Derk Goes To The Movie Installment One

By FoxBarking

Published on Jul 13, 2006



Disclaimer: This story contains sexual acts between males. There will be scenes of definite humiliation, some of them graphic.

If you don't want to read this, move on. Otherwise enjoy. Any emails expressing outrage will be ignored. You have been warned.

Derk Goes To The Movie

Derk was getting ready to go see a movie with one of his best friends. He had been wanting to see this movie for so long. Somehow, he had not been able to convince Todd to see it when it originally came out. It was a bit of a drag, because Derk had read all the reviews. They were positive. He had been waiting for it to come out for over a year. The first seven weeks the film was open, it had made tons of money. However, Todd was not going to go until the popularity died down. Finally, when it seemed like the movie might be leaving the theaters if they waited any longer, Todd agreed to go. He only had one condition.

"You want me to wear what?" Derk asked. He knew he had heard Todd right, but couldn't believe what his friend had said.

"I want you to go out and buy a silk thong and wear it under your pants to the movies," Todd repeated.

"I don't really like those," Derk replied. He had never actually worn a thong before. However, the idea of having the back string up his butt was not appealling. Also, he felt that wearing silk underwear would probably keep him hard for the whole night.

"Well, either get one and put it on, or miss the movie," Todd stated plainly. He sounded completely serious. "From what I have heard, this could be the last weekend it's in the theaters. I guess you could always go by yourself-"

"Okay," Derk sighed. "I'll do it."


Derk was curious. "Why do you want me to do this anyway?" he asked. "You don't have the hots for me now or something, do you?" He said the second question in a bit of a joking voice. Both Derk and Todd were openly gay. They had never dated nor slept together, though. Their entire friendship had been just that: a friendship.

Todd laughed. "You've been wanting to see this movie for such a long time," he responded. "I thought we might as well make it memorable." He hung up the phone.

It was difficult going to the store and finding a thong. There was a sex shop not far from Derk's house. He had never gone into it, though. Todd was going to pick him up in a couple hours, though, so he knew he had to hurry. After walking back and forth in front of the store for several minutes, he made the plunge and walked inside.

The store was not as he had imagined it would have been. Most of the clothes were for girls, but there was a small section off to the side for men. He immediately wished there had been a gay sex shop in the neighborhood. As he made his way to the male clothing racks, he passed a wall that was covered in dildos and vibrators. Derk did a double take when he saw them, blushed and tried to hurry past them. He made his way to several racks of men's underwear and tried to find something that would fit the night's agenda.

"Can I help you?" a girl's voice said, which caused Derk to jump. He turned and saw a young lady standing behind him. She had a big smile on her face. He wondered if she took some sort of pleasure in the embarrassment of employees. Derk turned about four shades of red.

"Yeah," he said nervously. "I am looking for something for a date I have tonight. Um, the... girl... I am going out with had a specific request for what I wear."

"Oh, well we have a lot of sexy underwear," the saleswoman responded. "Does your girlfriend like boxers, bikinis? You look a lot like a boxers guy."

"Um, no," Derk blushed again. "She wants me to wear a thong. A silk thong to be exact."

"Oh, we have a great selection of thongs," the lady said. She led Derk over to a rack that was full of skimpy little underwear. He wondered if any fabric went into the underwear at all. "Have you ever worn a thong before?"

Derk shook his head, indicating that he hadn't.

"Well, they can take a little getting used to," the saleswoman said. "But if your girlfriend is insisting that you have one, you're probably going to be getting lucky tonight."

Several times as they flipped through the thongs, the lady took one of them out and held it up against Derk's pelvis. She had to be able to tell that her actions were totally embarrassing Derk, but that didn't make he stop. After a while, they finally found a deep, red silk thong and Derk paid for it. It was $25 and he almost had a heart attack at the price.

But it was worth it. Why exactly it was worth it, he wasn't sure. But Derk really wanted to see this movie.

Derk left and went home. In the bathroom, he decided to put the silk thong on. It was a feeling like nothing he could ever have imagined. The strap in the back going up his ass wasn't as bad as he had imagined. He was used to wearing cotton boxers, though. The silk pouch automatically made his dick start to get hard. After admiring himself for just a moment, he decided he had better get his jeans on. His dick wasn't too terribly large, but he thought perhaps the rough denim would help to get his hard on down.

After he had gotten ready to go, Derk sat out on the stairs in front of his house, waiting for Todd. His cock was still somewhat hard as he sat there. It was quite possible that no one would be able to notice, though. Only a few minutes after he sat down, Todd pulled up in his car and Derk got into the passenger seat.

"Hey man," Derk said. "We going to go get something to eat first?"

"Sure," Todd replied. "I know a good restaurant we can go to." Things had been going good at the restaurant and Derk had almost forgotten that he was wearing a thong. His boner had slightly gone down. That didn't last very long, however, as after a few moments, Derk felt Todd's foot pressing into his crotch.

"What are you doing?" Derk asked, his eyes widening.

"Don't you like it?" Todd asked.

"Yeah, I do," Derk admitted, turning red yet again.

"Then don't worry about it," Todd said. "There's a table cloth on the table. No one can see what we're doing. Just sit back and enjoy."

Throughout the dinner, Todd played with Derk's hard cock through his jeans. They were in the restaurant for quite a while and it was an intense experience for Derk. However, he was seriously enjoying it. That was until dinner was over and it was time to go. No longer would he have the table cloth hiding his hard dick.

"Let's go," Todd said.

"Can I wait a few moments for my hard on to go down?" Derk pleaded.

"No," Todd replied. His attitude now took a different turn than it had before. His demeanor became a bit more demanding and his face more stern. "Get up now and let's go to the car."

He wasn't sure why he did it, but Derk did as he was told. For some reason, it felt right for him to do what he was being instructed to do. He stood up. His cock was pressing hard up against his jeans. Anyone who looked at him would be able to tell what was going on. The two friends walked through the restaurant and out to Todd's car. It was hard to tell whether anyone was able to notice really, but Derk thought that every single eye was on him and his throbbing dick.

When they got into the car, whatever game Todd was playing took another step. Derk wasn't sure what had gotten into his buddy, but it wasn't bothering him. Being told what to do was turning him on big time.

"Take your pants down, Derk," Todd ordered, not unkindly.

"What? Not in the car!" Derk protested with a bit of a laugh.

"Yes, in the car," Todd ordered. "I want to see the thong you picked out for today."

He really didn't want to do this, especially because Todd had already pulled out into the street. But, for some reason, Derk was still very turned on. So, he unbutton and unzipped his jeans. Then, after placing his thumbs in the waistband of his pants, he slipped them down to his knees. His cock was hard and throbbing and when he looked down, a very small wet spot was beginning to form on the thong. He blushed more at that than anything else.

"Good pick," Todd said. "I am going to let you know how the rest of the night is going to go. I am in charge for the rest of the night. That means that you will do whatever I tell you to do without argument. If I find you do argue, I will punish you like you can't believe."

"Sure, I'd be willing to do that," Derk said. He wondered why Todd would want to change their friendship like that. He was really too horny to care too much.

"It's not about `willing'," Todd said. "You're as horny as fuck right now, right?"

Derk nodded.

"You want to get off, right?"

Again a nod.

"Well, I'll help you get off tonight if you're a good boy and do whatever I tell you to do," Todd said. "I'll fuck you better than you've ever been fucked in your entire life."

Derk's cock stretched out even further when he heard those words. Todd noticed it and smiled.

"If you don't, well you can go home and jack that cock off yourself, got it?"

Derk nodded and agreed that he did indeed `get it.' Todd was a very sexy guy. He was about 5'10" tall, thin with a nice flat tummy. His hair was blonde, slightly long and hung over in his blue eyes. Most people would have thought that Todd was much more submissive than dominant, but it seemed that this was being proven incorrect this day. Derk had never thought about having sex with his best friend before, but at the very moment, there was nothing that he wanted more.

to be continued

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