
By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Feb 14, 2000



I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor do I know about their sexual orientations. This is purely a work of fiction, its just stuff that came to my imagination.

If homosexual themes and acts offend you, male or female then don't read! If you are younger than 18 and shouldnt be reading this, don't! Contact me at Thanks!


Disclaimer: I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor do I know about their sexual orientations. This is purely a work of fiction, its just stuff that came to my imagination. If homosexual themes and acts offend you, male or female then don't read! If you are younger than 18 and shouldnt be reading this, don't!

All songs written by me unless otherwise noted. Please don't steal any of my songs or poems. If you want to use them for anything just ask and I'll probably be nice enough and let you.

Thanks and enjoy. ~ Elisheva

Feedback, comments, questions, mail--I love getting mail!---->

Destiny A Fan Fiction by Elisheva

Main Characters:

Lance Bass and Nick Carter

They met when they were only children. They fell in love and then they had to leave each other. Will love find them again, or will they be torn apart?

Jasmine Bass

She grew up as Lance's sister, but she was taken away from her family and put in a hospital. Years later, she meets Lance again. Will their relationship ever go back to the way it was? After one disastrous relationship, will Jas ever find her true love?

Brian Littrell and AJ McLean

AJ fell for Brian the moment he met him back in 1993. As the years progressed, so did their

relationship. They found trouble along the way. Will they ever be able to look past the bad and see the good?

Howie Dorough and Kevin Richardson

As with AJ and Brian, the moment they met they fell for each other. Their relationship hit many bumps. They were able to overcome them but will they have enough strength to overcome the problems their future holds.

Joey Fatone and JC Chasez

Their relationship had its ups and down in the beginning. They would fight, break up, and then fight again. They believed that their love was strong enough, so they decided to try again and again. How many times can they try before they both give up?

Justin Timberlake and BJ Carter

They waited to share their love with one another. They loved each other so much. When tragedy strikes will their love be enough?

Chris Kirkpatrick and Tessa Green

Two wild and crazy people fall in love, and plan to marry. However, Tessa has many secrets that could tear the two apart, forever.

Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera

The two Pop Queens are anything but enemies. They are lovers. As they try to mind their own business, they are swept up in a chaotic tour that leaves them worrying on where their love is going.

Jessica Simpson and Katie Holmes

Jessica came to the tour worrying about whether or not she would have to face her ex-boyfriend Nick Lachey. She found herself attracted to Jas. Will her feelings for Jas come between her relationship with Katie? Will Katie's good heart, and willingness to help a friend help in tearing apart their love as well?

Nick Lachey and Justin Jeffre (LA and JJ)

Nick used Jessica as a cover up girlfriend so he could be with JJ. Now 98* is touring with Jessica. Is their animosity? What happens when fellow band members risk the band's future, and LA and JJ's future with foolish games?

Jeff Timmons and Drew Lachey

Drew wants Kevin, Jeff wanted JC or Joey, but now he has eyes for someone else. Together they are capable or messing up everyone's lives, but separated they go crazy. Can they be together but not ruin lives? If they are together, can they work productively?

Mandy Moore and Scott Moffatt

She wanted a perfect romance, he wanted someone to confide in, and in each other, they found both. Of all the couples on tour, their love was the most simple and perfect. Or is it?

Carly Pope

On television, she plays a girl who tries to be the best that she can, but in real life, Carly doesn't know what the right thing is anymore. The girl she loved long ago is miles away; does she have the strength to go after her?

The cast of Popular ( Carly" Car" Pope, Leslie " Lessy" Bibb, Bryce " Bry" Johnson, Leslie Grossman, Tamara Mellow, Sarah Rue, Ron Lester, Christopher " CG" Gorham, Anel Lopez Gorham, and Tammy Lynn Michaels.)

They all love Carly and want her to be happy, but will her happiness come at the expense of the entire groups?

Dave, Bob, and Clint Moffatt

Brothers to Scott. Will each of them get their day to shine, or will they always live in Scott's shadow?

Aaron, Leslie ( Les ), and Angel ( Angie ) Carter

Nick and BJ's younger siblings. When their parents leave on business Les and Angie are sent to live in Florida with Diane and Jim Bass. They go on with their lives, but when tragedy strikes, and their parents are no where to be found, will Les have to grow up fast? And will Angie get lost in the shuffle? After a serious injury, Aaron is forced to leave the tour and join his sisters in Florida. Will Aaron ever make it back to the tour?

April, Scott, Anne, and Byron Bass

Jas's family from New York For the past six years, Ape and Scott have been the only sibling Jas has ever known. But when she finds her real family, will she forget the people who took her in and loved her when she needed loving the most?

Stacy Lofton

Lance and Jas's sister Stacy was the only one to try to keep in contact with Jas when she was sent away, but she too lost touch. Years later they are reconnected. Will Stacy be able to help Jas readjust to life in Florida or will her encouragement only send Jas for a loop.

Denise McLean

AJ's mother. She highly disapproves of her son's choices to spend his life with Brian, but will she make a terrible mistake if she doesn't accept them?

Diane and Jim Bass

Jas's Biological parents, second parents to the younger Carter kids When Jas was a child they sent her away and relived themselves of their responsibility as her parents. Years later, they have the chance to make up the wrong and take her back. Will Jas be able to forgive and forget? And will Diane be able to be the mother that she was supposed to?

Jane and Bob Carter:

Parents of Nick, BJ, Aaron, Leslie, and Angie. When tragedy strikes the Carter family, Jane and Bob are not in a place where people can contact them. Will they be able to help their children in time?


Chapter One

"Nick? Come and play with me, please?" Aaron Carter pleaded with his brother.

"Wait a sec bro I just wanna read a few more letters."

"Are they letters from the site?"

"Ya, some of them are really cool!"

"Ya mine are cool too! I even had a few older girls ask to marry me, but I think they were using me to get to you."

"Haha, you'll find your destiny one day."

"Was Mandy yours?"

"Mandah? I loved her, you know that, but no I don't think that she was the one, but this conversation does not leave this room little bro. Got it?" Nick was thinking about someone else, that person was his


"Yeah, I know. Now will you come play?"

"Ya sure, lets go!"

` Dear Nick, Wow, I can't believe I'm actually writing to you. I know that the chance of you responding is none to none, but still I wanted to write. It's kinda thrilling writing to a celebrity! Ya well I'm sure you get letters like this all the time, so I wont make you sit through a tediously long I LOVE YOU NICK WILL YOU MARRY ME kinda thing. Don't ya get a kick out of ones like that? I mean ya I'm a fan don't get me wrong, but as much as u guys are my favs I do like other bands. Even the enemy NSYNC, Haha. I even get a kick out of fans that are way way way to obsessed. Anyway, why am I writing this,

hmmm, good question? Well actually its kinda a funny story, my sister April told me to ask you to

prom, since its no surprise that I don't have a date. She asked me who I would take if I could, of course I said you, thinking ya, she's gonna find me some dumb ass blond to be my Nick for the night, no offence! So she's like write him and ask, you have time, maybe he'll read it and wanna go. Ya well,

Nick Carter, do you wanna go to the prom with me? Ok don't laugh, this is serious, I always told myself when I was younger no matter how much the other kids teased me for being the fat kid that I

would grow up to be beautiful. That I would go to prom with the most handsome man in the world,

of course that was when Joey McIntyre was my world, but now I am beautiful, at least I think so, but I

don't have that handsome prom date. Ok now that I sound like a pathetic fool, don't think that I am, I just think that most ppl come off as a little bit of a dork in these fan letter things, you should read the

one I wrote to JTT a few years ago! Anyway, if you happen to come across mine in the future I hope

you are smiling and have fun in life! I know I am! In fact, I get to go shopping with my younger sister now, oy, the pains, and pleasures of siblings! Bye! Sincerely yours, JD Bass

"You've got mail!"

Nick got up from his game of Mario Kart to go check his mail. He looked down at the new mail and picked one to read. He started to read the letter and when he came to the end, he was surprisingly speechless.

"Nick, you ok?"

"Ya this letter, it was something wonderful." He hoped that his words would distract his actual reaction to the letter.

"Something wonderful? Where do you live? Pleasantville?"

"Aw shut up BJ."

"Yeah well the guys are here, so put down the sappy love letter and go out to them."

"I'm going."

Nick went off to say hi to his friends and his band mates. That day Nick was having a get

together for him and some of his friends. His friends being the guys of NSYNC. Yes the two bands get along, despite what others have said.

"Hey fellas!"


"Nick, can I use your computer for a sec, I have a few emails that I have to send."

"Ya no prob, it's in the next room, just tell BJ to get off!"

"Thanks man."

Lance walked into the playroom, sat down at computer, and moved the mouse taking away the screen saver and revealing the saved email from JD Bass.

"What the-?"

"What's wrong Scoop?"

"Uh, nothing, really, it's just that Nick just got a fan letter from one JD Bass."

"JD? Wow! Haven't heard from her in a while, how is she?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen her since mom shipped her off to boarding school seven years ago, it looks like Nick knows more about my sister than I do. Oh Justy, I miss her, we used to be super close, and now, now, it's not even an occasional letter. I don't even know what she looks like anymore."

"Well, I'm sure you could track her down, but I know its hard man."

" She doesn't even know who I am anymore."

"What do you mean? She doesn't know who Nsync is?"

"Ya, she does, she's even a fan, but I don't think she knows that the Lance Bass hanging on her walls is me, she knew me as Jamie."


"Yeah, when she was ten she wanted to give me her own special nickname, and since my name is James, she called me Jamie, and I do look different."

"You don't think that she's a big enough fan that she knows a bit about each member?"

"I don't anymore."

"Smile PooFu, please, we'll find her, I promise!"

"Thanks Curly."

"I'm gonna go out back, you coming?"

"I still have those emails to send."

"Well I'll be seeing you then."


Lance looked at the screen finding what he was looking for he copied down the email address and started to write to his sister. Justin walked outside; he was so distracted that ran smack into BJ Carter.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Beej."

"It's ok, are you alright?"

"Just have something on my mind."

"Well if you even wanna talk, you know where to fine me."

She walked off in the direction of her sisters and Justin to his friends. He looked back at her

again and smiled to himself.

"So Nick, tell us about this letter that's got you so non-talkative, well wait, don't, we like you

like this, it's a nice change for you."

"Shut up Bri!" Nick said as he threw a roll at his best friend.

"Hey guys what's going on?" Justin said as he approached the table.

"We're trying to get Nicky over here to tell us about some fan letter that has him so, so, so like he is right now."

Nick was being unusually quiet. Only slightly laughing as Brian made a fool of himself. His mind was definitely somewhere else.

"Fan letter?"

"Ya, I think little Nicky has a little crush!"

Nick looked at Brian and gave him an irritated look, got up and walked towards his sisters.

"I think you pissed him off B-Rok!"

"I know, I'm gonna talk to him, we'll be back."

Justin watched as his friend walked away with his head down. ` What does he know?' Justin

wondered to himself.

BJ looked towards Justin and smiled to herself.

"What ya smiling at Beej?"

"Oh! Uh, nothing, nothing."

"Sure, whatever, I maybe be only 13, but I'm no fool. You like Justin don't you?"

"What? Me? No, I don't."

"Sure, sure, you keep telling yourself that, but I doubt that you'll ever believe it." BJ turned back to talk to Leslie when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"BJ, we have to talk."

"Um, ok."

She followed Nick inside and they sat down on the couch.

"What's up?"

"What do you know about JD Bass?"

"JD? Wow I haven't seen her in years, why do you ask?"

"Don't ask questions just answer mine."

"No need to be a bitch. Let's see she left town about seven years ago, when she was 11. Her mom sent her to some sort-of home for something. I never understood why she left, she was a cool girl, of course, I was nine, and everyone was cool. But why she left? I heard it was because her mom didn't know what to do with her anymore, she was just too big."

"Too big?"

"Ya, she was obese, but the sweetest girl, and there is this home/clinic that they sent her to in Arizona I think, to lose some weight, and she's been there ever since. Why all the questions?"

"The name just came to mind that's all, thanks Beej."

"Sure bro, can I go now?"

"Ya, have fun!"

Nick go up and paced the room, why did getting a letter from this girl bother him so much?" Lance finished the letter when he heard BJ and Nick's conversation. He started to cry. He remembered the fun JD, the JD that used to play with him, and the one that he could tease about being annoying.

He never noticed that his sister never had friends, he was her only friend, and they did everything

together. But he had let her down. Lance hit send and hoped that this letter would bring his Destiny back to him.

"Why?" Lance yelled through his tears. " Why did I have to let her down, why did she have to leave?"

Nick watched as his friend fell to the floor in tears. He wondered what got him so worked up. He went to check on him when he heard Aaron call for him. He walked out to his brother and tried to shake the image of his friend crying.

Joey, Chris, Kevin, and Howie were in an intense game of scrabble, yes scrabble, it was something to do. Brian, JC, and Justin were playing ball. Nick and Aaron were walking out to the court to join them. Leslie, Angel, and BJ were getting the food ready and AJ was on the telephone.

Lance wiped his face, splashed some cold water on it, and went to join the others outside. He got outside and BJ ran up to him and pulled him back into the house.

"Whoa, Beej, what's up?"

"You know what's up, and you really need to learn how to cover up your face after you've been crying."

"You can tell?"

"Yes, but that's not what I wanna talk about, and you know that. You wanna tell me why JD is sending my brother fan mail?"

"I don't know, the last time I talked to her was seven years ago."

"Seven years? Where have you been?"

"I've been here and writing, she on the other hand seems to have gone into hiding."

"Well not really since she's now emailing Nick. He's gonna totally freak when he finds out who she

really is."

"I know."

"Do you?"

"Yes! I know what he did to her, I did it too."

"You what?"

"You heard me, I betrayed my sister in a little innocent fun."

"How could you?"

"I don't know Beej, I was 13, I was being a boy."

"You were being an ass!"

"That too."

"Lance, what happened after, that made her go away?"

"She didn't leave by choice, mom just didn't know what to do anymore, she was getting more and more depressed as the days wore on, so she sent her away. That's what my mother told me. I was the only one to keep in touch, but she never answered my letters. She did once call me. But she only called to ask me to stop writing. But I didn't, how could I just stop caring for her? The letters continued. But about five years ago they started to return to me. We don't know what happened to her, it was like she disappeared. But now she reappears and I feel like my guardian angel is watching over me and is giving me another chance to do right by JD, I have to make it up to her, I have to!" BJ sat there and listened to him speak, she was in tears as he finished.

"I'll help, if I can I'll help you find her."

"Thanks. That means a lot."

The two of them went to the bathroom so cover up their tear stained faces so that the others would not ask questions, that was the last thing they needed.

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Next: Chapter 2

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