Destiny of an Earth

By Silvenfox

Published on Jul 4, 2003


Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync. I don't know Justin Timberlake in real life. This will be a Justin Timberlake centered story. This story is in no way meant to imply that he is homosexual in real life. This story is simply the work of a fan and is pure fiction.

I don't own The Lord of the Ring or any other works of the series. The rights of the series goes solely to the series author JRR Tolkien.

Now that's out of the way. This story appeared in my head when I was trapped in the car with my relatives for a 24-hour road trip. I was really really bored! I shudder just thinking about that trip. Anyway, if your below legal age to read this where your from, then all I can tell you is stop and don't let your parents catch you. He he that's not much of a warning, but hey what else can I do.

Now if you have any comments, feedback or you just want to drop a word. Send them to

Chapter 14

Theoden let his voice be heard over the screams and shouts of panic. "All riders to the head of the column!"

The king of Rohan turned to his niece. "You must lead the people to Helm's Deep. And make haste."

"No I can fight!" Eowyn argued.

Theoden shook his head. "No! You must do this. For me." He turned to warriors. "Follow me!"

Eowyn looked at the departing warriors sadly. She turned to the villagers, knowing she had a job to do. "Make for the lower ground! Stick together!"

Justin sat behind Legolas on Elbereth. Boromir rode Arod with Gimli sitting behind him. Aragorn had his own his horse. Each man had their weapons drawn and ready for the warg riders and waves of approaching Orcs. Legolas shot down the first wave with his arrows. But he couldn't stop all of them. The soldiers and warg riders crashed into each other at full speed.

Justin's dagger and The Dawnbringer were in his hands slashing and slicing at whatever poor unfortunate monster that was in his path. The Dawnbringer figuratively sang as it sliced through the air. It sounded like a resounding low whistle. The blade sliced through the Orcs bodies like butter. The two Elves galloped across the battlefield cutting down a sizable chunk of the enemy's forces.

"Owwwww," Justin cried in pain. An Orc had hit him on the back of the head with the butt of its sword. He fell off Elbereth and landed on the ground rather painfully.

Rider-less wargs and Orcs surrounded him like he was their prey. Justin gripped his dagger and sword tighter in his hands. He narrowed his eyes and let his built in fighting instincts take over. He spun around catching the Orc behind him off guard. With a casual flick of his dagger he slit its neck. The remaining Orcs roared enraged and rushed him.

Justin kicked the one nearest him and sent him sailing backwards through the air. He ducked a punch and uppercutted the beast. Justin smiled satisfied hearing the sound of bones in its jaw breaking. He gripped his sword and spun it around in a sweeping arc. Heads fell as the sword decapitated all Orcs in range.

Legolas smiled in relief from across the battlefield. He knew Justin was a formidable warrior when he had to be. He almost felt his heart stop when Justin fell from the horse, but he knew that his love could take care of himself. He galloped over to Justin on the back of Elbereth. Justin smiled seeing Legolas approach he grabbed onto the galloping horse and slung himself up behind Legolas.

Justin kissed Legolas on his neck. "I missed you. What took you so long?"

Legolas just smiled and encouraged Elbereth to go faster. Justin spotted Boromir holding his own against a group of Orcs. Justin kissed Legolas on the cheek.

"I'll be back baby," he said, jumping off the moving horse.

Justin cut a path through the circle of Orcs. Boromir was in the middle fighting for his life. He smiled when he saw Justin. The hybrid nodded at him and the two went back to back making mincemeat of the monsters.

"You know Bo," called Jusitn, over the sound of roaring and yelling. "This reminds me of the scene from Star Wars."

Boromir kicked in an Orc in the chest sending him flying backwards. "What is this Star Wars? How can you have a war among the stars?"

Justin elbowed a spitting Orc in the face and sighed. "It's a long story Bo. All I can say now is that it starts in a galaxy far far away."

"I'll take your word for it," Boromir said, ducking a slash that could have taken his head.

They weren't making any progress. It seemed like the Orcs just kept coming. Justin suddenly had an idea. If he could use his powers maybe he could stun the Orcs so they could be easily killed. He searched his mind for a song. He grinned slightly as he came up with one that seemed to fit the situation.

Here we are, born to be kings, We're the princes of the universe Here we belong, Fighting to survive in a world with the darkest powers

The Orcs stopped moving and froze in their places. Their eyes looked glazed over. Boromir looked at Justin and the two went chopping away. Justin didn't stop singing. His voice carried over to any Orc who could hear him. Soon as they heard him they froze in their places. The soldiers were confused as to what was happening, but they didn't question it. They immediately started to kill the frozen Orcs.

And here we are, we're the princes of the universe Here we belong, fighting for survival We've come to be the rulers of your world I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings I have no rival, no man can be my equal Take me to the future of your world

The soldiers could feel strength in the song. They felt like they were suddenly recharged from the weariness of the battle. They started to fight with a renewed vigor.

Born to be kings, Princes of the universe Fighting and free, got your world in my hand I'm here for your love and I'll make my stand We were born to be princes of the universe

Once all the Orcs were dead, Justin stopped singing. Boromir was breathing hard beside him. He clapped Justin on the back. "Now that was a good song. What do you call it?"

Justin grinned slyly. "It's the theme from Highlander the TV series."

They ran over to where Legolas and Gimli stood. Justin was about to start talking when he noticed the looks on their faces. "What's the matter?" Boromir asked concerned, also noticing their looks.

Legolas looked around wildly. "We can't find Aragorn anywhere," he said worriedly.

Justin slipped his hand into Legolas's. "I'm sure he is fine Las."

"Let's look for him," said Gimli.

They nodded and the group split up. "Aragorn!" they called out repeatedly.

The sound of an Orc laughing was suddenly heard. They ran to the fallen monster knowing he has something to do with Aragorn's disappearance. They looked at it with contempt. Gimli held the sharp end of his axe to its throat. "Tell us what happened and I'll ease your passing!"

"Where is he? Speak up!" said Legolas, looking angrily at the Orc.

The Orc continued to laugh. "Ghehehe, he's ... grrhhh... dead. He took a little tumble off the cliff."

They gasped and looked at each other shocked. "You lie!" said Legolas. He was squeezing Justin's hand tightly as if he didn't want him to ever let go.

The Orc gave one last breath and died. Legolas bent down and picked something out of its hand. They all looked down sadly recognizing Lady Arwen's Evenstar in his hand. Legolas ran to the edge of the cliff, dragging Justin with him. They both looked down to see a long drop to a fast moving river below.

Gimli and Boromir came up to stand beside them. Justin didn't like Aragorn one bit, but he was Legolas's friend. Justin could see sadness in his blue eyes that he had never seen before.

Theoden's voice could be heard talking to one his men. "Get the wounded on horses. The wolves of Isengard will return. Leave the dead."

They turned to him each with different looks on their faces. Legolas was glaring at the king with perplexed anger. Theoden's face softened as he looked upon the sad looking group.

"Come," he said gently.

Theoden turned around and walked away. The Fellowship remained looking down the cliff in stunned disbelief.

The soldiers and the Fellowship trailed slowly behind the villagers. Helm's Deep came into sight. Justin was worried about Legolas. He had withdrawn into himself. He was taking the loss of Aragorn harder then any of them.

The people cheered happy at seeing the refuge. Justin looked up at the imposing structure. It reminded him of a dam in the same way it was built into the mountains. The king and fellowship wandered through the gates into the great stone refuge.

"Make way for Theoden! Make way for the King!" A guard announced to the people resting in the stone corridors.

Eowyn ran out to meet them. She looked at the remaining soldiers anxious. "So many have survived," she said delivered.

Boromir smiled at Justin. He knew that without the hybrid that many many more men would have died in the battle. He was turning tide of the battle that turned the odds in their favor. The soldiers dismounted moving past Eowyn, and into the refuge.

Only the fellowship and the king remained. Eowyn looked at them concerned, but she has already guessed what has happened. "Lord Aragorn, where is he?"

They bowed their heads in sadness. "He fell . . ." said Gimli.

She started to shake slightly. Teary eyed she looked up into King Theoden's eyes. He was unable to look his niece in the eye. Theoden looked down and walked away. The Fellowship left her seeking someplace to be by themselves. They go to the top wall that overlooks the surrounding land.

They sat around looking at nothing. Justin stood up and looked at everybody. "Come on guys. Don't be sad."

He was met with three incredulous looks. "You guys know that I'm not a big fan of Aragorn. Hell I admit I didn't even like him."

Gimli snorted. "What are you trying to say lad?"

Justin sighed. "I don't think Aragorn is dead -Don't look at me like that-. I don't believe he is dead. The man is practically McGuyver. He can McGuyver his way out of anything. Do you all think a little fall off a cliff could stop him? Aragorn is probably on his way here right now." Justin crossed his fingers behind his back hoping he was right.

The three men stood up their spirits a little brighter. Boromir smiled hugely. "Sirens right. Aragorn wouldn't let a little fall off a cliff get the best of him."

Legolas nodded. He smiled at Justin and kissed him deeply. They broke apart smiling at each other. "We shouldn't think Aragorn is gone till we see his body."

They looked down at the gates to see all the soldiers outside the refuge come inside the walls. The gate was bared and men took up post on the surround. They looked at each worried.

"Are we safe here?" asked Justin.

Legolas squeezed his hand. "Saruman's arm has grown long indeed. It is only a matter of time before his army is standing outside these walls."

Justin and Legolas stood on top of one of the lookouts watching the distance. "Las do you feel that?" Justin asked.

He wasn't talking about the weather. He was referring to the great darkness he could feel approaching. It was in the air suffocating his senses growing closer all the time. Legolas nodded. "I feel it Luv. Its Saruman's army," he said grimly.

Justin looked in the distance seeing a dot coming towards them. He squinted his eyes and suddenly his vision grew sharper and magnified far beyond human capabilities. He gasped slightly. It was Aragorn riding a horse. And he looked - well - not dead.

"Las look!" he yelled excited.

Legolas turned his head to where Justin was looking. A wide bright smile appeared on his face. "Luv, its Aragorn!"

They ran through the corridors telling everyone that Aragorn had returned. Boromir and Gimli joined them at the front gates waiting for the wayward Ranger to enter.

Gimli looked over everyone. "Where is he! Where is he! Get out of my way! I'm gonna kill him!" Aragorn entered the refuge and the people cheered. "You are the the luckiest, the canniest, and most reckless man I ever knew! Bless you, laddie!"

Aragorn smiled at them. "Where is the king?"

Justin rolled his eyes and muttered. "Typical."

Legolas stepped forward and placed his hand on Aragorn's shoulder. "Le ab-dollen."

Justin and Aragorn smiled the only ones understanding. The blond had told the Ranger he was late. Legolas looked Aragorn over.

"You look terrible."

Legolas took out Evenstar and handed it to Aragorn. The man looked at it with a look that Justin couldn't read. He accepted it with a thank you in Elvish. Aragorn walked off in search of the king. They followed behind him. The three men kept looking at Justin with weird looks.

"What?" he said finally.

"You were right," said Legolas simply.

"About?" Justin pressed.

Boromir smiled at him. "You were the one who gave us hope. You said that Aragorn was alive and he is."

Justin blew on his nails and rubbed them against his tunic. "I'm just like that witch on Charmed. She tells the future, kicks ass, while still looking good."

As usual he was met by blank stares. Justin closed his eyes and shook his head.

"And I just bring this on myself."

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Next: Chapter 15

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