
By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Feb 14, 2000



Disclaimer: I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor do I know about their sexual orientations. This is purely a work of fiction, its just stuff that came to my imagination.

If homosexual themes and acts offend you, male or female then don't read! If you are younger than 18 and shouldnt be reading this, don't! All songs written by me unless otherwise noted. Please don't steal any of my songs or poems. If you want to use them for anything just ask and I'll probably be nice enough and let you.

Thanks and enjoy. ~ Elisheva Feedback? you know the drill---->

Chapter 2 March 1992

"Jamie? Where are you? Jamie? This isn't funny, you know that I hate being in the dark. Jamie please." JD yelled into the darkness.

"Desty? What's wrong? Come on, wake up you were having a nightmare."


"I'm here, it's ok now." Lance slipped into bed with his sister and waited for her to stop crying.



"Promise me."

"Promise me you won't hurt me, that you'll always be my big brother."


JD was only eleven but she knew when she was not wanted. And her parents did not want her. Yes, she was big, bigger than most pre-teens, but she deserved to be loved as well. Her brother was her only friend. He was the one who taught her the lessons in life. Yes he was only 13 but he was mature for his age. He taught her about love, trust, and all the important things about making friends. They laughed together, and he was always there for her when she got scared. JD had so few friends that Lance sometimes ditched his own friends to be with her. She knew that he was taking time out of

his life to be with her, but she didn't want to let him go, and have his own life, because then she would

not have one. September 1992

"Desty? Come on, we're gonna be late for school. They are gonna be here in a few minutes."

"I'm coming." JD said as she waddled down the stairs.

"Jamie? I can take care of myself, you can go places with out having worry about me you


"I, I, I know, but I like hanging with you."

"Ya, ok, but this is your last year before high school, I want you to have fun."

"I will, and so will you."

"Ok, well I'm going to BJ's after school, wanna come with me? She has an older brother, he's in

seventh grade, wanna come?"

"Uh, sure. Let's go."

After school, Lance waited at his locker for his sister. After 20 minutes of waiting, he remembered that she was going to a friends house. He ran outside and saw her trying to get into a

car with a little girl. A boy, with blond hair, the girl's brother, was laughing at her. Lance ran as fast

as he could to reach her.

"STOP! Stop laughing at her!"

The blond was taken back by the other blond boy yelling at him.

"Desty? You need help?"

"No, that's alright. See I'm in. Are you coming? BJ, Nick, this is my brother Lance." Lance was shaken a bit, she called him Lance, and she never did that.

"Uh, hi, pleased to meet you."

Lance got into the van and just stared at his sister as she talked with BJ. His sister held not all of his attention. The boy also intrigued him. Nick. He was cute. Lance knew that he was different from the other boys. Lance was gay. Nick caught him staring and smiled. Lance smiled back then looked down. When they reached the Carter home the girls ran to BJ's room and the boys ran to Nick's to play video games.

The next few months seemed to fly by. For once in his life, he didn't have JD right behind him; he learned about the world alone. And it was a little scary. As much as he taught JD, she taught

him as well. She taught him how to be strong. How to ignore others when they laughed at you. She taught him how to smile when he didn't want to. Now he had to learn alone. JD had BJ, and even though her friend was two years younger it was as of they has spent their entire life together. Lance on the other hand spent everyday looking to catch a glance of Nick in the halls. They got together once

a week to hang out, and play video games. But Nick was getting busier and busier; he was going to be a singing group called the Backstreet Boys. Lance was happy for him, but he missed spending time with him. Lance never gave a thought to the fact that Nick might be gay, he just liked having a friend his own sex and age. December 1992

The Basses were invited to spend Christmas with the Carter's. It made Diane Bass happy to know that her children were happy. As soon as they arrived the kids were off and running. And this gave Diane a chance to talk to Jane.

"Does she seem happy?"

"JD? When she is here, yes, but I see her at school, when I volunteer and she is not a

happy little girl."

"I'm thinking of sending her away."


"Yes, to a home, a clinic for depressed kids. Besides from BJ, Lance is her only friend, and

I don't want her to bring him down. He's got potential; he wants to sing one day. I can't risk

his future being a happy one."

"I don't know how to respond to that. I have many children, and I love all of them equally,

and if one was in trouble, I would help them before shutting them out completely."

"That's not it, Jim and I love her, its just we don't know what to do. After the home, we

have agreed to let go of our rights as parents and she will be adopted by a family that can give her the love she needs."

"It's up to you and your family, but talk to Lance about it, I can't imagine he'll be happy with this decision."

"At this stage of the game I don't care, he'll get over it."

Jane nodded her head and went to set the table. She prayed to g-d that he would keep JD safe and out of harms way.

Nick and Lance were in a heated game or Mario Brothers when JD walked in and asked if they wanted to play.

"Sorry, we're busy, we don't play with fatties." Nick and Lance both laughed their asses off. JD on the other hand was close to tears.


"Don't call me Jamie, the name's Lance."

JD looked at her brother, her protector. He hurt her. He promised that he wouldn't and he did. JD ran to her mother crying. When Diane saw this she called her husband to bring her bags and

call the agency, she was leaving after dinner.

"James Lance Bass! Get down here!" Lance came running with Nick close behind.

"Say good-bye to your sister."


"Because she's leaving."

"Why, when will she be back?"

"Never. After tonight she will no longer be your sister." JD was listening to her mother and cried as her brother turned his back on her.

"Mom, are you serious?"

"Yes, the papers are signed, she's going to a clinic for people like her then will be adopted, though I don't know what kind of family would want her."

"Oh. Well, bye JD, it was nice knowing you."

With that Jim Bass walked in and grabbed JD by the arm and led her outside. He drove her to the agency, which was about 40 miles out. He dropped her off and then drove off. He went back to the Carter's and spend Christmas with the people he loved. After dinner, BJ and Jane went to her room to talk.

"Mom, do you hate me like JD's mommy hates her?"

"Oh, No! Sweetie, I would never do that to you."

"Will I ever talk to her again."

"I don't know, but I'll see what I can do."

Lance stood outside BJ's room, tears falling down his face. He betrayed her. He lost his sister all for a kiss. Nick told him that he would kiss him if he would tell his sister she was fat. He did and Nick kissed him. It felt so good at the time that he didn't care about what would happen next, but

he never thought that his sister would leave. It was obvious now that Diane Bass was going to send

her away, and her crying was just the thing to push her over the edge. Tears that he caused. He

vowed never to kiss Nick again unless JD was home.

"Lance? I'm sorry, I am so sorry." Nick might have been a mere child but he knew what he

did was wrong. He sat down on his bed and started to cry. Lance thought of the vow that he made moments earlier. He then looked at Nick, his Nick, and he tool it back, and he had to kiss him. Lance sat down on the bed, held the smaller boy in his arms, and rocked him gently.



"I love you."

"I love you too."

Lance put his lips to Nick and slid his tongue in. Their hands were all over the place. They both knew that they were years off sex, but all they wanted were kisses. The two boys were so engrossed in each other that they did not notice the tiny figure of a girl standing outside Nick's room. She cried at the image. Not because her brother was gay, but because her brother had something to do with why her best friend was gone. February 1993

JD had been in the clinic for about a month, and already she was changed. She was happy all the time. She was also losing weight and making friends. She didn't even think about her past. All that mattered was her future.

Lance had said goodbye to Nick. He had gone to New York to start his singing career. All

Lance could do now was wait and see if he called. He spend a lot of time over at the Carter's anyway. Jane was able to find out about JD and she told Lance as much as she could as often. He started to write letters. Long ones, telling her how sorry he was, and how much he loved her. He gave them to

Jane, who said she would try to get them to her. But after time, he realized that he had lost not only

his sister but also his boyfriend.

Meanwhile in New York, Nick was having the time of his life. His band mates and new friends

were great and so much fun. He was missing something though, Lance. Every time he gathered the strength to call his him, something got in the way. Whether it be rehearsal, dance practice or his new best friend Brian. He never got a chance to call Lance and soon he found himself forgetting about his

love. June 1998

"Jasmine? You have to see this; the Backstreet Boys and NSYNC are performing! Quick!" Jasmine's younger sister April yelled from her room.

"I'm coming." She got out of bed and hurried down to April's room and sure enough, there were her

two favorite bands on stage at some charity event singing together. Jasmine squealed along with her

sister. As she watched the boys, she felt as though she knew them. But she couldn't. How could she, Jasmine Destiny Bass, know people that famous.

"I'm gonna meet them one day."

"Sure you are Jas, and who you gonna marry?"

"Funny, really, at the concert tonight, I'll come face to face with them, I can't wait!"

"Me too."

The Bass sisters got all dressed up and ready to go when April had an idea.

"Jas, we have backstage tickets don't we?"

"Ya, so?"

"Let's sneak into a dressing room."

"No way April Donna Bass, are we gonna do that, come on lets go."

They drove to the venue singing BSB songs as loud as they could. As soon as they got to their seats, front row center, they started to scream along with the others. There she was, Jasmine

Bass, 17 years old, screaming like a 10-year-old. Her sister was 15 and was just was excited.

As the boys were announced, Jas almost fainted from the sight of them. As she looked to each one of them, she got more and more excited. During As Long As You Love Me, the boys reached down into the crowd and held onto a girl's hand. Nick grabbed Jas's and she almost fainted. When she

looked into his eyes, she pulled her hand back. He looked at Jas with confusion, grabbed April's hand,

but continued to stare and her while he sang. Jas felt an icy chill run up her spine. She knew his eyes.

By the way he looked at her, she knew he knew hers as well. But how did Jasmine know the Nick Carter?

When the show was over, they went backstage so April could try to get an autograph. As she waited on line, Jas wandered off a bit. She kept an eye on April as she backed away from the crowd. As much as Jas wanted to meet and greet with AJ, the crowd was a little overbearing. She

turned to go back to April when a girl ran into her.

"I am so sorry!"

"No, I am, I shouldn't even be here."

"No, it's ok, you're here for the meet and greet?"

"Ya, well at least my sister is."

"Your sister?"

"Ya, don't get me wrong I'd love to meet the boys, but they were getting a little aggressive.

And I felt so old. I think that they were all 14 and lower."

"And how old are you?"


"Oh. By the way, I'm BJ Carter." Jasmine looked at her, and raised an eyebrow. She knew that name.

"Yes, I'm Nick's sister." She smiled at Jas.

Jasmine was so taken back by this girl, she didn't know what to do. She turned and ran out the door.

"Wait, what's your name?" BJ called after her.

Jas stopped and turned, she was out of breath but really scared by the feelings flowing through her body.

"Jasmine Bass." She yelled down the corridor before running back to her sister.

"Where did you go?" April asked.

"No where, so did you meet and greet?"

"Yup, Nick is soooooo hot! And AJ is not bad either."

"Uh huh, that's good, can we go now?"

"Are you ok?"

"Ya, I'm just tired that's all."

"Ok, I'm done, let's go."

They walked to car and drove home in silence. April was in dreamland from meeting them and Jas was confused by the events that happened that night. As soon as she got home she took a long shower and crawled into bed. But her dreams were not happy ones; they weren't even dreams they were memories. Memories of a life she no longer had a part in, but also memories of a life she didn't know. She dreamt of a telephone call she had with a boy. She was in a hospital and she was yelling to the telephone.

"I hate you Jamie, I don't want you in my life anymore!"

Jas woke up drenched in sweat. She wondered who Jamie was. She walked into Scott's (her older brother) room and crawled into bed with him. She often did this when she had nightmares.

She began having nightmares the day she moved in with the Basses. But they were nurturing, caring, and loving. This was what she always wanted. As she drifted off to sleep next her brother, a name escaped her lips.

"Jamie. Promise me you won't leave…"

Scott turned in his sleep and awoke to the sight of his younger sister curled up next him. He heard her

say ` Please don't leave.' He frowned. He was 20, and he knew that this wasn't right. Jas was old enough now to get over her regular nightmares. This had to be something else. He almost didn't want

to think that maybe she was remembering her past. When Jasmine had come to his family years earlier, she had no recollection of her past family. She didn't even remember being in the clinic. The hospital said that sometimes people repress bad times. But to repress 12 years? They took her in no questions asked. But they did find out about her past, and this helped to understand her distance when

she first came to them. And when the nightmares began, they were the family that she should have had. But now, Scott was scared for his little sister. If she was remembering, their lives would change, and not necessarily for the better.

Lance tossed in his sleep. He was dreaming of Nick. As Nick grew, Lance grew with him. He had posters of the now 18 year old. He was a star, singing like he always wanted. But by this time,

Lance was also making his way to stardom. He was in a band called NSYNC and their album was racing up the charts. His band mates were his best friends, but sometimes he thought of Nick, and their love. He often wondered if Nick thought of him. If he only knew.

Nick was sitting in his hotel room. The show had been crazy. But he couldn't stop thinking about that girl. Her eyes were like ice but they were on fire. If he wasn't gay he could have fallen for her. But he was, and he wasn't the only as he found out over the years. All of his band mates were either gay or bi. He began to fall asleep when he heard someone knocking on his door.

"Nick? It's me, BJ, I need to talk to you." He opened the door and she walked in.

"Nick, I saw someone tonight."


"Well I can't be certain, but her eyes, I knew her eyes."

"Were they icy, but fiery at the same time?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"I saw her too, it's been bothering me. I feel like I know that girl, but how could I?"

"Because Nick, Because that girl was Jasmine Bass."


"Jasmine Bass, that's what her name is."

"I don't know any Jasmines, and the Bass I know is Lance." His voice drifted at the mention of Lance.

He missed him like crazy. He was this big star now. With fans of his own. But he still held a place for


"Exactly. Lance Bass, and this Jasmine girl, well we knew her as JD Bass."

"Holy Shit!"

"That's what I was thinking, but she is a new person."

"I need to think Beej."

"Ya, I know, me too, `night Nicky."


Nick sat on his bed and thought about the girl with eyes. This was not the same girl. It couldn't be the same girl that he knew years ago. That girl was in some hospital in some foreign country. This girl was haunting him though. But more so were thoughts of his first kiss. He fell asleep dreaming of Lance. December 1999

"Come on Jas, write to him, I know you wanna. Ever since Nick became your favorite you've always wanted to write to him, so do it."

"Ape, shut up!"

"Fine then if you won't then I will."

"And say what?"

"That you wanna go to prom with him."

"You wouldn't!"

"I would."

"Ok, ok, I'll do it." Jas sat down at the computer and began to write to her favorite boy. She hit the send button and got up.

"See, I did it, now go!"

"Bye sis, see ya at dinner."


"Ya, Scott's bringing Emily over, you know the meet the parents kinda thing."

"But mom and dad know Em, she's practically family she's here so much."

"Ya but they don't know her as the fiancée. I can't believe Scott's gonna get married, g-d he still lives at home, well I'm off, do you need anything from the mall?"

"Um, the new BSB and Nsync posters would be nice."

"Sure thing, see ya!"

Jas sat back down and turned on MTV, she watched as the Backstreet Boys danced around the screen. She thought to herself, ` Hey Nick, read my letter and make my dreams come true, please.' She got up and got dressed, there was lots to do to get read for tonight.

Nick sat in his room as his guests sat downstairs. He so desperately wanted to forget about JD Bass. But he couldn't. But this letter was from a different girl. It wasn't the same one that he had known years earlier. He laid down and cried. He cried for the little girl he hurt years ago and he cried

because even after so much time, seeing Lance set his heart on fire and it was obvious to Nick that Lance had moved on, and had moved on years earlier.

Lance walked around outside. He watched as BJ talked with Justin. He watched as Chris and

Howie made small talk, as AJ and JC teamed up against Joey and Brian for a game of trivial pursuit, and he watched, as Kevin was content swimming in the pool. He watched as BJ unleashed a new set of tears. Justin held her tight as she shook from fear and sadness. She looked up and caught Lance's stare. She smiled at him. He smiled back and then his tears began to fall. Not only for his sister but also for Nick, who was upstairs, refusing to come down. Even after all this time seeing Nick set Lance's heart on fire, but it was obvious that Nick had moved on, and had moved on from him a long time ago. BJ smiled at him and pointed upwards and over, towards Nick's room. Lance smiled at her and went inside. He walked up the stairs that led to Nick's room. He knocked on the door. Hearing Nick's cries he rushed into the room.


"I never meant to hurt her, I never meant to."

"I know."

"I love you, I always have, nothing has changed, I am so sorry I hurt you so much by ignoring you."

"No, Nicky, don't be like this, we drifted apart, we went our separate ways. Wait did you

say you loved me?"

Nick turned and faced Lance. His face was red and puffy from crying. Just as Lance's had been only moments earlier. Nick nodded his head then went back to the pillow.

"Wait, Nick, don't cry. I, I, I love you too. Always have always will." Lance sat down next

to Nick and ran fingers across Nick's hand. Nick grabbed his hand and squeezed it. They looked at each other for a minute before grabbing each other and hugging. Lance licked Nick's ear lobe and traced Nick's jaw with his tongue. When he found Nick's mouth he stopped. He wanted to make sure Nick wanted this, him. He looked at Nick and he knew the answer, he slipped his tongue in and it was like they were reliving their first kiss. Nick's hands went behind Lance's head and pulled

him close. His tongue went deeper and deeper as it explored Lances warm and inviting mouth. When

they parted their breathing was ragged. They looked at each other with such love, love that should never have had been ignored, but it was and now they had to make up for lost time.

Feedback anyone? Thanks!

Next: Chapter 3: Destiny 3 4

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