
By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Jun 27, 2000


Disclaimer: i know yall dont read this, lol


Hmm, well I'd like to say hi to the few ppl who do read this. though i have little proof that over 2 ppl do read this. If you are, just drop me a line, cuz this story is like my baby, lol. my first one of its kind, and writing it makes me happy, so i'll keep writing it, but id like to know that SOMEONE is reading it! to the authors of stories i read, if u even know, ive been busy ill get to reading soon!

I went to Chicago's Pride Parade yesterday, had the time of my life! so i think i should send out a chap of this, what do ya think? lol hopefully more of love me and forever in my heart soon!

Enjoy, and PLEASE send me some email! ~E~

Chapter 19

The tour finally kicked off that night in Los Angeles. They left the hotel in Vegas, which they started to call home, and boarded their many buses. Nick, Lance, Brian, AJ, Kevin, and Howie were on one bus, and Justin, BJ, Chris, Tess, JC and Joey on another. Britney, Jas, Destiny's Child, and the Carter kids took up another one. Christina, due to her and Britney's situation, decided to travel with hers and Britney's dancers. Jess and Katie opted to travel with 98*

The busses were huge, larger than normal, so everyone had their space. This was good considering that the newlyweds were driving people crazy.

" Okay, I've had enough, if you're gonna consummate the damn marriage do it in BED, that's right B-E-D, not couch, C-O-U-C-H!"

" Nick! I'm so proud, after all these years, finally you've learned to spell!" Brian laughed at his friend.

Nick stood, fed up with the constant sex-capades that went on. The moment they got onto the bus, Brian attacked his husband, and Howie, his fiancee. Nick began to feel, completely out of place. He knew where he and Lance stood in the sex area, but still, he felt bad that he could never give Lance that sexual pleasure like the others experienced. He wished he were on the other bus, he swore that he wouldn't bother his sister. He just wanted to enjoy himself.

" Don't you dare! If you touch me with that I will make sure Tess can never have anymore children!"

" Um, I only want one!"

Chris tackled BJ to the floor and sprayed her with whipped cream. BJ squealed from under the larger man. She couldn't believe she was stuck on a bus with two of the biggest children. Joey and Chris had been tormenting her since they got on the bus. JC wanted to sleep. Tess needed to sleep. Justin sat on the couch and read, completely amused that his girlfriend had met the two babies he had been putting up with for years.

" This is not funny Justin!"

" Yes it is, and this isn't even their best."

" There's more?" BJ looked at her boyfriend as if were crazy.

" There's a never ending supply of more when it comes to dumb and dumber over there."

" Hey! We heard that!"

" Um, Chris, Joe, whatcha doing?"

" Nothing!" The two men yelled back at her, laughing under their breathe.

" All I wanted was some peace and FUCKING quiet!"

" Well if fucking is what you want..."

" Don't you start with me too, or we'll never have any kids."

" We were planning on having kids?"

BJ, though not completely cleaned off, lunged at Justin and tackled him to the floor. They rolled around until BJ was on top and had him pinned. She laughed as the dirt from the floor cling to the whipped c ream in Justin's hair.

" What's so funny?"

" Oh nothing."

" What nothing?"

BJ guided one of his hands to his mop of curls. He felt his hair and discovered the mess that was in it. He jumped up sending BJ flying up, then crashing down to the floor.

" MY HAIR!" Justin ran to the bathroom and locked the door,

BJ kept her eyes shut. It hurt too much to try to get up. She breathed slowly. Chris came back to check on them since he heard a crash. He rushed to BJ when he saw her.

" Beej? You okay?"

" Uh, yeah. I just cant move, wind, out, knocked, you know."

" Did Justin do this?"

" His hair was messy."

" Damn that boy and his hair. Come on, can you lift you arms?"

" Yeah."

" Wait, don't move, I've got an idea that will scare the shit out of him and teach him a lesson."

" Oh no, Chris, what?"

" Just lie still, I'm gonna go and make some tears."

" Christ Chris! What the fuck?"

" Trust me."

" That's what I'm not so sure of. Fine."

Chris ran to the kitchen and came back a few minutes later; Justin was still in the bathroom. Chris placed a few drops of the mixture onto BJ's face.

" Now, see if you can make your face quiver."

" I can try."

BJ tried, and seeing the expression on Chris's face, she knew she got it.

" I'm gonna go get Justin, play this up k?"

" Gotcha."

" Justin, get you ass out of there, you have far worse problems then your damn hair."

" Like what?"

" Like your girlfriend whose lying the fucking floor!"

" What? Why?"

" I don't know, how about the fact she just basically crashed onto her back. She wouldn't let me near her, she wants you."

Chris looked back to BJ who was slightly giggling. Chris quickly shushed her. She went back to playing the role. The bathroom door flew open and Justin ran to BJ. He saw the tears and wiped them away.

" Oh God, Beej, I am so sorry, can you move?"

" Justin? Is that you?"

" BJ? Christ. Call an ambulance. Damn it Chris, why are you just standing there?"

Justin heard laughing and turned back to BJ. She sat up and balanced herself on her palms. He looked shocked. He looked back to Chris who had tears in his eyes from laughing.

" Explain this now!"

" Curly, you really need to know where your priorities stand. It was just dust. But BJ really did hurt herself a bit when you sent her flying. Think about it."

Justin sat back. BJ smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

" And Nick said I wasn't a good actress, ha."

BJ got up and walked to the kitchen, leaving Justin to think about and wonder when the hell Chris had brainwashed his girlfriend into liking and playing his ridiculous jokes.

Christina lay in her bunk and listened to the familiar sounds of a tour bus on the go. Her dancers and Brit's dancers had become close friends, and were saddened by the beak up. But they by no means felt they had to hide their opinion from whoever wanted to hear it.

" Man, did any of y'all see Brit this morning, she looked like she had been run over by a train. She must have been crying all night." TJ said as he sat down next to Andre and Alex.

" Yeah, tell me about it, Chrissy came to me last night and cried for a bit, but she said it was the right thing, bull!"

" Why?"

" Come on, they love each other. I don't see why Chrissy had to go and ruin things, forever."

" How can you say forever?"

" Because Chrissy may need a break, but Britney needs love. And she'll find it. And it wont be with our dear friend Ms. A."

Jess and Katie took over the back of the bus, while the men had the front. They kept to themselves and didn't bother each other.

Britney, Jas, Leslie, and Kelly had gotten into a serious game of Asshole.

" Damn it! How come I'm always the ass, and this little shorty here is prez?"

" Life sucks huh Britney?"

" Shut up Jasmine!"

The girls abandoned their umpteenth round and began a pillow fight. Aaron sat in on his bunk, playing video games, what else could he do on a bus full of women? Angie heard the laughter and ran to join her sister. Bey and Farrah were also intrigued by the noise and went to find out what was going on. As soon as they walked into the den, pillows came flying at their heads. Michelle opted to watch from the sidelines. But that's not how the game worked. Suddenly a pillow hit her in the face. She stumbled backwards.

" Sorry Mich!"

" Don't call her that, she hates that name." Bey warned Jas with a smile.

" Oh, sorry."

" Its okay." Michelle said right before she whacked Bey with the pillow.

" Hey!"

" All fair in love and war babe."

" Whatever. I'm tired. See ya laters!"

" Bye!" Everyone else stopped the game as well.

" I ruined the game?"

" Nah, it was wearing down anyway." Jas reassured Michelle with a smile. Michelle loved that smile.

" Well, I'm gonna go and find something to eat, want anything?"

" Nope, I'm gonna go take a nap, see ya."

" Yeah see ya."

Michelle looked at Jas's back as she walked back to her bed. She looked to the ground then back at the door. She walked to the kitchen and retrieved a container of Ben and Jerry's from the freezer. She sat down in front of the TV and dug in. Her favorite soap opera came on; she sat back and relaxed, not noticing that she was being watched from the doorway.

Bey watched her friend. She knew that Michelle only ate ice cream when she was sad or upset. She couldn't figure out which and why. She looked at her once more before heading to her own bunk to rest before they got to LA.

When the busses stopped in front of the hotel in L.A., the crowds were already uncontrollable. Everyone was forced to stay on the busses until security could figure out what to do about the large amount of screeching fans. Finally, after two hours of watching the crowd be pushed back, the tour members rushed into the hotel, luggage and all, and rushed to their rooms. They would be in LA for three shows. So the rooms need not be doubled, they made sire they had enough room, seeing as so many would be coupling, they had more than enough room for everyone.

BJ and Justin decided that they would in fact share. When they told the group, BJ saw Nick cringe, then she saw Lance hit him, so she knew it would be okay. Brian and AJ, Chris and Tess, Howie and Kevin, Jess and Katie, LA and JJ, and JC and Joey would of course be rooming together. Drew and Jeff had not spoken since the night Jeff confessed his love. They each took a room. Jas didn't want, and didn't think Britney should be alone so she asked if they could room together. Britney thankfully said yes. Leslie and Angie roomed together, and Aaron got his own room, which he was delighted about. Kelly and Farrah decided to bunk up, for the fun of it. Bey planned on having her own room, as did Michelle. Christina took a room as well. She was surprised when she heard that Jas would be with Britney, she suddenly become jealous. Then she realized that they could do whatever they wanted together. Christina had given up on Brit. Now it was time to move on.

The show was amazing. Everyone had a renewed sense of energy. Aaron, Leslie, Angie, Katie, and Jas watched from the front row. Destiny's Child kicked off the show with No, no, no; Bills, bills, bills; Bugaboo; and Say my name. Christina was next with What a girl wants, I turn to you, Come on over, we're a miracle and Genie in a bottle. Britney come on next with her new song Oops I did it again, then Crazy, From the bottom of my broken heart, Born to make you happy, Sometimes, and Baby one more time.

98* took the stage and sang a couple songs. They knew that this was their final performance on the tour. No one wanted them there, and they had enough internal problems to destroy the entire tour. The tour as a whole decided that it would be best if they left after the first L.A. show. They didn't put up a fight. LA wanted to spend more time with JJ, and Drew needed time to figure out what Jeff wanted from them. They would send some time recording a new album. It was decided that they might rejoin later on into the tour. The boys finished with 98* and rising. They thanked the fans for their support, and announced that they would be leaving.

Backstreet Boys took the stage and the crown went wild. They sang songs ranging from That's the way I like it, to Spanish eyes. They each had a solo, this time though; each song held a deeper meaning. When they were through, they made way for the final act of the night, NSYNC. The men of NSYNC were flawless. All the weeks of not singing stored up enough energy for a lifetime. When they left the stage, they knew that this tour would be one they would never forget.

98* left for the airport soon after the show. No one was really sad to see them leave. Everyone realized that until they figured out what was going on within their own group, they would bring nothing but hardship to the tour. There were no tearful good-byes this time. Only a wave or two.

The after party was amazing. The tour picked the media in which was let in, and best of all, there were no unwanted crazy fans. This party was for the tour members. The members of NSYNC were told that they had a surprise awaiting them in a backroom.

" What in the world is more important than a party?" Joey asked as he kept peeking out to the dance floor.

" I don't know."

Suddenly their manager walked in smiling.

" Yo, Johnny, what's going on?"

" I have just received the first ever copy of No Strings Attached. We would like to play it tonight at the party."

" But its not coming out for another month!"

" Yes, but this is not the final cut of songs, this copy right here has about 20 tracks on it."

" 20! You mean my song is on there?" Joey asked excitedly.

" Yes, Joey, but understand that it might not make the cut."

" Yeah. That's cool though."

" So, can we play it?"

" Sure! Anything, can we go now?" Joey was almost out the door as he asked this.

" Excuse him, and me, we'll see you guys later."

JC walked slowly behind Joey, who was running to the dance floor. Joey and dancing. JC loved to bump and grind as much as his lover, but sometimes, Joey went a little crazy, especially when he drank. Joey pulled his boyfriend to the dance floor. Although JC stood and watched Joey dance, Joey found a body to dance with. JC frowned at his lover's actions and took a step back. He went to the bar and got a beer. He watched as Joey danced with the woman he had chosen. Joey looked up form his dancing and locked eyes with JC.

' I love you!' Joey mouthed to JC.

JC smiled back.

Justin convinced BJ to go and dance with him. She was shy when it came to dancing in front of people.

" Pretend they are not here. Its just you and me baby."

Justin pulled BJ close to his body and wrapped his arms around her waist.

" Baby baby we can do all that we want

We're gettin nasty nasty; we're getting freaky deaky uh uh

Baby baby we can do more than just talk

Cause I can hear ya hear ya, and I can see ya see ya

Baby baby we can do all that we want

We're getting nasty nasty, we're getting freaky freaky."

BJ listened to the words that came from the speakers. When she realized it was boyfriend's voice, she laughed out loud.

" What is it?"

" How did you guys not crack up singing this?"

" Um, we had to do a lot of takes."

" Yeah, I can just imagine Joey and JC singin this one!"

" Digital digital get down (get down) just you and me

(You may be) Twenty thousand miles away but I can see ya

And baby baby you can see me

Digital digital get down (get down) just what we need

If we cant, get together naturally

(We can) We can get together on the digital screen."

JC smiled as her heard this song come over the loud speakers. He and Joey loved recording this one, they let the music take over their minds. Needless to say, they had to record this one a few times before they got it right.

" Every time I'm sittin all alone girl

I can't wait to get you on the phone girl

So pick it up babe

I can see everything you do

Bouncin me from satellite to satellite

I love the things you do for me so late at tonight

You turn me on yeah

It's like I'm right there next to you yeah."

Chris stood in front of Tess and danced around like a clown for her. She was having stomach pains, and couldn't bear to stand, never mind dance. She smiled softly at her fiancee's attempt at pleasing her. She had taken some pain relievers earlier and they were beginning to set in. Chris noticed, picked her up, brought her to a back room, and placed her onto a couch.

" Go back and dance baby."

" I'd much rather stay here with you."

" I've turned you into a softy, how could we have let that happen?"

" I'm a sap, sue me!"

" I love you though."

" Can we get connected

I need some love and affection baby

I'll call you on the phone

I hope that I get through

If you're in the mood and I'm not home,

Here's what you do: leave a message

You know the kind I like to get back to."

Christina watched as Britney stood in a corner with Jas, Jess, and Katie. She should be there. She should be dancing with Britney.

" Why do I keep doing this? I broke up with her!"

Still though, she missed having someone to wrap her arms around and dance, especially such up beat songs as Digital Get Down. She sat in a near by chair and watched everyone else have fun. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked back.

" Do you wanna dance?"

" You wanna dance with me?"

" I don't hate you, I just hate what you did."

" Yeah, I heard you guys talking this morning."

" Come now, lets have some fun!"

Alex grabbed Christina's hand and pulled her to her feet.

" Digital digital get down (get down) just you and me

(You may be) Twenty thousand miles away but I can see ya

And baby baby you can see me

Digital digital get down (get down) just what we need

If we cant, get together naturally

(We can) We can get together on the digital screen


Kelly and Farrah were in the middle of the dance floor dancing with a couple of Christina's dancers. Bey stood and watched Michelle as she stared off into space. She wanted to be free to love like everyone else. She found it slightly ridiculous that she couldn't even come clean about her feelings to herself. But she kept them hidden, from the girls, from herself.

Bey walked to Jas and the others. She was not accomplishing anything watching her friend sulk.

" Hey y'all! Anyone wanna dance?"

Jess and Katie had already taken off to dance. Jas and Britney looked at each other.

" Um, I wanna." Britney ventured with an answer.

" Great!" Lets go!" Bey grabbed Brit's hand and practically dragged to the dance floor. On the way, they bumped into Chrissy and Alex. Christina stopped dancing and watched her ex dance with another girl. Alex turned her away and pulled her close.

" Just forget about it, please, its not gonna get better if you look at her."

" I know."

Jas walked over to the bar and watched Michelle as she sat, mesmerized by the dancing crowd.

" It's over whelming huh?"

" What? Oh hey Jas, yeah, I guess."

" Do you not like dancing?"

" No, I love it actually."

" Then why aren't you out there?"

" No one to dance with."

" That's no excuse, you could have come and asked one of us, come on, we'll dance now."

" I don't know."

" Well, I'm gonna go and dance a bit, join me if you feel like it."

" I lose my mind just when you're speaking

I see you on the screen, I get to freaking

So get down babe

And I'll get down for you

I get so excited when I'm watching girl

I can't wait to see you touch your body girl

It's just me and you

So we can do what we gotta do (yeah)."

Jas walked out to the dance floor and found an empty spot close to the small stage that was set up. Deep down she hoped that Michelle would come. She was a nice girl. Friendly too. She didn't have many close girl friends on the tour, she hoped that Michelle would be one though.

Actually, she wanted more, but she was scared to want it. She had had already, two disastrous relationships. Her heart still hurt when she thought of what she and Jess shared. She shook her head of all thoughts that were bad and concentrated on the music. She listened to the words and could not imagine her innocent big brother singing these words.

" Can we get connected

I need some love and affection baby

I'll call you on the phone

I hope that I get through

If you're in the mood and I'm not home,

Here's what you do: leave a message

You know the kind I like to get back to.

Digital digital get down (get down) just you and me

(You may be) Twenty thousand miles away but I can see ya

And baby baby you can see me

Digital digital get down (get down) just what we need

If we cant, get together naturally

(We can) We can get together on the digital screen.

Digital digital digital digital get down (get down)

Digital digital digital digital get down (get down)."

Brian and AJ had snuck into one of the back rooms to relax together. They heard the sounds of NSYNC's new album though the closed door.

" Well, I imagined our honeymoon quite differently, but it's nice."

" Yeah. When this tour is over, I'll take you to places you've never been before." Brian smirked at his husband.

" You already have baby!"

" I listen to this, and its makin me want you baby, why have it digitally when you can have the real thing!"

Brian swiftly pulled AJ's pants down. The draft made AJ shiver. Brian sunk to the floor, grabbed AJ's ass, and pulled him close. Brian smiled up at his lover before kissing the head of his husband's growing erection.

" Please Bri, I need you!"

Brian slid his tongue over the head then down the shaft. AJ had closed his eyes and grabbed onto Brian's hair. In one sudden movement he engulfed AJ's penis in his mouth and began to attack it. He took one hand away from AJ's ass and brought it to the front and softly teased AJ's balls. He slowly, in a teasing way, circled AJ's hole with one of his fingers.

" Don't tease me Brian."

Brian increased speed on his sucking. He suddenly felt the urge and rammed a finger up AJ. AJ screamed out in pleasure. Brian began to fuck him with another finger.

" I'm so close baby, so...close..."

" Cum for me baby."

Brian felt the twitch in AJ's balls, began to finger fuck him harder and faster. AJ moaned before his release. Brian swallowed all he could. The rest he caught in his hands. AJ backed up on a couch to regain his breath.

" I am so buying this CD when it comes out!"

" Baby baby we can do more than just talk

Cause I can hear ya hear ya, and I can see ya see ya

Baby baby we can do all that we want

We're getting nasty nasty; we're getting deaky freaky

Baby baby we can do more than just talk

Cause I can hear ya hear ya, and I can see ya see ya

Baby baby we can do all that we want

We're getting nasty nasty, we're getting (oh oh) digital."

Kevin and Howie got their groove on, on the dance floor. They seemed to attract a crowd. Kevin loved the attention he got from dancing. Howie just loved the attention. Even more though, he loved dancing in non-routine form, with his lover. Howie pushed into Kevin as he danced. He loved the feel of Kevin's hardness as it pressed against him as they danced. Kevin felt the excitement, and suddenly wished it were only him and Howie in the room. He kept him hormones in check though, knowing that he couldn't just lay Howie down and have sex with him at the party, though the choice of music certainly didn't help the don't think about sex mood.

" Digital digital get down (get down) just you and me

(You may be) Twenty thousand miles away but I can see ya

And baby baby you can see me

Digital digital get down (get down) just what we need

If we cant, get together naturally

(We can) We can get together on the digital screen."

Nick had somehow lost Lance in the crowd. He went to find him. He tried each room. He passed by one, but didn't open it. From the other side he could hear the sweet sounds of AJ crying out for his husband. Nick smiled, but then frowned. He was happy for his friends' happiness, but realized he could never know that happiness.

He decided to check the upstairs level of the nightclub that was rented out for the party. He passed Jas, who was on the phone with someone. She looked up and saw him. She smiled, he smiled. He walked to her. She covered the phone for a moment.

" Have you seen Lance?"

" Nope, sorry, I'm sure he's around where somewhere."

" Yeah, thanks."

" Yup."

" Who you talking to?"

" Leslie."

" My sister Leslie?"

" Yes."

" Why."

" She's upset, she called my cell."

" Is she okay?"

" What do you think?

Nick watched as Jas resumed her conversation with his sister. He knew that the scene at the pool was an indication that he should tell his siblings, but how do you tell the people you love the most, that you have a disease that will eventually kill you. He couldn't, he wouldn't, until he had to.

He resumed his search for his boyfriend. He found him sleeping on a couch in one of the private rooms on the third floor of the club. You could barely hear the music from this far up. Lance had stretched out on the futon type couch and closed his eyes. He only intended on resting his body, but he was so worn out, he soon fell asleep.

" Digital digital get down (get down) just you and me

(You may be) Twenty thousand miles away but I can see ya

And baby baby you can see me

Digital digital get down (get down) just what we need

If we cant, get together naturally

(We can) We can get together on the digital screen.

Digital digital get down (get down)

Just what we need..."

" All I want is to make you happy. I didn't think I could do that if we could never make love. But maybe this song is right, there's always a digital getdown. Its funny if you think about it. Our sex life, through the computer. I would be able to do it, if you could. Maybe talking to you, when you can't hear me is easier. Ever since we met, so many years ago, just knowing that you were out there, wanting me, loving me, made the bad parts go away. I prayed I would find you again, and all the pain would just magically go away. It didn't exactly go like that huh?

I know the past month has been a smaller version of hell, I never meant for it to be. I never imagined I'd have to tell the man I want to spend eternity with, that I had a disease that would someday, take me away from him. It's not exactly how I envisioned this tour.

Lansten, you are my everything. Even if I don't have eternity, I want to spend whatever time God gives me, whether it be a day, a week, or 20 years, and I want to be with you. I thought I'd get to marry you one day. And surely that is what this speech sounds like, a proposal, but, I don't think I'm strong enough for that. Not yet anyway.

If things ever get too bad, that we cant work it out, I'd rather die than go on. I don't know what I hope to accomplish by pouring my heart out to man who is sleeping, but I guess it helped me sort things out.

You're like an angel when you sleep. My destiny. I never though I'd believe in a destiny. But you are mine. I knew, from the moment I heard that this tour would include NSYNC, I knew angels were on my side, and that I'd get an angel out of the deal. I got you. I love you forever."

Nick felt the tears. They stung his eyes, fell to the floor and covered his boyfriends' body with his. He rested his head to the side and enjoyed the rhythmic movements of his sleeping boyfriend.

Lance had to control his heart. He felt the tears as the sprung to his own eyes. He had woken up the moment Nick sat down beside him. He listened to the heartfelt confession. He wished there was something he could do to assure Nick that forever and though out eternity, Lance would stand by Nick, and love him.

The next two shows were just as pumped up as the first if not more. The crowd was supportive and appreciative. They sang along as loud as they could with all the words that they could possible hear. After the last show, they scurried to their busses and drove off to their next destination. Their next show was in Phoenix in two days. This tour, they planned on having large gaps between each show, to allow for emergencies and so the artists wouldn't feel the stress as much.

" More, more, more!"

" More? Man, how much of this can you withstand?"

" You've obviously never seen me eat ice cream."

" I guess I haven't."

" Do we have enough ingredients yet?

" Let me see, vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, Rocky road, pralines and cream, and what the fuck is this, Spumoni? Who hell eats spu-fucking-moni? Speak now, or it's going bye, bye, bye!"

" No, wait! Its Tess's, the pregnancy thing is throwing her taste buds out of whack!"

" I'll say, ok. Whipped cream, cherries that will kill you from the red dye 40, fudge-."

" What is wrong with you?"

" Nuttin. As I was saying, fudge, caramel, marshmallow fluff, peanuts, and oh, eww, you are making Tess's sundae, there is no way in hell I'm touching that one."

BJ held up a can of mashed sardines. She threw the can at Chris who equally gagged at the thought of eating it, with or with out the ice cream.

" Um, okay, but I will not watch her eat it!"

" She's your fiancee, you're gonna have to sit by her!"

" Nooooooo!"

" Shut up you baby, and lets get to work."

BJ and Chris started to make the sundaes. The others were dozing the next room. JC of course took the time between getting on the bus and pigging out, sleeping. Joey was banned from the kitchen after spilling an entire carton of milk onto the floor, which BJ spent a good 20 minutes cleaning up. Justin kept Tess company while their respective lovers took care of the food.

" Ice cream, then topping, then whipped cream, this is the right way."

" There is no right way physco!"

" Don't temp me Christopher, I've got whipped cream in hand."

" Oh yeah! Well I've got, um ha! Sardines!"

" You wouldn't!"

" I so would!"

BJ and Chris faced off, neither wanting to get messed up, but would if the other moved. BJ raised her arm and was about to spray when she heard a voice yelling for her.

" Is the food ready yet?" Justin whined from the couch.

BJ looked to Justin then back at Chris. She smiled.

" Oh no, what now?"

" Did you happen to get extra sardines Chris?"

" You wouldn't?"

" Wouldn't I?"

" You're bad!"

" I've learned from the best."

" Me?"

" Don't flatter yourself Kirkpatrick, I do have an older brother who is internationally famous for pulling pranks."

" Oh, yeah."

" Don't worry, I've learned a thing or two from you too."

" Thanks!"

" Now, did you get extra?"

" Yeah."

" Good lets get to work."

By the time they finished the finishing touches, everyone was getting whiny. The sundaes looked perfect. There were four larger ones, one large one with a fish on top, obviously the one for Tess, and a smaller one, for Justin. BJ figured she might not want to waste too much on Justin's joke sundae, she had made him a real one, but put in the freezer for the time being.

They put out trays to serve everyone. Everyone stared and salivated over their delicacies. Finally, Tess dug into hers. Everyone else could not believe she was going to eat what she was but she happily began to gobble it up. Chris moved away for Tess and gave BJ a look. She started to laugh.

" What is so funny?" Tess looked up from her food.

" Nothing, inside joke."

" Um okay, hey, y'all better eat or I'll eat yours."

" Yes ma'am."

BJ and Chris both watched Justin as he raised his spoon and stuck it in the ice cream. Justin brought it to his mouth. He thought that he smelled fish but them remembered that Tess was sitting next to him. As the spoon touched his tongue and the ice cream slid into his mouth, BJ and Chris watched with anticipation.

Justin suddenly jumped up and started to gag and cough at the same time. He jumped around, like a complete fool. Everyone looked at him in amazement. BJ and Chris had to steady themselves from falling to the floor. Chris had tears in his eyes, as did BJ. Justin finally swallowed and looked around the room. JC and Joey were laughing at him, but only because he looked like a fool. He understood that. But he looked over to his girlfriend and his best friend and he looked at them as if they were crazy, not to mention going to die.

" This means war children, war I say!"

Justin retrieved the real sundae from the freezer, saving the fishy one for Tess. He sat down next to Tess and switched on the movie. Throughout the movie Justin kept glaring at the two of them, they still hadn't calmed down. They left the room, to try to stop the laughter.

" Man, that was good, kudos on that one babe!"

" Thanks, but um, what does he mean by this means war?"

" Oh, he'll get us back for sure, but don't worry, his pranks are never good."

Justin over heard them, as did JC and Joey.

" Time to take sides boys."

" Um, I guess we're with you?"

" Good choice. We'll get more soldiers in the morning." Justin looked to Tess.

" Don't even look at me boy. If I'm gonna help anyone, its gonna be my fiancee, and even so, I'm gonna try to remain Swiss on this one."

" Huh?" Justin looked at her, confused.

" Neutral you dumb-ass!" Joey hit the back of his head.

" Oh. Okay."

BJ and Chris also over heard the conversation from the other room. They too decided to campaign for soldiers in the morning.

" Well, for sure Nick is with us, and that means Lance, and Jas too. Oh, and Aaron loves this type of stuff. It's a Carter thing. Leslie and Angel will probably side with Nick and Jas, so we got them too! Who else do we want?" BJ questioned in a whisper as to not let Justin hear them.

" Um, well I know that Britney will want to side with Justin, just because they've been friends for so long, BUT, if we get her first, we could gain another for our side. Also, I hear Brian and AJ are pretty good, so we will want to get to them."

" What about the other girls. Jess, Kat, Chrissy and the girls of DC?"

" First lets get our main objectives. Then we'll deal with the others, k?"

" We could call Britney now, just to make sure."

" Yeah, good idea."

Britney sat in front of the TV almost asleep when she heard her phone go off.

" Hello?"

" Hey Bit-bit!"

" Hey CK, waz up?"

" We can explain the entire story later, but we are in the midst of planning a prank war. Would you like to be on our side."

" You're kidding right?"

" Nope, so far it's BJ and I against Justin, Joey, and JC. What do you say Bits, you know how good I am, and you've heard about Nick's pranks, and because he's related to BJ, we'll basically we've got a guarantee on The Carters and the Bass's. How about you?"

" So you're calling me cause you thought I'd automatically got with Justin?"

" I'm sure he's thinking the same thing."

" Sure CK, I'm with ya, could be fun."

" Great we're gonna go call the rest of our future troops."

By the next morning, the teams had been formed. Justin was not happy that Britney was on the other team, but there was nothing he could do. Each team had 10 players. Tess, Leslie, Angie, and Aaron decided to be Swiss, and if they wanted to play, they would help each side equally. Chris, BJ, Nick, Lance, Jas, Brit, Bri, AJ, Bey, and Michelle were on one team, Justin, JC, Joey, Howie, Kev, Jess, Katie, Chrissy, Kelly, and Farrah on the other. Everyone met to discuss the rules when all the busses stopped to get gas the next morning.

" Alright. Main rules are we can't do anything to each other that will effect our performance because we are mad at each other. Got it?"

" Got it!" Everyone yelled back

" Second, nothing is done to break up couples, got it!"

" Yeah!"

" And finally, if any serious damage is done to personal property, the one who did it must pay, and if serious damage is done to public property, regardless of who did it, we all pitch in to pay, understood?" Chris asked the group for approval.

" Yup!"

" Okay then, we start as soon as we board the busses. Good luck. You'll need it."

Everyone got back onto his or her respective busses. It was not split by teams on the busses, but each bus had members of each team, so there would be, no question, internal bus wars. Everyone could feel the anticipation, and couldn't wait to find out who the first victims would be.

the next installment will happen quite soon, BUT, it will not be chapter 20. there will be 5 installments under the titles: April: ( then the name of the segment) there are so many story lines i need to tend to, that i cant tend to them all in a chapter type of way. so just hang on and im sure you'll catch on! Thanks! feedback? come on i know u wanna! ~Elisheva~

Next: Chapter 15: April Not So April Fools

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