Descending into Cock Cravings

By Aus Master

Published on Jun 23, 2020


There are real life experiences weaved into the story but names have been changed and a majority of this is fictional fantasy. Please note that there are depictions of unsafe sex, drug use, domination, obsession and other themes including sexual experimentation, that are in no way an encouragement to pursue in real life. Please educate yourself on safe sex and other practices before engaging in any risky behaviour, particularly if it may be illegal in your country.

This is my first series and I would appreciate any feedback or interaction with my readers to steer the plot in a direction that will be well- received. For the first few chapters there will be a lot of backstory and minimal sexual encounters. The story will switch between two perspectives occasionally, given by a [NAME] break in the text.

Lastly, if Nifty is serving you content that you enjoy, please consider donating to them! Enjoy.

I have always been blessed with the ability to fall asleep quickly. Some people complain every day of their failed attempt to sleep the previous night, tossing and turning until they collapse in exhaustion. I can't explain it really. Even before a stressful day ahead, once my head hits the pillow, my world spins for a second and the sudden screeching of my 6 AM alarm cries out. I make my way groggily to the bathroom across the hallway from my room and run the shower. It takes a few minutes to heat up so I lean against the basin and stare at myself in the mirror. My name is Josh. I am 19 years old and currently a nursing student at my local university in Queensland, Australia. I have a few friends, a loving family and enjoy the small things in life, like cooking, reading and the stillness of nature. The water begins to heat up and steam curls around the mirror, fogging the reflection of my body. I would say I have quite an average build. I would certainly like to work out and gain some muscle but find gyms quite intimidating and overwhelming, with all the masculinity hanging in the air. I step into the shower and quickly adjust the scalding water. I feel my morning wood tickle under the water pressure and start to stroke. I have known I was gay since my early teens and coming out to my family was not an issue. They were supportive and I secretly think they knew before anyway. Despite being 19 I am still a virgin and take shame to this. Hmm...what's that? Grindr? Before you even have a chance to send me a list of every gay hook-up app there is, let me put a stop to it right there. I don't really get into trouble. It's not that I don't want to, I've just always been the good child. Never drinking underage, taking drugs or meeting up with a random person for sex. Who could be a murderer, just saying. I move my hands down to my balls and give them a tug. My legs and butt are well-defined thanks to competitive swimming that I do weekly since high school. I suppose I don't have a lot of self confidence and treat myself quite averagely. Maybe prince charming will come along soon...and pick me up off the floor. Staring into his sparkling eyes and gorgeous long hair, I lean forward into his face to kiss his thick lips and- "URGHHH." I grunted as a thick load shot across the shower and down the wall. Sigh. He's not coming today. Finishing up my shower, I head downstairs where Mum is behind the stove finishing off breakfast. "Morning Joshy!" exclaims Mum. "The day that your sister beats you downstairs in the morning is the day it all goes wrong, I tell you!". I grumble incoherent sounds back, as I unlock my phone and start browsing Facebook. A few minutes later, dad walks in yawning loudly. Mum serves up eggs, bacon, toast and all our favourite condiments and we dig in. I sense the familiar presence of my younger sister Kat, shuffle into the kitchen and sit down next to me quietly. Elbowing her as she reaches for the toast, "At least you're alive, huh?" I grin. "Fuck off Josh" Kat replies as she shrugs my arm off. "I'm going to stay at Jess's house tonight mum". "It's a school night Catherine! You also have not finished the chores you were supposed to yesterday!" Mum barks back, spreading jam on a piece of toast. "It's for an assignment-" Kat stutters as she loses the confidence almost as quickly as she gained it. "I think that's my cue to leave" Dad mutters as he picks up the iPad with his news on it, the plate of bacon and eggs and swipes some more toast as he takes off. Mum points her finger and says shakily "Now you listen here Cather-". I tune out. "Thanks for breakfast" I spurt out, wanting to get out of the situation ASAP. I dump my plate in the sink and take off, grabbing my backpack and heading out the door. It takes me around 45 minutes to commute from my house to the university. I put my earphones in for the long ride ahead in peak hour traffic and zone out. Having done this routine for years in high school, it wasn't hard to drift into autopilot. Waiting at the bus interchange for my second bus, there is a long queue of people, with varying degrees of stress written across their faces. As the 227 bus pulls into the curb, the queue of people buzzes like one unified consciousness. The anxiety of missing the bus by one or two people in front of you is too much for some, explaining their need to do anything, including pushing, to get on the bus. Thankfully, I am near the front of the queue and snag a window seat towards the rear of the bus. I watch the stream of people boarding after me, each flying down the aisle to claim a seat. A tall man boards the bus, he stuck out from the crowd for being so damn tall. I watch as he turns towards the aisle and notice his face. Fuck he's hot, I think to myself. He is wearing a black suit, with a crisp white shirt and light blue fits him so well. You can just tell he takes care of himself. The suit sculpts around his perfect arms and broad chest, complimenting the striking features on his face. His dark brown hair grown out slightly, forming a groomed wave. His eyes- "Fuck" I mutter and look out the window, feeling my face flush and my heart starts to beat rapidly. He saw me. He saw me staring at him. For a second too long. He probably thought I was a wierdo. Wait a minute. Did he smirk? No. Just you Josh. Why embarrass yourself? By the time I turn to face forward again, I can see him seated ahead. Too embarrassed to stare for too long, I spend the rest of the bus trip periodically trying to get a glance. My bus stop looms ahead and I feel oddly upset that I had to get off the bus before this mysterious man. He was far too gorgeous to be in my reality. To be in Brisbane. He belongs in Hollywood. Ugh. I arrive at university and try my best to push him out of my mind. I unlock my phone and text Ryan, my best friend. "coffee, R?" I send. Ding. "YES PLZ, ILL BE 10 MINS LATE" responds Ryan. Typical Ryan. I chuckle quietly in the queue at the coffee stand. He's such an idiot. But I love him. We became friends years ago in primary school and both got into the same nursing degree. I am lucky to have him and although my life seems so mundane, he's always there to hang out and talk about anything. He is as straight as they come, and I don't know how he does anything without me to be honest. Disorganised, late everywhere, bold personality, forgetful, and loves to tease me about being gay. I don't's never malicious and we trust each other a lot. Fifteen minutes pass and the class had just begun when the door swung open, turning heads and disrupting the teacher mid-sentence. "Sorry" Ryan mouthed at the teacher. The teacher continues where she left off and I pull out the chair next to me for Ryan. "Thanks bro" Ryan says as he sits down and elbows me. "What chapter are we up to today?" as he grabs his coffee. I give him the wide-eyed look that I ALWAYS give him when it's a `Typical Ryan' situation, and flip his book open for him. The class flew by reasonably fast and we walked off down the main road on campus to get lunch. "So eh, what's new?" Ryan excitedly asks rather sarcastically. "Nothing much, considering it's only been like 24 hours since I last saw you" I snap back. It's too late though. My mind is already reeling the events that occurred this morning. Why won't he get out of my head? I don't obsess over people like that. I mean, sure it's great to admire a beautiful man, but I have always had good self-control and maybe he- "Earth to Josh? Hello?" Ryan said. "Yeah, yeah, sorry what?" I snapped back to reality. "I was just asking you what you wanted for lunch? What's going on are you using drugs?" Ryan said attentively. "What? No? Why would you say that?" I reeled in shock. "MAN! You should have seen your face! AHA! Someone obviously left planet Earth for a minute" joked Ryan. "Yeah ahaha...there's a lot of options, maybe Mexican?" I shrugged the thoughts off. We make it down to the food court and queue up at a trendy Mexican restaurant. Ryan starts scrolling his social media and I stare at him. Ryan is a very attractive guy. He's not built or very tall but keeps up his fitness with running and occasional ball sports. He is slightly taller than me, which he loves to remind me frequently of, and has these delicate blue eyes that are full of emotion. It's not hard to read how he's feeling. Although Ryan is not much fitter than me, his body is quite a deceitful indication of his strength, or maybe I'm just weaker than I seem. When we disagree or are toying around, we wrestle and brawl until there is a winner and he always wins. I don't mind as this hot guy is on top of me and it feeds his ego – we both win in my eyes. We treat each other like brothers and are very close, so he knows I'm not holding out a hope that there is more than that between us. I would never admit it to him, but if he ever made the first move, I wouldn't resist. Ok Josh you can stop now, being in public and all. We get to the front of the queue and the cashier takes our order. "Will that be cash or card today?" she says blankly. I look at Ryan, our eyes meet and for a second, and we both knew instantly I had paid the past two times, and that Ryan had forgotten his wallet again. Ryan's face turns bright red and he starts fumbling for his bag. "Card thanks" I reply, slightly smirking at the endless excuses I'm about to hear. As we walk away from the counter it begins. The verbal diarrhea. "Joshhhh I'm sorry, I think I had it in the kitchen this morning and I must of-" Ryan starts. "It's fine man, really. What would you do without me?" I reply laughing. "You're my little wallet hahaha" Ryan chuckles. "Oh I'm MORE than that, R. You'd forget you even went to university if I didn't text you enough" I joked back. Ryan gave a smirk and went back to his phone scrolling. Looking across the table at him, I was so glad to have him in my life and finally felt the wandering thoughts of the mysterious man from the bus fade away. After all, he's just a fantasy. You're never going to see him again, Josh. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That concludes part one! If this peaks your interest or you want to say hey, let me know how I went.

Next: Chapter 2

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