Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on Mar 28, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't even know if any of its members are gay. This story is in no way meant to imply that any of its members are homosexual in real life. This story is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Ring or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author JRR Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 2

Justin woke up and looked around the room in wonder. He was lying on a bed that felt even more comfortable than his on thousand dollar one at home. What was even more interesting was the design of the bed. It was a rather ornate bed made out of what looked to be several tree trunks intricately carved with all sorts of fantastical animals and symbols.

Next to the bed sat one of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She had long flowing black hair and wore an elegant gown befitting a princess. Justin thought she no more than twenty-five by her looks, but as he looked into her blue eyes he saw someone who appeared to be much older than that.

Seeing he was awake made her smile softly down at him. "How do you feel?" She asked. Her voice was quiet and soft at the same time.

"I feel fine. Where am I? Who are you?" The woman smiled a little wider at his rush of questions. "It is good to see you well. As to who I am, my name is Arwen Evenstar. I am the daughter of Lord Elrond ruler of Rivendell, which is the place where you are."

Justin didn't know what any of that meant but he had a feeling this situation was not right. He was feeling as though something was off. You know the feeling you get when you forgot something but you don't know what it is. That what Justin was feeling.

Arwen stood up. "Would you like something to eat or drink."

Justin nodded his head dumbly. Arwen left the room quietly and went to inform her father of Justin's awakening. Justin sat in the room and went over what he knew in his head. 'I was beside my car when I felt something strange. I must have fainted because I don't remember anything. Now, I find myself in a weird bed with a woman who said her father was the lord here.'

Gandalf and Lord Elrond were conversing quietly when Arwen came into the room and announced of Justin's awakening. The wizard and the elf lord looked at each other and left the room. They navigated through the winding corridors with ease and reached the room Justin occupied in record time.

The entered the room and gazed at the young man sitting in the bed. Justin was sitting on the bed lost in a sea of his own thoughts. He snapped out of his daze when he noticed Gandalf and Elrond enter through the door.

Justin gazed at Elrond with disguised wonderment. The tall elf with his long braided hair looked like a being from another world. He gasped when he noticed Elrond's ears.

"Your ears are pointy," he blurted out before he could stop himself. Elrond and Gandalf gave him amused smiles. "That is because I am an Elf."

Justin raised an eyebrow. "Ummm... Elves don't exist. Really, why are your ears pointy?"

"I really am an Elf."

Justin sucked in a breath seeing the look of serious on Elrond's face. Justin started to panic slightly. "I don't know who you guys are or why you're wearing dresses. But you obviously you don't know who I am. I demand to know where I am and why I am here!"

Gandalf gave Justin a reassuring smile. "I assure you young one that you are indeed safe. You are in Middle Earth and you appeared to us when you dropped from the sky from a portal."

Justin snorted. "Listen Dumbledore, I don't know what a 'Middle Earth' is, but the planet we are on is called Earth. You might want to get a grip on it cause I think you and Santa's Elf are seriously losing it." Gandalf didn't appear phased in the least by Justin's comments. Partially because he didn't understand what some of the words he spoke meant and he understand that he was in a bit of disorientation.

Elrond stepped a bit closer to the bed. "We think you were brought here from another world to help us. You are the help we prayed Iluvatar for."

'What is this guying talking about? I can't be on another world. Okay the furniture and the bed is a bit strange and the guy with pointy ears is weird, but that doesn't mean anything,' Justin debated to himself. 'But the Dumbledore guy looks sincere and he doesn't look crazy besides having a beard that is seriously too long even by Harry Potter standards.'

He took a deep breath and decided to just go with it and see where it would lead him. Maybe he could find a way out of here if he gained their trust. He crossed his arms across his chest. "Okay. Prove it," he said simply.

Elrond went across the room and retrieved a hand mirror. He handed the mirror to Justin. "Look at your ears."

Justin took the mirror and turned his head to the side. He let out a shriek and franticly checked his other ear. He reached up with his hand and felt the tip of his ear as if were going to bite him. Justin placed the mirror in his lap and regarded the two men before him with new light. "Okay. Start talking."

Gandalf and Elrond took a seat beside the bed. Gandalf propped his staff up beside him. "I am Gandalf the Gray and I am a wizard." He gestured to Elrond. "This is Elrond. Ruler of Imladris or Rivendell as it is most called."

"And my name is Justin Timberlake," he introduced himself trying to be a little more polite. "You said earlier that I was brought here by someone."

"Yes by Iluvatar. He answered to our prayers and it was through his divine powers that you were brought here. But I sense you have come here from another world. Am I correct to guess in your world you were entirely human?" Justin nodded in answer.

Gandalf stroked his beard and looked to be deep in thought. "I scanned your aura earlier and I saw it changing right before my eyes. It changed from that of a normal human to a blend of Elfish and a wizard. A combination of all three races."

Justin swallowed deeply. "Why did I change?"

"That I do not know. I have a theory though. I think to win the battle that is before us, we needed someone who is powerful and could provide hope. So you became a mix of three of the mightiest races in Middle-Earth. Elf, Man, and Wizard. Never in all of Middle-Earth's history has there been someone who was a mix of three races."

Justin searched within himself and concluded that maybe Gandalf was right. He did feel different. He couldn't tell how different, but he felt strange as if he were in a body not his own. He looked into Gandalf's eyes. "What did the change do to me?"

"From what I can sense. You have the Elves the immortality, and their natural born abilities such as heightened abilities. I can also sense magic running through your veins. The magic of an Istari, a wizard. And I can sense your human side in the mix as well."

Justin covered his face with his hands and rubbed his face. All of this information was so hard to take in. He had just found out he basically wasn't even the same person he was born as. He was changed into something he couldn't begin to even comprehend. He put his hands down and sighed. "Why was I chosen. What made me so special?"

Elrond had been watching Justin carefully this whole time searching for any signs of threat or evilness. However the man before him was non-threatening in the least. Man in Middle-Earth would have become blind with power if they were given the same abilities Justin has been given. No, Justin was different. Instead of greed Elrond saw genuine hardship at being giving such a task. Maybe that is what made Justin special.

Lord Elrond spoke up. "Maybe there is something inside of you that is different from other people. Maybe it is the blood that runs through your veins. Maybe you were the only being could be capable of handling the change. I personally think it is because of what lies within your heart. I have just met you and I can quickly tell you have a very kind soul."

"What is this darkness that you can not beat on your own that this guy Iluvatar thinks I could help in?" asked Justin trying to put his own feelings aside for the sake of being strong.

"There is a council," Elrond began. "composed of all races of Middle-Earth. We were discussing the situation when you appeared from the sky. I suspended the Council until you were awake so you could attend."

Justin sat up straighter in the bed. "Is the meeting very important."

Gandalf and Elrond both nodded. "It is of the up most importance. I fear the time we have left is growing shorter," said Elrond.

Justin swung himself out of bed. "Call the Council. I'm ready."

Everyone left the room and left Justin to his own devices to get ready. A knock on the door got his attention.

"Come in," he called.

Arwen entered the room with a bundle of clothing in one hand and a bundle of clothing in the other. Justin smiled at the sight. 'This woman would do great in a circus. She has got serious balancing skills.'

She set the things down. Justin remembered that he hadn't introduced himself before. "Hi, I didn't introduce myself before. I am Justin Timberlake."

Arwen gave him that quiet smile. "It is good to see that you are well. I trust I can leave you alone to dress."

Justin smiled hearing the teasing in her tone. "Yes, I can dress by myself. I'm not that invalid."

Arwen fingered his jacket. "What is the material of this called. It is shiny yet not."


Arwen peered closer at the jacket. "How do you make it?"

Justin smiled lopsided, "You really don't want to know. Sometimes I wished I didn't even know."

Arwen let out a musical sounding laugh and exited the room.

Justin sat next to Elrond in the small clearing that the Council had gathered in. They sat in a semi circle with a small pedestal standing in the center. Justin was dressed in clothes similar to Elrond only in silver in white. His eyes scanned the room. 'Are there no ugly people in this world?' It seemed as if all the men were attractive. Except for the short dwarf creatures he noted. One man with shoulder length brown hair and a gruff exterior caught his eye. But there was one in particular that made Justin's heart speed up. With a brown cloak around himself set an Elf with long blond hair and the most perfect features Justin had ever seen on anyone.

Justin shook his head slightly. He didn't want to think about the elf right now. There were other things more important. Like the fate of this world.

"Ah! Here is Frodo and Gandalf." Elrond stood and welcomed the wizard and his small companion. He turned and addressed the rest of the Council. "Here, my friends, is the hobbit, Frodo son of Drogo. Few have ever come hither through greater peril or on an errand more urgent." Once they were seated Elrond got down to business. "Strangers from distant lands, friends of old. You have been summoned to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall. Each race is bound this fate, this one doom. Bring forth the Ring, Frodo." Justin watched nervously as the small man, who was the size of a third grader rose from his seat and placed a small golden ring on the pedestal. He had been told earlier that Frodo was a hobbit and his size and look meant nothing. Frodo may have looked like a boy, but in human standards he was in his forties.

Justin gasped as he looked at the ring. It was like someone had thrown a blanket of darkness over him. He may have been new to magic and elves. But there was thing he knew.

That ring was pure evil.

So what do you think. Do you like it? If you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word send them to Should I make the chapters longer???

Next: Chapter 3

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