Descending into Cock Cravings

By Aus Master

Published on Aug 3, 2020


There are real life experiences weaved into the story but names have been changed and a majority of this is fictional fantasy. Please note that there are depictions of unsafe sex, drug use, domination, obsession and other themes including sexual experimentation, that are in no way an encouragement to pursue in real life. Please educate yourself on safe sex and other practices before engaging in any risky behaviour, particularly if it may be illegal in your country.

This is my first series and I would appreciate any feedback or interaction with my readers. If you would like to sign up to a mailing list to be notified of future chapters published on Nifty, contact my email address at the end of the story.

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Usually my sleep is fantastic and without interruption, but after the recent experiences with Jarrod, I've spent two nights tossing and turning. Eventually becoming so exhausted I pass out, only to wake up a short while later drenched in sweat. I've been staring at the blinds for a while now and it's refreshing to see them wane from orange to bright white, signalling the start of Friday. I've become increasingly tense and I'm finding school hard to focus on. I get up to start my usual morning routine. Unusually, I haven't seen Jarrod on the bus since Wednesday, and no further messages. Maybe he's realised just how average I am? I wouldn't be surprised. These thoughts continue to circle my head, much like the water beneath my feet in the shower. In the past when struggling with mental health, I've been able to lean on Ryan, after he first admitted his struggle with divorced parents as an early teen. Anxiety can be quite a debilitating, self-destructive force if left unchecked. I turn the hot water tap further, gritting my teeth as the stinging sensations envelop my body. This helps me ground myself against negative thinking. I hold my position under the water for a few minutes before calling it quits from the intensity. I swipe my hand across the foggy mirror and notice the raw pink tones highlighting my skin, especially across my shoulders. Pull it together Josh, you're finally in a good place. My phone buzzes on the cabinet and this brings me back to reality. "Joshua, how are you? What are you up to tonight?" a text from Jarrod. "Not a lot, you want to hang out?" I reply. Putting down my phone to finish up in the bathroom. My phone buzzes back in retaliation. "Yes, let's go for dinner somewhere. Pizza?" I leave the message on read for a while so I'm not late for class. Heading down for breakfast, everyone's at the table eating already. Sitting down quietly and reaching for the toast, I can feel mum's eyes watching my every move. "Look who decided to grace us with his presence" Kat smirks. I don't reply. It's just easier that way. "We're doing a reading tonight Joshua" my mum says quietly, looking over at my dad. "What?" I almost spit out my orange juice. "Eat shit loser" Kat laughs. The air suddenly grows tense across the table. I look up at my mum who's staring at me. "You know I can feel it" she mutters, turning back to her food. Ugh, where do I even begin. My mother can be a very level-headed and intelligent person, but she has her vices. Tarot cards. That should say it all. She is a very spiritual and prophetic seer, believing in equal energies and cosmic delusions. Occasionally in times of stress or misfortune, she will perform card readings usually by herself, but I must be exuding some particularly bad energy for her to force me to join. "I've got a thing on tonight, maybe tomorrow" I mumble, trying to eat hastily to escape this situation. "And where might you be off to?" Mum enquires. "I'd really like to know too! You don't have any friends" Kat chimes in. Dad is still sitting there silently reading his iPad, sometimes I wonder if he is more addicted than our teenage youth. "Ryan" I mouth, shovelling food into my mouth and giving Kat a dirty look. Soon enough I'm done and get ready to leave for the bus. On route to the next bus, I start searching the internet for meanings behind certain dreams. The past two nights I have been waking in panic and keep visualising the same dream, or perhaps a nightmare I should say. I'm running down the street in fear, unable to look back at risk of slowing down. I make it to a T-intersection and in a quick panic of indecisiveness, the road gives way and I fall downwards into a void, waking with a jolt. A few websites suggest finding out who the person chasing me is, in order to address the real problem. I jump off the first bus and patiently wait for the second one, still scrolling through self-proclaimed dream guru blogs. 'Dreams of falling are often induced by a prominent insecurity or losing control of real-life situations' it reads. Great, just what I need. The second bus rolls up and I join the queue to board the bus. Some scientific sites suggest it's completely normal in specific sleep stages, whilst other sites mention healing crystals under the pillow- What is this bullshit, I'm not buying crystals. I look up and sigh out the window. Why am I getting so worked up over this? I go back to trawling the internet for answers and feel someone sit down next to me. "Ignoring me now, huh?" his voice murmurs. I look and realise Jarrod had gotten on at his bus stop and found me in my usual spot. Ah shit. I forgot to respond to his text earlier. "Oh no, I was just busy with stuff" I say, going to put my phone away in my pocket. "Let me see that" Jarrod says sternly, reaching for my phone. "Why? I was just googling stuff" I reply, holding up my phone to prove my innocence. Jarrod takes my phone and scans the text quickly. "Dream symbolisms?" he asks curiously. "Yeah I dunno, I just haven't been sleeping well." I respond. "That's not good, how are you doing?" Jarrod's eyes soften. "I'm good! Just keep blowing off my best friend and haven't told him about you yet." I say sheepishly, looking out of the window. "You don't have to lie to him. Just say you're seeing someone." Jarrod says confidently. He leans in close "Though it's up to you how much detail you want to give him." His breath on my ear gets my heart racing and I chuckle awkwardly. "Yeah I guess so." I really take a moment to stare at Jarrod and how perfect he is. His classic black suit covering his sky-blue shirt. His pink tie was knotted perfectly and I noticed an elegant silver watch on his wrist that I hadn't seen before. "Don't start drooling here on the bus" Jarrod murmurs, smiling slightly. Having realised I stared for too long, I look away in shame as my face starts flushing. Jarrod starts to talk about the pizza place he wants to take me to later tonight but I struggle to listen and phase in and out of the conversation like oscillating waves. I'm trying my best to stay on track but keep losing focus, ending up by responding with an "uh-huh" or a "yeah". Jarrod must have noticed my absence as he starts asking "Are you sure you're alright Joshua?" "Yeah I'm fine, I'm excited for tonight, just have hectic classes today" I respond. My bus stop looms ahead and I say goodbye to Jarrod with a half-smile and jump off the bus. What am I going to tell Ryan?


I watch Joshua get off the bus and can't help but wonder what's going on. He's not acting himself and seemed completely unphased by anything I was saying. I've seen this before. Rather inexperienced, younger and usually sheltered boys who struggle with self-esteem and insecurities tend to lock the pain inside. Joshua certainly didn't see himself as attractive, and he regularly doubts himself. It's written across his face. His gorgeous, handsome face with eyes that just commentate his thoughts. I want this boy to be mine. I want to hold him close and watch his face as I slowly break him in. I imagine sliding into his little, innocent hole for the first time as he trusts me infinitely. Ugh snap out of it. Be patient, I don't want to scare him off or make him feel uncomfortable. However, I see his potential. Despite his insecurities being self-damaging, it's the perfect framework for adventure and self-exploration. I will show him how to love himself and he will beg me for more. Oh Joshua, I have so much planned for you. I stare out of the window and chuckle to myself as I remember how easy it was to make the guy cum. He's so perfect and innocent, I just want to pick him up and- The bus brakes suddenly and I hear the driver cursing loudly at the front, blaming a pedestrian for running across the road. I need to be more careful with Joshua. Something's up with him and it's my job to care for him. He deserves that. I had previously planned for a bit of a wild night, maybe show him a drag show and loosen up - but now it doesn't sound like such a good idea. One step at a time, I guess.


The first few hours of class pass very quickly, admittedly almost too quickly as I drifted in and out of focus. In my haze I noticed Ryan agitatedly look between his work and my face, searching for answers. I knew I had to tell him today, Jarrod had even advised me to. Finishing class on time, we make our way to the food court. Anxiously twirling my phone between my hands, I play out multiple scenarios on how I'm going to do this and what his reaction may be. We order some Thai from the stall Ryan always raves about and find a sunny spot outside on the grass to eat. "So...I know you've been worried about me but everything's ok" I say reassuringly, my stomach churning deeply. "So, what the fuck man?" Ryan says quickly. "Are you going through puberty again or what?" I laugh it off awkwardly and pause. "No I...I'm seeing someone." I look down at the grass in shame. "That's your big fucken secret? A boy?" Ryan says completely startled. I look up at Ryan. His eyes meet mine and he starts laughing hysterically. Loud enough for other students to turn their heads in curiosity at the sudden outburst. I start laughing along. "I dunno man, it's just new at the moment" I trail off. Why is this so awkward for me, he's my best friend. "Now I have even more things to tease you about" Ryan says, still smiling. "Oh please, you have nothing on me" I retort. Taking a large bite from my noodles. "Well the evidence is all there. You're the bottom" he shrugs. I spit out my noodles. "What? What gives you that impression? We haven't even-" "CHILL man! I was just joking, but it looks like I'm right." Ryan starts laughing again. "Ugh just shut up already...we're going to hang out tonight." I reply. "Oooh you'll have to tell me all about it tomorrow then. I'm coming round to yours and we'll hang out at the beach or something." Ryan says. "Ugh fine but you can't tease me about it or I won't tell you anymore." I say, trying to act annoyed. "You better make sure he uses a condom." Ryan smirks, waiting for my reaction. "Ryan I'm going to kill you." I say sternly, holding up a fork full of noodles, ready to peg it at him. "Hey, I'm not the one scared of noodles, you're scared of HIS noodle!" Ryan chuckles, holding his hands up to his face to the incoming projectiles. "THAT's IT" I yell, partly annoyed but mostly content. He is truly an awesome friend. I start throwing noodles at him anyway, he had it coming.

Ryan left me in a much better mood for the rest of the day, and it became much easier to focus and finish class. Almost like a fog had been lifted out of my brain. For now Josh, for now.

Jarrod didn't send any details on the pizza place we were going to, so after university I headed home to clean up and later called Jarrod to find out.

"Hi Joshua" his voice emanating from the speaker.

"Hey! I was wondering where we were going tonight? I didn't catch the name of the place." I said cheerfully.

"You sound much happier!" Jarrod commented. "Don't worry, what's your address? I'll come pick you up in an hour."

"Oh you don't have to do that, I don't mind travelling." I reply, unsure if I should confess my address.

"No, no. I insist." Jarrod says sternly. Even without seeing his eyes, I could just visualise that look of 'Do what I say' and I concede.

"Corner of Park road and Yarra street" I reply sheepishly.

"Smooth. I'll see you there in an hour." Jarrod hangs up.

Not knowing what was planned had my brain spinning in possibilities, mostly anxiety inducing. However, I knew once we were together these feelings would subside and I would feel more comfortable and safer. Jarrod certainly has that effect on me.

I really wanted to impress Jarrod. I know we're just going to dinner but I still don't know what "we" are. It's obviously not a relationship and it doesn't exactly seem to be a friend with benefits situation either. The situation is making my head sore to think about.

I clean up well and put on some black jeans, a cream-white sweater and style my hair slightly. Looking at myself in the mirror, I still don't know what he sees in me. I pull out an old cologne gifted to me for a birthday many years back and scarcely apply it to my wrists and neck. It's not too obnoxious and smells like the kind of forest you could get lost in for hours.

My phone starts buzzing and I quickly make my way outside and down the street, looking for Jarrod's car. A set of headlights flash across the road and I make my way over. I open the passenger door and climb in.

"Heeey" I say breathily. Looking up to smile at Jarrod.

He had just come from work it seems. His toned arms holding the steering wheel, white sleeves rolled halfway up his forearms. His dress shirt unbuttoned at the collar and lavender tie loosened, giving him a true 'It's been a long day' look. So fucking sexy.

He smiles back at me. "Joshua. You look good tonight." He reaches over and pinches my sweater sleeve.

"Thanks, you look really nice too" I beam back. Feeling the awkwardness hit a second too late, my face flushes and I turn to look away.

Jarrod chuckles and changes gear to take off down the road.

We park along a main road in the city. Without hesitation, Jarrod swipes his card on the parking meter and punches in for a few hours. The restaurant was an upscale pizza bar with two levels. I hadn't been here before but Jarrod was raving about how good the pizza was. A waitress finds us a table. A quaint two seated table, dimly lit by a flickering candle. "So I take it you told your friend?" Jarrod enquires, signalling the waitress back over. "Yeah I-" I start. "A jug of water and two of your cocktail specials thank you." Jarrod politely asks the waitress. "What if I didn't even like what you ordered for me?" I pull a half grin. "Well that is too bad..." Jarrod's voice lowers and he smirks "You did sign the contract to at least try being open minded." I laugh a little too loudly. "That's more for intimate...stuff" I swallow. "No, you've got it wrong Joshua it applies to everything" Jarrod says with humour. The waitress comes back over a few minutes later with our drinks and takes our order for three pizzas. "You realise there's no way I'm going to eat through one whole pizza let alone half of the second." I say profusely, sipping on the drink. Jarrod is staring at me sipping the drink and is clearly waiting for a reaction. I pull away from the drink in disgust as dramatically as possible. He rolls his eyes and chuckles. "Rule 1 of pizza with me. Always order more than you'll eat so you have the best hangover food the next morning!" "If that's what you want" I say with a grin. "Oh you know what I want" Jarrod says tentatively. Staring deep into my eyes again, I find it hard to pull away. His beautiful, handsome, yet sturdy-looking complexion is captivating me in ways I didn't even realise I could be. Paired with his great sense of style and professionalism, I feel a growing satisfaction in seeing him dressed up in a suit. It just bothers me so much how hot he is. My face begins to beat as I look away in embarrassment. He clearly enjoys making me feel like this. The pineapple drink was also growing on me as I finish it off. "We'd better get you another one you REALLY seemed to like it" Jarrod says, gulping his down and getting up to find the bar. The pizzas come quickly and I turn over to look for Jarrod and see him up at the bar. The bartender is shaking our cocktails and I see Jarrod lift his head up as he downs a shot glass. I turn back around before he can see and he comes back over with a beer for himself and a cocktail for me. "This chicken with feta one is my favourite!" Jarrod grins as he digs in. We laugh about nonsense and talk about our lives for a long while, ordering drinks every now and again and we are visibly starting to get drunk. I noticed again the next time Jarrod walked up to the bar he had another shot before returning to the table with drinks. "Why are you sneaking shots like some teenage rebel?" I ask. " caught me" Jarrod grins. "It takes me many more drinks to feel it and I didn't want you to feel you had to keep up, especially after last time." "So considerate" I pout. "I want to show you somewhere else." Jarrod says, getting up to pay the bill. "Oh we can split that" I say, fumbling for my wallet. "No really Joshua, it's okay." He insists. He pays up at the counter and we take our leftover pizza with us in a plastic baggie. Jarrod leads me two streets over to a hip-looking bar, bustling with people standing outside for a smoke. We enter and find two stools up on the main bar. The music is quite loud and there's a dance floor across the room with people going at it. I found it amusing to watch them and feel the alcohol sap any opportunity for social anxiety to come creeping up. I notice a guy in his mid 20's sipping at a drink alone a few tables away. He's just staring at me and I smile to make it less weird. "It's a gay bar Joshua. I brought you here to prove to you how good-looking you are." Jarrod says in my ear, I turn to face him. "They're just looking at you, stupid" I retort, snorting in laughter. Jarrod rolls his eyes and calls over the bartender. "Two fireballs" "I don't even know what that is" I say with confusion. "Oh you're going to love it then" Jarrod snorts. The bartender brings over two full shot glasses. "Don't spit it out" Jarrod looks at me. We each stare at one another as we down the shots. A roaring sensation trails down my throat and up my nose and I shiver in disgust. "That's fucken nasty." I shake my head a couple of times. Jarrod laughs hysterically as he appeared completely unphased by the taste like I was. At this point my vision starts to blur and I'm having a great time. We're both incredibly drunk and just trying to talk about simple things over the loudness of the music. Desperate to pee, I tell Jarrod I'm going to find the bathroom and stumble across the busy floor for the male toilets. I try to piss standing up in the stall and find my aim incredibly poor, splattering across the plastic seat. It took me a good few minutes to try and wipe it off without falling over, all while chuckling to myself. I open the stall door and see the guy that was staring at me before, leaning against the wall and he had been waiting for me to finish. "Hi" I say with a grin. "I cleaned it up don't worry". I walk over to the basin to rinse my hands. "Hey, you're cute, want to suck me off?" he replies in a low tone. "Oh I'm sorry, I don't think that's a good idea" I say in shock but find it funny and start chuckling. "C'mon, won't take long" the guy says. He walks over to one of the stalls. "I said no" I reply, slightly annoyed. I quickly leave the bathroom and, in a blur, run straight into someone entering the bathroom. "Oh I'm sorry" I mutter, looking up. "Don't even recognise me anymore, eh?" Jarrod replies, looking down at me and grinning from ear to ear. "You were taking a while, I was coming to check on you" he says. "It's all good, some creep in there was asking for a blowjob though" I start chuckling. Jarrod's face darkens and I see that twinkle in his eyes of anger. "Where?" he says sternly, going to push past me to enter the bathroom. I grab his wrist and pull. He turns back around and my hand slides down into his. "It's not worth it, let's go back to the bar" I say, worried he was going to get angry. "I just want to talk to h-" Jarrod says, his eyes dark and cold. I clumsily bounce forward and with what little strength I had, pushed Jarrod against the hallway wall and tried to reach up and kiss him. Jarrod's mouth opens into a smile as I'm trying to push my lips onto his. He relaxes the smile for a quick second to kiss me and pulls me back. "Let's go have one more shot and get out of here." He says, walking back out of the hallway. "Oh I've had more than enough" I giggle. He stops walking for a second to lean into my ear. "You're going to have another shot, and then we're going to go." He whispers. Using that soothing yet persuasive tone had my insides melting as I quietly followed him back to the bar. I brace myself as we take the shots and try to shake the taste from my mouth. Outside the bar, Jarrod orders an Uber as he is far too wasted to drive home. "The parking meter though" I sluggishly say over his shoulder as a driver confirms his pickup point. "You won't care about that in 20 minutes when we're alone" Jarrod turns his head and I feel his breath on my cheek. Sitting in the back of the uber gave me some time to think. Under normal circumstances I would have noped out of the situation so fast. Intimacy is quite scary when faced unexpectedly, and I try to tap into the logical side of my brain to reconsider heading to his house but it is too blurry. He's just so hot, I want him. I think I'm ready for this. I want this man to own me. To feel his touch all over me and claim my skin as his. The thoughts send warm pulses down my body, resembling a hormonal rush of pure lust. I look over at Jarrod and he catches my eye. He winks at me and his expression becomes rather stern. God he's hot. Soon enough, we arrive at the curb to his house. Watching the stepping stones blur under my feet as Jarrod walks ahead to unlock the front door. That last drink is really starting to hit my head now. Moments after we walk inside, Jarrod dumps his belongings on the side table and charges at me. Knocking the air out of my lungs, he picks me up with one leg around my thighs and the other holding my chest steady. I start laughing as my head spins. I make out the doors in the hallway as he carries me past each one. Jarrod lays me down carefully on a bed and turns on a dim lamp. His king size mattress spreading across the room like an endless cloud, was incredibly comfortable. Jarrod walks off into what looks like a built-in wardrobe and emerges a moment later out of his suit and in a white tank top with dark grey boxers. He lies down next to me, facing upwards at the ceiling. "That was fun" he murmured. Clearly, he was drunk as well. I wanted to beat him at his own game. Looking sideways at his stunning face, I make a split-second decision based solely on the drinks in my stomach. I jump up as fast as I can, stumble closer to Jarrod and land on top of him. My legs folded sideways off his chest, with my butt resting on his abs. In the sudden movement, he had grabbed hold of my forearms and we paused for a minute to look at each other. Jarrod pushed my arms sideways, forcing my upper body to fall towards him and he starts kissing me. The electrifying buzz returns, full of intense vigour and spreading down through my body. I feel his hands start to roam from my shoulders down to my chest as he presses his tongue in deeper. I inch backwards and grind my hips towards his boxers. I want this so bad. I want to feel what it's like to be slowly stretched open and fucked by a man. The lust takes over as I push further down and feel a solid lump against my ass. I pull away from Jarrod's mouth to take my pants off. Stumbling with my legs over his body, Jarrod chuckles at my struggle and pushes me to the side so he can get up. He stands up and drags me by the ankles to the edge of the bed so he can pull my pants off. Jarrod lowers himself over me, being careful to not let our dicks touch through our underwear. "You are so beautiful." He murmurs, tracing a finger down my cheek to my neck. "I want you" I say back, staring lustfully into his eyes. "Not tonight boy. I want you to enjoy yourself" Jarrod says sternly. He reaches in to kiss my lips briefly, before tracing the line he drew with his finger, with his lips. When he reached my neck, he inhaled sharply at the smell of my cologne. Looking back into my eyes, he whispers "You're mine Joshua." Then pressing his boxers and erect dick against mine, savagely attacking my neck with his mouth. The sensations across my neck and penis combined cause moans to escape my mouth loudly. "We don't have to be quiet here, boy" he stops to say, returning to my neck and kissing deeply. Not wanting to cum quickly again, I try my best to tense the area. "Relax boy, just feel it" he whispers, moving up to my ear. His soft, warm breath against my ear sends chills through my spine and I close my eyes in bliss. Suddenly I feel Jarrod's wet tongue pressing against my ear and I let out a moan before I have time to react. I go to pull away as the sensation was very weird and unexpected, but Jarrod uses one hand to hold my head in place. He twirls his tongue around my ear and my whole body begins to shake. I can't close my mouth and become very breathy from the moaning. I have never felt anything like it and it was beyond intense. "That's it boy, just relax into it." He pulls away from my ear and tilts my head for access to the other ear. "Please, they're too sensitive I don't know why" I say, trying to struggle against his hand. Jarrod suddenly stops and looks at me. "You remember the three colours, yes?" "Uh the red, orange and yellow ones?" I whisper back, catching my breath. "Great" he says, attacking my ear with his tongue again. The sensations ricocheted through my body again and I felt my groin become suddenly very tense. "I think I might be getting close" I breathe. Jarrod lifts his pelvis up so our dicks aren't grinding together, but he continues playing with my ear, swirling his tongue around like he couldn't get enough of it. The sensations kept building up, the tenseness spread like roots through my thighs. I was moaning uncontrollably and Jarrod begun using one hand to rub my nipple. Suddenly it was too much. My body began to pulse and I let out a drawn out scream as I felt something deep inside my ass begin to vibrate. The vibrations spread up through my body and I couldn't stop screaming. The head of my hard penis felt warm and wet. But this did not feel like I came. I was trying to get a grip on the intensity of these feelings and Jarrod did not stop playing with my ear. A whole minute must have passed of this intense feeling, and my legs were shaking uncontrollably. It begun to feel uncomfortable and overstimulating so I was pushing Jarrod away from my ear but he held me in place. "Please, stop, stop" I was trying to breathe. "Red, red, stop" Jarrod pulled away immediately and sat up to look at me. My whole body was shaking and I didn't know what was going on. "I don't know what happened" I was looking around, feeling as this was a triggered panic attack. "I'm sorry I didn't realise-" Jarrod stopped. He was staring at my body. I was confused and looked where he was staring. My entire sweater and underwear were completely drenched. "What the fuck" I sit up and lift my sweater to smell it. It didn't smell like urine. Thank god, I thought I pissed myself and I was about to cry. "This isn't cum." Jarrod gives me a look and gets up, finding a towel to bring back to me. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to hurt you." He says, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I don't know what happened" I repeated, still in a bit of shock. "it's okay. I think you may have had a prostate orgasm. Or you can squirt." Jarrod explains. I look over across the bed, a drenched puddle where I had been. "I am so sorry, I can clean this up." I apologised. "Are you kidding?" Jarrod looks into my eyes in pure wonder. "Not many guys can do that and it's fucking hot! We didn't even play with your ass or dick. Just imagine what might happen if we-" I had been completely humiliated and embarrassed. I watch Jarrod as he explains this with joy. He really seemed to like it? Or maybe he just doesn't want me to feel bad. He looked at me and noticed what I was feeling. "Hey look it's okay. Come with me and we'll shower." I still felt really bad about what happened but thought I'd at least try to get over it while I was still here with Jarrod. He takes me into a large en suite bathroom with a large glass cut-out shower. He takes off his tank top and boxers and turns the water on. Woah. His pecs were pumped up like balloons, trailing down to a chiselled set of abs. A large, muscled V pointed down towards his cock. His cock was soft yet still big. Bigger than mine soft at least. Trimmed pubes trailed around to his balls, which hung low and swung when he moved. He looked like a Roman god statue in the flesh, with a larger penis of course. I slowly undressed next to him and felt incredibly self-conscious about my body compared to his. We both jumped in to the steam and Jarrod grabbed me and held me close. "I don't want you to feel bad about anything that happens between us okay? You shocked me when it happened but this just makes me want you even more." Jarrod said near my ear. "Okay" I reply, pulling back slightly to look at his face again. The alcohol was still there but trailing off. I look at Jarrod lustfully again, realising I had given him no attention. I sink down to my knees in the shower and find myself level with his soft cock. "Joshua you really don't have to right now" Jarrod says sternly. I look up, moving my face out of the water stream. "Let me do it" I say back, challenging the spark in his eyes. Jarrod steps back to lean against the tiled wall. I follow him and lean in to lick his cock. I suppose it feels exactly how you would expect...soft, tissued skin with a cut head. I easily fit the whole thing in my mouth and try twirling my tongue around the head. I hear a small moan escape Jarrod's mouth and I begin to feel good about it. His cock suddenly twitches and I feel it growing inside my mouth. I try to keep my nose pressed against his abdomen but the cock just kept growing. I pull my mouth off to use my hands to play with it, and watch it reach its maximum length. Bigger than mine. I stare up and see him looking down at me. Fuck I want to please this man. I go down on his rock solid cock, reaching just past halfway before feeling it hit the back of my throat. I try not to gag and just go a bit further. "Just do what you can for now, don't push yourself" Jarrod warns. I pull back out to the head and start sliding back and forth to about halfway. Jarrod stifles a few moans and places his hands on my head. I keep pumping away at his cock, feeling the fullness take over my mouth. I really begin to enjoy it as Jarrod gently pumps back and forth in sync with my motions. Only a few minutes later, Jarrod grabs hold of the base of his cock and growls "I'm getting close boy, look up at me" I do what he asks and Jarrod suddenly leans back into the wall, pulling his cock out of my mouth and starts moaning louder. Warm, thick squirts of cum coat my face as I close my eyes. Woah, what a fucking load. I feel the cum reach my hair and dribble down my face. Jarrod stops moaning and whispers "Fuck, boy you're so hot like that" I wipe the cum away from my eyes and look up to see Jarrod panting and sweating. I smile at him and stand up, looking for the soap to wash the stickiness from my hands. Jarrod turns and pulls me into a hug from behind, kissing my neck again. "You're a good boy." My skin prickles at the sound of those words and I let out a huge grin. We begin to wash up and Jarrod starts cleaning the cum from my hair. Soon enough, we're back in the bedroom. Having stayed up so late, it didn't take long for the both of us to pass out naked under the sheets.

That concludes part four! If this piques your interest or you want to say hey, let me know by email. Requests to be added to a mailing list for chapter releases are accepted too.

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