Dessert Course

By Shannon Christophe

Published on Jul 15, 2019


Round Robinby Shannon

Tom and George waited in front of the restaurant. Anne and Kelly had gone dress shopping, and were supposed to arrive any minute.

"There they are," Tom said.

"Where?" George asked, trying to see through the crowd.

"Follow the turning heads," Tom advised.

He was right. As the two women made their way towards the restaurant, many people stopped to watch them pass. Kelly, the young, slim brunette, was wearing a curve-hugging deep green dress cut to mid-thigh. Against her tanned skin, it made her look like some sort of beautiful wood nymph. Anne was a couple of decades older, but held her own in a bright red scoop-necked dress that highlighted the red in her hair. She'd painted her lips to match, and a big gold brooch pulled attention to her large, heavy breasts.

"I feel underdressed," George said. Anne's husband wore khaki pants, a white shirt, and a navy blue sport coat.

"I feel like we're the luckiest sonsabitches on the planet," Tom said. He wore gray slacks, a black Oxford, and a silk tie with black and red paisleys. George murmured an agreement.

"Hi," Kelly said as they joined the men, swapping kisses around. "Have you been waiting long?"

"Worth it, for that entrance," Tom said. "We already gave the hostess our name. It shouldn't be long. Let's wait inside."

The restaurant was laid out for privacy. A few long tables for larger groups occupied the middle of the dining area, but the majority of the seating was given over to high-backed booths set against the walls. Small sconces shone with flickering gas light at each booth, and the house lights were dim. The heavy dark wood of the furniture absorbed the light and made it appear even darker.

"Oh, lord," Kelly said. "This is straight out of every medieval bodice-ripper Romance."

"What do you mean?" Anne asked.

"You know, the dark tavern where the lusty-yet-inexperienced village milk maid meets the cruel-yet-tender manor lord in secret. They always take the last booth at the back wall, and he fingerbangs her under the table while they wait for the stew to arrive. It's always stew, too."

"And here I've been wasting my time on Westerns," George complained.

The hostess called their name and they approached. She smiled around an armful of menus and led them to the last booth against the back wall. George and Tom cracked up.

"Remind me to check if there's stew on the menu," Tom said. Kelly discreetly flipped him off.

The two men claimed one side of the booth, and the women the other. The hostess took their initial drink orders and disappeared.

As the couples studied the menu, their waitress appeared with their drinks. She was probably in her mid-thirties, slim, and a little shorter than Kelly. Her light brown hair had blond highlights, and was pulled back into a neat ponytail. She had bright blue eyes, a long nose, and wide lips over a square chin. She wore a uniform of a white dress shirt, black pants, and black, thick-soled shoes. A black apron was tied around her waist, emphasizing her straight hips and small butt.

"Hello there," she said. "I'm Robin, and I'll be your server this evening." She placed the drinks and announced the specials, collecting the orders and the menus. "I'll be back with some bread for you," she smiled. "Let me know if you need anything else."

The couples chatted as they waited for the food. At one point, Tom realized that Kelly hadn't said anything in a while. He looked across the table at her to see that she was breathing very deeply, eyes half-closed, and had a hard grip on the edge of the table. He started to ask if she was okay, but then noticed Anne's left arm was moving slightly under the table, and was angled towards the younger woman.

"Oh my god," he whispered, rolling his eyes. "Here?" Anne just smiled at him as George chuckled.

It wasn't long before Kelly quietly pushed out a long, hard breath. Her grip relaxed and she gulped down half of her water. Anne discreetly wiped her fingers in her napkin.

Robin reappeared, setting the bread in the middle of the table. "Our signature flowerpot bread," she announced. "Sorry for the delay; I waited until the heat settled a bit. Your meals will be out very shortly." She walked away.

Tom looked at George. "Think she noticed?" Robin returned to refill Kelly's water and hand Anne a new napkin, then left without a word.

"I think she may have," George laughed quietly. Anne just smiled again, while Kelly blushed.

A few minutes later, Robin arrived carrying a large tray piled with dishes. She expertly popped a folding stand open with a push of her hip and set the tray on it. "Here you are," she announced, passing a plate to George. "For the gentleman, a thick-cut porterhouse, well-aged for the perfect texture and a delicious taste, with baked potato and sautéed mushrooms." She turned to Tom next. "For the gentleman, fresh Maine lobster slathered all over in hot, melted butter, with pan-seared scallops wrapped in bacon for a burst of saltiness, and steamed okra." Anne was next. "For the lady, free-range herbed chicken. Two large, succulent breasts, with garlic mashed potatoes and tender baby asparagus spears." Then Kelly. "And for the lady, our chef salad with homemade blue cheese dressing. Extra creamy, and delightfully tangy on the tongue. I hope you all enjoy." She smiled again and left.

"Oh, she is delightful!" Anne said.

"And clever," Tom agreed. "It's hard to get a good double entendre out of seafood."

"I think I've just been compared to a dairy product," Kelly complained.

"Well you are the milk maid," George said. She kicked him under the table.

"She seemed especially attentive to the ladies," Tom said to George. "Did you notice?"

"I noticed she had dropped another button," Anne remarked. "And bent a little lower than necessary to place the plates."

Kelly nodded. "Cute boobs," she said.

The two couples enjoyed their meals, passed on dessert, and were lingering over coffee when Robin returned with the bill. "I'll take that whenever you're ready." She smiled and walked away.

Tom reached for his wallet, but was stopped by George. "I've got it," the older man said.

"Nonsense," Tom protested.

"You got it the last time," George argued. "My turn. Hush." He placed his credit card in the folding sleeve.

"Okay," Tom acquiesced. "Thank you for dinner."

"You're not going to say `let me get the tip'?" George asked.

"Hand you a straight line like that? Not on your life." The older man snorted a laugh and blew a kiss at Tom.

Robin reappeared and snagged the bill. "I'll be right back," she said. She returned shortly with the receipt and a handful of mints. "It was great having you with us tonight," she said, nodding to each of them. When she caught Kelly's eyes, she added "Hope you come again soon!" She left as Kelly blushed again and the others laughed.

George glanced at the receipt, then passed it over to his wife.

Anne angled it towards the wall sconce to see it better, then read aloud. "You guys are awesome! Thanks! Robin."

"That's nice," Tom said. "Typical server note, though."

"Is it typical to include a phone number?" Anne asked.

"What?" Kelly said. "Let me see that." She took the slip from the older woman's hand. Sure enough, Robin had left her number, with a little heart drawn after it.

"Another one for the harem," George and Tom said together.

Anne smiled again.

A few weeks later, Tom and Kelly pulled up to the Loftins' house. There was an unfamiliar car in the driveway.

"That must belong to Robin," Tom said. Anne had reached out to the waitress and invited her over. She had already visited the older couple several times as her work schedule allowed, but this was the first time everybody's schedules had synced up, so she had yet to meet Tom and Kelly socially. Anne had mentioned at the last game night that while Robin had indeed been attracted to the ladies, she had also confirmed that she didn't dislike men at all.

"Stands to reason," George had offered. "You two were dressed to kill that night. As opposed to the schlubs on the other side of the table." He'd proceeded to roll a Yahtzee and had Anne lick his cock through his panties.

The younger couple got out of the car and knocked on the front door.

"Only the pure of heart may enter!" George called out.

"Sorry! Wrong house!" Tom replied, opening the door to laughter.

The older couple was in the den with their guest. Anne made the introductions. Tom held up a box. "I brought tarts."

"Hey!" George said. "Me, too!" Anne and Robin both threw cushions at him.

"That's why they're called `throw pillows', you pig!" Robin said to him, ducking his return throw.

"You've made yourself at home, I see," Kelly said to the waitress with a smile, sitting on one of the chairs next to the couch.

"Aren't they awesome?" Robin grinned in reply.

"They certainly are."

"You know where I work; what do you guys do?" Robin asked her, and they talked about that for a few minutes. When Robin found out that Tom owned a catering company, she asked if he was hiring.

"Not at the moment, but if anyone leaves, I'll let you know. Good servers are hard to find, and I've seen your work firsthand." He smiled at the younger woman.

"Great!" Robin replied. "Just so you know, I'm never that forward with guests as a rule. I don't know what came over me that night." She broke into giggles as Tom and Kelly pointed to George and Anne simultaneously.

"It's these two evildoers," Tom said. "If you're not careful, they'll drag you unwillingly down the path of wickedness and temptation."

" `Unwillingly'," George said. "That's rich."

"I'll have you know I was perfectly respectable before Mama ensnared me in her evil clutches," Robin protested, making a warding sign at the redhead.

"Uh-huh," Anne said. "George? Remind me who it was that dragged you to the bedroom by your cock last week? Hollering `Get ready to get ridden like a show pony, old man!' if I'm not mistaken."

"You'll have to narrow it down. Which day last week?" George asked, as Kelly snorted and Robin blushed.

"Should I call you `Trigger' from now on?" Tom asked.

"Only if you're tired of our company and never want to see us again," George replied.

"I'll think about it."

The five chatted easily as the afternoon turned to evening. Suddenly, Robin said "I can't wait any more," and pulled Kelly into a deep, wet kiss.

Anne looked at her watch. "I win," she said to her husband.

"Damn," he said jovially. "I was sure it would be later. Why the rush?"

"Boobs," the three women replied.

Robin's hands ducked under Kelly's shirt, exploring her plump tits. For her part, Kelly had one hand on Robin's small breast, gently squeezing and rubbing as they went back to the kiss. They broke apart long enough to pull their shirts off. Kelly was wearing a pretty blue bra, her nipples outlined against the smooth fabric. Robin wasn't wearing a bra, and her small pink nipples stood up under the brunette's attention.

"I love watching two pretty women make out," Anne said.

"There's room for another," Kelly invited, as Robin lifted one of her breasts out of the cup and started nuzzling it.

"I think I'll take care of my husband. You two have him all excited." She looked at Tom. "Help me?"

"Happy to, Mama," the younger man said.

They stood George up and proceeded to undress him with lots of fondling and kissing. He was soon down to just his lingerie, a wine red bra and panty set. The two men then helped Anne slip out of her clothes, revealing a black lace bra and matching panties with sheer black stockings. They contrasted against her pale skin magnificently.

Tom was wearing a bra and panties that matched Kelly's blue, but his garter belt and stockings were white.

Anne and Tom knelt in front of George, licking and sucking his cock and fondling his ass. Tom made sure to give Anne's tits and ass plenty of attention, too. He adored it when her bra came off, letting her heavy round tits droop towards her belly.

"Need you over here, lover boy," Kelly called from the couch. Tom gave Anne and George long, lingering kisses, then walked over to the other two women.

"You guys match!" Robin said, pointing to their lingerie. "That's awesome!" She gave Tom a deep kiss, guiding his hands to her breasts.

"Not the garter belt and stockings, though," Kelly said, shucking off her pants. Her stockings were also blue.

"Got it covered," Robin said. "Tom and I match in a lot of ways." She unbuttoned her own pants, peeling them off to reveal her white garter belt, stockings, and panties.

And bulge.

"Told you," she said, delighting in their surprise.

"Mine," Kelly announced, pulling Robin's panties down and greedily sucking her cock. It was slightly smaller than Tom's own, but perfectly shaped and rock hard. Tom moved behind Robin to give Kelly more room, continuing to stroke and squeeze her tits and kissing along her neck.

"Mmmm," Robin said, one hand on Kelly's head, the other reaching back to rub Tom's cock through his panties. "A girl could get used to this."

"I'm sure they haven't ignored you," Tom said, gesturing to Anne and George. Anne was slowly fucking George with her strap-on as they both watched the younger trio.

"Of course not," Robin replied. "But is it ever enough for you?"

"Good point," he agreed, gently pinching her nipples. One hand dropped to grab Robin's cock at the base, stroking up and down in time with Kelly's eager mouth. Kelly reached up to fondle Robin's balls at the same time, and the younger woman arched her back against Tom, suddenly panting.

"Wait!" she cried, but there was no holding back. She shot hot streams of cum into Kelly's throat as Tom stroked faster. Robin shuddered, completely spent, and Kelly licked her cock clean. After Robin recovered, she kissed both of them and went over to lie down on the floor between Anne's knees, licking the older woman's wet pussy as she fucked George to an orgasm. Tom bent Kelly over the couch and slipped deep inside her, rocking back and forth until she spilled over, then let loose with his own orgasm. Anne was the last. Having withdrawn the dildo from her husband's ass, the older redhead fingered her slick cunt furiously as Robin tongued her asshole and George sucked her thick nipples, finally letting loose a strangled cry as she came in huge waves.

Everyone dropped where they were, enjoying the afterglow as they cooled off. Tom eventually stood up to go get water bottles from the kitchen, and Kelly pulled some towels from the linen closet in the hall.

Anne gave Robin a deep kiss in thanks, which the young woman returned enthusiastically.

George got to his feet and wandered around the room, collecting scattered lingerie and trying to return it to its rightful owners. Everyone reluctantly dressed and gathered at the table, where Tom's tarts waited. They snacked and chatted for a while before sharing kisses and calling it a night.

"By the way," George said to Tom as he headed to the door. "My tarts were better."

Tom laughed and drew a mark in the air, conceding the point.

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Next: Chapter 6

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