Desperate Times

By Cliffy B

Published on Oct 22, 2019


Desperate Times 9

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All events are fiction. All characters are a figment of imagination. All character's represented in this story are 18 or over.

Hanging out with Bobby at the library was nice. We talked, we laughed, we had a good time. Didn't do any actual work, and thankfully we were able to get a table far away from the front desk - away from the librarian - so we didn't have to whisper or pretend to be doing work.

I really like Bobby; not just because he's hot and I find his dimples cute when he smiles or laughs; he's also genuinely good company. He's smart, funny and easy to talk to. I'm pretty sure I smiled the whole time we were together. Though, what we did in the old humanities building never came up. It's almost like it didn't happen.

The sound of the buzzer for lunch disrupts our conversation. Our opinions of Mr Pinnie - the Vice Principal - and my worries will have to wait for another time. Getting our stuff together, I'm a bit disappointed. Not only does it mean we'd be going our separate ways, but I also have nowhere to go during lunch. I think it's best to stay clear of the computer room. I really don't need to see the two nerds again. Ever.

"So, where you off to now?" Bobby asks, rising from his chair and making his way towards the exit. "Uh, dunno. Not really got anywhere to be." It's a bit sad that after 7 years I've never really made any friends that I can spend time with at lunch and breaks. "Want to come hang out on the field?" Following behind Bobby; I'd go wherever that round, perky ass took me. "Sure, I'd love to." Bobby looks back, flashing me a sweet smile as we join the crowd of teenagers.

Sitting under a tree, shaded from direct sunlight - though still feeling the July heat - we eat our lunch while watching other guys playing football, some younger boys play wrestling, some playing tag. The noise a mass of voices, words impossible to discern from one another.

So far, we've mostly eaten in silence, but I have to ask Bobby the question that's been on my mind since the coach ride. I don't know why I'm so nervous about asking it though. Is it because I'd be asking the one question that's been filling me with dread ever since I realised my own sexuality at the age of 13?

"So, Bobby. Can I ask you a question?" Swallowing the last bite of my apple, I decide to just go for it. What's the worst that can happen? "Sure. Ask away." Bobby replies, before putting more crisps into his mouth. "Feel free to tell me to go fuck myself, or whatever, but ... what's your sexuality?" I wanted to just ask if he's gay, but for some reason, I feel like that's too ... accusational? If I ask about his sexuality then he can choose to answer it however he wants; nothing leading. "Heh, I thought that'd be obvious by now. Though, with all the extra genders and stuff, I suppose you can't be too certain," Bobby puts down his crisps and looks me in the eyes, "I'm gay, Tim." He smiles at me as I feel a blush rise in my cheeks. "Sorry, it's just ... didn't want to assume, y' know?" I'd hate for someone to assume my sexuality. But maybe that's the internal homophobia in me talking. "It's cool. So, how about you? Gay, bi, curious?" Bobby's question is more direct than mine. He seems much more at ease talking about this than me. "Yeah, gay aswell." I can't look him in the eyes. I turn away, looking back over the sun-bright field and all the other students going about their lunchtime lives, oblivious to how much of a momentous occasion just happened. I actually came out to someone! I can't suppress the goofy smile that's currently stretching my lips. "Cool. Well, I guess, if you wanted to do more ... stuff, like during English, at some time, I'd be cool with it." Looking back at Bobby - a small blush mirroring my own - I have the sudden desire to kiss him. However, while no one's around us, it's still way too public to be doing that. "Yeah, I'd be down for that." Sharing a smile together, I think I've got my first official `friends with benefits'. Sweet!

We chatted throughout the rest of lunch. I found out Bobby's known he's gay since he was 10. Well, he knew he liked boys rather than girls anyway. Apparently, he used to play `doctor' with a neighbour when they were kids. This went on until around 13. According to Bobby, the inclusion of cum to the game scared them both. He didn't tell me who but insisted they no longer lived next door. Might have to check out who his neighbours are. Just in case he's lying.

I told him a bit about my own discovery of being gay. Though, it's not as exciting as his. Never had any girlfriends, always felt awkward talking to them. Not in a you're pretty and make me tongue-tied' awkward, but an I have nothing to talk to you nor any interest in talking to you' kind of way. When I noticed my eyes lingering on other guys in the changing room and thought about them when I was wanking, it became difficult to deny what I am.

The most interesting thing I learnt, however, is the only other person who knows he's gay is his brother, Wayne. He didn't go into detail of how it happened, just that Wayne's really accepting of it. If only he knew how accepting he is.

With the sound of the bell going off to signal the end of lunch, a mass of students make their way back towards the school buildings. Picking myself off the floor, slinging my bag on my back, I give my phone a quick check. In all the excitement of finally being able to talk to someone about my sexuality, I've completely forgotten about my phone. Usually, I'd be constantly checking it.

Using my thumb to unlock, I notice I've got a Whatsapp message. Opening the message, I can't hide the smile when I realise it's from Lee: `Hey man you able to meet me before practice this afternoon?' Wonder why Lee wants to meet me? Maybe he wants to fool around? Or maybe he's going to kick the shit out of me? I know which one I prefer.

Quickly replying to him; confirming I can meet him, I follow Bobby back into school. An hour of physics revision before freedom. Fun.

Physics was boring and uneventful. On the plus side, it seems I'm pretty well prepared for the exam on Friday.

Lee had messaged me some time during 5th period, asking to meet at the changing room after class. Making my way through the crowd of students, I walk over to the sports hall. A sloped roofed building in amongst tall, flat roofs makes it stand out.

Going inside, I take the first left to the changing rooms. Pushing my way through the two doors, I'm hit by the smell of sweat, mud and chlorine. Stereotypical smells for a school changing room. The place itself is pretty much standard. Several rows of benches with hooks take up the centre, the outside walls lined with lockers. However, there aren't enough lockers for everyone. Mean's you have to share. I've been lucky to share with Noah, a member of the rugby team. He's originally from Australia, still has a bit of the Aussie accent. He's also part Filipino, a combination that's pretty good to look at. He's pretty well built as well from all the rugby playing, so it's been nice to have an excuse to talk to him over the years.

Sitting on the bench under my hook, I can't help but be worried about why Lee wants to meet me. Either its something he can't talk to me about in front of the others or something he doesn't want to be caught doing by the coach. Or both.

Looking at my phone - it's 3.26. We've only got about 19 minutes until the rest of the team get here, so I doubt it's about fooling around. Punching someone doesn't take 19 minutes though ...

I snap my head to the sound of the changing room doors opening. I see a mop of blond hair, the fringe longer than the sides, swept to the right, just short of covering his eye. The fringe turns towards me, a wide smile on Lee's face as he spots me.

Walking towards where I'm sitting; his uniform's a mess. Shirt untucked, blazer and tie probably in the bag slung over his right shoulder, top couple of buttons undone so you can see the top of his chest.

Dropping his bag on the floor, Lee sits down opposite me, our knees about half a meter apart.

"Hey mate, glad you came." Lee's misty blue eyes give me a quick lookup and down. "No worries, what's up?" I click the knuckle of my left index finger, nervous of what he might say next. "Well, I can't stop thinking about our conversation on the coach on Friday," his smile drops into a more serious expression, "I've never been able to just unload to anyone like that before. A real weight off my shoulders, you know? Been actually, genuinely happy last few days." A smile returns to Lee's face. "Anytime dude." I return the smile, not knowing what else to do or say. "I mean, maybe what happened in my car after helped as well," Lee gives me a sexy, sly smile. Maybe he enjoyed it as much as I did? "So, I just wanted to make sure you were cool with what happened." Cool with it? I'm very cool with it! "Yeah, dude, totally cool with it." Was that a bit too enthusiastic? "Awesome, cause, if it's alright with you, I'd be up for doing it some more." Lee has a very friendly, warm smile plastered on his face. Does he just want to wank together? Or does he want to do more? "Uh, um, yeah ... yeah, I'd totally be up for more." Wait, this might be a trap still. Get me to confess that I want to wank with him, then beat the shit out of me for being gay! "Cool," Lee's smile beams at me as he straightens back on the bench, "I don't suppose you're free after practice?" Fuck, he must be horny. "Uh, yeah, yeah should be. Parents aren't home till like, after 7, so can come back to mine if you like?" Well, there's no way back now. I've just invited the captain of the football team back to my empty house to fool around. If there's any time for the rest of the team to jump out, now would be it. "Really? Fucking sweet, man! I'd love to! Shame we have `training'." Lee seems genuinely excited, and no ones jump out to punch me. So, maybe this isn't a trap? "Yeah, don't suppose you know why coach has insisted we have one more training session, do you?" Maybe if we can find a reason to bunk it off, we can get to mine earlier. "Something about putting the rivalry to bed. Coach didn't say much." Rivalry? What rivalry? "Prefer to just go back to yours now, to be honest," Lee gives me another sexy smile, "but, coach knows my dad. I'd be in shit if I missed it. What with being the captain and all." So much for trying to bunk off.

Turns out the `rivalry' was between the rugby team. They also lost their final tournament, meaning neither side have bragging rights. Something that the coaches couldn't leave un-address, apparently. So, to settle the score, they came up with a game that neither side has any great experience with - Rounders. Britain's answer to baseball.

The changing room now packed with two sports teams, there's not much room to move. Taking off my shirt and hanging it up, I realise I've got a slight problem; I'm not wearing any underwear. How am I going to do this without anyone noticing? Taking off my shoes and socks, I take out my football shirt and shorts. Putting my top on, I hope that enough of it can cover my ass, so no one can notice the lack of boxers. With a deep breath, I quickly slide my trousers down my legs and off my feet, replacing them with my shorts, in what I feels like record time.

Looking around I try to see if anyone noticed, however, everyone's still talking, laughing and messing around. Not a single person seems to have taken any notice of my naked white buns. Looking down at my crotch, the outline of my dick is noticeable for anyone to see. I doubt anyone would make a big thing about it, not wanting to be thought of as gay for looking at another dudes cock, but it's still making me self conscious.

The game was a good laugh. Just as the coaches predicted, it was a pretty even competition. But in the end, the football team ran out 56-49 winners. Unfortunately, there's no trophy to go with it, but we do get bragging rights for the week! As an added bonus, no one seemed to notice my dick. Well, I did catch Lee having a quick look down, his eyes seemed to widen a bit. Maybe in surprise.

Getting back into the changing rooms, taunting Noah for not being able to hit a ball, I go to my peg with Noah and start changing. Starting with my top, replacing it with my shirt, I glance over at Noah, talking to another guy on the rugby team, his shirt now off. Giving his developed pecs and six pac a once over, I toe off my trainers. Just as I go to pull down my shorts a brain wave hits me; why not keep your shorts on and wear your trousers over them? Genius!

Saying good-bye to Noah, I walk out to the school parking lot. Finding Lee's blue Vauxhall without much trouble, I sit on a wall close by to wait. It's at this point that my nerves return to me. Not that Lee's going to beat the shit out of me, I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen, no, I'm nervous about ... being good enough for him? I mean, I'm not ugly or out of shape or anything. Have a developing six-pack and my torso's pretty long, so if I work at it I'm sure I could even get an eight pack. It's just, Lee's ... really good looking. Defined jawline, features that fit on his face perfectly and from what I've seen in the changing rooms a decent six-pack and nice defined pecs. He's only really seen me in the murky light of his car. What if - in daylight - he realises he doesn't actually like the way I look?

"Hey mate, you all ready to go?" Deep in my fears, I didn't notice Lee approaching. "Sure." Jumping off the wall, I plonk myself down in the passenger seat. "You remember where my house is?" While giving directions to the field, I had pointed out where I lived. "Yeah, I think I can find my way." With a smile; Lee puts the car in gear and pulls out of the car park.

Driving out the school gates, the paranoia's starting to make me sweat more than the heat. Looking at the left side of Lee's face, straight nose just the right size - not too big, nor too small - straight lipped, eyes concentrating on the road, I decide I need to get my myself out of my mind.

"Hey, Lee. Tell me to fuck off, or whatever, but ... how come you're so cool about doing ... stuff with another guy?" It might be that he's just horny, but I just feel there's something more in it. Something about the way he opened up to me on the coach, the way he asked to see my feet while we wanked and the excitement he had when I said he can come over. Maybe I'm just reading into it too much, I don't know. "Huh?" Lee takes his eyes away from the road to give me a quick glance of confusion. Am I messing this up? "It's just most guys would think it too ... gay to ... wank with another guy." Seriously, suggesting that he's gay if he wanks with me is not a smart move! "Heh, I suppose they would," Lee gives another glance at me, this time with a smile, "though, believe me, they didn't always think that." Lee looks over at me again, this time holding contact with my eyes a little longer before returning to the road. "I suppose I wasn't entirely truthful with you Friday." Oh shit, this is where he's going to reveal he's been lying to get me to do gay stuff. He's probably going to take me somewhere to beat the shit out of me. Teams probably already there waiting. Rugby team too! "I told you that I hadn't wanked in over 2 weeks to try and explain the boner I was throwing in my shorts," I'm confused, "see, I didn't sit with you because coach told me you were feeling bad, I just said coach wanted me to talk to you to get some time to talk to you." Lee fell silent. A serious look on his face. Am I meant to say something? "Why did you want to talk to me? I mean, you could have talked to me at any time." I really have no idea what Lee's trying to tell me here. "Alone I mean. Where we wouldn't be interrupted." Lee takes a long, hard look at me before continuing. "I guess if we're going to be doing stuff together I should tell you; I'm pretty sure I'm bi." Oh shit. Was not expecting that. "Hope that's cool with you, mate." Lee Metcaff. Captain of the football team. Blond stud. Is bi? "Uh, yeah ... yeah, that's totally cool with me." Should I tell him about being gay? I mean, he did just come out to me. "Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but I've noticed you checking out other guys," shit, "so, I thought you might be into guys, you know. And I haven't done anything with any other guys but been really wanting to try. So, I noticed you looking at other guys and wanted to see if you'd be interested in fooling around. Experimenting," Lee seems nervous as his speech quickens, "Went better than I thought it would, to be honest." Lee looks over at me, a big smile on his face.

Shit. What do I do now? Do I tell him I'm gay? He's already sussed it out that I'm scoping out other guys, so I doubt it'll come as a major shock to him. Plus, he's right. If we're going to be fooling around he should know the truth.

"I didn't realise I was being so obvious. But yeah, I wasn't being honest with you on the coach, either. I'm not interested in girls ... I'm gay." Pulling into the driveway of my house, I've now come out to two people since I left this morning. "I wouldn't say it was obvious. I only noticed because I was doing the same thing." Putting the handbrake on, Lee turns off the engine and looks at me with a smile. "Heh, fair one. I hope you're okay ... with me being gay and all. I understand if you don't want to come in." I look down at my lap, fearing the worst. "No problem with me, mate." Lee smiles wider as he gets out of the car.

Following him to my front door, I unlock it and let him in. Not had a friend round since year 8, but that was just to play video games. I'm hoping this will be a lot more fun!

"So, would you like a drink or -" Grabbing me by the arm, Lee turns me around to face him. I've never stood this close to Lee before. I can smell the weak scent of his after save and sweat - pretty manly. "I want to try something." Putting his left hand behind my head he pulls my face down, his lips turning up to meet mine.

I close my eyes for a moment, letting the feeling of Lee's lips pressed against mine travel to my cock. His left-hand moves to resting against my cheek as his right does the same on the other side, holding my face as our lips start to move in sync. Not knowing what to do with my own hands, I just bring them to hold his hips, feeling the hard muscle beneath his cotton shirt.

The feel of his tongue caressing mine brings a new wave of pleasure through my body, causing my now erect cock to jump in my footy shorts; desperate to escape.

Pulling away from the kiss, Lee's smirks up at me.

"So, where's your bedroom?" Smiling, I lead him up the stairs. Opening my door, I'm thankful mum has a habit of making my bed and picking up my dirty clothes before going to work. I have a generously sized room. The bed's in the middle of the wall, opposite the door. To the left is a desk propped under my window. The right has a small entertainment nook; a tv, PlayStation and bean bag to sit on.

"Nice." Lee looks around, eyes mostly on the PlayStation and 32" TV. "Thanks." Standing in front of my bed I turn to face Lee, his arms already outstretched, reaching for my shirt buttons. Starting at the top, it takes him seconds to have my shirt open, placing both palms against my flat stomach, moving up across my abs, causing a jolt of pleasure as they pass over my nipples and pecs, stopping at my shoulders before continuing to move down my arms, causing my shirt to fall to the floor.

"Fuck you have a hot body, mate." I can feel my cheeks blush as his hands move back to my pecs, cupping under them, giving a slight squeeze before rubbing his thumbs over my nipples; causing my cock to twitch more in my shorts.

Moving his hands to my sides, Lee bends over, attaching his mouth to my right nipple. I can feel his tongue through the wet, warmth, playing with the nub, making me let out a soft moan I've been desperately trying to suppress. I don't know why, but moaning seems like a very girly thing to do. Not wanting Lee to think I'm a sissy, I've tried to stay quiet, however, Lee only stops tonging my nipple to move on to my left one, so I guess he doesn't care.

I give out small moans, my hands down by my sides, fists clenched, watching the top of Lee's head as he starts kissing down my abs, licking the line that divides the two sides, eventually ending on his knees, eye level with my bulging crotch. Undoing the clasp of my trousers, and pulling down the fly; Lee lets my trousers fall to the floor, pooling around my feet, revealing my blue, nylon footy shorts. Without any underwear, my fully hard cock's able to stretch out in the lightweight, thin material, leaving very little to the imagination. Thankfully I didn't get hard during the rounders match.

"Fuck mate, this is a beast!" Lee gives my cock a squeeze through my shorts with his right hand, his left grabbing hold of the waistband. With my cock bouncing in my shorts, Lee doesn't hesitate in removing my shorts, leaving them with my trousers, causing my dick to bounce even harder. "Mate, that's a beautiful cock. So jealous of how your foreskin pulls back behind the knob." I bite my lower lip as Lee's right-hand gently caresses its way up my shaft. Carefully pulling back the foreskin more, causing it to roll down my shaft, revealing paler, white skin underneath.

Taking my cock at the base, Lee leans in closer, lifting my dick and slapping it against his cheeks. I just look down at his handsome, smiling face; partially obscured by my cock, as he runs his tongue along the underside.

"Smells horny as fuck as well. Fucking perfect." Lee's voice trails off as he uses my cock like a paintbrush, smearing a drop of newly formed precum from his right cheek, across his moist lips, over to his left. "Can I suck it?" Lee looks up at me, wide-eyed and pleading. All I can do is nod my head, barely believing what I'm seeing, my lip starting to hurt from how hard I'm biting it.

With a devilish grin, Lee opens his mouth wide, bobbing forward, a good few inches of my cock disappearing behind his top lip before I feel the wet, hot pressure of his throat. His lips close around my shaft as I feel the soft walls against my sensitive head, convulsing as they try to swallow my cock down.

The sharp tingle goes through my body, my skin alive with goosebumps, my knees buckle as I fall back onto the bed. The movement causing my dick to be wrenched from Lee's lips, the head rubbing against the roof of his mouth causing another wave of pleasure, making me shudder, forcing my upper body to lay back on the mattress.

"Real sensitive, aren't you?" I lift my head to see Lee shuffle along on his knees to get closer to me. Lifting myself up on my hands I watch as he removes my shoes, socks, trousers and shorts; leaving my completely naked.

Lee picks up my left food and slowly massages it for a moment. His touch releasing some tension, leaving it wanting more when he puts it back down on the carpet, reaching back up for my cock.

Holding it with his right hand, his left grabs my thigh as he goes straight back onto my cock. Once again opening wide, my head hitting the back of his throat, causing the same electricity to go through me, this time my elbows buckle, leaving me flat on my back, eyes closed as Lee starts to bob up and down on my cock.

I can't decide what I like more: the feel of his lips caressing my shaft and over the flared lip of my helmet or my cock head hitting the back of his throat, the muscles momentarily giving it a squeeze before it leaves to be stroked by Lee's lips once again.

What I'm very aware of are the feelings crashing through me. It's a fight to keep my body still; duvet clenched in my fists, my muscles twitch and shake, causing me to bounce slightly on my bed.

I wouldn't be able to stop the moans even if I wanted to. An almost continuous symphony of groans, gasps and wails escape my opened lips as Lee's sucking mouth works my cock over, giving me pleasure unlike any I've felt while wanking.

My toes curl on the carpet as I can feel the pleasure intensify. Wave after wave of goosebumps pass through me, every nerve ending in my cock overloaded, my balls giving a continuous dull ache of need.

Suddenly, I can feel my orgasm rising. Usually it's a slow build, but with my cock battering Lee's throat, there's no build-up, just the sudden jolt from my balls and heat radiating throughout my body.

Sitting bolt upright, I take Lee's soft, slightly matted hair in my hands and weakly try to pull him away. I try to tell him I'm cumming but my still open mouth only manages a garbled groan as my cock starts shooting.

My vision going black I lose control over my body. Taking fists full of Lee's hair I hold him still as I thrust deeper into his mouth, Lee's hands clasping my thighs offer no resistance as my cock enters his throat, shooting load after load straight into his stomach. My own grunts are met by the sounds of Lee gagging, but his head doesn't try to move within my grip.

Burying my cock as far as Lee's throat will let me; I stay motionless as the last of my cum is milked out by Lee's throat. Releasing his hair I slump back on the bed. Completely drained and exhausted, barely able to catch my breath, I give out rasping pants. I've just enough energy for my body to convulse as Lee sucks the last of my cum from the sensitive tip, before letting it fall out of his mouth.

Eyes closed, chest heaving in overdrive, I'm just about aware of movement beside me. Feeling the mattress weighed down to the right of my head, I hear the sound of a zipper and rustling of material, immediately followed by a very strong smell of cum.

I open my eyes as Lee's strong hands direct my face towards the smell, my lips are met with warm, thick goo. Only able to see the grey of his trousers, I open my mouth to be met with a strong, salty, acrid taste. Swallowing it down, I move my head, the cock smearing cum along my right cheek, and look up into Lee's beaming smile.

"Sorry mate, when you grabbed my hair and started thrusting, I just lost it. Seems I like it a bit rough." Lee gives a slightly nervous laugh. I'm only able to weakly smile back at him.

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Next: Chapter 10

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