Destined Salute

By moc.oohay@02rehtnapneerg

Published on Jan 12, 2008


Miguel was eating breakfast inside the mess hall and looking out the window. He was just not feeling anything anymore and it disturbed him. Miguel had been serving in the Marines for the past 7 years and had been having fun for the most part. His stunning latin features, his height of 6'4, and his huge build made him one of the most intimidating Marines on this training base. His sergeant rank had its privelages and he enjoyed them. He spent a ton of time in the gym perfecting his form. He was cut, tight and defined six-pack, huge and smooth chest, and a cock that proudly hardened to 9 inches of thick latin meat. Miguel was no dummy in that he knew he was gay, and was always very discreet when he chose to have some fun for a night. The problem: that was all it seemed to be. It wasnt because he was a bum fuck, he'd made sure of that. It just seemed that most of these little gay guys were queens or too much into drama. That sort of stuff had no place in a Marine's life. Miguel was 25, no relatives except for his mother, and wanted more than anything to have someone all his own who thought Miguel was special. A lover, but one who could understand the hard life of a Marine. Miguel had been raised by his mother from the age of 5. His father,Jose Diez, had been an abusive alcoholic and had been the bane of his wife and son's existence for the first 5 years of Miguel's life. Fate would lead Miguel's father to make the mistake of driving drunk to the liquor store. He had beaten his wife for not having more alcohol in the house and when Miguel had tried to defend his mother, Jose had beaten on his son until he had bled. In disgust at having a "whore's son" he had grabbed the key and jumped into the car. That was the last time his mother and son had seen him alive. He had been driving at 80 mph and had lost control of the wheel. A telephone pole stopped the car, but snapped Jose Diez's neck in the process. There had been no one but his wife and son to attend his funeral, and no one else would have cared regardless. It was fortunate that Jose had life insurance, and thus did Maria Diez inherit a sizable amount of income from it. Maria, a woman who had been abused for so long, now discovered with her freedom she could be strong and independant. Packing up her son and the few belongings they had in the apartment, she had moved them to a much better community and had resolved never to marry again. She got a good job working for the state in their department as a secretary. It more than paid the rent, and afforded her son the chance to better himself. Miguel had done that. He never wanted to be weak again, and never wanted to be considered stupid or ignorant like his father. High school had been where Miguel had really shined. Top athlete, club president, academically sound, popular, he had made sure to do everything his mother would be proud of. The only thing he couldnt do was lie to his mother about being gay. His mother accepted it, and said that no matter what she would love him. Miguel never acted upon it, and had dated a ton of girls to lull others into believing he was straight. The girls had been thrilled that he had been such a great and caring boyfriend despite his intimidating size and athletic prowess. Miguel had known that he was to join the Marine Corp the day he went to the college and career fair on his high school campus. The discipline, the uniform, and the hunky sergeant had been all he needed to see. Finishing up High School with Athlete of the year and numerous other extra-curricular activities, he had said a tearful goodbye to his mother and was sent off to boot camp after a month out of High School. He had easily transitioned into the Military life of a Marine. Such up and dont fuck up, and you wouldnt give the Sergeants a reason to give you hell. Miguel had learned to ignore the feelings he would get when in the showers with his fellow Marines, and had finished up Boot Camp with the rest in good standing orders. After that he had progressed quite well in the Marine Corps. He had his first sexual encounter with a Navy grunt while he was out to sea on his first tour. After that he had honed his sexual needs. He learned how to build up his stamina and technique to the point where he could fuck a guy for hours and get them to cum three times before Miguel finally released. For awhile he had done nothing but pursue his career and fuck a different guy every other weekend. That was when he started to get the empty feeling. Sex was still great, but it only fulfilled the physical needs, not the emotional ones. He tried to have a lover, but in the end the lover had just not been able to cope with Miguel having to be discreet. Miguel knew though that he was missing that intimacy in his life. Someone he could hold at night, go out with, have fun with, all the things lovers could do. Miguel had started to believe that perhaps he would never be able to find that. His mother assured him that he would and she talked to him often with words of encouragement and motherly firmness.

Miguel finished his meal and was relaxing in the Mess Hall before having to go to class. He liked these quiet times where there were only a few people in the Mess Hall this early in the morning. Miguel was thinking about some CDs he wanted to get at the store when he blinked. The lights from the Air Force van had come into view through the windows. Miguel snorted. As a whole, Marines and Air Force guys seldom got along. Mostly because the Marines fucked the Air Force chicks. Inevitably, the Air Force guys were the ones that the females would marry and live as happily as they could until their guy got deployed and the Marine on base would become her fuck-buddy. It was a cycle well known in the military. When the husband is away, the Marines would play. Miguel had found that most of the Air Force guys he had hooked up with just didnt have anything going for them. Either too queeny, too nerdy, or too egotistical, they were just all wrong to mess with. Not to mention they had no staying power. The last Air Force guy he had hooked up with hadnt even been able to take all of Miguel and had been so whiny that Miguel had just told him to leave. Miguel observed the new meat that the Air Force was throwing to the dogs as they got out of the Van. The first was a pretty boy, but very skinny and gangly. He also looked terrible with no hair. The second one looked like he had been a fat guy before the military slimmed him down as best as they could. He barely fit his uniform as he waddled out. Miguel guessed that he would get back all of his fatness in less than 3 months. The third guy looked about as nerdy as he could get with his Military issued glasses, pale and pock-marked skin, and unflattering physique. Miguel was about ready to just look away and start laughing but paused. He could see one last airman come around the van. This new guy made Miguel not only pause, but forget how to breathe. A perfection of all the Latin features. The fourth troop was about 5 or so inches shorter than Miguel's 6'4", tanned golden all over that Miguel could see of, Black hair and smooth facial features, a very physically fit form, though slimmer no doubt from the basic training. He looked great with his short hair, and filled the uniform extremely well. He was able to easily lift up his duffel bag with just one hand and walk to the Air Force barracks with ease. Miguel was struck dumb with disbelief. He had never seen such a specimen. This kid seemed to be a very innocent one as well since he smiled tentatively as he observed his new surroundings. Miguel watched the kids' natural and purposeful walk. 'Bounce a quarter off that ass' thought Miguel as he watched the new guy. Then he sucked in his breath. The new troops had marched past the window Miguel was observing them from. As he passed by, the latin airman had turned to face the window and for a moment, his eyes met that of Miguel's. Beautiful dark green eyes, and a face that was intelligent and calm. Miguel felt as if the world had stopped in that instance as he locked his gaze with the new guy. Miguel took in every feature of that face and didnt dare look away. Finally, the airman blinked and kept on walking. Miguel released his breath and sighed. He had only caught the nametag on the guys' shirt for a moment, but he knew the name. 'Sanchez, you are a most interesting creature. I should find out how interesting you are.' Miguel thought as he got up, cleaned off his tray and walked off to class.

Armando Sanchez had transitioned quite well into the military life so far. From the time he had arrived from basic training to his training base he had easily adapted. Get up, clean room, shower, formation, breakfast, class, lunch, class, PT, study time, gym, shower, clean room, bed. A daily routine that he stuck to and very seldom strayed from. Armando did very well in class and was quiet for the most part. He seldom spoke before he thought about it. Armando was sociable with his fellow classmates, and they learned that his quietness was just shyness. They delighted in teasing him, but they never did it to upset him. The Marines actually acted civil towards him on account that he was no pushover. He had proved that when he sparred with a Marine and had landed the Marine on his ass in no time flat. Granted, Armando had used martial arts, and had neglected to tell them he was a very serious study. Armando for the most part had few problems, and got along well with most everyone. The females loved getting his attention, though he never actually singled one out to date. He'd also never been intimate at all with any of them. Most everyone figured him for being a shy virgin, and didnt want to upset him. Armando found that life was treating him well. His parents and whole extended family had been very proud of him joining the Military. It was a tradition among his uncles since they had all joined. Armando's grandmother had been the only one who at first had been against him going. She hysterically claimed he would find some bimbo and marry her and would become crude and rude just like the uncles. They had laughed and assured her that in all the time that Armando had worked at the family owned Auto mechanic store he hadnt changed. There was no way that the military was going to change him that easily. After the Uncles had managed to calm down Armando's grandmother and get her to stop chasing them with her shoe in retribution for corrupting her grandson, she had told Armando that she was proud of him and that he could not marry unless he got her blessing. Armando had agreed and she had been satisfied.

Armando did have one issue that he found unsettling. Well, more like one person he had an issue with. A Marine that seemed to always pop up no matter where Armando was. Granted, on a base you encountered everyone daily at some point, but Armando knew that there was something different about this Marine. He was ridiculously huge even for a Marine. Armando guessed him to be about 22 or so as he had seen him drinking in town with his fellow Marines. He was Latino, and stood a good 5 inches taller than Armando. Armando had admired the physique on the Marine when he saw him in the gym. This Marine was as meticulous as Armando was in his workout, though he could lift far more than Armando. Armando had always made sure he was physically fit and not grossly overmuscular. This Marine actually pulled it off quite well. Armando had learned that the Marine's last name was Diez, but that was about all he knew. Armando wasnt sure if Diez had some beef with Armando, or just curious about him. Armando couldnt remember if he had done anything in the past 3 months of being at this base to offend Diez, but hoped that Diez didnt hold grudges. Armando often felt as if Diez was watching him, and knew sometimes for sure since whenever Armando was using some equipment in a section of the gym, Diez was near and observing. It was unsettling, but Armando figured if he ignored Diez, eventually Diez would ignore him.

Armando was working on his benchpress and struggling. He had been distracted the whole day with grief. His grandmother, the last of his grandparents, had passed away. He hadnt been able to attend the funeral and had been most upset. His grandmother had been the center point of the entire family. She had died peacefully in her sleep, but Armando knew now that he could never get her blessing. He had been dismissed from class when the teachers had sensed that something was wrong. Armando couldnt sit in his room and be depressed, so had gone to the gym early. As usual, Diez was there, but Armando had been too distracted in his own thoughts. He had rhythmically set up his weights for bench press, but had added too many 45 lbs. The result was that he got through two sets of 15 before he felt his arms not able to pick the bar back up. It was taking everything he had to keep the bar from pressing into his chest. Armando was at his limit when he felt the bar's weight ease. Looking up, he saw a pair of Marine green shorts, huge tanned thighs, leading up to a pair of tight and chiseled abs and chest covered by a straining tight green shirt. The guy easily placed the bar back on its rest and Armando lay there gasping from the exertion. "You okay?" Armando blinked at hearing the voice. It was a deep voice, but pleasant and with concern and power all rolled in one. This Marine didnt need to raise his voice to get everyone's attention. Armando took a deep breath to get his bearings. "I'm fine, just need to rest for a second. I really appreciate your help. Thank you." The Marine leaned over and the face came into view. 'Shoot, its that Diez guy.' Thought Armando as the face came down to within about 8 inches from his. "Looked like you were lifting a bit more than you were ready for. Try to be careful. Lucky I was here or you would have been in serious trouble." Armando couldnt help but find it strange talking to a guy from upside down. "You're right, guess I got distracted." Armando sat up and started to stand. That was when he got dizzy. Stumbling, he was surprised when Diez was right there to grab him. "Easy there tiger. You have a head rush, cant just stand so fast. Take some deep breaths first." Armando did, and felt better after doing so. Then he became aware of something. Diez was still holding him and almost craddling him to his chest. Their heads were only about 5 inches from each other. Diez was staring into Armando's eyes, and Armando found himself staring back. Armando traced Diez's features mentally and found that Diez had a very handsome look. "Um, i'm fine now, I think I can stand." Diez lifted him back up so he could stand. "Thank you again for your help, I owe you one." Diez nodded and continued to stare. Armando turned and shook his head. 'Must be the head rush still, cause that was a very strange encounter'

Miguel Diez watched Armando walk away to the showers and sighed. Miguel had felt a powerful force of attraction from the moment he had walked over to help Armando. Then when he had physically made contact, the attraction turned into an electric bolt. It was as if Miguel's whole body had been electrocuted. Being only inches away from Armando's face he had gazed deep into Armando's eyes and found something that called out to Miguel's very essence and soul. If Armando hadnt snapped him back, Miguel might have tried to kiss Armando right there and then. Hell, Miguel amusingly toyed with the notion of just having his way with Armando right there on the gym floor. Miguel had to concentrate on containing his heavy needs and stirring. It had been three months and Miguel was horny as hell. 'It doesnt matter, for you Armando I can wait. You and I will soon cross paths even better than today. By the end, you will be mine." Miguel Diez resolved mentally to try to find a way.

Miguel went home after showering at the gym and thought about today. Reaching his barracks he walked in to find his buddy, Sergeant Mathews, nodding to him to come over. Miguel and Mathews had been good buds, and had once been fuck-buddies, till Mathews had obtained a boyfriend. The boyfriend was a nice enough guy, and a Doctor. Mathews was quite happy with him. "Hey what's up?" Miguel said as Mathews tossed him a beer as he entered the common area. Sergeants were privelaged to have their own room to themselves, but the common area was where they usually hung out to socialize and bitch about the daily activities. This late, there was no one else around, so Mathews and Diez could talk a bit more freely. "I have a little bit of information you might find interesting." This intrigued Miguel. Mathews kept constant tabs on all situations and was very good at getting the right information as opposed to rumors. "What?" Mathews clucked his tongue at Miguel's question. "Tut tut, you should say please and beg me for this information since it concerns your person of interest." Now Miguel was really intrigued. Mathews and Miguel told each other everything and confided in each other. Mathews had kept tabs on Armando to better help Miguel assess what he was dealing with. So far, they knew he was a virgin, didnt date girls, and was a very likable and respected individual. "Please Sergeant Mathews could you tell me this bit of information that you have?" Mathews grinned. "Well, i dunno, I had to make quite a bit of detective work to find out, and had to call in a few spies to see what they knew. The least you could do is give me a reach around or something." Mathews taunted as he struck a thoughtful pose while rubbing his crotch. In terms of bottoms, Sergeant Mathews was insatiable. He didnt have the stamina that Miguel did, and couldnt handle all of Miguel for that matter, but he could get fucked and be ready again to fuck ten minutes later. Thus why he liked his Doctor. Mathews boyfriend didnt last long, but was decently sized and could fuck numerous times in a night. Miguel didnt have time to play the game. Reaching out and clamping onto Mathew's crotch he grinned as he squeezed. "Damn, a little lighter next time dammit! Okay okay, I get it you want to know. Geez, you are too damn serious when it comes to this little boy-toy." Mathews said as he held onto Miguel's wrist to get him to stop squeezing. Miguel withdrew and waited. "Okay, so the students in his class are throwing him a surprise birthday night to celebrate his 21st birthday on Friday night. Everyone who wants to come is invited so long as you get an invitation from the class leader, Michelle Park." Miguel frowned. On the one hand it was great news. 21st birthdays meant that they would have tons of alcohol to get the birthdy person hammered with. On the other hand it was going to be tough to get an invitation. Miguel would have to find a way to get one as he did not normally have any sort of friendship with this class leader. "Any ideas on how I can get an invitation?" Mathews grinned as he pulled out a green envelope from his jacket. "You can thank me by sending me a package of those poppers that you ordered. Those things are great for getting me and my bf in the mood all night long." Handing the invitation over, Mathews got up and stretched. Miguel picked up the invitation and grinned. "No problem, you can come to my room in about a week to pick them up." Mathews looked down at Miguel though with some concern. "Hey, try not to put all your cajones into this hole okay? He might end up being just like the rest of them and I dont want to see you get hurt." Miguel nodded. "I already know he will never be like the rest of them. This is the one. I know it."

Armando had been surprised when it was announced in class that he was getting a surprise party. Michelle Park had proudly announced it and the others in the class had cheered. She had begun passing out invitations and called out instructions. "Now, dont be late as we have the back room of the restaurant reserved and we have to be cleared out by 1100. No straggling. Meet up at Boot Strap afterwards for drinks and fun." Armando raised an eyebrow. "But, that's a bar, I cant go in there." Everyone laughed. "Hon, you just turned 21, you can now legally go into bars. And you are going to get legally fucking hammered tonight." Michelle said with a grin as the other cheered. Armando sighed. He just knew this party was going to be a real life-changer. He just didnt know how much it would be.

Miguel checked over everything before heading out. He had reserved the hotel room, brought over his change of clothes and toiletries early, had stocked the mini-fridge in the hotel room, and made sure to get extremely cleaned up and dressed for the occasion. In short, he looked hot, smelled delicious, and felt hornier than an alpha male sniffing a bitch in heat. Miguel made his way over to the restaurant and got situated. Armando wouldnt be arriving till later, but already a few invites were there and chatting. Miguel knew one or two of the Marines that were attending and assessed their intentions. One of them he knew to be gay as he'd fucked the hell out of him some time back. The other one was an avid drinker and found any excuse he could to attend events where he could get wasted. They were both in Armando's class so it meant they were here to support their fellow classmate. Miguel didnt have to worry about them. A few Navy guys he did have to worry about at first as he knew their agenda and what they might have liked to do with Armando if he got drunk. After making it clear to them that Miguel was intending to make Armando his, they backed off. That left the competition out and Miguel could then proceed towards making Armando his.

Armando had given up protesting, mainly because no one would listen to him. It had been a rather trying time for Armando as he had had to dress in slacks and a button up shirt. An early birthday gift of some really refreshing cologne from his parents had helped as he had been happy to finally have a use for it. The group picked him up at 8 and got him all but shoved into the taxi with a girl on either side of him. They were more than happy to chatter with him and helped him relax by making jokes and just being nice to him. Arriving at the restaurant, Armando was nervous as he saw that the turnout was bigger than he expected. His classmates were there, but so were alot more people than he thought. Armando half thought about making a run for it, but they were too good, they kept him in the conversations, and made sure that one of them was with him at all times. After a great meal, they all gathered together and sang happy birthday to him. The cake was chocolate with a delicious topping, and Armando relaxed. It was as he was trying to make a wish that he noticed someone in the group that made him pause. There was that huge and muscular Marine. He was dressed extremely well and looked hot. Those eyes though locked gazes with Armando and Armando maintained the stare. The others, thinking he was trying to decide a wish, cheered him on. Armando smiled, closed his eyes, and blew out the candles.

Armando felt embarresed that he was showing his ID to the bouncer at Club Boot Strap. He had never set foot inside of a bar or club and had no idea what the procedures were. The bouncer humored him and told him he didnt look 21. Armando got embarresed and the others laughed. The bouncer smiled good naturedly. Having been a former Army Sergeant before he retired, he was pleased that the group had come to the bar. Business was picking up fast, and a hot blonde who was in Armando's group was giving him the eye. Any bouncer that was single and horny couldnt have mistaken her look and wink for anything but interest. Giving Armando back his ID he sent him in. Nodding to the bartender, he smiled and prepared to watch the fun. He already had seen Miguel and knew that there would be no trouble. Miguel was very good at helping the Bouncers with any scuffle that occured. The blonde ran a finger across the bouncers forearm and thanked him. Giving her butt a gentle pat he chuckled. She winked and strutted away sensually to show that he was definetly what she had on the nights entertainment.

Armando didnt want to drink anything. They had sat him down and had presented a beer before him, but he wasnt budging. The others were cheering and chanting together for him to chug but he stubbornly wouldnt. "Well, guess it calls for drastic measures boys. You remember what to do?" The Army guys nodded and seized Armando's arms. Armando yelped as he tried to stand up, but they had already secured him to the chair. A cylinder and long clear tube were brought out. Armando's head was tilted back. Armando clamped his mouth closed. "Oh, think you're tough huh? Buddy, you are going to make this even more fun for us. See, we know just what your weakness is." Said Michelle as she sat down on his lap. Armando's eyes narrowed in suspicion, but with his arms secured to the chair, he was helpless to retaliate. Running a finger down Armando's temple down to his cheek she leaned in and said huskily. "All men like you who are quiet and shy and cute and smart are vulnerable to the most basic human instinct." Armando raised an eyebrow as Michelle's hand went further down to trace Armando's well-defined chest. Michelled coyly looked into Armando's eyes as her hand went further down.

Armando was laughing so hard his sides were hurting. Michelle mercilessly tickled him until he was so exhausted he was gasping for breath. "Give up?" Michelle asked as she started to take off one of Armando's shoes. Armando's eyes got wide with panic. "I surrender, I surrender, You win!" The crowd cheered at the entertainment and submission. Letting Armando catch his breath, they got the bong ready. "Now its simple hon, you're not going to like the taste, but all you have to do is keep swallowing and you'll be fine. Suppress the gag reflex and you wont have to worry about it okay?" Michelle said as Armando nodded. Tilting his head back, the presented one end of the tube to his mouth. Reluctantly, Armando opened his mouth and the tube was now two inches from his open mouth.

Armando had to suppress the gag reflex at least three times before he got through the first round of the beer bong. As soon as he finished he was released from the chair and then told to relax. Trying to, he was then presented with a huge set of tits in his face as the busty blonde straddled him and poured a red liquid into a shot glass. "You'll love this, its called a Cat Call. Its sweet so will get that beer taste out of your mouth. Get ready." Wedging the shot glass between her perfect tits she got whoops and holler from the crowd. Even the bouncer seemed to be getting into this. She was winking at the bouncer as she presented the shot to Armando. With all the chanting going on, Armando bravely parted his lips. The taste was indeed sweet, like a raspberry drink, and eagerly Armando finished it off. "Ooh, honey, that tongue sure does know what it likes." The blonde laughed at feeling Armando lick her tit while trying to lick the shot glass. Withdrawing she sauntered off to get more shots. This continued for awhile with everyone getting him a different drink. By this point, Armando felt really lightheaded yet very nostalgic. It was if he was on a hanglider looking down on everything. That was when the crowd, now hammered, decided to have a bit more risque fun with Armando. "Alright everyone, free body shot off the birthday boy, get him ready." Michelle called out as the crowd formed up. "What's a body shot?" Asked Armando curiously and with as little slur as he could muster. Michelle grinned. "Oh, you'll love this, all you have to do is lie there on the table. We do the rest." Armando raised an eyebrow, but smiled. He was feeling too good and lightheaded to think about what she had said. Laying him on his back on the empty table, the waitress brought over a tray of shots. Michelle got the crowd to hush. "A toast to a guy who now has all the legal burdens of being 21. Hoah!" The crowd Hoa'd back and Michelle lifted up Armando's shirt. Armando, with his chest and abs exposed, yelped at the cold liquid Michelle poured slowly on him. Taking her time, Michelle sucked up the juices and licked Armando on his hardened abs and even sucked the small crevice of his cute belly button. Armando was giggling hysterically at the sensation. Other females came up, and then even a few guys came up. First was a Marine that Armando had not seen before. Handsome, and with his dark ebony skin he was quite a gorgeous black guy. He sucked it off and raised his glass in victory. Surprisingly, none of the crowd thought this was strange at all. The guys took turns with the girls on taking body shots off of Armando. Armando found it strange, but the tickling sensation felt the same to him so he just giggled along as others body shoted him. Then Armando paused. The last guy came up and it was none other than Diez. Time seemed to slow down as Diez poured his shot onto Armando. He stared almost the whole time right into Armando's eyes. Commanding, dominating, passionate, pleading, loving, lusting, each sensation was reflected in Diez's eyes and Armando couldnt look away. Diez grinned for the crowd and proceeded to take his body shot. The shiver that Armando felt went all the way through his whole body. The flicking of the tongue, the suckling, the tasting, the touch of intimacy was overwhelming. Armando was speechless and caught in the moment. Then the tickling sensation came over him and he giggled and begged to be done. The crowd roared their approval and Michelle helped him sit up. That was when the crowd got quiet. They watched as Armando attempted to stand up. He managed, but his walking was atrocious. As in he couldnt. The crowd cheered. This proved that he had been thoroughly drunk and their mission had been accomplished. "You guys are so not fair." Armando managed to get out before he had to hug a pole to stabilize himself. The bouncer, at a signal from the busty blonde, went over to help Armando up. "Thanks sir, very nice of you to help me out." Armando managed to mumble as he passed out. The crowd waited for the Bouncer to take the measurement. The bouncer always made sure to monitor how much a person had and if he felt they were in danger he immediately called. The bouncer breathed a sigh of relief at hearing Armando breathe deeply and rhythmically. He was passed out, but not in any danger. A thumbs up got the crowd laughing and continuing the rest of the partying. Michelle asked for a volunteer to help take Armando back home, and was surprised by the one who made it clear he was going to. "No funny business, poor guy really was a first-timer, so no practical jokes." The volunteer nodded at michelles' demand and she nodded approval. Calling a taxi, they loaded up Armando into it. "Where to boys? Looks like we got a passed out one eh?" Chortled the taxi driver. He had been in the town for awhile and had seen the party they did for first time drinkers before. "Take us to the Sun Hotel." Said the volunteer as Armando made himself comfortable by resting his head on the volunteers lap.

Armando groaned as he woke up. His head was killing him and he had an overwhelming thirst. Everything around him was making him feel uncomfortable with the headache. He wanted to put cool water on his head, wanted to drink cold water, bathe in cold water, anything to get this sweating heat off of him. The headache was now making everything very frustrating. Opening his eyes, Armando tried to assess where he was. None of it mattered as soon as he saw the bottle of water and a bottle of aspirin on a table. Doing his best to steady his hand, he picked up the water bottle and managed to open it. The aspirin bottle frustrated him, but at last he got that open as well. Putting the pills in his mouth was hard as he was parched and sand-tongued. Putting the water into his mouth, the sensation was like a breath of cold life in his soul. It was just what he needed. Swallowing more water, he managed to steady himself better. Aware now that he was in a bed and it was still dark, Armando pulled the cool sheet up and curled into a ball. He just wanted to blissfully not feel anything until the headache went away.

Miguel was delighted. He was alone with Armando in the hotel, and couldnt have asked for anything better. He had led Armando to the bathroom and had managed to strip him down. Miguel felt his lust rise sharply at seeing Armando down to his boxers. His body was even better than he had imagined. He managed to get Armando into the bathtub and turned the shower head on. Armando had groaned at feeling the warm water splash him, but had not awakened. Miguel frowned as he realized he was staring. Armando, wet, was even more of a stimulating vision to Miguel. His muscles were very well sculpted, and firm all over. Nice broad shoulders, tapered waist, and very muscular thighs and huge calves. Miguel was not fooled though, he had seen Armando in that martial arts class do splits, so he knew he was flexible as hell. When he was sure that Armando had been cleaned off well enough he turned off the water and lifted Armando up. Armando's wet boxers had clearly annoyed Armando for he slid them off himself. Miguel was delighted at finally seeing the parts of Armando that he had been dying to see, touch, and soon taste if he got a chance. Armando was well-packaged and proportional. It was that latin ass though that got Miguel's attention. Perfect, tanned golden brown evenly, firm, smooth, and silky to the touch, it was a sculpture of latin stimulation. Miguel vividly thought about what he wanted to do with that ass, but knew that he had to take it slow. Getting Armando dried off and into bed was easy. Laying out the bottle of water and aspirin was a forethought as Miguel wanted Armando to be feeling good when he made his move. Armando was already blissfully asleep, though apparently he was going to feel the effects of alcohol extremely bad as he was sweating and mumbling. Miguel hopped into bed next to Armando and stretched out. It didnt take long for him to get to sleep either.

Armando woke up slowly and groggily, but at least he wasnt feeling the hurt of his hangover. Armando felt better after realizing that the light was now normal and he could focus on the environment around him. That was when he noticed two very alarming things at once. He was not back in his room in the dorms was the first thing that made him get more than a bit uneasy. The second notice was that he was in bed and was not alone. In fact, he was snuggled up next to someone, who was holding him quite intimately. Armando couldnt see the face as he was basically spooned into this person, but by the look of the huge forearm and hands, this person was a big guy. Armando felt himself breathing a bit harder as he tried to make sense of this without panicing. 'Maybe this was the guy in charge of making sure I got safely home, and he just happened to fall asleep next to me.' Armando tried to surmise. Armando managed to rationalize it in his head and calm down. 'Maybe if I am careful I can move away so as he doesnt wake up thinking that I snuggled up to him.' Thought Armando as he began slowly pulling away. Apparently though the person didnt want to let go, and mumbled something untelligible. As Armando squirmed, the person's grip got stronger. Armando was no lightweight, but he wasn't in his best state after last night's ordeal. This guy was strong as it was. In trying to shuffle away, Armando had managed to squirm onto his back and was just about to apply some force to get out of the situation when he heard a clearing of the throat. Freezing, tensed up as if caught, Armando looked up and into the eyes of penetrating intensity.

Miguel woke up to feeling Armando squirm and found it quite amusing. He applied force easily to ensure Armando couldnt get away and just waited for the right moment. 'This is my chance, the time for me to make him mine forever is now, and I'll be damned if I let him get away.' Miguel thought as he cleared his throat to get Armando's attention. Like a guilty pup who was caught chewing on a shoe, Armando looked up and directly into Miguel's eyes. Miguel felt such compassion and intensity in staring into Armando's beautiful dark green eyes. So innocent, and so wonderful. Miguel smiled to himself. 'So this is what they meant by the eyes are the windows to the soul.' Miguel mused as he looked at Armando. Even with the hangover Armando still looked terrific. Miguel smiled. "So, how do you feel now? I hope you dont mind my having been in charge of you, but you were in no position to get home on your own safely." Armando seemed to become bashful as he squirmed a bit more. "Um, thank you again, guess this is second time you got me out of a bad situation. I'll owe you one." Miguel grinned. "Actually, it was my pleasure, but since you owe me two now, perhaps its time for me to collect." Miguel shifted his position and was soon on top of Armando, with their lips just inches away from each other. "Um, well, what did you have in mind, perhaps i buy you dinner or something?" Armando was now very nervous, though most would have been at that point. A huge, intimidating, and very handsome latin Marine laying down on top of you and looking at you intensely could make anyone nervous. "I was thinking of something else if you dont mind. You see, from the moment I saw you I have wanted nothing else but you. I want to know if you will feel the same way about me. I'm pretty sure that once you see what I can do for you, you will love what you can do for me." Armando was confused. For a Marine he was very well-spoken, and for a jarhead he was not sounding like a confused horndog with nothing on his mind but pussy. The closeness of the situation was making Armando very confused. Not to mention very aroused. "You see, last night, I had the best sleep ever in my life. All it took was holding you and I felt better than I have in over 4 years. I dont want to lose that, and I know that there is no one else who makes me feel this way." Armando wanted to lick his lips as he was very nervous, but Miguel's lips were hovering just an inch from his now. Resting his forearms on either side of Armando's head, Miguel leaned in to give Armando his first kiss. Armando shut his eyes expecting at any moment for Miguel to do something to say he was kidding, or that it was all a joke. Instead he felt soft but firm lips pressed against his. A kiss out of a hollywood movie, it was passionate and soothing at the same time. Armando wanted to fight it, but the perfection of the kiss wouldnt allow it. The kiss seemed to last a lifetime, even though it had only been a few seconds, and when Miguel stopped and looked down at Armando he was rewarded with a look of utter beauty. Armando's eyes were closed in a peaceful bliss of happiness. Miguel had to stop from breathing hard when he felt Armando's hands hesitantly enfold Miguel and gently caress him.

Miguel felt his sides shiver at Armando's touch. It was a thrill completely new to him. Resting further on top of Armando, Miguel leaned in and nipped Armando's ear lightly. Armando gasped and a ripple effect went through hiw whole body. 'Sensitive everywhere it seems. That can only mean he has never been touched by anyone.' Miguel thought with amusement as he nuzzled Armando's cheek and went further down to begin brushing his lips across Armando's neck. Soft and vulnerable, yet incredibly masculine still, Miguel saw Armando as a subdued panther, enjoying the thrill of the mate. Enfolding Armando into him, Miguel knew he was in charge and yet had to be careful not to scare Armando. Gentle nips on the neck and kisses to emphasize that he wasnt going to hurt him allowed Armando to relax a bit more with each moment. Miguel took his time now that he had set the mood and the moment. He wanted Armando's first time to be overwhelming to the point where Armando would be senseless afterwards. Gently yet firmly moving Armando's hands up wards he admired the toned and athletic prowess that Armando's body was sculpted into. Like most Marines, Miguel had been obsessed largely with bulking up. Carrying heavy loads and having a huge look was all about the Marines' style. Miguel had taken it further into having a huge and ripped look unlike the other marines who merely were big and not defined. Miguel was pleased that Armando had taken the effort to be defined and trim first. His muscle was hardened naturally and yet he was not grotesque with awkward symmetry. His biceps were defined and looked so lustful with the smooth skin and wonderful brown latin tan. Miguel kissed and nibbled till he knew Armando was comfortable. That was when he let the Marine in him loose the bit a little. Sucking on every part of Armando rewarded him with gasps and moans from Armando. Ones that showed he was definetly new to all of it. His moans were that of someone who was honestly reacting to his body being worshiped and stimulated.

Miguel was pleased and left no part of Armando wanting. Miguel made it a point to squeeze, massage, and caress various body parts on Armando. By the reaction he received he was getting an idea of what spots were sensitive on Armando, and what spots were a natural stimulant. Armando's ears were the primary stimulant. Any contact, sucking, nibbling, licking, caressing on Armando's ears had him writhing with need. Finally, Miguel had Armando relaxed enough that he allowed himself to be turned over and lay on his stomach. Miguel felt as a lion, sniffing out his mate. laying on top of Armando again he wrapped one arm around Armando's chest and rested his now swollen member between Armando's firm and tender ass. Suckling on Armando's shoulder, neck, and cheek he knew he was in control. Armando was moaning and unknowingly squeezing his ass. With Miguel's cock laying like an oversized bratwurst between those firm and tan cheeks, Miguel was stimulated to his baser animalistic needs. He wanted Armando and he wanted him soon. Moving down Armando's body, he held Armando down again as a reminder that he was not to move. Kissing and caressing Armando's back, Miguel admired the awesome muscle definition. Broad shoulders and back that narrowed into a tapered waist. The skin smooth and yet hardened. Armando obviously had not been just a gym regular, this sort of muscle was based from doing some good ol'fashion manual labor. The small of Armando's back proved to be almost too much for Armando when Miguel began probing it with his tongue. Licking it slowly and working his tongue up Armando's back had Armando writhing and squirming. His moans got more and more seductive to Miguel's ears. It hit the right note with him as Miguel finally made it back down to the target of his lust. Armando's perfect latin ass. Only a small tuft of hair at the top of his cheeks, the smooth skin was firm and tanned golden brown evenly. It had muscle, and when Miguel ran a finger across one cheek, the ass squeezed in reaction. 'beautiful ass that will be mine. I will mark you as my territory and no one else will fuck that perfection.' Thought Miguel as he rubbed one cheek while slowly rubbing his nose on the other. Once again that scent of cinnamon was there and it really amused Miguel. Unable to resist, Miguel bit down on Armando's left cheek and got the reaction he expected. Armando bucked and tried to move away. Miguel growled a warning again and quickly laid back down on top of Armando. "You are mine now, I will be gentle, I will never hurt you, but you will trust me without hesitation." Holding Armando's arms, and waiting for Armando to relax and submit, Miguel was satisfied as he returned to administer his attention to Armando's ass. Kissing and suckling on both cheeks, he grinned at hearing Armando moan and clench uncontrollably. Miguel solved that problem by giving Armando a light swat to remind him that Miguel was in control. Armando would quickly relax, but all too soon he would clench at feeling Miguel once again overstimulate him. Miguel didnt mind as he was stimulated himself. Like most latinos he was a demanding one and wanted his passion to be the only thing a sex partner desired. Miguel finally managed to relax Armando enough to allow his cheeks to be parted. His ass muscles relaxed, and would slowly relax a bit more as Miguel probed with his touch. Rubbing his nose at the top of Armando's ass, he felt the heat and stimulation that had built up. Armando's body was responding naturally and honestly at Miguel's touch and Miguel wanted more. Licking and nibbling further into those parted ass cheeks he finally saw the cherry he had been lusting for. It was smooth and untouched, clean and pink the further in. No wrinkles, but that would change once Armando lost his virginity. Miguel breathed in the scent of cinnamon again and wondered about that. It wasn't an overpowering scent, but it was a sweet and tangy one that made you want to lick a cinnamon stick. Miguel breathed it in and swatted Armando's ass when he made an attempt to squirm away. Miguel didnt wait for Armando to relax, but parted his butt fully and allowed his tongue to probe all around Armando's bud. Armando's body once again shivered all over, and it stimualated Miguel to know that he got that reaction. This hot latino who was so powerful in his way, but helpless before Miguel's administration. With having no experience before in these sensations they were a paralyzing effect on Armando, and Miguel used it to his full advantage. Swirling his tongue around Armando's hole he got closer and closer to his target. Armando was moaning and had latched onto Miguel's arms in an attempt to control his actions, but that only made Miguel growl in appreciation and kiss Armando's ass at least a dozen times before he finally plunged in. Armando's bucking from feeling this new sensation invade his most private of places was impressive. Had he been a colt he would have been considered for Rodeos. Miguel disengaged Armando's hands from his and swatted Armando's ass. The sting was enough to make Armando aware again and he whimpered as his body involuntarily relaxed to try to avoid another swat. Miguel took it slowly again as he probed with his tongue the very ass ring that he had just penetrated. It was tight, and Miguel was sure that Armando could capture Miguel's tongue in his ass if he tightened. Miguel probed and withdrew a number of times. Slowly enter, and then teasingly withdraw. The cinnamon scent had filled Miguel's nostrils and its overpoweringly stimulating aroma was driving Miguel crazy. Knowing that he should loosen Armando up with his fingers, Miguel reluctantly rotated his body around. with his thighs now on either side of Armando's sides, Miguel layed down on Armando's back and let some spit hit Armando's ass. Circling around Armando's pucker, he managed to push his middle finger in. Armando cried out and begged Miguel to stop. "If you really want me to stop then say it again, otherwise, never lie to me again. Your body knows what it wants and I intend to show it how much it needs me as much as I need you." With that, he paused as his middle finger probed and pushed in and out slowly. Armando gasped, but couldnt say stop again. Miguel snorted approval and began again. It didnt take him long with his experience to find Armando's special spot and soon he had Armando arching his back and his ass gently humping Miguel's finger. After letting his finger do enough stretching, Miguel slowly inserted a second finger. Armando involuntarily bit down on Miguel's ankle, and Miguel growled. "Yeah, I know its tight and it hurts a bit, so bite all you want. I'm a Marine, and that's what i'm here for. I can take the pain, and give you the pleasure only a Horny and experienced Marine can give. Armando managed to stop biting, and then became curious. Stroking Miguel's muscular Calf and leg, he could see how smooth and delicious his legs were. Brown and big, Armando hesitantly kissed one to see what the reaction would be. Miguel stopped and moaned. "Yeah baby, i want you to kiss me as well, lick me, bite me, whatever you want. I'm all yours just as you will be all mine." Armando timidly kissed and sucked on Miguels' legs and found it to be very stimulating. It also helped him forget the pressure that Miguel was exerting on his hole. Tasting Miguel's flesh, feeling his skin with his tongue made Armando moan. It was so natural, so good to lick and nibble on him. It felt right, and Armando lost himself in the sensation. Miguel had by this time managed to get a third finger in and was able to comfortably push in and out in a good rhythm. Miguel had been taken by surprise when Armando had bit down on his ankle, but it had been so hot that Miguel had began to leak even more pre-cum. His cock was now hard and at its full 9 and a half inches. Thick, but not grotesque, Miguel's cock was all but demanding to be inside Armando. Withdrawing his legs from Armando's attention made Armando cry out in protest, but when Miguel had returned to lay on top of Armando's back with his face now above Armando's, Armando took in a gasp. He could feel Miguel's dick wedged between his ass cheeks and it felt huge. "I want to be inside you Armando, I want you to feel my need for you, I want you to need me as well. It might hurt a bit, but I want you to relax, because very soon it will be so good to have it in you you will beg me for more." Miguel's words and breath on Armando's ear did the trick. Miguel nibbled on Armando's neck and shoulders before rotating Armando's neck around to invade his mouth with Miguel's tongue. The sensation and body contact were becoming overwhelming and Miguel lost himself in the sensation. His focus was now completely on Armando and he reached out as if in a dream and picked up the lube from the nightstand. It was extremely good quality and had a desensitizing effect as well to enable a tight ass to not feel as much of the pressure. Miguel squirted a generous amount onto Armando's hole and smoothed it around so that it evenly coated in and around Armando's hole. Puting a handful into his palm, Miguel coated his dick in and thorughly made sure to get it all. Capping the lube and putting it on the floor, Miguel probed Armando's ass with his fingers a few more times to make sure it was ready. Directing his dick to Armando's hole he placed the mushroom head at Armando's hole. "Relax my lover, I want you to enjoy this, take a deep breath, then relax your body, dont think, dont speak, just relax and let me enter you and be yours as you be mine." So saying, Miguel slowly began to insert himself. It was tight even though Miguel knew Armando was doing his best to relax. With a small thrust, Miguel was able to get his head in. Armando sucked in a huge breath, and moaned. Miguel placed his hand on Armando's back and slowly pushed some more. Armando was taking deep breaths and was able to relax on the exhale. This gave Miguel a rhythm to time when to push and when to wait. It was slow, but Miguel was patient and held his animalistic side in check. He was going to be the lover first, letting his lover feel the sensation as slowly as necessary to make sure it didnt increase pain. About halfway in, Miguel was surprised when all of a sudden his dick slid home all the way. Miguel moaned at feeling himself completely inside of Armando. Armando tried to get up at feeling the sudden uncontrolled thrust and almost hit Miguel in the chin with the back of his head. Quickly Miguel placed his forearm on Armando's nape and pushed him back down as he layed down fully on top of Armando's back. "It's okay, its okay, shh, i'm sorry, it felt so good that i pushed too hard. Just relax." Miguel could feel Armando's whole body shiver as Miguel kept up the pressure to make sure he remained inside. Armando's ass was doing its best by tightening and trying to force the sudden intrusion out. Miguel's words and his commanding and sensual voice were enough to finally calm Armando down. Armando was mumbling a dozen things at once in spanish, and appeared to have lost all sense of reason. Moaning and begging for Miguel. Miguel kissed him tenderly and bit into his shoulder a bit to help distract him from the other pressure. Armando's breathing gradually calmed down, and when he felt Armando's ass once again relax, he slowly withdrew halfway out. Armando was holding Miguel's forearm and squeezed it mercilessly at feeling Miguel pull out partway. Armando's moan was now the same as Miguel's at feeling the sensation of being taken. Of having this Latin muscle god on top of him entering him slowly and then withdrawing just enough for Armando to want more. Then Miguel decided to test and see if Armando was at the point of no return. Pulling all the way out in a smooth motion he waited. Armando gasped and began to suck on Miguel's fingers. "Do you want more? i will stop if you tell me to, but if you tell me to never stop, i will make you mine. There will be no going back, you will be my lover and the boyfriend of a United States Marine forever. I wil be yours, and you will be mine. It is your choice." Miguel's dick was stiff with need after having a taste and it demanded more. Miguel though waited for Armando's answer. He had to know that Armando wanted him, would say it, and believe it. Armando managed to gasp and tried to sort his emotions. He was no fool and knew that if he said stop Miguel would. Yet his body and his mind were crying out to tell Miguel to never stop and to give him more over and over. "I-I-I want this so much, It is so different, so overpowering, I-I-" Armando turned his head and looked Miguel in his eyes. Armando felt the lust and something deeper in Miguel's eyes, the intensity of his look, the lips moving as if willing Armando to tell him to never stop. Armando knew at seeing that look instantly that there was no other choice. The moment of denial was over. "Dont ever stop, I will be yours." Armando said as he waited. Miguel brought his mouth onto Armando's and then brought his dick to bear down on Armando's hole. Parting Armando's legs to better comfort them both, Miguel inserted his dick in and knew that this would be the last time he ever had to ask if Armando would be his. 'You are now my only lover, and I will love you for all time.' Thought Miguel as he thrust himself all the way in and proceeded to make passionate love to Armando. Thrusting and sucking, grabbing and kissing, the heat and intensity of the moment made Armando lose his ability to be aware. His body was now this Marine's to make love to as he wished. The intensity of his thrusts, his demand that Armando yield, his strong body controlling Armando's and his powerful swollen mantool pounding into him, touching the pleasure button inside Armando over and over, Armando was lost to it all. Miguel knew that this would never be the same with anyone else. Every part of his body demanded he be a part of Armando's. He ached to fill him, needed to own him, had to mark him as his own. Miguel was now pounding into Armando with intensity and abandon. Harder and faster he thrust into Armando, and feeling Armando's heat build up as he too approached the peak of their passionate love-making. Miguel felt the sensation touch him powerfully as he felt his nuts tighten up to prepare to mark Armando as his. "I'm gonna cum, oh shit, oh fuck, here it comes I- HOO-RAHH!!!!!" Miguel bellowed as he pushed his dick in for the last thrust and held it there. His dick exploded inside Armando, filling him, over and over, 3, 4,5,6, Miguel shot over and over, felt his whole body drain itself to make sure that Armando was his. Armando had felt the sensation of being filled and it had triggered the most intense orgasm ever. He was cumming hard and almost painfully as his ass tightened around Miguel's still shooting cock. Deep inside of him the heat from Migue's cum made Armando cry out as he felt Miguel collapse on top of him. Miguel for the most part felt as if his whole body had been numbed with the sensation. It was the best high he had ever felt, the high of finding a soul mate. As the incredible sensation began to release Miguel from his numbing sensation he realized that he was exerting all of his strength on Armando, Armando apparently hadnt noticed since he was also still trying to recover from the sensation, but Miguel immediately relaxed his hold on Armando to better comfort him. Feeling his whole body drained from the most intense and passionate love-making of his life, Miguel felt his whole body finally relaxing. Laying down upon Armando, he managed to nuzzle the nape of his neck. Kissing and stroking Armando carefully, he could feel the sweat between them slowly dry as Armando relaxed. His toes had been curled apparently the whole time, and it took Armando quite awhile to finally relax enough to unclench them. Miguel moaned when he felt Armando's inner muscles pulse and squeeze rapidly from the after effects of love making. Miguel nibbled on the nape of Armando's neck, and kissed him almost destperately as he tried to relax. His body still felt the need to possess Armando, and the warmth that Miguel's dick was still surrounded by wouldnt allow him to soften. Armando finally returned to breathing normally and sighed as he deflated his body and relaxed. The kissing on his neck, warm and heavy body on top of his back felt comforting and safe. Miguel apparently liked laying down on top of him for he showed no signs of wanting to move off. Armando felt Miguel encircle his arms around him again and nuzzle his neck before actually laying his head next to Armando's. His even breathing helped set a rhythm for Armando as well. "I love you." whispered Miguel before the bliss of sleep enfolded him and gave him the first ever fully wonderful sleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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