Denying Love

By Agnostic Lady

Published on Jul 15, 2001


From the Author:

Penning lesbian literacy has been a great pleasure for me, and I will gladly welcome any comments about my works. Encouragement and demoralizing criticism are equally welcomed. Do email me at

Here comes the mind-numbing disclaimer:

The following story below is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

The story below can be freely distributed publicly so as credits are stated clearly to Agnostic Lady. Also, sexual contents, female/female sex and other relevant adult material are included in the story. Do not read any further beyond this sentence if you (1), are under legal age (in your country) or (2), do not favor such sexual material.

*************** Denying love *************** Chapter Two

By Agnostic Lady

"Oh my, this place is huge," Sharon thought as she glanced through the interior of "Taboo" as they squeeze their way through the crowd of scantily dressed party-goers. "Taboo" has a dark, underground theme to it, clad ironically with various religious statues like Jesus Christ and the Buddha. "Taboo" spins mostly hip-hop and r&b, much to the delight of both Natalie and Sharon, since they love break-dancing that much.

Despite the place being already jam-packed with a couple of hundreds of people, they manage to get a table reserved specially for them, considering the fact that both Christine and Ashley are members of "Taboo". "Let's go for a couple rounds of beer, before we start on our shots, what say you?" shouts Christine thru the high-decibel music. It doesn't help that their table is situated just a few feet away from the bass speaker. "Why not?" Ashley screams back, trying hard to drown the music. The girls made their orders and before they knew it, their beer was ready to quench their thirst.

"Alright babes, the last one to down the beer goes for another two mugs, ok?" Ashley suggests, grinning from ear to ear. Ashley knows her alcohol tolerance is much stronger than most people. She used to work at a club before, and finally quit when she realises her liver matters more to her than the figures on her bank account. "Any more ounce of alcohol and I'd be a member of Alcoholics Anonymous," Ashley explains to the management of her club when she resigned after a mere 8 months of bar tendering.

"Deal, but don't back out when I beat you in it," boasts Natalie, ignorant of Ashley's ability in drinking.

"Ok, on the count of three, uno, dos, tres!" says Sharon as they down their beer furiously.

"Bottoms up!" Ashley shouts as she raises her empty mug proudly in the air.

The last one to down her beer turns out to be Sharon. Living up to their pact, she downs another 2 mugs with much difficulty as the rest cheer her on. "Bad mistake," Natalie thought worriedly, "That's 3 mugs in a row..." Christine and Ashley were not acknowledged of the fact that Sharon can't hold her alcohol for nuts. Natalie failed to notify them of this because she didn't want to embarrass her own girlfriend. "Oh boy, expect a river of puke later, I guess" Natalie signs.

The girls decided to go for another few rounds of beer, until their flat tummies bloat up like some 54-year-old-bald-old-man, before taking shots. By the last drop of their fourth mug, Sharon was already reaching a point that she was high, and she was really letting herself go. Natalie's bladder was tightening and she excuses herself to the restroom. "I'll come with you, my bladder's on full tank right now as well," says Christine. "Alright, I'll stay here with this hopeless drunk bitch," Ashley replies as she watches her girlfriend and Natalie stagger into the pool of crowd. She lit a cigarette and lean over to a gibberish Sharon, to ask how she was doing.

"Bounce wit me, bounce wit me, couldcha couldcha bounce wit me..." Jay-Z is now rapping in the background.

Before Ashley can even utter a word of concern to Sharon, Sharon perpetually sprung up from her velvet cushioned seat and grabbed Ashley's hand and leading her into the dance floor, causing her to drop her cigarette on the floor. Sharon leans over and whispers into Ashley's ear, "I love this song, dance with me, honey,"

Ashley is getting flustered. Her ears have always been ultra-sensitive, and on top of that, with a saucy-looking girl like Sharon, she wonders how long more can she swear by monogamy. "She's just high, and she's attached," Ashley keeps trying in vain to put that mental reminder of hers on repeat mode. Sharon seems nonchalant of the number of people admiring her dance moves as she started flaunting her moves. "For a person pissed drunk like her, she sure can dance," thought Ashley in amusement. Ashley found she being grinded upon by Sharon, and didn't attempt to stop her as she felt her ass being fondled dirtily. She danced awkwardly, trying to act normal and preventing Sharon from falling.

After a while, Sharon felt exhausted and leans her entire body of sweat on Ashley for support. "Hey, you want to go back to rest your sexy butt," asks Ashley as she tilts her head to look at Sharon. "No, I'm seriously fine," says Sharon, staring weirdly into Ashley's hazel-brown eyes. "That's what all drunk asses say," laughs Ashley as she tried to lead Sharon out of the dance floor and back to their table. Sharon refuses to barge, and instead, she pulls Ashley close to her, with their faces just a few inches dangerously apart.

"Life is unfair," says Sharon, looking straight into Ashley's eyes.

"What? Why so?" Ashley asks, puzzled by the tears accumulating in Sharon's eyes.

"Nothing. Can I kiss you, please?" Sharon asks as she starts to move her luscious lips towards Ashley's.

"No, you're drunk, alright? And moreover, you have a wonderful girlfriend," Ashley pulls back from her, trying hard to do the right thing. Deep down, she wanted to kiss Sharon, and a lot more, but the guilt overwhelmed her, and there isn't a possibility she was going to be breaking someone's 3-year-long relationship.

"I don't care," Sharon's voice trails off as she laid her lips on Ashley's. Ashley is too stunned to react, and Sharon held her closer, causing Ashley to feel their nipples rubbing against each other. A sudden gush of electricity currents struck upon Ashley. She never felt this way before, not even with Christine. "I barely know this girl," Ashley thought to herself. She's not one who'd engage into one-night-stands. She's too sentimental for that.

Sharon pulls back for a second, and this time, she lays her lips back upon Ashley's, and Ashley felt her tongue attempting to enter her mouth. "Oh to fuck with my principles," thought Ashley as she finally succumbed to Sharon's temptations. The girls stood there momentarily, hidden in the dance floor in the midst of others, and kissed like there was no tomorrow. Their tongues danced together, they took turns to suck each other's tongues and Ashley felt a hand on her left breast. She couldn't help but moan, and Sharon took it as a form of encouragement and continued to fondle her cupful of breast, pinching her nipple until it protruded.

"No, stop, please." Ashley says abruptly, pushing Sharon firmly away this time. She knew they have crossed the line, and she doesn't want to aggravate it.

"Ok, I'm sorry," Sharon looks hurt. It was as if she just got her heart broken.

"Let's get back to our girlfriends," Ashley utters coldly, without even looking at Sharon. "What the fuck was I doing?" Ashley scolds herself bitterly. She couldn't bear to even look at Sharon at all. The guilt was diffusing profusely into her blood cells.

"I thought you guys got kidnapped or something, where the hell were you?" asks Christine as Ashley and Sharon returned solemnly to their table.

"Sharon wanted to dance, so I tagged along," says Ashley, trying hard to act normal. From their reception, it was obvious that they're not aware of what had happened earlier on, much to the relief of Ashley. However, she still can't face Sharon in the face.

"Baby, I think I want to go back to our hotel room," says Sharon to Natalie, with a hint of sadness. She has helplessly fallen for Ashley, and decided to make a move on her. "I am so stupid and selfish," Sharon thought bitterly to herself as they made their way out of the club together. Sharon too can't bear to look at Ashley at all. She feels too embarrassed.

"Erm, I'll send them back to the hotel room," offers Christine. She notices that Ashley has been awfully silent, and thought maybe she needed some rest, thus, she offers to send Natalie and Sharon back instead.

"Sure, why not? I'd brew some coffee for you when you get back," replies Ashley gratefully. She thinks it'd be too hypocritical of her to try to converse normally with Natalie and Sharon in the car, after kissing Sharon.

"Alright then. Goodnight, it was nice meeting you, Ashley," Natalie embraced Ashley. Sharon looks on and showed no attempt in doing the same. She says a monotonous "Bye" to Ashley and turn away towards Christine's car... trying hard to hold back her silver beads of tears. With that, the girls departed and Ashley went to her car and drove back home.

"If I just knew Sharon, why do I feel more regret rejecting her than kissing her? And why do I feel this unexplainable hurt? And what does she mean by "life is unfair"?" Ashley runs through her train of thoughts as she drove back home.

Well I hope you like the second chapter of my story. Thanks for reading, and for those who've emailed me, merci beaucoup! Your encouragement has been sweet.

~Agnostic Lady

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