Descending into Cock Cravings

By Aus Master

Published on Jul 25, 2020


There are real life experiences weaved into the story but names have been changed and a majority of this is fictional fantasy. Please note that there are depictions of unsafe sex, drug use, domination, obsession and other themes including sexual experimentation, that are in no way an encouragement to pursue in real life. Please educate yourself on safe sex and other practices before engaging in any risky behaviour, particularly if it may be illegal in your country.

This is my first series and I would appreciate any feedback or interaction with my readers. If you would like to sign up to a mailing list to be notified of future chapters published on Nifty, contact my email address at the end of the story.

Lastly, if Nifty is serving you content that you enjoy, please consider donating to them! Enjoy.

"Joshua". A familiar voice fades into focus. "You stupid boy, it's 11 am." Mum mutters as she sweeps across the room to open the blinds. "I'm an adult Mum, leave me be" I groggily reply, pulling the sheet over my head. I close my eyes and I'm suddenly pressed against something. Jarrod has me pinned against the brick wall at an intersection, kissing me intently. "What?" I launch upwards out of the sheets. "What?" Mum turns around at the door. "Oh...nothing" I mutter back. "Something's off Joshua, it's not like you to drink" Mum turns on her heels and walks out of my bedroom. That was real? It wasn't just a dream? I reach for my phone on the side table and open my messages. Sure enough, a text from a new contact named Jarrod had the address of a bar in the city. I lay back into the pillow. Shit. I guess he wasn't a murderer after all. Clearing through my notifications, I spot a text from Ryan earlier this morning. "Wyd today?" it reads. "Dunno, wanna head to the shopping centre and get some food? Maybe play some ball after." I type back. I throw my phone across the bed and reach down to stroke my morning wood. Huh. I throw back the sheet and see dried, flaky remnants of cum stuck to my stomach and across the sheet. "Great" I mutter to myself. It's only been a day but this probably occurred from being with Jarrod yesterday. I get up and wrap a towel around my body to hide the gross mess and groggily head to the bathroom. Feeling the hot water rush past my skin as I clean the dried cum off my body starts to make me horny. I start stroking, closing my eyes to imagine the sensations I felt the day before. Jarrod's soft but dominating lips grabbing hold of mine and conveying pure lust. I stroke faster to match the speed his tongue is flicking around in my mouth as I'm pinned against the wall. His face starts to blur as I open my eyes and orgasm hard. Expecting a large mess against the shower glass, I look down to find just a few drops of cum on the tiles. Pleased but shocked with the lack of cleaning to do, I jump out of the shower and get ready to head down to the shopping centre. ~~~~~ Spending a few hours with Ryan, my best friend was a real snap back into reality after the unexpected crazy that has occurred. I put on a real act to not seem off, as I really did not want to sit and play interrogation. This can be my dirty little secret for now. On the way down to the basketball court, my phone starts ringing. Jarrod. Shit. I answer the call. "Hey". "Hi Joshua, how are you today? I was calling to see if you had some time this afternoon to meet up and discuss our arrangement." "Arrangement?" I ask quizzically. Ryan shoots me a confused look. "The one where I want you to be mine. There is a lot to talk about." Jarrod replies in his blank but soothing tone. "Oh I-... I'll have to think about it." I stutter back. What the hell was I supposed to say? "Don't think too long pretty boy. I'll send you my address if you want to drop by later today" he replies. "Ok bye" I quickly hang up. "What was that about?" Ryan asks. "Oh just...a dumb telemarketer. I thought it was legit." The lie was just seeping out of my mouth. "Hmm righto, let's see your skills J" Ryan replies, jogging forward onto the court bouncing a ball. ~~~~~ After a sweaty session on the court I headed home to shower and let mum know I wouldn't be home for dinner. As if this whole Jarrod situation isn't an absurd coincidence, his address is only a 20-minute walk from home. I decided to go over and see what he wanted to talk about, especially after being completely unable to shake the memory of our kiss the night before. The maps directed me to this two-story standalone house. The design was quite old-style however a fresh layer of cloud-grey paint gave it a modern touch. Large windowpanes circled the front of the house, with blinds closed for privacy. A small front garden lined with shrubs and hardy succulents separated the house from the footpath, connected only by large granite stepping stones. I cross the stones and pause at the large, timber door. I find myself an extremely anxious and antisocial person, and tonight was no exception. Digging my fingernails into the palms of my hands, I knock on the front door. A minute passes before I hear footsteps approaching. What if this is the wrong house? A prank maybe? The door swings open. Ah. Jarrod is standing there, one hand on the door handle and the other against the wall. His body fit snugly into a cream sweater and black joggers. A wide grin spreads across his face as he looks me up and down. "Welcome Joshua! Come on in" Jarrod opens the door wider and gestures for me to enter. "Just head down the hallway to the right." I walked through the long stretch of hallway constructed of timber floorboards, minimalist design, along with some plants and paintings. Doors branching off on both sides along the hallway were mostly closed, except for one recognised as a small tiled bathroom. The hallway opened into a large living area, with the instant familiarity of cosiness. "Please, sit" Jarrod gestures to the couches. A huge TV panel set on the wall had a mesmerising neon screensaver looping. Jarrod sits across on another couch, far enough to say, 'This is professional.' "So, Joshua...I know this must be awfully confusing and perhaps a little scary. Did you want to ask anything before I start?" His eyes piercing into mine once again. A feeling that felt so surreal and scary but comforting, at the same time. "Uhm, no. I don't really know what I'm doing here to be honest" I reply cautiously. I start scanning the room, perhaps for perceived threats as my anxiety continued to climb. "Here's how I want this to go. After you leave here tonight, you have three days to come up with a response. You can walk out of here and never contact me again and I will not attempt to follow you. For the three days I will not reach out to you unless you call or message with a question. If this is all too much, I understand completely." Jarrod pauses to consider his next words, analysing my face for a reaction. "I want to teach you the world I live in. I can see that, although inexperienced, you were born to submit and take great satisfaction in pleasing a man. This goes beyond sexual contact, and the intention is to have a deep, inextricable connection of trust." What the fuck Josha...Get out of here now. My eyes start darting around the room. "I understand this may sound insane, but I urge you to hear me out. The three day period is for you and I to agree on a set of rules. A contract that-" "Is this seriously just like a master and slave BDS-, whatever you call it contract where I lick your shoes and satisfy you?" I say disgustedly. This is too much, I'm in way over my head. "No Joshua. The idea of the rules is to guide us through a world where situations can become strained, turbulent or possibly dangerous without communication and trust." Jarrod replies calmly. "Stop talking to me like I'm one of your clients. It's patronising and this is too much" I snap back. "I don't want to hurt you Joshua. Frankly, I want to do the opposite. I want to love you. I want to teach you things you didn't know existed and allow you to experience what you were born to do in a safe and protected environment." Jarrod says with comfort. "Like what? What can you teach me? How to have sex? I'm sure it won't take more than one or two sessions to figure that one out!" I exclaim. "Submission, Joshua. Everything else fades to bliss when you learn to submit. This isn't something you agree to for life. It's a work in progress that we have and if at any time you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, we stop. That's it. You're free to go whenever you want." He gestures to the hallway. "Okay and what exactly am I submitting for? Just so you can fuck me?" My voice tenses up. "I want to push your boundaries Joshua. It starts with a kiss, soon enough you'll be wanting more and I will provide. There is an entire world out there beyond what you know and I want you to experience it. You can't stop thinking about our kiss, tell me I'm wrong." Jarrod questions, analysing my face again. "Well yeah... I did enjoy it." I sheepishly reply. Am I seriously agreeing with him right now? "Can I try something with you Joshua? Come over here" Jarrod says sternly, standing up from the couch. "What is it?" I get up cautiously and walk around the couch to Jarrod. "You can just call me Josh." I barely finish my sentence before Jarrod slaps me across the face. Not extremely hard, but across the cheek so it rings loudly. "What the fuck man?" I go to step backwards, holding my cheek and then I trip on the corner of the L-shaped couch. Jarrod swiftly pushes me backwards onto the end of the couch and lowers himself down over me like in a push up position. "I'll call you what I want to call you, boy." His eyes twinkle with what seems like anger as he reaches down and plants his lips on mine. The sudden struggle to fight him off me washes over, like the ocean tide leaving the shore. Completely unresisting, I allow him to kiss me passionately. His tongue doesn't find its way into my mouth like the previous time, so I try my best to return the favour. Jarrod pulls away quickly, standing up. "That is submission, Joshua." He walks over to the dining table, where his laptop and a bunch of paperwork was spread across. I'm completely speechless and confused, to say the least. I watch Jarrod as his back is turned at the table. He has such a beautiful physique. Broad shoulders, definition everywhere it counts, and strong, muscled legs. I sit up and adjust myself. Jarrod walks back over and hands me a stapled set of paper. The front page was blank. "Here, no need to read this now. You can take as much time as you need over the next couple of days. Do you have any questions?" "What if I really don't want to do something? Or things are moving too fast?" I say quickly. "That's fine. We don't do it then. You'll come to realise that submission is rarely something you are forced to do and hate it. It's something I will show you over time. If things are moving fast, we slow down. I obviously have a job, as do you with university, so our lives will continue as normal." Jarrod replies. "Okay, I think that's it then." I say. I'm in a bit of shock so at a complete loss for words. "Okay Joshua we can wrap up here. Thank you for dropping by, hopefully you realise this is what you want. You know where to find me." Jarrod says as we get up and walk towards the front of the house. "Have a good night" I pipe up, walking out the front door. "Goodnight Joshua" Jarrod replies, leaning against the door frame. I make it down the front garden and turn around before heading across the footpath. Jarrod is watching me from the door, with a slight sense of satisfaction across his face. I grin and nod my head before taking off and heading home. Once again, I'm left bewildered and utterly shocked at what has just occurred. Everything happened so fast. On one hand there is a sense of urgency to escape the situation. A fight or flight response triggered by the dominance Jarrod secretes. Once he touches me it all melts away. I feel secure and safe and don't want him to let go. On the other hand, I've known him for what, 3 days? Trusting someone this quickly seems like textbook catastrophe for getting hurt. Oh well, I'll sleep it off and read the papers tomorrow. Perhaps all this dreaming of prince charming has finally paid off... ~~~~~ ZZZZRTT ZZZZRTT I quickly silence my phone alarm and stare at the ceiling. It's rare for me to have terrible, disrupted sleep but I start to see the logic following the events that have been occurring. The papers- I sit up all too quickly, jumping out of bed to grab the papers Jarrod gave to me the night before. The cold snap sends goose bumps down my body so I dive back into the bedsheets. Anxiety may just be my superpower. I feel it seeping outwards from my stomach, as if it were alive. A few pages are stapled together in the top right corner, with the front page completely blank. I turn to the second page, not knowing what to expect. RULES: I, Joshua, agree to the following: * Under no circumstance, will I hurt or intentionally put either party at any risk in any situation, sexual or otherwise, without prior consent. * Any sexual contact is consensual and consent may be revoked at any time using the 'Three-Step Light system' described on the next page. * I will not attempt to undermine trust or communication. If something is wrong or uncomfortable, I will speak up. I expect the same from the other party. * Kinks, fetishes, actions and preferences will be trialled on an 'increasing' scale, and once well-received by both parties, becomes a regular activity. * I will respect the other party as my dominant superior. This includes submission, referring only to them by a designated name, and trusting their intentions. * I will not collect or distribute information in any form (ie. Digital) without prior consent. This includes photos, videos, conversations and integrity of both parties' public identity. * I expect no reimbursement or compensation for this arrangement. This includes physical assets, monetary gain, reciprocal behaviour or dedicated time. * I, as the submissive party, accept the role in all its facets. This includes taking orders, aiming to please, respecting boundaries, having an open mindset, and not 'talking back'. * I accept that these rules are not permanent and can be negotiated but serve as a basis for positive communication and safety. * Signature required: ________ Josh...come on man. Isn't this a bit extreme? I stare blankly at the rules trying to make logical sense of it. First off, Jarrod is so comfortable in his life...financially, socially, has a dream job, and really could have anything else he wanted with his good looks. Why does he want me? Why set up all these ridiculous rules? I mean, it all does sound kind of hot. I wouldn't really label myself submissive as I've never even done something with anyone before. But the way he makes my anxiety melt away... Also, why go to all this effort? Surely this isn't legally binding anyway. If I slapped him back across the face like he did to me, he couldn't sue me. He can't be that good of a lawyer. Leaving myself with more questions than I started with, I reach for my phone and send a message to Jarrod. "What is this increasing scale thing? You kiss me day one and piss on me day two? Which by the way, I would never let you do" Okay, maybe that was a bit mean. What does he expect? I flip to the next page. THREE-STEP LIGHT SYSTEM: Experiencing things for the first time can be daunting, and sometimes dangerous or risky. Using this system in both sexual and non-sexual situations ensures both parties feel safe. In power play relationships, words such as "no" or "stop" can have a blurred line, sometimes triggered verbally involuntarily, or even intentionally used to intensify a fantasy. Verbally express one of the colours below to communicate. Both parties are expected to instantly recognise and adapt to this seriously. * YELLOW - The situation is slightly uncomfortable or out of my comfort zone. I don't know how to feel about what is happening and might need reassurance or extra caution if proceeding. * ORANGE - I do not like what is currently happening. Let's stop the current action, but keep going with something else. For example, continuing sexual intercourse but stopping an action such as slapping or name calling. * RED - Stop immediately. This is completely uncomfortable and I don't feel safe. Release any restraints, devices or inhibitors (e.g blindfold, gag, or remove me from a social situation). Far out Joshua, are you really going down this road? I turn the page again to find an empty page at the back. That simple, huh? My phone buzzes. "No Joshua, the idea is to slowly push boundaries whilst ensuring you are comfortable. The expectation is that once you grow accustomed to a new kink or fetish, we can regularly do it. This is so you can experiment and find the things you enjoy." Jarrod's message reads. This is terrifying. What if I don't enjoy anything that he wants me to do? I'm just going to be a massive disappointment. I used to dream of a guy like him, being able to worship him and do as he pleases... Wow, that really is starting to sound like a submissive thing to say. He did say I can leave anytime. Can it really be that bad to give it a go? I continued to process these thoughts in the back of my mind as I got up to go about my Sunday as if nothing has happened. ~~~~~ The next two days blur together as the only train of thought I can hold down is that of Jarrod and his seductive fantasy. Back in class, Ryan had noticed my behaviour change but for some reason, I felt the need to keep this a secret. It's just too good to be true. Wednesday morning rolls around. The fourth day. I've missed the deadline. I could still message him, but where would he take me? I still have my life ahead of me, what if this permanently stains me? I have a lot more to think about than just sexual satisfaction, despite the idea of this fantasy being so damn alluring. I decide to call Jarrod and at least give him the courtesy of turning his proposal down by voice. My stomach begins to churn with each consecutive ring. "Hello Joshua" his familiar voice responds. "Hi Jarrod. I uhm...I don't really know if this is a good idea for me. I don't know what I'm getting into and the whole thing scares me quite a bit. I don't mean to offend you as you have been very kind-" I start rambling. "Don't sweat it. I appreciate your call. Take care Joshua." Jarrod says as calmly as ever, hanging up the phone. Fuck, now I feel awful. A few minutes pass and I am really starting to feel bad. Like I owe him something. "I'm sorry" I send a message to Jarrod. A while passes, all without a reply. I realise I have class this morning and start to freak out. I'm never late, so I scramble to the shower and mumble excuses to mum as I'm heading out the door. Having missed the usual bus, I make it to the bus stop for my second transfer and happily find to have missed the usual morning rush. I plug in my earphones and happily zone out and jump on the second bus. The bus reaches the major interchange where we usually fill up to capacity, however today just a few people get on. In my morning haze, I recognise a familiar someone tapping their card on the reader at the front. Oh, shit it's Jarrod. Professionally dressed in a dark grey suit and vibrant yellow tie. Again, I'm staring for just a second too long and as he turns towards the back of the bus, scanning for a seat, we lock eyes. Jarrod quickly looks away and sits near the front of the bus. My rejection must have caused him to be late as well... My mind is spinning for a bit, wondering what to do. Before I even realise what I'm doing, my body walks down to the front of the bus and sits next to Jarrod. He looks over at me. "Hey" I mouth quietly. "Joshua. I thought you made it clear this was done." Jarrod responds, with a blank expression. "I know. I'm just confused. You make me act in ways I haven't before." I say back. Where am I getting the courage to be saying this? "As I said the other day, I have no intention of pushing you to do something you don't want to do." He continues, expressionless. "I do want to" I say, staring deep into his eyes. I hate eye contact with just about everybody, but something about his eyes kept me magnetised. Jarrod leans into my ear. "Then you'll have to accept a punishment for responding a day late." He whispers seductively. Feeling his warm breath against my ear causes my body to tingle and my face starts to flush. Not knowing how to respond, I nod my head and look around in embarrassment for anyone who might have been looking. Jarrod spends a moment looking out of the window as the bus turns round a scenic park. "What time does your class finish today?" he asks. "Probably 1..maybe 1:30" I respond. "Good. Have you still got my business card?" Jarrod asks. "Uhhh yeah I do! It's at home though" I trail off. "I'll text you the address to my office. Come over this afternoon and let reception know you have an appointment with me." Jarrod pulls out his phone to send a message. "Oh okay, I can do that. What are we doing there?" I ask with confusion. "Your punishment, obviously." He responds with a half-smile. My stop looms ahead and I'm already late for class so I grab my bag and prepare to run. "Okay, I'll see you then" I say, trying not to sound worried. I sure hope he doesn't slap me again because I didn't find that very attractive. Jarrod nods his head as I walk to the front door and bolt down the street to reach class. Thinking of ways to deflect with Ryan, I realise this is going to be harder than I thought. ~~~~~ I make my way up to the doors of the law firm. Frosted glass panes line the exterior with a well-cared for set of pot plants. Still, a rather gloomy atmosphere if you are entering these doors to prepare for a court case. A young, professional-looking girl sitting near the entrance behind a desk greets me over. "Hi there, what can I do for you today?" She says cheerfully, with a dramatic smile. "I, Uh..have an appointment with Jarrod- I mean. Mr Walker." I say, fumbling to resemble the way a client would act. "What time was that appointment for?" she asks, darting her computer mouse around to search the calendar. "Oh, now? I guess. 1.30" I mumble, feeling anxious. "Funny. I can't see you on the system. I'll go and let Mr Walker know you're here. Your name?" the lady asks. "Josh...Joshua" I stumble. "Okay one moment" she says as she walks down the narrow hallway. A few minutes pass when I hear the clopping of her heels returning down the hallway. Behind her is Jarrod, looking so hot as always. "Right this way Joshua" he says, turning around to head back down the hallway. I follow him closely at his heels. Jarrod steps into an enclosed office and gestures for me to enter. He closes the door behind me, flips the lock and walks over to lean against the back of his office desk. "Glad you found the place, did you happen to bring the papers I gave you?" he asks. "No I- I left them at home" I stutter, looking around the room. "That's all good. Joshua do you agree with all the rules?" he asks intriguingly. He looks so fucking hot just leaning there. He wasn't wearing his blazer so his tight-fitting shirt filled his pumped arms and toned body like a second skin. His skinny yellow tie trailing from his neck down to his waistline, where his pants start to show off those thick thighs and tight glutes. Unbelievable. "Yeah... I think I do" I try to smile but his presence was so dominating, I felt scared. "Come here and kiss me, boy" Jarrod says with lust. I step forward and awkwardly try to get closer but Jarrod's legs are leaned outwards. Jarrod opens his legs and grabs my waist, pulling me into him. His lips are so soft and selfish, poking and prodding mine as if a toy to him. Jarrod holds my neck with one hand and I relax deeply into his touch. I feel my cock start to harden against his thigh and pull back slightly in doubt. "Don't worry, we are not rushing into things" Jarrod murmurs, his eyes full of that anger I saw the other day. Is it anger? I can't tell. Jarrod stands up from the desk and wraps his arms tighter around my hips. He is only slightly taller than me but proves to be immensely stronger. He squats slightly with his legs and in a single motion, lifts me off the ground. With one hand he lets go of my waist and grabs my ankle, forcing it over and around his thigh. The sudden shock of being lifted forced the air out of my mouth, and without time to react, he quickly grabs my waist with both arms again, before switching and wrapping my other leg over his thigh. Standing up straight, he carries me into the corner of the room, allowing my back to rest against the wall. I feel a hardness pressing against my thigh and balls, realising it is Jarrod's cock. Something clicked inside me like an animalistic instinct. Like I was born for this. I had the sudden urge to just get down and fuck. Any anxiety or nerves dissipated and I leaned in to kiss this man harder. He found me so attractive he wanted to fuck me, I feel so complete. Jarrod leans some of his body weight against mine into the wall, allowing his mouth to reach my ear. "I want to hear you say you're mine." He whispers, moving down to kiss my neck. This forces inescapable moans from my mouth. My face is flushing hard and I start to feel sweat beading on my forehead. "I want to be yours Jarrod. Please kiss me" I breathlessly whisper. Jarrod slightly loosens his grasp on my waist so I slide down slightly, and he presses back into me. His cock is now positioned against mine through our pants. Jarrod starts to grind his hips in an upward motion. The feeling is electrifying and sends prickly waves across my body. I've never had someone touch me like this before. Swept up in the moment, moans escape my mouth again as my head leans back into the wall. "If you don't control yourself, I'll have to gag you" Jarrod whispers. I try my best to hold it together by clenching my teeth together. This can't be happening. An intense pulsing starts in my balls and warms my thighs. It is strange but nice. A throbbing almost. I haven't cum since yesterday and realised what the feeling meant too late. "Jarrod stop, I'm going to cum." I breathe. Jarrod smirks and says, "That's your punishment Joshua." He picks up the pace and grinds deeper against my cock. Feeling the throbbing spread up towards my stomach is the final straw and I feel an intense contraction as liquid starts spurting out of the head of my cock and into my underwear. I start moaning uncontrollably as Jarrod lets go of my waist with one hand and shoves it against my mouth. Jarrod slowly releases my legs to the floor and kisses me deeply again. "You're mine, boy. Don't forget it." He says, pulling away. Experiencing such an intense orgasm had me dumbfounded and unaware of the mess I've made in my pants. My legs cramped up from the sudden orgasm and I was left leaning against the wall. "Here" Jarrod says as he hands me some tissues. "That didn't take long for you" he smirks again. Embarrassed, I turn around against the wall and reach into my pants to clean up. There's an obvious stain on the outside, like I pissed myself. "I can't go home like this, I can't even cover it" I say, turning back around to show Jarrod. "Then next time you'll respond to me on time" Jarrod smirks again, adjusting himself so his erection hides away. "That was nice...thankyou" I start, trying to hide my awkwardness. "Did you want me to finish y-" "Thankyou sir, that is. I'd like you to address me as sir from now on. No, I appreciate the concern boy, but that can come later." Jarrod says, looking me up and down. "You'd best be on your way, I do have to get back to work unfortunately." Jarrod says, sitting down behind his desk. "No problem, I'll see you again soon?" I ask eagerly. Jarrod looks me in the eyes with a devilish smile. "I told you once you get a taste, you wouldn't be able to get enough." Feeling the awkwardness creep back into my mind, I try to laugh it off as my face flushes again. How is he so fucking perfect? "See you later" I mutter with a smile while turning around opening the door.

That concludes part three! If this peaks your interest or you want to say hey, let me know by email. Requests to be added to a mailing list for chapter releases are accepted too.

Due to the same question being asked in email responses... yes, much of this story so far has been a real-life experience for me. I intend on finishing the real story before branching off into a more fictionalised approach if enough readers would like as such. Thank you for the wonderful feedback so far.

Next: Chapter 4

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