Desk Job

By Benzedrine Bedlam

Published on Oct 29, 2002


This story is another episode from the affair between Gary and Lewis. I am not intending Desk Job to become a long series, but I will revisit the boys from time to time, with each story standing alone.

This is fiction, and does not practice safe sex -- please make sure you do.

Please let me know what you think of the story -- any suggestions are very welcome. I love getting mail!

Desk Job Part II Gary goes Italian

A blast of warm air greeted me as I pushed the cottage door open with one foot. I shuffled inside and set my bags down. The front door entered directly onto the kitchen, a traditional farmhouse affair, dominated by a large oak table. I left the groceries in the kitchen, and went upstairs with my luggage. Lewis had hired the cottage for a long weekend -- a retreat for us to get to know each other better he had said with a glint in his eye. I grinned, hardly able to suppress my excitement, although Lewis and I had been seeing each other for a few weeks, we had not really spent much time together, at least not fully clothed! A warm glow infused me as I imagined waking up with my man, spending long hours in bed together with no pressures, nowhere to go, just the two of us. I smiled to myself -- this was going to be perfect.

Descending the stairs to the kitchen, I checked the clock -- 6:15, Lewis had been called into a late meeting at short notice and wasn't due at the cottage until 7. I moved around the kitchen, unpacking the groceries I had brought with me for the weekend. The blurb from the travel agent said the cottage would be supplied with everything we needed except perishables. As we had not planned on doing much cooking, I had brought only a few basic necessities -- bread, milk and wine; I opened the wine and poured a glass. Sitting at the table I admired the view of rolling hills and endless countryside, sipped my wine and absorbed the peace and quiet.

The past few weeks had been a bit of a roller-coaster, Lewis exploded into my life after our late night session at the office. His love-making released a passion in me I had never suspected; having always been a quiet, studious type I'd never expected to fall in love, let alone so quickly and so passionately. Being with Lewis made me feel complete. I smiled as the image of my lover undressed in my mind, his broad chest was generously carpeted with blonde curls which could not hide the firm definition of his pecs. In my mind I felt the ridges of abdominal muscles under my fingers, his hard stomach divided by a blonde treasure trail, leading my eyes, and my fingers, down to the full bush of hair at his crotch. I felt a stirring in my own as I dreamed of Lewis' crotch, beneath the golden curls his dick hung, long and fat, above generous, shaved balls. It had become one of my favourite things to bury my face in that delectable package, licking and sucking at his cock until it rose, engorged with lust. I just loved to make Lewis moan and sigh as I pleasured him -- my tongue lapping at his swollen love-muscle. He would shudder and groan deep in his chest when I encircled his dick with my lips and slowly descended, until my nose was buried in his golden bush. Lewis had taught me how to give head, and I had been a willing pupil, eagerly practicing my lessons on my lover. I closed my eyes as the remembered taste of cum filled my mouth.

My dreaming was disturbed by the rumbling of my stomach, I rose and fetched the baguette I had just put away and tore off a chunk. I bit into the bread, searching in the fridge for butter. there was none and I had not brought any. After cursing myself briefly, I spied a bottle of olive oil on the counter, and deciding to go all Italian, poured some oil into a bowl. The dunked bread tasted of continental summer, rich and fruity. I dug into the bread, soaked generously in the heavy, green oil. With oil covering my fingers I put the bread down and licked the juice up, the heady scent filling my nostrils. I reached for my glass of wine, but my oily fingers could not grip, I lifted it briefly but it slipped from my grasp and toppled over. Luckily the glass landed on the table and did not break, but its contents splashed across my shirt.

I swore under my breath and unbuttoned the shirt, stripping it from my body. Plunging the garment into the sink, I stood, bare chested, squeezing water through it, trying to wash the deep red stain out. Realising it was futile, I gave up, and left my shirt in the sink. There was still plenty of wine in the bottle, so I poured another glass and sat back down at the table. I finished the bread, soaking it in the fragrant oil, now I was unencumbered by a shirt, I let the oil drip over my hand and down my arm, enjoying the sensation of the warm smooth liquid. Raising my wrist to my mouth, I licked the oil up with long cat-like strokes of my tongue. I was making a mess of myself, with olive oil dripping from my hand onto my chest, when I heard the door open, and Lewis walked in.

"Well you look like you're having fun." He grinned at me.

"I was hungry." I protested.

Lewis approached the table and pinched my wine. To tease him, I continued to lick the olive oil off my hand, sensuously sucking each finger into my mouth and licking my lips in mock ecstasy. He sipped the wine and watched me, I played up to the attention of my lover, lingering deliciously over the oil. When all was lapped up, Lewis frowned in disapproval. He dipped his finger into the bowl of oil and dripped it onto my face, setting down the glass of wine, Lewis leaned towards me and licked up the drip of green juice, reaching my mouth he descended, his lips crushing mine in a hungry kiss. I love the way Lewis kisses, deep and ravenous, it takes my breath away -- I yield before his possessing mouth.

Lewis surfaced for air, still holding me firmly, his eyes burned into me.

"Christ I missed you."

"Me, or my arse?" I teased him.

"Mmm, that too!" he said, reaching down to my pert, rounded cheeks, Lewis fondled and kneaded, pulling me close to him. As he held me firmly to his crotch, I could feel the hard arousal my presence always caused. Lewis bent his mouth to my neck, kissing and nipping at the brown flesh, he knew all my weak spots, and mercilessly took advantage. Moving his hands from my behind, Lewis began to stroke my back, caressing the warm skin. He rubbed his body on mine, his shirt cool against my skin. Lewis suddenly pushed me away -- wearying of obstructions, he tore his shirt from his body, tossing the garment to the floor. My lover stood back for a moment, staring at my naked chest; he bent his head and took one pert nipple into his mouth. I hissed through my teeth and arched my back, Lewis rubbed his hands down my back, his fingers caressing the firm flesh. When he reached my waist he scowled -- my trousers obstructed his groping hands. He worked on the belt and zipper and quickly dispensed with them; my shorts rapidly flowed my pants to the floor. I stepped out of the clothes and ditched my shoes. Standing naked before Lewis, I leaned back against the table, showing off my smooth, toned chest; Lewis raked his gaze over my body his eyes burning into me. He stroked his hands across my shoulders and down my arms, when he reached the wrists he grasped them, lifting my arms above my head. I could see the approval in his eyes as he saw I had shaved under my arms. Holding up my arms with one hand, Lewis reached for the olive oil with the other. Letting go of my wrists, he poured oil into his cupped palm. Lewis set the bottle down and returned his attention to my arms. He stroked his lubricated hands down my arms and onto my shoulders, smoothing the warm liquid into my skin.

I reached for Lewis, capturing his belt, I pulled him towards me, I raised my lips to receive the kiss Lewis offered. With my hands still on his belt I took the opportunity to free my lover's body from its coverings. Lewis' cock hung, semi-erect above freshly shaved balls. I sank to my knees and pressed my lips to my prize. I licked his rapidly hardening shaft, running my lips from its base to its tip. As I reached the head I licked all round, kissing and sucking before wrapping my soft lips around his shaft and taking my lover's cock deep into my mouth. Lewis sighed as I gently blew him, he laid his hands on my shoulders and stroked my hair.

Absorbed in Lewis' prick, I jumped as I felt something trickle onto my back. I released my lover from my mouth and looked up questioningly. Lewis had the bottle of olive oil in one hand, pouring it onto my back. He reached down with his other hand and raised my to my feet. My man rubbed the fragrant liquid into my skin, till I was slick and shiny. Lewis smirked at me and suddenly upended the bottle. I moved to catch the stream of oil before it hit the floor.

"Stop!" I laughed at him, "You're getting it everywhere."

"Not everywhere." He corrected with a smirk. "But give me time."

Lewis began to rub the oil into my body, his big hands making long smooth strokes. He soon had me slippery all over, his fingers working the fragrant liquid into every crack and crevice. Turning me around to face the table, Lewis began to run his fingers up and down my crack, I could tell he was horny now, his hard dick leaking precum onto my leg with every contact.

I sighed with long-awaited pleasure as Lewis slipped his finger past my tight pucker. As he felt the muscles relax he slid a second into my warm waiting arse. I grunted with satisfaction when Lewis found my button, he felt my reaction and began to stimulate it, rubbing his fingers over my g-spot.

"Oh, yes, Lewis..." I stuck my arse out, pushing back on the table to counter the force of his hand in my hole. " Fuck my arse, oooh, I need it! Fuck, ahh, fuck me!"

The sensation of Lewis' big fingers stretching my arse was heavenly. I had been imagining this moment all day -- his fingers probing, priming my entrance, preparing me to take his massive cock. At the thought of the cock waiting to pleasure me, I felt my knees go weak. Lewis grabbed me round the waist and took merciless advantage of my faint -- thrusting his hand harder and faster into my twitching man hole.

Waves of pleasure rippled out of my arse through my body. My cock ached it was so hard, craving more stimulation, I lifted one hand from the table and began to jack off. My oiled hand felt divine on my steely dick. Lewis didn't agree.

"Naughty boy can't wait." he scolded, pushing my shoulders so I fell forward, abandoning my cock to grab the table.

"Not with you, Sexy." I replied.

He slapped my bum cheek in response, but his greased hand slid off with little more than a stimulating sting. Lewis pulled me away from the table, and held me firmly to his chest; he rubbed his hands over my body, roaming down my chest to my stiff, throbbing dick.

"Ohhh, yesss." I cried, my head falling back against his meaty shoulder, as Lewis took my prick into his hand. Jacking me off with one hand, he held me firmly with the other, his own cock grinding into my crack.

"Bend over, Boy, I need to fuck you!" he cried, pushing me face down onto the table. He leaned down over me, his lips to my ear.

"You are beautiful, Gary." He breathed as he slid into me.

We moaned in unison as Lewis bottomed out, his cock filling me. Lewis began to pull out slowly, the oil lubricating his passage; he let the head of his big dick reach my opening, almost popping out, before he slid slowly back into my chute. Lewis repeated these slow, deep thrusts, driving me insane. I pushed my bum back towards him, wriggling from side to side to impale myself harder onto his love stick.

"Fuck me Lewis! Stop teasing me -- FUCK ME!" I screamed at him. I was barely able to stay upright, my arse was bouncing around so much, trying to get more of the dicking I craved.

"Horny little fucker." Lewis admonished me.

I responded with more struggling, my arms braced against the table.

"The more you wriggle, the longer you'll have to wait." He warned me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded.

"I'll fuck you when I'm good and ready, Boy!" he said, still sliding slowly in and out of my arse.

Lewis reached for the bottle of oil, pouring more over the exposed shaft of his meat. Setting the bottle down on the table, Lewis grasped my hips firmly. I smiled to myself, knowing this meant business -- I was not disappointed. My man began to pump harder, raking his cock over my sensitive prostate. He thumped into me, his balls slapping mine. Moaning deep in his chest, Lewis began to hump me wildly, each thrust more determined, driving us both to orgasm. I felt my toes curl as the first wave of my climax hit. I saw stars as Lewis slammed into me, holding me tight as he shot his load into me. The creamy fire coated my guts sending me over the edge, I collapsed against the table as the force of my orgasm hit, my cum firing wildly across the stone floor.

I felt Lewis slump on top of me, his sweaty chest pressed against my back, our chests heaved against each other as we gasped from our exertions. Lewis stretched out a leg and hooked a chair with his foot, pulling it over to us. He pulled me down onto the chair with him, his softening cock still buried in my arse. He nuzzled at my neck, murmuring into my shoulder, I leaned back, warm and safe in the arms of my lover.

We sat for a while, Lewis gently stroking me, I reached for the glass of wine still on the table, we sipped from the glass, sharing the wine, and the peace after our frenzied love-making. Lewis' caressing hands brushed over my pert, sensitive nipples, causing me to shiver, his hands began to wander with greater abandon, pinching and squeezing the hard muscular flesh of my legs, up to my smooth belly and toned chest. The massage was getting me horny again, and I began to squeeze my arse muscles, wanting to feel Lewis grow within me. I felt his cock return to life, expanding to fill my hungry hole, I squirmed some more, knowing Lewis was not fully hard yet.

"Do you ever get enough?" he demanded.

"Do you?" I countered, beginning to raise and lower myself on Lewis' lap.

"Cheeky little..." he broke off as I tried a new manoeuvre, rapidly pushing and squeezing my arse around his hard tool. "Uggghh... oh fuck Gary, that's so good. Oh yes!" he moaned as I danced in his lap.

Lewis held my hips and began to rock me back and forth, stimulating us both. Our movements became more violent and I almost fell off my man. I grabbed the table edge to give myself better leverage, pulling myself up and down on Lewis' cock. He was getting close, his strong hands clamped around my pelvis, yanking me onto his straining dick. Each time Lewis pushed me up, I let myself fall back onto his big hard tool, impaling myself on my lover, each thrust harder and deeper, till I was yelling with pleasure bordering on pain. When it came, I could feel my climax building in my whole body, every fibre of my being centred on my crotch. Lewis threw his arms around me as I screamed, holding me tight while my cock sprayed cum. I was dimly aware of Lewis' shudder as he reached his own climax, filling my arse once more with his love juices.

We sat for a moment, gathering our strength to move. Lewis stroked me gently, his light touch such a contrast to our earlier frenzy.

"Have you seen the rest of the cottage?" he asked.

"Yes, there's a living room down here, and two bedrooms upstairs."

"Let's go check out the bed. " Lewis said.

"Mmm, what a good idea."

"I was thinking of having a rest, but well I guess we do have to christen the bed." he replied, taking my hand and leading me up the stairs.

Please let me know what you think of the story -- any suggestions are very welcome. I love getting mail!


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