albeit an amusing one, for his people to use. The human world was pleasure planet for the Vrykolkas warriors to use to recover from, recuperate, and prepare for the perpetual war with the Lykantropes. The Lykantropes, the hated shape shifters who his clan shared the dark side of Selenia, and the continent of Arcadia, with. Of course, they did not share willingly. They each battled relentlessly for the upper hand.

The shape beneath him moved again, he was irritated by its pathetic attempts and failure to please and to serve. He felt it trying to coax and cajole his cock buried deep in its ass. The insolence of this vassal trying to take some control incensed Alaric but luckily for the hapless slave his mind was focused on more important things. He was focused on the Angus.

The Angus, the ancient leader of Selenia, the one with the true power to keep the clans under control. Not this infernal council imposed on them by the beings of the light but a true, strong, powerful leader who enforced his will and who truly took control. For tens of thousands of years the Angus had controlled Selenia through the power vested in him, and it always was a man, wielding the power of the legendary Gates of Heaven. That had all stopped over two thousand five hundred years ago when the last Angus disappeared taking not just himself but the heart and soul of Selenian culture, the fabled Book of Moon and Blood, with him. Well, that was according to legend, as no living Selenian had any memory of this. Despite what humans thought of their Vrykolkasian vampires they were not immortal and although living far longer than the trivial lifespan of a human, and the hated Lykantropes for that matter, they did die usually at around twelve hundred years of age.

The power of the Angus was something the chosen one was born with, the planet only ever had a single Angus, producing another as the time came and the previous Angus died. Nobody knew any longer what the actual power of the Angus had been and what had made him all powerful and able to control the clans. While many had searched over the centuries since the disappearance for the Angus, for the weapon, the Gates of Heaven, and for the Book of Moon and Blood nothing had ever been found. There had been pretenders to the throne, but they had all failed, leading to endless and bloody war on Selenian. In the end a council of the beings of both the dark, the Vrykolkas and Lykantropes, and the light, the Satyros, Gigasians and Exotikans, was formed to forge an uneasy truce. It did not really work and there was endless scheming but there had now been fifteen centuries of peace. A peace the events taking place twenty thousand light years away on Earth were about to shatter.

Earth was a strange place to Selenian eyes, too bright, too hot, too briming with endless forms of life but it served a purpose. The portal had been discovered, by the great Exotikan Angus, Beldun the Magnificent, in the time before real history but shielded and protected by this elvish clan until the Vrykolkas had learned of its existence and through their Angus, Afanas, taken control and shared it with all Selenia. The portal led to the Peloponnese mountains of Greece on Earth where the Vrykolkasians found a new Arcadia and where the local human tribes were subjugated and paid homage. The Lykantropes also encouraged this including a tradition where the youngest and fittest men of the local Anthus tribe offered themselves as sexual servants to their male wolf overlords until they were considered too old and were replaced by new offerings.

The sharing of the portal led to lasting peace on Selenia with earth, and humans, as the perfect safety value allowing the warlike peoples of the planet to have their way, spend their energies, and expunge their frustrations gouging on the pliant flesh of the human inferiors. It was a time of plenty and a good life for all Selenians.

But then the portal vanished, at the same time as the Angus, and war returned raging for hundreds of years until the uneasy truce of the Council of the Clans. This new world order had itself been rocked when the portal had mysteriously re-appeared four hundred years ago but now no longer connected to Greece on earth but to a small coastal area of a largely uninhabited western continent. The reappearance of the portal led to speculation of the return of the Angus, but this was not to be and while the Selenians had their new haven back on earth, which they once again shared amongst the clans, they could not be truly at peace until the true power in their world returned, until they had their Angus.

The slave moved under Alaric again and tiring of its ministrations he bent biting into its neck sucking deeply on its gushing blood. As the blood flooded into Alaric his cock engorged and he shot his load deep into the vassal's body as it drew its last breath. Pushing the spent slave away it was quickly removed and another vassal began to crawl towards him to take its place and to perform this final act of submission and service to its master. Alaric waited as the pliant male approached then presented itself to him. He quickly thrust his still engorged cock into it and began to slowly gyrate in pleasure. He relaxed in the comfort and normality of the service and while he fucked he thought would this agent on earth, his brother, be able seize the control from the Angus imposter and restore Vrykolkan rule to Selenia.

Marcus had been on earth for over three hundred years initially enjoying the pleasures of this sparsely populated place taking what he wanted from the human population much as he assumed his ancestors had done in Ancient Greece. The area had changed out of all recognition in that time and New Haven was now a thriving bustling place. He had to be more discreet, but he was still able to find what he needed, from the men and women of the new world. He had been careful to shape the town to avoid detection and to protect the portal including helping in the founding of a university to give him a place to work and study in peace. He used it try to find out what happened to the Angus, the Book of Moon and Blood, and the ultimate weapon, the Gates of Heaven.

Marcus had travelled through the portal, with its earthside terminus out past West Rock Ridge, and met his brother, Alaric. He had travelled at full moon, two cycles ago, when the power of the portal was at it strongest, and the passage was easiest. He knew his brother would be demanding an update on his progress after they had discussed and agreed their plan, he could feel his impatience even over this immense distance. The brothers had long since accepted the Angus had come to earth all those centuries ago taking the book and the weapon with him and trying to destroy the portal in the process. He had nearly succeeded but with the return of the portal there was an opportunity for the Vrykolkas, for Marcus and Alaric, to seize power and take control.

Marcus had, once the technology of the planet allowed, searched out all he could about the Angus even serving as a professor of Ancient Greek at the University of Yale for a period to further his studies of the time when his people were last on earth. He found lots of information, lots of myth, lots of fiction and it amused him greatly in the 21st century on this planet that a whole sub-culture on Earth unknowingly paid tribute to his home world. He had always been able to see into the minds of men, especially when they slept, so they held no secrets from him and he had honed this skill to the point where he could manipulate these dreams and through them, and in some cases by living trances, even control the men around him. Humans were sexual beasts and there most vivid dreams were always of sex. These were so vivid they would reach out to Marcus across the town driving him wild and encouraging his need to feed both sexually and physically on the humans around him. It had certainly allowed him to have no trouble finding a long list of mainly woman to devote themselves to him and his pleasure over the centuries.

Humans experienced sexual pleasure differently from Selenians only embracing a small part of the beauty and the power of the act. A Selenian mind felt it all and the awe-inspiring power involved. It was this revelation that unlocked the problem of finding the Angus for Marcus and he and his brother hatched a plan. They determined the Angus was hiding here on earth, in the body of a human, possibly unaware of his true self but as a Selenian he would be different from the humans around him. His experience of sex in his dreams would be the full Selenian experience so all Marcus had to do was to use his powers to find him amongst the noise of the humans. As to where to find him Marcus always felt the pull of home through the portal when here on Earth and this grew the further he was from it. He assumed the Angus would be the same and so would be in or near New Haven.

Marcus had been searching for a month. It was difficult. There was no clear signal. Some humans dreamt so vividly of sex they obscured his view and he needed to remove them to allow him to search without interruption. At first he killed carefully in the way he had for centuries making sure the spent carcasses were never found after he drained them of their blood, but the search was taking too long. Alaric was sure the Lycantropes were searching too and Marcus sensed their presence as he trawled the human dreams. He had to kill more quickly and more recklessly to get to the Angus. He had now killed three this week and the tiresome human authorities were on his trail. Tonight with that boy, the latest interruption to his search, it had been close and he was aware that he had been watched. When he had smelled the air in the park he had detected a familiar smell, that of Ken, the weakling son of his latest conquest Val Robertson.

That complicated things for Marcus and he hesitated rather than kill the boy immediately he needed a plan. He had called on Val, after leaving the park and once the authorities had taken the body of his victim away, entrancing her to allow him in and to get access to Ken. In the house he took his time considering whether to kill Val first or her son. But, then he felt it, the power of the boy's dream. The dream of sexual release but not the weak ethereal thoughts of a human the full force of a Selenian male. He was in the boy's room in a second looking down at the form of the boy as he stirred.

"I found you now, the Angus is mine", Marcus cackled.

Ken, screamed.

"Silence", Marcus commanded drawing Val into the room with a knife held to her own throat. "Silence, Angus. Do as I say, or I will have her kill herself", Marcus said.

Marcus explained to Ken he had been looking for him for a long time and it was a shame he had had to kill those others to get to him, but nothing could stand in the way of destiny. He explained that Ken had something he wanted, a book, the book, The Book of Moon and Blood. Ken tried to say he had no idea what he was talking about but Marcus would have none of it.

"You are the Angus", Marcus explained.

"What", replied Ken, "I don't know what you're talking about. Now let my mum go and I won't tell anybody anything."

"You're in no place to bargain", Marcus stated, "I can't believe I wasted my time killing that boy tonight when what I needed was here, right under my nose, all along."

"Give me the book", Marcus demanded.

"What book?", said Ken thinking Marcus was deranged but worried how he was going to help his mum just standing there blankly the knife wavering at her neck.

Marcus wasn't buying it the Angus would know where The Book of Blood and Moon would be. He had to have but he had to be careful the weapon, the Gates of Heaven, could be anywhere and he could not let the Angus get it. "Don't mess with me kid", he shot back then seeing the confusion on the boy's face went on, "The Book of Blood and Moon, the book that defines our world."

"Look, Marcus", Ken started, "if that is who you really are, I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not Angus. I'm Ken and I don't have no book and definitely no Book of Blood and Moon."

"Don't try to fool me", Marcus said, "I know you are the Angus I see the claw and wings mark that identifies you clearly on your back. Only the Angus could have that mark and I know that as the Angus you have the book. I'll give you 48 hours to give it to me or I kill your mum, then you, then anyone else in this town that gets in my way. You know I'm what you call a vampire, you know I'll do it, just as my people have ever since the days of Arcadia here on Earth."

Ken was still trembling working out what to do, he was in trouble, his mum was in trouble and what was this nonsense about Arcadia, vampires and that stupid birthmark in the small of his back. He needed to buy time and he needed to get to the police.

"I sense your thoughts Ken", Marcus said, "No police or everyone dies. Now you got two days to get me that book."

With that there was a swoop and Marcus and his mum were gone. Ken was alone.

He sat for a long time trying to work out what to do. Had this really happened. He checked, his mum was really gone and this hadn't been some nightmare but she was gone and blood in her bedroom made it clear Marcus had definitely been there. He checked his back in the mirror, that birthmark was there but it looked different. It did look like wings around two claw marks and as he looked the claw marks deepened, widened and started to bleed staining the wings a deep and vivid red. Despite himself his dick stirred as he looked at it, pulsing and throbbing in unison with the rivulets of blood surging from the mark creating within him an overwhelming urge to shoot his load.

What the fuck he thought, but he knew what he had to do. He called Jack.

Next: Chapter 2

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