Destined Salute

By moc.oohay@02rehtnapneerg

Published on Jan 23, 2009


As anticipated, this is chapter 6 of my series. Its always difficult for any gay man to come out to their family. Its sometimes very hard for a latin family to handle it. My fans have all given me great input and I have integrated some of it. I am trying to keep my characters true to themselves, but I do reveal a bit of vulnerability they all have. Please enjoy and let me know what you think. I appreciate everyone of my fan's opinions so long as they are constructive. As you may have seen, there is no sex scene in this chapter. I am reserving that for Chapter 7 since Miguel and Armando do something sexual that they have never tried before.... Okay, i'll say that its role reversal. lol. Chapter 7 is almost done as well, so look for that one to give you a new perspective on their relationship of dominant and submissive appetites. Chapter 7 will be posted as soon as I get through the final section to transition to chapter 8. :) You are all wonderful, and so long as you like my story, please let me know so I can be inspired to tell you the second half of this story.

Miguel was crunching at the gym. He'd set the bench to a 45degree angle and had added weights to his wrists to further increase the tension. He felt powerful and it was showing. His body used to have to struggle to move. The frustrations, the empty feeling held him back from letting his body embrace and enjoy working out. Where Miguel before viewed working out as a necessity, now it was something he wanted to be the best at. He'd finished most of his power building and was working on cutting down excess. Miguel thought about Armando as he worked out now. It charged him up, made him determined, focused, and excited. Miguel finished up his routine and hoorah'd at the end. It was a rush to his body and soul to be happy again. The week had been awesome and Miguel was feeling the good shit all over. He'd seen Armando every day so far, and each time he felt himself feel better and better. Armando was still shy and embarresed at the attention Miguel gave him, but at least he didnt do his best to avoid Miguel as much. Armando talked to Miguel as they walked together to class. At the Track ground, Miguel was proud to see Armando look at him and actually smile affectionately. Miguel was sleeping much better even when he slept apart from Armando. They were communicating more and exchanging likes and dislikes. Even the simplest things were fun to know. Armando would actually wear the clothes that Miguel suggested, though he would always alter some part of it. Miguel didnt mind at all. He wanted to make sure Armando didnt feel controlled and so let him have small victories. Miguel though had to watch out sometimes when Armando was in his bed. Armando had a habit of rubbing Miguel just the right way on his back that would make Miguel putty in his hands. When Armando massaged Miguel, Miguel always woke up hours later from having fallen asleep to the soothing and wonderful touch. It was one thing that Miguel was vulnerable to, and something Armando didnt mind exploiting. Miguel also delighted in cuddling Armando to him. The difference in their body types made this feature easy. Miguel would sit Armando in his lap when they were alone and rest Armando's head on his chest. After that, just rubbing and squeezing him would thrill Miguel and make him feel protective. He had to remind himself though a few times that Armando was not helpless. Armando took his martial arts class and was fast going through the ranks. His much smoother and relaxed form allowed him to adapt and redirect his opponent at a dramatically better level. Miguel was thankful that he never had to spar with Armando. He didnt think he could take him. Armando was running more to prepare for the annual competition between the 4 branches, and Miguel liked that he was so determined. He also enjoyed teasing Armando that he'd have to beat the Marines. These golden times though were what Miguel needed in his life. Everything felt right, more purposeful, and more refreshing. Miguel could spend time at the beach with Armando and their friends and just relax. He could play sports without being aggresive. He could talk and socialize without feeling irritated and tense. Miguel didnt feel empty anymore and it made all the difference. The troops and his superiors noticed the difference in Miguel's demeaner and constantly wondered about it. He'd been borderline scary and unapproachable for so long that it was a head turner that he now was sociable. Miguel noticed how people stopped avoiding him and even his fellow Marines would joke with him now. Armando was also being noticed for his change. He was more sociable and more outgoing. His uniform now received excellent marks from the flight leaders. This change in Armando made more than a few guys and girls wistful that he would pay attention to them as more than friends. Armando was still clueless towards most things, but he was learning at a slower pace. Miguel felt better with the coming months, but all too soon, a particular month was fast approaching. Armando's vacation week with his family. It was a sore topic that Armando preferred to avoid since he was trying to plan how best to tell the family. He'd been raised to be truthful, and knew that to lie to his family would be an even worse insult. Armando often felt alone at these times since he knew what the outcome would be. There was no avoiding it in his family, and he didnt know if he would handle it well. Miguel was encouraging, but he couldnt understand the full scope of the issue. To him with just he, his mother, and her longtime friend whom he called aunt, he could not grasp how hard it would be to have a large family that had expectations of each person. Armando felt the dread coming over him sometimes in a powerful wave, and once he even woke up crying. Armando wanted to believe that his family would overlook it, but deep down he knew they wouldnt. Miguel tried his best to help Armando relax, and even limited their sex time to once a week so as Armando didnt feel pressured. Miguel got horned up as a result to the point where he got aggressive and even a bit possessive of Armando, but he knew he had to be careful. He didnt want to put Armando in an already bad mood, so he reluctantly settled for holding him and talking. It helped, Armando was able to tell Miguel how much fear he had for being rejected by his family. Miguel did his best to try and understand. Armando slept over at Miguel's place every weekend now after Miguel begged him to, and it allowed Armando to find some comfort. Armando wished it would be easy when the time came to see his family.

All too soon, the week of Armando's visit to see his family arrived. Miguel borrowed Mathew's boyfriends SUV to drive them. The night before they were to leave, Miguel sat Armando down. "We have gone over this, I know you are scared, but I am here for you." Armando smiled wanly at Miguel. They were in Miguel's room and Armando had finished packing up his stuff. "What if-" "No, I told you, no more what ifs. If they cant accept you for who you are, then so be it." "Its not that simple. My family has been my everything since I was born." Miguel sighed. "I know, they mean alot to you, and maybe i'm being selfish for wanting to have you only to myself. I just dont want to see you get hurt." Miguel lamely looked down feeling ashamed. He'd done this to his lover. If Armando had never met Miguel, had never been exposed to him, he'd never have had to do this to himself. Miguel was surprised when Armando sat in his lap, hugged him, and stroked the back of his neck. "You have never hurt me, and I trust you. It is for you and me that I am doing this. I cant be your lover if I blamed you for forcing my family to reject me. That is why I am glad you are coming with me. I would not have the strength to do this without you. Understand?" Miguel hugged Armando back and smiled. Armando felt numb. No emotions were distinct since all of them had hit him at once. Miguel felt his ability to protect Armando kick in and he held Armando to him. He wanted Armando so much, almost selflishly, but knew that Armando was part of a family. For the rest of the time that Armando packed, Miguel would affectionately touch him, kiss him, and even hold him. It helped Armando relax and he would return the touches.

As the two drove down to Armando's hometown, they spoke very little. The music and the nice breeze blowing in through the cracked windows allowed both to relax, and sort out their thoughts regarding the upcoming event. Miguel tried to relax though his thoughts were not comforting. He was thinking of worst case scenario, and knew that if the family reacted poorly, he might have to defend his lover. The thought of anyone who supposedly loved him possibly harming him caused Miguel to grip the wheel hard. He had to mentally relax each time to remind himself that it was worst case scenario. Miguel would glance at Armando from time to time and felt that warmth of love give him hope. Armando's family just had to accept the fact that they were in love. Right?

Miguel pulled into the driveway of a very nice two story house. Armando nodded, and took a deep breath. Miguel looked at him and turned off the engine. Armando had been fiddling with Miguel's USMC ring on the chain, and he now tucked it inside his shirt. "How are we going to meet them?" Miguel asked as calmly as he could. "WE are not. It would not help the situation to not only find out, but to then see my lover. My parents might feel threatened. No, best I go in alone and-" "YOU CANT DO THIS ALONE!" Miguel said loudly. Armando placed a hand on Miguel's now tense forearm. "I can, and I will. You will wait here. Do you have the card?" Miguel nodded and handed it to Armando. Armando looked at it once, put it in his pocket, made the sign of the cross and opened the door. He got out of the car, closed it, and walked up to the front door. Armando rang the bell, and could hear a shriek of joy inside. Miguel saw a very beautiful young woman about 16 or so open the door and jump into Armando's arms. She rocked Armando and seemed to be thrilled to see him. Armando hugged her back tightly and squeezed a bit. She released him and seemed to chat to him and point to the other side of the house. Armando smiled and nodded. The young woman, Miguel assumed it was Armando's younger sister, began talking a mile a minute as she lead him into the house. Armando looked back only once with a sad smile and then walked in. Miguel felt his adrenaline kick in, his need to go and be with Armando was pulling at his soul. He was hot, agitated, and wanted to know what was going on. The minutes went, and Miguel was glancing at his watch every few seconds. Finally, after 10 minutes, Armando walked out the front door, alone, stiffly, and with a blank expression. He got in the car, nodded to Miguel to start it up, and said nothing further. Miguel backed out of the driveway, and drove. He saw that his lover was hurting big time, but knew better than to try to comfort him yet. Armando had to sort this quickly or he would collapse. Miguel followed the directions, and they soon arrived at the hotel. A very nice one that Miguel had picked out and had insisted on paying for. It was rated 5 star and Miguel wanted to spoil Armando at the least. Miguel carried the bags even when Armando tried to half-heartedly joke that he could carry his own. Armando followed Miguel quietly and when he entered the hotel, he looked around, smiled at Miguel and said it was a wonderful hotel. Miguel smiled back and held Armando to him. He could feel the ache in Armando as if it was his own. Could feel the emotional buildup that was there and nearing to burst. Armando was holding back, not wanting to let the hurt out, but it was becoming too much. "I am going to shower. I think it will calm me down. Afterwards, we can get something to eat, and maybe go to the hot tub in the courtyard, okay?" Armando squirmed his head to look up at Miguel. Miguel looked at him with such a fierce pride and love that Armando almost forgot the pain. Miguel nodded and released Armando. Armando went to the bathroom and stripped down. He didnt even have the will to pick up his clothes as he usually did. He just needed to get this feeling out of him, and so he turned on the water in the shower. Once the water was warm, Armando stepped in and felt the water do its best to ease his burden. Holding himself, and sitting down on the floor of the shower, Armando tried to understand what happened.

Miguel felt as a Doberman would if caged in a crate the size of a shoebox. Extremely uncomfortable, and extremely agitated. How could Armando's family do this to him? Didnt they know how much they would hurt him by doing this? Didnt they know how much he loved them? Miguel wanted to hit something, hard, wanted to beat the shit out of something, anything, so long as he could release this anger, this hatred, at seeing his lover upset. "God mi amor, how can you not hate them for this? how can you be so wonderful to the people who tore at your heart?" Miguel asked out loud as he looked at the bathroom. Miguel could hear the water running and was relieved, knowing that the shower would help Armando. He had left the bathroom door open so Miguel knew he was not going to get hysterical or try to suicide. No, his lover was too strong for that. Miguel was sure that Armando would pull through. Miguel needed to be there for Armando, and help him as much as possible.

Armando felt the tension, the pain ease a bit after listening to the running water wash away the sweat, the scent of fear and anguish, from his now tired body. Armando stood up, washed himself with soap, and turned off the water. For a moment, he wondered why he would do such a thing. How could he hurt his family so grievously? The answer though came all to easily. In fact, the love radiating from the studly and wonderful Marine on the other side of the wall was what helped Armando pull through. Gathering himself, and letting his mind relax, he dried off, and stepped out of the bathroom. No sooner had he done so when he felt Miguel pull him into his arms from behind with a desperation that spoke for how much he cared and wanted to help. Armando smiled at Miguel nuzzling his neck like a puppy who thought he could get a treat by being cute. Armando reached around and gently stroked Miguel's cheek with his hand. Miguel moaned and gripped Armando tighter. "Are you okay mi amor?" Miguel asked to Armando's left ear. "I am not, but I am feeling better. Very hungry as well. We should go eat." Armando announced as he all but dragged the reluctant Miguel along with him. Armando got dressed and mentally pushed back the pain. He would deal with it in due time. For now, he had to suppress the loss or it would consume him. "Where do you want to go? Anywhere you want, I dont care, but make it someplace you have always wanted to go to." Miguel said as he once again hugged Armando. Armando smiled at Miguel's eagerness to please. Armando turned around in Miguel's arms and leaned up. Gently pressing his lips to Miguel's cheek, he looked him in the eye and smiled. "Well, there is one place, but before I never had someone to go with, now I have the best one ever, so I wish to go to-"

Miguel felt proud of his lover. A wonderful dinner, and a relaxing swim along with a hot tub had seemed to help greatly. Armando wasnt looking as sad, and he wasnt trying to hide his grief. Miguel had talked about anything else he could to distract Armando, and they eventually talked about the situation. Armando had not hesitated, though telling Miguel what had happened had caused him several times to nearly choke from the feelings. Miguel had held him in the hot tub, not caring who saw, not wanting to ever let go. Armando though had said he was tired, and wanted to sleep. Miguel noticed that Armando had been doing a good job of hiding his exhaustion, but was at his limits.

He sighed as he drove. This was definetly not how he had expected things to occur when he had been told his cousin, practically his brother, was coming home. The whole family had been getting ready to welcome back Armando. Armando's father had called up everyone to come and get ready to honor his son. He was proud of him, and Armando's father wanted everyone to know it. Now though, Armando's father was in between sobs and trying not to lash out. The uncles were taking care of him, and the cousins were helping to console the aunts along with Armando's mother. He, as the oldest of the cousins, and having been raised by Armando's father, drove now to see Armando. Armando's father had begged him to go and try to convince his son that he was not gay and that he had made a mistake. Angel had nodded, told his adopted father that he would go see him, and Armando's father had finally relaxed a bit. Angel had felt bad for Armando's dad, since this man had helped raise Angel when his own father and mother had been killed in an accident when he was only 4 years old. He'd been the only survivor and had miraculously had no injuries at all. His family had all rallied to help, but it was Armando's father who took matters into adopting him, raising him, nurturing him, and ultimately helping him open one of the most successful mechanic and body shop stores in L.A. Angel had been loved unconditionally, and when Armando's mother and father had Armando, they gave Angel the task of being his older brother. Armando had become attached and fiercely proud of Angel, and had always called him brother. Angel had found Armando to be the most wonderful of all his cousins, and it was no debate that Armando was Angel's favored cousin. They had been there for each other always, but while Angel had known everything about Armando, or so he thought, he'd kept things from Armando. Partially for his own protection, and because Angel was afraid to tell Armando. Angel drove up to the hotel and sighed. He looked at the card again to make sure it was the right place. Parking, he got out and walked into the hotel lobby. With a bit of charm and oozing sexy latin lust, the check in was more than happy to tell him where his cousin was. Angel thanked them and made his way to Armando's room. He needed to see his cousin, and the one who had stolen him from Angel.

A solid knock on the door startled Miguel. Armando had lain down and was sleeping soundly, and Miguel had been busy trying to figure out what to do tomorrow since they still had a whole week off. He'd figured on where they should go to get a bit of time for Armando to get better, but he still didnt have exact plans. He knew Armando was not going to be in the right state of mind to make decisions. Miguel observed Armando as he walked to the door. He was sleeping, but the look of sadness and the aura of grief was heavy around him. Miguel felt the blood in his body boil as he clenched and unclenched his fist. He was feeling helpless and he hated the feeling. Peering through the peephole, he was surprised to see a guy standing outside. Not just any guy, but a very very hot latin stud. Miguel took a deep breath, readied himself mentally in case this guy was a thug, and opened the door. "What up?" Miguel asked cooly, as he looked the guy up and down in one fluid motion. He was hot, and he was definetly a stud in all sense of the word. Primed muscle with an athletic trimness. Chiseled looks with hair that was style cut to bring out his features. A tan that was golden and smooth skin to wear it on. In short, he was every bit as hot as many of the Marine latinos. Miguel was not impressed. He was a stud alright, but Miguel didnt have the same attraction for this one. He thought he looked good, nothing more. "I'm looking for my cousin, Armando." The guy's spanish accent would have sent a school girl running to change her panties. "He's here, but he's sleeping." The guy, Armando's cousin, nodded. "Good, best time to see him." The guy started to move forward to brush past Miguel. Miguel stopped him dead by placing one hand on the guy's chest. The guy looked at the hand on his chest and then looked cooly into Miguel's eyes. "You have already caused the family to push him away, do you really want to push his closest cousin too?" Miguel glared hard at the guy, hating the fact that the words were true. He took his hand off the guys' chest. "Hands up where I can see them, and empty your pockets." Miguel said as he folded his arms and waited. This was a question of trust. A Marine was taught to have a fighter's stance at all times, and thus a Marine never folded his arms unless he was in a relaxed and trusting state. He was doing this for Armando. The guy nodded curtly and pulled his pockets out to show he had nothing in them. Miguel nodded and unfolded his arms as he stepped aside. "If you hurt Armando you had better pray you can run faster than me, because there is no place your ass can hide from me." Miguel said with an emphasis on how much he meant it. The guy nodded without word and walked into the hotel room. He saw that Armando was sleeping and stared at him. No matter how many times he did this, it never stopped sending a mixture of love and fear in Angel. He sat down next to Armando's sleeping form and then gently ran his hand across Armando's head. Armando mumbled a bit and a tear came out his closed eyes. 'You really know how to leave a deep impact cuz.' Thought Angel as he thought about the past. Armando had been practically his brother, and the two had been inseparable. What Angel had done, Armando did. Angel had worked hard in school, done everything he could in sports, and academics. Armando had done the same. Every vacation that Armando's family had gone on they had brought Angel with them. Angel had originally been Armando's guardian, standing up for him and protecting him, but at some point the roles had reversed. Armando had become a fighter, but also a very good listener. It was this that allowed him to avoid most fights and become a great guy to everyone. Angel had known his feelings for Armando and it had hurt him a bit when Armando had announced he would be joining the military. No longer would Angel be able to at least gaze upon his cousin, no longer would he be able to sleep in the same room as him as they had done sometimes when the parties had gone well into the night. He couldnt tease him and then hug him sometimes to satisfy the ache in his heart. Angel had thought by having Armando away he could focus on work, and it had helped. He'd pushed out more projects and his creative mind had expanded on initial designs. He'd even finally braved the gay scene and satisfied his sexual needs. Turned out he was damn good at it. It had fulfilled the physical tension that he'd been under for so long. It did not however, get rid of the images he had of Armando. He knew it was wrong, Angel was no fool, and he knew he would never pursue it. A part of him though deeply wished that they had met some other way. Angel held Armando now and comforted him the way he always did. Rubbed his back and let Armando place his head on Angel's chest. Armando was clearly exhausted by the ordeal, he kept mumbling and tears would fall from his eyes. Angel looked up at the man who had taken all of Armando from him. This man who looked at them with a mixture of refraint and desperation on his face. 'So this is the one you gave up the family for? What do you see in him?' Angel thought amusingly even though he knew the answer. The love from this Marine for Armando was practically overwhelming the room. Angel observed him a bit closely. He didnt hide the fact and the Marine didnt seem to mind or care. 'He's definetly as hot as they come. And he's not stupid either. Seems like he got his shit together.' Angel thought as he watched Miguel move about the room. His eyes never left them laying on the bed, and Angel approved. Angel slowly maneuvered Armando onto the bed fully and then moved away. Armando mumbled and hugged himself as if to comfort himself. Angel nodded to Miguel to follow him out the door. Miguel raised an eyebrow in suspicion, but grabbed the room key and followed him, closing the door softly. They said nothing to each other as they went down the elevator. They walked to the Hotel Lounge and chose a table. "Hungry?" Angel asked as he brought up the menu. "I could eat a bit." Miguel stated as he looked the menu over with one glance. Nodding, Angel signaled the waiter to come over. The waiter took a deep breath to calm his heart. These two hot latin studs had forced him to adjust his pants and his growing hardon. Walking over, he took their orders and got ample time to see them up close. Both were studs in all sense of the word. The larger one in build looked every bit the image of a Marine. The other was every fantasy of a vato gangster stud you could imagine. He noticed that their orders were rather large and was a bit happy. They obviously would be around for awhile. Bringing them their drinks first, he wished to god he could make a pass at one of them. The Marine one didnt appear to even notice the waiter's existance. That one was definetly hands off. The other seemed to give him a few extra glances and smiled at him.

"Name?" Angel asked as he held out his hand. "Miguel." Miguel stated as he took Angel's hand and then looked at him expectantly. "Angelo, Angel for short. I'm Armando's oldest cousin." The two felt each other's grip and were satisfied. "How bad is it there right now?" Miguel asked as he sat back and drank his beer. "I think you know that answer boy. Whole family is flipped out." Miguel hung his head a bit. "Why did you come?" Angel took a long swig of his beer. "Armando is practically my brother, grew up together, he needed me to come." Angel said as he looked at Miguel with narrowed eyes. Miguel sensed that he was being accused mentally and he was a bit put off by it. 'If Armando needs him, then I cant piss him off.' Miguel thought even though every part of him wanted to tell Angel it wasnt his fucking fault. Miguel couldnt deny that it was largely his fault that Armando had brought the wrath of his family on himself. "How did you two hook up?" Angel said as his eyes bore into the forehead of Miguel. Miguel looked him in the eyes now. "We didnt hook up. We are together. I wouldnt do this to him if he was just a fuck." Miguel refrained from raising his voice. Angel could see that Miguel was becoming angry and obviously didnt like it. "Do you know what they are saying right now? Armando's father wants to kill you for taking Armando away from him. Aunt Celisa passed out and is crying her fucking eyes out. Armando's sister is trying to get the rest of the family to calm down and they are getting worse. If not for me, they would be coming here to drag Armando home and talk some sense in him." Angel's voice dripped with anger even though it was steady. Miguel felt the guilt heat his body. He felt his own temper trying to break loose. He hated feeling helpless, hated knowing that this cousin was the only thing preventing that family from trying to take Armando away from him. "Why arent you trying to tell him to come home and leave me? You obviously have a fucking hard on for him." Miguel immediately knew he said the wrong thing. Angel's face took on that look of absolute anger and malice. If he could have shot daggers out of his eyes, they would have chopped Miguel's head off completely. "That's none of your fucking business you fuckin bitch. Who the fuck are you to say shit to me?" Angel stood up and towered over Miguel. Miguel forgot to back off. He stood up as well and since he was taller, he didnt mind standing only three inches in front of Angel. "I love Armando. I wont let anyone hurt him. I dont give a shit if you are his cousin. If you try to turn him against me I will fuck your shit up." Angel though was not intimidated despite having to look up at Miguel. "One phone call puto and your ass will be history. Fuck you up so hard there not be shit to scrape off the wall." Angel said with a snarl. Miguel didnt back off. "One move other than sitting your ass down and you wont have arms to make any phone calls." The two stood facing one another still. The waiter was now nervous. He couldnt hear what they were talking about, but it looked like they were very pissed off. The chef had their food ready and the waiter was hoping they would sit down so he could bring them their food. After what seemed like forever, the two sat down at the same time. They were still looking at each other with open hostility, but at least some of the tension was gone.

The waiter brought the food over and refilled their mugs. The two broke their eye contact to thank him, and then they got ready to eat. Looking at their food, they realized they had both ordered the same portions of their meal. Picking their forks and knives up at the same time, they glared at each other before they began to eat. As they ate, they began to eat faster, trying to outdo the other. Angel had always had a huge appetite and he hadnt had anything since breakfast since he and his family had been expecting to have a good barbecue that evening. Miguel though always had a large appetite, and he was damned if he was going to lose this match.

Armando woke up when Miguel finally came back into the room. Miguel usually was quiet, but he was moaning and clutching his stomach, not to mention stumbling towards the bathroom. Armando felt much much better, and was able to think a bit clearly now. "You okay?" Armando asked at Miguel's back. He stopped, and turned to Armando. "I ate too much." He said lamely as his face contorted from another contraction in his stomach. He made his way into the bathroom and closed the door. Armando frowned and then sat up in the bed. That was when he felt a cold little object run over the back of his hand. Curious, Armando picked it up and saw it was a very familiar looking ring. Holding it tightly, he felt a wave of anguish wash over him. There was no doubting that this was his cousin's, Angelo, ring. Standing up and moving over to the balcony window, Armando opened it and found his swimming trunks. Putting them back on, he grabbed a fresh towel and wrote a quick message to Miguel.

Armando saw his cousin in the hot tub as he walked into the pool area. Even though his back was to him, Armando would never mistaken that silhouette. This was the man who he had called brother, had always looked up to, had always wanted to make proud. Angelo appeared to be relaxing in the water and didnt look around. Armando kicked off his flip-flops, placed his towel on the chair and walked around Angel to the other side of the hot tub. "Get in, the water's nice, not too hot." Angelo said without opening his eyes. Armando got in and looked up at the sky. "I saw your boyfriend. Pretty good looking, but a bit full of his own shit." Angelo said in a neutral voice. Armando smiled at this. "He is what he is, nothing I can do about that." Angelo looked at his cousin now. The ache in his chest was heavy. Angelo looked at Armando's smooth neck, arched upwards, his smooth and golden brown skin. His shoulders displaying his musculature since they were propped up on the edge of the hot tub. Angelo had had his fair share of admirers, and in the gay clubs he had discovered that he was considered hot. He had no doubt that if Armando had gone to the clubs, Angelo would have been overshadowed. Armando just had that look of innocense and yet the sexual energy to grab any guy's or girl's attention. Angelo lustily licked his lips at seeing Armando's chest shining with water and just above the surface of the water. Angelo wanted so much to run his hands over it, massage it, rub his face in it, but he couldnt. All he could do was be there for Armando. Let him know that even though the family would not accept him back for who knew how long, at least Armando would have Angelo. Angelo sighed as he felt his body react to being around Armando. No matter how long it had been, the feelings were always there. Angelo just wished he could see Armando as his cousin who was hurting and in need of support, but it was hard. His mind constantly wandered to the times recently when he'd fulfilled his lusts with random guys. Their images though would be replaced with Armando's. Armando moaning, Armando clinging to him, kissing him, tasting him, begging for more. Angelo had to dip his head in the water to shake off the images. "I'm sorry that I caused the family to become like this." Armando said as he lowered his head in shame. "You did what you had to do was right, and it was." "How bad is dad?" "He's not happy. He sent me to talk some sense into you." "Are you going to?" Armando asked as he looked into Angelo's eyes. Angelo felt his thoat tighten at the ache he saw in his cousin's eyes. He needed to know that Angelo was going to be there for him in his time of need. "No, you made your choice, I know you did this because it is who you are. I wish I was as strong as you. I could not do what you did. Much as I want to." Armando looked at him, as his words sunk in. "Wait, you are-?" "Yeah, I like guys, not girls." "Really? Then if we talk to the family together then-" "No, we cant. You already made the family extremely pissed off. This would only make things worse if I told the family as well." Armando stopped protesting. He'd always listened to his older cousin no matter how much he wanted to say otherwise. Angel nodded. "You and I know our family is not ready for this, but you did the first part. Kinda fucked up to tell them the first day you come home though." Armando felt the tightness in his throat as he tried to fight back tears. "I cant lie, you know that. They would have known that something wasnt right." Angel sighed. It was true. "So, he was the reason you decided to do this? Is he worth it?" Armando withheld the urge to cry. He always tried to act tough for his cousin. "I dont know. He says he loves me." Angel snorted. "A guy like that actually said he loves you? How you know he not fuckin every guy he can behind your back?" Armando shook his head. "I dont know, but he says he would never do that to me." Angel felt his temper rising. Armando was just too naive at times. Cute, but naive. "How you know he wont get tired of you and then dump you?" Armando felt his whole body become too hot. He didnt want to hear these questions. "I dont know." "What if you get sent somewhere else from him? You think he gonna not fuck around then?" "I dont know." "What if he get drunk and you find him fucking another guy?" "I dont know." Armando couldnt hold back anymore. He could feel the tears coming out no matter how he tried to hold them back. Angel felt guilty for making Armando cry, but he had to do it. He had to make sure Armando knew the full possibility. Marines were terrible relationship material. Great fucks, really good looking, loyal to the corp, but horrible at relationships. Armando had done one of the biggest acts of love for this guy, and in so doing, he had made himself extremely vulnerable. Angel moved over to Armando and held him. Angel was not going to abandon his cousin. If that marine ever broke his heart, Angel would be there for him. He would be the only one there for him. Angel felt himself enjoy this intimacy again. Not in a sexual way, but just being able to hold Armando like this was comforting. Armando was always the best person to hug when you were feeling down. Armando wrapped his hands around Angel's waste and let himself cry. Angel smelled like a mixture of chlorine and his body spray. It was intoxicating and Armando felt heady from the scent. "We dont know what happens in the future. Just remember that things dont always work out the way we want. Have fun with this one, but be careful. You strong man, you always were. If the worst happens, just make sure you can handle it."

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