
By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Feb 28, 2000


Disclaimer: i dont know them, or who they chose to love. if you should be reading this, dont, but if u should please do! about songs and such see first chapter feedback to me, Elisheva, at

Chapter 8

Nick wandered around the bus for a few hours, waiting for Jas to get up. After three hours of mindless walking he walked back to bunk and sat down on Jas's bunk. He put his hand to her head. She was warm, but not sick.

" Jas? Are you up?" Nick got no answer and got up to go to watch TV.

" Nick?"

" Jas! You're up! How do you feel?"

" Hmmm, tired, confused and hot."

" Yeah, we'll you've been sweating for about 5 hours, are you ok now?"

" Yeah, I mean everything that has happened has just hit me like a ton of bricks, but I guess I'm fine." Jas looked at Nick; he seemed to be distant.

" Nick, you alright?"

" Jas, you much have repressed all your memories right?"

" Yes, I guess I did, why?"

" But then they started to come back in your dreams right?"

" Yes, Nick what's going on?"

" I had this weird dream while I was knocked out,"

" What?"

" BJ hit me, nothing to worry about, but this dream, it spewed out info that I either repressed or my mind is fucking with me."

" Beejy hit you?"

" Yeah, I went off on her for kissing Justin."

" Oh. Well I don't know how to help you. I don't remember how I repressed them, I just did. If what you're remember keeps coming back at you, then maybe it was real, but if not, than it was your subconscious fucking with you."

" Thanks Jas. Do you remember everything?"

" Yes, Nick. You guys don't have to go around trying not to upset me, I know who I am. You guys don't have to worry about me anymore. I have to deal with it alone."

" No, not alone. You have Lance, and BJ, the guys and me."

" You?"

" Yes, G-d I fucked up so much when I was younger. I want to be there for you now."

" Thank you. About Lance, does he know about what I said to our mother?"

" He knows you talked, and yelled but I don't know if he knows the extent of the conversation, and that you remember exactly who you are."

" Oh, Nick, I'm scared. I love Scott and April but I know that deep down I love Lance and Stacy."

" Wait how do you know about Stacy?"

" She's my older sister is she not?"

" Yes, but she was never around much when you were younger."

" I know, she was with her dad for the most part, but I know she exists. She used to send me letters when I was the hospital. She was the only part of my past that I didn't forget, but I didn't surface her because I didn't know what else would surface if she became a real person to me and not just letters."

" Wow, hmmm, I don't know. I do know that you should call your mom and dad, in New York, and tell them you are ok. And then get dressed so we can have some fun tonight."

" What kind of fun can you have on a tour bus?"

" Have faith. Besides, we're almost there and when we get there we will be joined by a hell of a lot of people."

" Oh. Who, and why are you on this bus?"

" After the call you went into shock and AJ thought it would be best if we all were together. As for who will be joining us in Pits? 98*, Jessica Simpson, Britney Spears, Mandy Moore, my brother, Aaron is coming along with my mom, Christina Aguilera and The Moffats."

" Damn, how you all gonna play at one concert?"

" Were not. BSB, Nsync and 98* are headlining, so we perform every show. The Moffats, Jessica, and Britney perform one night, and Christina, Mandy, and Aaron the next. They trade off every other night. Confusing, but there are so many peopling that they all can't headline, and for the most part they were happy with the position that they have. 98*, are headlining, but they don't have as many songs as we do, so they are a little pissed off."

" Oh, wow, so many people, you're gonna introduce us right?"

" Intro you to who?"

" Umm, well, Jessica."

" You like her?"

" Yeah, she's amazing…."

" Sure thing darling." Nick got up to go and leave Jas to get ready.

" Nick, thank you." Nick bent down and kissed Jas's cheek.

" Anytime."

" Bri?"

" Yeah?"

" Can we talk?"

" Yah sure, let me just beat Nick's ass, and there we go."

" You know it doesn't count when he's not in the room don't you?"

" Ah, well the look on his face when he gets back with be worth it."

" Come on, this is serious."

" Alex, what's wrong?"

" I want to tell everybody."

" Ok, we'll tell them tonight in Pits."

" No, I mean everyone. Our parents, the rest of the tour, the world."

" Oh, are you sure? I mean us being gay is one thing, but marriage is not yet legal, and well."

" What Brian, what?"

" I don't know how well people will take it."

" Come on! They will take it fine, if they can take us being gay they can take us wanting to commit our love to each other forever."

" I'm all for it Alex, but the fans."

" Fuck the fans! I want to shout to the world that I am marrying the most wonderful man in the world. Do you want to the same?"

" G-d Alex, you know I do."

" Than what's to think about?"

" I don't know."

" Well you think about it then tell me, I'm going to take a shower."

" Alex, wait."

" What?"

" I love you."

" I love you too Bri Bear." AJ kissed Brian's lips gently before going to the bathroom. Brian sat and wondered why this was bothering him so much.

JC sat in his bunk writing a song. All of his writings lately had to do with love, love lost, and Joey. His whole life had to do with Joey. He had messed up with him. Now, that they were developing a friendship before they had sex, it was better. They never had that before. Hopefully their relationship would work its self out with out anymore distractions.

Joey sat in his bunk. He listened to the scratch of JC's pen on his notebook. He wanted so much to be there next him. But he knew that it was best that they take their time this time. He didn't want to lose JC ever again. So he decided to wait, until they both were ready.

JC sat in his bunk and listened to Joey's deep breathing. He want to hear his voice. JC got out his cell and dialed Joey's. He needed to hear his voice.

Joey heard his cell ring. He didn't really want to answer it so he looked at the number that was calling. A big smile crossed his face as he read JC's number from the screen. He quickly answered.

" Josh?"

" Hey Joey, I don't really have anything to say, I just wanted to hear your voice."

" I miss you too Josh."

Joey sighed into the phone. This was hard for him. He knew that they needed to have their space but it was killing him not to go over to JC's bunk and hug him. Suddenly Joey heard JC start to cry.

" JC, baby, what's wrong?"

" I love you so much. I don't know what I'll do if we don't work this out."

" Oh Josh." Joey knew what he was about to do was risky but he had to be with JC. He hopped off his bed holding his phone as listened to JC cry as he approached his bunk.

" I wish I could be there holding you."

" I wish that too Joe."

Joey opened JC's curtain and pulled the crying man into his arms. JC wrapped himself in Joey's embrace. The two men stood there and hugged each other tightly. It was as if, if they let go they would be letting of each other forever. JC looked up at Joey.

" Don't ever leave me, please don't ever stop loving me."

" Never. I love you JC, this time apart has been killing me. I am so sorry I hurt you. I don't want anyone else. I just want you. I love you so much."

JC put his head back onto Joey's chest and hugged him tight. Joey crawled into the bunk with JC and just held him as JC fell asleep. Soon after JC, Joey fell asleep too.

(Nick Lachey will be called LA, and Justin Jeffre will be called JJ)

The guys arrived in Pittsburgh and went straight to the hotel to meet up with all the others. They only sat around for half an hour. The first to arrive was 98*. LA and JJ walked in hand in hand, said hi and sat down. Next came Jeff and Drew. They waved and sat. Next came Britney and Christina. Everyone was shocked when they walked in holding hands and Brit's head on Christina's shoulder.

" Hey guys."

" Uh, hey Brit, Chris, what's up?" Justin eyed the two girls.

" Hey Curly, what's wrong?"

" Wrong? Nothing is wrong, just, uh, nothing." Justin looked at the two girls with curiousity in his eyes.

" Yes, we're together."

" Oh, that's fine with me."

" Justin, you're acting weird again."

" Sorry Beej." BJ kissed Justin lightly on the cheek.

" Hey, I'm BJ Carter."

" As in Nick's sister?"

" Unfortunately."

" Hey!"

" Sorry Nick."

Brit and Christina sat down and waited for the rest of the tour to come in. Just as they sat down Aaron Carter bounced into he room and ran into Nick's arms.

" Air, hey bro I've missed you!"

" I've missed you too."

" Hey! What about me?"

" I've missed you too Beej."

" Hey mom."

" Hello, Nick, BJ." Jane sat down next to her sons and looked around the room. Her eyes fell upon a pair of ivy green eyes that seemed familiar.

" Hello, I don't think we've met. I'm Jane Carter."

" I know. I'm Jas."

" Hello."

" Mom, this is Jasmine Bass, or as you used to know her, JD."

" Shit! Excuse me, JD? How are you?"

" I'm fine."

Jane nodded in her direction and watched the door along with the others. Mandy Moore and The Moffats bounced into the room.

" Hey everyone."

" Hey Mandy!" Everyone replied

" Hey Scott, Clint, Dave and Bob!"

Last but not least, Jessica Simpson sauntered into the room.

" Sorry I'm late."

Jessica sat timidly at the end of the table. She kept looking at LA with a sad face. At some

point during the meeting Jas saw a tear fall down her face and watched as Jessica ran from the room.

" What's up with her?" Nick asked. Everybody shrugged.

" I'll go check on her." Jas announced. They all nodded and went back to the meeting. Jas ran to the ladies room.

" Jessica?"

" Yeah?"

" Hey, I'm Jas, I'm sorta on tour with all of y'all for the moment. If you need a friend I'm here for you." Jessica emerged from a stall and smiled at Jas.

" Thanks. I just get sad when I look at LA and JJ together. He told me he loved me. Then I found out it was a lie, to cover up his and JJ's relationship. I can't even look at him with out getting sad."

" You could always get mad instead of getting sad."

" Huh?'

" Instead of crying, get angry. Ignore him, be mean, he deserves a little bitchiness after what he

pulled on you."

Jess smiled at Jas and went to wipe her eyes. Her hands were still shaking so Jas wet a towel and put it Jess's face. Jess put her hand up to grab the towel and their hands met. They both could feel the warmth path through their bodies. The two girls smiled at each other.

" We better get back, They are probably worrying where we are."

" Maybe."

" Well I know ten men who will freak if I don't come back, and I bet they want to find out what up with you too."

" Can I ask you something?"

" Sure."

" How did you come to be on tour with them."

" Oh. I'm Lance's sister."

" Seriously? Wow. Cool."

Jas walked to the door and held it open for Jessica. For the first time in a long time, her heart was happy. They walked back into the room and sat back down.

" A little PMSy Jesse?" LA laughed at her.

" Oh fuck off Nick! You know I'm sick of your shit!" Jess looked to Jas and smiled.

" Damn!" Justin said to himself.

" My shit?!? Excuse me, miss high and mighty I don't have to listen to anyone I'm on tour with."

" Jesus Christ, can you give me a break? You fuck me, tell me you love me then tell me it was all a fucking cover up because you're really fucking JJ up the ass. Then you don't have the decency to tell me your self, you send your two satanic messengers, Drew and Jeff to tell me instead. And to add to that, after you break my heart, you constantly have to throw it in my face. I hate you Nick Lachey, and I hope you rot in hell. And another thing, don't you ever call me Jesse again!"

Jess sat down in her chair and face Jas. She fell into Jas's arms and hugged her.

" Thank you."

" Anytime."

LA looked from Jess to JJ to the rest of the room. He bowed his head and mumbled something.

" I'm sorry." Jess looked up and looked at LA.

" I want to forgive you, but I can't, not yet, maybe not ever, but definitely not yet." LA nodded and rested his head on JJ's shoulder.

Drew and Jeff looked on as the others watched LA and Jessica fight. Drew watched Howie and Kevin steal a few kisses and Jeff watched JC and Joey smile at each other from across the table. The two were not happy with the tour schedule and were convinced that the two other groups had arranged for them to sing only three or four songs. They decided that this was not fair and would make them live to regret it.

When the meeting ended everyone, divided into his or her rooms. Howie and Kevin, Brian and AJ, LA and JJ, Drew and Jeff, Chris and Joey, Nick and Lance, Christina and Britney, Mandy and BJ, Justin and JC, all of the Moffat brothers, Aaron and his mom, and Jas and Jessica.

" I'm glad we're rooming together."

" Me too." Jas and Jess made their way to their room.

" I'm gonna take a shower." Jess announced.

" K, I've got a few phone calls to make anyway."

Jas picked up the phone and called home. The phone rang a few times before the machine picked up. Jas left a message.

" Mom, Daddy, Ape, Scott. Hey, I know you all are worried, but no need to, I'm safe. I swear. Ask Ape. I'm with, well; I'm with a whole bunch of famous people. And mom, I talked to my other mother, but know this, you'll always be my mom, no matter what. I'm with my brother Lance. This is so hard to say. I wanted to spend my 18th birthday with my family, and now I'll be spending it

with another family. Scott, I love you always, thank you for all your help over the years. And Ape, you have been my best friend for years. And guess who I'm rooming with? Come on guess. Jessica Simpson, AHHH! I know she's awesome! Beautiful and nice. I know this sounds like I'm saying goodbye, and I hope its not. But I don't know what will happen in the following months. Technically, I wont be 18 until March. So, I will stay with the tour `til then. I love you all and think of me tomorrow. Good-night."

Jas got off the phone and laid down on her bed. She couldn't control hear emotions as the tears rolled down her face. She missed her family so much. She got up, left a note for Jess, and went to find Lance.

BJ and Justin sat on his bed. JC had gone to find Joey. They sat there holding each other.

" Beej, I wanna make love to you."

" I know, I feel the same. But at the same time, technically, it's illegal and my brother would kill you if he ever found out."

" I know, but it kills me not to love you in every way possible."

" I know, and I love you but I think that waiting is a good thing. We will enjoy it so much more of we have to wait until we are completely ready, physically and emotionally."

" You know, for 17 you sure are mature."

" And for 18 you sure are immature."

" Not funny!" Justin started to tickle BJ and ended up kissing her.

Nick and Lance decided to take a bath when they heard a knock.

" Ugh! I'll get it." Nick walked to the door and found a crying Jas standing there.

" Jas, what's wrong?"

" Jas?" Lance rushed to the door.

" I'm gonna go for a little walk. I'll be back later."

Lance and Jas walked inside. They sat down on the couch and faced each other.

" Jas, what's wrong?"

" I love you."

" What?" Jas fell into Lance and hugged him. Lance was startled but hugged her back.

" Lance, I want us to as close as we were seven years ago."

" Oh Jas I thought you'd never ask."

" I will not, however, go back to living with your family in Orlando. I have spoken to our mother, and I do not believe that that is the best place for me. I will rebuild a relationship with you and Stace but not with our mother or father."

" You know Stacy?"

" Yes, she kept in touch with me when I was in the hospital."

" Oh, I didn't know that."

" You didn't know a lot of things."

" I know."

" But that's in the past. I need my Jamie back."

" And I need my Desty. I love you too."

" I don't know if I'll be able to relate to you, as I do Scott, but, I will try."

" And I will try not to push you."

" Thank you. Well we better find Nick, I'm sure the two of you had something planned for tonight, and I should get back to the room and sleep."

" No, we can talk more."

" Jamie, if nothing is planned, than why are there candles lit in the bathroom?

" Um, well."

" It's no problem. Besides, I want to go back to my roomie."

" Huh?"

" Jamie, I'm rooming with Jess, and I don't want her to worry."

" Oh, okay, good-night."

Jas walked down the hall and back to her room. She walked in and found that Jess was already in bed asleep. She took a quick shower, changed and got into her own bed and slept. And for the first time, her sleep came without any nightmares.

Chris sat on his bed talking to is girlfriend Tessa. She was supposed to be joining them when they got to Chicago. But Tess had a surprise for Chris. As they talked Chris heard yelling in the hall.

" Just a sec Tess," Chris went to see what was going on outside. He opened the door and was surprised by what he saw. Joey was twirling woman in his arms.

" Joey! Stop! Put me down, you'll ruin the surprise."

" Uh, too late."

" What do mean to late?"

The woman got out of Joey's grasp and turned around. She came face to face with the man she loved.

" Hey Al."

" Tess, baby?"

She ran into his arms and they stood there hugging each other. The other boys were always confused on why Tessa found Chris to be the one. Tessa was 5'10, short auburn hair, blue eyes, and an attitude that scared even the macho-est of men. She was quiet around new people but when you got to know her, she was crazy. Crazier than Chris sometimes. She had piercing and tattoos all over her body. Sort of, like the female version of AJ. But over all she was the worlds most caring person. She loved Chris with all her heart.

They went into Chris's room and locked the door. They had seen each other in two weeks. Their reunion was sure to be a fun one. Joey was left alone. He knocked on the door loudly. He demanded that Chris give him his bags. Chris quickly threw his bags out the door and returned to Tessa. Joey walked around, looking for a room for him to stay in. The only one that seemed even remotely possible was that of Justin and JC's. He took in a large breath and then knocked. He was relived when Justin answered.

" Hey Curly, I was wondering if I could stay here tonight, I'll stay on the couch for sure, it's just that Tessa came to surprise Chris and now I'm out of a room, if you don't think it's possible just tell me and I'm gone. Maybe I should go-."

" Whoa, Joey, it's fine just come in and go to sleep."

Justin climbed back into his bed and went back to sleep. Joey, seeing that JC was in the bathroom, quickly stripped down to his boxers and laid down on the couch. He shivered a bit because

he had no blanket, but he decided not to complain. Joey soon found himself drifting off. JC came back into the room to find Justin asleep and Joey sleeping on the couch. He had heard that Tessa might be coming in today and guessed that she had and that she and Chris kicked Joey out. He saw that Joey was shivering. He walked to him and placed a hand on Joey's chest. He was freezing.

" Joe?"

" Hmm?"

" Joey, take my bed, I'll sleep with Justin, I don't want you to get sick from being cold."

" Are you sure?"

" Yes, now get into bed."

Joey hurried to JC's bed and climbed in under the covers. JC looked at him as he closed his eyes and wanted so badly to hold him and be held by him. He looked to Justin and then back to Joey.

He decided to take the risk and crawled into bed with the man he loved.

" Josh?"

" Yeah, I want to hold you tonight."

" And I you." JC covered his and Joey's bodies and flipped off the lights.

Drew and Jeff sat on their beds conspiring with each other.

" I get Howie and Kev, I wanna know why they call him Train."

" Go right ahead, Joey and JC are mine. I heard that they broke up but are trying to work thing out, I'll make sure that doesn't happen."

" Sounds like fun, g'night Jeff."

" `Night Drew."

Brian and AJ lay next to each other, still pondering the conversation they had earlier.

" Maybe we aren't ready."

" Alex, no, I want to marry you."

" But?"

" No buts."

" Then why not tell everyone?" AJ waited for Brian to answer. When he didn't, AJ rolled over and went to sleep.

" I'm scared Alex, scared that we will be pulled apart. I don't know how, or why, but I'm scared." When Brian got no reply he looked over and saw that AJ was sleeping. He curled up next to AJ and wrapped his arms around the other man.

" I love you Alex, forever and always." AJ who had woken up when Brian hugged him snuggled closer to Brian and drifted back to sleep.

" I love you too Bri Bear."

Howie and Kev slept peacefully that night. They had just made love and were ready to sleep. They loved each other so much that Kevin started to wonder if he should ask Howie about marriage. Unbeknownst to Kevin, Howie was thinking about the very same thing.

LA spent most of the night crying. He didn't know how to not be sad about Jessica. He watched his lover sleep. LA loved JJ so much. But he realized that he had hurt Jessica very much as well. He also cried because he knew that the other half of his band was up to something that could hurt everyone on the tour, including the man that lay next to him. He shook all bad thoughts out of his head, curled up next to JJ, and went to sleep. LA decided to talk to Drew and Jeff in the morning, until then the only thing he would think of would be JJ.

Chapter 9

The next morning LA woke up and dreaded the moment he stepped out of bed. He took a quick shower, got dressed, kissed JJ lightly, left a note and went to find Jeff and Drew. He walked down the hall not knowing what exactly he was gonna say, but he had to make sure that he and his lover were safe and out of harms way. He walked to his friends' door and knocked, not caring if he woke them up.

" WHAT?"

" Open the door man, I need to talk to you."

" Coming, hey bro what's up?"

" Can I come in?"

" Ya sure."

" Thanks."

" I know you Drew, and I know when you're up to something."

" Who me?"

" Yes you. Please don't do anything foolish. Especially no if its gonna hurt either JJ or myself."

" We just wanna have a little fun. To make the others know that we are not some other little band who is only opening act material."

" Drew please, get over it. Don't pursue whatever you and Jeff are planning.'

" No can do bro, I'm gonna get me a boyfriend by the end of this tour, whether he likes it or not." Nick pushed Drew hard and held him up against the wall.

" If JJ ends up hurt, in anyway, if this hurts 98* as a whole, you wont live to sing again, got it?"

" Lay off! Nothing bad is gonna happen. Now shut up and go off and do whatever it is that you do."

Nick walked off knowing that not only were Drew and Jeff going to go ahead with their plan, but by the time they were done, everyone's lives would be shook up.

AJ woke early that morning. He had a sinking feeling in his gut. He stood over Brian and watched his lover sleep. He couldn't loose him, not ever again. However, he didn't want things to stay as they were. He knew that marriage was the right choice. It would give them so many new opportunities to be together. He just wished Brian felt the same.

He needed to get some air. He got dressed, grabbed his jacket and some shades, left a note, and walked into the cool hallway. He walked out of the building and into the cold air. He withdrew a cigarette. He rarely smoked, and only did so when under enormous amounts of stress. After a few puffs, he put it out. He walked to the closest coffee shop, got a drink, and slowly walked back to the hotel. As he walked, he remembered a conversation he had with Brian about marriage a year into their relationship.


" Brian?"

" Yes?"

" Do you want to get married one day?"

Brian smiled at the young boy. He watched this boy walk around the room and nervously ask questions. Brian smiled, one day he did want to marry and have a family, and more than anything he wanted AJ to be the one he married.

" Yes Alex, I do."

" Yeah, me too."

" What are you getting at?"

" Nothing, I just, I just wanted to know your opinions on it."

" Oh. Yes I want to marry, a man, one-day. I even have one in mind. However, I am years off of marriage."

" Do you mean me?"

" Yes Alex. I think that one day when we are ready, I would like us to be married."

" Oh Brian, I'm so glad you said that."

" Why is that?"

" Because I love you."

" I love you too."

" Brian, would you marry even if it hurt your career?"

" What do you mean?"

" Well, would you marry, me that is if it meant that there was a chance that your image and reputation would be damaged?'

" I hold love in the highest degree. If I find someone I love they come first, not my career."

" Good."

AJ walked back to his room. He was so confused on why Brian would not commit. This did not make sense. He roamed around the hotel until 8am. Everyone should have been getting up right about then. He rushed to his room. He couldn't think about this now.

Jas and Jess both woke up within moments of each other.

" Hey, `morning."

" `Morning. I'm gonna shower."

" Okay."

Jas slowly got out of bed. Although she had made it clear that today was her birthday, she

had this feeling no one would do anything for her, especially not Lance. She picked up the phone to call home. It rang a couple times before a woman picked up.

" Hello?"

" Hi, is Anne there?" Jas did not recognize the voice; she was a little scared.

" Yes, just a moment, who is this?"

" Uh, it's Destiny."

" Just a moment." Jas had a feeling that this person was not someone that should know her name.

" Hello?"

" Is this Anne Bass?"

" Yes it is who is speaking?"

" Mom?"

" Oh sweetheart, how are you?"

" Mom, who was that woman?"

" She was a police officer. They have been here ever since the day you left."

" Why?"

" They want to collect all you things to take them to Florida."

" Mom, I have spoken to my mother, and I told her I would not be coming home. I am an adult now, and can make my own choices. She told me I would not be an adult until March, but Mom, can she do this? Take me away?"

" Yes she can. Apparently, they never permanently signed you away. They sent you to a faster family. We were them. We knew in the beginning that it was only temporary, but they said that if your parents did not claim you after two years than you were ours. We never told April or Scott about this, they just

assumed they were getting a new sister. I am sorry for betraying your trust."

" No, it's alright Mom. I am over it. I know who I am. I know everything. I just called to ear your voice."

" I'm here baby, do you want to talk to April or Scott?"

" Yes, thank you."

Jas waited for her sibling to reach the telephone. Her mother seemed distant. Almost as if Jas was a stranger.

" Honey, I'm sorry they are not awake yet, shall I have them call you?"

" No, I will call back another time. It was nice talking to you again."

" You too, be well."

Jas hung up and didn't know what to do. Suddenly she was without a mother. She got dressed and walked into the hall. She saw that everyone was headed for a meeting room down the hall and went that way too. When she arrived almost everyone was eating and talking. She got her food and took a seat on the floor in the far corner of the room. She couldn't bear to talk to anyone. This was her day and no one cared. And this point she didn't even care. She ate quickly, threw her trash away, and left the room.

Since she had no obligations to the tour she went back to her room, got back into the pjs, and slipped back into bed. She wanted to sleep but sleep did not come to her. In a month, she had suddenly turned into a different person. This scared Jasmine very much. She heard the shower shut off and heard the door open. Jas sat up and came face to face with an almost nude Jessica Simpson. Jas tried to avert her eyes, but she couldn't. Even the sight of the bare back made Jas's heart beat faster. She liked Jess, a lot.

" Good-morning Jess." Jess jumped.

" Jas! I didn't know you were still here."

" Yeah I ate and left, it was kinda boring."

" Oh, well speaking of eating I should hurry on down before the guys eat it all. I'll see you later."

Jess rushed out of the room. She wondered to herself if her roommate had the same feelings that she did. She rushed off the breakfast and the meeting.

" Okay, we need to go over to the venue for dance and sound checks, then we have the rest of the day off. Tomorrow we have off as well. But, although we the day off we are busy. We'd like to set up some sort of celebration in honor of Jas's birthday. She's 18 today and it would be nice to give her a party especially since she's been to hell in back in a little under a month. So please if you're willing, help us set something up. We have rented a local nightclub from 12pm today until noon tomorrow. Okay that should do. We need to be ready to go to the venue by 9:30. We will be there for a about 2-3 hours."

Kevin sat when he was done. He looked over to Howie who was talking to Drew. He noticed that Drew kept casually touching Howie and laughing at his every word. This bothered Kevin immensely. He would never accuse Howie of cheating but if this didn't let up, he would have to say something.

JC tried to find his seat that was next to Joey but found that Jeff had taken the seat that Joey had saved for him. He tried to remain calm. He walked up to Joey and Jeff.

" Hey Joe."

" Josh, hey, what are you doing standing?"

" Someone took my seat."

" Oh, Oh! Sorry, Jeff just sat down and we started talking. You don't mind do you JC?"

JC took a step back. Everything had happened over the last couple days meant nothing to Joey. He backed away from the two men. He walked out of the room and sat down outside.

He tried to be reasonable. Maybe they were not ready yet. Maybe Joey needed more time. JC decided that that was it, Joey just needed more time. JC went back to the room to get some stuff ready for the day. As he packed a small bag Justin rushed into the room.

" JC, hey what's up? You coming it's time to go. JC?"

" What do you want?"

" It's time to go, hey man what's wrong?"

" Nothing, I'm fine."

" Bullshit. Tell me what's wrong."

" It's Joey, I think he needs more time before we give us another try."

" Why do you say that?"

" Jeff is flirting with him, and he called me JC."

" Ok, one Jeff was flirting with him not the other way around, and he only calls you Josh when you're alone or around the rest of us. Don't go assuming things. He loves you and he knows that if he ever fucks op again, than you're gone. Give him the benefit of the doubt bro, he loves you."

Justin picked up a few items and headed back outside. JC sat on the bed that he and Joey shared the night before. Justin was right. He grabbed his bag and closed the door. Joey loved him; he had said it last night. He rushed down to the lobby to meet up with the others.

After rehearsal all of the performers went to their rooms and collapsed. Jess ran to her room, she was worried about Jas. She had not gone with the others.

" Jas?" Jess heard the shower running. She gently opened the door. She could see the outline of Jas's body through the shower door. She shut the door and walked to the shower door.

" Jas?" Jess whispered. Jas jumped, she didn't notice that Jess was in the room.

" Hi."

" Hi, I'm sorry to barge in on you. But are you alright?"

" I'm fine, just a bit tired, I didn't want to go to the rehearsal, and I'll be sleeping after I finish up."

" Oh, alright."

" What is it?"

" While I'm here, can I ask you a question?"

" Sure."

" Do you have a boyfriend?"

" G-d no!" Jas laughed.

" Oh? Why not?"

" I don't want one."

" Oh?"

" Yeah, I don't really swing for the guys. You know? I like `em and all but when it come to love I'd much rather a woman's touch, you must know what I'm saying."

" More than you know."

Jess decided to go for it. She slid the shower door open and watched as Jas let the water slide over her body. Jas knew that Jess was staring at her, but she didn't care, in fact, it excited her. Jess watched as Jas's full breast caught the drops of water that fell from Jas's shoulder length red curls. She watched as the water cascaded down her round but fit body.

She watched as the watered spilled into the deep valley between her breasts and slipped to the patch of light blond hair below her abdomen. As the water hit her tanned back, Jessica felt herself reach out to touch her. As her hand grazed Jas's back she felt a shock go through their bodies. Jas looked up and into Jessica's eyes. They were locked together.

Jas stuck her hand out and Jess grabbed it. Jas pulled Jess into the shower with her. Jess stood there in her T-shirt and socks letting the water race through her clothes. She put out her hand and cupped Jas's cheek. She pulled Jas's lips closer and closer. Jess could almost taste her Jas was so close. Their lips met and a fiery warmth raced through their bodies. Jas's tongue darted into Jess's mouth and began to massage Jess's tongue. Jess sighed into Jas's mouth. They kissed heavily for another few moments before Jas pulled away.

" Jess, wow. I wasn't expecting that, but I liked it. But I do need to finish and if we are going to do this, anything I want us to do it right. Let's go out and do something before this turns into something we're not sure of."

" Agreed." Jess said as she slipped out of the shower. She closed the shower door and slipped her soaking wet clothes off her body. She grabbed a robe, wrapped it around her body, and crawled into bed. After so much dancing, she needed to sleep. She fell asleep feeling the heat of Jas's mouth on hers.

Jas stepped out of the shower and saw Jess in bed. She put on a shirt and crawled back into her bed. She fell asleep with the feel of Jess's hands along her back. They both slept very well that afternoon.

So? getting any clearer? please tell me! thanks!

Next: Chapter 7: Destiny 10 11

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