Derek and Scott

Published on Aug 24, 2022


Derek-and-Scott-9 Wow, I finally finished Chapter 9.  Thanks for being patient.  I've had quite a bit going on during the past few weeks and that has left me very little time to write.  I have renewed my efforts though and hope to finsih up Chapter 10 and get it posted quickly.  As always, I love to hear from my readers.  Drop me a line at:

I haven't made recommendations for other stories yet, but I have two favorites that I thought I would recommend you try.  The themes of both stories differ from the Derek and Scott series, but I think you'll enjoy them.  The first is "to fulfill a prophesy" in the the Nifty Beginnings section. The second is "working it out" in the Nifty College section.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, and any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidence. The author retains all copyrights and creative licenses.  This story does contain acts of sex and love between men. If you are offended, or are not of legal age to view this material, then please focus your attention elsewhere.

I awoke the next morning to the smell of fresh coffee and bacon.  I opened my eyes to see Erik unpacking our breakfast from the 'to-go' container that he had obtained for us at the cafeteria.  Suddenly I realized that Derek was still in bed with me and we were both essentially naked.  Nothing more than our boxer shorts covered us.  Derek slowly stirred to life and sat up wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Good morning you two!  I thought you looked so cute together that I'd run down and bring you breakfast in bed before you woke up.  Don't get used to it though!"  Erik said with a laugh.

"Uh..." Was the only word that came out of my mouth.  How was I supposed to explain Derek sleeping with me in a single bed?

Derek a bit more lucid now said, "Don't worry babe, he knows about us.  It's OK."

"Am I like the last to know everything around here?"  I asked.  This was far too unbelievable for me.  Here I was, mostly naked and lying next to the man of my dreams and my roommate is bringing us breakfast in bed.  And this seems to be OK with everyone?

"I'm sure you have lots of questions Scott, but right now I'm going to leave you guys to talk and sort this out.  I'll be down in a bit."  Erik moved towards the door and paused. He turned back towards us and said, "You might want to lock the door from now on though.  Not sure if the other guys will be as understanding..." 

With that he was gone.  I turned to look at Derek and we both sat there with serious expressions on our face for what seemed like an eternity.  Then we both exploded with laughter at the entire situation.  I of course stopped laughing immediately because it hurt to laugh.  Derek just leaned in and gave me a gentle hug.

"Not exactly how I expected the first morning waking up with you to unfold, but I'm glad to be here.  Now lets see about breakfast and then I'll answer any questions you have." 

Derek smiled and jumped out of bed and brought over the tray that Erik had set up for us.  He got back in bed and pulled the covers over his lap to stay warm and we snuggled close while we ate our breakfast.  I was starving and finished in record time.

"You don't think Erik would wander back down to the chow hall and grab us another pot of coffee do you?"  I said.

"I doubt it.  I think he'd tackle us both if we asked."

"How..." that was all I got a chance to say because Derek placed a finger to my lips.

"You've probably got a million questions, so why don't I just explain and you just ask me any questions you have afterwards."

"OK, I guess that's fair."

I figured that we were in for a long talk because Derek pulled the covers up over our bodies and we lay back on the pillows.  Derek just looked at me for a few minutes before he spoke.  I think he was trying to figure out where to begin so I waited patiently while he found the words he was searching for.

"Well, before we get to 'us', I guess I need to explain about Erik first.  The night you were in the hospital was pretty rough on both of us.  They wouldn't let us see you until after your parents left.  I was exhausted and emotionally drained by the experience. When we got back to the dorm, Erik suggested that it would be best if I slept upstairs in your room so I'd not be alone.

"I tried to refuse thinking that it would be too weird.  You know how Erik can be.  He refused and threatened to drag me up there if I didn't submit.  Anyway, we were getting ready for bed and were talking.  He came right out and asked me if I was in love with you.  I tried to lie and tell him that you were my best friend and were like a brother to me.  He didn't let me off that easy.  The next thing he asked me was if I was gay.

"I was so exhausted.  Both from years of hiding my feelings, and from the strain of watching you suffer.  I just lost it and told him that I was gay and that I loved you and was so sad that you could never love me back.  That's when he told me he thought you were also gay and that you loved me too."

"How did he know?"  I asked.

"Well, he told me that you talk in your sleep and that he'd heard you talk about your feelings for me.  He wasn't totally convinced until he saw your jealousy manifest itself when Margie was around.  He didn't 'Out' you.  He asked me what my feelings were first and then told me his thoughts about you once he knew I was gay and that sharing the information would be beneficial for us both.

"I have to admit that I really didn't believe him but I so wanted him to be right.  I've loved you since we were kids and I've been afraid to tell you all these years.  I couldn't sleep last night so I came down to see if you were OK.  You were sleeping comfortably so I just watched you sleep for a bit.  I wanted to tell you that I loved you when you first came home but Erik suggested that I wait.  You've been so out of it because of the painkillers and I wanted everything to be as perfect as I imagined it.  Besides I was still afraid that Erik might be wrong.  All he had to go on was your talking while you slept. That could have meant almost anything.

"I awoke last night to hear you crying in the darkness.  I watched you for a few moments because I didn't want to frighten you - you didn't know I was there.  I figured that you'd go back to sleep.  Your crying became louder and then I saw you reach for my sweatshirt and hold it close to you.  I guess that's when I just knew Erik was right and I had to reach out to you.  Last night at that moment I needed you as much as you needed me."

I was absolutely stunned by everything he had said.  I just sat there and didn't say anything.  A single tear started to form in the corner of my eye.  Derek rolled closer in to me and held me.

"What's wrong Scott?"

"Oh, Derek.  We've been such fools.   So many good years have been wasted because we were too afraid to tell each other the truth.  Right now I am so happy I cannot begin to describe how I feel.  I just feel like we've lost something."

"I know how you feel babe.  It feels funny calling you that but I like the sound of it.  Anyway, I think we've gained more that we've lost.  Besides, let's not look at the past.  We have everything waiting for us in the future.  Maybe the loss we feel is the burden that comes from hiding and pretending to be something we are not."

It hit me like a ton of bricks all at that moment and I tensed up and went rigid.  Derek tried to ask what was wrong but I didn't answer him.  My thoughts were swiftly taken back to the gym and the night of the accident.  Mason knew I was gay because my old roommate Mike told him.  Mike knew I was gay because I talked in my sleep.  It all made sense now.

"Scott, snap out of it. Tell me what's wrong." His tone was very serious and he looked somewhat alarmed.

"It's nothing, I just need to digest some of this.  My entire life has changed since the middle of last night till this morning.  I guess I'm just adjusting."

I was honestly scared at that moment.  If Mike told Mason, then who else did he tell about me?  It was going to be hard enough being 'Outed' on campus.  I didn't want Derek to spend the next 4 years of school looking over his shoulder.  He'd been through enough traumas.  I couldn't risk him being beaten too.  We'd have to be careful.  I don't think Derek bought my excuse and I could tell from his expression that we'd be revisiting that portion of the conversation.

For the next several hours we lay in bed just talking.  In that time Derek told me the truth behind his gymnastics accident.  He told me about Erik's brother Tim being gay and that's why he was so open and accepting with us.  He told me that it had been rough on him while I was unconscious in the hospital and that Erik really helped him sort through his feelings for me.  When he told me that he'd even donated a unit of blood for me in the hospital I began to cry again.

"Why do I keep crying all the time, I feel like such a sap."

"It's OK Scott, you've really been through quite a bit.  It's only natural.  You're a strong person, but you've been carrying a load of crap around in your head for years. It's just coming out all at once."

"I guess you're right."  I then realized something he had said moments before.  "You mean I have your blood flowing through my veins right now?"

"Yep.  You lost quite a bit from your injuries.  They had given you fluids in the ambulance, but Leslie said that you'd probably need some.  I didn't want it to be a stranger's blood, so I asked if it could be mine.  We're the same blood type - Remember in High School Biology class we had to prick our fingers and determine what our blood types were?  Anyway, Leslie said that they would have time to process it and get it to you if we hurried.  I don't understand it, but they have to take the white blood cells out of it first."

"Wow, you did that for me?  I have to admit it is kind of creepy.  But at the same time knowing that part of you is in me is sort of comforting.  It makes you feel closer."

"Speaking of closer, I need a kiss" Derek said and leaned in for a long passionate kiss.

After a few moments we reluctantly pulled apart.  I laughed and said, "You taste like bacon."

"Actually I prefer sausage."  Derek got a twinkle in his eye his left hand roamed down my torso and came to rest on my hard cock.  He gently rubbed it through the cotton fabric of my boxers.

I moaned softly.  "That feels really good."

As quickly as he started he stopped.  He smiled and said "Scott I have wanted to make love to you for so long it hurts, but I want to wait and make it right.  I want it to be something we never forget."

"As much as I want to keep going, you're right.  Can we at least kiss some more?"

His reply came in the form of another kiss.  This one lasted for quite a while.  Each time our lips touched and our tongues met it felt like I was in heaven.  I knew that more would come soon enough, but for now I was satisfied in the closeness and the passion that holding each other and kissing provided. 

Derek kissed me with his eyes open, and for the first time I really saw into him and could feel his love for me.  I surrendered to him in that moment and in doing so the tension in his body disappeared.  It was then that I realized Derek had placed himself out on a limb when he confessed his love for me.   Derek closed his eyes and melted into me.  For a few moments in time we felt as one.  I guess that Derek must have sensed that it was OK for him to fall in love - Because my arms were there to catch him.

That's Chapter 9 - I hope you enjoyed it.  The story is far from over, so I hope you'll visit again.I awoke the next morning to the smell of fresh coffee and bacon.  I opened my eyes to see Erik unpacking our breakfast from the 'to-go' container that he had obtained for us at the cafeteria.  Suddenly I realized that Derek was still in bed with me and we were both essentially naked.  Nothing more than our boxer shorts covered us.  Derek slowly stirred to life and sat up wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Good morning you two!  I thought you looked so cute together that I'd run down and bring you breakfast in bed before you woke up.  Don't get used to it though!"  Erik said with a laugh.

"Uh..." Was the only word that came out of my mouth.  How was I supposed to explain Derek sleeping with me in a single bed?

Derek a bit more lucid now said, "Don't worry babe, he knows about us.  It's OK."

"Am I like the last to know everything around here?"  I asked.  This was far too unbelievable for me.  Here I was, mostly naked and lying next to the man of my dreams and my roommate is bringing us breakfast in bed.  And this seems to be OK with everyone?

"I'm sure you have lots of questions Scott, but right now I'm going to leave you guys to talk and sort this out.  I'll be down in a bit."  Erik moved towards the door and paused. He turned back towards us and said, "You might want to lock the door from now on though.  Not sure if the other guys will be as understanding..." 

With that he was gone.  I turned to look at Derek and we both sat there with serious expressions on our face for what seemed like an eternity.  Then we both exploded with laughter at the entire situation.  I of course stopped laughing immediately because it hurt to laugh.  Derek just leaned in and gave me a gentle hug.

"Not exactly how I expected the first morning waking up with you to unfold, but I'm glad to be here.  Now lets see about breakfast and then I'll answer any questions you have." 

Derek smiled and jumped out of bed and brought over the tray that Erik had set up for us.  He got back in bed and pulled the covers over his lap to stay warm and we snuggled close while we ate our breakfast.  I was starving and finished in record time.

"You don't think Erik would wander back down to the chow hall and grab us another pot of coffee do you?"  I said.

"I doubt it.  I think he'd tackle us both if we asked."

"How..." that was all I got a chance to say because Derek placed a finger to my lips.

"You've probably got a million questions, so why don't I just explain and you just ask me any questions you have afterwards."

"OK, I guess that's fair."

I figured that we were in for a long talk because Derek pulled the covers up over our bodies and we lay back on the pillows.  Derek just looked at me for a few minutes before he spoke.  I think he was trying to figure out where to begin so I waited patiently while he found the words he was searching for.

"Well, before we get to 'us', I guess I need to explain about Erik first.  The night you were in the hospital was pretty rough on both of us.  They wouldn't let us see you until after your parents left.  I was exhausted and emotionally drained by the experience. When we got back to the dorm, Erik suggested that it would be best if I slept upstairs in your room so I'd not be alone.

"I tried to refuse thinking that it would be too weird.  You know how Erik can be.  He refused and threatened to drag me up there if I didn't submit.  Anyway, we were getting ready for bed and were talking.  He came right out and asked me if I was in love with you.  I tried to lie and tell him that you were my best friend and were like a brother to me.  He didn't let me off that easy.  The next thing he asked me was if I was gay.

"I was so exhausted.  Both from years of hiding my feelings, and from the strain of watching you suffer.  I just lost it and told him that I was gay and that I loved you and was so sad that you could never love me back.  That's when he told me he thought you were also gay and that you loved me too."

"How did he know?"  I asked.

"Well, he told me that you talk in your sleep and that he'd heard you talk about your feelings for me.  He wasn't totally convinced until he saw your jealousy manifest itself when Margie was around.  He didn't 'Out' you.  He asked me what my feelings were first and then told me his thoughts about you once he knew I was gay and that sharing the information would be beneficial for us both.

"I have to admit that I really didn't believe him but I so wanted him to be right.  I've loved you since we were kids and I've been afraid to tell you all these years.  I couldn't sleep last night so I came down to see if you were OK.  You were sleeping comfortably so I just watched you sleep for a bit.  I wanted to tell you that I loved you when you first came home but Erik suggested that I wait.  You've been so out of it because of the painkillers and I wanted everything to be as perfect as I imagined it.  Besides I was still afraid that Erik might be wrong.  All he had to go on was your talking while you slept. That could have meant almost anything.

"I awoke last night to hear you crying in the darkness.  I watched you for a few moments because I didn't want to frighten you - you didn't know I was there.  I figured that you'd go back to sleep.  Your crying became louder and then I saw you reach for my sweatshirt and hold it close to you.  I guess that's when I just knew Erik was right and I had to reach out to you.  Last night at that moment I needed you as much as you needed me."

I was absolutely stunned by everything he had said.  I just sat there and didn't say anything.  A single tear started to form in the corner of my eye.  Derek rolled closer in to me and held me.

"What's wrong Scott?"

"Oh, Derek.  We've been such fools.   So many good years have been wasted because we were too afraid to tell each other the truth.  Right now I am so happy I cannot begin to describe how I feel.  I just feel like we've lost something."

"I know how you feel babe.  It feels funny calling you that but I like the sound of it.  Anyway, I think we've gained more that we've lost.  Besides, let's not look at the past.  We have everything waiting for us in the future.  Maybe the loss we feel is the burden that comes from hiding and pretending to be something we are not."

It hit me like a ton of bricks all at that moment and I tensed up and went rigid.  Derek tried to ask what was wrong but I didn't answer him.  My thoughts were swiftly taken back to the gym and the night of the accident.  Mason knew I was gay because my old roommate Mike told him.  Mike knew I was gay because I talked in my sleep.  It all made sense now.

"Scott, snap out of it. Tell me what's wrong." His tone was very serious and he looked somewhat alarmed.

"It's nothing, I just need to digest some of this.  My entire life has changed since the middle of last night till this morning.  I guess I'm just adjusting."

I was honestly scared at that moment.  If Mike told Mason, then who else did he tell about me?  It was going to be hard enough being 'Outed' on campus.  I didn't want Derek to spend the next 4 years of school looking over his shoulder.  He'd been through enough traumas.  I couldn't risk him being beaten too.  We'd have to be careful.  I don't think Derek bought my excuse and I could tell from his expression that we'd be revisiting that portion of the conversation.

For the next several hours we lay in bed just talking.  In that time Derek told me the truth behind his gymnastics accident.  He told me about Erik's brother Tim being gay and that's why he was so open and accepting with us.  He told me that it had been rough on him while I was unconscious in the hospital and that Erik really helped him sort through his feelings for me.  When he told me that he'd even donated a unit of blood for me in the hospital I began to cry again.

"Why do I keep crying all the time, I feel like such a sap."

"It's OK Scott, you've really been through quite a bit.  It's only natural.  You're a strong person, but you've been carrying a load of crap around in your head for years. It's just coming out all at once."

"I guess you're right."  I then realized something he had said moments before.  "You mean I have your blood flowing through my veins right now?"

"Yep.  You lost quite a bit from your injuries.  They had given you fluids in the ambulance, but Leslie said that you'd probably need some.  I didn't want it to be a stranger's blood, so I asked if it could be mine.  We're the same blood type - Remember in High School Biology class we had to prick our fingers and determine what our blood types were?  Anyway, Leslie said that they would have time to process it and get it to you if we hurried.  I don't understand it, but they have to take the white blood cells out of it first."

"Wow, you did that for me?  I have to admit it is kind of creepy.  But at the same time knowing that part of you is in me is sort of comforting.  It makes you feel closer."

"Speaking of closer, I need a kiss" Derek said and leaned in for a long passionate kiss.

After a few moments we reluctantly pulled apart.  I laughed and said, "You taste like bacon."

"Actually I prefer sausage."  Derek got a twinkle in his eye his left hand roamed down my torso and came to rest on my hard cock.  He gently rubbed it through the cotton fabric of my boxers.

I moaned softly.  "That feels really good."

As quickly as he started he stopped.  He smiled and said "Scott I have wanted to make love to you for so long it hurts, but I want to wait and make it right.  I want it to be something we never forget."

"As much as I want to keep going, you're right.  Can we at least kiss some more?"

His reply came in the form of another kiss.  This one lasted for quite a while.  Each time our lips touched and our tongues met it felt like I was in heaven.  I knew that more would come soon enough, but for now I was satisfied in the closeness and the passion that holding each other and kissing provided. 

Derek kissed me with his eyes open, and for the first time I really saw into him and could feel his love for me.  I surrendered to him in that moment and in doing so the tension in his body disappeared.  It was then that I realized Derek had placed himself out on a limb when he confessed his love for me.   Derek closed his eyes and melted into me.  For a few moments in time we felt as one.  I guess that Derek must have sensed that it was OK for him to fall in love - Because my arms were there to catch him.

That's Chapter 9 - I hope you enjoyed it.  The story is far from over, so I hope you'll visit again.

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