
By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Jul 23, 2000


Disclaimer: dont know them, thier sexualities or whatnot, if u dont agree with slash stuff, why u here? hmmm

Intro to this interlude in the story:

Welcome to the month of April. After a few months of tourning the members of the Pop 2000 tour needed a break. Everyone had thier own worries to deal with before they could perform again. New babies and wedding bells chime in everyone's ears. All seems fine and dandy, but by the time the month ends, things will never be the same.

Enjoy, and please please please send me some feedback!!!!

Thanks, Elisheva

On the story.


Not so April Fools?

Tessa awoke suddenly. She turned to hold Chris, but found an empty spot. She remembered that he was in New York with the other NSYNCers to promote the newly released album. The tour was on a break. They were off for the month of April. Everyone needed the rest, the tour would continue in the US though July then go to Europe for a few months.

Tess stretched and slowly lowered her feet to the floor. She reached down and covered her abdomen with her hands. She was beginning to show more and more each day. With each passing day, the pressure was growing on her. She had to tell Chris the truth about this baby. How do you tell the man you love that the father of the baby you are carrying isn't the man you're marrying? There is no way but to just do it. Tessa couldn't, or wouldn't. If she told Chris the truth, his career was over, or at least it would begin to crumble. She wouldn't do that.

Tessa walked to the kitchen in the apartment she and Chris shared. It was good to be home. Part of her missed the tour. The last few weeks were filled with so much laughter and fun. Even the eldest members of the tour got into the tricks and pranks that were pulled. Tessa was happy that the last few weeks were happy ones, because she knew that next few would not be.

They hadn't meant for it to happen. It just did. It was a hot August evening. They were both missing their loved ones. She needed to feel a man's touch. He needed to feel loved. Now, because of one careless night, everyone's lives were about to go up in smoke.

Tessa sat down in front of the TV waiting for some news on Chris and the guys. Justin's face flashed across the screen. Tessa couldn't see it. Her vision blurred. She grabbed for the telephone and called the fist number that popped into her head. When a voice answered, she screamed out in pain. Her water broke.

JC and Joey lay in bed in their hotel room. As much as they enjoyed the attention that was brought to them due to MTV, sometimes it was nice to just be alone. They finally felt as if their lives were making sense. They knew that the key was honesty and communication, and to the best of their knowledge, they were both as truthful as one could be. They said what was on their minds. If that night's lovemaking wasn't up to par with one of them, they knew that the other would listen non-judgmentally and want to learn new things for other times.

JC had fallen asleep after their late night talk, while Joey just enjoyed the sound of Josh's breathing. He had worked so hard, and fought and struggled through so much to get to where they were now, he was certain that nothing could harm them.

When Joey was certain that JC was completely asleep, he reached for his laptop and got online. He usually surfed until he felt tired. Most nights he just read random postings about them, he found them humorous. That night though, he ran across a message that seemed to have been posted just minutes earlier.

From CkGurl100: OMG, So you know Tessa, she's Chris's fiancee, so I swear I just saw her at the hospital. Yeah I work there as a nurse, and she came in, in a wheelchair with Lance's sister. I think she was in labor! Congrats to my sweetie!

Joey stopped reading. If this were true, Chris would know. They all would have. He grabbed his cell and dialed up Jas as fast as he could, all he got was a busy signal.

Jas was about to climb into bed when the phone rang. It was strange to her, to be living in Lance's home by herself. She heard the phone, and didn't know if she should answer it. She climbed out of bed and picked it up. All she heard on the other end was a loud painful scream. She checked the caller ID, Chris, and Tessa's number registered.

" Tess! Hang up the phone, I'm calling 911!"

Jas heard the phone drop to the floor. Jas realized it would be faster if she drove the 5 minutes and drove Tessa herself. She grabbed her keys and punched in the security system numbers. She sped off, trying to be careful through the dimly lit streets to Tess and Chris's apartment. She raced up the steps to their floor, and half-carried Tessa down to the car. She drove so fast to the emergency room; she thought she would have a heart attack before the baby was born

She wheeled her friend into the ER. She tried to act inconspicuous, because the world did know who they were, but she caught a few eyes of a few nurses, who seemed in awe of them. She rushed to the nearest desk and banged on the counter.

" Hello! Please, help, my friend is in labor."

" Can I help you?" A young girl looked at them with a smile.

" Yes, please, is Doctor Robins on call? We need her here now!"

" I will call her."

Jas kneeled next to Tessa, and told her to do her breathing. Soon enough, Dr. Robins came and wheeled her into an operating room. Jas had to stay back.

" You may want to contact the father."

Jas looked straight at Tessa, waiting for her to say who she should call. Jas couldn't believe it herself that Chris was not the father. Tess had broken down one night on tour, and just poured her heart out to Jas. Jas never told a soul. Now, she needed to know who to call.

" Alan, I need him!"

" Okay sweetie."

The nurses wheeled her in while Jas took the doctor aside.

" During this procedure, will there be any thing that needs the father's blood work or anything?"

" Why do you ask?"

" He's not, um, very good with needles that's all."

" It shouldn't be an issue unless the baby needs some sort of a transfusion. The baby is only a month premature, but one never knows."

" Alright thanks."

Jas called Chris many times before she finally got an answer. A half-asleep man answered, sounding very pissed at the person who woke him.

" Oh Chris, stop your bitching. You and the guys need to come back home now!"

" Uh, Jas, what's wrong?"

" You're gonna be a daddy-."

The phone went dead before she could say anything else. She ran to the operating room and pushed her way through.

" I'm staying here until he comes!"

" Alight."

Tears streamed down Tessa's face. She was in so much pain.

" Isn't there drugs you can give her."

" We're getting them. But it's risky for her to take as much as usual." (The medical parts are not researched at ALL; they just go with the story)

" Why?"

" She is carrying more than one baby."

" Excuse me!"

" Here is the ultrasound pictures. She knew she was carrying triplets."

" Three? Shit!"

" I will be back with the local drugs in a moment."

" Tessa, look at me!"

" What?" Tess turned her head and whispered.

" Here, chew on these." She placed some ice in Tessa's mouth.

" Thanks."

" Why didn't you tell any one you were carrying triplets."

" I couldn't. If I told Alan that the other things would come out, and I thought, well, that maybe I wouldn't have to tell him."

" That's bullshit and you know it. The father of these babies will be here soon, what are you going to do?"

" He doesn't have to know."

" You mean..."

" No, he knows, but not really."

" Shit, T, what if the babies need some sort of transfusion from the father? What happens then?"

" I don't know!"

Tessa began to sob again. Jas gave her more ice, not knowing what else to do. This is what they did for the next three hours. Tessa would have contractions, Jas would feed her ice, and they would yell at each other about the babies.

" Damn it Jas! I told you, I'm not telling him."

" He's not the father! He will need to be filled in some time."

" No, it was accident, a spur of the moment thing. Neither of us has thought about it since."

" I know things happen, but he NEEDS to know, they both do."

Joey stood outside the door, stunned at the revelations. He called to Josh, and they both walked in. Chris's plane had been delayed. As JC and Joey walked in to the room, Jas opened her mouth in shock. Tessa gasped and started to cry again. JC looked at the crying woman and ran to her side. He hated to see anyone in pain. Tessa flung her arm out and pushed JC away from her. Jas bit her lip and cried. Joey looked at the three as if they were crazy.

" Come on, Josh, she just needs Chris that's all."

" I'm uh, Joey, would come outside with me?"

" Okay."

" What's up with Josh and Tessa?"

" Huh? What, oh nothing, help me find a vending machine will ya?"

" You can't do this yourself?"

" Now!"

" Alright!"

" Triplets."

" Why didn't you tell anyone?"

" I didn't want to admit this to anyone. If I told about the babies, everything, I had to be strong."

" Tess, no one needs to know."

" I cant live a lie anymore."

" Ms. Green?"

" Yes?"

" One of your babies has a low bone marrow count."

" What does that mean?"

" It means we need to do an inter uterus transfusion. Is Christopher here yet?"

" Uh, no-."

" Baby, I'm here."

" Mr. Kirkpatrick, good. One of the babies needs to have a bone marrow transfusion; you will be the best match. Please come with me."

" One of the what?"

" You are having triplets sir."

" Tess? Is this true?"

Tess couldn't look at him. Not only would this test show that he is not matching, but the results would show that he was not the father. She looked straight at JC, trying to find an answer in his eyes.

" Tessa? Answer me!"

" Chris, let me come with you, just in case it's not a match, I'll get tested as well."

" Is she okay?"

" Yeah, just a bit in shock."

" Alright."

JC looked at Tessa before he got up. He kissed her cheek lightly and whispered in her ear.

" For now, we're safe, but before these babies are born, he has to know."

All she could do was nod. JC and Chris walked to the lab. JC couldn't believe he was gong to be a father. On the way to the lab, that was all he could think of. Right before he got there, he bumped into someone. When he looked up and saw who it was, he didn't know what to do. All those times, Joey fucked up their relationship. This time, it was him, and this could be the last straw.

JC ran into the lab, not even looking at Joey. Joey grabbed his arms, but he fought his lover's touch and ran away. Chris followed, not quite knowing what was going on. Joey started to walk to the lab when Jas stopped him.

" Please, not now."

" No, I have to, he was upset."

" Please, I beg you."

" Now, I need the father over here, and everyone else over there."

Chris ran to his seat, as JC walked slowly to the nearest nurse. He took him aside, and tried to explain the situation.

" Please, listen, my bone marrow should be a match."

" That's nice, but we're looking for the father's."

" Look, I'm trying to keep this on the down low."

" What are you trying to say, that you are the father?"

JC hung his head and nodded. The nurse backed away and looked at the other man, who was getting the blood taken from him.

" Does he know?" " No, I, just need to make sure that my blood, and bone marrow goes to my children!"

JC said the last part a bit to loud. Chris turned his head and looked at him like he was crazy. Joey stood at the door looking at him too. Chris jumped off his chair and ran to his friend.

" Tell me that was a sick and cruel April fools joke, tell me!"

" I cant, I'm sorry."

Chris took a swing at JC, punching him so hard he fell off his chair and onto the floor. Chris tore the needle from his arm and stormed out of the room. Joey looked at the man on the floor, part of him wanted to help him up the other part, wanted to reach into his body and tear out his heart. He chose to walk away.

JC brushed himself off, and held out his arm.

" For my babies."

They put the needle in his arm, and took his blood. JC sat in the chair after the procedure, and looked off into space. Jas walked to him and hugged him tightly.

" It was the right thing, you know that right?"

" I lost him. Joey, my life is over. Chris and Tessa, he is so mad. Tessa, my babies."

" Shush, don't think about right now."

Jas held JC until he cried himself to sleep. She left him in the lab chair sleeping as she walked back to Tessa's room. Chris was looking into the room from the glass, tears in his eyes.

" I wanted a wife, I wanted children!"

" You can still have those things."

" But, no, they don't belong to me."

" Don't you want them to have a good home."

" Not with me. I can't have three constant reminders that the woman I loved cheated on me."

" What does this mean for your future?"

" I love her. I want us, but I don't want them."

" Chris."

" Jas. I know you knew, why didn't you tell anyone?"

" She swore me to secrecy, I'm not a bad friend."

" I know. It's not your fault, I'm just so fucking mad. My career is over."

" Chris, you don't know that."

" I hate him. I can't work with someone I hate. And I'm sure Joey will take his time getting over this. The oh so perfect JC finally fucked up."

" CK, please, don't turn your back on everything so soon."

" I can't watch this anymore, I'm going home. Call me when the babies come."

" Alright."

Just as Chris walked out JC walked to Tessa's room. Jas looked at him, not really knowing what to do.

" Do you wanna go in?"

" I don't know?"

" Do you wanna stay here?"

" I don't know."

" JC, are the other's here?"

" Lance, um, I think he and Nick are here. That's it, no, AJ and Brian got called down too, so they are here."

" Go sit down, I'll go in."

" Okay."

" Tess?"

" He was a match?"

" What?"

" They said the father was a match, and unless they know about JC..."

" Yeah."

" Does everyone know?"

" Chris left, Joey's wandering around, JC went to get ice and to sit down."

" Left, ice, what?"

" JC had to tell the lab technician, he said it too loud, Chris got mad and hit him, Joey over heard and walked away, Chris left a few minutes ago, JC, well I don't know."

" He loves these babies."

" JC?"

" Yes."

" Good."

" But Chris, he-."

" I know, I saw his face."

" What will you do?"

" I don't know, let's get them outta me first."

After Ten hours, a bone marrow transfusion, and major drugs, Tessa held Three tiny babies in her arms. Two girls and a boy. Jas stood b her side. JC stood at the door, Lance, Nick, AJ, and Brian stood and watched through the window. They weren't quite sure what had happened, but they got an extremely abridged summary.

" Do you have names for them yet?"

" Yes. This little one here, that's Christian James, this one here, with the patch of brown hair is Alexis Jasmine, Yes, for you, and the last one, with mole on her cheek is Johanna Brianne."

" Beautiful names."

" Named after important people don't you think."

" Yes I do."

" I want to give them away."

" WHAT!?"

" To a home that I know will love them. I need Chris in my life, but I need to know my babies are safe."

" Tessa, what are you thinking?"

" I want them to go to a couple, who have a loving home, and want a family."

" Tess, please, what?"

" Tell everyone to come in."

" What about Josh?"

" Tell them to come in."

Every crowded into the small cubicle of a room. Tessa held her babies close and looked around the room. Her eyes fell upon two men with nothing but love in their eyes. She looked at them as she spoke.

" I want you to adopt our children. Neither of us would feel right raising them, but we want them in our lives. I saw the love and want in your eyes when you looked at them, I know you want children. Here is you chance. Please, do this for Josh and I. We want to make sure they have a loving home."

" Tessa, you're not thinking straight."

" Brian, you and AJ, are such a big part of our lives regardless. Lord, I named two of my children after you! Please, be the parents my children need."

Brian looked at AJ, AJ was crying as he touched the forehead of tiny Alexis. Brian knew that AJ had already made his decision. Brian began to cry at the prospect of starting a family with his husband. The tear rolled down his face and placed his and on Christian's head. He clasped AJ's hand and looked at Tessa.

" We'd be honored."

" Thank you."

" You will always be a part of their lives. Auntie Tess."

" I'd like that, thank you."

" Josh, I know this is confusing for you too right now, but thank you."

" Just, take care of my children."

" Forever."

" We'll fill out the paper work tomorrow, please take them back to the nursery, you should get to hold your children."

Brian and AJ lifted their children into their arms. Brian had Johanna and Christian, AJ had Alexis. They walked out of the room, happy to have started a family. Lance and Nick kept back, walking back to their own floor, when they knew everything was going to be okay, for now at least. Joey was long since gone, no had seen him since the lab. Jas said she saw his get into a taxi, so at least they knew he wasn't off driving recklessly. JC stayed back, not really knowing what to do. Jas walked to him and kissed his cheek before driving back home. JC hugged her back and looked at his friend lying on her back, trying to hold back the tears.

" I can't speak about my own life, because I don't actually expect Joey to ever even want to forgive me. Lord knows I'll do anything to get him back, but this isn't about us right now. Chris loves you. He'll come back."

" Thank you."

" For what?"

" Just thank you."

" Your welcome."

JC walked out and to his car. He put in a tape that he found and turned up the volume. He really didn't care what was on it; he just needed something to take his mind off his worries. Of course, the tape held one of their songs, about love lost, he just tried to block out the message and concentrate on driving.

" If I'm not the one you want

Take your time to figure out

Hey yeah

I'm staring at your picture every night

The scent of you still lingers in my mind

I wonder if you're alone and feel alright

And the sun has come out of the clouds."

Joey stumbled in their house. He was hella drunk. He went to store, stocked up on vodka, then took the cab home. He sat on his steps drowning himself in his sorrows in the alcohol. He slammed the door shut, and fell onto the couch. He hit the remote to the stereo on his way down. The power button was hit and the first CD in the player began to play, shuffle mode. Joey grabbed his head and ran to bathroom, but the music still flowed through their home. He didn't know which was worse. His sickness, his pain, or the pain that stemmed from the song, in his head and heart.

" And sometimes when I listen to our song

The night seems so cold and far too long

I wanna call you up cause in the end

I keep writing letters to my garbage can

Lately, feels like I'm going crazy

And baby, come and lay down beside me

If I'm not the one you want, then who's he?

Take your time to figure out, and you'll see

If I'm not the one you want, then maybe

I'll be the one you need."

Chris walked back into the hospital in the early hours of the dawn. He walked to Tessa's door and heard music flowing through the room. He recognized it; it was one of their songs from their European versions of No Strings Attached.

Tessa cried as she listened to the words. For the first time, she was utterly alone. All she had was the faint sounds of Chris's voice, floating in the air.

" I feel like it's on you I can depend

Wish I could turn back the hands of time

Enough of building castles in the sand

Why can't we be forever

Lately, feels like I'm going crazy

And baby, come and lay down beside me

If I'm not the one you want, then who's he?

Take your time to figure out, and you'll see

If I'm not the one you want, then maybe

I'll be the one you need (I'll be the one you need)."

Chris walked into the room, and pulled up a chair. Tessa was so out of it, the only things in the room she was aware of were her tears and the music. Chris didn't see the babies.

" Tessa, baby, where are the babies."

" With their daddies." Tessa answered, though not sure where the question came from.

Chris put all the pieces that that he could together. She gave up her children, why?

" Daddies? Why not with you?"

" So I could be with Alan."

She had given him what he wanted, a life with out another man's children. How could he stay mad at her knowing that her dream of being a mother had been smashed and given up on, all for him? Chris climbed onto the bed with the woman he loved, and hoped it was not too late to save their love.

" If I'm not the one you want, then who's he?

Take your time to figure out, and you'll see

If I'm not the one you want, then maybe

I'll be the one you need.

Somewhere, in the back of my mind (back of my mind)

I know that you will be mine (you will be mine)

Somehow, wish I could rewind (I could rewind)

And leave all the worries behind."

JC opened and closed the door quietly. He walked to the kitchen, noticing a light on in the living room. He saw Joey, passed out on the couch. He covered him with an afghan, and closed the lights. He heard the music. The stereo was in repeat. The song held so true with them. He never realized it before. He let the song finish before shutting it off and going to bed. He hoped things would be better in the morning. It was only a hope.

" If I'm not the one you want

I'll be the one you need (I'll be the one you need)

Take your time to figure out

I'll be the one you need (I'll be the one you need)

If I'm not the one you want, then who's he?

Take your time to figure out, and you'll see

If I'm not the one you want, then maybe

I'll be the one you need (I'll be the one you need)

I'll be the one you need."

(If I'm not the one, NSYNC, No Strings Attached.)

Hmmmm. well after this there are 4 more installments of April. Stay tuned for the next one coming soon. Please send me some mail, even if its just to say hi im reading. Thanks, Elisheva,

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