Derek Moves In

By xlent dude

Published on Apr 12, 2005


There was no way around it. I needed to take on a roomie. I was starting my third year at university and money was running thin. For two years I'd managed to keep my head above water but the heavy class load this year forced me to cut way back at the part-time job so I could finish school on time.

My name is Grant Davis. I'm a 21-year-old geek. I hate to think of myself as a twink but I guess I do sort of fit the profile. I'm 5'5" 120 pounds and smooth all over. My brown curls are not quite shoulder length. I have blue eyes and perfect teeth. I've always envied the big beefy guys but I guess my boyish face and good teeth are pretty valuable too.

I'm a chemistry major and spend all my time studying. It doesn't leave much time for a social life but that's okay with me. I had a girlfriend in high school but it just didn't feel right. As I grow older, I find myself thinking more and more about the guys in my class and not necessarily the women. Guess I'm in denial about my true sexuality.

I was dreading the thought of having to take on a roommate. I have a pretty heavy class load right now and I knew I would be very distracted sharing the place with a stranger.

Friday night I met up with my brother Mark and his wife for dinner. As I explained my situation, Mark reminded me that the Johnson kid was a freshman this year and that I should try to look him up. Hmmm. Derek Johnson. We'd grown up together in a small midwest town, about 80 miles from nowhere. As my mind began to drift, and images of Derek entered my thoughts, there was no question as to my sexuality.

Derek was the high school's all-star baseball hero and and broke numerous track and field records. Derek was tall and built the way I always wished I had been. He stood about six foot two and weighed around 190. Every muscle in his body was perfectly defined.

"Hello! Earth to Grant!" My brother smacked his spoon against his water glass. The annoying ringing of the spoon on the glass almost made me dizzy as Mark tried to pull me out of my daze. "Whoa, you were out there," Mark said. I immediately felt embarrassed even though no one had any idea what I was thinking at the time.

"Yeah, I know," I said. "I'm just afraid I won't be able to get anything done with someone else in my apartment." Mark reminded me that Derek was not the type of kid that parties all night. "He's going to be a very busy freshman," my brother reassured me.

I went to bed that night thinking about Derek. The last time I saw him, he had just finished one of his morning runs and stood at the end of the driveway talking to my brother. He was wearing skimpy black running shorts and a white tank top. "What a package," I remembered thinking to myself as I stared out from the garage.

My thoughs over the next few days became more and more centered around Derek. I tried to put it out of my mind but the vision of him standing in those shorts, pulling his shirt up to wipe the sweat from his face, revealing a perfect pack of abs really had me going.

On Friday I called the Johnsons. Mrs. Johnson was very happy to hear that I was interested in helping Derek with a place to stay. She gave me his number and explained that she thought we'd get along just "swimmingly".

Saturday morning I mustered the courage to call him up.

"Derek" came the voice on the other end of the phone.

"Hi Derek," I managed. "It's Grant Davis from down the street. You know, Mark's little brother."

"Grant Davis! Hey squirt, how are you." Even though I was three years his senior, Derek had always called me squirt because of my slight build. I didn't mind a bit. It was very endearing and I enjoyed every minute of it.

"Mark told me you were having a difficult time with housing," I started. "I have room here if you'd like to come check the place out, you're welcome to take the small bedroom."

Derek was thrilled with my offer. Twenty minutes later he was knocking on my door. I was literally shaking as I opened the door. I think I may have actually grunted or moaned or something when I saw him. He's even more beautiful than I remember. He had his short blond hair a little shorter than usual and spiked up with gel. As he came through the door, I noticed his perfect jawline and the warm and comforting twinkle in his entrancing green eyes. Although it had only been a year since I'd last seen him, he had changed. He was even sexier than I'd remembered and he was definitely growing up.

My heart was pounding as I showed him around. We talked about school, our parents, and the losers we grew up with in small town America. As our conversation progressed, I became more comfortable as I realized what a genuinely sweet guy he really was. Even with world class good looks and outstanding athletic talent, Derek was a very humble and down-to-earth gentleman.

Within a couple days, Derek began moving small boxes in to the little bedroom next to the bathroom. That weekend, he and one of his high school soccer buddies brought his bed and computer and several boxes of clothes. This, I learned, was the extend of his belongings.

We soon became good friends and very comfortable in the other's company. Derek mainly stayed in his room reading or hammering away on the computer keyboard. We both worked well with each other and got along just fine. My secret desire for Derek was intense but I managed to keep it under control.

One night I got up to take a leak in the middle of the night. When I came out the bathroom, I was looking straight into Derek's room. He was stretched out on top of his covers wearing just a pair of white FTL briefs. Derek was fully erect in the thin white underwear. My mouth went dry and my cock began to harden. I quietly moved toward his bedroom door. The object of my greatest desire was stretched out, sound asleep and sporting a full-on boner.

I could tell from the outline in his undies that he was cut. He had a real mushroom. I could even make out a thick bulging vein running up the side of his cock that disappeared just below the substantial head. My breath was coming in gasps and my mouth was so dry I though I would choke. I drank in this site for several minutes before quietly sneaking back to my room.

I slid into my bed and reached into my CK boxer briefs. The top half of my cock was wet with precum. I hooked the waistband under my balls and pulled my six-inch cock from base to tip. A thick and steady stream of precum oozed from my slit, slid down the topside of my cock and onto my thumb. My cock isn't exactly gigantic, but it looks perfect on my 120-pound frame. I ran my thumb and forefinger back up to the slit and in the process collected as much of the warm, sweet dick honey that I could. I wiped it on my tongue and lips.

The taste of my own precum made my already heavy cock throb with anticipation. As I licked my lips and savored the taste of my own secretions, I gently and silently began stroking myself off. Every minute or so, I'd give it a good squeeze and another stream of precum would ooze out and onto my fingers.

Visions of Derek's cotton-encased boner swimmed in my head. I was panting as I neared climax. Just seconds before cumming, I decided to go get another look at Derek. I walked the short distance to his room with my waistband still hooked under by balls. Derek had rolled completely onto his back now and I had a perfect view of his bulging whities. He was still rock hard and sound asleep.

I stood in the doorway drinking in every inch of his body. From his smooth, tan pecs and tiny nipples to the rippling abs and treasure trail that disappeared under his tented panties. I slowly rubbed my fingers around the slippery fluid that now poured in a steady stream from my throbbing pink cock. Slowly I slid my fingers through my own lubricant, coating the bottomside of my cock as I drank in Derek's beauty. Precum streamed toward the floor as I neared orgasm.

Derek moved again, this time creating a gap at the leg band of his briefs, giving me a good view of his left testicle. It was bigger than a large egg, covered with blond fur and hung loosely in the warm September air. The site of his big fuzzy nut was all it took to push me over.

I immediately began shooting cum into his room in violent spasms that almost knocked me over. I literally saw stars as the first three or four ropes made an audible splat when they hit the floor in front of me. This was the most intense orgasm of my life. I had stood right here and stroked myself off looking inside the legband of my super hot straight roommate's underwear.

I could barely breath as I tiptoed back to my room. I wiped off my cock on my CKs and threw them in the corner before sliding in to bed for a good night's sleep. It took several minutes for my breathing to return to normal. I replayed the scene in my head over and over as I gave in to sleep.

When I got up the next morning, Derek was on the couch reading. He flashed me his typical warm, inviting smile and said "hey Squirt!" I almost laughed aloud at the pun. "Yes, I sure did," I said to myself. "If only you knew."

Our friendship over the coming weeks grew even stronger as we helped one another with our classes and spent evenings together in shared solitude. Derek was really a beautiful person and very mature for an 18-year-old. I was falling in love. I lusted after him every minute.

One Saturday morning, Derek had just gotten in the shower while I sat on my bed reading a boring biology text. He was singing some old Boston tune while the steam bellowed out the half-open door. I was pretty irritated that I couldn't hear my own thoughts over his off-key yammering so I decided to close the bathroom door.

As I started to move the door, something caught and caused the door to bind. It was Derek's briefs. I peered around the door and could barely make see an outline of his naked body through the green polka-dotted shower curtain. I snatched up the briefs and brought them to my face. My God! They're wet and they reek of fresh cum. He must have jacked off before getting in the shower. He probably wiped up with the briefs. Or maybe he came directly into them. I opened them up and found the source of the dampness.

It had cooled to room temperature and had begun to soak in to the cotton briefs, but right there, just inches from my face was about a tablespoon of Derek's fresh teen cum. I took another good smell before scooping up his load with my tongue. I dropped his briefs and ran back to my room with his salty juice sitting on my tongue.

The shower was still going and Derek was still singing. I flopped down on my bed and pulled my dripping cock out the leg of my cutoff sweatpants. As I savored Derek's seed, I shot my own load after about five urgent strokes. I pumped a hot wet load straight into my left hand and immediately dumped it in my mouth, mixing it with what was left of Derek's cockjuice.

My face was hot, my breathing shallow, my pulse racing. For the first time in my life, I had tasted the cum of another human being. I began laughing in that post-orgasmic way.

"It smells like a locker room in here," Derek said, snapping me out of my stupor. "You should get a shower."

"Yeah, sure," I said. I was delirious with desire that afternoon. I couldn't wait to get another taste of Derek's delicious, creamy boycum. Only next time, I wanted it hot! And preferably straight from the tap.


Next: Chapter 2

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