
By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on May 7, 2000


Disclaimer: Still dont know them, yall know the legal stuff.

Thanks all for the feedback! It really is the major encouragment!

Enjoy and feedback as always!

Chapter 16

" Hello Las Vegas!" Ron was a little hyperactive after the plane landed.

" Car, do you know what hotel they are at?"

" Yeah Katie filled me in, but I have no idea on what to do for Jas tomorrow, I want it to be special."

" It will be, we'll help you. Wont we?"

The group all shouted yes, as they marveled at all the lights. Ron, CG, and Tammy were jumping around like little kids.

" Am I sure I want to marry him?" Anel asked with a laugh.

" Of course you do! But you my have to get a babysitter sometimes."

" We don't have any kids yet Lessy."

" Not for them, for CG."

" Very funny."

Carly walked ahead of the group to baggage claim, she was grateful that her friends were with her, she didn't know if she had the courage to do this alone.

" Car?" Carly turned and saw Bryce running to her.

" Hey."

" Hey yourself. You okay?"

" Yeah, just thinking."

" About?"

" This trip and how much its gonna change my life."

" Oh."

" I want to be able to tell you something definite Bry, but I cant, or wont, I don't know anymore."

" Don't worry yourself about it. You came here for Jas, concentrate on her, and only her right now. We'll deal with us when we get home."

" Thank you Bry, that means a lot."

" Anytime. Now lets get our bags and the children and go to the hotel. Alright?"

" Yes."

After searching for their bags for 45 minutes, the cast of Popular finally made their way to a limo, the only vehicle large enough to carry everyone, and headed to the Hilton.

" Wow!" Tammy, Ron, and Sarah had never been to Vegas before and everything amazed them.

" You know, the whole city is like this, don't waste all your energy on the airport lights." Lessy smiled at her friends.

" You alright sweetheart?" Tamara asked Carly softly

" Oh, yeah, I guess, I'm just really, nervous, to say the least," Carly said in barely a whisper.

She looked around the limo at her friends and smiled at them. Ron, Tammy, and Sarah refused to unglue their faces from the window, Carly thanked G-d that the windows were tinted, and so no one could see them acting like fools. Lessy, Tamara, and Leslie were reading the magazines they took from the plane. Anel and CG were cuddling. Carly smiled at them. Of all her friends, she knew that Anel and CG would make it, they would last forever. She could see it in their eyes when they looked at each other.

She wished to herself that she would find that happiness one-day. She didn't know if it would be with Jas or with Bry, or even with someone, she knew now, but somehow she knew that it would happen for her. She turned her head towards the window and caught Bryce's stare. He turned away quickly.

Carly wanted to smile at his shyness but she frowned instead. This Valentine's was her and Bry's first. It was supposed to be a special time. She had a feeling that he had planned something big, but now those plans were destroyed. She continued to look at him, although his head was turned. She wanted to reach out and grab his hand, assure him of her love, but she wasn't sure of it herself. She pulled her hand in close to her body, laid her head back on the seat, and rested as they drove to the hotel.

By the time they reached the hotel and checked in it was around two in the morning. They quickly rushed to their room and into bed. Money was tight, and the hotel was booked to the fullest, each room held about three to four people. The rooms were split like this: Sarah, Anel, Carly and Lessy in one, Leslie, Tamara, and Tammy in another, and Ron, Bry and CG in the other.

Carly got into her flannels and walked out of her room. Although it was late she ventured up to Katie's room, she hoped that it was not too late and she hoped that she didn't not run into Jas. As Carly reached room 543, she suddenly got nervous. She raised her hand to knock when the door opened suddenly and there stood a beautiful blond haired woman. Carly recognized her Jessica Simpson. She smiled and Jess smiled back and called into the room.

" Hey, I'm Jess, Katie! I'll leave you two, I'm going to get ice, yeah I know its late, excuse me."

" Katie?"

" Come in." Carly walked into the room; Katie was on the laptop.

" Hey. Working late?"

" Car! Hey girl! Yeah, just looking stuff up to do tomorrow with Jess. Who you just met."

" Yeah, she seems great, lots of energy."

" Sex does that you know." Katie replied matter of fact-ly with out looking up.

" What?" Carly gawked at Katie's straight forwardness.

" It was a joke darling, calm down. Come sit, I'll be done in a second. So how was your flight, is anyone else here?"

" It was good. Everyone is, I kinda insisted that they some. I'm just a bit nervous."

" Don't be, there, done. Hey! Okay, well Jess should be back soon unless she got lost." Kat smiled at her friend.

" You really love her don't you?"

" Yes, I do, why do you ask?"

" Today is V-day, not that that's a reason, its just that-."

" I know. It's gonna be hard. It Brycey here?"

" You know he hates it when you call him that?"

" I know, so is he here?"

" Yah, him, Ron and CG are all rooming together downstairs."

" Safety in numbers huh?"

" My thoughts exactly. I should be going, just wanted to let you know I was here and all. Say goodnight to Jess for me-."

" Goodnight!" Jess bounced back into the room.

" Hey! Bye, you know it's not natural for you to be this hyper, even if it is after sex. G'night gals." Carly left laughing.

Jess turned back to Katie, her face beet red. Katie couldn't help but laugh at her.

" This is not funny!"

" Oh, darling, it is it so is. Come here." Jess walked to Katie and plopped down on her lap.

" I love you Katie. I want tomorrow to be so special for us."

" It will be, why are you worried?"

" I don't know." Jess looked away from Katie. There was something bothering her, but she didn't know what it was.

" Tomorrow will be perfect. I guarantee." Jess nodded and hopped off her girlfriend on into bed.

" You coming?"

" Yeah, let me just sign off."

" Okay."

BJ tossed in her sleep. Finally, she just decided to get out of bed. Slowly, as to not disturb Justin, she got out of bed, pulled on one of Justin's sweatshirts, and walked out to the balcony. She couldn't believe how much had happened in so little time. She didn't want to believe that her brother had a fatal disease, that was a not a thought that that seemed possible to her.

Valentine's Day, all lovers should be together on that day. However, she knew of many that would not be. Her brother had locked himself in his room and was letting no in. Lance was being an asshole. BJ knew that deep down he was dying inside and had no other way of showing it or letting it out, but his hurt was hurting Nick even worse.

She and Justin were also growing apart. The only time they spent together or even near each other was when they slept, and even then, it was as if they were in totally different worlds. She loved her boyfriend, but her brother came first, and his depression was starting to get to BJ. She walked back to the room and watched Justin sleep. He always looked like an angel when he slept, her angel, she wondered if they would ever share what they used to again.

" I love you Juju, but I can't think about you and me when my brother needs me. I'm so sorry for this, but I can't love you anymore."

She spoke to his sleeping body. She quietly packed her bags and walked to Jas and Mandy's room. She tried to convince herself that this was the right thing, but even as she settled into sleep beside her best friend, she cried at the loss of her love.

Justin had heard every word BJ had spoken to him. He was upset for Nick; he was scared for everyone. However, he knew that his angel would help him through this, without her, what would he do? Justin fell back to sleep as tears fell down his cheeks.

Jas watched as her friend slipped into bed with her, BJ looked like she just needed sleep, and not talk, so she just held her as she fell asleep. Jas hated seeing her so sad. However, she too was sad. Not just about Nick, but about her ever confusing life. She looked to the clock. 2:37am.

" Valentines day. Yea. Just for one day, couldn't thing be as if none of this bad stuff had happened? The day for lovers, please G-d help my friends find the ones they love. And help me too."

Lance, who had moved in, temporarily with JC and Joey, was wide-awake. He was well aware of the date and that there was no chance in hell that he was going to spent it with the love of his life. As he watched his friends sleep, he thought of how he could somehow mend the wrong that he had done. He lay in bed, silent for twenty minutes.

' It's hopeless!' Lance screamed in his mind. He moved from the bed to the balcony. He was so alone. He never thought that this would cause so much pain. He loved Nick, with all his heart. He was too set in his ways to hold him, when Nick needed him the most.

" Show me the meaning of being lonely.

So many words for the broken heart

It's hard to see in an endless love

So hard to breath, walk with me and maybe."

Nick sat on the floor, a bottle of vodka in one hand, and a picture of Lance in the other. His heart was screaming from the pain of loneliness.

" Nights of light so soon become

Wild and free, I can feel the sun

Your every wish will be done

They tell me."

BJ kept her eyes closed as she felt Jas's arms encircle her body. She turned around and hugged her friend tightly. Jas held her tighter. BJ's began to sob into Jas's embrace.

" Shush, baby, it's ok to cry."

" I don't know what to do."

" All you need to think about now is sleeping, okay?"

" Okay." BJ closed her eyes again and snuggled closer to Jas.

" Show me the meaning of being lonely

Is this the feeling I need to walk with?

Tell me why I cant be there where you are

There's something missing in my heart."

Justin breathed in the scent of BJ. She was everywhere. She was gone.

" Life goes on, as it never ends

Eyes of stone observe the trends

They never say, forever gaze, if only."

Carly started out of her window. She looked back at her friends sleeping. She thought of her friends sleeping downstairs.

" What have I done?"

" Guilty roads through an endless love

There's no control, are you with me now

Your every wish will be done, they tell me."

Jas listened as BJ's breathing slowed down and she finally fell asleep. Her own tears came when she realized that from now on, nothing would ever be the same.

" Show me the meaning of being lonely

Is this the feeling I need to walk with?

Tell me why I cant be there where you are

There's something missing in my heart."

Christina started at the ceiling. She was holding her girlfriend, but Chris no longer felt Britney. They were drifting. Britney was Chris's rock. She didn't know how to be strong without her.

" There's no where to run

I have nowhere to go

Surrender my heart, body, and soul."

Lance ran from his room and into the hall. He stopped in front of Nick's door and slumped to the floor.

" Please don't leave me, I love you so much, please, I cant live with out you."

" How can this be you're asking me

To feel the things you never showed."

Brian watched his fiancee sleep. He looked at the clock.

" Valentines day. I wanted to do something special for you Alex. But what I'm going to do, I'm so sorry."

" You are missing in my heart

Tell me why cant I be there where you are."

AJ listen as Brian professed his love but at the same time, walked away from him.

" Show me the meaning of being lonely

Is this the feeling I need to walk with?

Tell me why I cant be there where you are

There's something missing in my heart."

Nick took the vodka, poured onto the picture, lit a match, and let it drop to the floor.

" Good-bye."

" Show me the meaning of being lonely

Is this the feeling I need to walk with?

Tell me why I cant be there where you are

There's something missing in my heart."

Nick looked as the flame edged towards the side of the picture. He got up, stomped on the picture, and went to bed.

(Show me the meaning of being lonely, by the Backstreet Boys.)

Chapter 17

Valentines Day, February 14 2000, 8:30 in the morning.

Lance woke up with a crink in his neck. He looked up and saw that he had fallen asleep outside of Nick's door. He slowly got up and walked back to his room. He climbed back into bed and tried to go back to sleep, but his mind was on Nick, and how he loved Nick, and how Nick was his everything.

" I'm not gonna let you go, no, I'm not gonna let you go."

BJ woke up and turned around, expecting Justin to be there, she planted a kiss on the person's lips.

" What the fuck BJ?"

" Oh, I'm so sorry, I thought yeah well."

" I know, just don't do it again."

" Yeah, I'm sorry."

" BJ?"

" Yes?"

" I want you to be happy. But I get the feeling that happiness is with Justin. Why did you leave him?"

" I don't know. I thought that if I took my mind off him and our life I could concentrate on Nick, and getting him better. I am so scared for Nick, I don't know what to do."

" And leaving Justin is the answer?"

" No, its not, but I don't know, its like I couldn't even talk to him anymore, like he didn't understand. And the more I pulled away the more he went to other places for comfort."

" Other places as in Britney?"

" I love her don't get me wrong, but I don't know."

" Justin needs you, he loves Brit, they are best friends, but he is in love with you. You have to understand, that you two are meant to be together. Destiny, its destiny that brought you together."

" It's so funny how everyone keeps mentioning that."

" Its true."

" I do believe in it, I just don't want to get hurt."

" And do you think he'll hurt you?"

" No, never."

" Then don't worry."

" I wont."

AJ emerged from the shower just as Brian was waking up.

" Do you want me to move out or do you?"

" What?"

" I heard you last night."

" You heard? Oh that."

" Yes, look, its V-day, if I'm going to be sad and miserable I'd like to know now."

" I love you Alex."

" But?"

" But I can't break up a family."

" You know what Bri? You just did."

AJ grabbed some clothes and left the room. Brian didn't run after him, he couldn't. His legs wouldn't move. It was as if something wanted him to stay back. But Brian needed AJ to live, so whatever this thing was, he was going to fight it.

AJ walked to Nick's room and tried the knob. He found it to be unlocked and walked in. He smelled vodka and smoke and got worried.

" Nick?"

" Yes?"

AJ's mouth dropped open when he saw Nick emerge from the bathroom fully dressed and shaved. He was smiling and everything.

" Nick, you okay man?"

" Of course I am. What wouldn't I be?"

" I don't know. Why so happy?"

" It's Valentine's Day. I'm gonna get Lance back."

" I wasn't aware that you lost him."

" Yeah, well I guess we had a falling out, but we're fine now."

" But Nick-."

" No buts. AJ, what are you doing here?"

" Bri and I, we had a fight, I moved out."

" What why?"

" Look, I don't want to talk about it, can I crash here for a bit?"

" Sure, man, look I'm gonna go for a walk. See ya."

" Bye."

Nick walked out of his room and sighed. If he could convince AJ that he was fine, then maybe he could convince himself. As for getting Lance back. Nick was not the one responsible for breaking them up, and he certainly was not gonna be the one to bring them back together.

Justin paced his room. If he could somehow get Lance to take Nick back, maybe, BJ would come back to him. He left his room quickly and ran to Lance's. He had to convince him that Nick and Him were meant to be. He knocked loudly, not caring if he woke up JC and Joey.

" Shut Up!" Came a voice from within

" Open up, I know y'all are up so answer the damn door!"

" Oh, Curly what the hell is it?"

" Nice to see you too Lansten."

" What?"

" You only call me that when you need something."

" No this time, its about what you want."

" I'm not following."

" You want Nick, so lets get him back."

" I'm not the one who broke us up and I'm sure as hell not gonna be the one to get us back together."

" Please!'

" Why do you care so much?"

" I can't stand to see my friends in pain?"

" Bullshit, get the hell out of here and solve your problems on your own!" Lance slammed the door on Justin.

Justin walked back to his room, stopping at Jas's for a moment. He knocked softly hoping Jas would answer. To his luck she did. She opened the door and the moment Justin saw her, he began to cry. He couldn't bear to ask her about BJ so he ran down the hall. Jas watched him go, her heart breaking along with his. Justin stopped at Britney and Christina's door. He needed Britney, but he felt bad about taking her from Chris, especially on V-Day. He knocked softly. He saw the knob turn a few moments later.

" Justin, hey, what's wrong?"

" I need her back." Justin fell to his knees. He put his head in his hands and began to cry in silent sobs.

" Justin, get up, please. Fine, I'm coming down." Britney sank to her knees so she could look at her friend.

" I need her, today, it was gonna be special. She thinks she needs to be with Nick, Nick doesn't even want to be with himself, I need her."

" Do something, show her, don't just tell her, or expect her to know. It's Valentine's Day, use it to your advantage."

" I don't know."

" Well I do. Please, believe me, when it comes to showing someone that you love them, reassurance or anything, its good to plan something."

" Have you for Chris?"

" Yes, we have been having some difficulties, I don't know what to chalk them up to, but I want to fix them, so yes I have something planned."

" Then I should go. I am so sorry for always coming to you, you should be with Chrissy."

" I love you Justin, friends forever, but yes I need some alone time with C."

" I'll leave I have to think of something for tonight."

" Good luck."

" Thanks." Justin got up and helped Britney up as well.

" And Justin?"

" Yes?"

" You can never go overboard when it comes to love."

Justin smiled and nodded before heading back to his room.

Brian stayed on the bed. AJ left him. The idea still hadn't registered. It was his own fault, he knew that, but Brian couldn't live without him. He made the biggest mistake, now he realized that AJ made the choice to be with him. He had to get him back, and he had the perfect thing. He called his mom to see if she could help. He had to get AJ back, no matter what.

Howie walked into the bathroom. His life was so close to perfect. The man he loved was sleeping just a few feet from him. He was marrying him. He finished washing up and got dressed. He wanted to make the day special, but all he really wanted to do was spend the day in bed with Kevin. He decided to order breakfast and give Kevin some breakfast in bed. He got on the phone and dialed, somehow, he was going to make this day as special for his fiancee as he could.

Tessa woke up with pains. She ran to the bathroom and threw up. Chris ran in after her. He rubbed her back and held back her hair.

" I'm sorry." Tessa said between breaths.

" For what?"

" For ruining Valentine's Day."

" You did no such thing, now come on let's get you showered and back to bed, you are in no condition to leave this room."

" Okay."

Chris got Tessa showered and back to bed. He watched her she fell back to sleep.

" I'm so worried about you baby-girl. I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I always said, I'm not the marriage kind of man, but I met you, and you have changed my world. And this baby is going to bring us so much joy. I'm gonna be a daddy, its so hard to believe, but I know in my heart I can be the greatest dad of all time..."

Tessa kept her eyes closed as Chris talked to her. She couldn't help but let a few tears escape. She had so many secrets, how could she ever make Chris happy?

JC woke up on Joey's arms. He picked up his head from Joey's chest and looked at him.

" I think we figured it out this time Joe. I think this time, we did it, we found each other. I don't ever want to lose you Joe. Through think and thin, now and forever, I will always love you. If something bad comes up, we'll fight until we get passed it, I never want to lose you again."

" I love you too Joshua."

JC looked at Joey's face, his eyes were still closed but he was smiling. JC bent his head down and kissed Joey's lips lightly at first. When Joey responded, JC inserted his tongue and Joey's hands came from the pile of blanket to JC's waist and pulled him up on top of his body. The two men began to grind their crotches against each other. JC looked up and then down at Joey.

" Happy V-Day Joe."

Carly woke up and turned into Lessy. She looked around her, her friends still sleeping. She crept out of the bed and the room. She walked down the hall then on the elevator. She took it to Katie's floor and jogged to her room. She heard voices, so she knew they were up. She knocked softly and waited for the door to open.

" Hey! Come on in." Jessica said as she saw Carly at the door.

" Hey Jess, Kat." Carly walked into their room and sat don on the couch.

" So what's the plan?"

" I don't want to take away from your day-."

" No, don't worry, you two plan whatever and if you need me to distract Jas, I will."

" You will."

" Yup. Look, you two will work better without me, and you my darling can plan something romantic for me while you're at it."

" Oh can I?"

" Uh huh, let me get dressed and I'll got to Jas's."

" So, Kat, I don't know what to do."

" What do you mean?"

" Jas, Bry, I'm so confused."

" I thought Bry knew this vacation was for you and Jas."

" He does and he's totally supportive but, I know inside he wants it to be him and me, only."

" I know, but sweetie, you came here for a reason."

" I know."

" Good."

" What are you planning for Jess?"

" I have no clue."

" What? I thought you'd be prepared like at Christmas."

" Oh shut up."

" No really, I want this to be beyond special."

" I know. Hmm, see if you can get a dining room, set up music, food, and be prepared on what you want to say to her."

" Yeah, good idea, I'll go ponder that."

" Hell no, you've gotta help me with something for Jess."

" Hmm what to do?"

Mandy ran to her room after hearing the news. She couldn't believe it, she had finally found someone, and now he was leaving. She busted into the room, waking Jas and BJ.

" Whoa, Mandy, what's up?"

" The tour people, just cut Scott and his brothers from the bill."

" What?"

" Yeah, they are out. And they officially took Aaron off the bill too."

" Oh no."

" They are being such fucks. And it gets worse."

" How?"

" They need to remove someone else."

" Who?"

" They don't know. They are debating between the four of us girls."

" NO! There has to be something we can do, why are they doing this?"

" Too many acts, I don't know."

" Cut 98*. They are nothing but pains in our sides anyway."

" They wont, they are too big, and they draw big ass crowds. I know I'm gonna be the one to leave, I know it. I love this tour so much."

" I hate to be the one to bring people down, but since its been happening lately, if both you and Scott are off the tour, you two could spend more time together."

" No, we couldn't. I would go in to record a new album, and they would go on a tour for themselves."

" Oh sweetie, I am so sorry."

" I know. I'm gonna go and talk to Scott, see ya."

Jeff looked across the room at his sleeping friend. Drew was so set on ruining every one's lives that he didn't realize he was ruining his and his friends'. Jeff realized his feelings for Drew a little after the group got together, but he was too into the puppy love of it to do anything, and as the years went by, he became his lackey. They caused trouble. Through it all, Jeff just wanted to be near Drew. Jeff was tired of following someone around; he wanted his own life. He wanted love. He was not, however, willing to fuck with other people's lives to get it. He decided that from this point on, no matter what he was going to do thing for himself, and not for Drew. He walked to Drew's bed and sat down beside him.

" I have followed you around for years Andrew. I have been a friend as best I could. I have been a follower, but I never got what I wanted. I wanted you. But you were always looking somewhere else. Trying to ruin other people's lives, I went along with everything. I won't do it anymore. I love you Andy, but I can't do this anymore. Maybe one day, you will realize what you let slip out of your fingers, but maybe by then I will have someone."

Jeff packed his bags and walked out of the room. He was planning on rooming with LA and JJ but the hotel said they had an extra room. He settled in and went back to bed, it was too much for him to deal with, he just said goodbye to years of dreams. He decided that he would overcome this, but he knew that time was what he needed.

Drew opened his eyes moments after Jeff left. He looked up and saw the empty half of the room. He couldn't believe it. Someone actually loved him, even after all the shit he had done to and with him. Drew even smiled when Jeff called him Andrew and Andy, not even Nick or his family got away with calling him that. Was he in love? Did love find him when he wasn't looking? Drew nodded at his own pondering. Then he realized that Jeff left.

" There must be way for us to be together. I have to show you haw sorry I am, for everything."

Nick watched JJ as he listened to the voice on the phone. Although the news was bad, he was secretly happy.

Lance sat in the lobby, today was supposed to be special to all lovers. Then he remember that he and Nick were not lovers. He ran to the bathroom, he didn't want to cry in front of strangers. On the way, he bumped into Brian.

" Hey Lance, what's wrong?"

" Think about it."

" Yeah, sorry. I was wondering if you'd help me with something."

" Sure, what is it?"

As Brian explained his plan to Lance, Lance began to smile. This was going to be one V-day that everyone was sure to remember.

Nick walked the streets of Vegas; he was lost in his own world. He was so lost he didn't notice his cell ringing until it rang for the fifth time.

" Hello?"

" Nick, hey its Brian."

" Hello."

" I need your help."

" Why?"

" Please, just be in the grand ballroom at 6:30.."

" Whatever."

Carly and the others had been asked to join the entire tour that night for a special presentation. That gave her a few hours to see Jas. She didn't know what she wanted to say, or anything, but she went to Jas's room anyway. She had to see the woman she loved so many years ago. She knocked loudly and fast.

"Coming! Hello-."

" Hello Jasmine."

" Oh my god."

" Please, I need to talk to you."

" I can't believe you're here."

" I know, I'm sorry."

" You should be."

" Why?"

" I can't believe you would do that to me."

" I know, please, I didn't think they even had anything on you, please I just wanted to find you."

Jas looked at the face that was talking. She wasn't even mad, but she didn't want to break down. The tears began to roll and Carly stopped talking. She looked at Jas and brought her hands to cup Jas's face. Her thumbs tried to wipe the tears away.

" It's you."

" Yeah it's me."

" I have wanted to meet you for so long, but I never knew who you were."

" I know."

" I don't know what to do now."

" Can I hug you?"

" Yes."

Carly wrapped her arms around Jas's neck and pulled her close. Jas began to cry again, this time sobbing into Carly's shoulder. Her arms went around Carly's torso. In each other's arms, they suddenly felt a strong feeling. They hadn't felt it since they were together the last time. They held each other tighter, afraid if they let go they would lose each other again.

Brian put the final touches on the room. It was all ready. The hours had passed so fast, he was afraid that he left something out. He began to double-check everything.

" Brian honey, everything is perfect, he'll love it."

" I just want him to know, that I, and this is, well it's early but I-."

" He will know. And I love how you did this to help others, my son, always thinking of other people."

" Is everyone from Kentucky here?"

" Yeah, and Leighanne is waiting outside for you."

" She is?"

" Yeah, go see her, I'll make sure everything's is set and that every goes to the appropriate places."

" Thanks, and Mom?"

" Yes, thank you for always believing in me and loving me."

" Brian, I will never stop loving you."

" And thank you for you have done since this morning for us."

" I love you, now go!"

" Leigh!"

" Bri!"

" How are you?"

" I am amazing, you don't look too shabby."

" Yeah, today is a big day you know."

" I know darling and thank you for wanting me to be here."

" You've been there for me for so long, it's the least I could do."

" So did AJ not see all this?"

" He's been in Nick's room all day, Christina and Britney have been on watch."

" Cute. I'm gonna go help Jackie. You go get yourself ready."

" Lance, is everyone here?"

" NSNYC is practicing in the back. The guests are outside waiting."

" Good, Leigh, will you help me get everyone to their table?"

" Sure mom."

" I love how you call me that."

" I know."

Howie sat next to Kevin. Britney and Christina next to them, Leigh and Harold Jr. were to sit with them as well. At the next table was reserved for the guys of NYSNC, Tessa, BJ, and Nick. The two were for the cast of Popular. The next was for 98* and the Moffatt triplets. The next was for Jess and Katie, Jas and Carly, and Mandy and Scott. The ones in front were for Brian, AJ, and family.

Leigh and Jackie made sure everything was ready before sitting down. Harold Sr. sat with his wife and extended family.

" I love you."

" I love you too. When we sing this, I am singing to you."

" As I am to you."

"Okay shut up I'm gonna lose my dinner before I eat it!"

" Its cute Alan, let them be." Tessa smiled at JC and Joey.

Lance sat off to the side with Justin. They too wanted their loved ones to know that they song this for them. Lance for Nick especially. Brian actually said that before him and AJ could do anything, Lance had to make sure that he picked a song that would be equally as important to him and Nick. He spent the rest of the day thinking about it, his final choice, was the only one he could think of that would get the point across. Lance confided in Justin of the plan and what song he picked, Justin jumped at the idea to dedicate it to BJ as well.

Harold (Jr.) walked along the hall, searching for Nick's room. He found it and knocked. He heard a mumbling from outside. AJ walked to the door and opened it. Upon doing so, his jaw hit the floor.

" Get dressed."

" What?"

" You heard me, get dressed."

" Okay."

Harold followed AJ into the room and watched him closely.

" What?"

" Wear something nice."

" How nice?"

" Fancy, respectable."

" Whatever."

AJ dressed and Harold looked over at Nick's bed.

" Do you know where Nick is?"

" He left this morning."

" Okay."

" Okay, done."

" Good, now lets go."


Justin then Nick walked back into the room. As soon as he saw Harold he jumped into his arms and began to cry.

" I know, I know Nicky, let it out."

Nick always looked up to Harold as if he was an older brother. Nick confided in Harold. When he told him about the HIV, Harold broke down over their phone conversation. Harold held Nick as his body trembled and shook with the tears.

AJ looked at the two and began to cry himself; Harold opened his arms to let AJ in on the hug. After about five minutes, they let go of each other.

" Now, we all have to be someone where like right now, and my mom can get very impatient, so Nick, dress up nice. AJ go fix your face."

"Jackie is here?" Nick asked.

" Yes, now go get ready."

When they were ready, Harold told Nick to go down to the main ballroom, and get seated. Nick listened and walked down to the room. He looked inside and gasped. He saw everybody. People he had not interacted with in weeks and people he had not seen in months.

Jackie noticed him from the corner of her eyes and held her arms open to him. Nick practically sprinted into them. Inside Jackie's arms, he cried again. Jackie held him close to her as he balled.

The entire room stared at the two. Jas had tears in her eyes as she held BJ who cried almost as loudly as Nick. Kevin and Howie had tears streaming down their faces. All who knew Nick were crying. They were so happy he had broken free of his depressed shell. Those who didn't just absorbed it.

Justin looked out from behind the curtain and cried at the site. JC and Joey came up from behind him and began to cry as well.

" What the hell is this?"

" Come here and see for yourself!"

" Alright."

Chris helped Tessa up and walked to the curtain. Tessa gasped and the tears fell. Even Chris felt his eyes water up.

" I'm gonna go sit down, I love you."

" Love you too."

" What?"

" Don't ever yell at us for being cute again!" JC laughed at his friend.

" Yeah yeah."

Lance came back from the bathroom and saw his friends all laughing and crying.

" What the hell happened when I was out."

" You'll see."

" Um ok."

Brian came back from the bathroom and saw the room in tears. He looked around and saw Nick in the arms of his mother. He ran to them and hugged his best friend and mother tightly.

" Bri, I am so sorry, for the past few weeks-."

" Don't be, I'm so glad you're here with us tonight."

" Yeah, you planned a party for AJ?"

" Yeah something like that. But this is also for other people, you'll see."

" I'm gonna go sit down."

" Okay."

Nick walked to BJ and his table. BJ fell into her brother's arms and the crying continued. This time however, the tears were for time lost. Nick pulled away and wiped the tears from BJ's face. He smiled at her and kissed her cheek. He hugged her once more and sat down.

" Mom, is he here?"

" He is in the back getting ready."

" Thank you, for bringing him here, he is the only man I could imagine doing this for us."

" He too wanted to be here."

Brian smiled at his mom and motioned her to sit. She did and watched as her son talk to his friends. His life was about to change, but she knew that this was what he wanted, and she wanted it too. Brian walked to the door to see if Harold was coming with AJ when a woman appeared in front of him. He gasped and backed away. She seemed different to him. Her face was soft, and she was smiling.

" I never should have tried to keep him away from you." She said as she kissed his cheek and went to sit by Jackie.

Brian was shocked, but now the day was just about perfect. He walked to the front of the room and took his place there. He turned to face the man that was up there as well.

" Thank you for all the support you've given us over the years, and for coming to do this for us tonight."

" Brian, I have watched you grown up, this is a part of your growing and I am proud to be here."

" Yo Brian, we're ready when you are!"

" Thanks Joey!"

" Brian, Harold is here with AJ."

" Thanks Mom, we're ready."

Harold walked in with AJ and the room fell silent. No had any idea what was really happening they had a feeling but still were unsure. Harold walked to his seat, leaving AJ alone and completing confused. He saw Brian at the front of the room. His eyes scanned the room and fell upon his mother. He looked back to Brian. The man behind him smiled at him. AJ understood, and he began to cry. He slowly walked to the front of the room and took his place next to Brian. He turned to him and took his hand.

" Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join these two men in forever happiness. I have known these two men for so long, and this commitment to each other is destiny. I knew from the moment that I saw Alexander with Brian that they would end up here at this moment one day. Brian has requested a song be played for AJ, but apparently it is for others as well. Brian?"

" Alex, I love you, but this song is not for us. There are a lot of people here tonight who are in love but are not together. I had to do what I could to bring them back together. This was the best I could do. Please listen to the words for us." Brian turned to the room.

" And please, you will know who you are, listen to this song and please understand what they are trying to tell you. Thank you."

The men of NSYNC entered the stage and the music started.

"When winter comes in summer

When there's no more forever

Yeah, that's when I'll stop loving you

That's when I'll stop loving you

I'm sure you've heard these words before

And I know it's hard for you to trust them once more

You're afraid it all might end

And a broken heart is scared of breaking again

But you've gotta believe me

I'll never leave

And you'll never cry, unless I am there

And I will always be there

You will never be without love

When winter comes in summer

When there's no more forever

When lies become the truth

Oh you know then baby,

That's when I'll stop loving

That's when I'll stop loving you

That's when I'll stop loving you yeah

As long as sunlight lights the sky

Light of love will be found in these eyes of mine

And I will shine that light for you

You're the only one; I'll ever give this heart to

What I'm trying to say is, nothing will change this

There'll be no time you won't find me there

Cause I will always be there

You will always have all my love

When winter comes in summer

When there's no more forever

When lies become the truth

Well you know then baby,

That's when I'll stop loving

That's when I'll stop loving you

That's when I'll stop loving you

And when this world doesn't turn anymore

When the stars all decide to stop shining

'Til then I'm gonna to be by your side

Gonna be loving you forever

Every day of my life


Well you know then baby

That's when I'll stop loving

That's when I'll stop loving

That's when I'll stop loving you

When winter comes in summer

When there's no more forever

When lies become the truth

Well you know then baby,

That's when I'll stop loving

That's when I'll stop loving you

When winter comes in summer

When there's no more forever

When lies become the truth

That's when I'll stop loving

That's when I'll stop loving you

That's when I'll stop babe

I'll stop babe

Loving you

(That's when I'll stop loving you, from NSYNC's new album No Strings Attached.)

They ended the song with tears in their eyes. Justin locked eyes with BJ, she turned her head away, but Justin could tell she was smiling. He walked off the stage and kneeled in front of her.

" BJ, please, I love you, please don't let me go."

" I love you too."

JC and Joey hugged each other and sat down at the table as well. Chris joined Tessa. Lance was left up there all alone. Brian and AJ looked on as Lance stared at Nick.

Nick refused to bring his head up, but the sobs escaped his mouth. He wept loudly into his hands. He was crying for the lost time, for the words, for the hurt, for refusing to understand that Lance loved him, forever.

Lance walked up to his and with all his strength lifted him up and gathered his body into his arms. Nick fell into Lance's embrace. Brian smiled at his fiancee as they watched the reunion

they had been waiting for.

" I am going to be strong for you, I will always be there, always and forever. You are my destiny Nicky, I won't ever leave you." Lance whispered into Nick's ear.

" I love you too, I am so sorry."

" Shush, don't be, we have each other, that's all that matters."

" Yeah."

Nick straightened himself out and kissed Lance. Their kiss deepened and no one stopped them. Nick pulled away and smiled at his boyfriend. He took Lance's hand, sat down and looked back at his best friend.

" This is your night bro, go to it!"

" Thanks for the permission Nicky."

" Anytime."

" The road to love is hard and painful

We have survived so much pain and heartache

That only good times are in front of us

Yes we will encounter angry times

Sad times too

But forever know

I am here for you

Forever and always

Always and forever."

Brian finished his poem, his vows and took AJ's hand.

" Forever and always." Brian slid the ring onto AJ's finger.

" Always and forever." AJ's hand trembled as he slid the ring onto Brian's hand.

Brian and AJ kissed. That morning they had broken up, now they were married. Life, for them was perfect. Suddenly they heard a commotion come from outside. The doors busted open and three security guards came in, each holding a Carter child. Angie was crying and Leslie was trying to get to her. BJ and Nick turned around and ran to their family.

" Let them go now!" He yelled at the guards, they let them go.

Angie fell to the floor. Leslie went to her. Aaron hopped around, trying to find his crutches. BJ and Nick looked at them.

" What the hell are you doing here?"

" Diane and Jim had to go on a trip, they sent us here with all of your stuff and a tutor." Leslie said as she held Angie.

" Where are Mom and Dad?"

Leslie looked from Angie and Aaron back to Nick and BJ.

" Missing." ~~~~~~ hey Yall, some suspence! Feedback? thanks ~Elisheva

Next: Chapter 13

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