Derek and Adam


Published on Jun 13, 1998



This is a story that involves erotic m/m activity between hot young adults. If its naughty for you to be viewing such material, you're underage or whatever, then you're a very, very bad boy. If you're straight and offended, get over it and get outta here. This story is fictitious and any reference to people alive and dead is co-incidental, and if your life and appearance match anyone in the story, you're lucky so don't complain! Enjoy!

Derrick was one of those Asian guys. No, not what you're thinking. Not one of those computer nerds that segregate themselves away from everyone else and speak in Chinese. He was one of the ones that just fitted in perfectly. He had a huge attitude, heaps of cash and got great grades without even trying. He was also a pretty funny and genuine guy when he dropped the bad-boy attitude. On top of that he was one of the cutest guys in school. He had a carved jawline and jeekbones that had just the right definition, deep brown eyes, soft, beautiful lips and a dangerously beautiful body. Even his hair, teeth and eyebrows were perfect, thanks to some cosmetic augmentation, most of which remained a secret. He didn't even have the downer flat noses and slitty eyes that people of his racial group often get, thanks to some dilution in the bloodline and his skin was perfect: soft, supple and just the right shade of pale golden brown. Like I said, he slotted in just fine. All the girls in his group of friends just couldn't help themselves and he was a huge hit at all the parties he went to. Sometimes the drunken party girls chasing after him got a taste of what they wanted. Sometimes. It was just that he really wasn't that enthusiastic about girls that much. Sure he'd been with heaps, when he'd been off his face completely, but he'd never had a girlfriend for more than a minute and there was good reason for it.

Derrick didn't like to think that he was gay, but he was definitely bi at the best of times. In the past he'd tried to suppress his liking for men, concentrating solely on the opposite sex. He bought a ton of playboys and even tried to force himself to fantasies about girls when he was in bed horny at night. Try as he might, though, he just seemed to go hard much more readily about guys than girls. Eventually he got over his little obsession about being straight and loosened up a little. By now girls were definitely second choice and his computer hard drive brimmed with pictures of guys half-naked completely naked, even some hard-core. He eventually plucked up the courage to tell his parents about his sexual orientation, thinking that they'd probably have a pretty huge problem with it. Instead they, who were both doctors, got him some medical pamphlets about AIDS prevention and generally spoke little of it. He wasn't so sure his friends at school would be so accepting, so he generally kept it a secret. Some of his tough facade was due to personal insecurity, the same insecurity that meant there was no way he was telling anyone at school that he was a faggot.

He stepped out of the shower and began to towel off his soaking body. He started with his rust red hair, thanks to dye of course and continued down to his well-muscled shoulders. From there he went down his beautifully sculpted biceps and arms, then on to his hard but boyish pecs. Finally he swirled the towel around his tight abs which hours of crunches and general torture had sculpted into six tight bundles of muscle that were one of his hottest feature. He looked at his body in the steamy mirror and his crotch began to stiffen. Nice piece of meat it was too, a good seven inches when it was as excited as it was. Lucky the boy would be whose ass was first impaled on that hot pole.

After he had dried off, Derrick wrapped the towel around his raging loins and went into his palatial bedroom. Being an only child, Derrick basically got what he wanted, which was why his bedroom furnishings consisted of a queen sized bed with black satin bed linen, his own T.V, stereo and a CD collection to rival that of a record company. He collapsed onto his silky bed and threw off the towel. As he felt the sensuous feel of satin on his cock he began to fantasise about his friend, Adam. He was really looking forward to tonight when Adam was going to be staying over. Images formed in his mind of his friends soft lips on his cock and him shoving his rod up between Adam's soft butt cheeks, as Derrick jacked his cock and ground it into his bed. He began to groan in pleasure and writhe around, almost screaming at his self-inflicted pleasure. Lucky his parents were out so he had the house to himself! It didn't take long for Derrick to spill his huge load all over his sexy sheets. Spent from the effort, Derrick fell into a deep sleep.

Adam and Derrick were really good friends, but they were so different in many ways. Firstly, they looked different. They were both gorgeous, but Adam's looks were alot softer and finer. He possessed pristine, golden locks which framed his softly defined facial features and the beautiful baby blue eyes to match the golden shower atop his head. His lips were Germanic, big and sexily soft. His skin was bronzed and supple, never being touched by a blemish. He was also short and diminutive, with narrow shoulders, but he did have pretty sexy little muscles the product of an active life. Their differences did not just exist on the outside, either. While they both pretty much knew that they were incredibly hot, Adam would never have mentioned it, and never bragged about his looks like Derrick often did. Derrick also did a lot more about keeping them. Derrick's nightly cleansing routine consisted of quite the beauty routine, masques, fancy cleansers and creams, plus hair `essentials'. It was kinda weird, Adam thought, Derrick wasn't the type to act like a woman...or maybe a fag. Not that it would be a problem for Adam, infact, it would be a gift sent by providence as far as he was concerned. See, Adam had known from an early age that he was a cakeboy and he'd been out on the scene for a while. His cutey boy looks were really attractive to just about everyone, almost as sexy as his youthful vulnerability. Anyway, after a pretty disastrous year at school, during which he basically neglected his studies in favour of his promiscuity, he'd calmed down a little. Now he hung around with the popular straight guys at school and went out with girls just long and frequently enough to stop rumours getting around.

There was another reason for Adam's concentration on his school friends, he was madly desperately in love with one of them. Gee, I bet you've guessed which one: yep, Derrick. In fact, Adam had been practically walking on air for the last month, cuz him and Derrick had become really good friends. They got along so well it was almost like they were meant to be together, which, Adam was sure, they were. They were so comfortable with each other, Derrick knew that he could drop the facade in front of Adam and Adam knew that Derrick was really a pretty cool guy when he wasn't acting up. There was just one little hitch that Adam had to overcome, he had to find out if Derrick was gay. Okay so it was a big step, but Adam was going to find out tonight...

The doorbell shook Derrick out of his slumber, and the wonderful dreams within it, with a violent shock. Derrick desperately jumped out of bed when he realised who the person at the door must be. "Adam! Shit", he shouted out loud. He grabbed some fitted boxers, his favourite form of underwear, and a pair of tight designer black jeans and dashed down the stairs and the hall to the door, still struggling to get the pants up his taught thighs.

Adam got a shock as the door flew open and revealed a shirtless Derrick, not that he minded of course. Infact, it took him a second to pull his gaze away from his friend's luscious bod and throw his arms around him in greeting. His arms stayed around Derrick for longer than would have been normal, feeling the sharp contours of his chest and the warmth it radiated. This lingering was not lost on Derrick as he embraced his smaller friend, feeling his rather excited meat against his denim clad thigh. "Hmmm...", he though. Adam wasn't the only one who had a plan for that night.

"Hi!", said Adam in his kinda high, but mature voice.

"Good to see ya", said Derrick enthusiastically. "Sorry about the clothing but I kinda dozed off and you just woke me up"

"That's okay, you're forgiven", said Adam with mock sincerity. Like he was complaining! "Just as long as those jeans aren't Gucci or something...". This was a running thing between them, Adam cared just about as much about clothes as he did skincare and couldn't help but jokingly needle his friend at every opportunity.

"Just come in and shut up," said Derrick.

Derrick led his friend up the stairs to his grandiose room and showed him the spare bed he'd set up. "What's this, satin?", said Adam looking at his friend's magnificent bed.

"Yeah, you know it's satin", said Derrick, knowing what would come next as it always did. Adam knelt on the ground and began doing the world-famous worshipping action

"Oh your majesty", he chanted. "I'm not worthy".

Derrick just couldn't help smiling when Adam did this, not because it was funny, because it wasn't, but because Adam looked so goddamn desirable when he did. Derrick went over to his wardrobe and looked for a shirt to match the pants that he was wearing.

"So, what're we doing tonight", asked Adam as he bounced up and down on the bed swathed in satin.

"Well, I guess we'll check out Carole's party and then I dunno, sleep...Hey whaddya reckon? Which one of these shirts is the best?" He held up two tops, one an electric blue, woolly V-neck, the other a tightish silky one with some bizarre design on it.

"How about you just forget the shirt and lose the pants as well?", though Adam. But he said: "I duuno... the V-neck's a little less dumb".

"Oh...okay then", said Derrick, unsure. "You think so"

"I think I don't give a flying fuck what you wear as long as we get going before the party's over."

"Okay, okay, I'm coming", said Derrick, throwing on a completely different shirt and unmatching shoes and grabbing his coat on the way out.

Carole's party was organised after the two had decided to get together that night, but it was a heaven send as far as both of them were concerned. Neither of them could say no to alcohol and both planned to get the other drunk and well...take advantage.

As it happened, because both wanted the other to get drunk and them stay sober, they both barely touched alcohol and thus found the mingling and sexual innuendo intensely boring. Neither of them had been having a very good time so, defeated, they decided to call a cab and go off home. Further disappointment came when two of their female friends called out to them, dragging a practically senseless kid with them. It just happened that this wasted bundle was a friend of theirs, Jesse. " He's had a heap to drink and his mum'll kill him if he goes home like this", said one of the draggers, frantically, who was Jesse's girlfriend. "He couldn't go home with you two and sleep it off?".

"I guess.", said Derrick.

"Come on, bigfella", said Adam as they dragged him into the taxi.

By about eleven o'clock all three boys were sitting in Derricks beautiful, modern kitchen, all black marble and chrome. They sat around staring into their cups of coffee feeling, well, crap. Adam and Derrick because their plans had apparently gone way off the rails and the barely recovered Jesse because it felt like an anvil had fallen on his head. That would most definitely be a pity. His long, brown hair formed delicious wavy curls that danced around his beautifully proportioned face. It had flesh in all the right places and he had the most amazing dimples that made his gorgeous smile even more irresistible. Matched with his happy, bright eyes, it was one of those faces that was so pure and honest that you knew its owner had to be just as genuine. Which Jesse was. He said what he meant and made no apologies, but to his friends everything he said was funny, kind and caring.

Even his dismal state, as far as Jesse was concerned, was less dismal that the look of his two sorry-looking friends and being the nice guy he was, he tried to shine through the mist.

"Whoah, you guys look even more miserable than I do, and that's an achievement!"

"You know, he does have a point", said Adam brightly. "Just cuz the party was a little bit of a downer, doesn't mean that we can't have some fun.

"Yeah, I guess you're right.", said Derrick, cheering up. "Well, first thing's first. Both of us definitely need some piss to have a good time, right Ad?".

"Yeah. What's on offer?"

"Whatever I can find in my parents' grog cupboard I guess. How about a beer?"

"You know I hate that shit. How's about a subzero or something?"

"I'll see what I can do. I'll get some munchies too. Hey how about you get like a video outta the cabinet, Jess. Anywaze, can I getcha something or are ya right with the coffee?"

Jesse, who seemed to have almost miraculously recovered said: "Yeah, I guess I've got room for a couple more drinks, make it light, huh?"

Derrick came back with enough snackfood to feed a small African country for about a decade and enough grog to get the whole population pissed as well. After a couple of drinks, Adam and Derrick had gone into their typical hypo-boozed up mode and were jumping around and cracking jokes like circus clowns. Jesse, a tad more lethargic, almost managed to keep up which was quite amazing. After watching some videos, playing some N64 and generally acting like teenagers who'd had far too much alcohol, sugar caffeine and unhealthy food, Adam jumped up and said:

"Whoah, I've just gotta see what that satin bed feels like." He scurried off to Derrick's room with the other two in tow.

Derrick and Jesse got in the room just in time to see Adam throwing off his T-shirt, leaving him clad only in his colourful boxers and jumping onto the bed and rolling around. Derrick stood there transfixed by his friend's beautifully toned, boyish body. Including beautifully tanned legs and abs that were very nicely beginning to show the inkling of a six pack. If he'd bothered to look, he would have seen Jesse similarly hypnotised by the beauty of their little friend. However, Jesse recovered in time to throw off his jacket, shirt and pants and also leap on the bed, showing of his beautiful body to the still spellbound Derrick.

Jesse was by far the biggest of the three; his shoulders were broader and his arms bigger and more muscular. Unlike Derrick who spent hours in his home gym, sculpting his muscles to be super toned and defined, his was more natural, gained instead by summers spent surfing and with a golden hue to match. Soon all three gorgeous boys were rolling around on the bed laughing and screaming. It took ages until they all came too a stop, laying in a heap on the bed, each thrilled by the warmth of each other's skin.

"So, what now", asked Adam, sprawled over both Derrick and Jesse.

"How about twister", said Derrick, not sure whether he was joking or not.

"Sounds great!", said Adam, realising the intimate connotations of such a game.

"How's about I spin the little circle thing...My stomach's kinda swimming a tad", said Jesse, looking a bit spent again. So Derrick and Adam played the game for a while, contorting themselves at the whim of chance until they were in a position where Derrick was directly over Adam's youthful, bronzed back. He was so close that Adam could feel the warmth emanating from his exposed body. Even more arousing was his friend's massive, hard cock that he could feel on his ass through layers of satin and cotton. It was almost to much for Adam. He was sure that his cock was oozing precum and he began to worry that it would stick out of his loosely fitting boxers. He didn't have long to worry as the boys soon came crashing down as Derrick slipped moving his right leg to a green circle.

Adam deliberately instigated a wrestling match between the two. They rolled around the floor, the warmth of their underwear clad bodies causing their raging hormones to push even further. In only a short amount of time, Derrick was on top of Adam pinning his arms to the ground. Adam's legs were spread and his cock stuck like a small, rigid 6 inch tower to the sky. For a moment, the two boys' eyes met, until Adam's angelic features twisted into a sly smile and he wrapped his legs around his larger friend. He raised his head and parted Derrick's lips, kissing him passionately. Derrick stood up and dumped his small friend onto the bed. He then reached down and undid the buttons on his shorts, exposing his rock-solid member. He climbed onto the bed while Adam stood on all fours, doggie-style waiting for his bone. He took Derrick's cock into his mouth and drawing on all his experience, sucked and licked it with all he was worth. Derrick lay down on his back as Adam, on all fours, greedily blew his friend. Consumed with pleasure and arousal, Derrick grabbed the back of his friend's head and began to fuck his friend's face, roughly pulling him into his crotch as he bucked his thighs and pulled his pole into Adam's face.

Adam could not have been happier in heaven, Derrick's cock was hot and tasted sweet. It felt so hot on his soft lips and completely filled his small mouth. He almost gagged and his cock jumped everytime Derrick bucked his pelvis up and shoved Adam's head into his pubic bush. Then Adam felt further ecstasy. He felt his boxers being lowered and also felt the raging, wet pole that meant to shove up his friends tight pucker. Adam spread his legs and reached back his arms to pull apart his cheeks, shaking with anticipation. Jesse roughly shoved his rigid rod between his friends youthful, soft buttcheeks. Only slightly lubricated by spit, Jesse's massive cock did not slip in easily, Adam thrilled and nearly came as he felt the divine pain of a mancock entering his tight ass. He then felt the sensation of Derrick's supple hands on his erect nipples. They began to rub and fondle them as Jesse began to knead Adam's butt with his strong hands. Adam was pushed this way and that like a rag doll with each pull, thrust and jerk and would have screamed with pleasure had it not been for the beautiful meat inside his hungry mouth.

The shoves and thrusts got more irregular and desperate and the groans of his friends more deep and long. Adam knew they were imminently going to cum. First Derrick erupted spurt after spurt of thick creamy cum. Adam took the first couple of jets in his mouth but was then shoved by the hair against Jesse's strong torso as he felt the hot jets of the bigger youth as he sprayed his cum into his friend's ass. Jesse gave a long, low moan while Adam screeched a high, ecstatic whimper as he was utterly immersed in pleasure. As Jesse's hot load filled his ass, Adam let fly a volley of cum, the largest load of the three, that splattered all over Derrick who was lying in a daze underneath him. He bent down to lick it off his friend's taught chest but his head was pulled sharply into Derrick's open mouth and their tongues met for what seemed like an age, dancing and swirling around each other and mixing with derricks salty sweet cum.

"That was great", sighed Derrick when he finally pulled his lips away from Adam's. "I'm guessing you've done that before."

"Never quite as good as that," sighed Adam as he collapsed onto Derrick's muscular chest and nuzzled into it, rubbing his cheek and soft hair into it.

Derrick put his arm around the friend who had just become a lot more than that, kissed his hair lightly and said blissfully: "we're gonna hafta do this again, right Jesse?"

"Oh yeah......", said Jesse as he collapsed backwards onto one of Derrick's satin pillows and fell into a deep, dream-filled sleep. Derrick realised that the small bundle snuggling in his chest was also asleep so, trying not to wake any of the two others, moved himself and Adam into a position so he could pull the sheets over them. Then he, the final of the three drifted into a shared dream in which they all relived their experience many times over.


Adam's waking movements awoke the beautiful figure in whose embrace Adam had been all night. Derrick's beautiful body twitched and then his eyes slowly opened and his lips formed a deep smile of contentment. His eyes still swirled with the images of Adam that had lived in his dream. They fused with reality as he stared into Adam's beautiful blue orbs and came into full wakefullness.

"Last night...", said Derrick, unsure. "It wasn't just sex to you or anything, was it? Cuz, well...I think I really like you and I dunno, I just hoped that..."

Adam's full lips opened to expose his chalk-white teeth and he smilingly said,: "Oh my...Is this Mr. Derrick actually unsure of himself.". He laughed sexily for a second, but then his smile flattened out into a serious expression: "I've dreamed about what happened last night since I met you, I really do care about you...alot...". He reached down and kissed Derrick again, and then felt his dick harden again. He pulled away from their lip-embrace and began grinding his cock into Derrick's stomach and whimpered with pleasure. Derrick reached behind his lover and stuck two fingers in his ass as Adam's began to buck and scream frantically. He squirted his load into Derricks face who licked his tongue all around his cheeks to get every last drops of the delicious, creamy liquid. Adam settled back into the comfortable position he had just left, and lay back against his lovers chest, licking his nipples with his soft little tongue.

Jesse had been pulled from dreamland by the high cries of Adam's ecstasy. He had just began to stir as the two settled down again.

"Wake up sleepy", said Derrick, tiredly.

"Huh..What..Where...", said Jesse as he pushed himself up on his elbows. His lush brown hair had fluffed up in the night and by his voice you could tell he had a hangover about as big as they come. "Shit!. I really gotta get home guys...Bye." He jumped out of bed and then seemed shocked at his nakedness. Then, as if remembering everything, said: "Oh, yeah...and last night was great."

"Can't you stay around for a sec and have a shower with us?", said Derrick, grinning and slipping out from under Adam who still seemed half asleep. Jesse wasn't about to say no.

"You two go ahead", said Adam dazedly.

"I think not", said Derrick, laughing, as he dragged his cute boyfriend into the bathroom with Jesse in tow.

The shower was hot and steamy, almost as much as the action that the three were getting up to! Jesse had soaped up Derrick's ass and was slowly and deeply fucking him. Derrick was doing exactly the same to Adam and jacking the smaller boy's cock which had experienced no difficulty getting rock after its exertion scant minutes before. It didn't take long before all three came in torrents, simultaneously, and they all let out a moan, Adam's the loudest of all.

Adam and Derrick watched as Jesse dressed, their cocks barely stirring after the intensity of their previous engagement. After he was dressed, the three hugged and Jesse said his goodbyes. Just as he as leaving, he flashed his gorgeously dimpled smile, saying: "That was the best boyfuck I've ever had. If ever I'm stuck with a frigid girl I'll make sure to give you guys a call...especially you!". With that he grabbed Adam's bare buttcheeks and raised him, on his tip-toes, to his waiting lips and kissed him roughly, before dropping the boy to the ground and exiting the house. Adam still lay on the carpet of Derrick's hall, his cock now again stiff. Derrick got down between his spread legs and obliged his lover, taking his cock into his warm, soft mouth. It wasn't too long before Adam began to squirm and whimper uncontrollably and released his seed into the waiting mouth of Derrick, who swallowed it all lovingly. He pushed some stray hair away from his lover's eyes tenderly and said: "Well, babe, I'd better go out and get the paper. I'll just go and get some underpants on." He got up and walked down the hall towards the stairs that led to his room. Adam stayed on the floor for a while, admiring the muscled back, tight, beautiful ass and squared of his new-found love. "I'll just go make some breakfast, then..." He called out as he peeled himself off the floor, thinking what a lucky he was.

Derrick walked across the lawn, its cool dampness felt very pleasant on the soles of his bare feet and the fresh breeze that danced around his bare chest and legs sent his nipples hard. He caught sight of the paper just near his neighbour's fence. As he walked over to pick it up, he noticed his neighbour, a middle aged female lawyer, was in her garden watering the lawn. Her gaze diverted away and focused unflinching on her beautiful neighbour. After he bent down and picked up the paper, he rested his elbows on the short fence separating the two properties, which showed his gorgeous biceps and nodded his head and smiled in greeting. "Lovely morning isn't it", she called over, staring. "It sure is", he though sincerely. And he thought of his gorgeous lover, perfect in every way, standing over a frypan with eggs sizzling within them and realised that never before had he been this content.


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