Descending into Cock Cravings

By Aus Master

Published on Jul 18, 2020


There are real life experiences weaved into the story but names have been changed and a majority of this is fictional fantasy. Please note that there are depictions of unsafe sex, drug use, domination, obsession and other themes including sexual experimentation, that are in no way an encouragement to pursue in real life. Please educate yourself on safe sex and other practices before engaging in any risky behaviour, particularly if it may be illegal in your country.

This is my first series and I would appreciate any feedback or interaction with my readers to steer the plot in a direction that will be well- received.

Lastly, if Nifty is serving you content that you enjoy, please consider donating to them! Enjoy.

ZZZZRTT ZZZZRTT ZZZZR- My arm instinctively darts for the side table to silence the dreaded noise which signals the start of another day. An endless cycle that started the day I went to preschool. Sleep, go to school, eat, go home, repeat. There doesn't seem to be more to life. Not for the next 3 years whilst at university at least. I pull the bedsheet up over my head to drown out the thoughts and feel the familiar tingling sensation of morning wood. Here's the thing, I love to sleep naked. Underwear just make me sweat and I enjoy the freedom. Coupled with an uncut penis that exposes the head completely when hard, I need to jerk off daily or else I risk a wet dream. If I skip a day, the next morning when I wake my dick drools for attention and if I somehow make it to day three, I will wake up to a raging orgasm and ruin my bedsheets. I start rubbing my cock and feel my balls aching to be relieved. Imagining some hot jock from the high school football team makes my face flush and I feel myself getting closer. It's not long before I spurt up all over my chest. I've watched my fair share of porn and notice my cum is always significantly more runny than the thick cum spurting out of pornstars. They take pills for that, I guess. Wednesday morning fades away as I zone out through my routine and breakfast, alerting myself only at the bus stop to stand my ground against the stressed-out city workers. Is that what I'm going to be like in a few years? I'm luckily near the front of the queue as the 227 bus pulls in, and seat myself near the rear as always. My release radar on Spotify turned out to be a real jam this morning and after spending some time adding to my playlist, I look up to see people boarding from the next major bus interchange. A tall man boards the bus and taps his card- him again? Oh please can this not be a regular thing, someone as hot as that drives me insane. I notice his well-tailored gray suit and navy polka dot tie, his gorgeous hair just groomed as if fresh from the barber. He sits down at the front of the bus, where two rows of seats face inwards, allowing him to face towards the back of the bus. I look away quickly before there is a chance of eye contact. Definitely don't need that again Josh. In what feels like an eternity, but in reality is probably thirty seconds, I look in his direction and he's staring right at me. His blank expression turns into a half-smile as I look away again, flushing so hard I start to panic that I might pass out. I don't dare look again in the twenty minutes to my stop and as I walk down the aisle to exit, I impulsively look again and he is still staring at me. Needing to make some facial expression to let him know I'm not deranged or dangerous, a grin comes over my face and I jump off the bus. The rest of the day passes uneventfully as Ryan texts five minutes before class that he's sick. Sure buddy, sure you are. ~~~~~ ZZZZRTT ZZZZR- Welcome to another day in the life of Josh. Come one, come all to the tragic reality of a boring and miserable teen just trying to find an escape in the monotonous cycle of education. I quickly run to the bathroom and run the hot water. It's rather odd I've seen this man twice in two days, what's the chance I'll see him today? His glowy skin, defined jawline, shaven face and overall complexion that seem to melt any confidence I have- My cock starts to stiffen under the running water. Imagining this man kiss me so passionately and holding me close. I start pumping my cock desperately as I visualise his touch. He stands there in the shower, staring intently into my eyes as his large hands jack me closer to the edge. With one hand he grabs my neck and pulls me in to kiss deeper and I start spurting all over the glass divider. He fades away as I open my eyes, leaving me alone to deal with the mess. ~~~~~ I find my usual seat on the bus again, careful to not rub my favourite sweater against the grimy surfaces on the bus. I decided to dress up a little bit with the hope this man at least remembers me for decent style. Along with your psycho staring, Josh. The bus pulls over on a suburban street where no one usually gets on – only one stop away from where he gets on with the crowd. I am too busy staring out of the window impatiently for the bus to start moving again to realise someone has made their way to the rear of the bus and sits beside me. It was awkward to say the least. There were at least ten other double seats available, why would they want to sit next to- What the fuck. Staring down at the long legs beside me I realise too late. I look up and there he is. Ten fucking centimetres from my face. Him. "Hi there" he says in a deep, masculine tone. "Uhh- Hi" I stutter back. Staring into his deep brown eyes as they prod around my soul. "I noticed you staring quite a bit the past two days" he expresses lightly. Is that an American accent? It's oddly distinct for an Americ- "Canadian, actually" he chuckles. "Your face really gives away what you're thinking about". I nod in agreement. I feel the anxiety building in my chest. The inescapable snowball fuelled by awkward social interaction. I need to get out of here. What is he doing talking with me? "Uhm, are you lost or something?" I mutter back, looking for a reason this God has graced me with his presence. "I'm rather intrigued by you. I'm just going to lay it out flat. I would really like to take you out for a drink sometime." He says quietly, analysing my face for a reaction. "Oh I'm n-" I start to panic. "Not gay?" he chuckles again. "You'll have to try harder than that. I'll tell you what, here's my card. Have a think about it". He reaches into his blazer pocket and I can see his well-defined pecs through his shirt. "Oh I-" I take the card but reeling in panic, I start to hand it back. He raises his hand in protest. "My name's Jarrod by the way. Nice to meet you. Hopefully, this won't be the last time we talk." Jarrod cuts me off. "Have a good day". Jarrod gets up and walks down the front of the bus, getting off at the stop he normally gets on. I am so confused, scared, and anxious...what just happened? Either the universe is throwing some sick joke or this is really happening. I can't go and see him? Who just walks up to someone and says those things? My mind is swimming in deep thoughts until I arrive at uni and try my best to engage in class and converse with Ryan. ~~~~~ I get home after a long day and sprawl across my bed, staring at the white ceiling above. Ryan doesn't need to know about this guy as it would just sound like the most ridiculous delusion, and I'm starting to think any attempt to contact Jarrod is just asking for trouble. I pull out Jarrod's business card. Bright white with engravings for a business in the top left corner, and his details printed in the centre professionally. Jarrod Walker Associate at Slater and Gordon Brisbane, QLD His mobile number was also printed at the bottom. I twirled the card in my hand for a while before working up the courage to punch the number into my phone. "Hey" I typed. I nervously waited 5 minutes for a reply before giving up and browsing Reddit. Scrolling through tens of subreddits with naked men had me getting a bit horny. How do all these guys have the confidence to post naked photos of themselves on here, especially with their faces? Granted, they were all very attractive. An hour later a notification falls onto my screen with his name. "I never caught your name ;)" "Joshua. Everyone calls me Josh" I hastily type back. "I'm really glad you texted me Josh. I know you're nervous so how about we meet up at a small bar tomorrow after work?" "Ok" I wrote. Wait what? Did I seriously just agree to this? He must want something, it's obviously not a date. Adding anxiously "Ur not expecting sex right? I'm not comfortable enough for that" "No, no. Just a casual dinner Josh. I'll send you a time and place in a bit. See you then." Jarrod wrote back. Oh man, what have I got myself into. ~~~~~ I didn't have class today so I hung out with Ryan and had time to shower at home before leaving for the city. My wardrobe isn't that extravagant and he did just say casual dinner, so I throw on some ripped black jeans and a cute grey sweater. I arrived at the bar before Jarrod so I sat down in a small booth praying for my anxiety to disappear. It was bubbling up into my throat. It wasn't long before I saw him walk through the entrance. Despite probably having a long and exhausting day at the office, he looked incredible. A navy suit, white shirt and striking red tie, making his sculpted face look so assertive and bold. Jarrod looks around for a few seconds and spots me in the corner, raising a half smirk. He sits down opposite me. "Hey Josh! I'm so glad you came!" he said cheerfully, as if talking with an old friend. "Hi" I replied, feeling the nerves hit my throat again. "How about a drink? On me." Jarrod says as he gets up. "Sure, maybe just a beer." I reply. Jarrod comes back over to the table with a tray of two beers and two colourful-looking cocktails. "Thought I'd surprise you, try it." he grinned. I gave it a sip. Wow that's an intense mix of fruit. Passionfruit, maybe peaches? It hardly tasted alcoholic. "This is really awesome! What is it?" "That's a secret to leverage another night out with you" he smirked. I continued to sip at the drink. "I must admit, I'm really confused as to why I'm here. Meeting a stranger, who by the way is far too attractive to notice me." "Hey that's not fair, I managed to work up the courage to ask a boy out to drinks who I find incredibly gorgeous and cute." Jarrod chimes in. "Huh? Me?" I start to chuckle. "I'm sorry to burst your bubble but you could have a modelling career on the side, and I'm not the only one to think so. Those ladies up at the bar have been sneaking looks at you for five minutes now". "Oh well, that's too bad. I'm only interested in one person here. You underestimate yourself." He says. I was incredibly thirsty from the travel to the city, so it did not take long to polish off my drink and start on the beer. Although I don't drink alcohol very often, two drinks couldn't hurt. "I think you underestimate yourself" I snap back with a grin. Feeling the alcohol hit my head. "Jeez what was in that cocktail?". "Oh I'm perfectly aware of my situation Joshua. Part of the secret is how strong it is, so we'll take it easy. The food should be ready soon." "Ohhhh I could really go for some fries right now." I giggle. "Ordered them earlier." He smirked. "So, Joshua here's the deal." Jarrod's face darkened into a serious tone. Maybe it's the face he uses in the office with his clients. His eyes are so stunning, I can get lost in th- "Here's what I already know about you. You're a virgin, you take the bus to school, you're quite shy and introverted but long for a deep connection romantically. You haven't had a proper relationship before, and I'm guessing that's because you don't make the first move." "Wow ok, I didn't come here for a palm reading. Wait that's not all true and-" I snapped back annoyed. "I think it is Joshua. Someone begins to take notice of you and you fixate. I think-" he replies back calmly. "I don't care what you think, you don't know me". I pipe back and get up to leave. "Joshua wait. Sit down. You haven't asked me why I'm here." Jarrod says, still calmly as before. I am furious and defensive; this guy doesn't know me. I stare into his eyes and they're so calm and soft, however they're somehow ordering me to sit down and listen. Maybe it's just the alcohol ramping me up. I sit down on the bench. "Joshua here's what I want. I have a great career, money, assets, friends, and almost anything else you could ask for. I have passions, interests and can get almost any guy I want. You know what I don't have?" "I'm guessing me?" I chuckle. This is such a joke that alcohol or not, I'm dreaming this up. This is so deranged I might just be having a mental breakdown. "Do you think I'm interested in your money?" "Oh no, not money. I just knew the moment I met you that you wanted-" Jarrod stops abruptly. A waitress comes over with two more of the colourful cocktails and a large plate of fries and smiles at Jarrod. I instantly take a drink and start gulping it, hoping this embarrassment somehow swallows itself. "Slow down there buddy." Jarrod reaches for my arm to slow me down. "You have innocence. I want it. I want to show you the world that you dream of and break that innocence down in my arms." I spit my last mouthful back into the glass. "Wh-" I start to stutter. "So this is supposed to be a date? A romantic date?" "You don't need to label things Joshua, this can be whatever you want it to be. Have I scared you off yet?" "No, I'm just confused as to why me? I'm not that attractive and I would suck in bed because I haven't exactly done that..." I trail off in embarrassment. "That's my point Joshua. I don't want someone to fuck. I need you. I want you to be mine. I want to own you. Tell me that isn't something you want." His eyes piercing into my soul once again. "I mean, I dunno man" my voice starting to slurr slightly from the cocktail. Jarrod continues to stare at me and I suddenly feel a shoe pressing against my erect dick. "This guy says otherwise." Jarrod smirks. "Hey! We're in public" I snap back, adjusting myself and looking around. "How about we go get some ice-cream?" he says. "Sure, but just because I'm mildly drunk, don't think you can pull off kidnapping me on a busy main road." I say as I get up from the booth. "I have no intention of doing that" he whispers in my ear as he walks ahead and opens the door for me. We walk outside into the cool air and head down the street. I'm clearly more affected than him as I can hardly walk straight and keep giggling at nonsense. I feel Jarrod put his arm around my shoulder and help me walk. We make it down to a busy intersection and wait by a large sandstone wall near the pedestrian crossing. "Joshua-" Jarrod breathes as he gently pushes me against the wall and leans in for a kiss. I had no time to even consider avoiding it as everything was blurring together. I kiss him back and feel his beautiful lips pressing against mine with a fierceness I don't recognise. Jarrod's tongue seeps into my mouth and I melt in his arms as his body weight holds me against the wall and I feel an electric current raising the hairs across my body. He presses his body closer and I feel a solid lump against my thigh. I am being turned on so much, my head is flushing and- The pedestrian crossing light goes green and starts beeping rapidly. Jarrod pulls away and wraps his arm around my shoulder again to help me cross. "Are we gonna talk about-" I start muttering "Let's just get some ice-cream buddy" Jarrod says. We each pick a flavour and sit down at one of the tables. "So... How old are you?" I ask quizzically. "You dress like an investor, have the complexion of a 20 year old model and act like you're 50." "I'm 24, Joshua. Thanks for the compliment. I moved here from Canada 3 years ago and have quite a bit of talent in my field. The suit is not only part of the job but asserts confidence in almost any situation." Jarrod states. "Oh I can see that, it really suits you" I stutter to finish the joke and start laughing loudly. Jarrod shakes his head in disappointment and chuckles. "Although I said this can go wherever you want it to, I do have some expectations and boundaries I want to set." "Oh is this like one of those contracts where I sign my soul over to the devil and he can do with me as he pleases?" I giggle again. "Yes and no. We will talk about this another day when you sober up. I just wanted to show you tonight that I am obsessed with you and I want you." His last words make my body tingle and my cock twitch. That's funny did he just say the word obsessed? Well I got news for you Jarrod, I'm obsessed with you. "Hehe and if I don't want you?" I tease him. Jarrod leans across the table and whispers "I think we both know you're wrong, and after you get a taste of what I have planned for you, you won't be able to resist". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That concludes part two! If this peaks your interest or you want to say hey, let me know by email.

Next: Chapter 3

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