Desperate Times

By Cliffy B

Published on Jan 20, 2021


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All events are fiction. All characters are a figment of imagination. All character's represented in this story are 18 or over.

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Desperate Times 11

Deep breaths. Just try to stay calm.

I rub my sweaty palms on my dark blue jeans, trying to get up the courage. Trying to think of an excuse.

The rest of the work had pretty much flown by. Exams and revision pretty much took up most of my time and energy. Same for Bobby. I did suggest we study together, however, we both realised that wouldn't be the best idea.

Lee was also busy with helping out with the party. The party I was now standing across the street from. Terrified of ... being laughed at? Humiliated? I mean, it'd be going pretty far just to out me. The talk on the bus, the wank in his car then the blow job back at mine. So, I'm pretty sure the invite is genuine. It's just ... What do I do when I go in?

Taking another deep breath, I take my first step, leaving the pavement and making my way across the road.

Getting to the garden path, the three-storey house towers above me. A constant thud of bass beats out from its white outer walls. I assume wooden boards over brick? There's a decent amount of garden on both sides before a row of tall, bushy trees separates it from their neighbours.

Taking my first, shaky, steps up the path, I wipe my hands on my Jean's once more, playing with the buttons on my black polo shirt as I reach the door.

Stopping with my hand on the knob. I close my eyes and try to suppress the little voices in my head telling me to go back home. Telling me it's a trap. Giving me images of people laughing at me, of Lee shoving me to the ground and people dumping their beers on me.

Shaking the dark thoughts from my head, I briefly take in the sign on the door -inviting party guests to just walk in- before the muffled bass becomes a blast of sound as I open the door.

I'm pretty passive when it comes to music tastes. Usually, I just load a billboard top 100 playlist on Spotify or a pop radio station. Though, those K-pop bands have been getting my attention. Not so much for the music, but they're pretty cute.

The music vibrating through my body at the moment has appeared in none of my Spotify playlists, but after only 10 seconds it's making my head hurt.

Moving through the expansive passageway, giving a wave and a courteous nod to people along the way, I start heading towards... I don't know. Lee had messaged to come find him in the kitchen when I turned up. However, I've no idea where that is.

Checking a few rooms I find the lounge, a closet and some form of office. Each room was filled with dancing, chatting, laughing teens. Except for the closet.

Reaching the door at the end of the corridor, I think I've found the kitchen. The situation was the same as the other rooms; same music with teens moving erratically and laughing way harder than is ever necessary. However, this room has an oven and a fridge and looking over the crowd I can see a tuft of blond hair over the crowd.

Moving past a guy trying to chat up two girls and three members of the rugby team doing shots, I make it to the back door where Lee's talking to some other members of the football team.

I hesitate for a moment; not wanting to disturb the conversation and to take in how hot he looks tonight. Lee's dressed in a sky blue shirt, opened up to give occasional glimpses of his bronzed chest as his arms flail about while he excitedly chats. His blond hair has obviously been cut and styled especially for the party. His face lightened up with his smile and bright eyes.

I just about register the red and orange board shorts before his eyes turn and spot me standing just off to his left.

"Hey! Tim! I'm glad you made it buddy!" Lee leaves his conversation and comes over to me, giving me a massive, slightly aggressive hug. I give him a more tentative hug back, the smell of beer just about overpowered by his deodorant. "Really glad you're here." He whispers into my ear. I barely make it out over the music, laughter and loud conversations.

"Hey, you haven't got a drink, here." Lee reaches into a cooler on the floor and pulls out a green can and hands it to me.

I look it over before opening it. I've never been much of a drinker. Despite being of legal age I've never been to a pub or night club. Only really having a couple drinks with my dad when he's feeling particularly festive or jolly. Taking a sip of the bitter liquid, I force it down. It's not unpleasant, just not something I'd choose to drink.

"We've got a couple of hours before the fireworks," I got here after 10, didn't want to be too early or have to wait around at the party too long, "I've got to go find queen bitch and play the part of the boyfriend. Only just managed to get away to come meet you. Try and have fun and I'll see you later." Lee gently squeezes my left hand as he disappears into the crowd.

I didn't even manage to say hi. This whole thing is such a whirlwind. All the sounds, people, smells of beer, fruity cocktails and the earthy smell of weed. I've never actually smoked weed, but know enough to recognise its smell.

While me and Lee had been talking - well, Lee talked - the two guys from the football squad had moved on.

Walking out the back door, I decide to check out the garden. Stepping outside, I stop in shock. In the middle of the garden was a pretty large outdoor swimming pool. While, this might be common in the U.S - or at least in U.S T.V and film - swimming pools are very rare in the U.K. Maybe an inflatable kiddy pool, but not a built-in swimming pool. The cold weather and constant rain kind of makes it pointless most months of the year. Though, as I stand in the heat of July, a pool actually seems like a good idea.

Looking around I try to hide the panic rising in me. Is this supposed to be a pool party? I'm not dressed for a pool party, Lee didn't mention anything about a pool party. Though, his board shorts now make sense!

Frantically looking around the other party guests, I check their clothing. I hadn't been noticing what the other guests had been wearing. Only person I've really taken any notice of is Lee.

There are maybe 20-30 people out in the garden. Laughing, drinking, some splashing around in the pool. There's a good mixture of shorts, jeans and boardshorts. With a sigh of relief, I take a big swig of my beer to try and calm myself back down. Why am I so anxious? Everybody's so caught up in their own shit they've barely noticed me.

Though the music is less noticeable out here, there are a few guys in soaked jeans with their shirts off and even a girl with a drenched red dress. Deciding I don't want to have to spend the evening in wet jeans, I turn around and go back into the house.

I think the songs changed, however, the beat and bass are almost identical to the other song (songs?) so it's barely noticeable.

Going back through the kitchen I decide to check out some of the other rooms.

Katie's parents are obviously very good at their job. There are about 8 rooms downstairs alone. Having a quick glance in each, I'm sure the majority of our graduating class is here. I even notice a few from lower years, some from past graduating years and a lot of people I've never seen before.

In the home entertainment room, I found Lee and Katie, sitting amongst a group of football players and popular kids. From the view of someone's Spotify projected against the back wall, the massive speakers mounted next to it and the almost crushing waves of music, it's obvious this is where the tunes are coming from.

Giving a nod to Lee as we make eye contact, I leave the room before my head explodes and go up to the next floor.

While quieter, in both music and people, there's still a fair few milling about, chatting and drinking. I check one room, however quickly duck out as it appeared to be the designated make out room.

Heading up one more floor, it seems the party hasn't reached here yet. The music is more a distant thud than crushing weight. If I can find a place to hide, this'll be a perfect place to lay low until Lee has his very public falling out with Katie.

I know it seems like I'm being a bit of a prick, but I'm really not a crowd kind of person. The only reason I played football was that the coach was impressed by my skills in year 7. Encouraged me to try out for the team proper and I just kind of enjoyed it. I had a few friends throughout secondary, however, we kind of lost touch as some went off to college, some apprenticeships and the few that did stay for 6th form seemed to form their own, separate friend groups. Not sure why they never included me.

Well, I can't stand around in a corridor for the next hour. Choosing the first door on my left, I open to find another home entertainment room. This one's not as large or grand as the main one downstairs. This one merely has a large, flat-screen TV mounted on the opposite wall, a couch and two chairs.

It took me a couple of seconds to realise the TV was on and playing an episode of what I think is Sex Education. I tried to watch it once, thinking it might be good, but the first episode started with a straight sex scene which kind of put me off. I'm kind of bored with straight people in TV shows and movies.

"You looking for the bathroom?" Suddenly, a head pops up from the sofa. "Uuuuuuuuuuh." In shock, I freeze, unable to form a sentence. Not sure how to explain what I'm doing here. "Katie didn't invite you, did she?" The guy on the sofa straightened up, showing more of his face and putting his arm over the back. "No, uh, Lee invited me." Thinking this was a mistake, I start to awkwardly shuffle back towards the door. "Ah, right. Explains it. The third floor is off-limits to the party guests." Putting two and two together, it's obvious this is Katie's twin brother. I think Lee mentioned him once. "Oh, uh sorry ... I'll just ...leave." Turning around, I'm relieved to be walking out of this awkward situation. "No, it's alright. You can join me if you like." Turning back around to face the mousy brown-haired twin, there's a strange sparkle in his eyes. Like someone who's just realised their pizza's arrived.

I hesitate a moment as he turns around and faces the TV again. I can either stay and watch TV in a relatively quiet part of the house or go back into the sweaty masses of teenagers. Shouting. Drinking, Dancing, Kissing ...

Making my way to the sofa I sit down on the opposite side to him. Looking over I get a good look at Katie's twin. Obviously not as fashion conscious or appearance-obsessed as his popular twin sister. He's just wearing a loose-fitting yellow t-shirt and beige cargo shorts. From what I can see he seems pretty slim. With a full view, I can see he's actually kind of cute. His ears are a bit big and stick out a little. A straight nose that's just the slightest bit too long, but definitely not someone you'd call ugly or turn down outright for a date.

"I'm Al, by the way." He turns to me with a friendly smile. "Oh, uh, Tim. Nice to meet you, dude." I give him a small nod of respect as I take another sip from my can. "Yeah, so why'd you come to this party?" Turning his body around, Al's focus is now completely on me, a look of suspicion in his green eyes. "Uh, Lee, he, uh, invited me, so, I, uh, I came ..." Trailing off, I'm not sure what he's asking me. I've already told him Lee invited me. What more does he want to know? "Yeah, you said. No, I mean why did you come here when you're obviously totally not into parties." He makes a good point, however, who's he to say I don't want to be here? "What makes you think I'm not into parties? I mean, I'm here aren't I?" I look at him with a questioning look. "Yeah, you're here. Sitting with me, far away from the actual party." My face drops, my brain trying to find an excuse. I can't tell him I'm only here to hopefully score with Lee after his dramatic, rehearsed, public break up with his twin sister. "See, I know why I'm here; I hate the loud music and the drunken douchebags. So, I'm kind of assuming you're the same. Which begs the question; why did you come to a party with loud music and drunken douchebags that made you flee to the 3rd floor away from it all. Surely it would have been easier to stay home?" "Well, if I did, I wouldn't have met you, would I?" If you don't have an answer to a question, simply deflect. Change the subject, bounce the conversation back to them and hope they forget about the question. Extra points if you manage a confident delivery or make them uncomfortable. Something I've learnt being in the closet. Especially during family gatherings. "Oh? So you came hoping to pick up Katie's gay brother?" Wait, what? Gay brother? Oh, shit! I just made it sound like I was flirting! Is it common knowledge that he's gay? Are there any signs? I thought he'd just laugh it off and go back to watching TV.

With my mouth and eyes wide open in shock, I give Al another quick once over. No fashion sense, no style; not your stereotypical gay guy, though neither am I for that matter. However, now that I think about it, he does have a bit of a ... campy voice? I mean, it's not full queen, but you can hear it.

"Uh, nuh ... no? I, uh didn't even know you were gay dude!" Maybe I should have said yes. Wouldn't have to think of another reason I ended up here, plus I doubt he'd be expecting it. Might have caught him off guard. Though, years of denying any homosexual tendencies in public is a habit that's hard to break. "Please. Everyone knows about Katies little faggy brother." There's a slight sneer on Al's face. With how much of a bitch Katie acts towards Lee, maybe she also acts that way towards her brother? "No dude, I swear I didn't know! Look, I just thought, being the last time I'd see these people I'd take Lee up on the invite. But, yeah; not my scene, so I was hoping to find a quiet place to finish my beer and wait for people to become drunker so I could just slip away without anyone noticing." Al gives me a sceptical look. When I have to think up a way to keep myself closeted, my brain works pretty quick. "Really?" Al's confidence comes back to him as he crooks an eyebrow at me. "Yeah." I shrink a bit in my seat as I take a sip under his heavy gaze. "Shame. You're pretty hot." With a bright smile and wide eyes, Al puts his feet up onto the sofa and hugs his legs. His cuteness goes up a notch. "Heh, uh, thanks, dude. You're pretty cute yourself." Giving him a quick smile, I go back to taking more of my beer. "So, Tim, how about we play a game of truth or dare?" The bright smile turns slightly sly as his voice takes a slightly flirty tone. "Uh ..." There's obviously a reason he wants to play, I just don't know what that reason is. "Come on, you've come to a party. Might as well do something that people do at parties." I suppose, I mean, what's the worst that can happen? "I'd suggest spin the bottle, however you've only got a can." Al's smirk widens as I try to keep my composure at the thought of kissing this stranger. "Sure. I guess." I mean, it'd be kind of rude not to. I have just gatecrashed his evening after all. "Great! I'll go first. Truth or dare?" Al changes to sitting cross-legged, still facing me. His smile is full of mischief.

What to choose? I've not played truth or dare in years. The standard is to go for truth for a few rounds, giggle a lot, then go for a couple of dares before they start to get too weird and finish. However, I know Al's got an agenda. Which does he want me to choose, and why? Maybe he doesn't care which.

"Uh, truth." I go for convention. "Okay, have you ever kissed a boy?" Okay, wow. Straight for the jugular. "And I don't mean relatives. Like, a full-on boy on boy kiss." Do I answer truthfully? I mean, it doesn't mean that I'm gay if I've kissed a guy, right? And anyway, why am I worried about Al knowing I'm gay? He's gay! Fucks sakes, Tim! Grow the fuck up. "Yeah, I have." Taking a big swig of the now warming drink, I can feel my cheeks blushing. "Oooooooooooooh, interesting. Okay, you're turn to ask me." Well, yeah. That is how the game works. "Truth or dare?" "Truth." He answers even before I have time to finish. Sometimes it feels a bit pointless in asking truth or dare'. Might as well just ask for whatever you want without the question. "Okay ..." now what to ask? What do I want to know? I mean, not to be a dick but I've just met him, so what do I care? I can't ask him the same question either, that's a big no, no. "Are you a virgin?" Go hard or go home. "Yes." Before I can control my face, I give Al a look of shock. "Oh, what? You think because I'm gay and went to an all-boys school I'm some sort of boy whore?" Taken aback by the accusation, I suppose he's right. I did assume he'd been whoring it up. I mean, I've been getting some action and I've been in the closet for 99% of my life. "Uh, sorry." Am I stereotyping gay people? When I'm gay myself? "It's alright. But, I think I should get two goes. And one of them has to be a dare!" Seem's fair. "Okay, that's fair. I'll take another truth for my first go, then I'll do the dare." Taking another long gulp, my cans now empty and I'm starting to feel a bit tipsy. Lightweight, I know. "Good. Okay, let me think ... what's the furthest you've ever gone with another person?" I notice he said person' and not girl or boy. "Oral." Putting my can down on the floor I turn my body around so my right leg is folded under me on the sofa. "Giving or receiving?" Al leans in towards me. "Ah! That's two questions, you can't cheat!" There's always one. "Aw, spoilsport. Okay. For your dare, I'll go easy on you; remove your shirt." I wonder how far he's gone with another guy. Has he ever been able to ogle another dude openly, or just had to be happy with cautious glances in the changing rooms? Like me.

With a shrug, I stand up and remove my shirt. Sorting my hair out before sitting back down on the sofa topless.

Al's eyes stare at my chest and abs, mouth slightly open. If he's impressed by me, he'd be drooling if Lee were here shirtless.

"Okay, Al. Truth or dare?" I'm not sure how far this'll go, but this is much more fun than sitting in a room alone waiting for Lee's drama. "Oh, uh .... truth." I know instantly what I want to ask this time. "How far have you been with another guy?" "Hey, you can't ask me the same question I asked you. That's totally lame." Shit, I forgot he'd asked me. How can I ask him differently, but still get a similar answer? "Sorry, forgot. Alright then ... have you ever given a guy head?" Technically not the same question, but knowing he's a virgin I can gauge how experienced he is. "Not all the way." Huh, wonder what that means. Seems like there's a story there. The beauty of `truth or dare' is once you start, the questions just create themselves. "Truth or dare?"

I can guess what'll happen if I ask for another dare. Do I make him wait for it, or do I tease him a little bit more? I bet he'd enjoy me sitting here in my boxers.

"Dare." Why not? Maybe it's the alcohol making me more confident than usual, or maybe because I'm becoming more attracted to Al - which could also be because of the alcohol - but I'm feeling a bit daring. "I'm sure you can guess what I want you to do next, or maybe I should just dare you to do 50 push-ups ... hmmm." Oh, he's trying to play games now. Well, two can play at that ... game. "Fuck it. Get those jeans off." He gives his lips a quick lick.

Standing up again, I first take off my white Nike air forces, then undo the button of my jeans. Looking over at Al, his eyes sparkling with desire, I decide to be a little mean. Turning around, I push the jeans over my boxer covered ass. Being skinny jeans, I have to lift my legs and pull them from the bottom to get them off. Now only in my black boxers and socks, I quickly turn around and flop down on the sofa as quick as I can, my left leg folded over my right, hiding the bulge of my package from Al.

"Ooooooh, someone's a tease." Looking down at Al's crotch, I can't see anything. With the folds of his baggy cargo shorts, any evidence of a possible hard-on is being hidden. "How about we go for a dare this time?"

Damn, he's ruined my follow up question. Maybe he knew that's where it was going and doesn't want me to know the full story. Or it could just be he's decided it's his time for a dare. The only problem being I can't make him drop his shorts; the one thing I really want him to do. Just daring him to take his shirt off would be pretty lame as well.

The game, the alcohol, my almost nudity and having a cute guy opposite me's gotten me pretty horny. My anxiety about the party and the drama that's to happen later' a far off memory.

With a big grin, I know exactly what I want to dare.

"Get completely naked." I lock my eyes with him as I say it. My voice clear and confident.

His eyes widen in shock. Finally, I've been able to catch him off guard. It feels like he's been in complete control since the moment I entered the room. Now it's my turn to decide how things go.

"Wow, you ain't playing around are you?" He looks around nervously, "maybe I should close and lock the door first."

Getting off the sofa, it's the first time I can properly see how tall he is. I'd barely registered his long, tanned, legs, but now standing I can tell he's probably between 5'10 and 6'. Probably just smaller than me.

Closing and locking the door, it first dawns on me that I've been sitting in here, with another dude, in my boxers, with the door open. Anyone could have walked past and looked in on us. I mean, they'd only be able to see our heads and apparently, everyone knows to stay off this floor. But still, the realisation we could have been caught scares me a little.

Returning to the sofa, Al stands in front of me. Taking a deep breath, he first lifts his yellow t-shirt over his head. While his eyes are covered, I quickly glance down at his crotch. I think I can see the sign of a bulge, however, there's still so much material I can't tell for sure.

Now shirtless, Al gives his head a shake, causing his hair to fall back over his forehead. Got to say; I'm kind of surprised at how in shape he is. The baggy t-shirt did nothing to compliment his body. Standing in front of me is a dude in pretty good shape. His tanned stomach's pretty flat with some defined abs just under his pecs. Not quite a 6-pack, but not far off. From this distance, I can't tell for certain, but I think I can see a thin line of hair leading from between his chest down to his belly button, then a slightly thicker line leading into his red boxers that are just peeking out of his shorts.

"Here goes nothing." Al gives me a nervous smile before hooking his thumbs into his shorts and boxers, taking them both down in one go.

Now fully naked (he wasn't wearing socks), I get a good look at his small, yet wild bush and what I think is a semi. Slightly away from his balls, yet still dangling and the head still covered by his foreskin. I also take in his tan that doesn't end. It appears Al takes full advantage of an outdoor pool with high privacy fences and large trees.

Sitting back down opposite me - crossing his long tanned legs - Al moves his hands to cover his half-hard cock, his face fully flushed red.

"Wow dude, you're hot." I couldn't stop myself from complimenting him. If he'd been able to look me in the eyes while stripping he'd have noticed how they were trying to escape from my head to get a closer look. "Heh, thanks. You don't need to lie though. I know I'm not nearly as fit as you." Is this how Lee feels when I compliment him? Here's a really cute guy with a body 80% of the world's population would sell their left nut and pay 1000's of pounds to have, and all he can think about is how he apparently doesn't stack up to me? Shit dude, that's fucked. "No, dude. Seriously! You're smoking hot! I mean, look!" Moving my leg out the way I give him a clear look at the bulge my fully hard cock's making in my boxers. "You ... seriously think I'm hot?" His shyness over his body seems to be passing as he finally looks me in the eyes. "Dude. So hot! Now stop being silly and ask me a truth." He obviously wants me to ask for a dare, but I can be a dick sometimes and want to tease this out a little longer. "Excuse you? You really asking for a truth?" I give a surprised laugh as he suddenly goes from self-conscious to sassy in under a second. "Hey, I want to enjoy this sight before we move on." I give him my best wink before a massive smile plasters across my face. "Fine! Be that way!" This bout of sass is accompanied by some exaggerated head movement. "Are you gay?" I suppose it's the obvious question. Get any and all doubt out the window. "Yeah, I am." Without hesitation, I tell Al the truth. Probably the easiest I've ever come out to anyone. Though, in fairness, I am sitting in my boxers while he's opposite me naked. And I know for certain he's gay. "Truth or dare?" "Well, I'll play you at your own game and ask for truth." He sticks his tongue at me, lifting his brows high. "How far do you want to go tonight?" I thought about asking him about his previous dick sucking experience, however, I think that'd probably ruin the mood. "For tonight? ... Oral. But this time, all the way." For a moment I think about offering him sex. Before the party, I'd fully douched and missed dinner. To be honest my nerves wouldn't have let me eat anyway. However, I think I'd rather my first time be with Lee. "Awesome. Works for me. I'll take a dare."

Al puts a finger to his lips, tapping the devious smirk that now spread across his face.

"First; what's the forfeit if someone turns down a dare?" Last time I played truth or dare the forfeit was to drink from my friend's dog bowl. I somehow don't think that's the sort of answer he's looking for. Plus, I haven't seen a single piece of evidence of any pets since I got here. "How about if the loser has to lick the other's feet?" While feet seem to be a thing for Lee, it's not my thing and I know a lot of people have a thing against feet. Plus, I know mine are pretty sweaty, so would be a pretty disgusting forfeit. "Pfft, come on. That's not a forfeit." Maybe Al also has a thing for feet? "How about the loser has to stand at the top of the stairs naked for a minute?" Okay, that's a much better forfeit. "Okay." I nervously play with my hair. I best not turn down any dares. "Great!" Al looks genuinely excited as he gives a little bounce on the sofa before moving his hands from his dick to his knees.

I can now just see the top of his fully hard cock sticking above his legs. His head is fully out from the foreskin, purple and bobbing a little.

"I dare you. To." I'm starting to get nervous. What's he plotting? "Rim my ass hole for 5 minutes." His smirk becomes playful as he closes his eyes and scrunches up his face a little like he's preparing for the worst.

I sit in shock. I got to admit I was not expecting that. I thought he'd just dare me to also get naked. Or suck his dick, or kiss him, or, I don't know, dance for him naked? Licking his hole wasn't anywhere in my brain. To be honest, assholes, in general, haven't been a big part of my gay fantasies. It's mainly been about dicks.

"Or not. You don't have to if you don't want to." Opening his eyes and seeing my state of surprise, Al starts to blush as his hands become animated as he talks. "And have to stand on the top of the stairs naked for a minute? No thanks!" So that's why he made the forfeit before telling me the dare. "So, you're going to do it?" Al's whole body shoots up straight, excitement radiating from his face. "Of course. Can't go back on a dare," and to be honest I'm kind of interested to see what it's like. I've only ever seen Troy's hole and that was on cam. "Uh, how you want to do this?"

Al gets off the sofa with excited elegance and gets down on his hands and knees in front of the TV. It's weird, but I've only just noticed that the image on the screen's been paused. Now in position, he pushes out his ass, causing his cheeks to part, revealing his hairless hole.

I take a sharp intake of breath as I'm blown away by Al's ass. Not big or muscular, it just nicely rounded. The hole itself is just the slightest of little slits in the middle of his crack.

Getting off the sofa, I get on my knees behind him. Grabbing hold of each cheek in my hands, I bend forward. As I get closer, there's a slightly soapy smell, but nothing bad or ... very bad. Taking another deep breath, I drag my tongue from his taint, past his hole, ending at the top of his crack. No bad smells or taste. Deciding to take the plunge, I press the flat of my tongue against his hole, dragging the tip from the bottom of his hole to the top and going back down again, feeling the slightly wrinkled skin, feeling it pulse as my tongue bathes it in my spit.

From the sounds of the small pants and moans coming from Al, I assume he's enjoying it.

After a bit of pretty fast-paced licking, my tongue begins to ache. Deciding 5 minutes are up -neither of us set a timer- I pull back and let Al's cheeks jiggle back into position. Giving his right cheek a gentle slap, I get off my knees and sit back on the sofa.

While rimming isn't going to become my favourite activity, it wasn't bad. Plus, having played with my own hole recently I can imagine how it felt for Al. Shame I can't get him to do it back to me. Kind of curious how it feels now.

A couple seconds later, Al starts to rise from the carpet. His breathing a bit on the fast side, his face flushed and a glassy look in his eyes. As he stands back up I get a full, proper look at his cock. Very hard, pointing up at a 45o angle, a deeper purple than before. Veins popping, the foreskin fully pulled back; Al has a very pretty penis. Not the biggest at probably just about 6", but size isn't everything!

"Truth or dare?" Once back on the sofa, still looking a bit flustered, I decide to get the game moving. I want out of these boxers and Al's mouth on my cock. Rimming Al has made me extremely horny. "Uh, dare." Sitting with his left foot flat on the sofa - his right still on the floor - a sexy look in his eyes, Al looks like a model. "Okay, I dare you to take the rest of my clothes off." A smile returns to Al's face as he gets back up and stands in front of me.

Getting on his knees again, he first takes my right foot and removes my sock. Taking my foot in his hands, his thumbs rub the sole before dropping it and doing the same to the left.

Shuffling back on his knees, he signals for me to stand up.

Standing in front of the kneeling Al, he doesn't hesitate in grabbing my boxers and pulling them down my legs; the sudden motion making my cock bob and shake in front of his face.

"Fuck! You're a big boy aren't you?" With a grin on his face, Al takes my cock in his right hand, giving it a soft jerk before leaning forward and kissing the tip gently.

Even though he barely touched the head of my cock with his lips, the suddenness of it still made my knees buckle slightly.

Giggling to himself, Al gets off the floor and sits back on the sofa, propping his head upon his left hand, that mischievous grin back on his face.

"That was cheating. I only said get me naked." Sitting back down, my cock still bobbing from Al's touch, I smile across at him. "Well, you'll just have to get me back for it on my go, won't you?" Oh, I most definitely will be! "Truth or dare, big boy?" Is that going to be my new nickname from him now? "Dare of course." Hopefully, this'll be the end of the game. From here on out we can just have some fun without the pretence of it being a dare. "Well, your tongue did such a good job on my ass, let's see how good it does on my cock." Moving so both his feet are on the ground, he beacons me over with his finger.

Dropping to my knees from the sofa, I shuffle over to Al and his spread legs. Laying my hands on his thighs, I lean into his very hard, throbbing erection and -like I did with his hole- lick it from the base up to his head, pushing it back against his flat stomach.

With his mouth open, Al gives the same little moaning noises he was making when I was rimming him. I wonder how loud he'd be while being fucked?

Going back to the base of his dick I lick my way to the top again, looking into Al's eyes as I go. This time as I get to the tip, I move my head up and take it into my mouth.

Taking hold of his shaft with my right hand, I move his cock away from his stomach, giving me full access to his pretty dick.

Making sure I've got enough saliva in my mouth I start to go down on him, taking it about halfway before coming back up, leaving a saliva trail as I go.

Al's moans have gotten louder. Going back down I take even more down, almost getting to the base before the head hits the back of my throat. I don't gag, but I return to the head, this time I stick my tongue into his slit, then rub it over the sensitive skin before going back down, letting his cock hit the back of my throat again.

Like his hole, Al's cock just tastes of skin, no nasty taste or even the taste of any pre-cum like when I sucked Bobby. Wonder if his cum will have any taste.

Before I can move back up his cock, Al takes my head in his hands and gives a little thrust, forcing the tip of his cock down my throat. I gag a little but quickly adjust to the intrusion. Giving a loud groan, Al's hands relax a little, allowing me to go back up. Fully coming off of his cock this time, I wank its full length in my right hand.

"So, my truth or dare?" Giving myself some breathing time, I also wipe away from stray spit from my chin. "Nuh-uh. Game over. Keep going." Al's eyes are closed, mouth hanging open as his hands put some pressure on my head again, indicating for me to get back to work.

Taking his cock back in my mouth, I waste no time in taking his whole cock in my mouth, forcing more down my throat with my chin resting against his balls.

Another loud gasp escapes Al as he can't keep his hips from thrusting, trying to get even more down my throat.

As I start to go back up his shaft, slowly this time, tracing the veins and tube with my tongue, trying to give him as much pleasure as I can, I hear some movement on the other side of the door. Taking no more notice I once again play with his head with my tongue.

"YOU CHEATING FUCK!" Suddenly -from what sounds like right outside the door- a loud, shrill voice pierces my sex drunk brain.

Pulling off of Al's cock, both our heads shoot over towards the closed, locked door.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS?! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Still, on my knees, I reach across the floor for my boxers. "I think that's Katie." Shit, of course! Lee's public break up! "FUCK YOU! FUCK YOU! I HATE YOU!" Katie's voice has somehow found a higher volume. Putting my boxers on, I reach for my jeans next. "GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT YOU CHEATING FUCKING WHORE! HOW COULD YOU?" The voice seems to be moving further away, hopefully down the stairs so she won't see me leaving.

Getting my polo shirt over my head I frantically look for my socks.

"Bit of a mood killer, huh?" Looking over at Al, there's sadness in his eyes. Even his cocks started to droop. "Yeah, I'm so fucking sorry dude. But I should probably go check and see if Lee's okay." Finding my socks I pick them up and sit next to Al to put them on. "It's fine. It does sound pretty bad. As much of a bitch my sister is I've never heard her lose her shit like this. Usually, she just seethes and finds a way to get revenge." He looks so dejected. For a moment I consider staying, but the only reason I'm here is to meet up with Lee after the break-up. "Hey, why don't you give me your number?" Standing up to slip my trainers on, I get my phone out of my pocket. "Really?" I don't know why, but Al seems surprised. "Yeah dude, I'll give you a message tomorrow. Maybe we can meet up and, uh, continue the `game'" The smile returns to Al's face as I hand him my phone to add his number. "Again, I'm sorry about this but I promise I'll message you tomorrow!"

Getting to the door, I try to listen out for Katie's screaming. With the music no longer playing -something I've just noticed- I can just about hear raised voices, but they seem to be pretty far away. Hopefully, on the ground floor. Unlocking the door, I take one more look back at Al. Now in just his boxers, there's still a voice urging me to go back to him. Giving him a wave goodbye, I open the door and move out into the deserted corridor.

As quietly as I can I move to the second floor. Not the first time I've tried to sneak down a flight of stairs trying to hide from a guy's sibling.

Finding the second floor as empty as the third -though with a lot more empty cans and cups- I can no longer hear any voices. Like the party's just disappeared. Everyone abducted by aliens or something.

Trying to peek down the final flight of stairs, I still can't see any life. Just in case I take each step carefully, not wanting to make any noise and potentially becoming the centre of attention.

Once on the ground floor, I can hear voices coming down the corridor, from the kitchen.

Making my way there, I get my first signs of life. A large gathering; kneeling on kitchen counters, standing on tables, trying to look outside to the garden. Joining them at the back, I find Barry and a girl I used to have maths with trying to get a look over the crowd in front of them.

"Hey, Barry. What's going on?" I mean, I know what's going on in a general sense, but I don't know why everyone seems to have ended up crowding at the back garden. "Hey man! Where you been? You missed the fucking fight of the century!" Great, your friend and football captains getting dumped brutally and you're treating it like a sideshow. "Yeah? What happened?" Best act dumb. "Well, don't know the whole thing, but apparently Lee's been cheating on Katie and she's just found out. Went completely fucking apeshit, man!" That's a good way of describing it. Though, seeing it's all fake, maybe acting is in Katie's future. "Oh, wow! Who with?" Well, I suppose the answer to that is ... me. Technically. "I dunno man, if he was he's been keeping her on the down-low. The two of thems always together." Yeah, wonder what rumours will come up of how Lee actually managed to pull it off. "I heard it was with a girl in year 11. I mean how fuckeds that?" The fight's not even over and the rumours have already managed to start. "I don't think Lee's going to be picking up 16-year-olds. He ain't like that." Best try to stop this rumour. I mean, it's bad enough having the whole community witness your breakup. Now they're trying to cast Lee as some kind of sexual predator? "Oh? And who are you?" Math girl gives me the dirtiest look. Obviously made a big impact on her after 2 years of maths. "Ay, this is Tim. He's on the team. To be honest I agree. Knowing Lee he's probably been bagging older women. Maybe even her mum!" ... Well, it's better than being a kiddie fiddler. "Pfft, either way-"

Before the math girl can finish her sentence, the crowd in front of us starts parting out of the way. At the end of the corridor of people, coming right for me is a very pissed off Katie.

Quickly moving out of her way, she gives me a side stink eye as she passes.

With the drama now over, the crowd goes back to partying. The music suddenly starts up again as people start to come back into the house. A hoard of them going back to drinking, dancing, partying as if nothing had happened.

Taking my chance I move through the renewed crowd, making my way to the front door and away from the party. And while I'm glad for it to be over, I'm kind of grateful to have met Al, and disappointed we didn't get to spend more time together. Well, at least I've got his number. Hopefully, he'll want to talk to me.

Moving back down the garden path, I check my phone to see if Lee's messaged me, my home screen telling me it isn't even half 11 yet. The drama popped off earlier than planned. Maybe Katie couldn't wait for her performance? Maybe Lee wanted to get it over with. Either way would have been nice if they kept to their schedule.

With no message, I start looking around the quiet street.

"Hey, Tim! Over here!" Looking over to my right, just past the row of trees -lit by a street lamp- I spot Lee.

Walking over, Lee steps behind the tree line, hidden from the house and any of its guests.

"Hey, dude. How you- Why are you wet?" Walking behind the tree I find Lee sitting on a tree stump, his shirt clinging to his tight, muscular body. "She pushed me into the pool. A last-minute decision. Why I wore board shorts and a crappy shirt." Wow, the break up was more humiliating than I thought it would be. I thought she'd just shout at him and throw him out. Seems over the top for a fake break up of a fake relationship. "Well, how about we go get you out of those wet clothes?" I meant it to be helpful, however, the sexy smirk Lee's giving me clues me into the double entendre. "There you are Lee, oh. Hey Tim." Startled, I turn around to find the face of many of my fantasies. "Oh, hey Mick, what's up?" Lee gets up from the stump as he greets the mocha-skinned boy of my dreams.

Despite being on the same team as Mick for years, I've never had an actual conversation with him. See, while Lee's the captain of the team, Mick's the star striker. While Kaite and Lee are the power couple of the school, Mick and Amanda are the glamour couple. Maybe if they were different people they'd be rivals, however, they're both chill and never seemed to be into the whole macho-power struggle bullshit. Though, I've never known them to be that tight. Friends, sure, but I wouldn't have thought Mick would come racing out of the party of the year to check up on Lee.

"Just wanted to see if you're alright, bro. That bitch done you dirty." Dressed in a black checkered shirt, opened over a white t with a pair of black, skinny, torn jeans, Mick's looking amazing. "Ah, to be honest mate, glad it's over. Bitch was so controlling and such a cock tease." Lee pushes his wet fringe back, causing a slicked-back look. "I hear that. So, who'd she catch you with?" Mick wouldn't have trouble with his hair. Shaved close on the sides and back, faded into a slightly longer buzz cut on the top. Usually, I'm not into the buzz cut, but on Mick, it just works. "She didn't catch me." Suddenly, Mick's looking directly at me. "Uh, okay. Then what was that all about?" Thankfully he goes back to looking at Lee. "Mate, we both wanted to break up. What with going our separate ways. Plus, it was all about the image for her. What's the point of dating the ex-captain of the 6th form football team at uni? She's just a dramatic bitch queen." Mick is looking very confused. To be honest, it was quite a shock when Lee told me all about it too. Though, the version he told me was ... more sexual. "So, that was all an act?" Mick's brain seems to be working overtime on this one. "Uh-huh." "Bro, that was brutal for a fake break-up!" Mick's voice is so ... smooth. I've never had the chance to just listen to him before. "Eh, she's who she is: A massive bitch." Both Lee and Mick give a short laugh. Should I have laughed too? Have I become a third wheel? Should I leave? "So, how come I didn't see you with Amanda at the party?" "You not hear? We broke up on Wednesday." My eyes and ears suddenly perk up. "Seriously? What happened, man? You two looked good together. Thought you were also going to the same uni and everything." "Well, that's what she wanted me to do, however, she wants to go to the university of art and design. I'm doing a fucking business degree, bro. How am I going to get a business degree at an art uni?" We all broke into laughter. Amanda's a lovely girl, however, not the brightest. How she got into 6th form I'll never know. "Mate, that's wild." "Yeah, when I told her she flipped out. Couldn't understand why I wouldn't just drop everything and just join her at uni. Said I could just get a job and we could get a flat together. She's lovely but so fucking self-centred, bro." He'd look good with a small goatee. Not a long one, just like a little stubble on the chin. "So, what you two up to now?" "Eh, we were going to go somewhere for me to dry off." Lee flaps some water off his still soaked shirt. "Cool, well, you can come back to mine. It's not far, and my parents have gone to visit family." Me and Lee look at each other, wondering how we can politely turn him down without making him suspicious. "My brothers got some weed. We can get lit, chill and hang out." "You not wanting to go back to the party?" Lee tries to find a way out. Subtly of course. "Naw, bro. Wasn't feeling it before the explosion. Plus, fucking twats are stabbing your back. Can't deal with two face shits like that." Mick seems genuinely disgusted about it all. "Why I came to find you, bro. But, seems you've got at least one tight bro." With that Mick gives me a nod of respect. "We've bonded on and off the field over the years. What with being partners and all." I give Lee a quick side glance. There was way too much subtext in that sentence. "Come on, my place is just two streets over." With that Mick starts to walk off.

Lee gives me an apologetic look before following after him. Sighing to myself I also follow, catching up to Lee as he squelches up next to Mick. Is this how I left Al feeling?

"Lee, do you know you're not wearing shoes?" I hadn't noticed if he had shoes on at the party, but he's definitely not wearing any now. "Yeah, lost them in the pool. Thought flip flops would be the best choice, what with going for a swim, but didn't think about them falling off." Lee gives me an `oh well' look. "Dude, you're going to destroy your feet, come on." Stopping, I bend over, signalling for him to get on my back. He's muscled but more cut than big. I doubt he's that heavy. Plus, can't have him stepping on broken glass and getting hepatitis or something.

Feeling Lee's weight on me, I grab his wet thighs and straighten back up. Lee's arms go around my neck as we start walking again. I look over at Mick in time to see a knowing grin fading from his face. Does he think something is going on with me and Lee? I mean, there is, but I can't see how he would know that!

Getting to Mick's house -not nearly as big as Al and Katies, but still pretty nice- the gorgeous striker gets his key out and unlocks the door. I'd been able to get occasional glances at him during the rest of our walk. Mick and Lee had been talking about football, meaning I could stare at Mick's big, pink lips without it being creepy. With Lee's body rubbing against my back and Mick's beauty, my dicks at half chub. Hopefully Mick doesn't notice it in my tight jeans.

Putting Lee down on the step -my aching back grateful for being able to fully straighten once again- we follow Mick into his house.

"Bathrooms, second door on the left, bro" Mick points Lee to the second floor. "Dump your wet clothes in the bath, towels are in the cupboard." Lee bounds up the stairs as he thanks, Mick. I follow the beautiful guy to the sitting room.

Decent sized, a simple cream and grey colour scheme. Mick sits on a comfy chair while I go to sit on the sofa.

"Hey, wait a sec bro!" Mick's sudden command makes me freeze in panic, "how wet is your shirt?" "Uh, I dunno." I try to get my brain to feel any wetness. "Here, let me see." Mick gets up and feels my back. The semi in my pants gives a throb as it gets harder., "you mind taking it off bro? I doubt it'd be a problem, just don't want to fuck up the new sofa." Now that he mentions it, the room does have that new furniture smell.

Taking my shirt off a lot more tentatively than when I was with Al, I drop it to the floor in front of me before sitting on the left hand of the sofa, closest to the chair that Mick went back to sitting on.

Holding my arms over my stomach, I feel a bit self-conscious being this naked next to the guy I've had a crush on for years. I can feel the top of my jeans are a bit wet from where Lee's thighs were resting. However, I decide not to tell Mick. I can't be sitting in my boxers, not with my dick as excited as it is.

"So, it's kind of wild how we've never really talked before." Mick tries to start a conversation, I notice him giving me a look over as I look into his brown eyes. "Eh, we just hang with different groups is all." I don't know if I could just be friends with Mick. Having a crush on someone you see and hang with every day and not being able to tell them's pretty hard. "Yeah, suppose you're right, bro. Just hope you don't think I've been ignoring you or avoiding you." Like with Lee, I've never really thought of Mick as being someone who'd care what I thought. I mean, other than in my fantasies. There he cares a lot about what I'm feeling. "Naw, dude. All cool." I give Mick a half-smile, even if I never hang or see Mick again I hope to leave him thinking I'm cool.

Before the conversation can continue, Lee walks in, only wearing a white towel around his waist. The light colour makes his tan pop even more. Seeing his perfect six-pack causes my cock to fully harden. I move my right hand down to try and hide it as naturally as I can.

"That's not the same towel you used to dry yourself is it?" Mick doesn't seem as awestruck over Lee's body as me. "Naw, mate. The wet ones in the hamper." Lee sits next to me on the sofa as there's a sudden silence between us all. "So, you guys want to smoke some weed? Though, we'll have to do it out the back. The folks won't be too happy if they come back with the place stinking of weed." Breaking the silence, Mick gets up as we both nod in agreement.

As I said; I've never smoked weed before, but I'm not going to turn it down and look like a complete nerd. I suppose this is what peer pressure is.

Getting up and following Mick, he points us to the garden as he goes upstairs to get the gear.

Walking out into the warm summer air, I can't help looking over at Lee and smiling at him.

"I know this isn't what we were planning. We'll hang with Mick for a bit then we can split and have some fun." Lee strokes my naked side gently before quickly retracting it as Mick joins us. "It's not the best, Nathan's pretty skint at the moment, so he's buying bargain basement stuff." Mick lights the spiff as he takes a seat on a lawn chair. Lee takes the one on the other side of the little, round plastic table, leaving me to stand in front of them as there's no more seating.

Passing the joint to Lee, I look down to see how noticeable my dick is. It's gone down a bit, however, you can totally notice a tube going down my right thigh, pointing at the imprint of my phone in my pocket.

Taking the spliff from Lee's outstretched hand I take a quick puff. Suppressing the need to cough, I exhale most of the smoke, hoping none of it actually reaches my lungs.

Putting the end back to my mouth, noticing how it's hard and not soft like it looks in cigarettes, I inhale once again before passing it back to a grinning Mick.

"First time?" I just nod at Mick as I look away to release the smoke, "ah, a nooby. Just take it slow, bro. Don't want you whiting out on us dude." Both Lee and Mick giggle. "Whiting out?" That's a weird phrase. "Yeah, when you take too much too quickly you go really light-headed, feel sick and the blood drains from your face making you white. Hence the name" That's not good.

Lee and Mick pass it between them a couple more times before Mick gives me another turn. The alcohol had mostly worn off before we got to Mick's, however it was slowly being replaced with a feeling of lightness. Like, my brain was slightly swimming, but not in a drunken way in a ... chilled, relaxing way.

"So, how long you two been hooking up?" I splurt out the smoke I'd just inhaled. The fuck does he know we've been hooking up? "Not long. Just after our last game. Though, with Katie's party and exams, we've not really seen each other much." Lee bounces back from the surprise on his face pretty quickly. I'm just standing here frozen in fear. "Ah, that's cool. You guys gay?" How did he know? Were we being that obvious? Is it the obvious bulge in my pants or did Lee give too many hints earlier? "Uh, I think I'm more bi, but I don't know if Katie's ruined girls for me but been more interested in guys last year or so." Mick and Lee laugh together. I can barely breathe. "Does Katie know?" Forcing myself to take another toke, this time I hold it in my mouth longer. Hoping the high will settle my nerves and keep me from running out of here screaming. "Fuck no, man. She doesn't even know Tim exists. Too self-centred and stuck up." It slightly hurts to hear Lee say I'm invisible to someone, however, what do I care if that bitch knows who I am? "Nice, bro. So, what about you Tim?" Mick and Lee now look to me as I finally release the smoke in my mouth. Feeling the weed move through my body, fighting the adrenaline. "Uh, gu-gay." I struggle to get it out as I quickly take another drag and hand the joint to Lee, moving closer to him, hoping he can protect me from further questioning. "Well, that explains the hard-on you've had in your pants." Mick nods down to my still hard boner. "Yeah, Tim's a bit of a horn ball. Though, you have kind of cock blocked us a bit." Why is Lee just telling him everything? "Oh, did I ruin your plans?" Mick has a massive grin on his face. Not a mean one, but kind of excited. "Yeah, we were going to go find somewhere to have some fun together." Lee hands the joint over to Mick and takes hold of my right hand, looking up to me and giving a reassuring smile. "Shit bro, I'm sorry. Didn't realise. It's cool if you want to bounce and get busy." There's a part of me that doesn't want to go. It's like, if I stay I can protect the last dregs of my straight persona. If I leave with Lee to have sex then it's all over. Someone I'm not involved in physically knows I'm gay. Am I prepared for that? "Heh, thanks, dude. Though, not sure where we're going to go. My place is full." We hadn't actually spoken about where we could go to fool around. My parents are home, and while they'd be happy for Lee to come over, I'm not sure I'm ready for that. Plus, we'd need to keep quiet. "Why don't you guys just do it here?" Both me and Lee stare in shock at Mick. did he just invite us to fuck at his? "My brothers gay, so I'm all cool with the LGBTQ+ stuff. Went to visit him at Uni last year and he took me to a pride parade. Don't tell Nathan but one of his roommates sucked my dick." Holy shit! I've spent years lusting after Mick, thinking he was completely straight, probably a fag basher and it turns out he's super cool with it all. Fuckin' hell, you really can't tell a book by its cover. "Not to turn it into a threesome or anything, but if you're cool with it I'd like to watch. Maybe join in a bit?" Someone pinch me. "I mean, Amanda's not touched me in months. She's been busy studying." I've no idea what to say, do or how to move or really process this new information as my head swims in a drug haze. "Uh, wow man, that's a lot. But, yeah, I'm up for that. Though, we're only sucking each other at the moment." Lee looks up at me, his eyes asking me for my opinion. "Uh, um, yeah, suppose that'd be cool." I think about offering both Lee and Mick to fuck my ass but decide that might be going too far. Don't think I'm ready to get fucked by two guys for my first time. Even if they are both super hot! "Awesome," Mick puts out the last of the spliff in an ashtray on the table, "well I'm pretty horned and can see you two are as well." Mick gives us a wink as he gets up and heads towards the house. I'm not sure, but I think I can see a bulge in his jeans. "You alright with this, Tim?" Lee asks me as he gets up from the chair and steadies himself. "Yeah, not what we planned but it's pretty hot." I try and give him a reassuring smile as I suppress the voice in my head screaming at me to run. "Sweet!" Lee drops his towel on the lawn chair, his cock completely hard, sticking straight up, pointing at the sky. I follow his muscular, perfectly shaped ass into the house and the sitting room where Mick was waiting. "Well, Looks like Lee's all good to go!" Mick smiles as he takes off his shirt. "Yeah, man, well all I had on was a towel. Easy strip!" Lee sits down on the sofa, while I just stand in the middle of the room, unsure what to do next. "Your foreskin not pull back, bro?" It seems odd having a casual conversation about another dude's dick while he's naked and hard on your sofa. "Naw, mate. Finally got the courage to ask my dad about it. Turns out he had the same problem, so went doctors and going to get circumcised during the summer." After a pause to talk about Lee's dick, Mick continuous to strip. "Ah, how long you got to keep off your dick after?" Mick throws his white t-shirt to the floor, revealing his tight, athletic body. He doesn't have bulging pecs or popped abs, hell I have more definition in my ab's than Mick, but it's just perfect for the nippy striker that he is. "Six weeks. Going to super suck, however, the load once I get the all-clear is going to be amazing, mate!" Lee grins up at Mick as he starts to undo the button of his jeans. "Dude! You're going to drown in jizz!" They both laugh as Mick's jeans hit the floor, revealing a pair of black Abercrombie boxer briefs, a noticeable bulge in the crotch. "Fuck, mate. Hopefully, be drowning someone else in jizz." Lee looks up at me and gives me a wink. Mick laughs again as he takes down his boxers, revealing what I've been dreaming of for years.

Only semi-hard, His cock points down, the head still covered, his balls looking to be tucked uptight, no sagging at all. With skin the same colour as the rest of his body, I can't help but stare at it as Mick sits down on the chair. Lazily grabbing it in his right hand, he starts a slow wank.

"Your turn bro." Mick jerk's me out of my lustful stare, making me realise all eyes are on me, being the only one with clothes on. Well, except Mick's black trainer socks.

My cheeks going red, I toe off my Nikes and get ready to pull my jeans and boxers down for the second time tonight. Deciding to take the Al root, I don't fuss around and pull them both down at the same time, removing my socks while I tug my jeans from my feet. I might not have a foot fetish, but I can't be dealing with naked in socks.

"Wow, bro. That's a big dick!" I blush further from Mick's compliment. Looking deeply at the dark carpet to avoid any eye contact.

Now naked, I hesitate a moment, taking one last look at the two studs in front of me, realising I'm going to be performing head for both Lee and Mick's pleasure.

Getting between Lee's legs, I take his cock in my right hand as I give him a weak smile, my nerves playing havoc with the weed and alcohol.

Slightly shaking, I bend over, sticking my tongue into his foreskin, trying to get as far as I can. However, I only get the tip in, just enough to tickle the top and piss slit, getting a strong taste of chlorine. Stupid fucking Katie.

Going for it, I suck as much of Lee's cock in my mouth, letting the head hit the back of my throat before swallowing a couple of times to get it down, letting me rest at the bottom of his shaft. If Lee had pubes my nose would be buried in them right now. Holding his loose, hairless balls I work them a bit as I try to suppress my gag reflex. "Oooooooooooooh, fuck, man." Lee's hands go to the back of my head, gently playing with my hair as he applies gentle pressure. "He good, bro?" I'd almost forgotten Mick was here. "Fuck yeah, mate. He's trying to swallow my cock, man." Lee's voice sounds dreamy as he tries to describe me giving him head. I file away the weirdness as I concentrate on Lee's cock.

Pulling back up, I move my left hand to the base of his cock, as my right plays with his hairless abs. My fingers tracing along with the bumps and grooves. My tongue playing with his covered head, I go back for another pass, once again swallowing the head of his cock down. This time I don't spend long stuffed with Lee's dick, I make a quick retreat, licking along his smooth, vainless shaft. Reaching the tip, I make my way back down, grabbing his nut sack, holding both his balls in my left hand.

"Fuck, bro, he's really going at it now." Maybe if I impress Mick enough, he'll want a go. "Yeah, man." Lee's response is short and quiet. No more than a lusty whisper as my fingers find his small, brown nipples.

Bobbing on Lee's cock at a decent pace, I start to get a steady stream of his slightly salty precum. I try to swallow it down, however, I'm sure some of it's mixed into the salvia coating Lee's shaft and balls. I admit I'm kind of a sloppy sucker.

With Lee's legs spread and my left hand-coated with the precum/saliva mix, I let his ball sack go, tracing my finger down his hairless taint, stopping at his puckered hole. Rimming Al had given me a new appreciation of another guy's anus.

Circling the wrinkled skin with my slightly lubed index finger, I get just the tip past the muscle.

"Hey, Mick, you want a turn?" Lee's hands gently grab the sides of my head, stopping me from moving while at the tip of his cock. I play with his piss slit one last time before coming off his cock, taking my finger away from his hole. Is he offering me to Mick to stop me from fingering him?

As I turn to face Mick, not even my hottest fantasies prepared me for what I'm looking at. A naked -except for socks- Mick, hard, bulging cock in hand being furiously masturbated as he looks at me, a horny lust in his eyes. My own cock throbs beneath me. I'm sure it's pumped out precum at just the sight of this athletic adonis.

"Fuck, bro, if he's as good as he looks to be, sure!" Mick stops wanking and just looks me dead in the eyes. Inviting me to come on over.

Shuffling on my knees I take him on on the invitation. Getting between his light brown thighs, I take his cock in my hand, admiring the deep red-head, the foreskin fully pulled back, all 7, thick inches. So perfect.

I first remove Mick's socks. Again, don't have a foot fetish. It's just ... weird. Such a straight boy thing to do. And I really hope Mick isn't straight!

Leaning towards his cock, I swipe the precum from his slit before taking his cock right down, trying to swallow as much as I can. Mick's is the biggest cock I've sucked so far; I still have an inch or so before I can press my nose against his black, trimmed pubes.

I come back up, swiping around the silky head, collecting more precum before going back down again, trying to go further this time, trying to deepthroat his cock. Swallowing the tip down, my nose scratches against his pubes before my gag reflex kicks in and I need to come off.

Wanking his cock in my right hand, I wipe away the saliva from my chin before diving right back on Mick's glistening fuck stick.

Making sure to have more spit at the back of my throat, I manage to slide most of it down before needing to work my throat muscles. Repressing the need to gag I just about reach the base before quickly pulling back up, stopping at the head this time.

My goal reached, I get to bobbing up and down on Mick's dick, going at a decent pace, trying to give him as much pleasure with my lips caressing his shaft and my tongue playing with any part it can reach.

"Holy shit, bro, you're fucking amazing at this." My ego beams in my chest as I take all his cock back into my throat, staying as long as I can as a thank you for the compliment.

With all my attention on giving my dream boy as much pleasure as I can, I don't notice Lee move behind me until I feel him touching my feet.

Massaging each one, his fingers are then replaced by what I assume is his tongue. Licking up and down my soles. I can feel them becoming slicker.

I try to ignore what's going on behind me, however, it does feel pretty good, adding further to the hot and horny feelings running through me. I know I've slowed down on Mick's dick, but I take the opportunity to play with his balls in his tight ball sack.

After a few minutes, Lee stops licking me soles, leaving them wet and tingling. With just a few seconds pause, I feel him take hold of the outside of each foot, gently moving them closer together, eventually enclosing on what I'm pretty sure is his raging cock. Still holding onto my feet, Lee begins to fuck my slick soles.

Not what you'd usually call a spit roast, but I'll take it.

"Fuck, bro, your muscles are cut! Fucking popping as you fuck his filthy feet." I never thought I'd hear Mick complimenting another dude's body in such a sexual way. "Thanks, man, sexual frustration plus the gym being the only time I get to myself." Lee's fucking is shallow but fast. Probably due to the limitations of his foreskin. Got to wonder how it'd work him fucking my ass. Would a condom help?

Less distracted, I put all my attention back into sucking Mick's cock. Sucking as much as I can, occasionally going down further to deepthroat him fully.

The room is filled with the sounds of Mick and Lee huffing, groaning and moaning. Quieter than Al, but no less horny.

"Fuck, Tim, I'm getting close." Mick moves his hands from the armrest to rest on my head, touching me for the first time. The feel of his fingers, gently holding me is magical. "You going to shoot, man?" I feel Lee start to speed up as if he was waiting for Mick to be ready before he cums. "Yeah, bro, if Tim doesn't stop he's getting a mouth full of my spunk." God, that's the hottest thing I've ever heard. I move my right hand to press against his smooth, tense abs. Trying to make sure he doesn't move. "Looks like he isn't going to stop, man. Shoot it in him" It's like Lee's reading my mind. "Fuck that's hot. You close, bro?" I look up at Mick, his deep, brown eyes looking over me at Lee. "Yeah man, let's shoot together." If Lee was actually fucking my ass, and not just my feet, I'd probably be trying to cum at the same time as them. "Oh, yeah, oh yeah. I'm doing it, bro, I'm going to shoot!" Mick's hands hold my head firm, half his cock in my mouth, and starts humping my mouth. The first time he's taken an active role in the blow job. "Yeah, fucking come with me, man. Cum with me." "Yes, bro, I'm cumming bro, I'm cumming." Mick stops thrusting as I feel a shot of cum fly down my throat. "Oh, fuck, yes, I'm cumming with you Mick, I'm cumming with you, man!" I feel my feet getting even wetter, being covered in Lee's cum as he continues to hump my souls through his orgasm.

Mick goes back to humping my mouth as three more shots of cum hit the back of my throat, though not as powerful as his first. A single drop follows, allowing me to taste the salty protein before I swallow it all down.

The two studs panting, I softly try to suck any more cum from Mick's cock while Lee moves away from my feet. Hopefully spent and satisfied.

Coming off of Mick's cock, I'm very aware of my own. Looking down, it looks back at me an angry purple with a stream of precum connecting me to the floor.

Standing up between Mick's still spread legs, I feel Lee's cum squelch into the carpet under me. I put the odd feeling to the back of my mind as I take my cock into my right hand and start furiously wanking. After everything that's happened tonight -Truth or dare with Al, first time rimming, sucking on the two hottest guys- this isn't going to take long.

Looking into Mick's sleepy soft eyes, I feel my orgasm tingling in my balls as my left-hand finds and tweaks my right nipple.

Within a minute my body flushes warm, my orgasm hitting as I watch a powerful shot of cum bridge the gap between me and Mick's pecs. The thought of aiming for his face enters my head, however, I'm not sure I'd get asked back again if I did.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh" I let out a long, loud cry as my second, third, fourth and fifth shots join my first, nestling between Mick's pecs and running down the centre of his abs.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh" I start to pant as my sixth and seventh shots just about make it to hitting Mick's thigh.

Completely spent, I flop down next to Lee on the floor. Resting my head on his shoulder as the last of my orgasm oozes out onto my still wanking hand. Lee's right-hand grabs my shoulder, hugging me further into him,

"Holy shit!" I've no energy to look up at Mick. "Yeah, man. He shoots a lot!" Lee kisses my forehead. "Shit, and I was worried about you guys getting the place wet. Everything's covered in cum!" I look down at the wet footprints in front of Mick. Starting to feel a bit guilty now I've got my nut. "Heh, I'll get my towel." Gently moving my head, Lee gets up and heads to the door; my eyes following his amazing ass. "Shit, bro. We should have been hanging out years ago. Best fucking head ever." I blush, sitting cross-legged at Mick's feet. "Sorry about ... you know, the mess all over you." The image of Mick covered in my cum will forever be etched into my mind. For a moment I consider asking if I can take a picture. "Fuck, no big thing. Hot as hell." I can't help the massive grin spreading across my face. In the back of my mind, I know this'll never happen again. However, the memory alone will keep me smiling for years. "Have to invite you guys round again sometime." Or, maybe it will happen again?

Before I can question further, Lee comes in and throws the towel to Mick.

"So ..." Lee stands around awkwardly. With our balls drained, there's a weirdness in the air. And I don't mean the smell of cum. Mick tries to get as much of mine off him as he can with the towel.

"Well, I definitely need a shower, but before that how about we have another spliff?" We both nod at Mick. "But first," Mick throws the cum covered towel at me, "wipe your feet. Don't need you tracking Lee's jizz through the house." We all have a laugh as I clean all the cum off me and follow two perfect, muscular asses back to the garden.

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