Derek Moves In

By xlent dude

Published on Apr 12, 2005


Several weeks had gone by since the delicious shower scene that changed my life. I replayed that morning hundreds of times but the details were fading.

First semester was drawing to a close, leaving Derek and I both very busy all hours of the day. It was much cooler now and the days were getting noticeably short. Derek didn't wear his skimpy nylon runners as often, instead opting for tight gray sweats with drawstring and our school's logo imprinted over the left quad. I have to admit, the gray sweats and a tight white t-shirt were a very suitable replacement for the running shorts.

School kept me busy all day everyday. On the bright side, the busy schedule kept me from totally obsessing over my hot jock straight boy roomie. Derek was equally busy and spent every evening at his computer, books piled high on either side of the small black keyboard.

We decided one night that after the semester ended, we'd treat ourselves to a nice dinner and movie. Derek had made the suggestion and I readily agreed. When the time finally rolled around, we were both so broke that our "nice dinner" turned out to be Chinese take-out and a DVD from the university library. It was really nice to actually spend some time with my roomie without the nagging stress of classwork hanging over my head.

Derek sat on the couch and I parked myself on the floor in front of the tiny TV which hadn't even been turned on for months. I fell asleep somewhere toward the end of the movie. I'm not sure how long I was asleep, but when I awoke, I heard the unmistakeable sound of Derek pounding his cock. And he was going at it pretty good.

I kept my eyes closed and listened to the juicy wet sound of my hunky blond roommate beating his meat. I realized that I was already fully boned up. I peeked down to see if I was tenting my pajamas and was shocked to see that my cock was fully hard and completely exposed through the fly of my pjs. I enjoy freeballing in my flannels but I'd never evaluated the risks. It was pretty much too late to do anything about it now so I just lay still with my eyes closed, enjoying the sound of Derek pleasuring himself.

Was he turned on by my exposed boner? Is that what got him revved up enough to actually jack off with me in the room? Questions like this quickly filled my mind. What do I do now? Should I try to cover myself? Should I get up? I decided that there was little reason to move now. Afterall, Derek had seen my wood in all of it's six-inch glory.

I silently lay listening to Derek pound away on his cock, while mine stood on display for all the world to see. After a few minutes, I could tell that the intensity of my erection had pretty much maxed out. It was throbbing and I could feel the cool puddle of precum collecting in my pubes. I peeked out again and saw a solid river of precum had flowed down the topside of my cock.

Several more minutes passed with Derek's jacking steadily increased in pace. God, I wanted to just turn around and take a look at him. I'd seen it through his underwear and I knew it had to be a gorgeous slab of jockboy perfection.

Derek was nearing his orgasm. There was furious jacking for a few seconds, followed by a whimper and a short pause. This repeated several times, followed by six grunts and a heavy sigh. I knew he had just blown a load. I was close to cumming too, and I hadn't even touched my cock.

I heard Derek tiptoe out of the room and quietly close the bathroom door. I grabbed for my cock and felt the warm wetness of my precum. My entire cock was drenched in the stuff and it had pooled at the base. I fisted my juicy prick for just a few seconds before cumming in my hand and quickly eating my load right out of my palm. I stuffed my slick boner back into my pajamas and had just finished licked my hand clean when I heard the toilet flush. I sat up and pulled my t-shirt down over my tented flannels.

In a hoarse and groggy voice Derek says "hey man, you fell asleep about half way through the movie."

"Really?" I said, trying to mask the shakiness that I felt after this mind-blowing orgasm. "Must not have been very good movie then," I added.

"There was a lot to see toward the end," Derek said. I wondered if that was some sort of code. I flushed red when I realized what kind of show I had given him. I was 21-year-old virgin and definitely not an exhibitionist.

"Oh yeah," I asked. "What did I miss?"

"Uhh, well," Derek stammered. He tried to fill me in, but obviously he hadn't really been paying attention to the movie. "Well, there was this um, uh, volcano and lava was just oozing out the tip and down the side. It was really hot. It was better than anything I've ever seen."

I felt my face flush again. Was he being serious? Did I imagine this whole thing? Was I exposing my hard wet cock or not?

"Oh yeah," I questioned, skeptically. "And then..."

"Well, that's about all I remember," Derek said. He was getting a little bit uncomfortable with where this was headed and changed the subject. I was getting kind of freaked out too so it didn't really bother me that he turned his attention toward cleaning up the pizza plates and folding the empty box into the trash.

Inside, however, I ached to do this again. I had to set it up and see if I could take it a step further. Obviously, Derek enjoyed seeing my naked cock standing up out of my pjs. At least I thought he did. Why else would he lie right there on the couch and jack off all the way to orgasm?

The next night I suggested another movie. Derek quickly jumped at the idea. We assumed the same positions, Derek on the couch with me on the floor. I was wearing the same plaid pajamas, this time Derek had chosen a pair of boxers instead of the signature gray sweats.

As the movie dragged on, I turned to see that Derek was lying flat on his back and had his eyes closed. He appeared to be sleeping. He had one hand behind his head, the other was under his shirt just below his ribs. This left his muscular belly and blond treasure trail fully exposed. I quietly slid closer to the couch. My face was just inches from his exposed midsection.

Without making a sound, I pulled my hard cock through the fly of my pajamas and slowly began rubbing it between my thumb and fingers. Almost immediately, my slit filled with precum. I spread the slick fluid around my tip and brought a drop of my own sweet nectar to my lips.

"Mmmmm," I let out a little noise as I tasted my salty precum. My satisfied moan caused Derek to stir just a little. He turned a little bit toward me and pushed his shirt up even further. His ripped abs looked completely smooth from a distance, but at this close proximity I could see that his belly was actually covered with a light covering of downy blond fuzz.

I continued quietly stroking my juicy cock while I admired every inch of Derek's beauty. He moved again, turning a little bit further to his side. I could see now that he had thrown a boner in his boxers. There was a dark wet spot forming at the tip of his prick. I leaned in as close as I could and drank in the intoxicating musk of his clean manly aroma. My face was inches from his bulging underwear.

My breath was coming in gasps as I continued stroking my cock. I repeatedly scooped precum from my tip and brought it to my lips. The taste of my salty sweet honey combined with the sight of this hot blond jock sleeping before me had my head spinning and my dick throbbing.

The wet spot in his boxers was getting bigger. I was thrilled to see that Derek, too, was a heavy precummer. Getting bolder now, I carefully pulled at the opening of his boxers. Derek squirmed a little bit and his beautiful cock popped out from the opening and hung out over the edge of the couch.

I gasped as it came into view. It was more magnificent than I could have imagined. It was about seven and a half or eight inches long. The shaft was slender and covered with a bulging crisscross of protruding veins. His long, slim pole had a perfect banana curve was topped with a gigantic mushroom head that was completely slick with precum.

"Godamn," I whispered. His incredible cock twitched and a thread of dick honey began to stream it's way toward the floor. Without touching his cock, I stuck out my tongue and caught the shiney thread of precum. As the juice continued to ooze freely from his throbbing cock, I slowly rubbed my fingers through my own slippery stuff.

Derek's man smell filled my nostrils as I watched his cock throb again and again, each throb accompanied by another stream of his delicious lube. I had to taste this magnificent penis.

I stuck out my tongue and let it touch Derek's giant mushroom. He gasped a little at the first touch and his dick spasmed noticeably. Using just my tongue, I eagerly licked the ample precum from his tip and savored its salty sweetness. I analyzed the shape of his head and veiny shaft with my tongue as I instinctively began stroking my own cock faster and faster. The rich texture of Derek's cock was more than I could have ever dreamed of. Although he was circumsized, he had a generous fold of bunched up skin just below his head.

As I worked my way back to the tip, again it was covered with sweet pre-orgasmic juices. I opened wide and allowed the entire mushroom head to enter my mouth. I massaged the loose skin that covered his sensitive underside with my tongue. Suddenly Derek's mushroom swelled in my mouth and without warning, began shooting hot salty cum right onto my tongue.

The sensation of his pulsing cock in my mouth, coupled with the rich nutty taste of his jock spunk pushed me over the edge. My own cock erupted with violent force. Wet, runny cum splattered my neck, chest and belly. I had never seen so much cum in my life. Derek was still unloading his hot nutjuice in my mouth as I continued to spray slippery wet fluid all over myself.

Even though I'd tasted his cum before, I was not prepared for the intense experience of feeling his hot cock pumping and swelling against my tongue. This was my first time, but I knew I was going to be a cocksucker for life. I swallowed a mouthful of Derek's hot cum as more and more shot from his rock hard penis.

I tiptoed to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I had to laugh when I looked at myself in the mirror. My entire chest and stomach were covered with wet juicy cum. I turned on the shower, knowing there was no way else to clean up this crazy mess.

When I came out of the bathroom, Derek was sitting on the couch. "Wow, I must have fallen asleep," he said.

"Yeah, you were sawing logs dude," I replied.

That's all that was said.

Next: Chapter 3

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