Der Bruder - cumdump and pighole-the beginning

Published on Dec 19, 2008



Der Bruder Part 1 - cumdump and pighole-the beginning Comments to By pighole

My name's pighole. It's not a common name but sums me up very well and I like it. I'm 27 and in the last year, my life has been completely transformed. To be honest, sometimes its hard but I deserve what I got. In fact, I'm grateful. We've got a son, we call him cumdump. Well he's my son I guess but I don't deserve to have anything, especially not him. He had another name but I can't remember now and nor can he. We haven't used that name for over a year. I think that maybe the chems we are always craving makes it harder to remember. I can barely remember my own former real name.

I said "we" earlier, there's another person that plays a major part in my life. His name is Der Bruder and, like very thing, this is his story. I don't know if that's his real name but it's the only ones I have heard. He controls our lives, me and cumdump. He treats us well if we don't stuff up which we often do since we're losers. We live in an apartment in the centre of town. It costs a lot to rent but it's real nice and what Der Bruder deserves. Though sometimes I thinks it's a little small as its only got one bedroom and a single garage in the basement with a lift to the apartment. cumdump and I sleep on a hard floor in a cage in the parking place. It's a bit cold in winter but we don't mind, Der Bruder is right and we don't need it. He has the bedroom. He got a really nice bed and furniture in there, all expensive designer stuff which wasn't cheap. He also shares the room with his dog, his name is Richard-Dick for short. He's an Alsatian and we I him as a pup for Der Bruder. He sleeps on a mat near Der Bruder's bed.

I found him on the Internet. I was begging to be used by a man. You see, I had a girlfriend once, which's how I got cumdump. She left me cumdump 6 months after he was born. I thought we got along well, she told me what to do and I tried to please her. I havn't seen her for so and the last thing she told me was about how I've ruined her life by being such a sad loser and deserved to suffer. I can see now she was right. God, this takes me back, I haven't thought about her for ages and cumdump doesn't ask about her. We're busy enough carrying out our duties for any of that.

When it began I'd been single for years. I hadn't had sex with a girl since the wife left after cumdump was born. Ever since I can remember I've found other men attractive. Not all of them but I do know I always liked those boys that were very sure of themselves, the jocks and the like. You know, the kind us faggots always crave. I was always jealous of the jocks, they were so popular. Big cocks, arrogant attitudes and always farting and pissing and shitting with each other after the games. The kind of dude that would look through measly faggots like me as if I wasn't there.

I was lonely, and I was always grateful for any attention, especially by hot young dudes like that. And dirty little fuckers who wanted to use us older faggots were really fucking hot. I used to jerk off pretending I was grovelled at a jock's feet, licked his boots clean, licked his balls clean too. I hoped that, if and only if I was a good pig I was allowed to choke on his young thick and huge dick. A cheesy and pissy dick. I began to find I could only ever think of a life dedicated to a jock thug like that, dedicated to his precum, his cum, his cock cheese and his piss. And maybe if I was a really obedient pig I would be permitted to sniff his dirty arsehole. Lick it.

But I'm getting ahead of myself. I should tell you about cumdump as I'm proud of him. He's done real well lately. I remember a while ago I was told by his teachers that he's getting a bad attitude; he tells them to "shut up" and "go fuck themselves". I laughed, he'd been ordering me around for ages too. Of course, he's not in school now; no young faggot would be. Der Bruder tells me that cumdump has the kind of life a cute young boy like he deserves. Both cumdump and I agree.

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