Desires Silent Scream

By Chase Nadir

Published on Sep 24, 2022


Desire's Silent Scream (Part 1)

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Note from the author... (THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION!!!!) It is a dark fantasy from my mind. Treat it as such.

Warnings: There is non-consensual sex in this story. There is graphic violence in the story. Two elements that are part of my old life. I add this warning to prevent against triggering a reader who (like me) has crossed the path of REAL world monsters.

[Special note: This is a rewrite. I polished it a bit.]

If you are still reading, enjoy.

Desire's Silent Scream (Part 1)

By: Chase Nadir

I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Kyle Driscoll. I live in the gated and walled town of Effington. It is technically part of the port city of Nolesc. Though the folks in Nolesc don't care for us all that much. They often refer to our little walking village as, "the effing town" at least until it is time to pay the taxes.

Effington is roughly seven hundred forty acres (three square kilometers) in size. It started life as a farming community on the barge canal route, then a warehouse district during the First World War. After the war, as the property values crashed during the global depression, my great grandfather started purchasing the available lots for above the market value.

Eventually he owned the whole district. Many of the locals needed the money but, dismissed great grandad as a bit of a 'nutter' for buying land with so little value.

While the land was always profitable, my grandad said things really changed in sixty-two. Lured by the low cost of available land to the West, and a grant from my grandad for construction of two buildings, the University broke ground on its new campus. Two years later the air base was built.

The best part about the town is it's held in a living trust by my grandfather's estate. Yes, I come from money and title. From that I receive a generous living stipend until I come of age at twenty-one when the amount will increase provisionally.

The government realized with the addition of the air base and the University, there was a need for low-cost housing. The good people of Nolesc didn't want housing for the poor blighting their community. The government signed a two hundred year lease for the use of the land. That is when one half of the property was converted to council flats.

The other half of the town is the original old city buildings. Tower road was the old business district, until that moved to Nolesc centre, when the rails came in. At its heart is a ten story brick Victorian observation tower.

I think when Effington was built; the main element used was irony. Most of the original Tower Road burned down in the great fire of eighteen fifty-two and had to be rebuilt except the tower, two bars, a small bakery (now cut into four shops), and the convent.

The original owners chose to rebuild in a Tudor style, connecting the two pubs and tower. During the Second World War the complex became the headquarters of the RAF's flying academy. The tower was turned into the stockade and control tower.

The vacant plots of land on the other side of the road had maintenance hangers, hardened storage warehouses for war material, and critical electronics factories.

One of the first things grandad did on taking possession of the property was to reopen the old pubs. He converted the first floors of the connected Tudor styled buildings into shops. The business owners in down-town Nolesc were not happy, but the folks who lived in the country enjoyed the convenience. At least until the Galleria Shops opened.

Just like any place you go, things change. Mr. Stavros Marinakis was one of the first men who shared my grandad's vision for the future of Effington. I guess you could say he was like a second grandad to me. He even asked me to call him Pappous. He opened one of the first modern shops. When the government housing went in he built a free standing launderette, and an up-scale women's clothing store on land leased from my family.

Whenever I would stay with grandad and we would go into Pappous shop, he would hail the arrival of "the young prince" and feed me a candy. The two men together lured a chain grocer to relocate and serve the council flats.

Effington's real claim to fame these days is entertainment, the adult variety. You see, our village is where the "upright and pious" men from Nolesc go to attempt to tap off a lad or lass, or in a pinch, rent some intimate company.

The fine upstanding "ladies" come and enjoy a night of tomming away from their husbands. We have one straight, and two gay clubs. I have always been amused by how many godly men from Nolesc condemn homosexuality on Sundays just to take it up the tradesman's entrance (arse) themselves on Friday nights.

With the death of his father, the largest club "The Tool Box" is now operated by Mr. Janus Marinakis. The Tool Box is a noisy, crowded dance club with a male strip lounge attached. It had rooms upstairs you rent by the month, week, day, or hour. The same formula was used on the straight pub, "The Cherry Pit Lounge." He hires young men and women from the University to staff the bar, strip clubs, and kitchen. There are rumours of prostitutes working out of the upper most rent rooms.

The other club is called "The Cockpit." It started out as a convent and cloister in sixteen twenty-three. A couple decades ago it had been sold by the Archdiocese to my grandfather when the Catholics relocated out of Nolesc. He used it as leased warehouse space for a while, then shops. He was approached by a friend and developer in the eighties who wanted to turn it into a club to "service" the special needs of the base. The five-story Cockpit was born.

The Cockpit is part hotel, part club, and all fun. It was straight with a wink until two thousand one. The ground floor has the restaurant, a large lounge, and several smaller dining and party rooms each with bars.

Up the winding staircase is the main dance floor and stage. Occasionally there is live music, but most often the music is provided by a DJ. It too has rentable private rooms upstairs on the third, fourth, and fifth floors. They have the same monthly, weekly, and daily rooms but. Unlike The Tool Box, it has no hourly rentals.

I guess I really should start at my beginning. I was born to a titled family. My grandfather was The Right Honourable Earl of Nolesc Norton Grey. As his eldest, not to mention only, grandchild I became the Courtesy Earl of Nolesc. My school peers occasionally teased me using my title, I hated it. Grandfather taught me what was expected of me. Occasionally I would stand in his place, especially for our children's charities.

Father was my stabilizer; he knew I hated the title I did nothing to earn. "Kyle, you are just like your mother. She fought it all of her life, just as you do. Sometimes we earn respect and honour, other times it is thrust upon us and we must bear its weight." He fought to keep my childhood as normal as possible. When I was sad, he would 'force' me to make a decision for us, father reminded me my title was superior to his for a quick laugh.

I learned early in life the universe likes balance. For all my blessings, there was one curse that kept most of the guys I fancied away, or made them like me as just friends, or worst of all a broken boy who needed protection. I was born mute, my voice box never formed. I was born to The Lady Anna Grey-Driscoll and Sir Arthur Driscoll, Baronet.

Dad had been posted to an intelligence site on a remote island off of the north coast. On my delivery day there were bigger problems than my lack of a cry, my mum died of a haemorrhage during the delivery.

Grandfather loved me on sight, but blamed my dad and his "damned career" for the death of his only child, my mum. "If she had married the man I selected, she would still be with us. She had to run off and marry a flyer."

I loved my life as a service child. Father and I bounced around to different postings around the Empire. At each base I was accepted as a member of the squadron, no doubt because of my title or special condition.

When Dad deployed, often for a year at a time, I would spent it with grandad. Grandad would take me around with him. "Someday lad this will be yours to manage. Pay attention and learn well."

His favourite people to talk to were the Marinakis family. Mr. Marinakis would greet me with the wrong title, then give me a butterscotch candy, and pat me on the head. Then Grandad, he, and his son Gregory would talk business. I often played with his grandchildren. More often than not, it was his grandson Janus who would play with me in the hedge maze.

Janus was WAY older than me. In fact he was six whole years older. He was the boy who would eventually teach me how to wank. He was gorgeous and fit. I fancied both how he and his shaft looked. I burned the image into my memory. I knew every hair and freckle from his goolies to his bell end. It was one of my favourite things to sketch and draw.

When I was ten, father was reassigned back to Effington Field as Squadron Leader and then Wing Commander. Father chose for us to live in base housing. In general he disliked the arrogance of the people of Nolesc. He also wished to give grandad distance as well. I could visit grandad whenever I wished, but dad would never come with. School and track events were neutral ground and both men were civil, for my sake.

My best friend Caerwyn Lloyd is Effington's Chief Constable's son. Caerwyn was the first person in school who learned sign so I could talk with him. We were sitting in class when we turned towards one another he started spelling my name and hello. I started crying as my fingers sent a response his way. It took a minute or so for me to realize he kept spelling the same eight letters over and over again, S-L-O-W - D-O-W-N.

Back then, Caerwyn and I looked very similar with the exception of his bright red hair. People often took us for siblings. He even made one of our teachers think we were twins. As we aged our similar features slowly changed. I got larger and stronger; he always remained one of the smallest kids in class. It hurt as he ceased being my protector and I became his.

When I was twelve, dad had gone to war, and grandad was having an issue in town, one he didn't want me to see. So Janus and I chose to go looking for a private place in the hedge maze, so we could wank far away from judgemental eyes. I was twelve, thanks to biology and Janus's encouragement I did it a lot.

That day, he became the first boy to snog me proper. I had never kissed like that before, but I knew I liked it. Unfortunately it was right after Mr. Marinakis gave me one of the butterscotch candies. Janus kissed me deep, while fondling my arse. I assume, he tasted the butterscotch recoiled then ran off. He would never play with me again. He was gob-smacking gorgeous, and I was crushed at his rejection for months.

Sixteen was the year grandad died. That was also when the estate's living allowance increased. The solicitors from the estate recommended that we move into the family's Manor house. I thought the idea was creepy. Father and I were settled and happy on base.

It was too big for the two of us. To be honest, I wanted to hide from the responsibilities of dwelling there. Father had a look of relief when I asked to turn it down. Instead, I was given payment for the occasion rental of the Manor house. Many couples enjoyed getting married in the gardens.

A trustee was named to help carry on until I was old enough to shoulder the responsibilities. Father was paid a stipend by the estate for my lodging and care. If he deployed that money was used to hire a governess. Most often he would deposit the funds in my account. He'd say, "We'll just put it away, it'll be there when you need it. It's my responsibility to care for you. Money is too valuable to waste frivolously."

We decided this was to be father's final posting. My new title was commanding more of my time. I was expected to meet the honorific responsibilities of the title as the new Earl of Nolesc. Father would help me anywhere he could.

By the time Caerwyn and I got to Upper School, he was out of the closet, boy crazy, and very effeminate. We were still closer than most brothers, although he occasionally called us sisters. He was my mate.

He was the one who introduced me to dancing at The Cockpit. There was a sixteen and up stairwell that led to the second floor dance hall. That is when I discovered how many guys in dad's squadron were 'angel food,' gay pilots serving in the Air Force.

At seventeen, Caerwyn took me to his favourite place, The Tool Box. I caught Gregory Marinakis dropping something in my cider. I pretended to take a sip then excused myself to the loo. I kept walking out the back door. I don't know what he put in my drink, but it made my lip tingle for hours.

In time I started laying down tracks at The Cockpit as a fill-in DJ. That was the year Danielle the manager gave me a permanent paid position as the Friday night DJ.

You would think I would be "tainted" by living in such surroundings. What I am is damn lonely. Hell is being alone in a crowded room. I have been blessed with what some call good looks. I have light blonde hair, soft blue eyes, and fair skin. I was a track star in Upper school. At eight stone (fifty-two kilograms or one hundred fifteen pounds), I guess I would call myself lean, but well toned. I can just about run almost forever. Dad got me hooked on running when I was little.

The men from dad's wing started calling me "Rabbit." I had been living with my title for a year and its weight was heavy. The men wanted me to have fun. His current Group Captain started a game called "Hound and Rabbit."

Occasionally when I would run with them in the morning he would shout, "Whichever of you hounds keep up with or catches the Rabbit will not have to run the rest of the week. However, every officer he outruns pays him a quid."

Dad and his second, Squadron Leader Chad Davies, were the only men who could always keep up. With over one hundred pilots or student pilots in the training squadrons, it was often very profitable. Dad was proud of me when I would put the gain into the base charity fund to care for the families of deployed personnel. Only four people knew about that. Truth be told, I didn't need it. Both he and grandad provided very well for me.

Sometimes life changes in an instant; this was one of those days. I had just run off to school when dad heard the news about my regular paying job from Danielle. She stopped by to give me the news in person but just missed me. Dad had never dealt with a drag queen before.

Father was still in shock and trying to leave me a note on my desk. He was looking for a pad of paper and something to write with, dad found a slim pink plastic dildo and my old sketchbook in my desk drawer. My dad realized two things that day; I was really going to be working at a place he disliked, and my interest in guys was a lot stronger than he thought, and NOT a passing fad.

When he got home, he asked if I saw Danielle's message. I signed back, "Yes, papa. I am sorry I didn't tell you, I have been working occasionally as DJ for tips. I gave the money to the base relief fund. I should have told you. I know I don't need the job but it gives me something to do. I like helping the guys have fun..."

Dad held up his hand to stop me. "Kyle I think we have to talk about something else. I've known this for some time what you do at the club." Dad got the most serious expression on his face. The only other time I had seen anything like it was when he was preparing to tell me grandad passed.

"First, I am sorry. You know I have always given you your privacy... You see son, I was looking for something to write on when I found your... special... 'toy' and the sketchbook in your desk."

I knew what he was talking about and turned deep red. I covered my face to try to hide my embarrassment. Putting aside the sex toy... he found my sketchpad filled with doodles of cocks and anatomical drawings of Janus and boys I fancied at a distance over the years.

He grabbed my hands and pulled them away smiling. "Oh my lovely boy, I do not give a rat's arse who you share your bed with. I just ask that you be safe and smart about it. I have been told you have eyes for the older boys, in the eyes of some, your disability makes you an easy target.

When the time comes... and you fancy... more than a cuddle and snog, let me meet the lad. I just want to see that he is right for you. Don't just let him take you to a rent room, tea-room, or car to shag and leave. For the love of God though, please no cottaging, you deserve so much better."

He looked me up and down. "As far as this DJ business, I know what you've been up to, Squadron Leader Davies told me last year. He told me the most you have done is a bit of 'basket shopping.' I am not one hundred percent sure what that is, but after seeing your sketchpad, I do have an idea.

Chad says he and his mates watch over you like hawks." He rubbed my hair. "He says you are a 'feckin' awesome DJ, but if you insist on working at that 'feckin' club, he says you should at least look the 'feckin' part."

Papa looked so damned cute when he'd make the quotie fingers around his second's use of the word 'feckin.' The Squadron Leader came from the north and did use that word 'feckin,' a 'feckin' lot.

Dad continued, "I guess we should get you some proper work clothes." I didn't share the fact the Chad Davies was my de-facto mother superior, the older gay guy I went to for advice and answers.

I sent a text to Caerwyn, "Winnie, dad found the dildo you got me. I just came out without a single word! He is so great! He is taking me to the Galleria, shopping for work clothes want to come?"

Winnie was at our door in a flash. Winnie and I didn't go out that often these days. He liked The Tool Box. After my experience last year, I favoured The Cockpit. Even with the death of Gregory Marinakis, his club still made my skin crawl.

I think Winnie had a steady boy now, while I was still looking for my first. I guess I'm a little picky, and frightened. I was terrified of the press, and the scandal of shaming my family's title. I constantly thought of my grandfather's warning a noble title does not belong to any one individual. It belongs to the whole family, to the nation. Our honour rides upon it.

I always used Caerwyn's full name in front of dad. I wasn't sure how he would respond to "Winnie" being into cross dressing. Let alone the fact he made a damn cute looking girl, and was regularly fucking more than a few men from the base. That information might have been too much for dad to handle. I wasn't going to tempt providence.

Dad asked Caerwyn to help me find something "age and task" appropriate. I liked baggy clothes, consequently everything I put on looked like I was wearing a sack. Even dad shook his head. One of the clerks, a posh lacy boy, recognized me from the club and stepped in.

Dad cringed at the clerks over the top effeminate nature, but went with it. He really was being a good sport about this. I would have to wake him up with Spanish omelettes in the morning.

Winnie and Jeffrey wandered about the store talking about the various club events that I may have to dress for. Poor dad blushed for a good many of them. Then they guided me to the fitting rooms.

Loads of silk dress shirts, mesh shirts, skinny jeans, leather pants, vests, and blazers of all kinds and fabrics flew into the fitting room. Winnie told me some of the fabrics were "special" and would get some attention at the club.

Dad grimaced as he saw how tight and revealing many of the outfits were. He asked, "Is this how all twinks dress." Bless him he was trying to understand and sound hip.

Winnie corrected him. "Sorry Mr. Driscoll. Kyle is most definetly NOT a twink." Dad smiled for a moment. The moment ended when Winnie went on to explain, "Sir, Kyle is more a twunk, someday maybe a wolf or bear cub.

Twinks are normally a bit softer. It all depends on if he ever gets hairy. No sir, your genes made him a hot piece of tasty beef. Everybody loves him for different ends." The clerk nodded in agreement. I blushed hotly.

The smile vanished and the look on his face said it all, "My boy is growing up. Soon some damned bastard is going to be feckin MY boy." I could see him imagining me as a pivot boy in an orgy.

Caerwyn and the clerk gave vigorous thumbs ups for everything I tried, except the few white outfits I picked. "NOT YOUR COLOUR!!!" they both shouted. I put on one of the more conservative, but still snug, outfits to wear home.

I started to put my cash card on the counter. Dad's large hand covered mine, "You are still MY boy. Let me do this."

I signed; "I love you Papa!" he smiled down and hugged me. Caerwyn and I were struggling with the bags as we strolled towards the exit near our car.

Dad and I saw him at the same time. The tall man was wearing an old military uniform. He was sweating profusely and had a crazed look. He was carrying what looked like a long knife or machete. He was shouting as he walked down the promenade. Dad saw him turning towards the children in a play area. He turned to Winnie and I saying, "You boys stay here!"

Dad quickly moved between the man and the children and tried to talk him down. The man swung the blade hitting dad in the side. My father was able to swing his massive fist hitting his attacker on the jaw. It was over that quick. The man fell backward hitting the floor, out like a light. The other fathers piled on top of him.

Then I saw the blood pooling at my father's feet, I knew he was hit bad. By the time I reached his side he had collapsed. He was trying to comfort me, as I was trying to hold the blood in his body.

He cupped my cheek with his bloody hand, "Be a good boy, remember to wash up before bed." With that he was gone. I remember a flash of light as I turned my head up with a silent shout at the sky. It is a difficult task when the only sounds you can make are h, f, and s sounds.

Caerwyn was in shock as he texted someone then phoned his father. The constable said something and his son snapped to. He tried to pull me off my father's lifeless body. He needed the assistance of a police officer and one of the other fathers. Winnie was trying to explain my lack of speech to the first officers to arrive when his dad arrived.

I was numb as the two led me to the Galleria's security office to shower and change. The blood soaked new outfit I wore was collected as evidence. Winnie led me into the shower, while Chief Constable Lloyd called the air base. I began sobbing uncontrollably as father's blood was washed from my body and circled around the drain.

I changed back into my baggies, Winnie and his father drove me to their home. Mrs. Lloyd hugged on me as soon as we entered. She had me take a sedative to force me to sleep. I shared Winnie's bed that night, he held me tenderly until the pill took effect and I finally fell asleep.

The photo on the front of the morning's paper was my face twisted in a silent howl. The headline: "SILENT SCREAM! TERROR STRIKES NOBLES AT GALLERIA." Mrs. Lloyd tried to hide the paper. I shook my head and signed, "Ma'am, I was there remember."

I apologized and explained, "I was raised to deal with what is, and not hide from it." She tried to get me to eat, I just moved the food around my plate in a vain attempt to make it look like I ate some.

Later, the Air Commodore, Group Captain, Squadron Leader, and the Base Chaplain came to the house. The Air Commodore said, "Kyle, I have named Squadron Leader Davies your Casualty Notification Officer. He will help you through the next difficult days, unless you would prefer another." I shook my head in approval. "I have been told your father has no other family."

I signed back, "Dad was an only child. After mum died, I was all he had. I guess I am all alone too." I tried to show the proper stiff upper lip my title demanded. The men saw through it, acting is not my thing.

The Group Captain put his hand on my shoulder, "You are most definitely NOT alone lad. You are ours just as much as your father was. There was not a man or woman at morning muster who didn't offer to care for you."

Chad told me he and his partner Dennis had a cabin in Effington with a spare room. My father and he had talked about my care if dad didn't come back from their last deployment. He produced the letter with that sentiment in my father's script.

I guess I should explain Dennis. While Chad is lean like me, Dennis is a giant of a bear. They met when Chad's tornado failed over hostile territory. He had been providing close air support in defense of a special service team. Dennis's unit was deployed in the area waiting for extraction from another operation. They saw Chad's fighter go down and rescued him.

Dennis was Special Air Service. The team laughed when they found out Chad was the pilot that had provided them cover only an hour before. The two men felt a spark and they eventually acted on it back at the base. Dennis had been injured on a later mission and Chad nursed him back to health. Dennis became a security consultant when he left the service.

I signed, "Squadron Leader..." He interrupted me asking to call him Chad. "Sir, you know my father raised me better. I do accept your offer, but I am planning to petition for full emancipation.

Grandfather had an apartment inside one of the old warehouses, for when he worked late. I always planned on converting the building to an industrial loft and art studio when I go to university next year."

The people from the squadron helped me pack out of housing, including some of the foreign officers dad was responsible for training. I was surprised by how many knew sign. We put father's belongings in the old warehouse on Tower Road across the street from the clubs.

The funeral came and I was presented my father's final medal and the folded flag he served under. Local dignitaries and even a royal attended. I received a lovely letter of condolence from our Sovereign. My social secretary from the manor helped me with the replies.

Time marched on. Danielle tried to make me take a month off of work. "It's not like you need the money lad. You need time to put this in perspective and to heal."

She was wrong I needed an escape, just a little escape from reality. She settled on two weeks during that time, I hurt, I cried, I painted, I sketched, and I remembered.

In time, I climbed into my much smaller world of school, track, working on the loft, and working at the club. Chad and Dennis, and more than a few of the officers, helped with the conversion of my home. Yes, I ultimately relented to using all of their first names, only when they were not in uniform. Even the bouncers from the club came out and did some heavy lifting.

The new Group Captain stopped by and asked for a favour. There was a large grass field behind the loft. It was bordered by the loft, warehouse, and cinema to the south and west, the road to the north, and to the east was the old hedge maze.

The park belonged to grandad's estate and had to be kept as a common green space. He asked if the officers could gather for callisthenics before their run. He was old school about separating the officers and juniors.

I remembered him from a previous posting. Dad liked him, so I did as well. I told him, "Yes sir, but might I continue to work out with the unit?" He asked if I still run like the wind. I nodded, and he agreed with a wink.

Two months after the funeral, I had my day in Magistrate's Court. Chad and Dennis stood with me. The magistrate; after hearing and reading all of the testimony from fellow nobles, teachers, charity solicitors, officers, and yes constables, said I was the oldest seventeen year old who ever appeared before his court. He acknowledged I had graduated upper school, and was accepted to university. With the stroke of his pen, I was an adult.

That weekend the tradesmen finished my loft conversion, and I was on my own. The last item installed was a camera, computer, and audio system that tracked me via a wristband device, and then converted my signing to audible words throughout my new home. The company also had an app that could run on my tablets.

My time of death was over; it was time to start living again.

Three days a week I would work out with the officers. I noticed a lot of new faces. I finally noticed the handsome Lieutenant Qusai Haddad of the Royal Jordanian Air Force. He was showing up just as often for the run.

He quickly became one of my favourites. He was always touching me. Not in a creepy uncomfortable way, it had more of a caring feeling about it.

Qusai was clearly a gym rat. He had great strength, he looked like an Atlas, but flexibility and running was not his thing. I tried to imagine him squeezing into the tight confines of a fighter cockpit. I admit many of those imaginings included me falling in the cockpit with him... naked.

After a few weeks, I passed a note asking if he would be offended if I gave him some pointers. He signed as he spoke. He said, "I would be pleased for your assistance. I learned to sign because of your father. It is good to have a silent language when on manoeuvres, or when jet engines drown out the audible word." I could hear my father in those words and smiled.

He started bringing his brother to the training sessions. Hassem was a medical resident over at the University Hospital. He was just as cute as his brother, but it was Qusai who made me feel so special.

I did have new tasks... These tasks were a condition of my inheritance, once I was of age. My emancipation expedited that requirement. Once a month I was required to sit with the estate's solicitor. He trained me on managing the family trust. Then we would sit on its charity board meetings.

It was boring, but my grandfather wanted me there. I did have a voice on the board, but not a vote until I was twenty-one. I could hear Grandad's voice from long ago booming in my ear about our obligation to give back, "Noblis Oblige, little one. We have been given much, we should return much."

Once a week I had to sit with "MY" social secretary from the Manor. I was coached on what was expected of me in my role as The Right Honourable Earl of Nolesc. I had an unceasing stream of social obligations. He caught my eyes rolling once and warned me, "It will get worse when you finish University. Consider this your short time of freedom."

When Chad was to be promoted, we used my father's shoulder boards for his promotion ceremony. Dad often did the same as he moved through the ranks. He said it was symbolically taking on the attributes of rank he admired. Chad had been temporarily filling dad's old position, now it was official.

Chad and Dennis invited me over to an after party. We had a blast. When the rest of the guests departed, I told Chad about how Qusai made me feel. Chad warned me off, "Qusai is straight and very happily married with five or six kids. Your gaydar is a bit off target lock.

All he is looking for is a running and flexibility coach. Everyone told him you are the best. He was also one of your father's favourite students out of this bunch. He knows of your loss and he's trying to step in as a positive paternal figure. It's a cultural thing."

A sad look must have flashed across my face. He gave me a shoulder hug, "Your time will come, and you will know it is right. Qusai comes out to the club just for some 'guy time' and to improve his English. He is our designated driver.

I didn't know you fancied the south-west Asian boys. It is going to break a few hearts here. More than a few junior officers hang back, and then pay you a quid just to watch your bum wiggle. You are fast lad, but you're not that feckin fast. Now young doctor Hassem Haddad, he has eyes for you! You damn near make him drool."

I didn't feel like going straight back to the loft. Winnie had been staying with me since he quit school and his dad had him move out. I wanted to be alone for a bit. I walked through the park from Chad and Dennis's home. I passed the maze hearing the sounds of "lost" lovers "comforting" one another. The constabulary tend to ignore this type of public comforting within the maze, mostly because it's too difficult to catch people.

I was the reason why Grandad planted the hedge maze. He was angry one morning looking at the tyre damage on the fresh green. "I have re-sown that piece of property at least eight times. How can I stop people from driving over it?"

I quickly sketched out and intricate hedge maze that filled the entire easement. When I passed it to him he smiled and said that is the perfect answer. I continued sketching, putting tree planters in, at distances that were not wide enough for even a Cooper Mini to drive through. With that the common green was designed. I don't think grandad would have planted the hedge maze, if he had known how it would be used these days.

I decided to walk to The Cockpit to examine the new sound equipment. It was dark and I was feeling a bit down as I walked Tower Road towards the club. I heard a familiar lispy effeminate "Hey sweetie!" It was my buddy Winnie.

He swept in from behind me and gave me a hug; I instantly noticed she was in drag in her modified naughty school girl uniform. She told me when she's in drag, I should use female pronouns. It seems drag queens are addressed as girls when in character.

I felt something pinch my back; I swatted her hand away and signed ouch! She kissed my cheek with her soft pink painted lips. "Sorry love cheap costume jewelry.

Where are you off to?" I signed that I didn't have to work, but I was wondering if the new sound equipment came in at The Cockpit. "Oh, that's boring you should find something fun to do. Something you've never done before. Life is too short mister, come to my club watch me dance."

I shook my head no. "The Tool Box is not my kind of place." She smiled and exclaimed, "Bugger! I cut you, you're bleeding baby. I have something to fix that."

I tried to dismiss it but Winnie is a force of nature. She spun me around lifting my shirt. She pulled an alcohol wipe from her bag. Then she wiped my lower back clean and covered the wound with a large hot pink adhesive bandage, with tiny green severed zombie fists on it.

"Oh shit! Now I'm late." She touched her finger to the bridge of my nose, "Remember what I said love. You must do something new and fun tonight, must dash tah!"

With that, Winnie ran off down the block to The Tool Box. She was practically sprinting in her heels while she was texting. No doubt to inform her boss she was going to be late banging in. Her words new and fun echoed in my ear.

I was feeling light-headed as I approached The Toy-Chest. It is the adult book store at the base of the old tower, between the big clubs. I suddenly walked right into a wall. The wall had a name, Janus Marinakis.

When I was a boy, I thought he was gorgeous. I thought it would be impossible to improve him, time did. He has now grown into a lean muscled sexy wolf.

Dad didn't like Janus, or his older brother Valcos. He would often tell me Janus was perfectly named after the two-faced Italian God. "The last Marinakis who was worth a damn was Stavros and Father Peter of course."

I always believed in redemption, that people and things could change for the better. I knew Janus was working hard. I tried to remind dad, Janus was repairing the damage his father caused in the past, while trying to improve the future. Just as the god Janus could look into the past and the future at the same time. Dad would shake his head and let the conversation drop.

Janus smiled ear-to-ear, greeting me like his Pappous (grandad). "Greetings my little prince, how is my favourite landlord today?" I knew he did not understand sign like Pappous Stavros did, so I shrugged my shoulders, while shaking my head. I started feeling a warm flush and got dizzy.

Janus grabbed my arms to steady me; his hands wrapped my biceps like cuffs. "You okay? You have a bad day?" I nodded yes to both. "Then please come in, let me improve your day and put a smile on your lovely face again."

I was getting the royal treatment. He never barked on the side-walk for his own businesses, he had students for that. I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't see any harm, he was being so nice. I nodded and he opened the door and led me in.

His hot hand was on the small of my back as he led me around the narrow aisles. He guided me around the entire front of the shop. I could not have dreamt of so much variety. It was loaded with straight porn, DVDs, and magazines with busty babes sucking and getting fucked by well hung studs.

Janus was noticing my lack of interest in the girls and how I occasionally licked my lips at the sight of all the huge cocks. His enormous hand slid down cupping my arse cheek, as we turned the corner towards the LGBT section. I saw the wall of gay magazines. I tensed and inhaled sharply. At eye-level was a cover with a young blonde twink bent over getting ploughed by a beefy Arab hunk.

"I am sorry little one my hand slipped." He took his hand off of me. "I think I see what might interest you." He reached out pulling the magazine down. I blushed and dropped my head.

He lifted my head until our eyes met. "There is no shame in this. It is not wrong for beautiful blonde boys to be attracted to strong exotic men."

He flipped a few pages. "See how much he loves the affection from his man?" The boy had a look of absolute delight. I nodded. He turned and whispered something into the ear of his clerk. He turned back to me and continued his tour of the shop.

Around the next corner on the back of the tower was the toy section. On the back wall was a large selection of sex dolls; male and female, both rigid and inflatable. Some of the dolls were torsos, others just heads, one was a full-sized man with a cock.

I blushed and turned way too fast. My head impacted Janus's massive chest. He pulled my chin up and looked in my eyes. Smiling, he reminded me there is no shame in here.

On the tower wall was an assortment of dildos and butt plugs of all sizes and shapes. "A pretty boy like you should not need these, but you look lonely. You might have several." He was teasing.

I drew back with a shocked look and emphatically held up one finger. Shit, I thought to myself. I gave out too much information. He smiled that sweet damned smile that made my heart flutter, "Only one?"

I sheepishly nodded yes. "Let me guess," he pulled one from the counter, "This one is yours." I shook my head no and mouthed the word pink.

He set down the blue, and picked up the pink one and put it in my hand. "It is a novelty toy. It is hard, fake, cold plastic, it doesn't feel real, it is a plaything for a child, or frigid woman, not a man like you.

Now this..." he grabbed a thick, painted, lifelike twenty centimeter dildo complete with veins and balls. " pretty boy this is a real starter." He put it in my other hand. The soft rubber-like toy was heavy and firm, yet kind of squishy too. It felt real, not like the hard plastic toy in my other hand.

I was standing in the middle of a crowded sex shop, with a fake cock in each of my hands, too shocked to move. Then I felt his hand on the front of my thin, tight trousers. "It is a little bigger than you, but like you, it is larger than average."

He pulled the plastic toy from my hand then guided my hand to the front of his fitted wool trousers. The monster there was thick, hot, long, and not yet hard. "This is what beautiful blonde boys crave. As I recall, you were very fond of it once."

I was gasping for breath. I suddenly realized how wrong this was. I dropped the remaining dildo and was about to run. He held me and turned my head to face his.

Caressing my lips with his thumb he said, "I am sorry Kyle, I went too far. You see beautiful blonde boys cast a spell on us as well. Please forgive my behaviour; it will not happen again unless you desire it."

I nodded in understanding. It wasn't that shocking to touch him, I've done it before. This was just so public, too public.

As we walked the conversation became clinical as he explained the use of the various devices. At long last we hit the last section around the north wall of the tower.

The hall was filled with leather and latex outfits, and restraints. It had everything from harnesses, swings, handcuffs, arm bars, leg restraints, and cock cages. I was embarrassed. I blushed and looked away; I turned towards the tower wall. There was a sign in hot pink neon, with an arrow pointing towards the door. Dungeon and Arcade this way.

"I don't think you're right for the dungeon, but perhaps a movie. He spoke to a clerk in Greek. The clerk smiled and ran out about his task returning with what looked like a white credit card and a package that he shoved in his pocket.

"Would you like to see? I promise nothing will happen that you do not desire. They are just movies, you do like movies?" I nodded and he led me into a dark hall. In the hall there was another neon sign pointing down the stairs "Dungeon & playrooms." Pointing the other direction was another sign, "Arcade."

The arcade was configured like a wooden maze of cubicles bathed in black light. Each cubicle had a door. He told me there would be a light on top of the door if the booth was occupied.

I noticed some of the doors were left ajar but the light was on. "Those are men looking for 'company' to join them in their booth. You see these movies are best shared."

I saw the men along the walls lurking, and leering at me as we passed. It was at that point I remembered I was wearing one of my special club outfits. As it touches my skin, the shirt fabric became semi transparent under black light. I shifted uncomfortably, very self conscious about my body being on display. In the club was one thing but here it was different. I felt cheap, dirty, and low.

Janus pushed me against a wall pressing his body against mine. "You did not plan for this little one. Are you uncomfortable?" I shook my head. He took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders, and it covered my bum. He held me and kissed my forehead. There was an audible grumble from the men along the hall.

We walked to one of the larger cubicles. He opened the door and guided me in. He closed the door locking it. He removed his jacket from my shoulders and hung it on the door.

I was no longer self conscious. I knew I was safe with him. The scent of his cologne was strong in the cubicle.

The cubical was dark. He inserted the white card in the machine and the screen came to life. He flipped a couple of channels and a title appeared Aegean Adventures. "This is a good one; it has many men like me. Would you like to see more?"

I was trembling but nodded yes. The warm flush I felt earlier was now a roaring fire within me. I took a moment to admire his skin tight muscle shirt clinging to his sculpted chest. I heard someone enter the next booth and lock the door.

"May I ask for a kiss, for old time sake?" I shook my head and tilted my head back. He cradled my face within his huge hands, pressing his lips to mine.

I felt his mouth open; I let his tongue slide between my lips. He broke contact and we sat on the padded bench. I was grinning. "You liked it?" My head nodded yes fast.

My heart was hammering within my chest. On-screen a blonde twink tourist stepped off a boat, and was surrounded by Greek sailors on the dock. "See how their eyes follow his pretty body?"

I gave him another nod. "Are you sure you have never seen others look at you that way?" I shook my head no. "I find that very hard to believe, I doubt you've been paying attention."

One of the sailors was following the young tourist through the town. The tourist turns and looks at him. There is serious eye contact. The sailor asks if the boy has arranged lodging, "Our Island has no hotels, or hostels. Families rent rooms to our island's visitors."

The story moved to the sailor's home where he was showing the young tourist the room for rent. The tourist said it is almost perfect. The sailor replies what more do you need. The twink reaches forward stroking the sailor's trouser bulge. The sailor jibed that entertainment was always included.

I was focusing on what was happening on the screen. The twink dropped to his knees kissing the bulging fly of the man's pants. The sailor dropped his pants to the floor and the twink lets out a gasp as he saw the still hardening cock before him.

Janus whispered, "Watch this, you will see, this boy knows his place. If you watch long enough you will see why." The boy licked the tip of the drooling tool. Then kissed and licked his way up the shaft.

My own cock was getting uncomfortably hard. I heard a zip open, I knew what Janus was doing I was curious to see how much it... I mean, he had changed.

"Little prince make yourself comfortable. You have my word; I will not touch you unless you ask. It would be like when we were little when we played together in the maze." I looked over he had his hand inside his trousers.

I did often wank with Winnie on occasion, well a hell of a lot actually. This should be no different. I unbuttoned my top button and slowly lowered my zip and slid my hand inside. "See that feels better, doesn't it?" I nodded.

The Greek God on the screen was now fully erect and driving forcefully into the twink's happy face. Their shirts came off and the action intensified. "Look how happy they are."

I started comparing myself to both men. Then I saw Janus fish something from his fly. I kept telling myself it was no different than what we did as boys, or what I did with Winnie. I knew it was. I saw his thick slab of uncut cock in semi erect majesty, this was a man.

The sailor pulled the willing twink back to his feet. In a flash he too was naked. The sailor put their two cocks together and stroked them.

"See how he cares for the pleasure of his boy? This is what a real man does, the pleasure is not one sided. See how tiny the little blonde boy is compared to the man caring for him. His body screams that he is there to serve."

Janus was slowly sliding his hand up and down his thickening cock. "Little prince, you have seen me again, can I see you now? There is no shame here."

It seemed fair, in spite of my trepidation, I could not say no to this man. I pulled my very hard cock from its lair. "See doesn't that feel better?"

I nodded. "It is good your father kept you natural. Jews and Arabs ruin the proper design of a boy's cock by cutting away the foreskin. It steals the boy's full pleasure."

On screen the sailor placed the boy on all fours on the bed. Then he began spreading the boy's bum cheeks, kissing and tonguing his pink hole. Janus moaned. "See how he prepares his boy, and how much pleasure the boy receives from his efforts. That is how it should be."

I started mimicking Janus's strokes. "Who are you imagining you are in the film?" I dropped my head and shamefully pointed at the enraptured boy.

He pulled his hand off his pre-cum glistened cock and pulled my gaze to his. "There is no shame here my beautiful boy." I smelled the musky aroma of his cock on his hand. His thumb rested on my lips and I kissed it. It was wet with his pre-cum. I sucked it in my mouth to taste more.

It was at that moment I realized how much I missed his touch. "Do you like it?" I had crossed a line, but I could not ever lie to this man. I nodded. His huge arm reached around me and pulled me close.

Close hell, I was almost in his lap. His left hand wrapped around my cock and gave it a gentle pull. A few glistening drops of pre-cum were his reward. He scooped them up on his index finger. He sniffed the goo then sucked it into his mouth. "Mmm, you are as sweet as I so often dreamt."

There was another smell in the air I couldn't identify. It smelt almost like a fabric cleaning solvent. I didn't care, I felt happy and relaxed. The god sitting next to me just said he dreamt of me. If only he knew, his likeness filled most of my sketchbook, and I dreamt of his touch many times.

The boy on the screen had changed position he was now on top of the Greek sucking his cock for all he was worth. The sailor was finger fucking and spreading the boy.

"Do you want to play with it, like when we were little?" Janus motioned at his cock. "There is nothing to fear here. I will always let you say no, but I think you desire it."

My hand wrapped around the python and slid along its firming length. He kissed my forehead. "I knew my sweet prince would be so brave."

Four or five strokes later he was moaning and leaking pre-cum like a fountain. I was getting light-headed when he asked me to kiss it. Without thinking I ran my tongue over the tip, his cum was warm, salty, and something I needed like air. I then planted a soft kiss on his fat bell-end.

"Does my prince want more from the king's sceptre? It is all right Kyle; your body was made to worship it. Just as mine was built to give you pleasure."

My lips parted as wide as they could as they slid around the fat cock. His pre-cum was mixing with my saliva until it began oozing out of the corners of my mouth. "Swallow it; I know you will love its flavour. Is it better than nasty old butterscotch candies?"

He pulled our shirts off. I immediately latched back onto his cock. I never wanted to let it go again. His hand slid down my body pushing down my trousers. He pushed aside the string of my cotton pink posing strap and he began fingering my tight hole.

"It is so tight, you have never?" I released and shook no. I returned to sucking on his bell-end, "I wish I brought lube. I cannot play with your hole properly without it. I would never take your cherry here anyway. You are no cheap whore."

After five minutes or so, fluid erupted from his pee slit into my mouth. I eagerly swallowed it all. "I knew my prince would be greedy for me. Was it good?" I nodded in agreement, while looking up at him without removing his cock from my mouth.

I reached a state of euphoria draining every drop of his load from his shaft. "My prince, one of your subjects wishes to show their devotion." He pointed to a hole in the wall with a blue glitter varnished and manicured finger rubbing the bottom of the hole.

Someone had been watching me suck Janus. "No shame here my little prince. Let your subject pleasure you, and I shall give you a special treat. Trust me, I will show you only pleasure."

I saw the ruby red painted lips forming an "O" at the hole. We stood and he turned me towards the hole, I pushed my shaft in. I felt a warm wet mouth wrap around it and suck it to its base and a soft hand reach through the hole and fondled my balls, then was stroking the tender flesh between my bollocks and arse.

I thought to myself, what a delightful feeling. When I thought it couldn't get any better I felt my bum cheeks part, and a hot wet tongue dive into my balloon knot. I knew my actions were not normal. Why, was I suddenly so pliant to another person's will? His every suggestion was a command I could not refuse.

Right now, I didn't care about any of these questions. Two people wanted my body at that moment, and I loved it. The tongue exited me and said, "Kyle, fuck the little slut's mouth hard."

He said in a surprisingly loud tone, "Only a cheap cum-slut would allow themselves to be used like this by a stranger. They should be treated that way." I obeyed and slammed against the hole. There was a muffled protest from the other side but the suction continued.

Janus wet a finger and slowly slid it deep within my bum. He softly and tenderly fucked me with it. When he twisted it he made contact with something inside me that caused me to shoot my load immediately. The person on the other side of the wall sucked greedily to get every drop.

Janus asked me to kneel and thank my benefactor with a kiss. I complied and made contact with soft lips. I was rewarded as the anonymous mouth fed my own cum back to me. It was sweet compared to Janus's.

After I swallowed, Janus pulled me to my feet. He wiped the transferred lipstick from my mouth. Then one hand grabbed my bum and the other behind my neck. He pulled me in for a passionate kiss.

"That is my pretty prince. I yearn to please you more. But we should do this first." He slid a cover down on the hole in the wall. I heard grumbling and the anonymous stranger leave the next booth.

Janus guided me face down onto the bench. I was too dizzy from the events to stand anyway. Janus slowly pushed a soft narrow butt plug into my spit slicked ass. For once I was grateful I couldn't make a sound. It had pinched a little has it passed beyond my anal ring.

"I want you to keep this there until you get home, please." He returned me to my feet and helped me dress. The pressure in my bum was intense. My legs were trembling as my head rested against his sternum.

He held me until my head cleared and I was strong enough to stand on my own. We walked out to the store. His arm was clutching my waist possessively. Other large men were looking in his direction with envy.

Smaller men looked at Janus as well, sent that same look of envy to me. As we passed the counter he grabbed a large bag. "This is a special gift for my sweet prince. Please accept this. I hope I will see you again, very soon."

He kissed me again cradling my head in his hands. The passion was so palpable heads were turning, but I didn't care. It was as if I was floating on a cloud. He walked me to the door. He whispered in my ear, "Don't look in the bag until you are alone."

Fuck the sound system, I thought to myself; I'll look at it tomorrow. I was curious to see what was in the bag. But I still felt compelled to obey the Greek God who just pleasured me so well.

I was terrified the plug would fall out in the middle of the zebra crossing. With each step my terror increased, as did the pleasure building deep inside me.

I slid open the outer security door, exposing the loft's wooden entry doors. I punched the code on the lock pad and the bolts retracted.

As I opened the door I heard the chime on my phone. I closed the door behind me, and checked my phone. I started getting photo messages from a number I did not know. Men on the street were all looking at something. The last was a wide shot video the men were leering at my arse wiggling across the zebra crossing.

"I told you they look." He sent one last photo, me looking up with rapture on my face with the head of Janus's cock in my mouth. "I miss my sweet prince already. Sleep well my precious."

My head was throbbing; I pulled off my clothes and collapsed face down on the sofa. I was out cold before I could even remove the plug from my ass.

"Sweetie, it looks like one of us had a fun night." Winnie tapped his blue glitter varnished and manicured finger on the butt plug. His hair was messed, make-up smeared, and he stunk of old fags and cum. "I bet this has a good story."

I blushed as I realized my cock was painfully hard again. I signed and the speakers erupted with "GO AWAY! LEAVE ME ALONE! I did something dumb."

He rubbed the small of my back. "It can't be that bad." I signed to him to look at the last chain of messages on my phone. I begged him not to judge me.

Winnie's school girl outfit was on the floor. He must have had a rough night. He had holes in the knees of his fishnet stockings attached to his garter-belt. I knew Winnie occasionally traded his body for things he wanted.

As small as my tally was compared to Janus; compared to Winnie's four centimeter tally I was hung like a horse. In addition to his tiny cock and minuscule balls, he was completely hairless except for the long, now blonde, crown of hair upon his head. He would often braid it, so that it circled his head like a crown.

He got to the last photo. "Holy crap, you hit the jackpot. That cock is perfect. When are you going to see him again?"

I told him "I dunno... I feel so cheap."

"Beef that tasty is in high demand Kyle. You have to jump on it before someone else finds him. Did he hurt you?" I shook my head. Winnie shot me a genuine look of panic, "Oh god, did he force himself on you?"

Another no. "Then what is the problem?" I signed back that it was Janus Marinakis. "FUCK! Gorgeous, hung, and rich... you poor, poor baby." I couldn't help but notice how much sarcasm was dripping in his voice.

"Sweetie, you whinged on about him dumping you in that maze, since the two of you were kids. He has seen you. He knows you. He wants you. Unlike yours truly, he is almost on your level socially. He is perfect for you! That's an easier score than a penalty kick by Manchester United."

My lower back was throbbing. I tenderly pulled the butt plug out. It hurt as it came out with a loud popping sound, like a muffled wine cork. "Sweetie, how long did you have that in?" I looked at my watch. Fuck, twelve hours! I told him.

He was poking around in Janus's gift bag. "You might need help passing what is packed in down there. You may want to use this." He pulled an enema kit out of the bag. "Did he take you dirty?"

I signed I only sucked him, and let him eat my bum. "He tongued your dirty hole! THAT my friend is love."

I grabbed the kit and threw it back into the gift bag. Taking hold of the bag, I stormed up the stairs to the master suite. Winnie was on my six. I spun and signed, and the speakers boomed as I stood pointing at the lower room, "The guest room is there!"

"Kyle, I am sorry sweetie. I am only trying to draw you out of your shell. Please forgive me." The look on his face was like the pitiful one I gave Janus last night when I realized my clothes were see-through under the lighting in the arcade.

I couldn't stay angry with him. "Besides I should look at where I cut you last night." I had almost forgotten about the wound on my back. I head nodded for him to follow.

He had me lay face down on the bed as he donned his latex gloves and removed the dressing. "Still not quite sealed up." He applied a new slightly larger bandage. Then took the old bandage and wrapped it inside his glove as he removed it, and that glove went within its mate. He learned that from taking care of his grandmother.

Everyone thought he was going to go to nursing school. But the money wasn't there, and his grades were not strong enough for state funds. I broached the subject last month with the solicitor in control of the estate who flatly refused.

"Charity is wonderful Kyle, but it must be in moderation. I cannot let you piss your family's fortune away. I have other reasons. All I will tell you is young master Lloyd is not a good risk."

When he got up to throw away the waste, I rolled onto my back. He lay down on the bed with me and snuggled against my chest. He started poking around in the gift bag again.

I started to protest when Winnie touched the bridge of my nose and asked, "Who else do you have who can tell you what things are and how they work?" I had a familiar warm flush within my skin. I knew Winnie was only looking out for me, as he always had.

The bag contained five slick glossy magazines, including the one I first saw. The others also were about blonde boys being pleasured by large, muscular, olive toned, and very well hung men. My cock started firming. There were three DVDs including, Aegean Adventures and Power Bottoms Rise Volume one and two.

There were a few samples of various lubes and condoms. A pack that originally contained four butt plugs. I couldn't help but notice there was a vacant spot for the smallest. Clearly that was the one that resided in my arse all night. The others in the pack were increasingly longer and thicker than the first.

I was tickled when I saw the name on the package "Pleasure Port, Boy Opener Series." The graphic on the pack was a sexy plumber with a quote, "Use the right tool for the right tasks."

The last item was the life-like dildo I dropped to the ground. "Kyle, did you pose for this?" I signed that it was bigger. "It is not!"

He held it next to mine. They were the same length, though mine was a little thinner. He then held it up next to his own, "See you're hung like a bull matey."

Winnie dug further, "Oh, wait till you see these..." Winnie started pulling out several pairs of novelty underwear. Some pink satin posing straps. And then several pairs of hot pink satin backless panties. "Like I said sweety, he likes you! You should text him to come over and show you how to use them."

Like a coward I shook my head no and blushed. "You deserve a strong man in your life to take care of you. Don't you think he's strong?"

I nodded yes. "You should at least message him back, thanking him for his gifts. I do believe your father raised you to say thank you."

I knew he was right I grabbed my tablet from the side of the bed and replied to his last message. "Thank you very much for last night. I have just finished examining your gifts and I am very grateful."

Winnie added that I should say I wanted to see him again. I added without thinking, "Looking forward to seeing you again."

He quickly replied back, "I must apologize, I went too far with that last photo. I have deleted it off my phone. You were just so lovely. I wanted something to remember the moment, and the angel who loved me. I went too far. I have desired for you, for so long. When you did not reply last night, I was afraid I ruined it."

"Nothing was ruined. I had a grand time. I was just so tired when I got home I fell asleep with you still inside me." As soon as I hit send I realized that last line would make him think I was a total perv.

Instead he replied back, "I fell asleep with you inside of me as well. I carry you in my heart. I have carried you in my heart since I was a boy of sixteen. Let me take you to dinner tonight, outside the walls." We used the phrase 'outside the walls' to convey that we would be going to the city.

A dinner in the big city, I was afraid. With the exception of the trip to the magistrate's court for my emancipation hearing, and the Crown Court for the trial and sentencing of my dad's killer, I had not left the village.

I was afraid; Winnie could see the fear on my face. He smiled and said, "Say yes, he will keep you safe." It was as if I was a marionette on a string as I typed in the three letters and hit send.

"I have meetings this afternoon, I will collect you at seven." I replied with a smiley.

Winnie smiled. His hand drifted down to my hard twitching cock and gave it a playful tug. Cock play with Winnie was always innocent an organic feeling... until now.

He began sucking on my right nipple as he continued pulling my shaft. He began kissing his way down my frame. His mouth was down on my cock, sucking hard on it. There was something familiar about his technique.

My heart was thundering in my chest. It felt like I was on fire. Why was I burning for my best mate?

Winnie slid his body up mine and locked his lips to mine. "Kiss me Kyle, kiss me like Janus kissed you in the arcade." Without thinking I cradled his face between both of my hands.

I pressed my lips against his and slid my tongue between his lips. When our lips finally parted a thought crossed my mind. I signed asking how he knew we were in the arcade.

"Well shite!" He rested his finger on the bridge of my nose. "Sleep, you are dreaming." He climbed off of me and out of bed. I couldn't move, "I should do this right."

He grabbed a tissue from his clutch and wiped the pink lipstick from his lips. Then he retrieved a different tube of lipstick and applied it to his lips. It was bright ruby red. "Does this look familiar now."

My mouth fell open I tried again to move. His finger returned to the bridge of my nose. "No, I told you to stay there silly." I tried signing to him but he interrupted me. "Oh I see, you really need to do something with those hands.

Take your right hand and slowly pull your cock until it is rock hard my lover. With your left tweak your nipples hard." My hands obeyed his command.

Winnie unfastened the torn fishnets from his garter belt and rolled them down his legs. He opened the front of his padded bra. To my shock it wasn't padded my friend had girlishly tiny breasts! He then knee-walked up the bed straddling my body.

He commanded me, "Okay sweetie you can stop now. You're doing my job. You see Valcos has ordered that I become your sissy-girl and your guide to pleasuring his brother. In addition to the work I performed for him.

You see Kyle my old friend, I thought Valcos and I became lovers about four years ago. He used/trained me then he turned me over to his father, I became a rent boy. First for Gregory then for Valcos."

Gregory Marinakis was Stavros Marinakis's only son and took over his father's company. Gregory had three sons. The eldest was Father Peter, a Greek orthodox priest, with a wife and five children. The pride of the family.

Valcos was the middle son. He was a mean arse-hole, a bully. His dad used to run him as his go to boy. Valcos became Gregory's enforcer. Valcos wasn't that smart, but he knew enough to hire smart people.

Janus was the baby, the golden child. He had just graduated university with a business/accounting degree, when his father fell from grace. Valcos was mad as hell when his grandad chose Janus to clean up the family businesses.

"You should be grateful lover. Your father living on base saved you from my life. Gregory was seriously obsessed with getting his hooks in you.

He would often say "That boy should have been mine." Since I favoured your appearance so much those days, he settled for me. I had worked for him for almost six months, when I started changing.

Kyle can you imagine his glee when he found out that one of his clients was our paediatrician. He had the doctor put me on hormones to suppress puberty. In time they realized the drugs were going to do more harm than good.

A more permanent solution was needed. Do you remember when I went to camp in the north?" I nodded, I remembered because I was heartbroken I couldn't go with him.

"You should be grateful that you didn't go with me because I didn't go to camp. The camp was a work of fiction created by Gregory and several of his peers and special clients. Six of Gregory's boys ended up spending three weeks with a surgeon. Our testes were removed and replaced with little silicone balls.

That locked us in our current state of sexual development. When I got back, all Doctor Parnick had to do was to say I was fully developed. Then he'd remind them some boys are just small, my family believed it."

"Last year Gregory got caught fucking an under age street boy, with intent to recruit him into our trade. He was on the verge of destroying the entire network to save himself. His associates demanded the hole be plugged. That is when Valcos arranged his father's suicide. Valcos relocated the prostitution ring until the heat was off."

He gave my cock a gentle pull retaining its rigidity. "I am so grateful he didn't get a hold of you. You are my best mate. Forgive me, I intend on getting enough enjoyment out of this, to last a lifetime.

Last year your Janus hired new security and started pushing the pimps out of the clubs... Be a love spread my arse cheeks so I can ride your sweet meat." I complied and he guided my cock against his hole.

He sank down upon my cock. "Not as big as some of the ones I had to endure last night. Still, you're not as small as you think you are.

I'm looking forward to having you as a repeat client. Pump up against my bum a couple times babe. I want to get you all the way inside me."

I couldn't believe he told me what I had to do then I did it. "Let me guess you're trying to figure out why you're doing everything I tell you to do. That's simple my love, I drugged you.

The little bandage I placed on the small of your back had a time-released formula in it. Give me another couple pumps dear." I obeyed. "I have been dosing and conditioning you slowly for weeks. Don't be too angry I haven't had a choice."

I was so confused, but it felt wonderful. "Well where do I continue. You have what Valcos needs, the attention of Janus. If he is distracted the prostitution can move back into the rent rooms, even exotics like paedophiles. You see Valcos originally steered me towards Janus because you and I looked so similar.

I do have to admit he did pound the shit out of me for a few months. More than once in the heat of passion he shouted out your name pet. But it was just a fantasy and he recognized it as such.

Fantasies are fun but they cannot hold the attention of a strong intelligent man for long. Add too that, these..." pointing to his breasts, "...became too big of a distraction. He had me bind them when we were in public together.

It was too much for him. I don't look like you any more. He doesn't want a sissy, or a party twink, he wants you.

A few months back Valcos came up with a new tack, drugs. First he tried it on a few of the rent boy candidates, seeing how far he could push the compliance under the drug cocktail.

There were a few setbacks. A couple boys ended up in the A&E, while he tweaked the scopolamine dosage. You see, Valcos cannot risk an overdose with you.

The major benefit of the drug is a reduction of inhibitions. It doesn't override your moral compass completely. You have to at least want, or be interested in doing something. Let's face it sweetie you have always wanted a second try at Janus."

"I wish I could ask you to forgive me. I had a choice to control you, or Valcos would take you the hard way. He also promised me he would sell my baby brother Bryce to a slave broker. He is eleven Kyle, I have to protect him. He needs the life I cannot have.

I came out of Doctor Parnick's office, after he gave me a vitamin shot, and a brutal fucking, to find Valcos pushing Bryce on the swings. Valcos was able to talk him into meeting me in the park instead of going home. He would turn him easily, I have to protect him Kyle."

I could feel a tear rolling down my face. "The other benefit he discovered was not only heightened suggestibility, but the ability to tell the subject to forget something, to rewrite their memory.

That's why I feel free to tell you all of this you won't remember a word of it. You won't remember fucking my ass, you won't remember anything. To me that's sad. You can also be programmed to react to certain stimuli.

Yesterday was just supposed to be a test run with the larger dose new patch. I was supposed to guide you into the club as you walked past. Then I was supposed to suggest you stroll off with the bouncer Jaeger, and give him head. He has a tiny cock, but very tasty cum. It was just serendipity that you would walk directly into Janus's arms. I tell you, you two are destined to be together.

When I saw you entering The Toy-Chest with Janus, I ran up to the group playroom and down through the dungeon into the arcade to watch what was going to happen. I went a little off script when I saw your hesitation looking at that lovely cock of his.

I started pumping the cabin full of poppers. I saw you relax and sink down on that lovely cock... We're going to have to work on that gag reflex of yours; you have got to get more of that lovely cock down your throat. Remember, you crave it more than air.

Valcos found me in the arcade. He was able to smell the poppers in the air and saw the small fan I was using to blow the fumes into your cabin. With you down in Janus's lap. Janus simply dismissed the smell as someone using them in my cubicle.

That is when your beloved Janus saw me and busted his nut in your mouth. He knew I was a rent boy, a whore. Valcos had me quickly paint my lips bright red in hopes that you would not be able to identify me.

That is when I stuck my finger through the hole. Janus was determined to teach me a lesson for spying. I have to admit I do enjoy sucking your cock.

Valcos wanted to teach me a lesson as well, he took me downstairs to the dungeon and tied me down to a fuck table. I lost count of how many customers took me bareback for the next ten hours. They rammed their tools in my ass, and down my throat.

Valcos made a good deal of money off of it. It was not about money to him, it was about teaching me a lesson. I could have done horrible things to you if the poppers and the patch reacted poorly with each other.

Now my dear old friend, I need you to close your eyes. Listen to my voice. You will forget everything after I removed my lips from your cock this morning. You will keep your eyes closed and you will start to remember again when you feel my lips on your cock again. It will be as if you woke from a wonderful dream.

You will remember; Your mouth and arse are only for Janus's cock. You will wake each morning with a small back ache. You'll ask me to put an analgesic patch on. Afterwards we will train. You will obey my suggestions without hesitation.

When you're with your beloved Janus, you will behave normally. Your usual hesitations will be there. Your personality will be there. But his desires will win out over yours.

The deeper that he is in you the more you will relax. You need his cock more than anything. You will think of his gifts and toys as extensions of him. You will relax and enjoy the pleasure they offer."

My Winnie became silent as his lips wrapped around my cock. My eyes opened and I rested my hands on the back of his head. I signed "This is such a great way to wake up." My seed erupted from the slit of my cock and Winnie swallowed it all.

Winnie looked up at me and smiled, "I have missed playing like this. A pretty guy like you shouldn't have blue balls. Especially when I am behind on my room and board."

Then he asked, "When you sucked Janus's cock, how much of it did you get in your mouth?" I replied that I took all of his seed. "That's not what I meant silly. How much of his shaft did you get in?" I dropped my head and the speakers replied, "I could only get his bell end in my mouth."

He picked up the twenty centimeter dildo and asked me to try sucking it. I blushed then parted my lips and slid it into my mouth. "Wait your technique is wrong. Stick your tongue out just a little bit. Now curl your lips over your teeth, that way you don't scratch his beautiful shaft."

I slid eight centimeters of it in. But it was not enough to please my friend. I tried to put more in and gagged. "Relax the back of your throat." I got another centimeter in before gagging.

"That's enough for today. I will pick up a better training tool tonight." He kissed me climbing off the bed. He extended his hand and pulled me up.

"For the next lesson I want you clean. Be a love and grab the enema kit." I complied and followed him into the bath. He rested his finger on the bridge of my nose. "Sleep, you are dreaming. This is going to be a little unpleasant at first, but you will take great pleasure in the task knowing you're preparing yourself for your love.

Oh and look at that you even use Pears soap, what a good boy. I know your love believes a good boy should smell clean like soap and nothing else. I made that mistake. If he asks you why you did this, tell him that your father taught you, that all good children should smell of soap."

Winnie filled the bag with warm soapy water. "This is important; not too hot, not too cold. Give me your hand. It should feel this warm, this is good and proper. Remember to soap the wand first, you want this to slide right in."

I nodded yes. "If it hurts, you are lined up wrong. Remember because you are doing this for him it feels wonderful." I nodded yes. "Remember, you will always use a minimum of four bags of solution, more if it does not run clear." I nodded yes.

"Wakeup... Okay sweetie, I will show you how to put the wand in. You have to do your part when you feel it go in, squeeze your arse tight around it." He inserted it into my bum, it was the most heavenly sensation I ever felt.

"Ooh, I have never seen a bloke get that hard, that fast over an enema wand." There was a pleasurable warm sensation as the warm water filled my bum. "Let it settle in mate. Giv'er a ten count then step to the loo."

I was so grateful the shower and the wc were so close. When I let loose, I thought the waste water wouldn't stop pouring out of me. I was gasping for air. "Three more mate. This time I'll only help you with the wand."

I had the same sensation of pleasure and a wonderful feeling of control, I was doing this for my dear Janus. The next two times Winnie just watched me and told me I was a good boy.

We showered together, it was just like back when we were kids. He kept me out of the direct spray. I didn't know why he insisted on using the hand wand to spray the soap away while he covered my lower back. He told me the analgesic patch shouldn't get too wet. Once he thoroughly dried me off, we return to the bed.

He showed me how to pleasure myself with the other toys Janus gave me. I could imagine it was Janus taking my virginity. I felt so completely relaxed as the second largest plug popped inside my ring.

Winnie noticed my hard cock. "I see something that is in desperate need of attention. May I help you with that please?" I nodded yes.

Winnie began slowly and deliberately sucking my cock. The sensation was magnificent. Every so often he would tap on the base of the butt plug which would send waves of pleasure through my body.

It seemed no sooner had he started, I had reached climax. He sucked my seed down greedily. I wanted to return the favour, but I knew my mouth and my bottom were for my Janus alone.

He rested his finger on the bridge of my nose, "You look so at peace, and so tired you should take a nap. That way if the night goes long, you won't disappoint Janus."

No sooner had I heard the words, I fell into a deep sleep. The next thing I knew he was waking me up. At five thirty telling me it was time to get ready.

For the second time in a day I fell asleep with a butt plug in my ass. He helped me remove it. I have the best friend in the world.

I thought it might be silly but I asked Winnie if I should do another series of enemas. He said it couldn't hurt and Janus would appreciate it. "Kyle do you still have your father's caravan in the garage?"

I nodded yes. "I'll sleep out there tonight, just in case Janus wishes to stay here. Is that all right?" Again I nodded yes. "You go and prepare yourself and make yourself pretty for him. I'll put clean sheets on the bed."

I didn't know what to wear. So I texted Janus the question, "I want to look good for, and with you. What colours are you wearing?"

"Don't over-think this, dress casual, I will be wearing black and dark green."

I went to my wardrobes I had a nice pair of black dress trousers and a teal blazer. I then looked at my muscle shirts and found a nice salmon pink one. I put the items together and imagined them next to what I assumed would be the jade green jacket I admired him wearing from time to time. Of course I had to wear the hot pink backless panties he bought me.

When Winnie came up and saw me fully attired, he waved his hand as if I was something hot. He took a little gel and styled my hair pulling it back into a feathered style. My heart fluttered is I heard the door chime. Winnie had me lean over and checked the patch on my back. "I wouldn't want you to get a headache tonight."

Then he walked with me down the stairs, to keep me from running, and tripping. Winnie went through the garage access to make himself comfortable in the caravan. I locked the door from the inside. Then I strode across the kitchen to greet my guest at the door.

I opened the wood doors and gasped. I called it right, he was wearing his jade green jacket with his signature black shirt and trousers. His tie always matched his jacket.

He looked at me and said beautiful. Then he kissed my forehead and turned for the door I tapped my foot. He was shocked when he turned back seeing my hands moving and sound erupting from the speakers in the room, "A peck on the forehead for all the labour I did trying to look good for you?"

"Did you want something more?"

I decided I would speak basically. I pointed to my lips and pulled my hands together as if to pray as I then stuck my lower lip out in a pout.

My message was understood. He cradled my face with his hands and pulled my lips to his. I rotated my head slightly to give him better access. He kissed me for a long time until I thought I was going to gasp for air.

When he released me he simply asked "Better?" I nodded my head approvingly. He looked around the loft. "You did very well on this." We walked into the lounge, and saw the master bedroom on the upper level.

Then he smiled at me and guided me out the door. I locked the wood doors and then the outer cover door.

"I am pleased my little one does not play with security."

I grabbed my small tablet and told him of how many times grandfather's warehouses had been broken into. Now that I was living here I knew security was a must.

"My wise boy." He replied, then open the passenger side door of the dark grey Bentley Flying Spur for me and I climbed in. I gave the gesture for thank you. I sank into the buttery soft hand stitched leather seats.

He smiled and practically skipped to the right side of the car. We drove the block and a half to the West exit, on the college side of Effington. The gates swung open and we were on our way 'outside the walls.'

No sooner had we gotten out on the motorway his hand drop between my legs. "I am so used to driving stick shift, my hand is desperate to find a lever in this car." I dropped my head embarrassed.

"My boy this is unacceptable of me." He started to remove his hand and I grabbed it. If it made him comfortable to put his hand between my legs, I was more than comfortable having it there.

"I cannot get my boy too excited we still have to dine this evening." I do want to pleasure him. "You have slaved all day to make yourself even more beautiful for me. You smell clean, do you not wear aftershave or cologne?"

I shook my head no. On my tablet I used the text to speech function and replied, "Father caught me using his cologne once. He said a good boy should smell of soap, and nothing else." He smiled over at me and gave my crotch a nice squeeze as a reward.

I asked, "Why sedan, and not Cobra?" He had a beautiful silver sixty-one Ace Cobra.

"This is a loan car. My girl is in for maintenance, again. It is the curse of owning sport cars, they drink maintenance and eat money. My boy likes my snake?" I shook my head yes. "I am considering one of these as a special driver. I miss the shifter, not a fan of automatics."

His hand slipped inside my trousers against the smooth fabric of the satin panties. My head rested against his shoulder. "You wore these for me?" When I nodded, he kissed my forehead.

Suddenly, a strange look crossed his face. He pulled his hand out of my pants, pulled into a car park, and stopped. I typed frantically, "What have I done? Please forgive me. I thought you wanted me to wear them?"

He stopped me. "This is my fault, I should have never taken you into my shop. I am a devil, I saw a beautiful angel in pain.

I saw an opportunity, the chance that I had lost so long ago standing before me so innocent. I should have done this right." I began typing a reply. "Pappous is right I am not worthy of such a prize as you."

I hit play with my reply, "I may be a virgin, but I am not innocent. I have a mind and desires. For the first time I had the courage to act on them. I AM AN ADULT! I have the court papers to prove it. Understand, I need you more than air.

I want to be wherever you are. You were the first boy I kissed, the first boy I felt 'down there,' and the first boy who I let feel me as well. I want you to be my first real lover. I have been waiting for you since I was eleven in the hedge maze.

I didn't see the six years between us being such a big thing then, it means even less now. I have always known you were the other half of my heart." I was angry, but more than that, I was afraid he was going to leave me alone again.

A queer look spread across his face. Erupting in that smile, that damned smile that caused my to heart ache even more. I was completely his when I saw that smile.

He leaned across the centre console grabbing my face and pulling it in for a passionate French kiss. He said only three words, "My perfect boy..." Before telling me to lean back and adjust my seat belt. We were off again into the dark.

As we drove on, the mist began to thicken. We ended up down by the wharfs, parking in front of a family restaurant. When I say a family restaurant, I mean a restaurant owned by his family.

When I got out of the car I bristled against the cold. Janus pulled me into his side, sharing his body heat. When we entered the restaurant we were guided into a private dining room filled with several people I knew.

A very old Pappous Stavros looked at me then glared across the dining room at his grandson. It had been so long since I had seen him. Still, I knew beneath the table he was grinding his worry beads.

I signed to him, "Pappous is something wrong?" His look changed in an instant. It was as if a veil lifted from his eyes, and he saw me, really saw me.

He shouted, "My little prince?" I nodded vigorously as he held his hands out.

I quickly crossed the room for his embrace. Seventy-six years old and he can still crush me with his hugs. He grabbed my cheeks and pulled my head up kissing my forehead.

"I am sorry my little prince, I do not have a butterscotch for you. The doctor will not let me have them any more due to the diabetes. You have grown so much. Your grandfather would have been so proud with how you've developed."

Then the wise old man turned to his grandson and kissed his cheeks. Greeting him warmly. Turning back to me he continued, "Why are you with this devil?" I blushed dropping my head. He put his fist under my chin and raised it till my eyes met his. "You chose this one?"

I replied, "Pappous, the heart wants, what the heart wants." He kissed my forehead again and motion towards the seat to his left. Janus smiled as he took the seat next to me.

I greeted Pappous eldest grandson who was sitting to his right, "Good evening Father Peter." I loved him in a different way. He worked with the deaf community and was a master at signing.

He replied saying, "It is good to see you again Kyle. You look well. My church has been praying for your comfort during your time of loss." He glared at his baby brother then continued, "Clearly I should have been praying more specifically about the type of comfort he sends." Peter's wife and daughter rejoined the party and sat a their end of the table.

I began setting up my tablet in front of me. Father Peter's tiny daughter signed, "That is so rude."

I held up a finger while I brought the translation matrix on-line. "I am sorry little one this is how others can hear me, it is my only voice if they do not understand my fingers."

Her face lit up and she signed to me, "Are you deaf too?"

I replied, "My ears work, my mouth doesn't."

Father Peter signed to his daughter, "Sweetheart, this is Kyle. A very dear old friend of our family. He is the reason your grandfather and I can speak to you so well." Her face lit up like the sun, I discovered her name was Rhea.

Rhea looked glaring at her uncle Janus. "Why did you never learn to hear him?" Father Peter saved me from having to translate her rebuke. With a raised eyebrow he relayed it to Janus.

Janus replied, "Because your uncle is an idiot, who barely speaks his native English. Don't be like me, study hard in school, like your papa." Rhea laughed as she read his lips. It was quite clear who her favourite uncle was.

Janus asked where Valcos was. Peter the peacemaker and diplomat replied that he had said he was busy. Peter was skilled at changing unpleasant conversations.

He asked me about my translation matrix and I gave him the name of the app. I did warn him there was a hefty subscription fee, but I told him I thought it was worth it.

The rest of the conversation was light and happy catching up on activities and accomplishments over meze (appetizers). If my Janus thought I was not eating enough he would take a moment to shove something in my mouth. My favourite was the carp roe spread, and the keftethes (lamb meatballs.)

The soup came out to the table a traditional fassolatha (white bean soup). With the very first spoonful I thought of Pappous wife. I spent many hours in her kitchen listening to her talk to me about her native Thirasia.

She loved cooking, if I was ever sick a crock of her fassolatha would find its way to our door. Pappous whispered, "You think of my Medora too?" I nodded yes. He squeezed my shoulder.

When I turned back towards Janus he gently pushed a tiropites (phyllo dough filled with egg and feta cheese) between my lips. Janus let me have a sip of his wine during dinner. We ate, drank, and talked until well into the night. The mothers started carrying their little ones to put them to bed upstairs in the inn. It was wonderful being in a family again.

I didn't mean to do it, but I let loose with a long yawn myself. "Please excuse my little one, we must get him to bed. He has to be up early tomorrow to humble the flyers." Hugs and kisses and handshakes followed. As we walked back to the car I typed it was nice seeing his siblings and their families again. He opened the door for me and let me climb in.

Before he pulled off, I had to thank him appropriately. My left hand slid in his jacket and I caressed his solid pectorals. He turned and faced me in his seat and kissed me again. "Sit back and put your seatbelt on, we do not have time for this." I pouted but complied earning me a soft 'boop' on my nose with his finger.

No sooner had we pulled onto the vacant streets when his hand dropped upon his favourite shift lever.

When we arrived back at Effington the outer lot was packed. Both of us knew it was going to be a busy night on Tower Road. The locals were cruising for carnal company. All of the on-street parking was filled. I asked Janus if he would like to use my space.

Before he left the vehicle to open my door I typed, "I know you have to go check your business, but could you at least come in with me for a little while?"

He smiled and kissed me again. "I am yours tonight. I have people watching the rest of what is mine." I put my parking placard in his window so that the vehicle would not be towed.

Then he guided me to the front door. Once inside I told him to make himself comfortable in the lounge He went through the entryway and up the stairs plopping down on the sofa.

I walked over to the bar collecting two small glasses and a bottle of ouzo. I smiled and signed, "I believe this is the traditional way to end a dinner." He laughed and asked where his boy goes to get his liquor. "Some was from Dad and Grandad. The rest let's just say it is good to have friends who are barmen."

I walked to his side and poured two shots into the glasses in my left hand. Then set the bottle on the table next to him. I handed him a glass. "You have a practiced hand little one."

I replied , "My father would use me as his barman when his men would come visit. I even learned a few tricks with the bottles."

Janus threw back the ouzo in one shot swallowing hard. I gave him the second shot and slowly dropped to my knees in front of him. "But this one is yours."

I signed back, "You have the only shot I want." I pointed to my mouth and then softly caressed his crotch. He started to reach for his belt. I stopped him signing, "Please let me do this for you."

"Only if you let me do this first." He pulled my face up. When he kissed my lips I could taste the licorice flavoured alcohol. It intensified when his tongue filled my mouth. Our tongues intertwined, I slowly stroked the underside of his tongue with mine. When our lips parted, my hand slowly unfastened his belt. Then I unfastened his waistband and lowered the zip on his fly.

The sensual manly aroma emanating from his crotch filled my nose and sinuses. It was as if I was in empty vessel and it filled me with what I needed, him. I lowered my head into his cotton briefs and started running lips along the length of is semi flaccid cock. It twitched under my warm breath.

He sensually removed both of our jackets and draped them over the back of the sofa. He ran his fingers across my back, while I toyed with a slowly engorging shaft.

"You look very good in pink. It should be your signature colour." I looked up into his eyes and blushed. I was about to argue that salmon is more orange than pink when he replied. "See, I told you... my Kyle looks good in pink. But just look what you have done, you have made my underwear all wet." He then draped his tie around the back of my neck.

He pulled his shirt and t-shirt over his head. Throwing them next to him on the sofa. I stopped working on his crotch and slowly slid my hands down his legs.

I removed one shoe, than its mate. I teasingly slowly rolled his socks down and placed them on the growing pile of fabric. I rubbed his feet one at a time, kissing each one of his toes in turn.

I felt him as he slid his pants and underpants from his hips. When I looked up I saw them sliding past his knees. A tiny movement from each of his legs and my ideal man was sitting in front of me wearing nothing more than what god graced him with at his birth.

To tell you the truth I never have believed in the god who created everything in the universe. That being said, sitting before me was this perfectly sculpted man. Suddenly the concept of a creator made perfect sense. This beautiful man was no accident.

My beautiful man reached down and closed my mouth which had fallen open. "Why do you look at me so? Is there something you wish to touch?" I swear I could hear my brain rattling inside my skull as it rapidly nodded back and forth.

"My body is yours to enjoy little one." Again my mouth fell open. I knee walked back up between his legs, then stood before him. I slid my shoes and socks off and started to remove my shirt. That was when he stopped me.

"I can see and feel every bump on your chest and your tummy. I do not need to see your skin to know it is there. You look so beautiful in your pink shirt." He unfastened my belt, button, and zip allowing my pants fall to the floor in a pool next to his.

His hands explored my hips and found their way to the hole in the back of my pink panties. "There is my pretty pink boy." His finger touched my balloon knot. I inhaled quickly. "My boy likes the way I play?"

Again I nodded my head so quickly I thought I would pass out. I was more than content to drop to my knees and suck his cock right there but he had other ideas. He swept me off my feet carrying me up the stairs to the loft bed.

He returned me to my feet at the foot of my bed. He slowly pushed me over until my chest was resting on the pink satin turned down sheets. His fingers reached into the hole of the backless panties and spread my cheeks apart. He gasped, "Little one you have bruised yourself! Were you so eager to prepare for me that you hurt yourself?"

What else could I do but nod yes. "Do not do this again. Let me open you properly. I see it was very wrong for me to give you those toys. I intended to use them on you to spread you gently. I'm sorry you misunderstood.

There are some who would spray numbing agents on you and take you violently. Pain is there for a purpose, to say slow down and enjoy. Promise me you will not use those toys again unless I am with you."

I nodded my head yes. "No I must hear it little one." I signed that I would obey him and that is what boomed out of the speakers. "My boy."

He continued, "Your hair is so fine it is just like fuzz. It tickles my cheek when I pleasure your bottom." With that his tongue disappeared inside my bum. I felt his hands grab hold of the waistband of my pretty pink panties. With one quick tug he ripped them in two and they fell to my feet.

He flipped me over as if I weighed nothing. Smiling he said, "You cleaned yourself for me. I'm pleased." He saw the look of sadness on my face over the destruction of the panties.

"What is wrong little one? Did I pinch you? " I pointed to the tattered fabric on the floor.

He laughed and swept me up. He sat down on the bed holding me as if I was a newborn babe. Cradling me in his arms. "Those things..." he pointed at the fabric on the floor, "...are props for cheap little girly boys.

My clerk chose them for you in error. The fact that you wore them to please me makes me happy. You should be dressed in silks and fine fabrics not cheap nylon and fake satin. Only the real thing for MY real thing."

Then he laid back up on the bed pulling me upon his chest. I looked into his eyes for a very long time. His hands slowly began caressing my lower back, then down to my bottom. My hands danced in his furry chest. Twisting and teasing his ample chest hair, caressing the folds between his muscles, playing with one exquisite pectoral in than the other.

He pulled my chin up and locked his eyes to mine. "Do you remember the movie when the boy climbed on top of his lover to pleasure him?" I nodded yes.

"Would you be willing..." I stopped him nodding yes while signing I will try. I climbed off of him so I could realign my body to face his cock.

I grabbed the base of his shaft and slowly slid my hand along its length. When I began playing with his foreskin, I saw a pearl-like drop emerge from his slit. I had to taste it. I ran my tongue around the head I even within his foreskin. My Janus let out a moan of pleasure.

Encouraged by his feedback I rolled my lips over my teeth and sucked his head into my mouth. His cock was swelling rapidly. The harder it got the more I wanted in me.

The more I got in me the more relaxed I became. It was as if I was born to suck and pleasure this cock. The head of his cock hit the back of my mouth and I gagged.

"Easy little one, take what you can. You will learn."

I took another try and the head slid down the entrance to my throat. Janus groaned loudly. I heard a click and felt cold liquid on my arse followed by a meaty digit sliding within me.

I was becoming light-headed. "Breathe little one. You have to back off to breathe." His cock slid from my mouth and I gasped for air. Janus took the opportunity to twist a second finger into my bum.

"Aside from the bruising, you did a good job. My sweetie has no tears." A warm feeling of accomplishment filled me with his praise, and I returned to nursing on his cock. As he was able to get a third finger inside my hole, I felt his velvety soft pubes tickle the end of my nose.

That is when I felt his seed fill my throat. I backed off trying to get some in my mouth. I don't know why I craved his seed so much. But I loved it's flavour, even more because it was him.

When Janus caught his breath he rested me on my back and kissed me deeply. He wiped away the sweat from my brow. He put his semi hard cock back in my hand. "My Kyle likes his toy?"

I signed, he looked shocked when the voice started coming from the speakers. "No! I don't... ...I love it, I need it, I need you more than air. I hate having to release it to talk to you." Then he smiled.

He cradled my face in his massive hands and said, "Oh my angel, what have I done to deserve you? You are my every fantasy made manifest."

His hands slowly slid down my neck to my shoulders. From there they swept across the front of my pecs. He pause slightly as if to admire a difference. I don't have that much definition. I am toned for my running, and simple callisthenics.

His hands drifted to my stomach where I am finally developing a hint of definition to my abs. He finally grabbed the hem of my shirt. I arched my back, then rolled my form to let the snug fabric slide from my body. He looked down at my nude body and smiled the sweetest smile.

"You are bigger than I thought, your body is perfect, little prince. I was afraid you might be like..." He had a worried look on his face. He was considering something unpleasant.

I asked, "What is wrong my love? Have I offended?"

"No my angel. It was I have offended both you and your memory. I used other boys in your place. I even paid to fuck Caerwyn while thinking of you. I became a regular customer of his. I had him bleach his hair to match yours.

I believe Pappous thought you were Caerwyn tonight. He was furious when he found out what I had been doing. Pappous told me pretending Caerwyn was you was the worst thing I could do to you."

I sat up signing, "I know what Caerwyn is. He was always boy crazy, I saw the gifts he took from the men he dated. I didn't know he was being paid as well.

I didn't want my concerns, my speculation about Caerwyn confirmed, but Father taught me long ago what is, just is. There's no crying about it, or hiding from it. It is just a fact."

I continued, "I know you are no virgin, and I am grateful. One of us should know what we are doing. I want you, I want to be yours. That is all I have ever wanted." I pressed my lips to his. "Please take me now. I have wanted this for so long, please end our long wait."

He pushed me back until my head made contact with the pillows again. Kissing me passionately again, and kissing his way down my neck to my sternum. Kissing along the ridges of my pecs. Kissing and nibbling at one nipple than the other.

He slid down my form working his way down, down, down my abs to my belly button. There he nibbled my little outie. Some of the boys on the track team teased me about my belly button sticking out. They claimed it was bigger than my penis. He licked around it and nibbled at the exposed flesh. He continue down my blonde treasure trail of baby fine hair, that was beginning to form a pubic bush.

"It would be tempting to have you remove this but it is so soft. Everything about my boy brings me pleasure. Everything my sweet little one." With that his lips enveloped my shaft to its base. He sucked hard, the fingers on his right hand slid between my legs and slowly three slid within my yearning ass.

The incredible sensation caused me to buck my hips against his mouth. His eyes rolled up to make contact with mine. I could tell he was smiling. I reached over to the night stand grabbing the fourth, and largest butt plug. I knew he would want to open me further before sliding his beast within me.

"Are you sure little one? I do not want to hurt you. I'm willing to take time."

The speakers boomed out, "I don't care if you tear me in two! I want to be yours, every part of me. I cannot exist without you. You are my oxygen. You are both my beginning, and my end." I handed him the small bottle of vanilla flavoured lube.

He made short work of lubing my hole with his digits. He got the lube deep within me. The places he wanted to explore. Then he applied a generous amount of lube onto the bulbous toy. He slowly twisted it until it popped within my ring. He noticed the beads of sweat that were forming on my forehead and asked if I was all right.

I nodded. Truth be told, I felt so relaxed as if this was just perfection, and it was. My friends told me how painful it was to lose their cherry. I couldn't understand why I was in such divine bliss.

He pulled the toy in and out of me a few times. Always looking at my face for any signs of discomfort. He knew there was no way I could shout out in pain, so he was counting on visible clues. All he saw was a look of complete peace and pleasure. He left it in me and returned to sucking on my cock sliding his lips up and down the shaft varying the pressure and technique.

He liked playing with my foreskin running his tongue along the inside of it against my glans. My breathing was erratic, I knew I could not hold back much longer. Suddenly he knew I needed release, and when he rested his hand on the butt plug and gave it a good wiggle. My cock released an eruption of cum. He sucked and swallowed it as if it was the finest most savoury meal he ever had.

When he came back up, he raised my legs against my chest and held me kissing my lips. I could taste the sweet flavour of my jizz on his lips. I felt his hand reach down and remove the plug from my ass. I felt his rejuvenated cock slap against my now wilting one.

"My sweet Kyle, are you ready for this my little one, are you really ready? It will hurt." I could only nod my head up and down. I wanted him inside me, I wanted him to know he owned me.

I squirted more of the lube into my hand and massaged his long thick shaft. While it was not as rigid as the plugs, it was thicker and longer. He kissed me again and took possession of his cock from me. He pressed the tip against my tender pucker. Slowly he pushed I felt incredible pressure on the ring as it slowly yielded to its master.

I marveled at the lack of pain. I have experienced a runners high and wondered if this was the sexual counterpart. Serious though when I was four, I broke my arm in a fall. When the doctor went to set my arm his nurse came in and gave me a shot.

She told me you're going to feel a pinch, you're going to feel incredibly warm, and then you will feel nothing at all. That is what I was feeling right now, nothing but a pinch, warmth, and pleasure.

"My boy has such a look of peace on his face. I have taken blooms before, but none whose pedals yielded so easily to me. Your body was truly made for me. A gift from God perhaps.

I know I am your first. I know because my boy does not lie. Also because your body clutches on to me my baby is so tight. You are my miracle."

My mouth opened in my delight. My head rolled back on the pillows, then my eyes rolled within my skull. The pleasure was magnificent. My lover slowly pulled in and out of me. Each time plunging to a new depth. "My boy is happy?"

I could only nod with a silly puppy dog grin on my face. I might have, at one point had my tongue hanging out the side of my mouth. I felt pleasure beyond measure. I wondered how much more pleasure I would experience, with him fully within my body.

Sadly, I would not find out this night. I felt his seed erupt into my bowels, and my look of peace and contentment was transplanted onto his face. "I am sorry sweet one, I could not hold back. It was just to much for me."

His cock slid from its perfect home. He rolled over on his back pulling me on top of him. "We must sleep, we both must start early, and it is already early in the morning."

I lay on top of him until he was in a deep sleep. It was as if he deposited his strength along with his seed within my body. I wondered if sex worked that way, if there was some mystical connection that transferred his energy and strength into me.

My love was fully asleep and I was fully awake. It was three thirty in the morning. If I was awake I might as well do something useful. My love had been wearing his clothes for a full day. It would not be right to start his day in dirty clothing, and I had to be up in three hours there was no point to try to sleep.

I disentangled myself from Janus's grasp. He stirred but did not wake. I put on bikini briefs to keep his seed from dripping on the floor. I gathered his clothing, steam cleaned and pressed his jacket, pants, and even his tie, while our clothes were in the wash. When all was ready, I laid them out for him on father's suit tree. At the foot of my bed.

I was about to shower and start my day when I felt a pinch, a dull ache in my lower back. I remembered Winnie's wonderful analgesic pads. I crossed the garage to dad's caravan and knocked.

Winnie was grinning as he opened the door. "Morning Kylie, looks like you had a good night." He patted my damp bottom. I winced. "Backache again?" I begged for a patch.

"First things first. You forgot something my beautiful friend..." He rested his finger on the bridge of my nose. "You are sleeping now... You failed to clean your bottom for your lover. Come with me." I fell in behind Winnie.

We walked silently back into the loft, to the spare bedroom. With the door closed, the room was nearly soundproof. He started the shower and turned off the sign to speech program. I noticed the large butt plug lodged in his bum.

"Now we can talk without disturbing your sweet Janus. You have been naughty. You didn't obey me. What was so important you couldn't prepare yourself for your love?"

I told him about the laundry. "Oh, that is precious. So very domestic of you. Face down sweety."

He motioned to the bed. I complied then Winnie gloved and removed the old medicated patch. We should clean you off and out before we give your lover back his new toy.

He took possession of me leading me into the bathroom. "Fortunately for you, I have my enema kit here. You clean yourself out while I get your bath ready." I was surprised it took six cycles till the water came out clear.

Winnie was pleased with me. He joined me in the shower scrubbing me hard to remove the remaining adhesive from my back. He nibbled at my neck as he rubbed and cleaned every part of me.

He looked at the clock. "Oops, I have to hurry, someone wants to meet you." He dried us both quickly dropping the towels to the floor. I was reaching for the wardrobe handle for a robe. "No, you are lovely. Come along." We walked silently back to the caravan.

I was becoming aroused as Winnie's cock, tits, and bum bounced as he walked next to me. He led me through the caravan to the forward bedroom. I froze shaking when Winnie opened the door.

The scarred face and bearish body of Valcos Marinakis was leering back at me. Winnie saw my reaction, He rested his finger on the bridge of my nose. "Sleep, you are dreaming...

You are a statue. You see nothing, feel nothing. You are a beautiful museum piece, something lovely to be touched and admired."

Valcos pounced on the word touched. Caressing my chest. His finger ran along my cock I wanted to run but my feet were rooted to the ground. "Nice, he must give my whore so much pleasure. Slut! Kneel and worship that cock."

Winnie obeyed latching on to my member. I could not feel him. It was as if I was really made of marble. Valcos walked behind me and continued his examination. He was examining my shoulders and back. "Very remarkable. Best results to date.

You have done well my tiny slut. But I think your mouth bores him, back your pussy onto his cock, you worthless slut. Put your ear-buds in and play the music loud." Winnie pulled the plug from his ass, and again obeyed. I still felt nothing.

Valcos's hands rested on my lats as he rocked me in and out of Winnie's ass. "Hmmm, perhaps the whore is too loose. She has been whoring hard for me. Maybe Bryce would have a better hole for you to fill. As I recall Winnie enjoyed eating my load at his age. Bryce is a pretty boy, I cannot wait to take him too."

Valcos's finger slid along the crack of my ass. He very softly whispered in my ear. "My little Winnie thinks next month she is going to get the desire of her heart. To become a boy again. I've decided she likes being a girl. She is getting a massive breast augmentation.

Her cock will become a real pussy. She will make me more money as a girl. Think about it a cute young female whore who can ride bareback and not worry about getting up the duff. She-males her age are fading from vogue.

I would be tempted to let you open her, but I am looking forward to making her scream with this." As his cock ground against my hip, he shoved his first and middle finger up my ass.

The spell was broken I could feel, and it hurt. I was gasping in pain. Winnie pulled out the ear-buds and spun his head quickly to see what was wrong. "He feels, switch to the blue patch."

Winnie climbed off of my cock. He returned his finger to the bridge of my nose "You are asleep Kyle... Master, you commanded me to program him only to allow Janus into his ass or mouth."

Valcos backhanded Winnie splitting his lip. "He was to end up in MY bed YOU BITCH!!! My bed was never yours. You have always been, and will always be what I taught you to be; a whore, my whore.

You are just property. He is essential to the future. After my brother's coming accident."

"Forgive me Master. I have had but two days on the elevated formula. Look what we have done so far. The patch he was wearing was on for almost a day, the formula needs replenishment. In time he will beg for you to fuck him hard. It will take time.

Wouldn't it be better to connect with his emotions? To have a real connection? Say, built by comforting him over the death of his lover? With that he would obey you instantly and completely. I am only thinking of your ultimate pleasure master."

Winnie continued, "He is reacting well to the pink level of green zombie, I think the blue patch would be too much. Remember what happened to the two University boys last month? Then there's the soldier you tried it on. I believe you wanted to build a loyal guard, remember what he did at the Galleria.

Kyle and I will never forget that. All suffered a psychotic break. Can you afford that to happen to your great prize?"

Valcos wore and evil smirk as he threw a rag at Winnie. "Clean your lip. The soldier was not my fault he was sweating like a pig.

It released too much of the drug into his system. It did however remove the final obstacle from my way. My girl, you make excellent points. We will try your way, I want to see results."

"Master, please sit there, watch and see what I can do with only a little bit of the drug still in his system."

He returned his finger to the bridge of my nose, "Kylie, we are all alone now. It is just you and I, any other sounds you hear are insects buzzing. We're both little again.

It was the weekend after Janus ran from you in the hedge maze. You told me how crushed you were, how your heart hurt.

Your grandad saw that you were sad and took us camping. He is out fishing for our supper. He didn't know the cute boys at the next site were teasing you about being deaf.

When I corrected them, they called you dumb, and me a fecking poofter. You felt sad and wouldn't leave the caravan. This is just a dream about what could have been that day."

Winnie led me tenderly holding my cock, to my father's bed. "Wake and play with me." He turned and kissed me. When he parted his lips I slid my tongue in his mouth.

His twirled around mine. It felt so natural playing with my friend. We were twelve and horny, I know that twelve and horny sounds redundant but it was true none the less.

He motioned for me to sit and I did. We would often wank together. He liked touching me. I admit, I liked him touching me too. This was new, he knelt in front of me. "My boyfriend likes it when I do this."

Winnie liked telling me stories about the boys he copped off with. He wrapped his lips around my cock. He slowly slid back and forth along its length. Varying both speed and intensity.

I was just about to release my baby batter in his mouth when I heard an insect buzzing from the doorway. Winnie slid his hand under my bum. His finger was playing with my arse hole. The buzzing got louder.

Winnie released my cock. "Did you like that?" I signed hell yes! "Kylie, I miss my boyfriend. I trust you, would you give me a good rogering?

After three days in this caravan with just you and your grandad, I'm desperate. It needs to be you or him, with your grandad it would just be wrong. Please I need it." I signed yes.

He lay there on dad's bed on his back holding his legs in the air, exposing his eager hole. I was trembling as my body covered his. I pointed my cock at his wide hole.

"Fuck me hard Kyle make me your cub, I want to be your play puppy. Fuck me like the wolf you are. Take what is yours, mark me make me yours. Fill me with your baby batter."

It was odd having my best friend talking to me like he was a dirty whore. At the same time it excited me. I don't know why but I slammed into his hole. It made my whelp yelp, but became silent after the insect buzzed again.

He rested his finger on the bridge of my nose and commanded me to sleep. "Master, there may be a way you can take a taste. Do you trust me with this?"

"Until proven wrong." Valcos replied coolly. Winnie ordered me to wake again and continue.

Winnie asked me to keep my cock inside of him, but suck on his new training dildo. It was so warm and lifelike. I swear it was real.

"Keep going sweety, I filled it with something special that you crave." It dribbled into my mouth, I wondered how he made it taste like bitter cum.

He congratulated me saying he wanted me to be a wolf again. That was what I became a ravenous beast, hungry for sex. I no longer saw my sweet friend, I saw a hole that needed filling. More buzzing.

He begged me to fuck him harder, and harder. I was slamming in and out of this hole, afraid I would break him or my cock. The caravan was rocking, hot, and sweat was rolling off both of us. But the assault on his arse continued.

At long last, I shot my wad and collapsed on him. He kissed and licked the sweat from my forehead. After a few moments I regained control of my breathing... more buzzing.

He rested his finger on the bridge of my nose, "It is today again. It is just you and me in the caravan. You just made that fantasy we shared long ago a reality. Now, I bought a new toy for you. A full-size male fuck doll, like the one in The Toy-Chest. I had this one made special, it has your Janus's face.

It cost me more but my wolf is worth it. Go stand by and face the door while I get him set up. When you turn around you will see your lover laying on the bed. Turn around, see your lover. Remember it is just a toy."

Toy, fuck it looked and smelled real. "All right Kylie, you are going to learn the kneeling master. Fake Janus needs you to fuck yourself on his cock.

All you smell is us. All you hear is myself and the insects. All you feel is an extension of your beloved. I have lubed your toy and it is ready for you. I will help you line up on it. Now arch your back and ease down on your master's sceptre."

Sweat was pouring like rain from my forehead as I sank down onto the toy. With each centimetre I started to breathe deeper and relax. Until I felt the hair from his synthetic bush tickle my ass. "Don't get lazy use those thighs. Pleasure yourself on his cock."

Winnie rested his finger on the bridge of my nose, "You are sleeping. Master, do you wish to see how far we can push this?"

The sound of an insect buzzing from the pillow. "You are dreaming lover... The doll has become your Janus flesh and blood. You see him and only him. I am just a voice in your head, a conscience, a guide. When the toy speaks, you will hear your Janus's voice, it is your beloved.

Janus spoke, "My princess looks so pretty on her throne." As I rode up and down on his magnificent cock, we started getting into a rhythm. On the downward stroke, he would thrust up fast in to me. It would take my breath away.

It hurt, My Janus never hurt me, but then he would smile and I would relax and take another stroke. "My princess looks fatigued. Does my baby wish me to dominate her?" I didn't know how to answer, I wanted to make him happy so I nodded my head yes.

Without removing himself from me he flipped us over, pushing me on my back. He pulled my legs up high, resting my feet against his shoulders. Then he tied my hands together around them using the sash from his bathrobe. My lower back was curled up exposing my stretched balloon knot for his complete access, and command.

"This is a modified launching pad position. It is one of my favourites. You will learn in time to enjoy it." With that in one thrust he buried his cock bollocks deep inside me.

I gasped for air, five more times he thrust into me. The belt came free and he speared me again. It hurt so bad, my legs flexed pushing hard against his chest.

I needed him to stop. He came as soon as his cock emerged from my hole. His seed covered my now limp cock, tummy, and chest. I signed "Why are you hurting me, my love?"

Winnie rested his finger on the bridge of my nose. "Master you should go. I will fix this and clean up here. Kyle, you are sleeping this was all just a bad dream. None of the pain happened, you remember only the pleasure."

The insects were buzzing again and Winnie began running his tongue along my flesh, cleaning me like one puppy cleans its mate. He took his time with my cock, balls, and arse. Deep inside my tender arse.

"Come with me, you got us all dirty again. I think we need to shower again. You are sleepwalking. Come on, let your cub care for you." We walked back into the spare room and showered.

He cleaned every inch of me. Once dry he applied a new pain patch. "Wake up lover... Go upstairs and get ready to start your day. Wake your beloved Janus."

I moved quickly and quietly up the stairs. The light on my tablet was flashing. I had a message. Chad texted asking if I was okay... Bugger I was late. I replied I would be right there. I quickly donned some running clothes and shoes.

Janus stirred. I signed but the system did not respond. I flipped on the tablet, "Sorry babe, I am late to run with the pilots. I washed and pressed your clothes. I will whip up some breakfast when I get back."

Janus smiled, "Enjoy your run my sweet prince. I need to bring workout clothes next time. I want to run with you too." He kissed me and patted my bum sending me on my way.

Chad and the men were just assembling. Chad approached scolding me in a mocking tone, "Young Mr. Driscoll, so nice of you to join us, Rabbit." I felt a warm flush and got dizzy, Chad steadied me. "You all right Kyle?"

I signed back just a bit tired didn't sleep much. Chad looked me over from top to toe. "Who is he laddy?" A look of shock must have crossed my face. "You're glowing mate. Is he a good man?" I nodded and he kissed my forehead.

He turned and addressed the officers, "The game is off today. Our little Rabbit is feeling a bit off-colour. Today it is just plain exercise and running to please her Majesty's requirement."

Qusai and Hassem approached. Hassem asking if I was okay to run. I nodded yes. We broke off from the main group and began stretching and flexibility training. By the time we finished our callisthenics I was sweating hard, but the group was ready to run.

We had just crossed the bridge when it happened. I stumbled and one of the junior officers caught me. "Damn! First time I catch the Rabbit and it doesn't count."

I was dripping with sweat and began to tremble, then fully seized. I remember his look of panic as he lay me on the ground as he shouted for help. My memory from there was broken like shards of glass from a shattered mirror.

Doctor Haddad took over my care. My clothes were removed as he examined my body. When he rolled me to my side he said, "Damn, I have seen this." He told Chad to call for a cardiac care ambulance with a full drug box.

The patch was ripped from my back. "We must cool him." He carried me back to the stream immersing me in the icy water. His gloved hand was scrubbing my lower back trying to remove the remaining poison from my skin. I was so cold, I started to fight trying to get out of the water.

Chad held me fast. "I know you think you are cold Kyle. You are not, you are burning up. Doc says we have to keep your temperature down. Please Rabbit let us care for you."

One of the officers asked, "Who would do this to the Rabbit?"

Chad leapt into senior officer mode ordering most of the men back to my loft, "Secure the scene until relieved by the constables. Tell them to process it as a crime scene. One of OURS has been poisoned. THIS shall not stand unchallenged!"

I felt so weak, my eyes closed Hassem pinched me to try to force me awake. As he aggressively rubbed my sternum to elicit a pain response. It was too much, consciousness faded to blackness. I felt like I was floating.

I saw the men working on my body as I floated down the stream. I saw myself drifting underneath the bridge Which funneled into a huge tunnel. I was afraid, I close my eyes.

When my eyes opened I was calm and relaxed, a peace I have never felt. I found myself in a boat. A man in a long black cloak was punting behind me. We emerged from the tunnel into a great bay.

The man silently went about his work. Waves broke over either side of the punt boat until we approach the shore. I spoke, "Where are we sir?" I was shocked when the sound escaped my lips.

He simply extended his arm and pointed to a landing. I saw people gathering on the hill top just above us. As we landed the man in the cloak gestured for me to leave the boat and climb the hill. I stepped off the boat and the man vanished.

I strolled up the hill. My father was there he held me in a tight embrace kissing my forehead. "Father where am I, and how can I talk now?"

"My boy, my sweet boy. You are dead, you were murdered..."

End Part One...

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Thank you for sharing my fantasy. "Fantasies are fantasies because they are not reality, they are often taboo or rub up against social barriers," Ian Kerner PhD.

Thanks for reading.


Next: Chapter 2

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