Desperate Houseboy

By ronald defeo

Published on Apr 23, 2005


You know the rules don't read this if you're not allowed to

Sorry if my story is a bit messed up it's my first time writing

This story contains celebrity/authority/ public places/ fraternities and payback. M/m and also some characters are taken from desperate housewives.

Btw you can reach me at

"Wow, omg so this is wysteria lane huh?" abner thought to himself when he arrived.

He moved in his house which his parents bought for him as a gift for his 18th birthday and graduation. Now all he needed was help to fix up his new place.

But 1st let's get to know abner. Abner was a rich boy he was given everything he wanted that to a point he's kind of a brat and boasts about it when he feels like it,

he knew he was straight and had a few girlfriends but something inside him just didn't feel right it's as if there was something missing in his life. He was pretty good looking he was 5'10" 145 pounds this explaining his nice bod.

He's not very much muscular but still there is some. He has green eyes and his skin is very flawless with an olive kind of tan on him. This makes him look like a god. With those diamond hazel green eyes.

And his hair which he always changes per month and now he has a messy kind of brown hair with lighter streaks. Did I mention that the other reason why he chooses this place is because it's near where he'll be acting in his new movie?

He was looking for someone to help him fix his new pad. He found john who was working at Gabrielle's garden and also the other teens Zach, Andrew and john's roommate Justin. He called them walking around each house just to get to them.

Abner said"hi i'm abner, I moved here just now and I'll probably be going to school where your going. Well ummm see I know it's kinda awkward but will you guys help me out in my house???

I have the whole house by myself and if you want to hangout there we can."

John replied "well ok definitely but let me finish my work 1st ok?"

Abner said "ok, it's the house that is mostly made out of glass and metal and around the pool" "to think about it I also need a gardener and someone to maintain the pool, can you do that? Just name your price?"

"Yeah I've done those I'm experienced. Hmmm `name your price huh?' what if I said $100 per hour..."

"Deal, ok you can go everyday right?" (Didn't know why he agreed so much and he was not sure what the regular salary was and he anted to be a bit boastful)

"Ok then" (john felt awkward accepting. But just did because it was easy money)

They all left john to do his work. And they all spent putting all the furniture in its right place

Andrew said "man u must be a millionaire to have this kind of life"

Zach said "OMG flat screen TV. with cable, WOW this pc of yours is the best. U must be more than a millionaire?"

Justin "wow are you serious you're the only one who'll be staying here?"

Abner now felt welcomed, and prideful "well it's nothing really my parents are just very good and successful in their business" "and yeah I'm living solo here, so if any of you wana stay over you can.

Just be in your best behavior. You know we can't have any scandals taken by the paparazzi while I'm making my movie.

The three of them were amazed "wow you'll really be in a movie huh? Who did u screw to get the part? Hehehehehhe"

Abner said "ohh shut up, or I'll kick you out of my house (in a really mean way which the three can't understand if he was sarcastic or not),

ohh what the hell why don't we use some of my stuff, you can also check my DVD collections."

They watched movies while waiting for john

Hours later john arrived very tired, hot, sweaty and not to mention stinky.

John said" ey guyz sorry for being a bit late Gabriella asked me to do something.

The three other friends just grinned

Abner said "okay what's happening I think I'm sensing something"

John said "nahh these guys are just messing with you"

Justin said "ey john did you know this guy is an actor??"

John said "yeah I've heard about it around hehehe"

Abner said "ey john wana take a swim and Jacuzzi or something. To freshen you up"

John was so tired he eventually forgot that he didn't bring any extra clothes and still has clothes on and he just jumped into the pool.

Abner was like "ey dude are you out of ok?? Are you out of your mind?? What the hell is happening to you swimming with those clothes on ha-ha you're gonna have a hard time cleaning your own shit out of my pool"

They all laughed

John came to his senses and said "ohh can I be anymore dumber, I don't have extra clothes, and it's hard to swim with these working clothes on, I'll just swim with my boxers"

Abner said "don't worry I can drive you home naked or walk you home naked hahahahahahaha or I can let you borrow some of my clothes"

"Thanks man"

They all swam in their boxers feeling the cold water beating the heat of the sun. the pool was so big that they can really freely move and when they go to the Jacuzzi

it's as if all their stress are gone in each other's minds kinda felt to get out of the Jacuzzi and dive into the pool ASAP because the pressure, temperature, bubbles kinda gave them a hard on.

Without mentioning to anyone, one by one they all quickly moved in a fast pace so that their erection won't be noticed. One by one they all had a shower outside.

Of course they had their own privacies because of the private stalls.

Abner didn't know what's happening to him but the hard-on won't just go away so he tried to jack it quickly to lose it.

He was thinking of how he made out with his girlfriend but later on near orgasm he couldn't stop thinking about the guys. They were really friendly and good looking and he thought about them while jacking off.

He had the most awesome orgasms in his life because there was also the fact of exhibitionism because there was no roof although no one can see him it still excited him. Plus the fact that all the doors has no locks.

He thought to himself "what the hell is happening to me, I'm not gay I'm straight". He was still recovering when Justin opened the door. Abner was so humiliated and tried to cover himself. With that Justin just smiled and walked away.

They toweled off and abner lent john some clothes. After that they just hanged out drank and ate. Told jokes to each other. And exchanged stories about their lives and casually mention their sex lives.

"Yeah I know someone here was thinking about it awhile ago hahahahahahaha" said Justin

Andrew then said hastily "ohh shut up"

But abner knew very well who Justin was referring to.

John, Justin and Andrew left early.

As Zach was the only one left they chatted some more

Zach told him about the problems he had like how his mother committed suicide and how he thought he killed his sister when he was young then found out it was not true and his problems with his dad .

And asked permission from abner if he could stay "listen man I know it's your first day, I understand if you don't want me to stay, but I'd be glad if you'd let me stay"

"Man, don't worry you can stay here as long as you want but I'd have to call your father first ok? Just so he won't worry. Dude, even though you and your dad have problems with each other you will get through this. He just cares about you.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah whatevr. If you'd just understand. I can't tell you everything you know"

"Dude trust me about this ok I will be your friend forever and when you need me I'm always at your side to help ok"

"Yeah thanks and umm can this just be between the two of us I've gotta tell you something"

"Ok hit me I won't tell anyone"

"Well john is a terrific guy, but Andrew is such a jerk to me and sometimes he drags Justin along with him to make fun of me"

"But you still hang with them. Why?"

"I don't know sometimes their nice but sometimes their really mean like they embarrass me and stuff. Just to warn you to not to get very close to them I'm not sure what their real personalities are"

"Ok sure I'll be careful"

Long moment of silence

Zach broke the silence and said "ohh hehehe talk about being melodramatic. Hmm can you be the one to call my dad so he wouldn't resist"


Abner called Zach's father "ey hi i'm abner I just moved in and I met Zach can I get a favor from you? Can he like stay for a few days while i'm settling in (with a few begging and flirting abner persuaded him"

and Zach went there to pick up his stuff.

It took awhile for Zach to come back and he decided to call if the sleepover is still on. Before he picked up the phone Zach came in with his stuff. The thing about it is that he was a bit bruised and worn out.

Abner said "what happened to you?"

"Nothing forget about it"

"It is something what is it?"

"I fell down the stairs"

"It doesn't seem you fell down the stairs..........did your dad have to do something about this?"

"No, you're over reacting"

"No i'm not i'm just concerned about my friend. Tell me the truth"

A bit of silence

"well he was a bit drunk and pissed for I don't know what reason thank god I'm staying here but don't worry about me it's ok"

"Does he usually beat you up?"

"Not really... can we just not talk about this please"

"Ok whatever you want"

Then the phone rang abner answered it

"What the hell Marlon I told you not to!! I didn't give you any permission to do so! Let me talk to James and inigo.... So that's what he really did huh??

You know what to do to him and also tell him I need him here in my place next month and he should be ready.... Bye"

Zach asked abner "what was that about"

"Well it's just a problem with a friend which I can't tell you. Well not for now. I know you'll understand as well ok it's kinda similar to yours... so let's not talk about it"

To be continued

Sorry there is no sex yet but I like to take it slowly so it probably has the chance of being real but don't worry there will be. All of the characters are the teen males at desperate housewives.

Except for duhh the obvious abner and later on we will find out who Marlon, James, and Inigo is.

E-mail me your comments and suggestions i would really appreciate it.

Next: Chapter 2

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