Denny and Me

By moc.loa@1212lluST

Published on Oct 9, 2006



I don't know why I went into the locker room, but I know I had to use the men 's room and that was the nearest place I could find. I wasn't supposed to be in there, only the athletes were allowed access, but I had to go bad, so I snuck in. After finishing, I turned to leave, but I somehow got myself lost. The locker room had turned into what seemed like an endless maze, with twists and turns I knew weren't there previously. Actually, maybe they were and I just didn't pay attention. Either way, I cautiously made my way back thru the locker room, avoiding be spotted. Until I turned the corner. What was displayed before me was stuff of grade a porno flicks... most of the football players were "enjoying each others company" in more ways than one. Now mind you, not ALL of them , but a good percentage were, that's for sure. While most of the team showered, the remaining team members kissed, sucked, fucked and just plain made out. The steam hit me like a curtain made of thick cotton, making the whole thing seem like a dream. I could barely make out who was doing what, but since I didn't follow the sport, it wouldn't have made a difference to me anyway. As I looked down in front of me, there were three studs grouped together. One on his back with his legs spread wide and high, one underneath him sucking his balls and the other hunched over swallowing the cock in front of him. The ass of the cocksucker was, to say the least, spectacular! A nice big bubble butt with a trim waist, covered by the tightest pair of boxer shorts. Before I acted though, I turned and saw a shy unassuming kid standing in the doorway watching on in awe. He still had on his white football pants, including the thigh pads.. but from the waist up he was totally naked. He wasn't buff or muscular like some of the others there. Instead, this kid was pretty much your average looking kid. Brown hair swept down across his forehead, brown eyes watching on in awe, and some traces of slight belly flab and love handles. The sweat that covered his chest and upper body added to the complete picture, but the kid was nervous I could tell. I walked over to him. He looked at me with a scared expression on his face, but when I placed my hand on his shoulder, he cautiously went down on his knees and swallowed my cock. One time down the shaft to the pubes, then back up.. then he stood up and backed away. I looked back over at the three studs and their hot trio action, I couldn't resist the temptation. I took off my pants and grabbed my hard-on by the base. Leaning over the cocksucker's back, I forced my dick thru the fabric of his boxers and pushed my dick into an obviously, up until now, virgin asshole. The cocksucker gasped slightly, but the stud on his back just forced more cock down his throat as I deep dicked him from behind. In mere minutes, I erupted deep in the cocksucker's asshole, followed shortly by the other stud's orgasm which filled his throat. I backed away to let the three catch their breaths, and turned to see my doorway stud once again. This time he was leaning back on a incline bench and I walked over to him and straddled his chest offering my cock once again. He looked at my shyly, almost frightened, and shook his head no. I sat on the bench behind him and reached under his arms to pull him back up against me, my chest pressed against his back. I whispered into his ear "Don't worry, I wont let anyone near you." He smiled weakly and rested his head back against my shoulder. I reached my hands down in front of him and cupped his cock and balls. When he flinched, I reassured him "Don't worry, just to make sure nobody gets any ideas." We sat there and watched the sex going on in front of us, and I rested my chin on his shoulder while we talked. He told me his name was Spike. Well, his NICKNAME was Spike because of the way he tackled the opposition. His real name was Tilden Matthews. He told me he was totally straight, and didn't know why he offered to suck my dick before, but he knew as soon as he did it that it wasn't right. I told him I wouldn't hold it against him, then squeezed his dick and balls, and we both began to laugh. I introduced myself to him and we continued watching the action. Meanwhile, the cocksucker who's cherry I had taken had gotten up and straddled the other guy's waist. The guy on his back reached up and grabbed him by the shoulders, then pushed him all the way down on his cock. I didn't get a good look at it before, but the dude that got sucked off and was now fucking the cocksucker, had at LEAST a ten inch cock. Spike corrected me. "It's ten and a half inches... he tells EVERYONE that will listen." We both laughed again, and Spike informed me that the rider was a guy named Chip Clemens... his actual name was Iziri, but it was well known that he was somehow a descendant of Mark Twain.. so everyone called him CHIP.. as in `off the old block'. Chip had a gift for writing, and excelled in his English classes. It was lost on me, however, when I took his cherry, that Chip was Asian. Now that I saw him full on I noticed that he was possibly the HOTTEST Asian boy I had ever seen, and he was riding that ten and a half inch dick like he was born onto it. Spike told me that the proud owner of that ten and a half inch dick was Rick Bradley, the starting quarterback for the team. Rick was as straight as they come, but didn't mind dipping his dick into whatever hole was offered to him when his girlfriend decided not to put out. Minutes later, Chip's body tensed and convulsed at the same time, and his prick exploded, shooting his cum all over the place. Seconds later, Rick followed suit, and you could see the cum leaking out of Chip's abused asshole all over Rick's balls. The festivities stopped as abruptly as they began, and most of the team headed on their way. I walked out of the locker room with Spike and said that it was nice to meet him. He smiled and shook my hand, then said "I'll see you around" as he walked off. The next day, I sat in the bleachers watching the football team practice. Spike looked up after one play and saw me in the stands, then he waved to me and nodded towards the locker rooms. I didn't need a house to fall on me to get the hint, so after practice, I met Spike and Chip outside the locker room doors. "Chip, this is my friend Travis." Chip shook my hand and Spike continued. "Travis was the guy yesterday..." Spike trailed off, but laughed along with me as Chip rubbed his ass and said "Yeh I remember." I waited outside the locker room for Spike to come out, and Chip came with him. I offered to take them with me to get something to eat, and they agreed.

Spike had mentioned that he was just seventeen and that Chip was going to be eighteen in a few weeks. They had been friends for a few years and Spike sometimes stayed at Chip's place overnight. Spike's parents had just gotten thru a nasty divorce, and his mom left town.

His dad was always working and never around, so Spike spent most of his time at Chip's. After we ate, Chip had to go home so I dropped him off, then Spike and I headed towards his house. As we got inside, Spike asked me if I wanted anything to drink, and I accepted the glass of iced tea he handed me. "My dad doesn't get home until late, and since I don't have any brothers or sisters, I got the house to myself most of the time." I looked at Spike and smiled. This incredibly beautiful boy sounded like he was hitting on me. I brought it up, and he laughed. "Nah, its just that despite being on the football team, I haven't had a girlfriend and I don't really have many friends at all. So I am glad you decided to hang out with me, you seem like a really cool guy." I raised my iced tea glass to my new friend and we had a toast "to new friends". Spike and I talked for hours until he noticed the clock and said his dad would be home in less than thirty minutes, and that I should probably leave. I said I understood and gave my new friend a big hug. He laughed and looked at me, saying "I'm not gay, don't forget that." We both laughed as I grabbed his ass playfully and said "Well, I wont hold that against you then." He smiled brighter than the moon as he escorted me out to my car and waved goodbye. A few weeks later after school, Denny.. as I came to call him, instead of SPIKE or TILDEN, told me he had asked out this one girl in his class. He was amazed that she said yes, and he was on cloud nine. I was happy for my friend of course, and I pretended to give him the talk about the birds and the bees. He laughed and punched me in the shoulder, calling me an asshole. Denny and I became great friends and hung out all the time. It may have seemed odd for a seventeen year old to spend so much time with a man in his late thirties.. but it didn't seem odd to us. We were just friends, and if anyone had a problem with that.. then its THEIR problem not ours. Denny would come over and tell me about his girlfriend, and he even introduced me to her once. After about six months, Denny's father left town in the middle of the night with some girl he knocked up. She was younger then Denny was. Denny was upset and had no place to go since his father sold the house without his knowledge. He came to me and asked if he could stay at my place with me. Of course I said yes, what kind of friend would I be if I turned him out on the streets? Denny moved in two days later, and luckily I had a two bedroom apartment so he got his own room and privacy. Jokingly he reminded me that "I ain't gay.. so don't try nothing alright?" He looked at me and smiled, then I punched him in the shoulder and said "Asshole." A few days later, Denny and his girlfriend had an argument. I came home and he was crying in his room. I walked in and asked him what was wrong, and he told me. I sat next to him on the bed and put my arm around his shoulder. He turned, buried his face in my chest, wrapped his arms around my back, and started crying again. I rubbed his back and caressed his hair as I rested my chin on top of his head and whispered.. "Everything is gonna be alright Denny, you'll see." He looked up at me and smiled thru his tears, then hugged me. "Thanks Trav, you' re great!" With that, he impulsively leaned forward and our lips touched in the hottest kiss I had ever had in my life. I returned the kiss with the same desperation he had offered it to me, and we fell back on his bed. I looked at him and said "I thought you were straight Den?" He looked at me and said "I am, but friends can help each other out form time to time right?" With that, Denny got up and took off his t-shirt and shorts, straddling my chest, and offered me his cock. I hungrily devoured it and sucked it for all I was worth. All too soon, Denny's body shook, and his cock erupted in my throat, filling me with his sweet cream. He looked down at me and smiled as he rubbed the head of his cock across my face. "I ain't done yet Trav." He then reached underneath me, placed his hands under my knees and pushed them back up to my chest. Quickly, effortlessly, he slid his slick cock deep inside me and fucked me hard for at least twenty minutes. He came with unbelievable force, and I could feel his spunk filling my hole. He pulled out of me and kissed me, then reminded me.. " Remember.. I'm not gay." He winked and laughed as I laughed with him and left his room. Denny got back together with his girlfriend a week later, but when she couldn 't leave the house or was busy doing something else, I would benefit. I must have sucked his cock twenty times that first month, and each time was rewarded with the sweetest teenage cum I had ever tasted. Then the `big night' arrived. It was prom night! Denny had his tux and corsage all ready, and he looked handsome. Before he left, he asked me for a favor. "Well, we need a chaperone at the prom, and I told the guys that you would be our chaperone. Would you?" Well, I couldn't say no to him to begin with.. and I sure to hell wasn't going to start now. I reached into my closet and went to pullout my suit, but found a tux hanging there waiting for me.

I looked at Denny and he smiled. After I finished getting dressed, I went to the kitchen to show Denny how I looked in the tux. That's when I got the shock of the night. Denny had in his hand his own boutineer and another one. The second one, he offered to me.

Pinning it on me, I looked at my friend and roommate and smiled. After he pinned it on, he reached up and kissed me. "You look amazing" he said as he stepped away. I looked at him and said "Just don't forget.. you aren't gay! " We both laughed as we got into the waiting limo and headed to the prom. Halfway thru the prom, I noticed Rick disappear into the men's room with Chip. Since they came in the same limo it wasn't TOO obvious, but since I know what had happened months earlier... well, I had to check this out. I headed into the restroom, and wouldn't you know there at the end of the stalls was Chip, bent over with his tuxedo pants around his ankles. Rick had his huge cock wedged up his ass, fucking him long and hard while Chip was leaning forward giving head to the custodian. Moments later, both guys emptied their balls into Chip's willing body. That's when I found out that over the last few months, it became sort of an `open secret' that Chip was a cockwhore

and couldn't get enough. Seems that everyone from the assistant principal to the gym teacher had their cock either up Chip's ass or down his throat.. or both! After the prom, and after Denny and I dropped off his prom date, I had asked if he knew about Chip putting out all over school. Denny laughed and said " Yeh pretty much everyone on the team knows. Chip has been used by almost everyone on the team." I asked what he meant by `almost everyone'. Denny smiled and winked at me saying.. "I ain't gay, remember?" We got back to our apartment and went inside. Not wanting to end the night so early, I broke out a bottle of champagne I had hidden earlier, and Denny and I drank for three more hours. We were pretty wasted, but managed to help eachother up the hallway to our rooms. Since his was first, I helped him to his bed, took off his shoes, shirt and tie, and pants. I said goodnight to him, and went to leave the room. He stopped me and said "Trav, wait.. I got something for you." I turned and went back to him, standing next to his bed and asked what it was he had to give me. His answer was to reach up, unzip my pants, and pull out my cock and start blowing me. He reached behind me, grabbed my ass, and tossed me onto his bed. He quickly undid my shirt and tie, pulled off my shoes and pants, and said..." Maybe tonight I can be a LITTLE gay." He rose up off my cock and straddled my waist, then sat full on my cock, taking it up his virgin asshole. It felt so warm and tight, and I had wanted it for so many months now, I lost all control and fucked him wildly. We fucked for at least three hours, me filling his asshole over and over again until I could feel my cum running out of his asshole, down my cock and onto my balls. I pulled my cock out of his ass, then rode him the same way. He bucked wildly, forcing his cock deeper and harder into my ass, then he came. The force of his orgasm nearly knocked me off of him, but I held on and rode him til he stopped. We fell asleep in his bed, naked and entwined. Waking up the next morning, we fucked once again, and after he filled me, he got up out of bed and winked saying.. "Remember.. I aint gay." Denny and I spent 5 years together like this... him dating his girlfriends then coming home to my waiting mouth and ass.. and when he got into an argument with them, we fucked the entire night long. There was the one time when Rick came over to visit Denny, that we had a threesome. Let me tell you, for all his boasting and bragging.. Rick and his ten and a half inch cock was not as straight as he claimed. But that's another story. ;)

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