Desk Job

By Benzedrine Bedlam

Published on Jan 26, 2002


This story is entirely fictional, all resemblance to get the point. As a fantasy, it also doesn't practice safe sex, but well, that's fantasy for you. If you shouldn't be here for any reason or don't want to read about gay sex, why are you here? Please email me and let me know your thoughts on this story, I always love to hear from you, and reply to all my mail. BB []

Desk job

It was a promotion. I had to keep thinking of that, and of the extra money. My boss had presented it as a great opportunity, and implied it wasn't a choice. My days as a roving building site inspector were over. It was the desk job or redundancy, and at nearly 40 I couldn't risk that.

I sighed and looked out of my window, the sun was low in the sky, promising a fine evening. The office was emptying rapidly, I glanced at the clock, 5:20, I wouldn't be out of here for hours yet. The job I had been transferred to had been abandoned by its previous incumbent, so I was left to sort out the mess. I sighed again, my 6'1" frame was cramped in the office chair. I got up and stretched , the unfamiliar suit confining my body. My previous occupation had been much more physical, which suited me fine, I keep fit, with regular gym sessions and weekly squash games and enjoyed the challenges my job had brought. I had also enjoyed the opportunities to eye up the fit, young construction workers, and to allow them to see me. On more than one occasion I had inspected more than their brick work.

I sat down once more at my computer, running my hands through my short blonde hair. I tried to return my concentration to the tedious paper work, but by 6 pm had got little done. I looked down the small open-plan office, and noticed nearly all of my colleagues had now gone home.

"Goodnight Lewis, don't stay all night" Alan said waving as he headed out of the door. "Night Alan" I replied. He was shortly followed by Susan, and two other men I recognised, but could not put names to. I scanned the office, it now appeared to be empty, I kicked back, shedding my jacket and tie, and loosening my shirt, staring at the screen the numbers on my spreadsheet began to dance, and shift. Coffee time.

The kitchen was tucked away at the back of the office, as I entered, I realised it was already occupied. Gary, one of the new graduates was slowly stirring a cup of coffee, his mind obviously elsewhere. Not wanting to startle him I coughed, to announce my arrival. Gary turned sharply.

"Oh. Hi Lewis, I didn't realise anyone was still here"

"Trying to shift some backlog. And you? Don't you have a home to go to?" I said, mockingly scolding him. He smiled, a little sadly, "a home, yes, but it's a little empty."

"You live alone?" I asked, Gary seemed like a nice guy, too nice to be alone.

"Yeah. Just moved into a bed sit. How about you?"

"I'm a loner too, I have a flat just out of town" I said moving around Gary to make my coffee.

"Don't you find it, well, a bit lonely" he looked suddenly abashed, and nervously sipped his coffee.

"Yeah, sometimes, I guess you've never lived alone before, huh?" I said, wanting to put him at ease.

"No, I have a large family" he watched me as I made the coffee, as I bent down to return the milk to the fridge, I felt his eyes upon my ass. I turned and looked at him. 22 years old, I knew from his CV, about 5'9", he was slim, with what looked like a toned, fit body beneath the business suit. He had dark, neatly cropped hair topping an attractive, youthful face. Soft brown eyes looked back at me.

"Umm, Lewis, I was wondering if you would help me with a graph I'm having trouble with" he said, exuding nervousness.

"Sure" I answered. We took our coffees and returned to his desk. I perched on his desk as he shuffled through his papers. A sheaf of papers dropped to the floor, Gary jumped up to collect them, I knelt down beside him. He was practically shaking with agitation.

"What's wrong, Gary?" I said, taking the papers from his nerveless fingers and guiding him back to his chair. "You're a wreck" Gary looked away from me.

"Do I make you nervous Gary?" He stammered, then looked at me briefly before turning his head away again

"Yes, Lewis, you make me very nervous" I took his chin with my hand, and turned his face towards me

"Why?" He looked at me, his eyes were soft, almost doe- like, they softened what was otherwise an angular face, a strong jaw line swept down to a square chin, with a tiny dimple in the centre. Unable to resist, I placed my finger in the dimple. Horrified I watched a tear slip down Gary's cheek.

"Oh Lewis, if only you could understand"

"Understand what, Gary?"

"This" he said, placing his hand over mine, holding it to his face. He stood, and leaned towards me, his soft lips meeting mine. My mind spun, unable to comprehend what was happening, this beautiful boy, kissing me. He suddenly pulled back, and sharply turned away. He made to run off, but I caught his hand, my superior strength holding him back. I took him in my arms and held him firmly.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that" he stammered. I didn't answer, I just kissed him again, gathering his lithe body in my arm. He responded, deepening the kiss, his tongue delving into my mouth. As I drew him back to the desk our embrace became more passionate, pushing him down onto the edge of the desk I stood before him. I could see he was unsure, and not a little nervous, so I slowed things down, beginning to make love to him gently. Kissing his hairline, little gentle kisses, making my way down the side of his face, and down his neck, as I hit his collar, I loosened his tie, and began to unbutton the shirt. Gary sighed in pleasure, his tension evaporating.

"Oh Lewis, I've wanted this from the minute I set eyes on you"

"Mmm" I murmured through the kisses "And I've wanted you" I finished removing Gary's tie, which was quickly followed by his shirt. His chest was smooth and well defined. He moaned as I caressed it with my lips, moving to his nipples I dragged my tongue around one small bud, causing it to harden, and causing Gary to moan loudly. I sucked vigorously, and began to rub my hands up and down his thighs, as I approached his crotch, I felt his hard arousal, but did not caress his dick just yet, I wanted this to last.

Gary suddenly pushed me away. He worked at the buttons of my own shirt, his hands shaking with passion now, I smiled and helped him, shedding the garment, and revealing my broad, hairy chest. Gary sighed with pleasure, and ran his fingers through the hair. He leaned forward, and buried his nose in my fur, he inhaled deeply, shuddering with pleasure, revelling in my scent. I ran my hands up and down his back, lightly dragging my nails across his soft, pale skin. Gary reached up and took my face in his hands,

"Lewis, oh, I had no idea you felt the same. If only you knew how much I've wanted this"

I shushed him, "You have me now, so what are you going to do with me?" As I spoke I bent to kiss the soft skin of Gary's shoulders, pushing him back on the desk. Gary wrapped his long, legs around me, drawing me closer, he began to hump his lean body against me, I grinned at the desperate horniness of youth, not that I was any less horny, just experienced enough to want to make it last. I nibbled and sucked at Gary's shoulder, hearing his reaction to what was obviously a major erotic zone for him, I bit him, just at the junction of his neck and shoulder. Gary gasped and cried out in passion.

"Lewis, yes, bite me, love me, oh I want it so much" his voice was hoarse with desire. I lifted Gary up, and worked at his fly, quickly dealing with belt and zipper, within a matter of seconds I had my boy standing before me in only his underwear. His tight, black shorts were tented with hard cock, I wasted no time in shucking my own trousers, and taking Gary in my arms, rubbed our thinly covered cocks together. Reaching around my boy, I gathered his hard cheeks in my ample hands, I squeezed and pulled his arse, and the harder I squeezed, the louder he moaned, grinding his crotch into mine.

I pulled back and spun Gary around, bending him over the desk, I pulled at his shorts, exposing the smooth bubble- butt hidden inside. I pushed the shorts to his ankles, he obediently stepped out of them. I just had to see him all, so I gently pulled him up, and turned him around before me, drinking in the beauty of his young body. Gary stood for my inspection, 5'10" of young, brown flesh. He was well toned, without the obvious bulges of gym muscles, his shoulders were particularly well defined, and I wondered if he was a swimmer. His skin was brown, with a definite tan line at his rounded ass, revealing he wore his summer shorts very short! Gary was clearly aware of his assets, if still a little shy of using them. However, despite the attractive package before me, Gary's best feature was his face, shadowed with dark hair along his jaw and chin, but with an air of youthful innocence which I couldn't help but wonder at. Gary looked at me calmly, his huge, brown eyes melting into mine. He raised his hands to my chest, stroking the soft hair which furred my pecs, rubbing down, he placed his hands at the waistband of my shorts. Gary raised his eyes to mine, seeking permission to strip this last vestige of clothing separating us. I smiled and nodded, gladly giving him the admission he sought. As he undressed me, my hard 8" cock sprang free, I heard Gary inhale sharply, looking up and down my body, I stood back, allowing him to look and drink his fill. Seeing Gary's impatience, I retook control of our lovemaking, playing my hands across his chest and abs, he shuddered and moaned, Gary was hot, and ready for anything I cared to give him.

Leaning my boy-lover on the desk, I kissed down his body, occasionally nipping his flesh with my teeth, the closer I got to his cock, the more Gary moaned, I decided to put the poor boy out of his misery, and swooped in on his throbbing dick. As I licked up his meat Gary cried out, gasping and babbling incoherently, I knew he would not last long if I continued to blow him, and I had other plans for this boy. I licked down, from the tip of his dick, bathing his balls, I swabbed my tongue around his taut, smooth balls, rolling them with my tongue. From the moans and sighs I heard, it was doing it for Gary, so I intensified my efforts on his jewels, taking them into my mouth and sucking deeply on them.

Gary was hot and moaning now, so I lifted him onto the desk, pushing his legs up onto the desk. As I blew him, I squeezed his bubble butt with my large hands, he wiggled his ass encouraging me further, the harder I squeezed, the louder he moaned. I pulled at his smooth mounds, exposing his man hole, working my hands on his buns, my tongue lapping at the sensitive skin behind his balls. I licked down further, pressing my face into his trench, Gary gasped sharply as I licked around his pucker. The musky smell of Gary's maleness filled my senses. I breathed deeply at his trench, my cock growing steely hard at the scent of his body. I felt Gary shudder as I lapped at his entrance, and pushed my tongue in deeper.

"What are you doing?" Gary gasped, alarm in his voice I laughed quietly "Have you never been rimmed before?" I asked him

"I've never even heard of rimming."

"Well, you seem to be enjoying it." I said, with amusement in my voice.

He gasped "Oh, oh yes, Lewis, ah, don't stop, oh" he cried out as I renewed my efforts, beginning to tongue fuck his ass with a vengeance. I began to stroke Gary's rosebud, my finger slick with the spit now lubricating Gary's ass. I quickly spat on my finger, and slid it into his chute. Moving my mouth to his cock I finger fucked Gary's virgin hole while he moaned and sighed and begged for more

"Oh Lewis that's so good, oh yes, I need it, Yes, yes" I obliged and pushed a second finger into his hot hole, as I reached deeper I felt for his prostate, Gary jerked upright

"Oh YES, oh god, fuck, what was that? Oh, ahh, Lewis, yes, oh fuck yes." He wailed as I blew his cock and ran my fingers over his joy button. I grinned around his meat

"You like that huh?"

"Yes, what..."

"Your prostate. Welcome to the joys of man sex, Gary" I said, ignoring his disappointed whimper, I pulled my fingers from him, and reached down into my bag, I whipped out my lube (a legacy of my site inspector days, I always liked to be prepared) and smeared some over my raging hard on.

I pulled Gary towards me and kissed him hard.

"Do you want this Gary?" I asked him gently.

"Oh yes, Lewis, I want to feel you inside me, I want you to fuck me." I fingered his pucker again, loosening him further, the last thing I wanted was to hurt this beautiful boy. Guiding my 8" cock I pushed gently, until the head entered Gary's ass, he gasped, partly in pain, partly in pleasure. I stopped, allowing him to adjust to being penetrated. I kissed him again, a deep passionate kiss, sucking his tongue into my mouth. I rubbed his back, from his delicious ass cheeks right up to his firm shoulders, worshipping every inch of his body. He sighed as I gently pushed into him. Gary pulled his face away from mine, his eyes widening as I filled him with my love stick

"Are you ok?" I asked him, concerned at the look on his face

"Oh yes" he cried "yes, Lewis, fuck, oh, ahh" he pulled my face to his and snarled "Fuck me, Lewis, I need it and I need it now!" Knowing Gary was a virgin, I took it slowly, pulling out of him gently, and then filling him once more. As I thrust back into his chute my cock brushed his prostate, Gary threw his head back and gasped. My boy was ready to be fucked.

I thrust into him and began a steady rhythm, which Gary encouraged moaning harder as I picked up the pace, crying out and begging for more.

"Oh Lewis, yes, oh, I'm cumming, ahh, oh yes, god yes" he screamed and started cumming. I felt his ass contract around my cock with his orgasm, it was enough to send me over the edge and I started cumming into Gary's hot body, filling him with my love juices.

I collapsed against him, my knees weak from the strength of my orgasm. I hugged Gary and he responded, kissing me lightly and smiling into my chest. We stayed like that for a moment, my soft cock still embedded in his ass, until my cum began to drip down my leg. After a quick clean up, we dressed.

"Gary" I said, taking his hands in mine, I smiled into his beautiful face "Umm, will you do me the honour of having dinner with me?" I stammered, suddenly shy, what if he should want to fuck and run? Where was I going, isn't that what I had always done?

"I'd love to Lewis, but how about a take-away? Then we could go straight to your place" he said, with a gleam in his brown eyes.

I smiled back "That sounds like a great idea." Taking his hand we collected our coats and left the office.

Hope you enjoyed this. Please let me know what you thought. BB

Next: Chapter 2

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