Derek Moves In

By xlent dude

Published on Apr 16, 2005


Second semester didn't start until Thursday so I had a couple days' break to catch up on personal business that had fallen behind over the past few very busy weeks.

Derek was spending a few days with his family and I had the apartment to myself. He actually gave me a quick hug when he left this morning. "I'll see you on Wednesday," he said.

Shit dude. Was I falling in love with Derek or was it just pure lust? I wasn't sure, but I did know one thing. Licking and sucking on his beautiful 7.5-inch cock had left me with just one desire. I absolutely had to get that thing in my mouth again.

With Derek gone, I decided to snoop around his room. He was a very neat guy and left his room clean and tidy. I looked under the bed and peeked in the closet. Nothing of interest at first site. He didn't have a dresser, just a plastic storage bin that held his socks, underwear and those gray sweats that always made my dick drool.

Sitting right on top of the container and folded neatly on display was a pair of Derek's white FTL briefs. "Mmmmm," involuntarily escaped my lips when I saw them. I immediately brought them to my face. To my delight, they had been worn.

Derek must have worn them to bed last night. With his breifs plastered to my face, I drank in his musky teenboy smell. My cock was already rock hard in my pjs. I undid the single snap and pulled out my smooth pink six-incher. I gave it a quick squeeze and a large drop of precum appeared at the tip. Without even thinking about it, I scooped it up and licked it from my fingers.

Holding his briefs to my face and slowly rubbing my now slippery boner, I flopped down on his bed. Pictures of last night filled my head as I steadily picked up the pace of my jacking. Precum was pouring out of my cock now in a steady stream. I wiped it on Derek's whities.

His briefs covered my face while I jacked my fat smooth twink meat until it exploded in my hand. The first throb of cum landed on my neck and chin, the second and third throbs brought the most pleasure and left quarter-sized blobs of thick, creamy spunk all over my chest.

Three more productive shots were fired before my orgasm finally subsided. A trickle of runny juice oozed out of my slit and onto my belly. I cleaned myself up with Derek's briefs. After I collected myself and my breathing returned to normal, I folded them up and put them back on the small plastic storage bin where he had helf them. "Did he leave them there for me," I wondered.

The next morning, right after taking my morning piss, I headed right for Derek's room, those white FTLs in particular. They smelled fucking wonderful. Sexy hot jockboy's musky man smell combined with my day old load of twink cum created an amazing perfume that I couldn't get enough of. Like a ravenous animal, I began licking and sucking at the pouch of Derek's briefs while furiously beating my cock.

I wrapped the damp briefs around my throbbing, dripping penis and beat off as hard and fast as I could. I actually heard the fluid squirting out of my juicy boner as it pumped into Derek's underwear. I was spent once again.

Wednesday afternoon, I checked the briefs and discovered that they were still wet from the two times I had jacked off with them. For a few seconds I panicked. "Good God, what have I done," I repeated to myself. Derek was due home in just a few hours. I decided to just leave them like I found them, with the addition of two very sizeable loads of twink juice.

Derek got home pretty late Wednesday night. I was watching TV when he came in. "Hey Squirt," he sounded very happy to see me.

"Derek, how's it going?" I asked.

"Glad to be home," he said, dragging his bags down the hall. "I'm gonna jump in the shower real quick," he added.

"Fine with me," I said. I was sort of freaking out knowing what he eventually was going to find.

A few minutes later he came out of his bedroom wearing just jeans. My eyes immediately locked on to his washboard abs and smooth pecs. His furry little treasure trail led to a nice bulge in the front of his blue jeans.

He was holding a towel in one hand and a pair of briefs in the other. "Hey Squirt, did you do laundry while I was gone? These smell great!" He quickly turned and walked to the bathroom. I felt my face go flush and immediately threw a boner!

When I heard the shower come on, I snuck down the hall and peaked in his room. Sure enough, the FTLs that I had blown two loads on were missing from where they had been sitting for the last few days.

I turned and peeked in through the partially open bathroom door. The room was filling with steam but I could clearly see Derek standing near the shower door. He was sucking and licking at the briefs. I moved closer and looked down. His sweet upturned jockboy pecker was rock hard and poking him in the belly just above his navel. He dropped the undies and ripped open the cheap plastic shower curtain. Turning his perfect bubble butt in my direction, he disappeared into the steam and closed the curtain behind.

I moaned and instinctively groped myself through my workout shorts. My cock was as hard as it had ever been. I slid it around inside the tight cotton shorts. It moved freely in the pool of precum that was already forming.

There was really nothing more to see, so I went back to the couch and picked up on my show. It took a few minutes to get comfortable with a steely hard cock in my pants but ventually I began to soften up a little bit.

A few minutes later the shower stopped and I heard Derek singing in the bathroom. It became hard to focus on TV as images of his perfectly muscled form entered my mind. His arms and legs were long and lean. He was not an overly muscular guy, but ripped in all the right places.

Derek appeared from the bathroom wearing only a towel. His hair was wet and matted to his head. He had shaved the reddish stubble from his chin and cheeks to reveal his perfectly smooth and chiseled 18-year-old face.

He sat next to me on the couch and asked what I was watching. I replied that there was really nothing worth watching. Derek leaned back on the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table. Although his upper body was pretty smooth, Derek's legs were covered with a thick carpet of fuzzy yellow hair. My jock stud was still damp from the shower with tiny droplets of water

on his feet and calves. Derek was the total package. I couldn't keep my eyes off him.

He leaned forward and placed the neatly folded briefs on the coffee table between us without saying a word. My mouth went dry. I gulped when I saw what he had done.

A few moments passed. In a quivering voice, Derek says "I really like the job you did on those."

I couldn't respond. I was gasping for air, my heart was pounding. I thought I was going to pass out. My dick was aching hard and getting pretty slick. A wet spot was forming in the front of my shorts.

I swallowed hard and reached for the white cotton undies sitting on the table. I brought them to my face and took a whiff. I sat them back on the table. "Yeah, I think they came out pretty good," I squeaked. My voice was so tense I could barely speak.

"Maybe you could show me how you made them smell so nice," Derek asked. He was really taking the lead.

"I'll show you. And then you can try it," I replied.

I picked up the damp whities and again brought them to my nose. I stuck out my tongue and touched the neatly folded pouch. I smacked my lips, drinking in the salty flavor of my cum on Derek's undies.

Derek grabbed my hand with his and leaned over to sniff the moist material. His touch sent a shiver through my body. My cock throbbed and I felt a surge of precum ooze from my tip. The wet spot in my shorts was now a couple of inches across.

Derek let go of my hand and I put the briefs back on the table. I stood and faced Derek. Slowly I pulled the drawstring and loosened my fleece workout shorts. Derek sat up on the edge of the couch, his face inches from my crotch. He eyed the huge wet spot. "Did you already..." his voice trailed off.

"No," I said. "I'm just getting started."

Derek smiled. "I have the same problem," he said. "It's kind of embarrassing sometimes."

"I've never really thought of it as a problem," I said, as I slid down my shorts. I stood in front of Derek in nothing but my tight CK boxer briefs which were now completely soaked in precum. My dick was twitching and throbbing as I stood silently while Derek inspected my tented package.

"I've wanted this for as long as I've known you," Derek said. Putting his hands on my hips, he turned me slightly so I was facing him straight on. He tugged at the waistband of my CKs and slowly pulled them lower. My curly brown bush came into view. Derek pulled further, revealing the topside of the base of my hard prick, which was now being forced downward.

He continued pulling down on my boxer briefs until my cock sprang free. As it sprung upward, a thick string of precum flew from the tip and caught Derek from his chin to his forehead. The shiny thread stretched square across his lips. Derek jumped back in surprise. When he realized what had happened, he immediately licked his lips and wiped my clear honey from his chin, pushing it toward his open mouth.

"Mmmmmm," he moaned. "You taste incredible."

"There's plenty more where that came from," I teased. A river of precum ran down the bottomside of my cock. I squeezed inside and forced out another large drop of clear sweet fluid.

My CKs were still just below my balls. Derek was completely transfixed on the image before him and hadn't moved. I reached for the waistband, and let my undies dropped to the floor. My pink cock was now in plain view and bobbing up and down in time with my heart beat.

Slowly Derek moved his hands up my thighs and toward my rock hard twink cock. With his hands flat against my pubes, his thumbs met under my balls. He slid his hands tightly together, forcing my balls to bulge out. He pulled down and brought the tip of my juicy pole in line with his lips.

Closing the distance, Derek brought the head of my cock to his lips. His tongue gently found its way to my slit. He licked the ample precum from the end of my dick then released me as he fell back into the couch.

He was breathing very heavily. His perfect chest heaving with each breath. His hands shook. Tipping his head back, Derek licked his lips, savoring my honey with his eyes closed. He caught his breath and opened his eyes. When our eyes made contact, we both smiled and stuck out our tongues. We laughed. Derek again licked his lips.

"I need some of that," I whimpered, my voice shaking.

Derek, still reclining against the back of the couch, pulled open the towel with both hands. I watched as his long, slender cock came into view.

"See, I told you. Mine gets pretty wet too," Derek said, pointing out the huge pool of slippery stuff that had collected on his right thigh, just below his waist. He grabbed his cock in his left hand and milked it from base to tip. What looked like half a teaspoon of precum rose from the wide slit and flowed over his gigantic mushroom head.

I dropped to my knees. Derek's fuzzy balls were hanging low. God, they were huge. Bigger than the biggest chicken egg I'd ever seen. I leaned in close. The clean musky smell of his crotch overpowered me. I lusted for this boy like nothing else. Derek pushed his cock toward my mouth. I ran my tongue up his slit and swirled it around the bulging, oversized head.

Bending forward, I took about half of his cock into my mouth. I closed my mouth around it and nursed on it for quite a few minutes. His salty sweet boy nectar tasted like candy and flowed freely from his meaty pole. I lifted his balls in my hand while pushing my mouth further down on his veiny shaft.

Derek's moaning and gyrations powered me further. His balls were as heavy as they looked. I rolled them around in his loose furry sac. When I had cleaned all the precum from his drooling tool, I took one of his jockboy nuts in my mouth. It was all I could do to get it past my teeth without causing him pain.

I let my hand explore his richly-textured penis while I rolled his furry nut around in my mouth. Suddenly I felt very close to cumming.

Reluctantly, I let go of his beautiful cock and spit his huge nut out of my mouth. I sat up to catch my breath. Derek had closed his eyes. He was smiling and rubbing his right nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

"Dude," I panted. "I need to take a break or I'm going to cum."

"Yeah, me too," he said. "I was getting real close."

This was more sensory input that I had ever experienced and it was having its toll. I wanted to cum so bad and at the same time, I wanted this moment to last forever.

I sat on the floor between Derek's legs, my back against the couch. He slid forward and stroked my cheek with his dripping cock. I turned and allowed him to rub his sticky tip across my lips. I couldn't take much more of this.

Derek climbed down from the sofa and sat directly in front of me. We slid closer until our cocks touched. He grabbed them both together in his fist. Slowly, he ground his veiny jock cock against my smaller, smoother twink dick. Rivers of precum were pouring out of both of us. Soon, the combined volume of precum had us both drenched and sliding around in a slippery coating of sticky dick honey.

We both alternated between staring into one another's eyes and watching the show that was going on between our legs. Derek expertly ground our cocks against each other then suddenly began furiously jacking them in his fist.

Derek's long fingers easily held us tight together. It was just a few strokes before we simultaneously exploded into a fucking geyser of cum. It was everywhere! Both of our faces, chests and bellies were covered with clear and white droplets. It was running down our bodies in streams. Derek's hand was soaking wet as he beat the hell out of our meat. We both whimpered and moaned as our cocks unloaded the biggest loads either of us had ever produced.

The throbbing and pumping went on for what seemed like five minutes. It took a long time for me to relax. Every time I felt Derek's cock twitch, mine would respond with a throb of its own. Derek held us tightly together until we both began to go soft.

He laid down on his back in front of the couch. I sat between his legs, my dick resting against his balls. The blissful look on his face was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. I ran my hands over his hard rippling abs and rubbed our combined cum into a white gluey paste.

I climbed on top of my hot college jock and kissed him hard on the lips. We were sliding around in cum as we kissed and ground our sensitive and well spent cocks together. Derek picked the briefs from the coffee table and wiped us both down. He brought the soaking wet cotton to his face and inhaled. He then shared the experience by holding the drenched whities over my face while I took a good whiff.

We both knew that with classes starting early in the morning, we would have to call it a night.

Thank you for all the outstanding feedback. There will be at least one more chapter as these virgin boys teach each other what joys their bodies can bring them. Your encouraging comments are well appreciated. Thank you.

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Next: Chapter 4

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