Desires Silent Scream

By Chase Nadir

Published on Sep 24, 2022


Desire's Silent Scream (Part 2)

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Note from the author... (THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION!!!!) It is a dark fantasy from my mind. Treat it as such.

Warnings: There is non-consensual sex in this story. There is graphic violence in the story. Two elements that are part of my old life. I add this warning to prevent against triggering a reader who (like me) has crossed the path of REAL world monsters.

[Special note: This is a rewrite. I polished it a bit.]

If you are still reading, enjoy.

Desire's Silent Scream Part 2

By: Chase Nadir

...I strolled up the hill. My father was there he held me in a tight embrace kissing my forehead. "Father where am I, and how can I talk now?"

"My boy, my sweet boy. You are dead, you were murdered. This is your perfect body, but you are so early. This place was created so we could talk."

A beautiful woman then held me I knew it was my mum from dad's photos. She was young and lovely. "Geoffrey, you did a fine job raising our boy. Kyle, you have made me so proud. But it is not your time to be here."

I started crying, "Why can't this be my time. I am with you, I am happy, and I can talk."

There was a loud rumble in the distance. Mum turned to her father, "Our time grow short. Dad, make him understand."

Grandad, his wife, and great grandad approached hugging me in turn. Great grandad spoke, "Boy, you have to go back to see justice done. If you don't, an innocent man will stand in the dock, and our community will be lost.

Noblis Oblige, little one, each generation stands watch over our home and people. I didn't need a bunch of farm lands, or a dying village. But I knew what the banks would have done to the farmers when the economy collapsed. We do what we must to protect OUR people."

He cocked his head to the side, "On a side note, Why the devil..." more rumbling. He look to the hill "... sorry, Why aren't you living in the Manor house? It is where YOU belong."

Grandad smiled, "He will in the fullness of time dad. Let him be young for a bit more. Kyle, I have a message for Stavros, you must tell him; 'You must be careful Stav my old friend... You still have a rat in your house.' Just like that word for word. You will know the time, and he will understand the message, and who sent it."

They released me and dad held me again, "You have to go now Kyle, my sweet angel of a child. You carry the best parts of all of us."

"But dad, how? The boatman has left me. How do I get back?"

"Kyle, you don't need him. Spread your own wings they will carry you home." In a twinkle of an eye the people on the hill transformed. Their youth and strength were fully restored. Silver white shimmering wings flexed from their backs and they flew up and away.

From the corner of my eyes I saw the wings flex at my side I started after them. I saw a great city on the hill. They were headed for it and I gave chase. I struck a glass like barrier and could go no further.

Deep rumbles came from the city, and mother turned around. "Oh, my sweet son. It is not your time, not for many years. I know how your heart aches, because I share it.

You must go back and I must go on. Follow the river to the sea, and your heart will lead you home. Go my son, make me proud. Live for me, for all of us."

I turned away. Tears streaming from my eyes. I flew along the river, never had I seen such beauty. At the mouth of the river I found the ocean. I soared over the waves. It was as if I was drawn like a needle to a magnet.

I emerged from a thick mist, I could see a group of people below. There was an ambulance and a crowd was gathered around a body on the ground. It was me, my pallor was blueish-white waxy and pale. Hassem was performing chest compressions as the medic breathed for me. A needle was passed to Hassem and he plunged it into my heart.

I fell, my wings were gone. I plunged into my skin and gasped for air. Hassem ordered the crew to quickly load me into the ambulance, "You gave us quite a scare little one.

You were gone for almost seven whole minutes. Who did this to you?" My hands were shaking, I couldn't sign. "The tremors will stop in time, for now just relax. We have you."

I awoke four days later. I had constables outside my door. The nurse told me it was a protection detail. My tremors were quieting but not enough to sign.

I was playing a game of charades to get my point across. Chad had a member of the wing in the room twenty-four seven to watch me. The chaperone called Chad immediately.

Chad must have broken every speed law to get to my side. The nurse gave me a pad of paper I wrote in large shaky block letters "What happened to me?"

"You were drugged and raped Kyle." I shook my head. Chad continued, "It is true Kyle, the police found the two responsible in your loft and garage.

The man in the caravan tied into your signing cameras and was recording everything that happened in your loft. It is open and shut. The police released this back to you. I had the boys in IT scrub the malware from it." He handed me my tablet.

"Who?" I wrote.

"That can wait Kyle. You need to heal."

I emphatically pointed back to my question "Who?"

"They arrested Caerwyn Lloyd and Janus Marinakis. Lloyd was his dancer and rent boy. He confessed that he had applied the control drug on orders from Marinakis. After that Janus attacked him. The police stopped him. Ever since he woke in custody he has been talking through his criminal trial lawyer."

I shook my head no, and that shake spread throughout my body. The nurse yelled, seizure and ordered everyone from my room.

I woke two days later to a warm feeling in my veins. My eyes opened and I saw Hassem was smiling down at me, talking to an older man in a lab coat. "The tremors have stopped. Looks like the dosage is right. How are you feeling little one?"

"Bloody tired of being called little one!" I signed in reply. There was a collective cheer with my reply. "Can someone move the lorry please?"

Hassem fell for it, "What lorry Kyle?"

"The bloody lorry parked on my head."

Again, laughter erupted. Hassem replied as he rubbed my temples. "Sorry Kyle we have to wait for your chemistry to level out. You will have to endure the headache, it will pass." He turned to his teacher, "Sir, may I stay with my patient for a bit."

"Doctor Haddad, it is a rare thing to bring a patient back from the dead, pre-hospital. You are excused from the rest of the rounds this morning."

"The morning run hasn't been much fun without you." He got a serious look on his face. "I should tell you the medicine running through you now will neutralize the remaining toxins in your body. You have had the best reaction to date.

Memories that were suppressed are likely to re-emerge. You will re-live what happened while you were under the drugs influence. To that end there will be a police officer in the room with you to record those recalled memories."

Captain Haddad chimed in, "One of your friends will be here to translate and provide for your strength and support."

I had a sudden flash of pain, then panic. "Bryce Lloyd is in danger. Caerwyn was blackmailed, the paedophile was going to sell his brother." One of the constables stepped into the hall and made the call to the Chief Constable.

I was recounting all I could. It was fragmented. I knew there was someone else involved, but every time I tried to look at his face, I saw an insect, or large bee with a stinger. Chad, Dennis, or Hassem took turns translating as the memories came free.

We stopped for an evening meal when there was a disturbance in the hall. I recognized the voice of Pappous Stavros. I pleaded to let him in. The men relented but were on guard.

The old man looked so frail as he collapsed in my lap. "I am so sorry one of my boys could bring so much pain, to so many... and to you. I have failed. I only hope you can one day forgive me."

"Pappous, you have done nothing wrong. You have no failing against me to forgive." As the old man rose to turn away. I signed, "You must be careful Stav my old friend... You still have a rat in your house."

"Where did you hear this? Only your grandfather and I were in the chapel. He swore as long as he drew breath, he would tell no one. It was when my Gregory killed himself. Your Grandfather warned me about Valcos."

With the uttering of that name, the last walls crumbled. The shell of bug dissolved leaving the scarred large hairy body of Valcos behind... beneath... and inside me. I was signing so fast and violently the tray was knocked over. "It was Valcos, all Valcos! He made me suck him... He fucked me! He raped me!

He wanted to take it all over. He was planning to kill Janus. He and his father set-up the paedophile sex ring. Valcos had the boys castrated. He ran the prostitution out of the clubs.

He murdered his father and made it look like suicide. He ordered the use of the patches. OH GOD, HE KILLED MY FATHER!!!" I was shaking violently as the tears flowed.

Pappous whispered something in my ear and departed.

Chad climbed on the bed to calm me. "What did the old man say." I shook my head no. That was between he and I. No force on this planet would pull those words from me.

The next afternoon I was waiting for the doctor's release. I had an unceasing line of visitors wishing me well during my recovery. His Lordship the Baron Norbury was the last.

He offered his support and if needed guidance. He was a hero of mine for many years. He was the first openly gay member of the House of Lords. My father admired the Baron's passion for the people and his business success.

As he departed, the Chief Constable arrived. "Thank you for setting the record straight Kyle. Thanks to you we have found enough evidence to confirm your story. Dr. Parnick has been arrested, he started singing like a lark, long before the cell door slammed. That arrest has led to dozens of others.

It's going to take quite some time for all of this to shake out. A great many powerful people are going to lose their positions. We will get all of them in time.

I need to stop by and bring you up current. I'm on my way to resign my position. I'm just no damn good. I couldn't protect my family, how well can I protect my community."

I asked for the room. When we were alone he opened his mouth and that's all it took. The thin grasp that I had on my rage was gone. I slapped his face hard. I was livid as I signed into my tablet and it translated for me.

"How dare you? Hasn't this community lost enough? You are a good law enforcement officer. It is rare to find an officer who knows the relationship, the line that connects justice and the law.

Our community has been shattered and we need good people to pick up the pieces. So you were deceived. So was I, so were a lot of people. We need good strong people like you Constable.

If you would just have told me you were leaving to take care of your family or to protect Bryce I could respect that. But this is running from a failure and that is unacceptable."

He replied, "Kyle... ...Your Lordship, I couldn't protect Caerwyn, my community, or you. How can I protect Bryce? They made an attempt to grab him, without your warning, they would have succeeded.

Our Winnie confirmed what you said, and added a good bit more. The Crown's Prosecutor is leaning on him as the star witness against Valcos and his associates. All this happened on my watch."

He looked at me as if he had something more to say but was afraid to do. I gave the rolling hand please continue gesture. "Winnie also asked for me to beg your forgiveness on his behalf. He doubted that you would ever allow him in your presence again."

"Constable Lloyd I have no doubt that Winnie actually planted items in my memory so that if something happened to him the truth would eventually be known. He didn't have to add that my father's murderer was wearing one of Valcos's patches. He could have just said there were a series of failures.

That being said he's too close to the pain for me to deal with. He was a pawn, but he was still a player on the board. Maybe I will be able to forgive him someday, but that day is not today.

As to who's watch this occurred on, Valcos and his father have been operating in our town for decades. Even my grandfather was fooled for a time. He even wanted my mum to marry Gregory."

The Constable replied, "That is more than understandable. I know you're a good boy, this is a bit much to ask for that level of forgiveness. As to missing signs, you and your family are not trained observers, I am.

Janus was released two hours ago, based on your testimony and the new evidence that came from it. There was nothing to hold him on. With that the Constable hugged my shoulder and left.

The car was silent the whole way back to the loft. Everyone was afraid to say what was on their mind. I entered the loft, Chad and Dennis insisted on going in with me to make sure the loft was clear. Nothing was in its appropriate place. I signed, "Police searched I assume?"

"Kyle, it needed to be done. They had to gather evidence and they didn't know where it was. We tried very hard to sort it afterwards."

I motioned to the cameras and they did not respond. I turned and signed to Chad, "I guess I'll have to bring the tradesmen into sort that."

Chad stayed back with me while Dennis swept the entire loft and garage. Chad reached over to the tablet on the counter and turned on the translation matrix. "Actually you have a new door combination known to three people.

Additional security was put on your camera system. Your computer network is just about as hack-proof as possible. Some of Dennis's mates came by."

Chad taught me how to reprogram the locks and the network security passwords should the need arise. "We may not like you living this close to the lions den, but we want you to feel safe."

I heard the chime from the translation matrix and replied, "It's okay to be this close to its den when the lion has been de-clawed and de-fanged."

Chad replied, "You should remember Valcos has not been found yet."

"Sir, He's a coward who hasn't done his own dirty work in years."

Dennis joined us. "We're all alone, I have thrown all the deadbolts. You're as safe as Her Majesty is in her castle. I hope you don't mind, I took the liberty of sending Caerwyn's things to his parent's." I shook my head no. You know, we don't mind staying Kyle."

I signed, "Guys it's been weeks since I've been alone. The toxins are out of my system. Please don't take offense, I really need to do this my way."

My two surrogate fathers hugged on me, kissing my forehead and waited outside the doors as I threw the deadbolts. I had more than a few nightmares that night. Reliving memories, not knowing where I began and the drugs ended.

Did I really love Janus or was I just chemically manipulated. Then there was Winnie, he was my mate. The one person I would trust with my life. My world changed almost overnight.

Sleeping is overrated. Now, I sit here in the dark. From the windows of the bedroom, I could see the lights on in Janus's suite at the top of the tower.

The street was dark, the only signs of life came from The Cockpit. Too soon for that, I thought. I flipped on the lights and started reading.

I could hear the message chime from my tablet. I ignored it. Two more times the chime rang. Screw it, I picked up the tablet. It was a text from Janus, "Sweet baby, you should be asleep."

"Can't, my dreams are too busy. So hurt, and confused."

"Kyle, I am so sorry if I am adding to your confusion."

I tried changing the subject. "Why is the street so dark?"

"I guess, I am confused too. Closed everything to audit how much damage Valcos did. God I am hurting. I didn't know. Kyle please believe that I never would have used you like that."

"Things were simpler in our hedge maze. I am sorry they arrested you."

"No apology is needed. It was logical. The drugs were in your loft. I was in your bed. I would have assumed the same.

I still love you. I wish I wasn't a coward in our maze. I should have made love to you then, we lost so much time. Perhaps we would not have been so easy to use."

"Janus, I do love you. Winnie said the drug wouldn't make me do anything I didn't want to on some level. I just don't know if I would have acted different when I walked into you."

"They still haven't found my brother, are you afraid?"

"No, Pappous said he will not let him harm me again."

"When did he say this?" I realized I had said too much. I didn't know how to respond. Again he asked, "When did he say this Kyle?"

I was free of the chemicals, but I still could not lie to him. "He whispered it in my ear when we found out Valcos did all of this. That he murdered your dad, mutilated Winnie, raped me, and was responsible for the death of my father. Pappous left my room fast after that. I am sorry Janus, I thought you knew."

I asked several times for reply, but Janus did not give me one. Instead of few moments later I heard his Cobra roar to life and it speed outside the city gates. I thought, "What have I done?"

It was four in the morning. Who could I call? What would he do? What would they be able to do?

I opened a video chat window with Chad and Dennis. My fingers were flying so much that Chad had to tell me to slow down. I brought them up to speed.

Dennis replied, "Leave it. This is something that their family was going to have to work out. Kyle if he truly loves you, he will protect you. You should be asleep.

Have you taken one of the sedatives the doctor gave you? Are you sure you don't want us to come over and stay?" I very much did not want to be alone. I also didn't want to be a burden.

Chad could see my confusion. He also saw the two desires that were on my heart and took the decision from me. "We will be over in five. Don't unlock anything we have the door code."

True to his word five minutes later, Chad and Dennis were opening the door and securing it behind them. I had the kettle on for a proper cuppa. I told them, "I feel stupid and childish, like a baby seeing a shadow in his room and thinking it was a monster. I am terrified of nothing."

Chad came around the counter and hugged me, "You're not afraid of nothing. There IS in fact a monster out there. A monster who did horrible things to you, and so many more boys.

As I understand it, you now have two people out there. In addition to an entire police force, trying to catch him. Still, there is more than enough reason to be concerned.

Dennis rubbed my hair, "We're all here for you Kyle. You are many things, but you are neither cowardly nor stupid. Fear is not a weakness Kyle. Fear is that thing that keeps your razor edge sharp. It's importance is not to be diminished, it is human.

Fear is an acknowledgement there is a danger, and courage means you are dealing with it anyway. You are far more courageous than a lot of the people I served with. You do your family's name proud."

Chad added, "It is also not weakness to ask for help."

The two men stayed by my side for five days. Eventually I settled down enough to be left by myself during the day. I remained locked in a prison of my own making.

Terrified to walk outside. I painted what I saw while I was dead. I was slowly closing myself off from the world. Running on a treadmill instead of with the pilots.

The days turned into weeks. I had dad's caravan stripped and completely redone. Then I donated it to a kids camp. I couldn't stand to look at it again. Let alone ever sleep in it.

It took time but Chad, Dennis and the boys from the base worked with me to go outside. I was finally able to walk to The Cockpit, and over to the store around the corner, so long as one of them was with me. I was so afraid but I was out in the world again.

Chad and Dennis stayed with me at night. I had them move into my suite and I took the spare bedroom. I was drinking myself to sleep.

It was Monday, Dennis had meetings with a huge client in Nodnol. He had a look of disappointment when I was unable to summon the courage to go with him. Once he had gone, Chad was called to base. He asked me to collect a few items at market. I was terrified, but I was determined to redeem some of my self esteem.

The manager hugged on me as I entered his shop. "Welcome Lord Driscoll. No entourage today?" I shook my head no. I completed the marketing and the manager offered to loan me a box boy to carry my goods for me. I had to prove to myself that I could do this.

I was relaxing as I was approaching the zebra crossing. Ahead of me was the field leading to my loft. I was so proud of myself. Then I heard the sound of the transit van breaking fast behind me. A soft cloth covered my mouth and nose. My goods hit the ground and I was pulled into the van and lost consciousness.

I awoke bound, on my back, and unable to see. My mouth was being held open. There was a round ring inside my mouth holding my jaws apart. I could tell that I was naked.

There was something that felt like leather from my shoulders to just below the small of my back. My legs were stretched upward, parted, and bound to chains. My arms were also raised and secured. There was an incredible pressure inside my ass, and my bollocks ached as if being squeezed. As my forced slumber lifted, I could feel myself swaying.

A calloused hand grabbed My right nipple between his thumb and forefinger and squeezed hard. "My little play thing is awake. Good, now we can begin his training" My bladder emptied as I realized the voice was that of Valcos.

"Good my new baby knows the voice of his new master. You have cost me a tremendous amount of money. I am going to enjoy using you, as I am forced to flee into exile.

If you do not learn to pleasure me, and I do not feel I can trust you, I know a slave merchant who can get me top dollar for you in Libya. For now we will see what you can learn.

At this moment, I know I cannot trust you. That is why you have been secured in this learning station. Eventually we will enter the harbour and we can transfer you to my yacht.

Whether you are carried aboard in a sack, or you walk willingly up the gangplank is entirely up to you. People are searching for you yes, but they will never think to look for you in a narrow boat in the canal."

He squeezed the left nipple in the same way as the first. My body tensed, the pain was extreme. Suddenly I realized what the pain was in my bottom. The bastard had shoved a butt plug up my ass. "It looks as if my toy does not enjoy his master's touch. I should do something to rectify that."

His hand disappeared for my body and I heard a click. There was an intense pain radiating from my arse through the rest of my body. "There are electrodes attached to the plug in your bumm. If you do not respond the way that I wish, there are ways I can make you enjoy my touch.

For now little plaything know this, I control what you eat, when you eat, how you piss, how you shit. I can even control when you cum. He reached down and grabbed my testicles. I felt something between his hand and them.

"This leather strap cinching your bollocks down. I may just leave it on and see them drop off I don't know. You are a pretty thing intact It all depends on how much work you become.

Your first lesson. You were raised as a golden child. One who was untouched by the world. Now you are nothing, a nadir, absolute zero. You are what I wish you to be. Right now you look thirsty.

I could hear him moving around the narrow boat I felt him rub his cock along my lips. Your first lesson you must learn right now, is you are not even human. You are my wash closet. There's no loo on the narrow boat so that's what you've become."

His prick swiped around the ring gag, showing me that there was nothing I could do to keep his cock from my mouth. "Eventually you will be able to close your mouth and seal this proper. For now I would recommend, unless you wish to drown in my urine, you swallow as much as you can. Not to worry little one I'll give you the best seal I can."

With that, he shoved his fat rod through the gag and down into my throat. He pinched my nose with a clamp. I felt the warm spray from his cock as it dumped it's content down my throat. I tried to swallow what I could It was foul. When I stop choking he slowly slid his cock from my lips.

"Oh little one you made a mess. You should use that pretty tongue of yours and lick my piss slit clean." He had to be joking there was no way I would...

That's when I heard the click and the shot of electricity radiated from my arse to the top of my head. "Clearly you did not understand this can be as pleasant or as painful as you make it.

Lick my cock clean. I shan't ask you again." Another click and another shock of electricity. "Your final warning or I leave it on all night." I quickly realized I'd already swallowed his piss, what harm could licking him clean be. I tentatively stuck my tongue out of my mouth, and he wiped his cock on it "Good lad."

When he held my head I realized I had some kind of tube going down my nostril. He ran his finger along it, "This is how your food is getting to your stomach. When you prove to me you can be civil and trusted to eat it remains."

He ran his finger along my cock and I could feel the tube emerging from it. "The catheter will be kept clean and in place, so long as you are in this harness I do not want my prize harmed. If I think I can trust you to behave, I may reward you with a bit more liberty."

He put ear-buds in my ears. There was an audio stream. "You crave the touch of your betters. You are just a boy, you desire to please real men. You crave the taste of their seed. You will obey without hesitation. You exist to obey." There were fifty or so commands on an unending loop.

I occasionally had other cocks in my mouth. Apparently I was the wc for others on the narrow boat. I was surprised as one of the men rewarded me with a bit of tender nipple play. His breath was hot as he sucked on one than the other. He licked the urine from my neck. Then he left me alone in the blind folded darkness.

I tried to count the cycles on the recording, to track how much time was passing. I was unable to sleep, each time I started to slip under, the plug in my bum would rouse me with a shock.

An eternity passed and Valcos's hands returned to my nipples. He pressed his hard cock into my mouth instead of his urine, he slowly fucked my throat. The ear-buds were removed. "Suck it little toy. I want to give you a treat."

My eyes watered as I began sucking the fat tool. "That is it baby. Nurse on my cock, it will sustain you. I so want to remove the gag. Please, my tiny toy pleasure me and I may return some control."

I felt his cock pulsing as he sprayed his seed across my face. He dragged his finger through his leaving sweeping them into my mouth. I felt the strap releasing. The gag was removed. I was tempted to spit his seed into his face. To my surprise I greedily swallowed his gift.

"Good toy. If you continue you may just stay with me. You must earn the right to keep the gag out of your mouth. There are other men on this boat. You will pleasure their cocks as they wish without resisting. You WILL swallow all they give you." The ear-buds went back in. The cycle of messages began again.

There was a constant cycle of cock going in my mouth. They alternated dumping cum and piss in my throat. I was still bound, blinded, deaf, and so very tired. I was desperately needing sleep but the electric pulses would not grant me that sleep.

I came to know a familiar touch. One of the men who commanded my attention softly rubbed my belly as he slowly fucked my face. The cum that came from his long circumcised cock was sweet and pleasant. I smiled whenever he touched me.

The ear-buds came out again. "You like my Anthony?" I must have had a look of panic at the discovery I had been enjoying the man's touch. "You may enjoy his touch.

I do not want you miserable in your new life." His rough hand rested on my distended belly I cringed. "Someday soon you will have that smile when I or any man touches you.

For now, you have other needs. The cramping must be awful." I heard the sound of metal pins being pulled from above my body. The room was filled with the sound of squeaking metal wheels in a track. I was moving.

When we stopped I heard the pins lock back in place. He pulled the butt plug out. I had no control as the liquidy stool flowed from my body.

"My toy, there is no need for shame in this. A good master must care for all of his plaything's needs. You will come to know me as a good master." When the flow finally ended he cleaned my bottom, both outside and within.

The rubbery sling that was supporting my back was removed. I was hanging by my aching limbs. I cried freely. "I know you hurt, but my toy stinks, it must be cleaned."

Warm water cascaded on my skin. A rubber cap was placed on my hair. Thankfully the cinch was removed from my scrotum. Two pairs of gloved hands rubbed every piece of my flesh with a goopy paste. I could hear the sound of an old kitchen timer. My skin began to tingle, then burn.

"I tell you Anthony, I may make all of my babies mute. It is so nice not hearing them complain about this part. I know it is uncomfortable my toy. I like my playthings to be smooth. In time you will enjoy being hairless."

The timer ding interrupted his thought. The cascade of warm water blissfully returned. The two men quickly washed the stinging paste from my flesh.

"Your Winnie hated this at first. He was so happy when he earned his laser hair removal. No more burning pastes or creams. You will learn to love being smooth too."

His hand caressed and examined my pubic region and the work of the paste. I became hard. "See, your body loves being smooth, or perhaps just my touch."

The two returned to washing my flesh. The air was filled with the scent of roses. Once dry, Valcos lifted my body as Anthony clipped the sling material beneath me again. I was then moved back to the original place.

"My toy is now clean. We can start the next phase of your training. You are doing much better than your little bitch of a friend."

I don't know why but I felt a small bit of pride in his praise. I also realized the rose scent was coming from me. I was to be his perfumed bent boy.

I bit my lip hard as he re-cinched my scrotum. "No, you have not EARNED that freedom yet. But you will earn a new one soon... Perhaps."

I did notice something different. The sling beneath me was no longer biting at my flesh. It was also cool and a little slippery. "You noticed the feel of the gift I've given you?"

I fought to reply with my right fingers I signed Y-E-S S-I-R. "Did my baby just answer me?" I signed Y-E-S S-I-R again. "That must hurt your hand. For now, just nod your head." I nodded earning a gentle pat on my tummy.

"Now that your skin is soft and tender, you should have soft things on it. I will not have open sores on one of my babies. It lowers their value at auction. I have kindly given you a smooth nylon rest. Treat it well." I nodded.

"You have made me work so hard. I deserve a reward." The ear-buds were returned and new messages were added. Unlike last time he was not interested in using my mouth.

His hand explored my bum. I felt his finger trace around the edge of the butt plug. With a twisting motion he removed it slowly. His fingers slid into the vacant hole. With the pressure gone it suddenly felt empty, hollow.

I felt the head of his prick press against the opening. It wasn't like the night in the caravan. Now it was if he had all the time in the world, and he was going to take all the time he had.

I braced myself waiting for the sudden thrust that I knew he would use. The thrust never came. He slowly bit by bit took me, much like his brother had. I was amazed at the level of tenderness that he could use, and the amount of control he had.

A thought flashed through my mind. If he had violently taken me, he would leave bruises behind. Bruises that would be visible by those present at an auction.

He really was considering selling me into servitude. I nervously bit my lip hard again, only to have his finger stroked it out of my mouth. His finger then softly tapped the end of my nose to let me know that was not acceptable.

It took a tremendous amount of time for his wiry bush to make contact with my now naked bottom. I was sweating from top to toe And my mouth opened. I couldn't believe I was actually licking my lips as this man violated me. Why was I enjoying this?

My back hurt from being supported by my limbs during my cleaning. My bottom hurt from the plug that was buried in it for so long. My nipples hurt from the aggressive play the tyrant gave me.

He slowly swung the chains, pulling me in and pushing me away from him. Using gravity itself to impale my ass upon his thick cock. With each stroke I was transported to a new level of pleasure. Despite my protestations I enjoyed this on some level. He was a powerful man and I was his chosen toy.

I truly despised him. I hated him with every fibre of my being. That being said my body craved him. I found myself pushing back on the downward slide trying to drive myself further onto his shaft.

I felt the second pair of hands removing the ear-buds from my head. "Look how my sweet plaything desires my touch. Look how he fucks himself upon my cock." I had realized the swinging had stopped but I was arching my back and pushing myself against his cock.

I felt a warm wet touch upon my lips. I realized one of the men was demanding service. I opened my mouth and let his circumcised rod in.

I was being spit roast like a lamb above a flame. At the mercy of these two men. Except right now, I was a willing participant. I was allowing them to use my body, though I was tied to the chains. I was helping them thrust their cocks deep within me. I yearned for any physical sensation, the touch of the outside world.

Master Valcos gave me back my ears. "Oh my baby you are doing so much better than the fucking bitch Winnie." I felt him fondling my painfully aching scrotum. With a flick of his wrist he removed the cinch.

On his last stroke his cock erupted within my bowels. I could feel him filling me with his baby batter. Just as mine erupted on my chest and stomach.

The sight of my erupting cock was enough to send Anthony over the edge. His cock filled my mouth with his sweet cum.

Master Valcos reinserted the butt plug back into my bottom. "Clean him Anthony. Then go back on deck." The ear-buds went back into my ears and the training tapes continued.

It had been so long since I had seen anything. Not to be able to speak is bad enough, but not to be able to hear, or see. To only touch what they wanted me to touch. It was all taking a toll.

That's when I felt it. A warm tongue trailing across my tummy. He was cleaning me with his own tongue. Absorbing my fluid within him. As if to make doubly sure that I was clean, he took a wash cloth and slowly removed all trace evidence from my body. That is with the exception of the bit that have been sealed in my bottom with the butt plug.

I felt the left ear-bud removed from my ear as he whispered, "Thank you little one. I very much enjoy playing with you." I was confused did he think this was a game that I was a willing participant? Did he think I wanted this? A better question at this point, did I want this? The barely rational portion of my brain replied, No, I just want to survive.

Slowly I was given more and more freedoms. The feeding tube was removed for my nose. Master told me that for now, I was not able to handle solid food. He had bottles prepared for me. If I was good the bottle would be very sweet.

The catheter from my cock was also removed. I was required to alert Master or Anthony if I needed to go to the bathroom. There was a little dance I did. Once I had their attention, I would point at what I needed to do. Either point to my front for tinkles and to my back for dirty bits.

Master also rewarded me by letting me sleep with him. I was still required to render "honours" to the crew on their request. He told me if they needed pleasuring, I was to drop to my knees and give them what they needed. If I was being very good they may let me sit and render honours.

He gave me a new toy, a pink locking butt plug, to make sure that my bottom was only for him. There were only two keys he had one and Anthony the other. "I do not trust anyone else with your beautiful bottom. It is for me and me alone. Until I say otherwise."

I was required to be by his side or by Anthony's. I was never to look into another man's eyes. My eyes were supposed to be fixed to the deck. The only face I was to look upon was my beautiful master or his surrogate.

Master gave me something new today, a pretty pink bikini bottom made of nylon satin. He let me dress myself. The front pouch barely contained my cock. Master told me I might be seen in public and some modesty was required. I was happy to be seen by anyone with him.

He has been so good to me. The back panel of the bikini bottom was not big enough to completely cover Master's lock. He said he wanted others to know that hole was only for him. He was so good to protect me.

Master told me that he must lock me in his bedroom. He was needed on deck as well as the rest of the crew. I could tell from the windows, we were entering Nolesc Harbour.

There were sounds on the deck feet walking over my head. I could hear muffled voices but nothing I could identify. In time we went out into the harbour, and came alongside a large boat. We tied up alongside it there was a gangplank between us.

When the door to Master's bedroom opened, he stood smiling. "Is my baby ready to see his new home?" I shook my head vigorously. He put my matching pink collar and chain on and let me out onto the deck. He led me up the gangplank onto the large boat.

It was difficult to walk In the heels Master gave me. I heard some cat calls from a man on another boat calling me a fucking poofter. Master told me to hold my head up and ignore him. Clearly he was jealous of Master's pretty toy.

I loved it when Master called me pretty. When we arrived on the deck of the big boat Master removed my lead. "You may go sit in one of the chairs at the back of the boat. I want my beautiful toy to see this harbour disappear into the past. Today you begin your new life and I and others will care for you."

As the sun set The big engines came to life and vibrated beneath me. It made Master's toy wiggle in my bottom, it was no replacement for master, but I liked it.

The boat slowly inched its way forward gathering speed and I watched my Harbour get smaller and smaller. At last we were out in the channel and my new life began.

Every so often a man would come by to receive honours. I would lower their fly and take their gift into my mouth. They would pat me on my head and return to their duties. The crew is so good and kind to me.

It was Anthony who noticed I was becoming cold and put a deck blanket upon me. I rendered honours to him. I loved his seed in my mouth, he tasted so sweet.

He kissed my lips almost before I could swallow his load. I knew he could taste it in my mouth. I felt like such a bad boy, but he kissed my forehead and patted it, telling me to lay back and stay warm.

He gave me a bottle of my special drink and left me. The nipple on my bottle was in the shape of a two inch cock. I had to suck very hard to get the fluid out of the bottle. Master told me that it would teach me how to pleasure men better.

The master told the crew if I was nursing, I was required to finish my bottle before I could render honours. Most would pass by and pat my head or pinch my cheek when I was sucking on my nipple. I enjoyed being their special baby.

Aside from Master, the only one who is allowed to speak to me was Anthony, other than the phrase "render honours." I loved my new life, no more worries, meetings, or stresses of life. No silly thoughts of school. It was simple here.

I quickly completed my bottle and Anthony came back to me. I knelt in front of him and reach to lower his zip. He smiled down at me and said, "I'm not here for honour's it is your bedtime." I quickly folded the deck blanket and set it on the chair. He connected my lead and led me down a corridor.

Every so often the crew member would pat my bottom, driving my plug against my pleasure spots. I loved walking behind Anthony his butt was so pretty. It bounced is he walked. He led me into a small state room and had me sit at a desk.

He played a video on a notebook computer in front of me. It was Master. "Little toy, I am being called away on business. Be a good toy and behave for Anthony.

Obey Anthony as if I was speaking to you myself. There are cameras on this boat and I will be watching you." Anthony removed my lead and my collar and asked if I understood.

I shook my head yes. He took my hand and led me to his bed. I laid on top of him like a blanket just as Master had me do him.

Anthony wasn't as comfortable to lay upon as master was. He was thinner, but he was kind to me. His hands like to explore my parts that Master ignored. He would do things to me that Master would not. Anthony was fun to be with.

I would miss Master's touch. While Anthony was long, he was not as thick as Master. He couldn't fill me as well. I hope Master will not be gone long. I felt Master Anthony fumbling with the lock. I heard the click and felt it slide for my bottom.

Anthony began to speak and I dutifully looked up at his face. "Tonight I sleep like a king. Is your Master's medicine taking effect are you getting sleepy?"

I had a puzzled look on my face. "Your master knows of your motion sickness, and had a special medicine added to your dinner. It will help settle your stomach and let you sleep."

For once in my life I was grateful I was mute. I would have corrected Master Anthony. I had never been motion sick in my life. Every time father got certified on a new fighter, If it was a two-seater, I got to ride rear seat on an incentive ride.

"You are thinking of your old life aren't you?" Master Anthony questioned. I nodded my head yes in reply. "Your master has warned you not to do this.

Why do you invite his punishment?" I knelt before him on the bed crossing my arms and dropping my head to my chest in submission. He was right I was ready to receive his correction.

"I am not punishing you for this you are young and still learning. Isn't your new life pleasant?" I shook my head yes.

My new life was very pleasant I had everything I needed provided to me. I had strong men to keep me safe, happy, and my belly filled with their yummy cum.

Master Anthony pulled me for my submission position. He wrapped his arms around me. My arms wrapped around him as I lay upon his chest. I loved listening to his heartbeat. The soft thump thump lulled me into a deep sleep.

In the morning I took care of Master Anthony's morning need. While his cock was not as fat as Master's, it was long and filled my throat nicely. His seed was yummy, sweet, and warm. Just like he was. He led me into the bathroom so that I could take care of my morning business and cleanse myself for the day.

He stood behind me in the shower pushing his cock deep in my ass and fucked me in the bodyguard position. I loved it when he fucked me standing up. Truth be told, I loved it when he fucked me any time.

I am amazed by the men on Master's crew. Their recuperative power was amazing. So many hard cocks all the time. It was sometimes difficult to keep up. I cleaned my bottom again. Master told me the only seed that was allowed to stay in there was his.

That was when Master Anthony made a mistake. Normally the Master would clean my toy and put it back in its place. I washed the locking plug and went to Master Anthony kneeling before him holding it up. He looked confused as he took the plug. I bent over the edge of the bed, so he could insert it back where it belonged.

He laughed pulling me up. "No little one, your master has given you to me for the remainder of this cruise. You will be locked in the cabin, if I am called out on business. I will keep you very happy. I know you will do the reverse."

There was a look of panic on my face. I frantically began signing, using my old language. I knew I was wrong to do it, and I would be punished.

"I do not understand you little one, I wish I did." There was a chirp from the notebook behind him. He turned on the screen. Master was there. I pleaded with him, begging to know why he was selling me.

He held up his hand. I fell silent, dropping my head, and crossing my arms in front of my chest prepared for my punishment. "My pretty little toy why are you so upset? Who told you I was selling you?"

I pointed at Master Anthony. "Sir, I said no such thing."

"You may sign to me. What has happened, and why are you so upset?" I told him how Master Anthony was my master until the end of this cruise and Master Valcos said the end of this cruise would be in Libya at the slave markets.

"So, my beautiful simple toy took two things, that he could not understand in context, and made them a complete thought?" I nodded my head yes. He released a loud laugh and continued, "Oh, you stupid little boy. Did you not think that the end of the cruise you would be me that you would be meeting? Do you think I will leave my pretty ship and my crew in Libya?"

I told him I did not feel worthy of him. "That is what makes you priceless to me. But you have pulled something from your past. And you must be punished for it." Anthony pulled me across his lap and spanked me until my cheeks glowed.

Master told him it was enough when he saw the tears streaming down my cheeks. "Now no more trouble from you. Anthony has other duties to perform in addition to your care." The screen went dark.

I knelt before Anthony in submission. He pulled my chin up and wiped the tears from my eyes. He pulled me up from the floor. Grabbing my stinging arse, pulling me into a tight embrace. He kissed my lips pushing his tongue deep in my mouth. I reciprocated wanting to let him know I was sorry.

"All is forgiven little one. Know this, if he ever tries to sell you. I will be first in line to buy you for myself. Now I do have duties to perform. You stay here and watch videos. If you go into my closet you will find many to choose from."

Master Anthony left the cabin. I heard the door lock when he closed it. I wondered who would take care of the needs of the rest of the crew. I was going to miss their tasty cum.

Master Anthony told me to watch videos so I went into his locker and found many to choose from. Most of them were gay, which was good. Most of the titles had Middle Eastern or Mediterranean men pleasuring blonde boys.

I found a title that was familiar Aegean Adventures II Banging Around. The front cover had the boy from the first movie surrounded by six men in Greek Navy uniform shirts with their hard cocks out for his attention.

I saw something else in his locker that was familiar. I know I wasn't supposed to be snooping but it was sitting there on the floor. My old tablet. I touched it.

I wondered if it was still charged. With that I could talk to my masters. I pushed the power button and it started to boot up. I realized I was wrong and pushed the power button again.

I took the movie and put it in the DVD player. I had disobeyed my master once this morning I was not going to do it again. I heard it knock coming from a small door next to the bulkhead opening. The door swung open and my bottle was inside a small compartment. There was a note from the chef, "Missing our baby in the kitchen."

As I was nursing on my bottle, I watched the film. It picked up where the previous movie left off, with the Greek sailor in bed cuddling the small blonde boy. The sailor offered to show his guest the city.

The tour ended on the base, and a gang bang of six horny sailors on one small framed boy. In the end the happy boy was covered all over his body with tasty Greek cum.

My bottle was bitter, not as sweet as it normally would be. Master let the chef know I angered him. My cock was hard and needing attention, but I knew I was not allowed to play with it without permission.

I twisted on the bed trying to get some relief, willing my cock to go down. I heard a chirp from the notebook. Then there was a voice telling me to tap the screen. It was Master I knelt and smiled looking at the screen.

"My boy got excited" I shook my head. "Stay there, lean back and play with it for me."

I started to jerk fast and he directed me to slow down. "With your other hand play with your bottom. You know that spot I like to hit, see if you can reach it." My middle finger was barely long enough. My breathing became erratic.

"That's it my boy imagine I am the one feeling you." That one sentence was all he needed to say. I shuddered as I came all over my stomach and collapsed back upon my spine.

"My baby needs to clean himself up. I ran my finger through the pools of come on my stomach. Scooping it up, I fed myself off of the finger. "That's my baby.

You are not my toy any more you are my baby. I like my baby to be happy. Does Papa Valcos make you happy?" I shook my head yes with a big grin on my face.

"You must be bored locked in that room." I shook my head yes again. "When Anthony lets you watch videos alone, You may play with yourself. I give you permission to do this, but you must also be able to pleasure Anthony when he returns."

I remembered how I disappointed him this morning, I was not going to do it again. I did a three-part gesture pointing to myself, the making an explosion from mouth with my hand, and pointed at him.

"Are you asking to speak to me?" I shook my head yes. "I will hear you." I signed that I was so sorry for disappointing him this morning. I would not let it happen again. My hole was empty, and I missed master, I corrected it to Papa.

"Your papa knows his little baby is sorry. Your papa misses his baby's hole very much. In just a few days I will be with you again. Put another movie on I want to watch my baby play." The screen went dark and I smiled. I went back to the closet pulling another title.

I had just watched my third film cleaning the cum off my body between each. Just like papa had directed me to. I had not had a chance to clean my tummy this time when the door opened and master Anthony came in and pulled off his shorts and t-shirt.

"I have been watching baby playing with himself, but Anthony will help you now." He lay alongside me and began licking my tummy clean. He would kiss me between each swipe of his tongue depositing my cum into my mouth. His cock was hard and needed immediate attention, but it was not my mouth he desired. He push my legs back against my chest and rested my feet against his shoulders.

I knew this position. This was Papa's favourite the launching pad. He pressed his cock deep inside of me. He was gentle not like Papa was the first time. His slow and steady strokes caused us to develop a fine sheet of sweat.

Anthony shot his load deep inside me, then collapsed upon me. I kissed his lips and wrapped my arms around him. "I hope baby is happy. Your Papa told me your whole needed pleasuring. I'm sorry little one I've been neglecting my duties to you. I forget how often you need it."

I put my finger on top of his lips to silence him. I pointed myself, touched the bed, and pointed at him. "Are you telling me that you are here for me?" I shook my head yes. I made Master Anthony happy.

It has been almost four days since we departed Nolesc Harbour. We were about to transit through the Straits of Gibraltar tomorrow. Master Anthony led me into the bathroom so I could clean myself. "Your papa has another surprise for you." He had me lean over the sink and pushed the locking plug into place. "Come with me."

I was confused. Papa never let me out in public without my panties, a collar, and a lead. But I was not going to disobey.

He led me naked down the corridor To a large dining room. There was a table with two chairs sitting side by side. He directed me to sit in one and he sat to my right.

The steward set up a notebook computer across from us, and adjusted the screen then left. Papa Valcos's image filled the screen. "It is time for another lesson little one.

Does my baby enjoy his lessons?" I nodded my head yes. Anthony squeezed my cock under the table. "Does Anthony enjoy giving my baby his lessons?"

"Yes sir, it has been my most pleasant duties ever."

"Did my baby know he was two months old today? You have been in my care for two whole months. Today we must start putting you back on solid food. I so wanted to be there to share this."

The chef entered with a covered tray. I started to slide for my chair to kneel before him. "You misunderstand us little one. My baby must sit in his chair. The crew has been instructed That you are my baby and that only Anthony may stand in my place.

I told you before you are no longer a toy. You are my baby. Your status has improved. You exist for my pleasure, and those who stand in my place. Soon you will join me on my little island. The sun will kiss your body, and I will follow wherever it contacts your flesh."

The cover was lifted off of the tray and there was an assortment of Greek finger foods. Most of them were my favourites. There was also a sippy cup with my milky white baby formula. I was going to miss suckling on my bottle.

Papa called out a food item and Anthony picked it up and pressed it to my lips. I opened my mouth, I could not believe the explosion of flavour. I had an incredible smile and surprise on my face. I knew these foods, but I had never tasted them like this.

"Oh my little one you've been on bland food for so long. I had the chef reduce the amount of seasoning a bit. Soon you'll be able to handle real food again.

For now we will slowly increase the food items. As we increase that we will reduce the amount of formula you have to intake. My baby is growing up."

Once I had cleaned my plate and emptied my sippy cup. Papa told me it was time to thank Anthony. I tilted my head and close my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine. After what seemed like an eternity he pressed his lips to mine.

"While that was nice, it was not what I had in mind my baby. I meant you should THANK Anthony." I realized my error and slid for my chair kneeling between Master Anthony's legs.

I pulled open his shorts, and pulled his cock out. I began slathering it with my saliva. "That's it my sweet baby..." I sucked his bollocks one of the time into my mouth.

I was enjoying playtime a bit too much when I noticed how much cum was leaking from the bell-end of his shaft. I worked my way up his cock slurping and eating his leaking baby batter. I made quick work sliding his cock down my gob. Papa liked it when I gave a noisy blowie. Master Anthony began fucking my face.

Without warning he pulled out and shot his wad across my face. It stung as some hit my eyes. He swept the remainder into my mouth with his finger which I sucked clean like I did his knob.

I would have preferred keeping him in my mouth until I finished the jobby, warm cum always tastes better, but this was a show for Papa. "Anthony did my baby earn his new gifts?" Master Anthony replied happily yes sir.

"Baby, stand next to Master Anthony with your eyes closed." I complied instantly. I felt Master Anthony slide something down my knob, then wrap around my balls. I started breathing had as thought they were cinching my bollocks again. Suddenly instead of pain there was a buzz and pleasure filled my body, so much I could not stand. Master Anthony caught me before I hit the table.

Master Anthony pulled me onto his thigh pushing the plug deeper into my arse. I arched my back unable to breathe. Papa said, "Perhaps we should have waited till he was sitting to trigger it." I signed thank you over and over.

Master Anthony replied, "He will be fine sir. I will let no harm befall your great prize. Have you noticed his eyes have not opened."

Papa gave me permission to look down at his gift. It was a pink ring around my cock with a tiny bow attaching to a strap around my bollocks. The strap had a device under my testes that secured the unit in place with some sort of bag covering my bollocks.

"Okay baby try to remove it." I shot a confused look to the monitor and with a sad expression shook my head no. "My baby disobeys?" I began to reach down. "Stop, My baby knows it will hurt?"

I nodded my head yes. "Sweet one. I need you to know what will happen. I will just tap the trigger button. The pain will be over quick." I nodded yes slowly.

Master Anthony held me. Papa flipped the safety then hit the trigger only for an instant. I broke from Master Anthony's grasp.

Had he not kicked the table away my face would have hit it as I folded in half. Master Anthony held me in his lap for a very long time as tears poured from my eyes.

The steward and a deck hand removed and replaced the broken table. Then they set up the notebook computer on it. Papa's face returned.

"I am sorry my baby. You must know there is a need for discipline. I would love to return the pleasure to you but I cannot until the pain subsides."

Crikey O'Reilly!, I have never experienced that much pain from my ball bag. It felt like someone put a nest of hornets in it. The stinging took hours to subside.

"There are more gifts for you in our room. You have spent your last night sharing Anthony's quarters. Tonight he will share yours."

I tried to stand but collapsed immediately. My legs everything from my waist down was still numb. "Anthony, my friend, I think our baby needs to be carried." I signed at Master Anthony that I was sorry. Papa Valcos said it was not my fault.

I nuzzled against Master Anthony's neck, as he carried me. I was amazed with how strong he was. "Baby is so light. I could carry you everywhere." Feeling his muscles move under the strain of my weight, I would be willing to let him.

He laid me out on the bed when we arrived in the master stateroom. He laid down next to me trying to feign that he was not winded.

Papa Valcos appeared on the goggle box at the foot of the bed. I began moving my feet and lower legs. "It will take time my baby. You will recover.

The manufacturer told me I can reduce the setting. Though if my baby does not anger me there will be no need to push the trigger." I shook my head yes.

"Can my baby try to stand?" I did, I was shaky but I was standing. He smiled at me, "Walk towards the screen there is a bureau underneath it. The left drawers are yours."

I opened and found multicoloured satiny jockstraps, with matching cock-rings. The next drawer was Deck shoes that matched. He told me to go over to the built-in cabinet to the left and open it.

There were cute little Victorian inspired sailor suits all hung in a row. They were made of smooth satin, each matching the colour of the deck shoes and the jockstraps.

"Can my sweet baby boy figure out which one I want him to wear?" I look down at my cock ring and saw the pink colour. I grabbed the White sailor suit with the pink tarjac. The pink panties in the pink deck shoes. "My good baby."

I started getting dressed he directed me to the centre of the room, so he could see me at every angle. I signed yes papa happily. I always liked tarjac bibs, I thought they were like wearing little capes.

As I put on the white short shorts with pink trim and I noticed a problem. I put my hand through a hole in the back. I looked at the screen and signed daddy there's a hole in this.

He smiled at me. I saw the stitching in place to hide the hole and realized what it was there for. I blushed and dropped my head and put them on.

"My baby the tailor says that everything is chlorine safe. So if you are outside of the stateroom you will be wearing these. If you are swimming you will be swimming in these. I do not want my baby to burn. I prize your pale skin."

I signed yes papa in reply. Once fully attired I spun around for him. He applauded. I saw in his hand was the plunger device that caused so much pain. He pushed the trigger and I dropped to the floor. When he realized I was in pain he stopped.

Master Anthony rushed to my side. Papa stated, "I swear to you my baby, I hit the pleasure button. I hit the damned pleasure button. Were you still in pain?" The hornets against swarmed around my testicles. In agony I nodded my head.

"I am sorry my baby I didn't know. You gave me so much enjoyment with your fashion show. That was supposed to give you enjoyment."

Master Anthony was rubbing my back trying to help me control my breathing he then rubbed my tummy. He tried to pick me up and I winced in agony, just touching my legs hurt.

The steward rushed into the room and helped Anthony drag me onto the bed pulling my arms alone. I imagined it would have hurt much more if they tried to pick me up by the legs and cradle me up but it still hurt.

I couldn't even curl into the fetal position. The first time Papa touch the button in the dining room it was just for a fraction of a second. This time it was pressed for almost two seconds before he realize there was a problem.

The cook brought in a bag of frozen peas and placed them on my ball bag, it helped. Papa hit a button and the device was able to be removed. "I think we are done playing with that for the day." I just gave the gesture for thank you twice.

Master Anthony held me all night. He didn't even stand watch on the bridge. He just held me and made sure I was safe and as comfortable as I could be. At two in the morning I noticed a shadow outside the window. I assumed it was a member of the crew on his rounds.

Then the man looked into the state room and I saw that he had a beard. None of the crew had facial hair. I woke Anthony I was signing frantically that there was someone on the boat.

He did not understand me He gave me a piece of paper and I sketched what the man looked like. He told me I had been dreaming. No one could get on board the ship and that I was safe. I gestured for the bathroom and he took me.

My legs no longer feel like they were being stuck with needles in the swarm of bees around my nut-sack were gone I was just left with a numb feeling from the waist down. I wrote out my symptoms to Master Anthony and he rubbed down my legs before asking me to go back to sleep.

Sleep did not come easy. I knew what I saw. There was someone on the boat.

We had expected a call from Papa in the morning he did not call. I looked at Master Anthony and asked to do my morning business. The fittings in Papa's bathroom where different than mine but I was able to figure them out.

I looked at my clothing drawer and remembered the crew wore white uniforms with green trim so I would do the same today. I had one outfit in a soft lime green.

I quickly put it on even the dreaded cock ring. Master Anthony said I looked cute enough to eat. I was surprised when he pulled down the front of my shorts and did what he said.

He checked the fitting on my cock ring making sure it did was not on too tight. He walked over to the computer and sent the lock command. He also gave me a ten second ride on pleasure to make up for last night's pain.

We walked up to the galley and I gave the chef back the bag of now mushy peas. He smiled at me took the bag and threw them in the trash. Then he kissed my forehead and told me to go to the dining room, and my breakfast would be out shortly.

On the horizon I could see the outcroppings of land that were the Straits of Gibraltar. I had not been this far from home in a very long time.

"You are thinking of old things again. You must stop that baby. You have a very good life now. Your Papa told me how he found you living on the street surely this is better." He didn't know.

"Today we enter the Mediterranean my home. It is a two day sail to Ez Zueitina, Libya. The captain said four hours to offload and sell the entertainment centres in the hold. Then two days to your Papa's Island In Greece."

Crikey! He thought it was a joke when I was afraid Papa was going to sell me. He doesn't know there are people down there.

The chef approached with our breakfast trays. He lifted the lids of both I had a much smaller portion of Master Anthony's fry-up but it was a traditional English breakfast. Eggs, bacon (Back loin bacon, not the American streaky bacon), sausage, mushrooms, tomato, beans, and toast. I noticed there was a lot more seasoning on Master Anthony's. I also had my sippy cup of formula.

We ate the rest of the meal in silence. I was enjoying the sun streaking through the windows of the private dining room. I was enjoying seeing the other ship traffic transit the straight. There was a large warship in the middle. We were not close enough to identify which nation it belonged to, probably the Yanks.

Then Master Anthony spilled his coffee. It went down the table then on to my new clothes. I was more heartbroken about the stains than I was that it burned.

"We have to go get you cleaned up, come now." He grabbed me by the hand and let me back to our state room. I expected only to have to do a quick tidy, but he wanted me to shower and clean everything out again.

He removed the locking plug from my bum and the ring from off of my cock. Go shower, when you are done, I will inspect you until you are clean.

He had me repeat the process three times spanking me in between each one. "I have let you get lazy! Get in there and clean yourself proper. Your Papa Valcos will probably have that button pressed for five minutes tonight when I tell him how insubordinate you've been."

I was crying as I rubbed every inch of my flesh raw. I performed no less than six enemas to clean my backside out. I scrubbed under my nails and trimmed them to the quick. I had no more skin to clean.

That is when I heard it, the sound of gun fire. I know the sound well, father took me to the range. I got to watch the boys qualify. Master Anthony ran in with some sort of blanket and covered us both in the corner of the bath.

There were sounds of doors getting kicked in and shouting. Occasionally gunfire and shrieks of pain. Then our door was kicked in a deep voice yelled out, "Hound!"

Master Anthony replied "Rabbit! Two occupants safe." I was shaking. "You're all right, Kyle, you're all right."

Men in tactical gear swept the rooms the man who yelled "Hound" knelt by my side. "My name is Travis, Kyle you are safe now son, we're taking you home. Dennis sent us, he got your message."

Anthony replied, "What message? I haven't even been able to get close enough to communication gear to send a message. I thought you were going to rendezvous off the Tunisian coast."

Travis turned to me and replied, "I'm more curious how you got to your tablet. Surely Valcos must have stripped all of your gear off." I signed do you speak sign? "All of us do lad, all of us do, even Pip here."

I shot Anthony a queer look and signed Pip? He answered, "It was my dad's idea. It was an abbreviation of his call sign 'Pipistrelle.' He was in the Secret Intelligence Service just like I am. How in the hell did you get a message out?"

I replied, "I saw my tablet when you told me to get a video. I turned it on then turned it off. Dennis loaded a piece of software on my tablet in case I ever got into trouble.

If the tablet was powered down the wrong way it would lock open the GPS, and transmit a message every time it came into contact with a Wi-Fi source or a cell phone tower. Thanks to the offshore drilling, there are a lot of cell phone towers." I turned towards Travis "Are the children below safe?"

"Secured as we speak son. We're not moving anyone until the ship is swept and secure."

"Why on Earth did you rush the operation?" Pip asked.

Travis replied "We had to, Valcos has disappeared from Greece. He's in the wind. If the crew lost contact, we were afraid that they would kill the children and run."

Pip asked, "What is the status of the cook. He help me wean Kyle off of the control drugs. He didn't know about the kids in the hold, and he actually thought Kyle was a street kid that Valcos was trying to rehabilitate."

"He surrendered immediately and started telling us exactly where you were. Nearest we can figure he was just an employee. Sad to say not too many of those on board most of them greeted us with weapons."

Pip opened a cupboard. "Your Lordship may want to put these on. Unless you want to walk over to the warship naked. They are not satin but they are comfortable." I thanked him for the workout sweats and quickly put them on.

Pip went on to say, "I was on this case because of the missing children. We knew Marinakis was a human trafficker. We'd hoped to get everyone in the network.

We even had people in the Libyan government involved hoping to catch the other end. No doubt they've been alerted and they're in the wind. Two years of my life in the loo. You were worth it."

The duty officer at Gibraltar offered to arrange air travel for me to get home quickly. "Your Lordship, you had a hand in on saving thirty-seven children, aged from ten to sixteen. Let us help you. There's no reason for you to take the long way round to get home."

I disagreed. The main reason why I wanted to accompany the children was selfish. I knew there were several therapists aboard and I needed help getting my head right.

None of the children had been defiled, virgins apparently are worth more than others. I was always going to be Valcos's plaything. Pip was kind enough to act as my translator during therapy.

He too took the long way round to return home. He too was required to have a psych review due to the length of his undercover. The executive officer gave me his birthing for the five day journey to Nolesc.

Pip shared with me another painful truth while walking the deck, we were surrounded by his type, I wasn't it. "Kyle, you were the most pleasant thing about this assignment. I just wish you were a top, and a bit older."

With Valcos still on the run I had many "guests" stopping by and three staying with me Chad and Dennis took the master suite. Travis took leave to spend time with his old buddy, at Dennis's request no doubt.

I messaged Janus without success. He must hate me, I surrendered to his brother. I must have become Valcos's slut in his eyes. My therapist told me I was reading to much into Janus's silence.

Between my guests, and daily therapy sessions, I was never alone. After two and a half weeks my patience was spent. I snuck out the spare room window just before sunrise and took the bus to Nolesc.

Shortly after I was emancipated Chad arranged for me to have driving lessons and get my license. Today was my birthday and I needed to do something.

I didn't feel my skills were up to driving dad's vehicles. When I was twelve he bought his dream car, a deep racing green Lotus Evora. I thought such a powerful car and such a new driver, it was not a good combination. As to the other vehicle with its size, I was afraid to drive the Land Rover, it was too bloody big.

Instead I bought myself a gift, a mint green Nissan Figaro convertible. The dealer was shocked when he found out I had more than enough to cover it on my cash card.

I had just arrived home and the three men swept in chastising me about running off alone. My eyes were beginning to leak. I was spared by a knock at my door.

Chief Constable Lloyd and a gentleman in a suit entered. I greeted the men warmly, and welcomed them in.

The Chief Constable started, "Lord Nolesc, we are here to inform you that Valcos Marinakis has been found. His body turned up three weeks ago in the barge canal. We believe he had been weighed down in the water for about two weeks.

We were just able to ascertain his identity from his dental records. This is Inspector Jones from the Yard. He has a few questions for you as well." I knew as soon as my formal title was used there was trouble.

"Your Lordship, I know you've been through a tremendous ordeal, and in no small part, at the hands of this man. He was found with eight of the mind-altering patches he used I you, still attached to his flesh. There are signs of physical trauma on his body. I don't suppose you would know anything about this?"

I couldn't believe it, this arse was accusing me. I was furious beyond words! One of the benefits of the new software was that it could add vocal tones based on how emphatically my fingers moved.

"Do you actually believe I could have any part of this? Look at me I'm a third his body mass. I've barely been able to sleep. I wouldn't even know where to get the drugs that were used.

If you wish I can account for every moment since I was released from the hospital. I have GPS logs tied to my tablet. The same tablet which I need to speak outside these walls.

You will find with the exception of going into town to buy a car today, walking to buy groceries around the corner yesterday, and a trip to the manor for a meeting with my social secretary on Tuesday, I have not left this loft.

Would you like to see the logs or cameras? I will gladly grant you access to my network. On top of all that, with the exception of this morning I have NOT been alone. Apparently I should also remind you, I was a prisoner on Valcos's yacht a little over five weeks ago under the watchful eyes of the Secret Intelligence Service.

Then I was in the custody of Her Majesty's Royal Navy for almost a week." My guests provided their credentials, the inspectors eyes jumped out at Travis's M I six credentials.

The inspector quickly replied, "Your Lordship, please forgive the bluntness of the question. It's routine Sir. I shall not need access to your network. I realize I may be pressing, but do you know of anyone who would wish to do him harm?"

I made the sign for laughter and my system replied with the maniacal sounding one, "Try any one of the little boys he neutered, or their families. Try the family of the former soldier who murdered my father, I'm sure they are angry about having his life destroyed. I'm told there were other victims of the drugs who did not fare as well as I did.

Perchance did you query the families of the more than thirty children he tried to sell into slavery? Or one of his male or female prostitutes that he committed acts of violence upon. Or any one of his business partners that is not currently in custody. I can go on, the list is almost infinite."

The Chief Constable rubbed the base of my neck, "Your Lordship, I don't think we'll be needing to bother you any further. We just came by to let you know you can relax.

On another note Bryce sends his thanks and regards, as does my wife. Inspector, gentlemen, please excuse me, may I have a word alone with His Lordship?"

With that the Inspector stepped outside the door with my guests. "Thank you very much sir for the cold slap in the hospital. I needed it to snap me out of my self-pity.

You are quite correct there is much to be done. If you are willing to stay and help clean up Effington, how can I leave you to it alone?"

He removed an envelope from his jacket and presented it to me. "Winnie wished for you to have this. I believe he will understand if you choose not to read it, now.

He's very confused, he is in counselling, and on very strict probation. I do believe him Kyle when he says he had no other choice. He's trying to make amends. As you requested, he does not know it is you who is paying what NHS will not cover of his treatment."

I took the envelope and was tempted to open it. There was somewhere else I had to be, and I had to be clear headed. I knew who is responsible for Valcos's death without asking a question. I slipped past my guests promising to meet them at The Cockpit.

I got into my new car and drove into town. I sped down to the wharf, to the little nondescript Greek restaurant. When I entered, I wrote a note on my door card asking to speak to Pappous, and gave it to his daughter. His daughter nodded politely and led me to the family's private dining room. He was flanked by his two remaining grandsons.

He stood and hugged me. "My little prince, why are you here?"

"I am here to offer my condolences on the loss of your grandson. The police just told me about the loss of your Valcos." I could not help but notice his fading bruises. Bruises shared by Janus.

"My little prince, I don't know what you're talking about, I have only three grandsons. Janus, and my two angels Peter and Kyle." He kissed my forehead. "You are the best of all." Stavros motioned at Peter and he took Janus to the other side of the room.

Stavros and I started signing back and forth. "Do you still love my grandson?" I replied that it hurt being apart from him. I also told him of my daily messages and how the silence was killing me.

"You should tell him, my young friend. I know he aches for you too. He still wants you, just as he always has. You were not alone in the maze. I saw the two of you together. Your grandfather and I both saw the love you shared.

That day however, when my Janus saw me, he became afraid. The two of you belong together." He kissed my cheek and motion Peter to his side helping him up. Peter rubbed his hand through my hair and nodded for me to go in the direction of his brother. The two men left us alone.

I crossed the room with incredible trepidation. I put my tablet on the table between us. Before I brought the matrix on-line, he said, "You can sleep easy again. The monster is no more."

"Should I ask what happened to Valcos?"

"No sweet boy, father is right, it is better for all if he never existed. Know that he can never harm you or anyone else ever again. That is all you need know, pretty one."

"What of us? I hurt being apart from you. I was so afraid when you drove off. I was afraid I would never see you again. Now with what Valcos did to me I will understand if you do not want me."

"Kyle, you deserve so much better than me. As far as what Valcos did to you, or what you had to do to survive. It does not matter. Pappous was right you are an angel, I am not."

"Janus, I have loved you all my life, YOU are my ideal of perfection. Without you I should just stop breathing. I have seen and flown with angels, and know that you are mine here."

He reached across the table cradling my face in his hands. Pulling my lips to his, we kissed. A chorus of voices shouted, "Oppa!"

I turned to see Pappous, Father Peter, and many members of the family watching us. "Pappous, may I borrow your grandson for my birthday party."

He replied, "This worthless devil, I will never know he's missing."

"Pappous, he is MY angel. He is no devil and if my grandfather had not spoken to me, you would have noticed his absence for quite some time."

"Still when did your grandfather tell you of Valcos? He promised so long as he drew breath, he would never tell anyone. I know he would never break that promise. You quoted him word for word. You even paused like he did, and in the very spot he did."

"I tell you truly Pappous, he carried that secret to his grave. You see my sweet Pappous, he told me while I was dead."

There was silence for a long time. I told them what I experienced between my collapse and the needle penetrating my heart. Father Peter called it a miracle.

I didn't know what to call it. Pappous hugged me, then he kissed my cheek. "You children have fun. Be young." Janus asked his cousin to drop off his car.

Janus laughed at my tiny Figaro. I had a pout, he realized he bruised my pride. "It suits my boy, small and cute."

When we hit the motorway, I damn near wrecked the car when he dropped his right hand into my lap saying, "Still my favorite shift lever." He nuzzled against my neck. "You should drive me more often."

At the party Danielle surprised me by dressing as a boy. He and his lover bought me my first 'legal' drink. Chad, Dennis, and a few of the officers danced with me. While I danced with them, Janus and his cousin we're pouring over designs on the table. He took time out of his busy work to give me all the slow dances.

Later Dennis gave me a special gift. A pair of gloves that linked to my tablet via blue-tooth and translated my signing to audible words without using a camera. No more having to set up the damn tablet to talk. It was freedom.

"An old friend would like you to beta test this. He wants your feedback there's a card in the box. Oh, you will be pleased to know, Travis is headed home to his wife and Chad and I have moved back to our home. If you NEED us we are always nearby."

After a series of long slow dances, I glanced over as Chad shot me a toothy smile while Janus snogged me in the corner. I begged Janus, "Take me home." On our way out Dennis promised to drop my gifts off. I kissed his bearded cheek.

Janus asked, "Sweet angel can I show you Effington from my view?" I agreed and we walked down the tower road to a side door on the Tool Box.

"So, when are you reopening?"

"We are not Kyle. The Cherry Pit lounge is getting renamed and remodelled. How does The Wheat Sheaf, or The Wolf's Head sound?" I smirked and he continued. "The Toy-Chest will continue, although it will be moved towards The Cockpit. The outside of the building will be toned down. There will be no more side-walk callers to lure customers in.

The male and female strip-clubs, dungeon, and The Tool Box are in the bin. If the good people of Nolesc desire them, they will have to dirty up their own tidy community.

My sister and I are opening a proper hotel. The current location for The Toy-Chest will be the lobby. My other sister is moving the restaurant to Effington. The cousin you met earlier, has moved from Nodnol (The nation's capital.) He wishes to open a members only bathhouse in one of the old vacant hangers. No pressure from me on this."

He laughed when I asked what a bathhouse was. "Nicolas will come round for breakfast. He can explain it then. He says it will be a clean place for men to meet, swim, tan, get massages, steam, and yes a safe place for them to relieve each other's daily 'stresses.' He managed such a facility before, now he wishes to own one himself.

I want these places to be safe. Our grandfathers envisioned a thriving family community. My father, Valcos, and his partners brought it down and corrupted that vision. I think we can rebuild it, do it right. I have hired an excellent security consultant to help me build a permanent security team. Your friend Dennis is a brilliant asset."

We walked down a long service hall and up a flight of stairs to a lift. I signed and the voice from my tablet repeated, "This is new."

"We removed the dungeon and the arcade to put in the lifts, and a few family apartments. This is the resident's private entrance and landing." We ascended so quickly my ears popped.

"I should have brought you here first. I should have done this right. I never should have taken you to the arcade. I was just so afraid you would become frightened and run. I could not lose that chance."

"There was no chance of that. Even if I wasn't under the influence, I wanted you. I never have been able, or wanted, to say no to you."

We arrived at the top of the tower to a two-story suite with windows on all sides, looking out on the city side I could see the harbour lights down in Nolesc Bay. From the village side I could see everything, including my bed through the skylights. I blushed as I realised that he likely watched Chad and Dennis sleeping.

He swept up behind me turning me around kissing me passionately on the lips. When he broke contact, I looked at him and said, "You of course do realize, I've been legal since I was sixteen. Why did you wait for two more years?"

"Two reasons my beautiful boy. First, your father would have killed me. Second, if he failed, my grandfather would have killed me. Six years to a sixteen year old may not have meant anything. I was twenty-two, THAT they would not have seen past."

He smiled pecking my cheek. "I have something for you." He reached over for a small box wrapped in bright paper. I opened it to find a white card, it looked like a blank credit card but thicker. I held it up and cocked my eyebrow.

He smiled again, "It is a key, a key to my heart, to my home, and to my businesses. Wave it in front of any pad and the door will open, the lift will come to you. Presented to any register or in any video booth and it will debit my account. I want to care for you. I know you don't need my money. I also know you are young and you may wish to compare and experience othe..."

I put my finger on his lips stopping him from finishing the word others. "Oh my sweet Janus, my god in flesh, I have found perfection and I want nothing else." I looked down at my tablet and sent a message.

"My little Rhea is right, that is quite rude." He replied. No sooner had the words come from his mouth when his cell phone's message chime dinged. He open the phone message to see a picture of me on my knees in absolute joy, sucking on the head of his cock.

"The first patch Winnie put on me was a very small dose. Just enough to lower my inhibitions. What happened between you and I was an expression of love. I trust you with everything that I have, with everything that I am." Was the message in reply.

He kissed me again. "I have one more surprise. Take off your gloves." I did, "Now talk to me."

When I signed, "How will you..." hidden speakers spoke for me.

I jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms over his shoulders kissing him all over his face. "Is my Kyle happy?" Contented, I settled my head into his neck.

"I take that as a yes. I have learned some sign, this will fill in the gaps until I learn to hear you myself. I want you comfortable with me."

He placed his hands under my bum to hold me. It wasn't necessary, I clung to him like a rose to a trellis. I held his face in my hands, as he had done to me.

I pressed my lips to his, parting them slightly. He reciprocated, and slid his tongue into my mouth while carrying me up a flight of stairs. My cock was rubbing against his abs, and hardening fast.

He broke the kiss. "My Kyle's body commands my attention." I nodded. Between my legs and his hands I was in no peril of falling. I began opening the buttons of his shirt.

By the time we arrived on his bedroom platform his shirt and under-shirt were off, and I was kissing and nibbling on his now exposed skin. That was when I saw the first large bruises on his back, reflecting in a dressing mirror we passed.

"Please put me down." He complied. When he did I saw the bruises and marks on his chest and arms. I pointed to one of the large ones signing, "For me?"

"Kyle, you should not worry about..."

I knew he was dismissing me, so I shut him down with my finger upon his lips. "My love, I do not desire or require the whole story. I just want a yes or no, I won't press."

He tenderly kissed my forehead. "Yes, and you are worth far more. I would endure anything to keep you safe and happy." I began kissing every millimetre of each of his wounds. One looked like links in a chain. My heart ached knowing how painful it must have been.

I knew what he and his family had done for my safety. I stood before him and began removing my clothing. "I love you, I have always loved my Janus."

He watched me preparing for him, as he removed his shoes. "I know, I have always known. You are my boy."

I stood naked before him. My hands trembled as I reached for his belt. He covered my hands with his, "Only if you are sure my love. We can go as slow as you wish. I will never hurt, or rush you."

I slid the tab of his belt through the buckle. I unfastened the top button and lowered his fly. His trousers fell to the floor. I dropped to my knees pulling the waistband of his boxers down with my teeth, exposing his long thick semi-hard cock. I quickly gave his bell-end a kiss. I liked to suck and nibbled his foreskin. I ran my tongue between the foreskin and his glands.

He caressed my neck with his hands and stroked along my shoulders. I loved the little moans he did, I wish I could do them back. My hand reached up and skinned back his foreskin.

My lips slowly slid along his cock-head, sucking him into my mouth. I could taste the pre-come mixing with my saliva coating every part of the inside of my mouth. It was the finest thing I had ever tasted.

Winnie once told me, "Some guys will eat a man's cum because it is expected. Others do it because they genuinely enjoy it." I admit I do like the taste. I guess it was another thing that I was born to. His cock was firming up nicely in my mouth as I slid more and more of it down my gob.

Janus started pushing me, I think he was trying to get me to stop so we could relocate and be more comfortable. I rolled my head to the side and looked up into his eyes. No words had to be said, he knew I was happy right where I was, and I wanted to make him happy too.

My head was clear, I could feel every bump from every vein is they struck my lips. I could detect his pulse through his cock. While I remembered our first encounter sexually, it now felt like a disconnected memory.

I could definitely tell the difference between being under the influence of Valcos's patches and other drugs and this. Simply put, this was real. I could feel his massive slab meat twitch several times, just before he exploded in my mouth.

I let him help me up as I pulled myself into his chest. I was kissing each one of his nipples in turn. I snuggled hard against his firm muscles and hairy chest.

He too is busy exploring my body with his hands. Both hands work their way down To my bum. He began working the flesh massaging it, kneading it like a baker preparing a loaf of bread.

I had a sudden realization. It has been weeks since I cleaned myself. I froze, Janus could tell something was wrong. He pulled my chin up so that our eyes would meet.

"What is the problem my baby?" I signed back that I was dirty down there. "Easily fixed my sweet one. I could use a shower as well." To be truthful I liked his musky smell.

We walked past a raised stage with chains running to the ceiling. He led me into his bathroom. He had a shower so large, I swear you could wash an entire rugby squad at one time.

"I will be remodelling the apartment soon. This, like the bed, is a remnant of a wilder time. My father designed this playpen. I admit I have enjoyed it, but it is time to grow up and make it mine." I quickly hid my look of confusion because I had not seen a bed yet. I was so focused on him I had not been looking around much.

We found a hole in his sign and sound system, the bathroom. I was suddenly completely mute and had to rely on gestural communications, charades. He was cursing in Greek at the oversight. It was so cute. I pulled his face down to mine and kissed him, he had been trying so hard.

I found a shower head with a flow diverter that had a cleaning wand at the end. I knew I was not his first boy. I was fidgeting with the controls trying to make it work.

He was standing to the side laughing, I was not. I tried to communicate I'm doing this for you. He quickly understood and stop laughing, showing me how to activate the device. Once I was clean inside he helped me clean my outside, and I reciprocated in kind.

I loved rubbing my soapy hands over his sinewy flesh. The man was a rock. Clearly Pappous named the wrong son after the stone.

Janus dropped to his knees spreading my arse cheeks digging his tongue deep in my bowels. I wish I could moan out loud. Instead I was reduced to making fh sounds, it felt so good. I remember how things felt the first time. This was so much better, it was as if my body was fully awake.

I put my hands on top of his and clench them to let him know I was enjoying it. He pulled out and rested his chin on my spine just above my bum. "I will be very gentle with my boy." He turned off the water and led me out of the shower wrapping me in a large bath sheet rubbing me dry.

I was walking by his side into the bedroom and I saw the bed. It was a huge circle of padded comfort suspended from the ceiling beams. I dismissed it initially as a platform as a result of the skirt around it draping to the floor.

Janus picked me up and set me down on the bed. Then he covered my body with his, kissing me passionately on the neck and lips. He slid our bodies to the centre of the bed. It began swinging ever so gently. It felt like we were floating on a cloud. I joked that "this can stay."

His hands slid along my flesh. He found every one of my ticklish spots. The look of love on his face was amazing. It was as if he was burning every one of my pleasure points into his memory. He raised my legs in the air and began licking and nibbling my rim. He hit all of my secret places, such bliss.

I smelled the odour of vanilla. He was using my favourite lube, warming it in his hand before applying it to my hole. All the time his eyes were locked on mine, looking for signs of fear or discomfort. He slowly massaged my passage working the lube deep within. He was tenderly stretching my balloon knot wider.

He kissed his way up my body and rested my legs on his shoulders. I felt his knob press against my arse hole. With a slow steady pressure he entered me. I didn't want to, but I found myself comparing the two brothers. My Janus was much longer than his brother but not quite as thick.

Both of us were sweating heavily as he continued his long steady strokes in and out of my arse. The bed swaying increased until it felt like the boat. Oh God, I didn't want to go there.

He saw the flash of panic asking if he did something wrong, or if he was causing me pain. I shook my head no, but he knew something was wrong. My breathing became erratic as tears poured from my eyes.

"You think of my brother yes?" I signed yes and how sorry I was. God was that what I was condemned to do? Would I have to relive that for the rest of my life? Always comparing every love making session to those moments with the monster who took me?

Janus pulled out of me and ran his fingers through my hair trying to calm me. "My baby is brave, my baby is as beautiful as he is strong."

As he called me 'BABY' it hit. I shook, that was 'HIS' name for me. I crawled my way to the edge of the bed and out from under Janus. I had to flee. I curled up into the fetal position on the floor, stable earth.

Janus climbed off the swinging bed and sat on the floor behind me. "What is wrong my baby?" I begged him to stop calling me that. "You are beautiful and innocent like a... and infant."

I apologized signing it was as if I was back on the boat under him. "That was HIS name for me. I can be your boy but NEVER your baby."

"I was not thinking." He picked me up and carried me down the stairs to the living room. He laid me down in the middle of a very stationary pit group. "My love, may I try something my brother would never do?" I nodded yes. Both of us were still somewhat hard.

He began playing with my cock lubing it. Janus gave a tremendous hand job as a teenage boy, his technique improved. Just as I was beginning to enjoy it greatly he stopped. He kissed my lips as he straddled me. "I told you before, I wish to enjoy and bring enjoyment to all of your parts."

He lowered his arse hole onto my knob. Sliding down on it slowly squeezing his bum occasionally increasing both pressure and pleasure. I began making breathy FH FH FH sounds, "You are MY boy, my partner, my love, and the other half of my heart.

I would do anything for you. I would kill to keep you safe. I would gladly die to keep this look upon your face."

I pulled his hand from my shoulder kissing and slurping on his sweaty palm. I sucked on each of his sweaty digits. My tally shot it's load into Janus's arse. As he started to cover me, I raised my legs. "Is my love sure? I can wait."

I signed, "Janus my love, I cannot. I have waited to long. I should have forced the issue long ago. We waited to long and almost lost our opportunity. Please take me now."

I wrapped my legs around him as he lifted my legs and aimed his knob to my lubed ready to fuck hole. His cock head slipped in, no pain, it was heaven. He began pushing his thirty centimetre knob within me. I rolled my hips to meet his thrusts.

I focused all of my attention on becoming one being with Janus. I pushed aside images of Valcos, and Anthony. I knew Anthony did what he had to in order to maintain is cover. By maintaining his cover he was able to keep me safe, still, he was no Janus.

My Janus easily carried twice the offering between his legs that Anthony did. That wasn't important What was important was Janus was here with me. I was the center of his world, the one desire of his heart was to bring me pleasure.

He pushed in a bit more, pulled out, and pushed back in several times until his bollocks lay resting on my ass. Janus looked at me and smiled. He fucked me long and hard, with long strokes, followed by the sound of his balls slapping against my skin. I signed to be fucked harder.

Janus fucked me for a good ten to fifteen minutes before he finally arched forward and filled me with his cum. His long thick shaft pulsed again and again. I knew he was filling me up with his baby batter.

He and I noticed cum all over my stomach. I came and didn't even touch myself. He began running his finger through it, alternating between his and my mouths.

We were both still panting as Janus's bell end slipped from my arse. Janus surprised me again as he planted his face at my gaping hole and ate the cum from my arse. When he finally let my trembling legs return to the cushions, he kissed me sharing his seed and my flavoring with me. There was no comparing him to any other any more. This was the man who loved me.

The morning light was streaming through the windows of the tower. I stirred to find my Janus erect. I reflected back upon the night of passion we experienced. In the eyes of some, at eighteen you're a man. I didn't just want to be a man, I wanted to be his man.

In the post-coital bliss that followed our love making, Janus told me many things. The one that I admired most was the fact that, he said he could have anybody he wanted. Everyone assumed he liked the flowery, flirty, sissy boys.

"I had that with your Winnie and I did not like it. I want someone who can please me as I please him. I found that in you, I knew that all along."

Once free of my recollections, I felt his cock stir again. It swelled against the small of my back. My lover deserve a proper wake up. I slowly slid from his clutch. Spinning wrapping his cock with my mouth.

Taking long strides it slowly sank into the depths of my mouth and throat. For all the hell they put me through Valcos's training taught me one thing how to properly handle a piece of meat. The difference is I was not being forced to do this. I wanted and needed to pleasure him.

It didn't take long to get reciprocation from him as his hips slowly ground against my lips. When his cock erupted inside my mouth filling it with his seed, he rubbed my head thanking me for such a lovely way to start the morning.

We had just gotten out of the shower, still wrapped in our bathrobes, when the door chime rang. It was his nephew Nick with folios filled with paper under his arm. He looked like a younger Janus. Nick was even worse with sign than Janus was. I was grateful for the computer assistance to bridge our communications.

Janus went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast as Nick spread the papers in front of me. He began showing me his vision for the old hanger. "With only a small bump out to build a pool, the hanger is perfect.

The windows can be blacked out, shaded, or filled with concrete block, for privacy and for moral decency. Because it is so close to the movie theater, the estate agent would not lease me the property without your signature."

He started showing me artist renderings and design plans. I have to admit I blushed when he described the purpose of some of the rooms. "Unlike the dungeons and the strip clubs that were part of the bars, this will be a members only facility. We can do background checks. We can make sure everyone is of age and everything is above board.

If we find someone is running prostitution in the bathhouse we can cancel their membership and eject them from the premises. The house I ran in Nodnol we had a lovely relationship with the local constabulary... I just couldn't stay with that one any longer." There was a little pain in his eyes when he added that. I didn't want to push to find out what happened.

Janus called us to the table. Nick recommended a trip to see the old club and erase any lingering doubts that I had. Janus saw the panicked look in my eyes, he cradled my face in his hands.

"This is your decision little prince. You can ask me questions, you can ask for my input, But the decision is yours and yours alone I will not interfere. If you would like to visit this facility I will come with you, and I will not let you out of my sight."

After breakfast was concluded, I thanked Nick for his wonderful presentation. I said a tour of the facility in Nodnol would be a good idea. Nick said he would arrange a guest membership for Janus and I, but he would not come with us on our tour.

I asked if he would mind leaving the artist renderings behind to aid with my decision. He nodded in agreement. He gave his cousin a big hug and departed.

As soon as I heard the elevator going down I signed to Janus, okay the rest of the story please. "Nick was in a relationship through his time at University. A relationship with the co-owner of the bathhouse.

He stepped outside the lines of the relationship, with her brother the other half of the ownership team. Both later scorned him. Nick has been confused about what he wants out of life for many years. Now he knows what he wants and he has to start over to get it."

I signed my reply, "So he is looking to Effington for a rebirth?" Janus shook his head yes. "I have heard of worse plans. It sounds like he and this facility might be a perfect fit.

I will have to meet with the solicitors and the estate agents about any legal implications. I should also talk with the chief constable for his input. I would also like to run Nick into Dennis for security."

"My little prince is wise."

We spent the rest of the morning looking through the artist renderings the inside was made to look like an old Roman baths complete with architectural columns and Colonnades. The outside would continue to function with its historic utilitarian hanger look. Nick's logic was not to draw attention to the facility.

He had two designs for the pool. One included a bump out to put the pool outside in the garden. I knew that one would be rejected immediately the garden was a protected space.

The second was to remove a section of the floor and make the pool a subterranean grotto. I grabbed a sticky pad scrolling some notes approving that one.

It was Janus who called my attention to the time. It was already half past ten in the morning. My therapist would be arriving at the loft at eleven. I started collecting my dirty clothes from the night before. I was preparing to put the dirty things on again when Janus took me back up to the master suite.

He opened a cupboard showing me several outfits that he knew would fit me. "I took note of your sizes. I want my prince to be comfortable with me. I will see that your other clothes are clean pressed and put away." I kissed him, I almost started to cry because of the tender gesture.

I pulled on the powder blue muscle shirt and the button fly jeans. Janus had a queer look on his face as I pulled the shirt down. I asked him what was wrong.

He replied, "My boy has lost weight, too much weight." I told him if he kept feeding me like he did last night and this morning, he would not be saying that long. I knew what he was saying was true. I just didn't like it being pointed out.

I looked at my tablet and noticed several messages from Chad and Dennis. They were not happy that I did not make it home. I texted a reply informing them I was safe and hidden high in a castle tower. I got a smilie in reply from Chad.

I requested an appointment with Dennis to discuss the Security implications of a bathhouse. They replied they would bring dinner to the loft.

Janus asked to escort me home. I pecked his cheek and thanked him. I did not want to be out of arm's reach of this man. It was all so dreamy and perfect, I didn't want to risk it being snatched away again.

The rest of the day consisted of meetings; with the therapist, with estate agents, with my social secretary, with the solicitors from grandfather's estate, and finally with the chancellor of the University. Through it all Janus did not leave my side.

I asked the chancellor if I may have a one-year deferment on entry into University. I told him I needed some time to get things sorted in my life. He smiled, not answering me directly, instead he asked to walk both myself and Janus around the campus.

He pointed out different buildings that all bared my family's name. "You may take as much time as you need to get your life sorted. Your family has sacrificed much for this University and we are eternally in your debt."

As we walked from the campus back to the Village, I asked Janus why my therapist wish to speak to him privately. We sat on a bench and he put his hand on my leg. "He knows my little prince is still having difficulty with dreams and he was telling me to go slowly. I shared with him your panic attack last night. I tell you truthfully what I told him, I'll be taking the bolt cutters to that bed tonight."

I asked him if he would like to move into the loft with me while his apartment is renovated. I added, when the time comes would he like me to move in with him. He pulled my lips to his. Two old women huffed as they passed as if what they were witnessing was perverse or disgusting. I didn't care, he didn't care, the moment was perfect and belonged to us alone.

Grandfather's estate had several new solicitors. It appears four of the previous men were affiliated with Valcos's ring of paedophiles. I told them from this point on I would have private security running backgrounds on everyone who comes into contact with grandfather's estate. If there is even a hint of impropriety the partnership will be dissolved.

I also recommended a change in our relationship. I could not have a vote on anything until I turned twenty-one. However I reminded them that at twenty-one I would be in operational control of the estate and would have the ability to unilaterally dissolve the relationship. The days of me simply sitting at the head of the table and just observing were over.

That night we had dinner with Chad and Dennis at the loft. Dennis agreed to take a look at the security issues for the bathhouse project. As Chad cleared the mess, Dennis and I chatted. Then I saw Janus leave the room. I found him over in the gallery looking at my paintings.

"So much life and power in these." He then asked, "What inspired them?"

I told him I'd been raised Anglican but I didn't have much faith before I died. Odd how such an experience can shake us and shape us. Truth be told I've been talking to God a hell of a lot over the last few months.

I told him how upset I was, that I had to come back. I had never known such peace. How happy I was to finally meet my mother.

"Words cannot convey how grateful I am you came back to me twice. I will work hard to make you happy every day for the rest of your life. I lost you twice, I can not bear to lose you a third time. You are my heart."

This is the end...

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Thank you for sharing my fantasy. "Fantasies are fantasies because they are not reality, they are often taboo or rub up against social barriers," Ian Kerner PhD.

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