Destined Salute

By moc.oohay@02rehtnapneerg

Published on Mar 2, 2008


To my fans: WOW, you guys rock, I didnt think when I first posted this story that I would get any responses. But you have all changed that idea of mine. It is very rewarding to a starting writer to receive good compliments. I took some of your guy's constructive criticism and realized that there were indeed things that I needed to change. Per NIfties' suggestion, I shortened this chapter a bit, so Chapter 5 will have a bit more, as well as 6 and 7. So long as you continue to send me comments, both good and bad, then i'll be happy to continue the story. As you may have guessed, Some of it is based upon my first time. I'll never forget that man, he has a special place in my heart for all time. It was very amusing for me to have the emails from people try to guess which one I was: Armando or Miguel. If you dont know, lol, then dont worry. If you do, well, good guessing. lol. I always think its more fun and provocative to have a person try and guess. Ahem, well, please send me emails and let me know if you like it. I love you all for being fans and i hope my other two stories will go over as well. Oh yes, I dont disappoint. As soon as i'm done with this one, I'll post my story of the time in Hawaii. grin blush deep red well, enough tidbits, enjoy

Destined Salute: Chapter 4

Armando dreamed of a very strange event. He was on a seesaw at first, but there was no one to ride the other side. Armando waited, but could not himself make the seesaw go up, so he felt a bit of loneliness in his heart. There was no one else in the park, and Armando wanted to ride the seesaw. A flash and Armando was making dinner. Yet when he served himself at the table, he discovered that he had made a second serving for another. Armando waited for the other person to join him at the table, but no one showed up. Armando could see the food spoil before his eyes, and Armando was angry. A flash and Armando was trying his best to lift the weight again off his chest. He struggled as much as he could, but it wouldnt budge. Armando looked for Miguel to help, but no one was in the gym. Armando tried harder and harder, determined to do it on his own, but the weight got heavier. Armando felt his hopes of getting help dwindle, and it hurt that he was so alone. Not meaning to, Armando burst into tears at how foolish he'd been. He knew what the pattern was here. Armando had been searching for a soulmate, but had failed to even try and give Miguel a chance to be his soulmate. He was alone and he realized how much being alone made him feel. Empty, and without purpose. 'Am I too late?' Thought Armando as he saw himself from so long ago. Having lost in a soccer game, he'd fallen and started crying. Seeing though the other team cheering at their victory, and how happy they were, had made him aware of what he had to do. He'd resolved never to rely on anyone else, never depend on friends, always do things on his own. 'What a foolish thought, yet here I've been doing that this whole time.' Thought Armando. Armando paused though. Someone approached the child form of Armando. The person dropped to one knee and held the child Armando to him. Armando stopped crying, and held the person back. The person lifted Armando up and held him tightly. The person turned to Armando and suddenly- Armando could see that it was Miguel. Miguel smiled at him as he comforted the child Armando.

Armando woke suddenly and somewhat with relief. He was in a bed, and being held by something that smelled good with cologne. Armando breathed in the wonderful scent, and it instantly triggered who the person was that was holding him. Miguel was sleeping soundly, and was holding Armando as a lover. His powerful body had molded Armando's into it, and was halfway between being on top and on the side of Armando. It felt good and Armando allowed himself to relax. Feeling as if his body was partially energized and yet exhausted, he decided to get up and grab something to drink. Exploring Miguel's mini-fridge revealed a generous stock of beers, and various health drinks. Armando frowned as he looked about and finally spotted a vitamin water drink. Armando popped it open and sat down in the chair as he observed Miguel sleeping. In the dim light, it silhouetted Miguel's features beautifully. The perfection of this Marine, the power he exuded, and yet how very human he looked as he slept contentedly. He could never be called beautiful, his features were too macho to be, but a stud was definetly the best term. Powerful arms that were so defined and cut, a huge chest that was smooth and proudly displaying two suckable nips. Abs that were cut and defined in a six pack that you could serve a meal on. Miguel had all the powerful latin features that spoke for his reputation as a bit of a hot stud. Armando sighed as he tried to suppress hopelessly this feeling that ached in his heart right now. 'Why do I feel something for this Marine? This jarhead who thinks with his muscles, never allows me to be left alone, and could have any guy on base that he wants. Why couldnt he have just left me alone and not made me have all this inner turmoil?' Thought Armando as he finished off the drink. It helped cool him down, and he contemplated going back to his own room. Seeing Miguel's alarm that it was 5 in the morning, Armando decided to instead make the most of it. Laying back down on the bed, he felt his heart thump loudly when Miguel mumbled in his sleep and wrapped his arms back around Armando. 'It could never last, he and I are of two worlds. I cant choose him over my family and honor.' Armando could feel the cool scent of Miguel and breathed it in deeply. The ache he felt was enough to make Armando want to cry. 'Or can I?' Thought Armando as he let sleep carry his stress away for awhile.

Miguel woke up to Armando being craddled in his arms. Miguel liked the feeling of waking up like this. It brought a feeling of pride that he had someone he cared about and could protect in his bed. He watched Armando sleep in the fast approaching sunrise light. Unable to help himself, Miguel leaned forward and kissed Armando's neck lightly. The scent of cinnamon was there again, and it was mixed with a bit of the cologne that Armando had worn that night. Miguel took deep breaths to calm his rising excitement. This morning left him in a great mood and a bit frisky. Thinking that it would be alright to be a bit affectionate, Miguel brushed his lips lightly across the nape of Armando's neck. Squeezing Armando a bit was fun since he was relaxed and not stiff. Armando mumbled something and shifted a bit. Miguel, enjoying this, and getting more aroused with the intimate fun, began to slowly lift Armando's shirt up. Not enough to bunch up, but to allow Miguel to move his hands underneath and feel the body that lay next to him. The skin was soft and warm, and Miguel couldnt help massaging Armando's sides to see how strong they were. He wasnt disappointed. Although relaxed due to Armando sleeping, there was no doubt that the definition was there. Armando was meticulous in every part of his workout routine. He made sure no muscle was missed. Wild thoughts of going a bit lustful and squeezing and kneading Armando's abs and chest to the point that Armando begged for Miguel to take him to heaven went through Miguel's head. Miguel felt heavy with need. It had been awhile, and this closeness was enough to begin spurring Miguel's body to demand to be joined with Armando. He wanted to lay on top of him and kiss him as he entered. Dive his tongue into that sweet crevice of latin muscle. Suck on that delicious piece of meat that Armando had thus far been able to deny him. Not this time. Miguel might be a top for the majority of the time, but for damn sure he wanted to taste the most intimate parts of his lover. As he thought of all of this he could feel his muscles tensing as he rubbed more firmly. His breathing became stronger as he took in more of his lover's scent. Miguel felt the Marine in him, the man who responded to baser instincts honed through combat and hard living, demand to be let loose. Demand that Armando be marked as his territory. Be made into his writhing and gasping bed-mate. Miguel felt himself now nibbling and tasting Armando's shoulder and neck harder and harder with each moment.

Miguel was half hard and lusting for Armando. Taking a deep breath, Miguel began to test the waters. Armando was beginning to wake up now from the body contact, and looked around blurrily. "Good morning blueboy. Sleep good?" Armando stared into Miguel's eyes and wrinkled his nose. "Your breath stinks, and I dont think mine is any better." Armando began to turn away and make for moving out of bed. Miguel stopped that by pushing Armando onto his back and climbing on top of him. "Dont worry, in a moment you wont notice that at all." Miguel said before laying his body down on top of Armando and grinding tenderly. Armando felt his body respond. Felt the heavy need in himself rise to meet the powerful Marine who even now was both hot and cool to his senses. Miguel knew now what he needed to touch, nip, kiss, and tongue on Armando's body to make him react to the stimulation. The warm body contact, so powerfully intimate and yet never enough, allowed Miguel to take his time and still retain his hardness. Armando started to stroke Miguel's back, but was stopped abruptly. Miguel placed Armando's arms above his head. "I wont fall for that again. Keep your hands right there where I can see them." Armando was surprised at the comment and confused. Then it dawned on him what Miguel meant and found himself actually smiling. Testingly, Armando started to bring his hands down and rub Miguel's head, which was now lying on Armando's chest as Miguel rubbed his face on Armando. As soon as he felt Armando's hands, Miguel picked them back up and placed them above Armandos' head with firmness. "I wont tell you again. Be it soldier, Marine, seaman, or airman, you have been taught that you dont get told twice without consequences." Armando found himself somewhat amused by this as Miguel looked deep into Armando's eyes and held them with authority. Armando partially wanted to tell Miguel that since he was not his sergeant, he didnt have to do as he said. Instead, Armando held his tongue and decided to be a good airman. When Miguel was satisfied that Armando was going to be compliant, Miguel leaned over and kissed Armando on the forehead gently. Letting his lips travel over Armando's brow, his nose, his lips, he had to fight to control his breathing. Just that sensation alone had Miguel feeling hard with need. laying back down on Armando, he moved his lips slowly towards Armando's sensitive spot, his ears. Armando, perhaps with good instincts, sensed what Miguel was about to do and tried to prevent it. It was too little an effort too late. Miguel nuzzled Armando's ears and felt Armando immediately react. His body seemed to melt and at the same time Armando moaned with the stimulation. Nibbling and sucking on Armando's ear, Miguel grinned to himself at the victory. Armando was already halfway in the right state now. Armando's body felt heavy with the need, a match for Miguel's own rising lust. Miguel could sense Armando starting to put his arms down to stop Miguel from this lustful and stimulating assault on his sensitive ears. 'You had your chance little airman, but now papi isnt going to make that same mistake twice' thought Miguel with a grin as he took ahold of both Armando's wrists and held them above Armando's head with ease. Armando, too stimulated and relaxed from the attention, couldnt even muster a half-way resistance as he helplessly felt his body crave the touch, crave the sensation. Armando was breathing harder and deeply from trying to hold back the need, control it, and expunge it. Miguel broke that hope when he administered his tongue to Armando's ears. Without meaning to, Armando gasped and leaned forward and sunk his teeth into Miguel's shoulder. He didnt do it hard, but was so desperate from the stimulation that he tried to release some of the tension in his body. The taste immediately enticed Armando. The body that was perfection serving as a Marine tasted like a man, felt like a man, and turned Armando on like a man. Miguel growled his pleasure as he whispered into Armando's ear seductively. "El asidero puesto atrás de mí ya. Usted quiere que mí sea suyo tanto como yo quiero que usted ser la mina. Quiero que usted pruebe mí, muerdame, me beso, me necesito, me quiero. Permita que su cuerpo sea honesto. Anhela la pasión y yo los daré usted necesitará jamás."-Dont hold back from me anymore. You want me to be yours as much as i want you to be mine. I want you to taste me, bite me, kiss me, need me, want me. Let your body be honest. It craves passion and I will give you all you will ever need.

Armando felt himself involuntarily begin to suck on Miguel's shoulder. Miguel groaned at feeling the object of his love finally start to want him. Armando almost hungrily sucked and kissed and bit into Miguel's shoulder and then hesitantly kissed upwards to Miguel's neck. Miguel, too hot and bothered now from the sensation of receiving Armando's attention, grabbed Armando's head and pushed his mouth onto his neck. Armando kissed tenderly, hesitantly at first, but once Miguel moaned and writhed with pleasure, Armando applied more attention. He knew better than to give Miguel a hickey, so contented with biting lightly and licking. Miguel tasted clean and yet tangy a bit. Armando figured it was from the cologne, and it was actually pleasant. Miguel was holding Armando tightly as he felt his body ache for more. Unable to feel comfortable anymore with clothes on, Miguel pulled back, and quickly tossed his shirt off. Armando looked surprised and let his eyes roam all over the view that was now above him and looking at him lustily. Smooth all over, with just a light amount of hair on his arms, Miguel was truly the definition of stud. His nipples were hard and a delicious chocolate brown color. His golden tanned skin was every california man's fantasy. His huge chest, tapering down to that small waist, was pulsing with Miguel's flexing. "You can either take your shirt off, or i'll rip it off, your choice." Miguel said huskily as he mockingly started to move to rip Armando's shirt. Armando quickly pulled his shirt off and nervously looked at Miguel. Miguel moved his body down and then leaned over. His lips found Armando's chest easily, and he growled low in his throat to show he was pleased. His warm breath on his chest had Armando shiver and goosebumps went all up and down his arms and legs. Running his lips along Armando's chest, Miguel teased him by never actually touching Armando's nipples. Rubbing his cheeks and his nose into Armando's chest felt just as good, and Miguel felt as if his whole body molded perfectly to Armando's. Finally, he could wait no more, and before Armando could prepare himself, Miguel sucked onto his right pec. Armando's back arched upwards and his hands came down to try and pull Miguel off. The sensation was too much and Armando reacted on instinct. The sucking, the licking, the nibbling on his sensitive pec had Armando squirming to be free or he'd never be able to get away from this need, this desire, this destiny that his body craved. Miguel immediately moved his hands around to push Armando's hands away and rotated his body slightly to block further resistance from Armando. Putting his other arm underneath Armando's leg, he pulled up and held it there to prevent Armando from moving around. Now knowing he had the advantage, Miguel proceeded to mercilessly stimulate Armando with his tongue. Sucking and flicking his tongue across Armando's hardening nip, He knew he had Armando right where he wanted him. Armando was moaning and sweating with the exertions of trying to move away, and this only seemed to make Miguel even more turned on. Armando tried his best to calm himself down, but everytime he got close, Miguel would latch on even harder to his nip and cause the stimulation to overtake Armando's senses. After what seemed like forever of this deliriously and passionate torture, Miguel stopped and looked into Armando's eyes with a wolfish grin. "Round two mi amor." Armando knew what was coming up as he panicked. He couldnt even break the grip before Miguel had rotated around, repinned him, and latched onto his other nip with his lips. A warm rush entered Armando as he moaned. Without knowing it, his body had been rising to meet Miguel's hungry mouth. Arching up, giving himself to Miguel, it left no doubt that Armando wanted this just as much as Miguel.

Armando felt vulnerable and yet powerfully free. He didnt have to do anything, but at the same time he couldnt do anything. Miguel wanted to drive him crazy with love and lust, and he was succeeding. Armando couldnt rationalize, and didnt want to. Kissing the top of Miguel's head, he was surprised when Miguel stopped the lustful assault on his nip. He looked up and into Armando's eyes. The pureness of his love was so beautiful that Armando couldnt help but blush and smile with pleasure. Leaning forward, Armando planted a kiss and held it there on Miguel's nose. Miguel closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Armando, encouraged by this, proceeded to kiss Miguel's forehead, his cheeks, his lips lightly. Miguel moaned softly. Then Armando decided to do what he'd wanted for awhile now. Leaning forward, he kissed Miguel's closed eyelids. Holding the kiss each time and breathing deeply, he was surprised when Miguel pulled away. Miguel stared down at him with a face unreadable. Armando looked nervous, afraid he'd done something wrong. "That is the first time you have shown me that you love me." Miguel said with surprise. "It is?" Armando was confused. "I felt like you truly cared about me this time. Why did you do that?" Miguel asked with a smile. "If you didnt like it, just say so, dont try to tease me for doing something silly." Armando said as he began to pull away and tried to get out of bed. "You love me as much as I love you." Miguel stated as a fact with more than a hint of triumph. "You are deluded, I cant be in love with you so soon." Armando said as he bent over to pick up his shirt. He wasnt prepared for when Miguel grabbed him and placed him back on the bed. Laying down fully on top of Armando he was grinning from ear to ear. "Admit it, you love me. No need to hide it, just admit it." Miguel said with his grin reflecting his victory. "I dont have to admit anything." Armando stated as he faced away from Miguel. "Dont get all pouty and shit with me. You got caught, and you know it was what I wanted." Before Armando could protest, Miguel had pushed Armando's head back and planted his lips on Armando's.

The kiss was wonderful and Armando found himself melting. Miguel moved his legs in between Armando's and began to grind into him slowly. Feeling Miguel's body move and sensually rub his caused Armando to moan. Wrapping his hands around Miguel, he rubbed and clung to Miguel with the need. Miguel moved his lips down to Armando's neck and sucked gently on it. This caused Armando to cling to Miguel and gasp with the suckling sensation. Miguel, sensing that Armando was at his peak of need, knew that he had to go further to ensure that he would conquer Armando. Armando's pants were easy to unbutton once Miguel had taken off the belt. Armando gasped as he realized that Miguel was going further. Trying his best to cover himself up, Armando felt embaressed. "Now you decide to be shy and shit? Didnt I make it clear already you are going to give yourself completely to me?" Miguel said as he took hold of Armando's wrists and firmly placed them at Armando's side. Armando squirmed and tried to cross his legs and turn to the side to hide himself. Miguel didnt even give him a chance. A well practised move, Miguel used leverage and his knee to part Armando's legs and then moved his body inbetween. "Stop trying to hide yourself from me. You think there is only one part of you that I am after? No papito, I am going to have it all." Miguel grinned as he moved his lips to Armando's neck. Armando tried to squirm away, but was not fast enough. Miguel planted his lips on Armando's neck and gently sucked. It was more than enough to make Armando moan as his struggles became too much effort. His body, too heavy with need, couldnt resist Miguel as Miguel moved further down with his lips and tongue. Hungry for Armando now with every part of his being, Miguel sucked on Armando's sensitive nips almost mercilessly as he growled his need. Feeling Armando try to resist and yet unable to do so fully turned Miguel on hard. The further down he went the more his anticipation. While most tops were strictly top, Miguel knew that with his only love, he would enjoy both giving and receiving. Right now, the only thing on his mind, his demanding goal, was to find out how Armando tasted in his most secretive place on his body. Armando was moaning and incoherently spouting out bits of spanish as he tried to shake off this cloud that had fogged his brain. It was too much, and the more he felt Miguel touch his body, the more the confusion in his mind. 'What is he doing? Why is he going further down to my- OH GOD NO!!' Armando now put up a real struggle as the confusion slipped from his mind long enough for him to realize that Miguel was going to go even further. Miguel grunted when Armando pushed his knees up to brace Miguel's mouth from his pelvis. "Oh no you dont." Armando stated firmly as he defiantly glared at Miguel. Miguel looked a bit annoyed before he grinned. "You think this is gonna stop me? You might as well give up this shit, It wont work." With those words, Miguel easily used his elbow and leverage to wedge his arms between Armando's legs to force them apart. Armando pressed as hard as he could, and for a moment, his sheer physical power in his legs almost seemed to prevail. That is until Miguel pressed his elbows into Armando's funny bone area of his thighs. A cheap trick, but very effective, it robbed Armando of any resistance. Miguel next grabbed Armando's legs and wedged them under his own to ensure that Armando couldnt move them again to block him. "You know, normally any guy would give up his body in a heartbeat if he knew I would be willing to do this for them. Yet you try and deny me what i want, and its getting a bit tiring. What the fuck is wrong now?" Miguel said as he frowned at Armando. "You cant do that because its wrong." Armando said helplessly as Miguel's mouth got closer to Armando's tool. Miguel's warm breath continued to keep Armando hard and Armando was losing the battle to keep the sensation from overwhelming him. "The fuck is wrong with me giving you some pleasure? What you think if I do this you wont be able to play the victim and shit? Dont look at me like that, its plain and obvious. You blew your chance to play that card anymore when you showed me that you love me. You cant prevent yourself from giving in completely anymore. Oh no papito, you're mine and dont you fucking forget it." Miguel grinned down at Armando and licked his lips seductively as he used one hand to massage Armando's swollen member. Armando, never having had anyone touch him, gasped with the sensation. Miguel liked that Armando was also uncut and it was interesting to see how far he could pull back the foreskin. Armando clearly took care of the inside as well as the outside, for it was nice and fresh. The clear liquid that flowed was warm and helped Miguel to lube Armando's shaft as he stroked it. He used his thumb to rub Armando's head, ignoring Armando's pleas that he couldnt take it anymore.

Seeing how hot and bothered Armando was allowed Miguel to focus his attention. Gathering a dab of Armando's pre-cum, he tasted the honey. Sweet and delightful, Miguel looked into Armando's eyes as he sucked on the finger with the pre-cum. "Aye Papito, por qué no me dijiste que probabas dulce?- Aye Papito, Why didnt you tell me you tasted sweet?" Armando took a deep breath and prepared to retort as best he could. Before he could though, Miguel gave him a stern look. "Now that I know, you will be a dessert to me papito, and right now I want the whole pie." Taking a deep breath and calmly looking into Armando's eyes as he moved his lips closer to Armando's shaft. He challenged Armando to protest Miguel's right to have what he wanted, and Armando couldnt deny him. His whole body shivered as Miguel took Armando's shaft head into his mouth. Miguel found that it was just the right size. He'd recalled the numerous times any number of boys had tried to take Miguel's 9 inches all at once and would gag. Miguel was far better. Relaxing his mouth. Miguel engulfed Armando's 7 inches slowly. Armando mumbled and moaned. Miguel's warm mouth, his swollen lips, his skillful tongue, dived down onto Armando's tool. Armando gasped and felt the same sensation from the first time Miguel penetrated him, it was a passionate pain and pleasure all at once. Miguel grunted and growled as he filled his mouth with Armando's sweet taste. A honey flavoring and combined with the light scent of cinnamon that Armando's body always had was like a dessert that Miguel fully intended to consume. Armando's meat was clean and uncut, 7 inches and just the right thickness. It also kept a steady stream of pre-cum flowing that kept Miguels' mouth wet and wanting more. Miguel licked the head numerous times which seemed to always bring Armando nearly to the brink of cumming. Miguel would then stroke Armando and watch fascinated as Armando's foreskin would cover up his head once again. Using the wet saliva and honey from his mouth, Miguel wet his fingers and began moving them down to Armando's latin ass. It didnt take long for him to find Armando's hole, he was far too familiar with its placement by now. Probing and massaging the outside area, was just the right thing to do since it made Armando squirm and give Miguel more leverage to take all of Armando in. Armando tried to stop Miguel by grabbing his ears and pushing his head up, but that was a mistake. Miguel would just let himself be pulled off only to where he wanted and then would push his head back down to take in Armando's juicy tool. This caused Armando to moan even more from the sensation of Miguel going down on him like this. 'Yeah Papito, you gonna enjoy this, cause there is one thing I want and you are gonna give it to me tonight. I'll be able to finally work that ass of yours and sleep with you in my arms in my bed after i get a chance to have your honey liquid to swallow.' Miguel watched Armando, his lover, as he moaned and arched his upper back as a means of trying to move away from Miguel's talented mouth. It was not possible. Miguel had any number of means of moving with Armando to prevent him from pulling away. His tongue easily worked Armando's tool as he suckled, and slurped on Armando's hot tool. Then Miguel found what he was looking for with his wet fingers. Probing just enough, he managed to penetrate Armando's hole. Armando grunted with the initial shock again of having anything go into his hole. Miguel's patience though was good as he waited for Armando to relax. Slowly pushing, Miguel grinned mentally when he found what he was looking for. Armando's breathing indicated how powerful the sensation was when Miguel touched Armando's g-spot within. When Miguel probed it, Armando gasped and threw back his head with the feeling of being filled in a way he couldnt control. "Aye dios mio papi! Mi cuerpo es demasiado caliente, éste siente como cielo, pero biselo la parada mismo durante mucho más tiempo!-Oh my god papi, My body is burning, this is like heaven, but you have to stop I cant hold out much longer" Armando grabbed Miguel's head and tried one last time to force him off. Miguel used his other hand to push Armando's hands away as he clamped down with his lips onto Armando's tool. Armando moved his legs to either side of Miguel's body and then squeezed as an attempt to get Miguel to release. Miguel felt the animal in him, the wolf ready for the mating, release. Miguel pushed his second finger in, stroked Armando's spot over and over harder and faster. Armando was gasping with the sensation. His body ached to release, and Miguel's mouth demanded he wet it with his cum. 'I win my papito, time for you to give me what I want.' Miguel mentally smirked as he felt Armando's body tighten with the effort of trying to hold back. It was pointless. Armando moaned and grabbed Miguel's head, driving his cock into Miguel's hungry mouth. Miguel felt Armando's cock expand and swell just before the explosion of cum. The liquid honey was warm and sweet. It flowed over and over as Armando arched his back and cried out Miguel's name. Miguel felt the victory made the cum taste that much sweeter. Letting not one drop escape, Miguel tasted the liquid and felt relief. Sucking on Armando's cock even more to make sure he got every last drop, Miguel used his tongue to milk the last of Armando's cock-honey. Armando was breathing hard, his chest rising and flexed hard. Miguel pinched Armando's nip lightly and Armando's body flinched. Miguel was lustfully elated. He ran his fingers lightly over Armando's chest and abs and watched with satisfaction as Armando's body shivered from the sensitivity. Finally withdrawing his mouth from Armando's cock, Miguel moved back up to kiss Armando on the neck lightly. Armando actually clung to Miguel and moaned as he recovered from the first orgasm. Miguel was sure that the feeling of warmth inside his body wasnt just from Armando's honey, but now it was because Armando clung to him. Armando had given Miguel what he had wanted. It had been the most intense experience for Armando, but one of the best experiences for Miguel as well. 'This is what I want papito, for you to want me. I'll always make sure you want me and me alone.' Miguel thought as he nuzzled Armando's ear and cheek. Flexing his arms a bit and squeezing Armando here and there had Armando whimper from the strength, but he said nothing. Miguel layed down on top of Armando and felt his jaw finally stop throbbing. Despite the fact that Armando had been a perfect size for Miguel to orally suck on, it had been quite a trial to suck on him for so long. 'It was worth it. You are my lover now. You will admit it soon, and when you do, i'll finally have the lover that i've always wanted.' Miguel smiled as he settled his and Armando's body into a position of comfort. Holding Armando, he felt Armand's breathing become steady and slower. All too soon, Armando was mumbling as he became drowsier. "Sleep papito, you are safe with me now." Miguel whispered into Armando's ear. Armando snuggled up to Miguel and was soon fast asleep. Miguel squeezed Armando one last time before he too let the wonderful dreams take him into a world where Armando and Miguel were alone and in love for all time.

Next: Chapter 5

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