Describing John


Published on Jul 21, 2003



John was one of the first I met when rushing the fraternity. Of course he was a looker, but what caught my eye was the gold tooth. Why he had one of those no one knows, but it flashed when he smiled, and his good sense of humor caused those brilliant smiles to appear often.

Through pledging and the years in the frat house he was always friendly, but, alas, that was all I was to know of him then. The looks were almost enough. Like many of you I prefer "smoothies", but John had a good store of hair on chest, and across his stomach leading down to a full bush surrounding that swinging dick I saw so often in the frat house shower. But your first mental image would be misleading. John had curley blond hair and a bronzed slender bod; forget the black forest on a pale body you so often see.

As the years in the frat whizzed by the word slipped out. Like my many brothers I drank a bit too much on too many occasions. Ours was a high-powered engineering school and we all sought relief from the pressure as we could. John was among them. I was confronted openly one night but the brothers seemed to be willing to tolerate me as long as I "behaved". We were the jock fraternity, so the opportunity to live among the best bodies on the campus was incentive enough to restrain my impulses... well most of them.

Then before my senior year I spent the summer at the frat while working nearby. John was there as well.

Did I mention a bronzed slender body? Let me elaborate. Imagine if you will a body without flab, yet well enough developed to have all the muscle you like to see. I particularly loved to see him from the side, bending over, and watch his tight abs, his rib cage and all capped by the large muscles in his back. He had a good growth of beard to go with that body hair, but always picture the blond hair against the tanned skin.

One night I came home to an empty frst house after a few brews and decided on a shower. To my suprise and delight John followed soon after... clear into the two stall shower. I turned away, wanting to conceal my rising hardon but soon realized John was turned the other way, so I could study his lean musclled back, and the only truly white skin he owned, two round full cheeks below that back. The scene completed the erection just as John turned, abnd said a few words to chide me for my excitement. I moved out from the shower, dried my self and sat on the nearby commode. pressing my dick beneath my leg to hide its tumescence.

A moment later John stepped from the shower and I could see the start of his arousal. As he passed where I sat I reached out and grabbed it. "None of that" he said, but he drew away only slightly. I followed him to his room, and there was no indication of dissatisafaction as I entered. He lowered that wonderful body to the bed, his shaft swinging gently as he settled. I at once lay beside him the opposite way, with my face beside his hips. Holding the shaft in my hand I could feel the swelling as the blood rushed into his dick, swelling and lengthening it and causing the head to grow to "mushroom" size. I pressed it slowly beytween my lips, savoring its smoothness and inner tension. Drawing my teeth apart so as to not scratch and discomfort him I took him into my face part way at first, then adjusting my position more directly above those slim hips I was able to press him into me until that smooth head struck the place on the back of my throat which seemed to long for just such a touch.

Drawing back I began a series of sucking motions, but more they were massaging of every part of his dick with my lips. Once I withdrew completely so as to look at him closely, and in doing so took a moment to lick the veins running the length of his shaft with the tip of my tongue. Another interruption, to catch my breath and to prolong his pleasure, gave me time to lick and kiss the wondeful roughness of his tight scrotum, sensing the two balls drawn tightly up therein. At last I went after him furiously, only to feel his hand lifting my head and warning me to look out. I persisted and a moment later, with a thrust from his hips he shot a warm salty load that filed my mouth. Though he felt he should withdraw to allow my to spit out his jiuce, I swallowed, then with my lips drew the last remaining drops from his swollen head.

Reversing position I was rewarded by his acquisence in my kissing that bearded neck, then parting his lips for a fulsome, warm kiss.

Ah John, i dream of you still these many years since. You were my first real encounter, and none since has challenged your memory. Should you by chance read these words I hope they evoke the pleasent memory you gave me that day.


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