
By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Mar 23, 2000


Destiny Hey yall!!!!

slowly but surely ppl are reading this story, and thank you to all who have said such kind things about it. May, thanks so much!!! People, go read " Changes." its such a great story!!! As for all the wonderful people who have encouraged me with my other stories, if you read this one as well, thanks so so much! More of Love Me and Forever in my heart soon!

Anyway, in an earlier chap i posted Joey's song, Forever in your heart as a song on No Strings Attached, but its not there so sorry for any confusion it may have caused.

Enjoy and remember i LOVE feedback!!! ~Elisheva LEgal: i dont anyone or who they chose to love!!!

Chapter 13

BJ woke the next morning with a smile on her face. She was eighteen today. She turned to kiss Justin but found that he was not there. The bathroom was open so she knew he wasn't showering. She frowned slightly.

" Maybe they're planning something like they did for Jas." BJ got out of bed and showered.

She had no plans so she stayed in the shower until she felt the water turn cold. She got out, dried her hair, got dressed, and packed up her things. She grabbed her key, her bags, and left the room. She got to the lobby and saw Brian and AJ sitting on a couch off to the side, Kevin and Lance talking in a corner, Howie, Chris and Tessa watching TV and Joey, JC and Justin sleeping on other couches.

Mandy and the Moffatt brothers sat on the steps and talked. Britney, Christina, and Jess sat on the floor and played cards. BJ felt so out of place. She put her bags down with the others and headed for the gift shop.

" I'll just buy my own present." She went to look at cards when her phone rang.

" Hello?"

" Beejy?"

" Yes?"

" Hey Beej!"

" Hey."

" Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy b-day dear Beejy, happy birthday to you!"

" You remembered."

" Of course we did, we're sorry we cant be there Beejy, Nick is flying back this afternoon, and well I'll try to get out to you guys soon, but I wanted to wish you a happy happy happy birthday. You're legal now, you know what that means."

" What?"

" You and Just can do it!" BJ busted out laughing.

" HEY! There will be no doing it."

" Oh shut up Nick, she's eighteen let her have some fun."

" Nick, I know you worry but I am eighteen, and I love Justin, and he loves me."

" Then why aren't you celebrating with him."

" I don't think anyone knows about my birthday. Aaron would but he went home to LA."

" He did? When?"

" Last night, he tripped on stage and broke his leg. So Mom took him home, only to remember that Les and Ang are out in Florida, so she's sending him here then joining dad in Europe."

" Oh. Bri and the guys know it's your birthday."

" I think they have bigger things on their minds than little ole me."

" No Beejy, I'm sure they love you."

" Oh I know they do, but it's fine. Really. I'll go to the movie tonight or something."

" The movies? No, if you're going to the movies and that's it then I am coming back."

" Jas! No, I'll be fine. I just feel a little out of place here with out you."

" I will ask my mom if I can go back to the tour for a little while."

" Please! Too many guys! Is Nick still on the line?"

" No, he left a bit ago. Why?"

" Girl talk."

" Sure babe, what's up?"

" Please come back."

" Why?"

" I got up this morning and Justin had left, no note or anything, even if he knows about my birthday

he isn't doing anything. Brian is like my other older brother and nothing! I'm eighteen! This is supposed to be a special day."

" Oh Beejy, I sorry hunny!"

" No, it's ok, but also, what's up with you and Jess?"

" Nothing, we broke up?"

" Why?"

" Because of Katie."

" I thought they broke up."

" Yeah well apparently they didn't."

" How is Nick doing?"

Jas turned to look at her friend. He sat in front of the TV eating cereal. He was watching an MTV special on NSYNC. Even as she watched his back, she could sense he was crying. She took the phone with her as she sat behind him, her back against the couch. He leaned back, turned into her chest, and cried.

" He's not dong to good. How is Lance?"

" Well, he got yelled at by everyone on tour, and he felt bad anyway."

" They said last night that this was okay."

" I know they said that over the phone, but the two have a lot to work through."

" I know, more than you think."

" What?"

" Nothing, it's not my info to give out. But just be there for Nicky k?"

" I'm his sister, I'll always be there for him."

" Good, I love you Beejy, have a great day. Say hi to everyone for me and Nick alright?"

" Sure. Give Nick a kiss for me?"

" Done!"

" Bye!"

" Bye bye bye."

" Cute!"

" Go!"

Jas hung up and wrapped her arms around Nick. She held him tight; he couldn't afford to be hurt anymore.

" Nick?"

" Yes?"

" Come on, the flight is soon, we gots to get packing."

" We?"

" Yes. Let me call mom and let her know I'll be going back to the tour, for a while, but first I need your help."

" With what?"

" I need Katie's number."

" What? Why?"

" For Jess."

" Okay, it's in my addy book."

Nick and Jas walked upstairs. While Nick packed, Jas called her mom. Diane realized that she had her daughter back, so she allowed her to go back to the tour for however long she wanted. Jas then took Katie's number and left the room. She sat down on her bed and dialed.

" Hello?"

" Hi, is this Katie Holmes?"

" Yes. Who is this?"

" My name is Jas and I'm a friend of Jessica's."

" Jessica who?"

" Jessica Simpson, your girlfriend."

" Oh! Hi, how do you know her?"

" I'm on tour with her."

" How is she?"

" She is good, but she misses you like crazy."

" I know I miss her too."

" Is there anyway, you would be able to come to the tour for a little bit?"

" Yeah, sure, I'm free until March."

" That's great! Where are you now? I called the cell, so I don't know where you are."

" Its ok, I'm in Orlando visiting family."

" Really? Can you meet us at the airport in three hours? I'll reserve a ticket for you."

" Sure, how will I know who you are?"

" Well, I'll be wearing, well I'll be with Nick Carter."

" Yeah, I think I'll be able to find you."

" Yeah, so I'll see you then."

" Bye, and thanks."

" For what?"

" Giving me Jess."

" You're welcome."

Jas hung up, finished packing, called the airport, reserved another seat, and went to check on Nick. She rounded the corner and saw Nick in bed sleeping. She carried his and her stuff down to the front hall and called them a cab. After an hour, Jas woke Nick up; they locked up the house, left some money for Les, and got into the cab. It was a long drive to the airport because of traffic. They ran in, checked the bags, and looked around for Katie. Jas was going to run to the bathroom when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and saw the beautiful Katie Holmes standing before her.

" Hey! Glad you could make it."

" Not as much as I am."

" Well we'll talk more on the plane, it boards now."

" Sure let's go. Hello Nick."

" Katie."

The three walked on to the plane and took their seats. Nick was near the window, Jas in the middle and Katie on the aisle. Nick went to sleep as soon as he sat down. He gave himself some Dramamine and slept. Jas turned to Katie to talk.

" I wanted to ask you, are you friends with my Jess?"

" You could say that."

" I could?"

" I kinda had a crush on her."

" Oh! That's cool, to tell you the truth, I was surprised when you said Jessie was missing me, we took a break a while ago, she was going on tour, and I was shooting and we needed a break. But I never stopped loving her."

" And she you."

" Thank you for saying that."

" It's the truth."

For the remainder of the flight, all three of them slept soundly, only waking when the tires hit the ground. As they walked out into the terminal of Vegas International Airport, they were hounded with fans. Nick, who was still half asleep tried to say hi, but fell into a chair and went back to sleep. Jas asked for some sort of security to come and help and just as a police officer showed up,

Nick's bodyguard, Rick came to the rescue. He didn't look happy to see his charge, but he dealt with the situation. As soon as we got into the limo, Nick spoke up.

" How did Rick get here?"

" I called him from the plane."

" Oh, thanks. He's gonna kick my ass for sure."

" Probably."

" Hey!"

" Hey yourself! It's your own selfish fault that you didn't tell a soul where you were until you were already there."

" I was worried about you."

" No, you were worried about yourself."

" What's that supposed to mean?"

" Nothing."

" No it's not nothing tell me! You blame me don't you? DON'T YOU?"

" Fuck off Nick! I told you a long time ago I forgave you. Why dig it all up again?"

" Because that was before you remembered."

" Yah, it was, now please shut up."

" Why are you being like this? We were fine last night."

" Yeah and that was last night!"

" Is this because of Katie here?"

" What is that supposed to mean?"

" It means, that you have come face to face with the girl that you will never be!"

Jas looked at, her face emotionless. She swiftly picked up her hand and slapped him, hard, across the face. His hand went to his face and cried out in pain.

" Shit Jas, that was hard."

" I thought I could trust you."

" You can."

" Fuck you!"

" Um, Jas, what is he talking?"

" I, it was nothing."

" Look I know you are mad at him, but please consider the fact that he is still doped up on Dramamine."

" I know, its not what he said, it's just that it was so true."

" What was?"

" You, I am meeting the girl that I will never be."

" And who is that?"

" Jess's girlfriend."

" Oh. You liked her that much huh?"

" Yeah."

" Well don't worry, love will find you."

" Thanks."

Jas looked away. Love had found her, twice; she just couldn't remember the face of her first lover. She watched the trees whiz by and soon they were at the hotel. She rushed out, followed by Katie and Nick. Rick handled the rest of their things. Nick took them to their floor and showed Katie to Jess's room. He walked to his room and left Jas standing in the hall, alone.

She walked back to thelobby, got a coffee and sat down on a near by couch. As she sat down, she fingered the material of her shirt. She felt so alone. She finished her coffee and walked to the gift shop. She walked around the shop, stopping only at the rows of magazines. She saw one that caught her eye. It was latest issue of Teen People. On the cover was a group shot of everyone involved in the Power 2000 Pop Tour. She picked it and opened it. The entire issue was somehow involved with the artists involved. She flipped to the NSYNC section and was surprised to see her picture. She read the caption: Lance Bass

poses for a picture with newfound sister, Jasmine Bass. Jas found this odd and disturbing that there was a picture, for everyone to see, in a magazine. She gave no permission to this and was disturbed that someone would do this. She flipped the page and there was an entire article about her. She saw

pictures of her, as a baby, a child, and even pictures from her teen years. She saw her sisters and brothers. She checked who had written the article.

Amy Miller, as told by the artists on the tour and the family of Jasmine. Jas almost dropped the article. This was not happening. She quickly bought it and ran to the lobby. She sat in a far off chair in a corner. She began to read about herself. She stopped when she got to the section entitled, The Clinic. She read it with tears in her eyes. They had quotes from her doctors and nurses. She suddenly felt completely violated. She was crying now. She then saw something that ceased her cries. She read a few lines aloud.

" JD, was a wonderful patient, she did as she was told and made friends fast. One of which, got out soon after Jas, and is now an actress. She went by the name of Dani, while she was in the clinic, but that was not her name. The two girls fell in love, and Dani gave Jas locket one day, to remember her by. I don't know if the two even remember each other. At least I don't know if Jas remembers Dani or her time here. I talked to

Carly last week, yes, the very same Carly Pope that you all know and love and she sends her love to Jas, where ever she may be."

Jas couldn't believe this. She shut the magazine and tired to stop herself from falling apart. Her first love was Carly Pope? She couldn't believe it. She fingered the locket that hung around her neck. She took it off and looked at the pictures inside. On one side was a picture of Jas from long ago and the other was a girls, with long wavy hair and a big smile on the other. This was Carly? Jas shook her head. Her life just got very confusing.

Katie knocked on Jess's door and waited as someone came to open it. When the door opened Katie's back was turned.

" Yes?"

" Hey baby." Katie turned back around and came face to face with Jess, Jess was so shocked she dropped the glass in her hand.

" Holy Shit! Katie!!!!"

Jess flew into her arms and knocked Katie off her feet they both ended up on the floor, laughing.

" Whoa! Jess calm, we have time."

" We do?"

" Yup, I'm gonna be here for a while."

" Really? For how long, wait how did you get here?"

" Yes, Until the end of February, a friend of yours called."

" Who?"

" Jasmine."

" Jas?" Jess's voice weakened at the sound of Jas's name.

" Yes, she called me, and I was in Orlando, she said that you missed me and asked to come to the tour to see you."

" Did she say anything else?"

" Yes, she said she had a crush on you, but that you missed and loved me."

" She did?"

" Yes, now can we get off the floor, I'd like to unpack and rest up a bit."

" Yeah, sure come on in."

Jess closed the door after she and Katie were inside the room Jas has given Jess her girlfriend back, knowing full well what she had done to Jas. Jess smiled at Jas's actions. She would have to thank her later.

Nick walked into his room, with the key that Rick had given him. He sat down and saw that Lance had unpacked for him. He sat on the bed and turned on the TV. He was wrestles. He needed to see Lance, to explain himself. However, his lover as nowhere in sight. He laid down on their bed and closed his eyes slightly. Suddenly he heard the door crack open, and his eyes open quickly. He watched as Lance slowly walked into the room and straight to the bathroom. Nick got up and off the bed and knocked on the bathroom door.

" What?!?"

" Lance? It's me, Nick."

" Nicky?" Lance emerged from the bathroom, his eyes red and puffy.

" Lance, have you been crying?"

" Me? No of course not."

" Don't lie to me."

" Yes, I was crying."

" Why?"

" I don't know."

" Yes you do."

" I missed you that's all."

" I was only gone for a day." Nick giggled a bit.

" I know."

" You wanna come out of there and give me hug?"

" Uh, yeah, sure."

Lance sounded very unsure of what he was doing. He didn't want to hurt Nick again, so he just touched his face with his palm and backed away.

" What was that?"

" I don't want to hurt you."

" I want to hug you not kill you, come on."

This time Lance walked into Nick's open arms and wept as his face touched Nick's chest. Nick just held him tight, rubbed his back, and ran his fingers through Lance's delicate spikes. Lance tightened his grasp on Nick, as if he was afraid to let go.

" Lance? What's wrong baby?"

" I love you."

" I know that."

" I am so sorry. About what I said, about happened to you."

" No, it's okay. Shush, baby, I'm okay now. As long as I have you we'll be okay."

" I love you forever."

" I will always love you too."

The two men stood with their arms around each other trying to hold on to that moment. Little did they know of the chaos, which would soon be upon them.

Carly stood in her studio and looked down at her copy of Teen People. She could believe all of this information. Nor could she believe this amazing invasion of privacy. She wanted to find JD more than anything, but she didn't think it would have gone this far. She had a feeling that her life was about to change, and not necessarily for the better. She put the magazine down and called her manager. She told them that she was going on an emergency vacation. She then bought a ticket to

Las Vegas. She had to see a girl that she had been dreaming about for the last seven years. She quickly packed a small bag and rushed out the door. Carly knew that her presence in Jas's life might cause some sort of controversy, but she had to go. If she only knew what she was getting herself into.

Brit and Chris heard the noise coming from the next room and were curious of what was going on. they unlocked their adjoining door and looked into Jess's room, there on the bed lay Jess and Katie. Brit turned to Chris with a smile on her face.

" How did she get here?" Brit whispered.

" I have no idea." Chris whispered back.

The two girl watched their two friends hold each other in their sleep. They retreated to their own bed, laid down, and held each other as they fell back asleep.

Not everybody's lives were as peaceful as theirs. Inside Brian and AJ's small room, Denise was yelling up a storm. Brian sat in a chair off to the side, he didn't know what to do. AJ and Denise stood in front of him.

" It's me or Brian."

" What? You can't make me choose between my mother and my fiancée. It's not fair."

" Alexander James McLean! I did not raise you to disrespect me like this!."

" I'm dissing you? Please! You are taking me away from the man that I love. Don't fucking tell me that I'm disrespecting you!"

" Don't talk to your mother that way!"

Denise raised her hand and swiftly slapped her son across the face. Brian leaped out of his chair just in time to catch AJ from stumbling backwards and falling. Brian cradled the shocked AJ in his arms. He looked up at Denise and his anger could not be contained.

" GET OUT!!!!!!"

" Excuse me?"

" Get the fuck out of our room, and if you ever lay another hand on him I'll report you! Now get out of our room and our lives!"

" You kick me out now and I'm gone forever, you hear that AJ, he's deciding things for you now." AJ looked up at his mother then back at Brian. He looked back to his mother and told her to leave.

" You can't be serious." Denise reached down and tried to loosen Brian's hold on her son, her nails sunk in deep into Brian's flesh.

" Fuck that hurt!"

" You can leave now, I mean it. NOW!!!. And if you even touch me or my fiancée ever again, you'll regret it."

" Fine, have it your way, good-bye."

As soon as Denise slammed the door, AJ collapsed into Brian's embrace. He couldn't make the tears fall but they did within his soul. Brian looked down at his lover as AJ curled up against him. Brian picked him up and carried him to their bed. He covered him and climbed onto the bed with him. He caressed his cheeks as AJ slowly fell asleep. Brian wished he could take away AJ's pain, but short of leaving him, he couldn't find a way of getting Denise back. Brian told himself that everything would be okay, but if he had to leave AJ to get Denise to take her son back, then he would have to do that. AJ and Denise were super close, he couldn't be the reason they would never speak again. He kissed AJ's forehead before climbing into bed with AJ and drifting off to sleep as well.

Kevin lay on his back on the floor of his and Howie's room. As he stretched his limbs he thought about the past few weeks. No, he thought about the last seven years. He was singing, he was happy. He was in love, he was happy. Nevertheless, Kevin knew that he could be happier. He wanted to be forever committed to Howie. That would be a big step for him, and he didn't know how to approach it. He just stayed on the floor, completely still. He so lost in thought that he didn't notice that Howie had emerged from the shower and stood over him. Howie looked at his lover as he was so immersed in his thoughts. Howie wondered what had Kevin so deep in thought. He wrung out his hair onto Kevin's bare chest. Kevin's eyes shot open in annoyance. As he saw his lover standing over him his grimaced look turned to a smile.

" Hey babe."

" Hey yourself. What are doing laying on the floor?"

" Just stretching."

" Oh. Wanna join me for a mid afternoon nap?"

" Sure."

Kevin smiled at Howie. Usually the guys were try to nap the afternoon before a show, but then they just got into the habit of sleeping whenever they could. The tours wore them down so much that whenever they had any down time, they slept, or just relaxed in their rooms. The two men laid down on top of the blankets, Howie's head upon Kevin's chest and fell asleep.

JC was already sleeping by the time Joey finished showering. Joey stepped out of the bathroom and let him towel drop from his waist. He put on a pair of boxers, sweats, sat down on the edge of the bed, and turned on the TV. He really didn't want to watch anything; all he wanted to do was watch JC as he slept. He moved a chair so that he could sit and face JC. Joey softly caressed his lover's cheek and smiled. He sat back and just relaxed. He was happy. JC made him happy. Nevertheless, he kept thinking that maybe the world should know too.

True, the men of NYSNC were not as out as the Backstreet Boys were. Justin and Chris were straight, and the two of them were bisexual. Only Lance was out openly. NSYNC still was held high in the books of girls. He worried about what would happen if two more members came out. Yes, the Backstreet Boys did not lose popularity nor did they lose fans, but Joey was not sure that the world was ready for two gay boy bands. At least Joey wasn't. Joey knew that he should rest before the show but he didn't feel tired. He just sat back and watched JC as he slept. This was good. Life was good, as it was why was there a need for change?

BJ sat on her bed as Mandy slept on hers. The day was almost over and no one had mentioned anything to her. Justin had not even spoken to her since the plane, and even then it was only, ` Do you want the window?" BJ felt energized to go out and do something, but everyone was sleeping. She quietly slipped out of her room and walked down the hall. As she passed Justin's room she stopped, touched the door as if to knock then continued down the way.

She stopped in the gift shop and again began to shop for her own birthday gifts. She bought a copy of Teen People, a Coke, paid, and headed out to the lobby. On her way she walked passed a girl who reminded her of Jas, she shook off the feeling and sat down near the entrance of the hotel. As she looked at the cover closely she felt chills go up spine. She didn't know where they came from. She looked up, saw a woman rush into the hotel, and run to the front desk. BJ thought nothing of this and went back to her reading. She only got to the table of contents when this woman walked up to her.

" Excuse me?"

" Yes?"

BJ looked up and saw a tall woman, around 20 years of age, with long wavy dark hair, she wore sunglasses.

" I was looking for the members of the Power 2000 Pop Tour. Can you point me in that direction?"

" You're joking right?"

" No, I need to talk to someone on that tour, it's an emergency."

" I bet it is."

" Please, oh good you're reading the magazine."

" Yes, I am why should that concern you?"

" Look I don't have time to play games. Could you please give this to JD Bass?"

" What?"

" Please!" With that, the woman ran off towards the stairs.

BJ sat with this small box in her hands wondering what just happened. She got up and walked to front desk.

" Excuse me, do you know who that woman was?"

" We are not at liberty to say."

" Look she gave me this box, I would like to know who she is."

" She is here with the tour that is all I know.'

" But I'm on that tour, and I don't know her."

" This is not our problem."

BJ stomped off towards her room. She got in, put the box on her bed, sat down, and began to read the article about Jas. She got to the end and suddenly understood the box that sat next to her. She didn't even know where Jas was but she knew that this magazine was gonna change their lives, and not necessarily for the better.

She opened the box and there lay a simple silver cross with aninscription on the back. " I prayed that I would find you, this brought you back to me" The writing was so small BJ had to strain her eyes, but she knew full well who this was from. Now how did she get it to Jas? She put the cross back in the box and heard a knock. She opened the door and got a surprise.

" Happy Birthday Beejy!"

" Jas! What are you doing here?"

" I came for your birthday, among other things. So, where's the party? Can I come in, wanna go walking, let's go."

" Whoa, wait slow down."

" Cant, if I slow down, I'll cry again, and I'm not gonna, no sir!"

" Cry? Why?"

" Did you read the latest Teen People?"

" Yes, oh."

" Look, I don't want to deal with it now, I just wanna get the tears out of my system."

" I'm sorry. I think I may have contributed to it a little."

" It's ok."

" Well while you're here, I have something for you, wait here." BJ returned a few seconds later with the box.

" What is this?"

" A gift, not from me, but maybe you will understand once you see it."

Jas opened the box and gasped. There lay the cross. She picked it up and read the inscription. She began to cry again. She remembered this cross so well, well not this exact one, but the one it represented. She thought back to the only Christmas she spent in the clinic (not the day she got there.)

She and Dani were drawing angels on sheets of paper and hanging them around the rec. room. The girls were paired off and they were to make their partner what they wanted for the holiday. Jas wanted a simple silver cross to hang between her breasts. She wanted something to show that she still believed in God, even after the hell she had been through. When she told this to Dani, Dani cut out a cross from paper, colored it with a pencil and wrote on the back," One day I will give you a real one." Jas hung that paper one above her bed and it hung there the entire time that Jas was in the clinic. She was sent to her new family a few months later, but by then the paper was falling apart.

She never got her cross. As Jas stood and looked down on her present, she smiled. Dani had finally given Jas her Christmas gift, the real one.

" BJ? Can you put this on me?"

" Sure." BJ clasped it together around Jas's neck.

" It's beautiful Jas."

" It is isn't it?"

" Yes, she gave it to me."

" Who?"

" Who ever it is that gave it to you."

" Dani. I mean Carly?""

" I guess."

" Wait, she's here?"

" Yes, but front desk stupid people wont tell me anything about her."

" Why?"

" They said that they are not at liberty to say, they act as if she is a star or something."

" She is!"

" What?"

" Did you not read the article?"

" I skimmed it."

" Does the name Carly Pope ring a bell?"

" Isn't she that chick from Popular?'

" Yes."

" She's the girl from the clinic?"

" Yes."

" Oh wow!"

" Yeah."

" Are you okay?"

" About this? Yeah. About the article? No, I am very not okay about."

" Oh. What are you going to do?"

" Short of killing everyone, there is not much I can do huh?"

" I guess not."

" I just can't believe my own family did this to me."

" I am so sorry."

" I know. Look, I have nothing to do, are you busy now?"

" Nope."

" You wanna go for a walk?"

" Yes. Lets go."

The two girls walked down the streets of Las Vegas in silence. There was nothing to say.

BJ was happy for the first time that day; she had her best friend back. Jas was happy, sort of. She had Dani back, sort of. Slowly she was getting back pieces of her past that she never thought she'd get.

BJ sat on her bed. She had received a note to wait in her room until further notice. So she sat and waited. At about 7:30pm there was a knock at her door. BJ got up and opened the door. Her mouth dropped open at what she saw. Justin stood in the doorway wearing a tuxedo and pulling a food cart.

" Jus, what is this?"

" This is you and me partying in honor of you turning eighteen."

" Have you been planning this?"

" Yes."

" I love you."

" I love you too. May I come in?"

" Of course! Sorry, come in!"

BJ walked back into the room; Justin followed with the cart. He outstretched his arms and revealed a single long stem, red rose. BJ took it, and was careful to avoid the thorns. She sat on the edge of her bed and watched Justin set up dinner. She looked down at what she was wearing, a tank top, and pair of sweats. She stood quickly and went to her suitcase.

" Is anything wrong?" Justin asked concerned.

" No, I'm just way underdressed."

" You look beautiful to me."

" Thank you. But I would feel better in at least a nice shirt."

" Be my guest then."

BJ knew that this was THE night. She had gone to Victoria's Secret a few weeks earlier and picked out a nice silky PJ outfit. It was black silk. A loose tank top and boy shorts. She combed her hair, brushed her teeth, and put on some flavored lip-gloss. She opened the door and peered out to the room. The whole room was covered in rose petals. Scented candles were in each corner. She stepped into the room and just took in every sight, smell, sound, and she could even taste the food already, although she had not placed it on her tongue.

" Wow."

" Hey. This is wonderful."

" You're wonderful."

" Thank you for this."

" Anything for my baby. Happy eighteenth birthday."

Justin pulled out a chair for BJ and they sat and ate. For dessert was ice cream. They ate slowly and in silence, there was no need for words. They knew what was happening. When they finished Justin led BJ to the bed and laid her down. He slipped off her top and slowly kissed across her shoulders. Her fingers played with the buttons on his shirts. He helped her out by pulling his shirt over his head, revealing his well-toned chest. She became giddy at just the sight of his bare chest. Her hands roamed his chest as he kissed her mouth. Their tongues licked each other in a fierce battle. Justin quickly stripped down to his boxers and slipped BJ's shorts off her hips. They lay on the bed, still, just looking at each other.

" Are you sure you want this?"

" Make love to me Justy."

That was all the encouragement Justin needed. He slipped out of his boxers and slipped BJ's panties off her body. He pressed his body up against her. He entered her slowly but stopped when he saw BJ's tears. He slipped out of her and waited for her to stop crying.

" It's gonna hurt isn't it?"

" Yes. But we can go slowly if you want."

" Okay."

BJ put a hand down to her inner thighs. She felt a warm substance. When she brought her hand, back up she saw traces of blood.

" This is normal baby. Don't worry." BJ nodded, wiped her hand on a near by napkin and looked back at Justin.

" I want this. I want you."

" I don't want to hurt you."

" You could never hurt me. Just go very slowly."

Justin repositioned himself on top of BJ and slowly slipped in. He went in easier this time due to his putting lube on the condom. BJ gasped when he was fully inside her. The initial pain subsided and BJ was filled with an incredible amount of feelings and emotions she had never felt before. Her nails pressed into Justin's back. When Justin felt confident that she was ready for him to go faster, he did. BJ responded with moans of intense enjoyment. As they lay there in the dark BJ began to cry.

" Baby? What is it?"

" Tears of joy."

" I promise to always love you."

" And I you."

Justin began to sing to BJ, to ease her crying and to add to the moment.

" When the visions around you

Bring tears to your eyes

When all that surrounds you

Are secrets and lies

I'll be your strength

I'll be your hope

Keeping your faith when it's gone

The one you should call

Was standing here all along

And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right where you belong

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

I've loved you forever

In life times before

And I promise you never

Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word

I give you my heart (give you my heart)

This is a battle we've won

And with this vow

Forever has now begun

And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right where you belong

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

Just close your eyes

Each loving day

And know this feeling won't go away

'Til the day my life is through

This I promise you

This I promise you

Over and over I fall When I hear you call Without you in my life, baby I just wouldn't be living at all

And I will take you in my arms And hold you right where you belong 'Til the day my life is through This I promise you This I promise you

And I will take you in my arms And hold you right where you belong 'Til the day my life is through This I promise you

Just close your eyes Each loving day And know this feeling won't go away Every word I say is true This I promise you

Every word I say is true This I promise you Ooh, I promise you."

(" Promises." Written by Richard Marx, sung by NSYNC on their album, No Strings Attached.")

Justin sw that BJ had closed her eyes and had fallen asleep. He kissed her gently on the forehead, and covered them with the blankets. In the dark, he whispered that he loved her.

"And I will take you in my arms And hold you right where you belong 'Til the day my life is through This I promise you This I promise you." ~~~~~~~ Like? Dislike? Tell me please! Thanks! Shameless plug for NSYNC: if you dont already have No Strings Attached, GO BUY IT you wont regret it, and if you do, I am sorry, it is one of the best albums i have ever heard, from any artist/group, Anyway, for now byebyebye ~Elisheva

Next: Chapter 10

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