Destiny of Boy 8

By rob roberts

Published on Feb 6, 2023


Destiny of Boy 8

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Thanks Obediently yours, rob

I'm living on the ranch with the man. He told me he bought me from Pa and that I was going to be used for sex a lot. I was sad to think I might never see my Pa and Ma and my sisters and brothers again. But as time went on, I missed them less and less.

He explained that I wasn't really a real boy. I was just some thing that was created to make men and sometimes maybe, women happy. That was my destiny. It's all I knew so I guess it didn't make no difference to me. He fed me and hugged me once in a while- kinda just like wat he tells me real men do with pets. I guess I was his pet. True to his word, I never did wear clothes or nuthin except when he brought me here in his car. I didn't care too much for clothes anyway so it was all good. I smiled at the man and said I guess I was his to do as he pleased. He said that was damn right. He told me I was kinda stupid. Pa and Ma had said that about all of us. We just accepted it. It must be true.

He really liked fuccking me sometimes with his partner. They saidI should always be proud of my big rosebud and open hole. I was kinda worried about dropping shit and stuff in the house but when he kept me there, he cleaned me out after he let me go outdoor with the others . He said my big rosebud hole was kinda like a monkeys. He showed me pictures and I saw what he said. In the house, I had a big 'ol plug, he called it, in me all day as I cleaned. He did teach me stuff like how to serve him, make him food once in awhile. That was tough as I hadn't ever learned anyting about making food. I would make him food and he said it was pretty good. He fed me a lot of what he called kibble. It was dry and hard and sometimes he would add his piss to it to make it soft. I was allowed to sit on my haunches next to him while he ae. He would pet me then and make me feel good. While he ate, he taught me to always have his cock in my mouth. I got real used to that and got to really enjoy it. I never knew whether I would get piss or man juice. I liked 'em both almost equal.

He also let mostly us boys, play with one another. I took my direction from the head boy . He often slept with us and Sir liked us to fuck and play with one another all night or until he fell asleep. Once of us slept with Sir's cock in our mouth or as deep up his ass as we cold go, just a lickin' and sucking . The other buried his face in the other boys's cunt.

We always shit and pissed outdoors . The usual way was for us to eat our kibble with Sir and then crawl outside , shit and then find another boy to lick out. He said that was better for us. I don't know why but burying my face in some older boy's hairy hole just felt so right.

Lots of boys had gotten holes like mine. They were always red and gaping open, he said. Don't know what that means but it was nice to see up inside another boy. Thers didn't get so much opening as others. I didn't know why.

One day, Sir came back in his truck with some darker skinned boys who had lots of hair on them. He said they was something he called refugees from some far off place. I guess he either bought them or got them for free. They spike some funny words that we didn't understand. They were real cut though, maybe just like master said I was. They seemed real afraid though but learened if they wanted to eat stuff, they would have to suck on man and boy cunt and get fucked. We didn't think nothing of it but they screamed and hollered. Eventually, I guess they learned to be like us and even learned words like where their cunt was and that they were pussy boys too.

Our days were spent doing chores. We took real good care of some animals, not boy animals but horses, and dogs and cows. We fed 'em , cleaned 'em and milked the cows. We cleaned their pens and made sure they were all clean and good. We did more for them than we got.

After our chores, we we usually got hosed down. We knew if the hose went up our cunts, we would be busy that night when mostly men some not too much older than us, would come by and pick out one of us for some heaving fucking and sometimes a beating. We got some college boys who came. We learned they were ging to school someplace and needed to get relief. We was the relief I guess. If two of them or tow men, picked us out, we usually got double fucked, Sir called. It didn't matter to me cause I could take almost anything up my boy pussy now.

We was used all night . Some of us got hurt some, but just like with Pa, Sir said it was just the way things went and he collected lots of money. I was proud to be lead back on a rope with cum , blood and sometimes shit leaking out of me. We all knew to drink their piss and suck them guys.

I really liked it when we got to do a show. Two or more of us were made to put on a show, showing how much abuse we could take. We had wrestling matches too where we were supposed to hurt one another. One boy one time got his big balls stomped. The next day after that, the man they called doc for some reason, came by and we had to watch as they cut off the boy's balls and was made to eat them later. We all got a taste. I didn't care too much for it though. The next day, he was all sewed up but he was even missing his cock. Sir said it was punishment for letting the other boy wreck his stuff.. I don't think he did want that 'cause he cried and screamed. After a few weeks, he had a big slit where his cock and balls was and when he pissed , it shot up in the air making everyone, even me laugh. He then got his pussy wrecked just like mine.

They only kept him awhile and then somebody came by and paid Sir for him. Word was he was going to be some kind of what sir called and experiment. They was going to make him a girl! I was surprised.

We all got along. There was beatings for them who didn't. I got along just fine and when I was made to sleep with the others, enjoyed be all wrapped up with the others on our bed of straw. We got the straw we took out from the dogs and horses. It stunk some, but we all got used to it.

Sir made us all work hard. The man who he called his partner, and him made sure we all got more muscles. I was always kind of skinny Sir said. I had a big cock but it wasn't real fat or nuthin' Other boys had different sized cocks. I had dark brown hair and it grew some on my pubes, my pits and my legs. Even got hair on my butt but a lot got worn off due to many fuckings. The only place Sir would allow hair was on my chest. He shaved that off when we had our weekly look over. I had no idea why some got shaved more, like losing their pube hair,, or why some got a trim but Sir said he decided. The men who visited us had different choices and we was made to be whatever they wanted.

One day, Sir surprised us all when the boy who lost his dick and nuts was brought back. He now had a pussy in front just like a girl. He got bigger titties too. But, he still looked like a boy in the face. He was a real sight. We all got to taste his pussy but it wasn't as wet as my sisters used to be as I recalled. He could take a dick in there though. It was kind of fun to see a dick go in his boy pussy and up what Sir called his twat at the same time. Wooee, di he scream at that. It was about the only shows we ever saw other than us fucking and sucking one another while the men who were guests ate and drank. I had to perform, as he called it several times and spent the whole time eating anothers boys ass and then a third boy climbed up on our special table and shit on me and the other boy. We then rolled around in the shit for a bit before licking it off one another. At the shows, some men liked to call a boy ove to him at the men's table and ball up his fist and have the boy lay across him while he ate with one hand and shove the other up the boys pussy. I was pretty used to that by now but some boys screamed and hollered. Usually, Sir only had boys like me do it but when he wanted some fun, he would take a newer and maybe younger boy and have him do it. There was usually lots of blood then. I liked it feeling the mans warm hand playing with the stuff inside me. It usually made me real hard and my reward was getting to cum. I shot huge loads and the men applauded. That made me smile . I then got to show off my rosebud and let it wink at the men. The hooted and hollered and made me feel so special. One man said I could push out a baby my hole was so open. I was kind of scared at that as I didn't know nuthin' about making a baby.

Some of them college boys played with my body a lot and sometimes even sucked me but stopped just before I came. The said they didn't want my slop to get on them but they didn't mind getting it on me. When we came back from being with our assigned man or men, we were kind of shown off. Some of the boys couldn't walk so good so it was fine when they had to crawl. I only didn't like getting beat on with a tree ranch or a cane, as Master called it or just a plain whip. I didn't figure out why they beat on me when I had tried to do everything they demanded. Some of the boys came back with shit all over them or in their mouths. One boy was made to hold a turd from his man like it was some kind of cigar. He slowly munched it and everyone applauded when he was done and swallowed it. Once in awhile, just like the boy who left after having his balls and dick removed, one of our boys would leave. We never really got to say good bye or nuthin. Usally, just like with Pa, someone just took him away . Sir said it was easy come, easy go. I didn't know what that meant but we all learned to say it.

Lately, I haven't slept with Sir as often as he got himself another boy. This one was blond and real handsome. He screamed a lot more than me and I guess Sir liked that. Don't matter, I get some guys who choose me all the time.

What worries me most though is I could get taken away too and I didn't want that to happen. The ranch was home for me now and I liked everything that I did. Sir said my hole was still real nice. He did let more dogs and even a horse fuck me though for one of his shows. The dog's knot didn't hurt none though .

Well, that's about all my story for now. I got some dicks to suck and I'm thirsty so I hope one of the men will piss in my mouth. It's been so long since I drank plain water, I think that would make me sick.!

Well, as you se, I never did talk about Boy 8. He eventually showed up at our ranch and I was surprised how big he got. He was kind of a little shit when I lived with Ma and Pa. Sir brought him and let me lick him all over like I did with new pups. He didn't really remember much of me but I could see he kind of knew I was his kin. It wasn't long before he was performing and we did a brother on brother show for our guests. He got to fuck me a lot. I got to eat him out and eat one of his turds. We always stayed together as much has we could . He looked some like me too. I really liked when we slept and Sir had him bury his face in my big rosebud while I sucked his now much bigger dick. I guess it is the same destiny as me!

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