Desperate Times

By Cliffy B

Published on Feb 27, 2017


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Desperate Times Part 2

I'm not saying that being 18 is the hardest thing in the world, just that it has a habit of sucking. Take me as an example. In the prime of my youth and I have no one to share it with. Sure, I have friends that I go out and have fun with, but I don't have anyone ... special to share it with. If you know what I mean. No one to share my feelings with, my hopes, my dreams, my ... yeah, okay, you got me; I just want someone to share my cock with. All that other stuff would be nice, sure, but there'll be time for that. Right now I just need someone to suck me off.

What makes it even worse, what makes my need and desperation painfully clear to me is sitting on a school bus, going to a tournament, 25 guys hyped up, energetic, shouting, cheering and generally being guys. All of them athletically hot, dressed in football shorts, some just wearing their football tops, some in form fitting under armer and then there's the daring few horsing around topless. It being the summer I'd have hoped for more naked, glistening, muscular chests.

I sat next to Bobby near the front. A quiet lad, in my English class, usually warmed the subs bench but was a zippy winger. Just needed to improve his final balls. Plus he's in competition with Paul, the 5'11, blond dream boat currently at the back, chanting with a collection of the other lads. The back's where the "cool" kids sit. Mick, the star of my wank fantasies, was among them, being the teams leading goal scorer gets you that privilege. In fairness sitting down the front with the less rowdy guys probably suits me best, here I can ignore the exposed skin I want to touch so badly. Also no one will notice the erection hiding under my shorts and as much of my top that can be stretched to my lap without being obvious.

Just the thought of having all the hot young, bodies bouncing around behind me got me hard, horny and wishing I'd wanked off recently. After catching my neighbour, Steve, pleasuring himself in their downstairs bathroom I'd been spending a lot more time out in the garden, trying to get a repeat performance. Tragically all I've been treated to is the empty room or the hot sight of closed blinds. Every night I've waited, every night I've gone back inside disappointed. After sharing a wank with an actual person, even one oblivious to the "share" part, made wanking a lone seem ... lonely. Plus I've heard the longer you save your load the better the final release will feel. Never managed to wait before but-

"Hey, Tim, do you mind if we swap seats?" The timid voice of Bobby broke my day dream.

"Uh, sure dude, what's up?"

"Not feeling too good. I think all these bumpy, country roads are shaking up the noodles I had for lunch." Bobby offered the excuse with a small smile. Maybe it's my desperate state of arousal but I've never noticed how cute Bobby was before. He was small for 18, only about 5'6, and his clothes usually hung off his slim frame, but he had a cute face, big smile, dimples and a cute nose.

Taking in his features I stood up in the aisle to let him stand next to me, leaving me to scoot in at the window seat, giving Bobby the aisle seat to sit back down on. Once seated realisation dawned on me. The sudden concern for my travel buddy had made me completely forget about my boner. While my dick had been hidden in my seated position I highly doubt my shirt was able to cover anything while standing. My dick might not be huge, but it's big enough to make a show in flimsy boxers and football shorts.

Chancing a quick glance to my left at Bobby I catch him looking at me before quickly looking away. Fuck. He totally saw. The fuck am I going to do? What's he going to think?

"I guess the bumps are having a different affect on you than they are on me." Bobby broke the awkward silence, but it took my embarrassed mind a second to grasp what he said.

"Huh, oh, yeah, hehe sorry, I sorta, like forgot ..." I tried at making an excuse but fumbled and trailed off. The blood was now flowing to my cheeks as well as my cock. I doubt there's any spare to power my brain.

"It cool dude. Happens. Best get it down before we stop though. You know what happened to Dayle."

It had been brutal. Well, as brutal as you can get without any physical violence. Apparently. The stories vary. Ever since starting High School the jokes about boners in the showers had started. "Look at So-and-So! He's getting a boner!" was the call when you wanted to play a totally hilarious prank on someone in the changing rooms. Of course they never actually had one, we'd all have a laugh, change then leave. That was until Dayle. Poor Dayle.

It was after a training session in January, we were all just stripping off our kits when suddenly; "Hey guys! Dayles thrown wood!" came the overly excited cry from the back. We all just giggled at first, assuming someone was trying to resurrect the old prank, but as more people saw and more people got excited it become obvious this wasn't a drill. This was for real!

I admit, I got caught up in the hysteria and joined the crowd at the back. There was already a crowd when I got to there, but being one of the taller team members I got a good view at what was happening. On the bench sat Dayle, his hands held back by a team mate I didn't take any notice to, all my attention was on the erect cock of my team mate.

Dayle wasn't the fittest member on the team, playing in defence he wasn't needed to be the most mobile member of the team. He had a bit of a chub around the middle and on his chest, but he was always smiling, long hair in a pony tail. Maybe it was the smile, but I had always found him to be attractive. I can't remember if he was smiling that day.

I only stayed long enough to see Lee, the team captain, start whacking Dayle's hard cock before I left the crowd. I quickly got dressed and left the changing room. Despite being covered in mud from the wet winter pitch getting a shower was not an option. I'd like to say I left in protest of his horrible treatment, but truth is I needed to hide my own hardening cock. The image of his boner bobbing around after the thwack kept playing in my head. Even after jerking out a few loads.

By the time 2nd lesson had rolled around the next day the story was out. According to Kirsty in my history class the whole team had hit his dick until he was soft, then he was made to wait to shower alone. In 3rd lesson the story was he'd been made to jerk off until he came over the floor, cleaning it up with his tongue. By the end of the day I'd heard so many stories I can't say which is true. My personal favourite was where Dayle shot his load over Lee after only 3 whacks. I liked to imagine he was made to lick it off Lee's stunning 6 pack. Whatever the truth Dayle never came back to training. Quit the team and forever known as "boner boy". Occasionally "faggot".

"Poor Dayle." Was all I said in reply. Despite all the wanks I've had thinking about it I honestly did feel bad for him.

"Yeah. Just make sure it isn't going to be "Poor Tim"."

It was said as a joke but it came across as a warning. A warning I wish my cock took seriously. Remembering Dayle only made the situation worse. Fuck, I need to cum! Closing my eyes I try and think of anything none sexual. Control my breathing and try to stop my cock from flexing in my pants.

"Any luck?" Bobby seemed to be more impatient for my dick to go down than me.

"Naw, not yet." Give me half a chance!

"Why don't you just whack one out?" Did the quite, shy Bobby just suggest I wank my cock on a bus full of my team mates?

"Uh, I don't think so dude. Bad enough getting caught with a boner, I am not getting caught wanking."

"I'm not saying to whip it out and jerk in their faces, just wank it against your thigh, down your shorts leg. No one will notice." Bobby had lent in and was whispering in my ear. My cock was tenting so bad, I would not be able to hide it like this. Putting it down my thigh would actually be a better position at the moment.

With Bobby still lent towards my I put my hand down my shorts, touching my needy cock as I position it down my right leg. Pulling my hand out of my pants I hesitate.

"Come on Tim, everyone around's either sleeping or listening to tunes. Even the guys in the back have quietened down for the pre-match pysch-up." He was right, but could I do it?

"Wait, where will I cum?" Walking off with cum dribbling down my leg is not a good look.

"Got your towel?" I just nod.

Quickly rearranging what I think is his hard cock, Bobby shoots out of his seat, grabs my bag from the over head and sitting before anyone could blink.

"Are, are you hard Bobby?" No point trying to hide any modesty at this stage.

"Mmm-hmm, here you go."

"Aren't you going to ... sort it out?"

"It's cool, got tight jocks on. Easily hide it. Unlike yours dude. You even wearing anything?"

"Yeah, boxers."

"Rookie mistake Tim, you need to invest."

"Uh huh." This was weird. It's weird right?

"Pull your boxer leg up, feels better." Fuck it. I need this.

Pulling my boxers back with my left, I start rubbing the silk shorts over my shaft with my right thumb. It feels so good to be rubbing my cock again. Eyes closed I focus on the feel of the smooth silk against my shaft on one side, the heat of my thigh on the other, a slight tickling of my shorts on the exposed head as I pull my foreskin down. Rubbing faster the tickling stops as I feel exposed air, opening my eyes I see my rubbing has pulled my shorts up, revealing my full, purple head. I don't care.

Suddenly feeling eyes on me I look to my left. In the short time I've been rubbing I'd completely lost where I was. Seeing Bobby's lustful gaze on my cock brought me right back to reality. How great would Bobby's puffy lips feel on my hard cock? That's all my sex starved brain could think as I intently stare at those moist, pink lips, my thumb now rubbing over the pre-cum soaked head. My left hand grabbing onto my thigh was the only thing stopping me from forcing Bobby's head down on my dick, finally getting to feel a warm throat swallowing my shaft as he chokes below me.

The furious rubbing of my head was causing my shorts to ride up my thigh, taking away the support needed to keep my cock pinned to my leg. With my cock now flexing around in the air I took my foreskin between my thumb, ring and middle finger and continued to stroke my head, the skin feeling amazing on my glands. My hidden balls are ready to blow, just need the towel.

"Fuck, get my towel dude." It seemed to take a moment for Bobby to realise I'd spoken, all his attention was apparently on what I now held in my fingers.

Coming to his senses Bobby slowly leans over me to get to my bag between my legs, causing his head to be close enough to my dick I could feel his breath on when the sensitive head was exposed on my down strokes.

Pulling the foreskin fully back I stop stroking, the feel of Bobby breathing on me is all I need to keep me on the edge of cumming, all my muscles tensed, ready to release.

"Quick!" Through clenched teeth, and clenched pelvis muscles, holding back the load.

"Trying, dude, it's fucking buried." Leaning further down to dig deeper in my bag I let it go.

With Bobby's head almost touching my cock I shoot my load. Just seeing his face next to my swollen, dripping cock head was too much, my first shot clearing his head and hitting the seat in front with an audible splat. The second, thirds and fourth shot lined Bobby's dark brown hair. The fifth hit his right cheek, slowly sliding down towards his mouth as the rest of my cum shot and dribbled down between my trainers.

Bobby seemed frozen in place as the sexual pleasure continued threw my body. Never before had wanking felt this good. Did waiting make it feel so good? Maybe it was the risky situation or having someone watch me? Maybe all of the above. Whatever it was I've never felt so good.

Releasing the breath I'd apparently been holding this whole time I returned back to the situation at hand. Me with my dick hanging out my shorts legs, still held tightly between my fingers as Bobby, my travel body, had my cum dripping down his head and the side of his face.

"I'm so sorry dude! I-I-I couldn't hold it anymore. It just ... spurted and I couldn't stop it!" As the post orgasm left me horror took its place as I stared at my ... handy work.

"Uh, no worries dude. Um, could you wipe my head please?" Bobby's voice was low and quiet as he handed me my towel.

Finally letting my deflating cock go I grab the towel and start rubbing his hair down, trying to get as much as my cum off him as I could. Rubbing it only seemed to spread it around, matting his hair together. Hopefully anyone who notices just thinks its gel.

Returning to his seat I clean myself up. Leg cum free, dick back in my boxers and stained towel secured in my bag I sat back, relaxed. Staring at the my cum that had splattered on the seat in front the smell hit me. The smell of sweat and cum. Fuck. The guys in front and behind must be able to smell it. Fuck, the guys all the way at the back must be able to smell it! Fuck, I knew this was a bad idea! Any moment now someone's going to shout out "I smell cum! Someone's wanking!" And they'll all decend on me and-

"You got snapchat?" Bobby's voice, once again, broke my chain of thought.

"Huh?" Tearing my eyes away from my cum splatter I give him a blank look.

"Snapchat. Have you got it?" Bobby re-asked his question.

"Uh, yeah. Why?" How could he go from being splattered with cum to a casual conversation about snapchat?

"Here, add yourself." Handing me his phone I added my username to my phone. Too dazed to really do much more than just roll with it.

As I hand Bobby back his phone the coaches voice comes over the buses sound system.

"5 minute warning. 5 minute warning. Wake up. Get your stuff together and get ready to exit. Do not leave any rubbish on the bus!"

The bus suddenly came alive with young men bustling about, getting ready, once again getting pumped for the game. Making sure my towel's buried at the bottom of my bag I get my chin pads and stand ready to get off the bus.

Looking at Bobby getting his own bag from the over head he licks his lips as he struggles, on his tip toes. Where did my cum on his cheek go?

Next: Chapter 3

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