Desperate Times

By Cliffy B

Published on Jul 29, 2019


Desperate Times 7 (redux)

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All events are fiction. All characters are a figment of imagination. All character's represented in this story are 18 or over.

Authors message: I've had a lot of trouble writing chapter 9 of `Desperate Times'. I've written and rewritten it many times over the last year and I wasn't able to write something I was happy with. While re-reading the series I realised the reason I was having so much trouble is because I really didn't like where I was taking the series. Deciding to take a different route I found I was having a lot more fun writing chapter 9, however some of the previous choices was starting to hamper the newer chapter, as such I've decided to go back and re-write chapter 7 and make chapter 9 (which I'm still writing) into chapter 8. I'm sure most wont care, however, this way I'll be having more fun writing and I'll be able to get more chapter out there into the interweb space for y'all to enjoy.

Hope you enjoy, any feedback is welcomed and much appreciated. E-mail me at:

Wayne's comment kind of hurt at first. I've spent so much of my teenage years scared shitless that someone would discover my secret; terrified that people I called friends would turn on me and shout names such as fag', Bum boy' faggot' and cock sucker'. So, to hear it actually aimed at me was a massive shock to the system.

However, as I dried myself after having my own quick shower, I started to question the whole experience. Why would such a macho straight guy drive to another guy's house to get his cock sucked? I know he said something about not being able to get any from his girlfriend, but that doesn't mean you go gay. Hell, if I had a choice between head from a girl or wanking to gay porn; I'd take the porn! No, something doesn't add up here.

I don't think Wayne's gay, or even closeted gay. At the moment I'm leaning hard on bi. The whole `cock sucker' vocal stuff is probably his way of compartmentalising his sexuality; if he's the dominant one then that means he's not gay. That or he's just into some kinky shit.

Putting Wayne out of my mind; I dump the towel in the laundry basket, making sure to pick up the towel Wayne had left on floor and deposit that as well. Leaning back over; I also pick up my shorts and t-shirt, taking out my phone from the shorts pocket and taking them to my room.

Unlocking my phone I notice Whatsapp showing a message from Bobby; `hey sorry about having to kick you out ill make it up to you next time'.

Holy shit; Bobby wants a next time! As in, he wants to get sexual with me. Again. A massive, goofy smile plasters itself across my face. Looking at the full-length mirror attached to my wardrobe I have to laugh at how ridiculous I look; standing around naked, a grin caused by another guy stretching my lips.

Plopping down on my bed I message him back: `No worries dude. Hopefully get to see you again soon ;)'. I want to say how cute he is, how much I enjoyed being with him, how much I would love to have stayed in bed and spent the day with him. But, that would sound too clingy, corny and gay. I need to play this cool.

`Yeah next time without almost getting caught!' Bobby's reply makes me laugh again, the smile still refusing to go away. I want to ask him more about himself; is he gay? Is he bi - like his brother possibly is? Has he done this before? But, again, I need to play this cool. We chat a little longer before he has to go off and help his mum with something.

I just chill the rest of Saturday and Sunday. For the first time since I can remember I woke without a boner on Sunday; the fun of the last few days obviously tired out my dick. So instead of wanking I just binge on Netflix and FIFA.

I'm actually kind of looking forward to going to school on Monday. Can't wait to see Bobby again. Also, I get to see Lee. Not having his number, I haven't spoken to him since the game on Friday. Shit, wonder if he regrets what we did together.

I wake with my first alarm on Monday. I had a bit of a restless sleep, anxiety and excitement playing different scenarios over in my head, however, I still feel energized; ready to face the day.

Sitting at the kitchen table - eating a bowl of Shreddies - dressed in my uniform: black blazer, trousers and shoes; white button shirt, the black, green and yellow striped tie; I'm starting to get butterflies.

How do I act with Bobby? How will Lee treat me? Will it be like nothing ever happened? I know Bobby's interested in exploring more - that's exciting - what I don't know is how Lee will react. He's had a whole weekend to stew it over and regret it all. That's if he even thought about it at all.

What's worse: Lee regretting? Or Lee completely forgetting about me? To be honest; I'm leaning towards him forgetting. Palms sweaty, I leave my bowl, suddenly the butterflies have taken away my appetite.

Grabbing my bag I start the 10-minute walk to school. I don't really have anyone I know that walks the same way as me. I recognise several people trudging towards the school, but most of them are younger. The only one I recognise is a dude I shared Spanish class with in year 8. I've never actually spoken to him though. Walking behind him I notice he's got quite a nice ass. He doesn't do sports - not at school at least - so I wonder where he gets it from.

Shaking myself out of staring at another dudes ass, I quickly look around to make sure no one noticed. Finding no one around I go back to listening to my music and trying my best to avoid anymore starring.

Getting to school I go straight to my tutor room. Tutor's pretty boring, it's just so we can get registered. Why it lasts 20 minutes I don't know. Just leaves the teacher to drone on about some useless bullshit no one cares about. Especially seeing this'll be our last week of school. Just 3 more exams and it's all done. 13 years of mandatory schooling over. Only negative is until Friday I've got to come in for revision lessons. Which means I've got a week of Geography, English and Physics. Oh, the fun!

With tutor over, Mrs Glascott wishing us all a good day and I head to first-period; double Geography. Thankfully, it's in the same block so I don't have to go far. As I leave the class I hear my name being called from down the corridor.

"Hey! Michaels!" I turn around, to see Lee jogging towards me; a smile on his face. I move out the way of the door and walk towards him. "Hey man, was going to message you on the weekend, but totally forgot to swap numbers." So he did think of me over the weekend! I can't help but return his smile.

Lee has the `cool kid' look going for him; shirt untucked, top button undone, tie hanging halfway down his chest. "Yeah, I didn't even think about that." I really didn't. Not until I was thinking about him Saturday evening anyways. "Think we were both too distracted." Lee gives me a sly wink and beams a smile at me as we walk together down the crowded hallway. "Heh, that's true. We can swap numbers at practice if you want. That way you can let me know if you need any, uh, help, again." I try to give Lee a wink of my own. Lee lets out a small laugh, so I guess it didn't look as odd as it felt.

Despite having our last game of the season and school almost being done, Coach has insisted on one last training session as a team. "Why wait till practice? Here, give me your phone." Passing my phone to Lee, he quickly puts in his number and passes it back. "Speak to you later man." Waving, he jogs past me to join up with some other guys from the team. I think they take History instead of Geography.

Risking a glance at Lee's ass in his tight trousers, I turn left, entering my class. Man, he has a nice ass.

I spent the first two lessons quietly smirking to myself. Not only did Lee think about me, but he also wanted to get in contact. Man, I can't tell you how good that makes me feel.

Thinking about Lee's kept me pretty much semi-hard for the past two hours of Geography. Occasionally completely hard. However, this means I've failed to keep up with any of the revision lesson. Good job I've spent my time at school being a decent student. I should be able to sleepwalk my way through this week and still get good grades.

During the second hour of Geography I get to thinking; before this Friday I was a pretty lonely, closeted virgin gay boy. Now, I have two guys who seem to be interested in doing sex stuff with me, three if you count Wayne, but I'm not sure if he'll actually be wanting a repeat performance. While I've not strickly come out as gay, I'm pretty sure Bobby has a good inkling. I'm not sure what Lee thinks, though I know he's not grossed out by wanking with another guy. Maybe he'll be up for going further?

My dicks rock hard as the bell goes for break time. Shit. I quickly stick my hand down my pants to readjust my dick. Sticking it up, so it's under my waistbands and not bulging out on show. Unfortunately, my shirts white, so you can totally see my dick head through the thin material. Holding my bag over my crotch I move quickly to the technology block.

Break and lunch times are spent in the nerd' computer suite. See, there's a collection of computer rooms open at break and lunch times for the masses, however, there's one that only certain people get to frequent. Students that teachers can trust. Otherwise known as nerds', geeks' or ass lickers'. Thankfully my time on the football team has meant my time in the nerd suite has gone under the radar. I got in on the basis of Mr Jeffers - the head of IT - liking me.

Most of the nerd squad ignore me as I walk in; I think they're slightly intimidated by me. I get a computer on the opposite side from the others, screen pointing towards the wall, that way they can't see what's on my screen nor my face. Total privacy. Here is where I've learnt a lot about what it means to be gay and gay sex. You see, what makes this computer room special, and only those with special permission are allowed in, is because there's no school filter!

Deciding I might as well do a bit of catch up on the revision I didn't pay attention to in my first two classes I load up BBC Bitesize. Exciting!

Waiting for the site to load I hear something move under the desk. Figuring it's just someone connecting a cable or something I go back to finding the appropriate page about river formations.

About two minutes into my reading I hear another strange noise from under the desks. This time I swear it sounded like someone ... groaning? Heh, maybe one of these nerds is watching porn.

Peeking out from the right my computer; I check to see who's actually in with me today. I admit, I never actually take any notice of the others. I don't talk to them and they don't talk to me. How we've gotten along all this time. It's usually pretty quiet as well. Only the occasional quiet mutterings from the other side of the room.

There's only 4 other guys in the room - the school is mixed gender, but for some reason only guys have ever been permitted here - Three of them at the far wall, backs to me, and one on the other side of my computer. I think his names Dillion? Or Dwayne? Maybe Darren? Okay, I really don't know these guys. But I'm pretty sure it begins with a D. I'm going with Dillion.

Looking at the left half of his face not being obscured by his monitor I can't tell if he's watching anything naughty or not - he's just staring straight ahead. Though, I'd think if he were watching porn the others behind him would probably notice. Especially if sounds, like what I heard, were coming from his computer.

Moving my head back around to look at my own computer, I start to read the page again; my little act of sleuthing completely taking me out of the revision. Not two sentences in and I hear another noise from under the desk. This time it was louder and longer and sounded like someone moaning. Okay, I know somethings going down and I'm pretty sure it's happening under the desks.

Curiosity getting the better of me I move my chair back from the desk and stick my head under.

I stifle a gasp of surprise as I find the source of the groaning and moaning: On his hands and knees, under the desk is Alan Hood. Alan's a pretty stereotypical nerd: Short, unkempt, greasy hair, goofy teeth, skeleton thin with clothes that either seem too big or too short for him. Only ever taken notice of him for how absolutely nerdy he looks. However, now, it's pretty difficult not to notice him. That's because he's currently on all fours, under a computer desk, with his trousers and pants around his knees and his hard - what looks to be a hefty seven inches - dick being stroked by Dillion's sockless toes.

Quickly pulling my head back up, I once again peer round to look at Dillion. Nothing on his face suggests he's giving a footjob to another dude under the desk. Just staring ahead all nonchalantly.

Looking back at my own computer I've no idea how to react. My mind goes back to catching my neighbour, Steve, in the act of wanking. That time I got my dick out and wanked off, however I am not going to be doing that here.

Hesitating a moment, curiosity gets the best of me again. Peering back under the table I'm met with the same scene as before. However, this time Alan's mouth is open and I can just about hear some low groans. Surely the other nerds can hear this? Has this been a common occurrence? Do they all take turns? Maybe they have headphones in. Again, didn't take any notice of what the others were doing.

Suddenly, Alan bites down on his right arm and his hips start thrusting. My eyes focus on his meaty cock just in time to see a heavy, white glob of cum drip from Alan's cock onto the carpet below. Alan shakes as three more big globs of jizz are added to the pool beneath him, slowly being milked out by Dillion's toes.

The show over, I quickly straighten back up, looking back to my computer screen. Sweating a bit I can feel my hard cock throb in my boxers. I've been teasing him with thoughts of Lee all morning, no wonder the moment he sees some actual action he gets straight up. I mean, in no way am I attracted to either nerd. Can't even remember what Dillion looks like.

Peering around my screen again - this time to actually get a look at what Dillion looks like - I find he's no longer looking at his screen. This time, he's looking directly at me, a smirk across his lips.

I'm just able to take in his brown hair, fringe swept to the left, his wide nose and sticky out ears before I quickly shield myself from his view behind my computer.

The words make no sense on the screen - my mind's whirling with the fact I might have been caught perving on a guy getting a footjob. Will he say anything? I mean, surely it's more embarrassing for him than me. No one would believe him anyways.

I hear Dillion from behind the computer mutter something that sounds like `wait a moment' before his face appears from over the top of the monitors; the smirk still fixed on his face. I watch as he moves around the room, coming directly for me. As he walks down my row I can clearly make out a bulge in his trousers, obviously Dillion enjoyed the footjob as well as Alan. I also notice neither of his feet have socks or shoes on.

Dillion pulls out and sits down on the chair to my right. I watch his every move, not trusting him, waiting for him to do something. What? I don't know. But having been caught I'm now on edge. And I don't mean my cock, which thankfully has gone down a bit.

"So, you like the show?" I just give Dillion an unimpressed look. I've avoided talking to him for five years, I don't plan on starting now. "Your cock looks like it enjoyed it." Dillion looks down at my crotch and even though it's gone down, my dicks still making a sizeable lump. I suppose that's the curse of wearing loose underwear. "So's yours." In the moment it seemed like a witty come back, however the wider smirk on Dillion's face suggests otherwise. Comparing it to his not only suggests I enjoyed it in the same way he did, but also that I've looked at his crotch. I quickly look back to my monitor, feeling the blush rise on my cheeks. "Well, it isn't over yet." Dillion looks down as hands reach from under the desk, unclasping his trousers, pulling down his fly and removing his cock from his boxer briefs.

Dillion's cock looks pretty big, getting wider half way up, his foreskin fully pulled back, his deep pink cock head ending in a point. I think I'm still bigger, but the nerds got nothing to be embarrassed about.

Alan's hand grasps the base as his face comes into view. Dillion moves back, giving Alan room to easily access his cock. Alan wastes no time going down on him with obvious skill. He doesn't stop as he swallows it all the way down to the base, his hand moving out the way to rest on Dillion's thigh. Dillion lets out a quiet moan as his hands take hold of Alan's greasy hair. I wrinkle my nose in disgust at the state of Alan, however my cock gives a throb at the sight of someone getting a blowjob right next to me.

"You might be part of the jock crew, but I've never heard about you dating. You also spend all your break and lunch times in here. I bet you're a virgin, aren't you Timmy?" I don't reply. I just watch as Alan's head moves up and down on Dillion's dick, not missing a beat, not choking, just sucking him off with increased speed. "You twats have been bullying us for years. We might be gay, but at least we're not loser virgins like you." Just for the record; I've never bullied Alan nor Dillion. Unless you count completely ignoring their existence as bullying. Which I guess some would.

I can feel my blush get deeper as Dillion makes me feel smaller than his dick.

"Now watch as a real man unloads down an expert cocksuckers throat." I watch as Dillion stops Alan's head from moving with his cock all the way down his throat. He tries to get his cock in further, his hips giving small jabs into Alan's mouth, causing his face to smash against Dillion pubes.

I assume Dillion's cumming as his breath comes out as irregular rasps and his body tenses up; his hips pressed forward off the seat, his cock completely disappearing into Alan's mouth.

After about 20 seconds, Dillion's body relaxes back into the seat and Alan retreats back along his cock, giving the head one last suck as a shiver goes through Dillion.

All's quiet as Dillion leaves his softening cock to droop over his boxer briefs and trousers; completely content and satisfied. I dare not ruin the moment, not wanting Dillion's attention to move back to me. Hopefully he zips up and fucks off.

"Now you've enjoyed the show, what shall we do to make sure you won't tell anyone?" No such luck apparently. "Don't worry, I can assure you I'm not going to be saying a word to anybody. In fact, the moment we leave this room I promise you I'll forget this ever happened." I admit; that might be difficult to do. But I'm definitely never, ever telling anyone about it! "Not good enough I'm afraid. How do I know you aren't going to get your jock buddies and beat the shit out of me and Alan?" Dillion puts his dick back into his pants and zips up his trousers as Alan emerges beside him from under the desk. "You have my word, dude. I promise. I've never had anyone beaten up, what's the point now in our last week of school?" I watch as Alan stands up, trousers and pants around his ankles, his cock still raging hard. "How about this? For putting on such a hot show for you, and as a show of good faith from yourself; you give us your underwear?" I move from watching Alan pull up his trousers to looking Dillion directly in his eyes. That fucking smirk is back! For my part I just stare at him; bug eyed. He wants what? "I assume with how hard your cocks been it'll be full of precum, that's if a virgin's able to produce precum." Is he still on this virgin bull crap? The widening smirk suggests he's well proud of this insult. "You want my boxers, and in exchange we all pretend this never happened? We go back to normal? Never mentioning it ever again?" I just need this moment to be over, if the price I have to pay is simply going commando for a few hours; I'm fine with that to be honest. Never done it before, so should be an interesting experience. "Deal." Having fully dressed himself, Alan now sits down beside the smirking Dillion.

With the deal struck I just stare at Dillion, straight faced. I want to ask him so many questions, but that would suggest I'm interested in his and Alan's sex life. Which, in all honesty, I am. I mean, how did they figure out each other are gay? When did they figure it how? How long have they been having sex? When he says sex does he just mean foot stuff and blow jobs, or ... all the way?

"Any time today, Tim." Dillion brings me out of my wondering. Wait, did he mean now? "Wait, did you mean now?" Does he actually want me to strip off my boxers in front of him and Alan? And any of the other nerds that have been weirdly quiet this whole time. We haven't exactly been whispering this whole time. Sure, the rooms pretty big and the others are a good 8-10 metres away, but surely they can still hear us. "When else? We won't those boxers, not a spare pair you keep in your locker." I don't actually have a spare pair in my locker. All our lockers were cleared out before the end of last week. However, I feel Dillion wouldn't accept that as an answer. "Okay, I suppose it's only fair seeing you've already put on a show." I give Dillion a smirk of my own; an attempt to demonstrate he's not intimidating me.

Quickly checking to make sure the other three nerds aren't stealing sneaky peaks, I toe off my shoes and undo the clasp on my trousers. Looking back over to Dillion and Alan - both sets of eyes looking down at my dick and not at my face - I realise if I do this then they'll both be seeing my dick. Thankfully, it's now only semi hard, so they're not getting the full show. I'm pretty sure I'm bigger than Dillion, but I wasn't able to get a good enough look at Alan's to adequately size him up.

Taking a deep breath I completely remove my trousers, sliding them off my feet and putting them to the left of my chair, away from Dillion. All I need is for him to run off with them leaving me in my boxers. Or worse, in just my socks.

Taking another look over to the two nerds, Dillon's smirks gone, replaced by an open mouthed horny look. Not three minutes ago he was acting like the big man, but give him a cock to drool over and bravado goes out the window.

Suddenly feeling good about myself and the situation, I allow a smirk to spread over my own face. It's kind of self assuring knowing your dick has power over people.

Not wasting anymore time - the bell to signal the end of break should be going soon - I quickly slide my boxers down my naturally smooth legs, letting them pool at my feet before stepping out of them. Bending over in my seat I pick them up and throw them at Dillion's face. Transfixed by my semi, he doesn't react in time and the loose material hits him square in the nose before bouncing off onto the floor next to him.

My end of the bargain met, I turn away from them and pick up my trousers. Still seated I pull them over my feet and up to my knees. Should I stand up and give them a show of my ass? Wait, has anyone seen my ass? With a devilish smile I slightly raise my butt cheeks from the chair and quickly pull my trousers over them. They've seen all they're going to see of me. No ass for them. Well, not my ass anyways.

Doing up my trousers, the bulge is very noticeable. How am I going to walk around school like this? The feel of the material on my cock head alone is starting to give me a boner. Will it look suspicious if I spend the day with my bag over my crotch?

Turning back around Dillion and Alan are now more interested in my old boxers than they are of me. For a moment it crosses my mind as to why they would want them, however, I instantly decided not to care. As long as they don't tell me about it they can knock themselves out.

The only troubling thing is they both now have smirks across their faces. What are they planning now?

"Looks like virgins can produce precum, Tim, and you produce quite a bit." I roll my eyes as their smirks turn to giggles. Of course there's a lot; been hard over Lee and Bobby for the better part of two hours. Dillion and Alan get up and go back to the other side of the computers, just in time for the bell to sound.

Logging off my computer, I wait till all the other have left the room, hoping Dillion has stowed my boxers away in his bag and not carrying them around as if they're a flag.

Once alone I pick up my bag and stand up, feeling the material of my trousers rub up against my bell end, causing it to throb and possibly leak out some more precum.

Looking down; the bulge is so pronounced. I can't see how anyone can miss it. Reaching into my trousers I put it back into stealth position - tucked under my waistband - however, now without the added support of my boxers it's actually slightly pulling the elastic away from my body. Along with the lack of help from my shirt - which is also having a habit of rubbing my bell end now there's more space for my dick to move in - I admit to myself; maybe giving Dillion my boxers wasn't such a good idea after all!

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Next: Chapter 8

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