Destiny of Boy 8

By rob roberts

Published on Dec 4, 2023


Destiny of Boy 8

This is a story of a boy raised and kept as a whore. He is happy but was waiting for his destiny. Please don't read if not of legal age where you are. Comments? Send to

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We rode along in the nice car. I had never been close to one so nice. The warm seats kept my naked but warm and my cock and balls just kind of hung there. Once warm, my cock got a little hard. I was kind of happy with that as Pa always said we should show hard. It makes the guy renting us know we want him to do his deeds on us.

We drove along for a long time. I kept wondering where this destiny place was. Must be far away. I glanced over admiring the good looking man who drove. He looked over a few times and smiled at me. I didn't know exactly what he wanted or expected. I was afraid to bend over and try to get his cock out of his pants as it was hidden almost under his coat. He could see all of me though. I didn't mind. People have only seen me naked so it's no big deal or nuthin'. A few times, he reached his warm hand over and rubbed my leg each time getting closer to my boner. I was glad that he seemed to like me. Maybe he'd rent me again and make Pa happy. When Pa was happy, we all were happy 'cause no one got beat on.

I guess I must have drifted off to sleep. I hadn't slept since a day ago as I was awake getting pounded most of last night. I was hungry though. Piss for my only meal didn't stay with me. It made me think of some days ago when two college, I guess that is some kind of schooling place, came out and rented me. Mostly it was good sucking on their nice smelling cocks and holes.. They did stretch me some when I was told to lay on top of one guy who put his cock in me but then the other guy stuck his in me too. Damn they were big guys and I almost cried out. I caught myself though. I knew Pa would get mad if they told him I screamed but then I learned that's what they wanted, so I did scream some We were in the little guest house and they kept saying to scream bitch. Those boys sure did know how to use me .Once stuck his fist up my pussy. It was so bad though as I've had it done before and this time, I was full of their cum. They told me no cummin' though unless one of their cocks was inside of me. We slept with me in the middle of them two boys and they stuck some kind of big rubber thing that looked like a cock , up my pussy.

I was getting afraid that if I had to shit, it might just come out along with all their cum. Try as I did, I couldn't quite close my hole . I knew Pa wouldn't mind as he said we should all get open cunts one day. After that thing was up inside me all night, I knew they ripped me some and some blood came out. Pa never charged them too much extra for a torn boy hole though. He just kind of laughed.

I was kind of dreaming or somethin' when I realized the man in the car was touching me and asking me a question. He asked if I was hungry. I sure was but feeding me was never part of the rent so I said I was ok. The man said it sounded like my tummy was growling. I apologized for being rude. He just laughed and said it was ok. He asked me what I usually ate so I told him I ate the mash Ma made for us. I also got some kind of pills that Pa said made us stay healthy. I think he said one was a vita - something and the other kept us from getting sick. He always laughed at that as it seemed to keep us boys hard in the cock and made us want to cum. My brothers and I were sure about that as it happened to them too. Anyway, that's what I told the man. He laughed and said he didn't have anything like that. He said we would stop and eat. He asked me if I liked something called McDonalds. I had no idea what that was and told him. He said it was a restaurant. I told him, I never was to any kind of restaurant. He laughed and said I would enjoy it. I thanked him and wanted to make sure he was happy with me. I didn't want to make him not like me.

He drove off this big road we were on and I saw all these signs . I couldn't read most of them so I just looked out the window. We got to a place and he drove in. he asked what I wanted. I didn't want to let him know I had no idea so I said some mash would do fine. He said they didn't have that so I said I would eat what he thought I should eat.

He drove up to a place and opened his window and I hear a voice ask what he wanted. He ordered something called a Big Mac meal would be good and two Cokes. I had heard of Coke before and knew Pa would drink some brown stuff. He never gave us any but it must have been good. It got me anxious to try it. He then drove up to a window and some boy wearing clothes, handed him a bag that smelled real good and two cups of stuff.

We never got out of the car. The boy looked in and to be friendly, I waved to him. Maybe he was a boy like me. The boy looked at me and his eyes got big and his mouth stayed open as he looked in. I didn't know what to think.

We drove away and stopped way off in the corner away from other cars and he took the food out of the bag. He handed me something called fries and some kind of bread with meat and other good stuff on it and told me to eat. It tasted like nothing I ever had before. I had seen Pa and those college boys eat something like this. I was so hungry that I ate it all real quick. I dripped something he called ketchup on my bod. I hoped the man wouldn't be mad at me. I also drank the brown liquid that was good and cold and tasted real sweet. It was so good. I thanked the man for giving it all to me. He wiped up the spilled red stuff and even cleaned it off my dick. It only got harder.

We were off again and he told me we would go the a motel place and stay the night. I was glad. I hope they had someplace that I could pee and maybe shit.

We got to this motel place and he went in. When he came back, we drove around back and went to a room. This must be Destiny, I figured as I had been in a motel for the men who rented me to fuck me good. He said we would wait until no one was there. I didn't know why but I figured if he rented me, we would do as he said. He told me to get out of the car. I was glad it was a lot warmed here than at home. My bare feet didn't get to cold when I got out. I asked, "Sir, may I go over to the grass and pee?" He said no. I would do that in the motel. I was afraid a bit but did as he asked. I didn't want to piss all over. We went in to a room. It looked somewhat like rooms I had been to before. I figured I could maybe take one fucking before I pissed. The room was nice and there was a big bed. He flipped on the t.v which made me want to see> I didn't care what we saw. He surprised me and held me real tight and rubbed me all over. Naturally, I knew I should get on my knees and suck him off. Maybe he had to pee too. He asked me what I was doing, and I told him I would be happy to take him in my mouth for him to cum or piss. He smiled and said we would do that in a bit. I liked his nice warm and smooth hands on my naked body. I hoped he didn't get mad at me for my big dirty feet. I knew men liked me to be clean.

After a few minutes, he began to take off his clothes. I was anxious to see what kind of cock he had. I knew it would be in me soon. It was big and it got hard as he rubbed me all over. I wondered if he would have me sleep in the corner as he slept in the bed but he told me to get in the bed. He climbed in too and began kissing me all over. Damn my big cock got hard quick!

We laid in the bed and he touched me all over, examining my cock and balls. He looked at my hole. I was proud that I could take almost anything up my hole and wondered if he would be his cock or his fist. I was surprised when he said someone has really done some damage to my hole. I was afraid maybe he would like me now. He told me I was real pretty and he held me close. I hoped I didn't have bad breath for him. He didn't seem to mind though and continued to rub all over me.

I was shocked when he began to lick my body. I was supposed to do that for him and only once did a lady who rented me kiss me like that. Soon, his mouth was on my cock and balls. I was so hard then. I didn't know if I had to pee or make cum. He turned me over and began to lick my butt and before I knew it, his mouth was all over my big swelled up hole. Oh it felt so good. Nobody except my brother ever licked me there!

I wanted him to feel good too, so I began to lick his body. All, I could reach then was his arm pits so I just dove in and licked his sweat. He tasted good to. He laughed a little and told me I was a good whore. I was happy then.

Eventually, he did fuck me. It didn't hurt me none and he came in me. I was glad I could make him happy. I knew Pa would be happy. I even said that Pa would be glad if I made him happy. It was then when he said I wouldn't be going back to Pa anymore. He said he had bought me and I would be his forever.

I asked about going to Destiny. He said that he was my destiny and that destiny wasn't a place but it was my future. I looked at him puzzled and couldn't figure it out.

He explained that I would now live with him and he would teach me stuff. He also said I would be his lover and whore and keep his house clean. Yes, I would be naked most of the time. That was no big thing to me. He said he loved me and he would take care of me- feed me keep me in his house and maybe someday, I would be able to live on my own. I was afraid. Pa said I was stupid and that I was just like a pet. He told me that wasn't true. I just never got to be taught. He said we might evne go places. I had no idea where. All I knew was this place called Kentucky. He laughed and asked if I would like to go to Europe or Japan? I didn't know of these places. He said he liked to travel. For some travel, I would get to wear clothes. I didn't know why. He said once I learned some stuff, he was taking me to England and maybe Scotland. I hadn't heard of any of those places. I asked him if we drive there in his car. He laughed and said we would fly!!. I was afraid but it sounded like fun. I didn't get fun too much.

He held me tight and after he fucked me again, I got to go and use a toilet to piss in. He said at home, I might shit or piss outdoors, but I would be his boy. He would be my master and he would take real good care of me.

I was still afraid but felt real good sleeping next to him. I told him I was supposed to give myself to him for whatever he wanted to do with me. He told me that would happen and maybe he'd even let a close friend of his use me sometimes but there would be no more beatings.

I was so confused but happy I guess. No one had ever said any of this kind of thing to me before.

I had no idea what to say so all I did was lick his big balls and ask that he fill my mouth with his cum. He told me that would be an honor and to have at it. I must have licked and eaten him all night or at least until I got too tired and we both fell asleep. My head was so confused but I felt so good with him. I would miss my brothers and sisters and Ma and Pa but this man gave me a new feeling- a feeling of something I later learned was love.

Thanks for reading! If you think there should be more, let me know rob

Next: Chapter 3

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