Destined Salute

By moc.oohay@02rehtnapneerg

Published on Sep 14, 2008


Miguel frustrated Armando. There had been no other person that had managed to rile Armando and it disoriented him. Seeing him in the mornings each day waiting for the Airman's formation to end was a mixed emotion. On the one hand, Armando was irritable that he couldnt have time in the mornings to himself to walk to school. He had used that time to review the homework in his head. Go over the assignment and commit to memory what he'd learned. Armando also felt a bit of a thrill as well. One cant help but feel a deep pleasure at having someone wait for you. Armando would see Miguel grin like a wolf when their squadron was dismissed to class and nod to him. Armando would raise an eyebrow at Miguel but said nothing when Miguel would walk with him. Miguel liked teasing Armando as well, occasionally nudging him in the shoulder enough to make Armando snarl at him. Due to them being in uniform, Armando didnt have to worry about Miguel attempting anything more than that, but it was still annoying. At least, that was what Armando wanted to believe, but every now and then, he sorta liked it when Miguel would nudge him. Since Miguel never did it hard or with the intention to make Armando fall, Armando came to realize that it was the best Miguel could do towards affectin in public.

Miguel found other ways to let Armando know that the battle to see who would win this relationship was by no means over. During Physical Training, the Marines made it a point to usually run by the Air Force guys and girls and come up with a cadence that implied the Air Force was weak. The Air Force had to grit their teeth about this. Armando had to keep his eyes down to avoid Miguel's burning eyes of lust. Seeing him in his peripheral vision, it always amazed Armando how Miguel could spot him in a heartbeat and keep his eyes on him the whole time. This presented problems for Armando since he would see Miguel wearing nothing but his Marine PT shorts and the shirt. Green and practically a second skin, it emphasized every ripple and every muscle in Miguel's physique. Armando had to mentally shake off the image each time since it led to him seeing more and more of what he liked about Miguel. Only once, when Armando had looked up, had Miguel grinned and winked. The implication that he'd won by having Armando look up at him had not been missed by Armando. Armando hadnt quite registered it, but he'd changed since Miguel had come into his life. Little things that others liked seeing change in him. Volunteering answers in class instead of waiting to be asked for them, helping other airman with their uniforms when he knew a particular trick, more relaxed and adaptive in his martial arts class. Armando even laughed now fully instead of trying to prevent himself. More importantly, sometimes when he saw Miguel, he would smile affectionately at him. Armando didnt realize he did this at times, but Miguel liked it alot. The small display of affection was always something that thrilled Miguel.

Armando was finishing up his routine at the gym and was feeling the tension. It was cardio day and he'd opted to do the indoor track. Armando usually used this time while running to think about homework and the various other things that happened during the day. His music kept his pace and allowed him to organize his thoughts. Most of his thoughts though as of late had been about Miguel. Thinking about him brought out a determination though in Armando. Whether to improve or to beat Miguel, Armando never could say, but he found himself fired-up when it came to running and would often sprint the last few laps. Armando felt out of breath, felt as if his whole body was screaming for oxygen, and yet still he couldnt stop thinking about Miguel. He was almost too distracted to notice that one of his fellow airman was approaching him. Diego in fact appeared to be relieved at seeing Armando. Armando smiled. They did a standard three point handshake before Diego grinned at Armando. "What up man? Gotta ask you something." Armando was interested as he and Diego went to the locker room. The men of the military were not ones to be shy when talking while one or both got ready to shower. Basic Training usually cures a man of those silly inclinations. So while Armando changed and wrapped a towel around his waist, Diego talked to him. "See, we need another member for our run team. See, the sergeants really want us to win or at least get second place this time. Last year I guess we placed dead last. We got a good team this year, and by looking at the other teams I know we got a shot at second place at least. The Army won last year and they will be defending their place so we need to really work hard. Can we count on you?" Armando thought about it. It would be a nice activity for squadron participation, but Armando didnt like the idea of practise during his week. "What days are Practise? How long do we have till the competition?" "Practise is on the weekends so as we learn how to run together and pace ourselves, but we already know you are a great runner. We will compete in a month's time. The other teams were just told today so no one has an advantage over the others. You in man?" Armando grinned. A victory like this would really help him feel more in control of things, and he's seen the run teams. The Air Force team might lack greater physical strength, but their stamina and speed were excellent. "Sure man, count me in." Armando filled out the form for Diego and showered up. Armando felt better now that he had something to focus on.

Armando and Miguel were in a huge disagreement. It was a nice and warm Friday night and Miguel was going to take Armando out to dinner. It was when he went to pick him up that he first had to put up with Armando saying he was not going, then after he finally relented under threat of Miguel having his way with him right there, he started to get dressed. "I brought you something." Miguel said as he directed Armando to close his eyes and hold out his hand. Armando was suspicious, but he did so and waited. Armando felt a small box be placed in his hand and opened his eyes. A small white box with a red ribbon holding it closed was in his hand. "Open it." Miguel said as he sat on the chair and waited for what he thought would be an excited Armando. Armando opened it almost reluctantly and raised an eyebrow. "Why are you giving me your USMC ring on a chain?" Miguel grinned. "Well, since we are going to be boyfriends, I think it is a good idea to let you know how much I care about you." Armando glared at Miguel. "Oh no you dont. I'm not wearing your collar for everyone to know that you claim me as property." Armando handed the box back to Miguel. Miguel didnt take it. "Its a time-honored tradition in the corps. You have to wear it." Armando rolled his eyes. "For the straight couples, but I am not wearing it." Miguel stood up now and felt a bit of heat in his voice as he spoke. "Dont give me that bullshit. This is something that is very important to me, and I dont want anymore of your fuckin excuses. You dont have to wear it where everyone can see it. Tuck it under your shirt so that its close to your heart." Armando backed up a step but still remained defiant. "No." "Yes." "No." "Yes." Miguel walked up to Armando and pulled his chin up. "This is not asking too much of you. I have never even thought of letting anyone else even think of wearing my ring other than you." "Wonderful, but i'm still not wearing your property marker." Armando started to move away. He didnt like being stood up to by Miguel and part of him felt guilty. He knew that it did mean alot to Miguel, but that symbol of their relationship would only make it that much harder for Armando to deny the relationship. He'd been initially thrilled to see the ring, but it had taken all of his will to hide it and try to convince Miguel that he didnt want it.

Miguel didnt allow Armando to move around him. He grabbed him in a hug and held him. He could smell the refreshing shampoo that Armando used. Could feel Armando's body relax at being held. Could feel Armando's body shudder. "I should have known. Fuck man, I know you didnt want this relationship, but you are all I have. I cant fucking have alot of shit in this world to call my own. I want you to be that one thing though that I can say is mine to protect. I need you. I want to make you happy. I thought if I gave you something that means alot to me you'd know how much I fucking care about us man. I know it seems like I'm trying to control you, but damnit its not like that." Armando felt the warmth of Miguel's body and felt his mind stop defending. Armando nuzzled Miguels' chest and felt Miguel take deep breaths. "I'm sorry, but I thought by now that you'd move on. I thought you'd grow tired of my attitude and find someone else. You though, you stupid big Marine, you just wont quit. I'm so scared though that if I say it, that you will tell me this was all a big joke, and that you are done with me." Armando felt Miguel squeeze him a bit harder. "I will never do that damn shit to you. You are the only one who can make me smile. You are the only one who can be there for me. You are the only one I want to protect and be with. I dont want no more of this shit. This was no game. This was me wanting you, forever." Miguel unwrapped his arms from around Armando and took the necklace with his USMC ring on it. He held it up for Armando to see and waited. Armando looked at it and then into Miguel's eyes. Miguel looked at him with pleading and love in his eyes. Armando couldnt resist anymore. Nodding to Miguel, Armando turned around and let Miguel put the necklace around his neck and clasp it on the back. Miguel wrapped his arms around Armando's waist and rested his head on Armando's shoulder.Nuzzling him and almost knocking him forward, he was happy when Armando took one arm and moved it back to rub the back of Miguel's neck.

Miguel felt proud. He felt poweful. He was in love. Armando noticed of course how good Miguel was feeling and would roll his eyes at him every now and then. Miguel didnt care. He'd grin right back at Armando and play a bit of footsy with him. Armando would grumble, but eventualy smile shyly back at Miguel. Miguel had taken Armando to a really nice thai restaurant, and had ordered up some very good meals for them. Armando seemed to have softened his emotions and his shy smile was the sweetest thing to see. Miguel and Armando talked about alot of things, their interests, their goals in the military, and their families. This though was what made Armando sad. Miguel's mother had been accepting of her son's sexual preference. Armando though would not have that luxury. "You mean your family could not be okay with it?" Armando shook his head. "My family is very traditional. The uncles are in charge of all events with the family. Their word is what happens. None of them would accept a gay in the family." Miguel thought about it. "Couldn't you have your cousins and your sister rally for you?" Armando shook his head. "That is not possible." Miguel was annoyed. "Why not?" "The cousins all grew up together. My oldest cousin owns a very successful auto shop. We all learned how to work on cars the moment we were 10. The cousins are all close together, but we all obey the uncles. Its' what keeps the family together through good times and bad." Miguel wished he could understand this concept. There had only been his mother and her friend in his life. No other relatives. The concept of family was limiting in his capacity of it. "Well, you will have to take that risk. Maybe it wont be as bad as you think?" Armando looked at Miguel incredulously. Surely Miguel was kidding? Did he really believe that a family could just change their minds? "It wont work. They wont change." Miguel brushed it off. "My mother would accept you. I'm sure that your family will come around eventually." Armando wished that was possible. Miguel, oblivious to Armando's dread, ate up and paid the bill. Armando had thought to sneak the tab away with some charm, but Miguel was not fooled. Miguel and Armando decided it was still too nice a night to head back to base, so they went for a walk on the beach. They met up with a few of the soldiers and airman and seamen from the base, and chatted with them a bit. None seemed to have a clue about Miguel and Armando's relationship save for those who Miguel had told or who knew about Miguel. Miguel found a secluded spot and sat them down to watch the ocean. Miguel loved this. He would see the change in Armando when he watched the sea. His beautiful eyes, his gaze, intensified and reflected by the sea. Miguel cuddled Armando's back to his chest and hugged him as they watched the sea. "It wont be easy. I have everything to lose." Miguel sighed at hearing Armando's words. "You have me, I can be anything you want if you let me." "Can you be my mother, father, sister, uncles, cousins? No, you are one, and my family was many." "There is no shit I wont take on to show you that I need to be in your heart and you in mine." Miguel felt his ring on the chain resting on Armando's chest and gripped Armando firmly. This feeling of possession was what Miguel needed. He would do anything to keep it. Armando touched Miguel's arm and ran his finger slowly along Miguel's forearms. Massaging Miguels thighs slowly, he felt such a closeness to this man who asked everything of him, and had given him everything missing in his life. 'Can I trade one love for another?' Armando felt Miguel nuzzled the nape of his neck and felt the warmth and goosebumps manifest. The ache in his heart thumped loudly. 'I cant have both. I want them both, but I cant.' Armando stared at the ocean and felt the cool breeze on his cheeks, and Miguel's warm body on his back.

Armando was sleepy as they made their way back to the base. Most everyone were still out drinking and partying, but Miguel didnt need that anymore. He liked being able to relax with Armando in his room or Armando's room and watch a movie together. He went out when Armando was going to be attending an activity during the weekend, but even then he was never drinking to the point of drunkeness and stupidity. He also didnt go to the gay bar as much. Only when his lesbian friends invited him to pool at the gay club would he usually go. Quite a few fuck buddies were a bit disappointed, but they didnt argue, mainly cause Miguel would have been cracking some heads if they did. This time, Miguel insisted that Armando stay the night at his room. Armando reluctantly agreed after Miguel threatened to tickle him and worse in public. Miguel's residence, unlike the airmen's, was for those who had come to this training base as a secondary career, a prior enlistee. Miguel thus did not have to worry about some Dorm monitor at the entrance to give him trouble about Armando being there. Miguel led Armando up the stairs and entered his floor. Turning his key, he opened up the door into his common room he shared with 3 other Marines. The common room was only accessable by the three other Marines who occupied the particular rooms within. Miguel was lucky since only Mathews and himself occupied two rooms. The other two could not be filled since the two had been sent at the last minute to an overseas tour. Mathews was staying at his BF's house, so Miguel knew he had the place all to himself. Opening his room to make sure it was comfortable, he settled on the couch and positioned Armando into him. Popping in a movie, Miguel settled in to relax and feel comfortable. This was something that suited him very well to be able to feel no stress and tension. Armando really gave Miguel a chance to be a man at peace, as opposed to a Marine ready for battle. Armando, nuzzling and squirming at first, finally got comfortably settled lying down next to Miguel. Miguel lazily let one arm enfold Armando as his other played with Armando's hair. Smooth and with that hint of cinnamon as always, Miguel smiled at hearing Armando grumble at the attention. All too soon though, Armando stopped grumbling and his breathing became longer as sleepiness started to overcome him. Less than half the movie's length, Armando had snuggled up to Miguel and fell asleep. Miguel smiled at seeing his latin lover be at peace. Armando had found the perfect pillow in Miguel's arm. Miguel touched Armando all over and saw how much Armando liked it everytime when he mumbled and stretched. Miguel didnt feel like sleeping on the couch though and so with ease he managed to manipulate Armando's body into his arms and carried him to his room. Closing his door, Miguel stripped Armando down to his boxers and undershirt. Miguel had learned that Armando overheated when sleeping next to someone with bare skin contact. So, to ease this, Miguel would keep Armando's shirt on, but take off his own. Miguel's small little briefs would be enough to wear to bed. Miguel moved Armando under the covers and got into bed with him. Spooning their bodies together, Miguel flicked the switch to turn the lights off. "I love you my papito." Whispered Miguel into Armando's ear and settled down to get some rest.

Miguel dreamed about sitting on the beach with Armando again. This time though, their conversation was quite different. Miguel had laid down on the sand and felt relaxed. Armando was laying down on top of him, his head on Miguel's chest. Armando had asked Miguel to be with him always. Miguel swore he would. Armando had told Miguel that his family all loved Miguel and that they were to go to the summer barbecue together. Miguel was thrilled and told Armando that he would love to go. Miguel was so happy he almost missed the storm clouds brewing over the ocean. They quickly reached Miguel and Armando's spot and threatened to rain. Miguel didnt want it to rain, he wanted Armando and his moment to be perfect. With a dismissive hand, Miguel told the clouds to fuck off. They did, but kept coming back no matter how many times he told them to go away. Miguel, pissed now, craddled Armando to him and promised him he wouldnt get wet. "You are such a jarhead. If it rains, you always get wet if you are outside." Armando smiled at him sadly. Miguel reached for Armando, but Armando was picked up by the wind. Miguel reached for him and touched him. Where he touched though, Armando turned into water.

Miguel hated the feeling that the one he felt complete with couldnt be solid for him. Commanding Armando to come to him, Armando seemed to try. The wind though pulled harder, it demanded that Miguel sacrifice his one true love to appeace their hunger.

Miguel woke up holding Armando and laying on his back. Armando's head was resting on Miguel's chest and he was snuggled up to him. Miguel felt the cool air conditioning kick on at just the right time to help relieve the heat and agitation he had felt in his dream. Armando mumbled a bit as he held Miguel and squirmed a bit. Miguel felt instant relief. Armando was here with him and he was safe. Miguel held Armando to him and felt better.

Armando woke up sometime later and felt hot and bothered. He couldnt explain it, but he felt energized, wonderful, and lustful. His breath though threatened to kill the mood so he went to Miguel's bathroom and brushed his teeth. Feeling good, though a bit ruffled from sleep, he jumped into the shower. That was just what hit the spot. The warm water washed away the tension and worry from Armando and he was able to appreciate the good pressure. Feeling refreshed, and now energized, he walked into Miguel's bedroom with only his towel on. Seeing Miguel layed out and sleeping, Armando felt something in him rise. A need to touch Miguel, taste him, smell him, kiss him, and be consumed by him. Miguel looked so much like a latin stud with one arm above his head and the other almost seeming to invite him. His chest exposed, Armando could see how well built this marine was. The golden tan, the smooth muscles, and chiseled abs were carved as if by an artist. His square jaw, smooth latin nose, and closed eyes were masculine perfection. Armando saw the necklace with Miguel's Marine ring on it laying on the nightstand. Armando felt that warmth and that energy in him truly elevate. Taking off the towel, Armando shivered for a moment. Quickly getting back under the covers, he wasnt surprised when Miguel mumbled something in his sleep and moved to hold Armando. This time, Armando made the choice. He let Miguel hold him and then rested his head on Miguel's chest. Softly touching Miguel's forehead, he ran his fingers gently across Miguel's features. From his ears to his lips, Armando traced it all. He ran his fingers across Miguel's shoulders, his arms, and playfully tapped his fingers. They looked so big, but just the right size to hold Armando when Miguel hugged him. Armando brought them up to his lips and breathed in Miguel's scent. Feeling his fingers on his cheek twitch, Armando took a deep breath. Reaching up with both hands, he held Miguel's head, and brought his lips down on Miguel's. The warmth, the feeling of comfort left Armando feeling such an ache of relief. Miguel mumbled as he took a deep breath and then, still sleeping, he held Armando to him. Rolling them over, Miguel nuzzled Armando's neck and began to snore lightly. Armando though could feel Miguel's body grind and rub his. Miguel moaned as he nuzzled and kised Armando's neck. Armando rubbed Miguel's broad and sculpted shoulders, squeezed his perfect and smooth sides, and daringly, squeezed his ass. That woke Miguel up as he sucked in a deep snort. Looking around briefly, he smiled down at Armando. "Good morning papito." Armando smiled up at him affectionately. "Good morning jarhead." Armando said with a hint of mischief. "What?" Miguel feigned annoyance as he brought his hand down to Armando's sides. "I said good morning." Armando said with a seeming innocence. "Oh no, first you called me a jarhead, and then you forgot to say papi." Miguel smugly played his hands over Armando's sides as he saw Armando's growing alarm. "Okay, so I wont call you Jarhead anymore. Good morning." Miguel snorted at the game Armando was playing. "You had your chance to correct that mi amor papito. Take it airman!" Miguel began to tickle Armando. Armando burst into squeals of laughter as Miguel held him with his body and gave him whatfor. Armando was helpless as he squirmed and tried to wriggle free. That didnt work. Miguel was grinning as he waited to see when Armando would submit. Armando, realizing that he could lose if he didnt think of something fast, gained a brilliant idea. Using his free hand to wrap it around the back of Miguel's neck, he pulled his lips up to meet Miguel's. Miguel, shocked for the first time at Armando initiating a kiss, froze and felt the intensity. He stopped tickling Armando and closed his eyes. Feeling Armando's lips pressed to his, needing him, wanting him, gave Miguel a feeling like no other. A feeling of desire, passion, oblivion. Miguel wrapped his arms around Armando and rested his head against the pillow as he now took control of the kiss. Tasting the cinnamon toothpaste, suckling on Armando's lips, feeling his body, naked and responding to Miguel, brought Miguel's lust and craving for Armando into fruition. He tasted Armando's tongue, teased it, suckled it, and then kissed everywhere on Armando that he could. He kissed his forehead, his cheeks, his chin, his nose, and held him close as he ground his body with Armando's. Armando's body molded perfectly with Miguel's as they kissed and held each other. Miguel's poweful body responded to Armando's touch with shivers and a growing heat. Miguel could feel how much his body needed to make love to Armando with all its might. Armando wrapped his legs around the back of Miguel's thighs and pressed down. The intensity and pressure caused Miguel to grunt with lust as Armando rubbed his feet up and down Miguel's thighs. Miguel's growl and hot breath reached Armando's ear as Miguel brought his lips down to Armando's neck. Armando did his best to wrap his arms around Miguel's back, but Miguel couldnt wait anymore. Lifting Armando's arms over his head and holding them there, Miguel began to sniff his latin lover's armpits. The small amount of hair there was soft and smelled clean with a hint of soap. Miguel rubbed his nose in it and sighed at how much he loved being able to touch every part of his lover. Armando was moaning and breathing deeply to catch his breath. Miguel kept sniffing and rubbing his nose and cheek into Armando's armpits as he teased Armando's nipple with his chin. Armando was moaning and gasping now and obviously wanted more. His hips would raise off the mattress and he would squeeze Miguel's sides with his powerful thighs. Miguel could feel the raw power and lust building up in Armando and he met it with his own. Miguel groaned every time Armando clung to him. Had to calm himself down from exploding with the sensation of wanting to make love to Armando. Miguel was determined to take his time. It was actually Armando though that made sure things went slower. Using a simple reversal, he moved on top of Miguel and sat up. Miguel was breathing hard and looking up at Armando with a predatory lust in his eye. Armando smiled shyly down at him then leaned forward. Blowing gently on Miguel's chest Armando smiled up at Miguel as his lips kissed Miguel's chest. Cuddling his head on Miguel's chest, Armando nuzzled and kissed Miguel's chest, his neck, his arms, and his fingers. Miguel felt a powerful sense of peace come over him. No one had ever wanted to do this simple act for him. Armando, by being affectionate instead of lustful, gave Miguel a chance to see that he could be loved as a man, and not a Marine. Armando kissed each of Miguel's fingers and would then tousle Miguel's armpit hair. Miguel chuckled at this. It was silly, but it made Miguel feel good. Still straddled on top of Miguel, Armando leaned over and kissed Miguel on his forehead. Miguel hugged Armando to him and rolled them over. "Me Amas?-Do you love me?" Miguel asked as he propped himself up and looked seriously at Armando. Armando got goosebumps at the question. It felt so challenging, but Armando knew that it meant so very much to Miguel to hear the answer. "Te quiero como mi protector, mi amante y mi soulmate. -I love you as my protector, my lover, and my soulmate." Miguel hugged Armando tight and mentally captured this moment for all it was worth. Armando stroked Miguel's head and hummed Shakira's Moscas En La Casa. Miguel felt his body complete, his soul complete, and his need for Armando strong and overwhelming. This was all that mattered now, and Miguel wanted it to last forever. Miguel began to kiss down Armando's neck to his chest. Armando sighed and gasped softly at feeling Miguel's lips on his body. Miguel took his time savoring the clean and fresh scent and body of Armando's. He would only stop worshipping Armando's body every now and then to kiss Armando full on the lips. Armando was gasping and his body became warm to Miguel's touch. As Miguel went further down Armando's body, he waited. Sure enough, Armando gasped when Miguel's lips kissed his cock. Miguel looked at Armando and dared him to challenge. Armando started to reach down and move Miguel's head away, but hesitated. Miguel waited, lips hovering above Armando's swollen member. Armando looked at Miguel, met his eyes and surrendered. Leaning back down, Armando dropped his hands. Miguel released warm air onto Armando's cock and watched it twitch. Armando arched his back and murmered Miguel's name. Miguel, too stimulated now that Armando had surrendered to him completely, began to suckle and lick up and down Armando's latin meat. It tasted so good, clean and smelled of the cologne body wash that Miguel had. Below Armando's balls and above Armando's ass though wafted that scent of cinnamon. Miguel savored this as he tasted his lover's juice. A mix of a honey and cinnamon taste, Miguel felt his love and need for his beautiful latin lover harden his body. His muscles tightened as he flexed and growled his lust. Armando was moaning now and was grasping the sheets in firm grips. Miguel was overwhelming his senses and Armando would not be able to last if Miguel kept it up. Miguel, sensing this, withdrew and took gasps of air. He hadnt realized how worked up he'd been. Leaning back down on top of Armando, Miguel kissed him over and over. On his lips, on his cheeks, suckling softly on his neck, sucking hard on his ears, he wanted Armando to cling to him, want him, need him. Armando, as a means of trying to calm his body down, clung to Miguel and even managed to pull Miguel's head back so Armando could take a few deep breaths. Miguel felt his adrenaline, his testosterone, his stimulation button gain a rush when Armando held him back. He wanted Armando and he would not be denied. Miguel withdrew and motioned for Armando to turn over. Armando looked nervous as he did so. Miguel, to comfort Armando, laid down on top of his back fully and nuzzled Armando's neck. Armando's whole body shivered and rippled below Miguel and Miguel gasped and groaned at the vibration. Holding Armando's hands gently in his own, Miguel rested his head on Armando's shoulder and nuzzled him. Armando sighed in contentment and brought Miguel's hands to his lips. Kissing them each and even nibbling on them, Armando rubbed his nose on the back of Miguel's hand. Miguel felt such a hot lump in his throat as he hugged Armando to him. Miguel moved his and Armando's body to a slow rhythm as he freed one hand and touched Armando on his side. Armando moaned and, placing one of Miguel's fingers in his mouth, suckled on it and bathed it in kisses and licks. Miguel felt his body warmed by Armando's and his fully hard latin meat throbbing to be one with his lover. It had managed to wedge itself between Armando's ass cheeks and was leaking onto the small of Armando's back. Taking a chance, Miguel moved up enough to scoop up a small amount and present it on his fingers to Armando's lips. Armando smelled the liquid on Miguel's fingers and moaned. Lapping it timidly, he soon allowed Miguel to place his fingers into Armando's mouth as Armando enjoyed the taste of his lover. Miguel soon withdrew his fingers though as he arched himself up. Making sure Armando knew not to move, Miguel began to knead and squeeze Armando's perfect ass. Running a finger lightly from the top of Armando's spine down to the small of his back, Miguel smiled as Armando shivered at the feeling. Miguel massaged Armando's ass until it was relaxed. Parting Armando's cheeks, he released his breath at seeing that most intimate spot of his lover. A perfect tan, the bud now throbbing for him. So smooth, so perfect, and only for Miguel. Miguel ran his hands across it, circled his finger around it, and then leaned over to swirl his tongue upon it. Armando's ass clamped down immediately. Miguel chuckled. Some things werent so quick to change. Armando turned his head to look apologetically at Miguel. Miguel winked at Armando that it was okay and took his time. Kissing and licking Armando's ass cheeks, he thrilled in his lovers' moans and uncontrolled speech. "Su Afirmativo...No Puedo...No deje de...Estoy todos los suyos! -Its so...I cannot...Do not stop...I am all yours!" As soon as Armando's ass allowed him to, Miguel tasted Armando's bud, lapped at it, swirled his tongue around it, and then finally managed to plunge his tongue within. Armando had to concentrate on not tightening his ass as he felt such a jolt of stimulation. Miguel delved within and found Armando's ass clean and smelling of cinnamon. Teasing, licking, suckling, kissing Armando's bud till Armando could finally allow Miguel to enter with his tongue without resistance. Miguel's tongue was able to finally stimulate Armando's inner ring as he focused on keeping his thick tongue stiff to push further. Armando was gasping and almost tried to pull away from the lustful feeling. Miguel though had a firm grip on Armando's thighs and Armando could not escape. Armando slumped on the bed as he realized he could not escape his lover's need to pleasure him. Nor did he want to anymore. Miguel finally turned Armando over and laid on top of him. Looking into his lover's eyes, he saw what he had craved. Armando needed him, Armando wanted him, Armando loved him. Miguel felt his need consume him as he growled and began to kiss Armando and lick and nibble and suck with abandon all over Armando's shoulders and neck. Armando gasped and grabbed onto Miguel's back. Digging his fingers in to relieve the tension in his body, he succeeded in not only allowing an avenue of venting, but turning Miguel on even more. Miguel growled his approval and held Armando to him tightly. Grinding now his rock hard swollen latin stick, Miguel sucked on Armando's ear as he encouraged Armando to release his inhibitions. Armando clung to Miguel, begged him to take him, moaned and arched his back with the need to have Miguel plunge into him. Like every good Marine, Miguel was truly ready when he was begged to fuck. Miguel grabbed the lube, managed to detach himself enough from Armando to smear his latin meat and Armando's throbbing hole before he layed back down on Armando and slowly manipulated their positions. When he felt the head of his cock at Armando's entrance, Miguel sighed as he slowly began to push. The pressure quickly made Armando tense, but with Miguel now gently kissing him and speaking seductively into his ear, Armando took deep breaths and relaxed. Miguel took his time entering, letting Armando set the pace. Armando felt his Latin lover enter slowly and confidantly and moaned his name. Miguel layed his head on the pillow as he waited patiently to be fully within his lover. The stimulation, the closeness, the love, it threatened to make Miguel explode if he gazed upon Armando's eyes. Miguel felt himself fully enter Armando after what seemed like forever and he sighed as he leaned back up and gazed into his lover's eyes. Armando looked at him with hope and a bit of a questioning look. "You feel perfect mi papito." Miguel said as he kissed Armando on the lips. Armando released his breath and shivered as he brightened in love and pride. Miguel let his hands roam over Armando's sides as he slowly withdrew halfway and entered slowly again. Armando's ass tightened and released its hold constantly as Miguel reentered. Like a massage for his hard meat, Armando pleasured Miguel as no other. Miguel managed to keep the slower pace to better show his more patient side. Armando seemed lost for words and even thought. He held Miguel and sucked on his shoulder to help cope with the amazing sensation. Miguel then felt the most incredible stimulation ever. Armando, overwhelmed by the slower pace and how powerful a feeling it was, grasped Miguel's back with fingers and dug in. This pushed Miguel into a frenzy. "Oh fuck papito yes! Te Gusta!" Miguel began to slam into Armando as he sought to finally seed his lover. He altered his rhythm to occasionally enter Armando at different angles, which only prompted Armando to slap and claw at Miguel's ass. Miguel became crazed with need as he held Armando, kissed him hard, sucked on his lip, bit his lip, and then did the ultimate act. He sucked hard and long on Armando's neck. Armando gasped as his body went into sexual desire mode. Now thrusting his pelvis forward to get more of his lover in, Armando grabbed the back of Miguel's head and thrust it forward to encourage Miguel to keep sucking hard. Miguel, pounding and tense and in a sexual craze, growled and snarled as he fucked Armando with all his might. Faster and harder with each thrust he knew in the back of his mind that Armando was destined to be his, this was the man who would be his soulmate, his everything, his other half. Miguel released Armando's neck from his lips only to feel himself go over the edge. "Oh FUCK! TE GUSTA! PAPITO! SHIT SHIT SHIT!" Miguel felt his body explode inside Armando as his latin meat expanded inside Armando. Armando's ass tightened around Miguel's cock to ensure that none of his seed would leak as Miguel came over and over. His body convulsed at the powerful flooding and release. Miguel clung to Armando with all his might as he let the powerful rush overcome him. Miguel couldnt even count how many times he injected Armando. His cock was still cumming even when Miguel managed to take deep breaths again. Armando had apparently cum as well for their stomachs were coated with a thick layer of cum. Miguel slipped a finger across it and tasted it. Sweet and fresh, Miguel moaned as he lapped up more onto his fingers. Armando whimpered as he tapped Miguels' other arm. Miguel, realizing that he was still holding Armando in a powerful grip, immediately released the pressure and hugged Armando. Miguel immediately felt the guilt though at seeing what he'd done. A large and very dark hickie was now on Armando's neck, just below the neckline. A little higher, and it would have been unhidable in uniform no matter what Armando did. Miguel kissed the swollen spot tenderly in a sort of hope it would go away. 'He's gonna be pissed at me when he sees that.' Thought Miguel as he rested his head next to Armandos. As Miguel's latin meat finally softened, though still at full lenghth, Miguel withdrew and layed down next to Armando and kissed his fingers and shoulder alternately. Armando almost seemed to purr, but winced when Miguel attempted to pull him into his arms. "A bit sore on the sides, you have a heavy grip you big jarhead." Armando said affectionatly as he pulled away and sat up on the edge of the bed. Miguel sighed happily at seeing the silhouette of his lover. So beautiful and masculine, Armando was everything he loved. Armando made his way over to the bathroom and closed the door. Miguel was a bit disappointed. He'd wanted Armando to keep his seed in him longer, but he knew that he couldnt tell Armando that since it had obviously been a large amount. Miguel waited for Armando even though he felt the sleepiness and exhaustion try to pull him into sleep. Armando came back out looking a bit relieved and brought with him a warm wet washcloth. Cleaning the rest of his cum off of Miguel's chest and abs, he accepted Miguel's affectionate touching of Armando's cheek and even leaned into it. "Thank you mi amor. You didnt have to do that." Miguel gazed in wonder at this young man who had stolen his heart forever. Armando smiled shyly at Miguel when he finished. Armando started to move to go back to the bathroom, but Miguel couldnt wait anymore. Grabbing the cloth in Armando's hand, he dragged Armando into the bed, covered them in the blanket, hugged Armando's barely clad body, and fell asleep, blissfully happy and in love.

Next: Chapter 6

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