Dennis Do Right

Published on Feb 22, 2020


Dennis Do Right 4

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I spent the next hour and a half switching between Everett and Matt's cock. After a half hour I was used to the sensations, and I could talk about what I was feeling. Everett had a club cock. Thick and long. His cock head was the same size as the shaft. He varied his thrusts between short pumping actions and deep, hard thrusts. He seemed to be able to tell when I was getting used to his cock and he would give me a hard thrust to refocus me on his cock.

Matt's cock head was larger than the shaft. I knew exactly where it was. He liked to edge, and he would rub my prostate until I was almost ready to pop. He liked doggy style which gave me little ability to move.

I realized that Everett's cock was oozing precum continuously, so I was well lubricated. That excited me since I felt appreciated. Matt oozed less but had several small orgasms. He would ejaculate four or five times, then relax. He would pull out and Everett would immediately take his place. I was disappointed when Matt shot off, but relieved Everett re-entered. Ten or fifteen minutes later, Everett pulled out and Matt rammed me. I wondered if they had done this before. They seemed well organized.

"If you closed your eyes could you tell which man is in you?" Oliver asked.

"They are quite distinctive," I replied.

"Can you tell me which is bigger?" he asked.

"I can feel Matt's cockhead going deep in me, Everett is more like a snowplow. It's hard to make a choice. I feel so much. Matt's cock head is definatly an object in my ass. Everett's cock is more like a part of me. It is as if I found something new that had been missing."

"When they pull out do you feel empty?" Oliver asked.

"It depends on how quickly the other man enters," I said. "It's better if I can feel him shooting off in me. I feel as if part of him is still in me. I feel tired and want to sleep until I feel a cock at my ass again."

"Do you resist when the cock touches your sphincter?"

"I try to caress Matt's knob. I want Everett to get as deep as he can as quickly as he can," I said.

My lack of inhibitions still surprised me. I knew what I was supposed to say and do. I just didn't care. I could no longer remember why I was supposed to say no. Every time a man thrust his cock into me, I felt wonder. Every drop pf precum was a gift, every load of cum thrilled me.

While this was all just sex, it felt like more than that. Love and affection were distilled into each drop of precum and spurt of semen. I knew that we weren't lovers, but the feeling of affection overwhelmed me. Everett, Oliver and Matt were nice men. I felt as if their sex fluids had changed me. The session came to an end and I went home, feeling mellow and happy.

I was out of town for two weeks working on a major case in San Francisco. I enjoyed it. I uncovered a brilliant accountant for whom deceit was his primary tool. It took time, but I discovered the fraud and demolished the scheme. The bank that was victimized paid my firm a million. They paid me a half million as a personal bonus. I saved them several billion in losses.

The clients thought I was a genius. I thought I was just an obsessive man who could focus on a single problem to the exclusion of every other interest except for my newfound sexual interest. I worked with a computer guy named Buckminster. He was an unimpressive know-it-all who turned out to be a real know-it-all. We were almost friends at the end of the project. I am not exactly a social butterfly, but I was a sparkling man-about-town compared to Buckminster. He figured out the computer part of the scheme.

He was up all night cracking a difficult problem and came to my apartment at 7:00 AM with the information I needed. I worked from an apartment, so that no one at the bank knew I was working for them. He gave me the information and almost fell asleep. I told him to take a shower and go to sleep.

I added his input to the report and sent the information off to the bank by noon. Buckminster came out of the bedroom. He was naked. I don't think he was aware of what he wasn't wearing.

"You are looking good," I said.

Buckminster looked down saw he was naked. "I'm sorry, I seemed to think I was home," he said.

"We are all boys here, there is no need to be sorry," I said. I stroked my bulge and Buckminster did the same. Buckminster had little sexual experience and a rich fantasy life. He was willing to learn. I took the lead and fortunately no one objects to a blow job. I also was surprised that a man as unimpressive as Buckminster would sport and impressive cock.

It looked good soft, but erect it was huge. I guessed eleven or twelve inches. I thought it was thin until I wrapped my lips around his cock head. It was meaty and looked thin due to its length. Buckminster usually expressed neither sadness nor joy. His emotional life resembled that of a brick. He was uncut, and as I peeled back the foreskin, I found his knob was ultra-sensitive. He moaned and begged me to stop.

I pulled away and stopped sucking. "Buckminster, you weren't serious about wanted me to stop, were you?" I asked.

"I guess not," he replied. "Can you take it slow?"

"Sure," I said. "The only sure-fire way to get me to stop is to relax and let your cock do what it wants to do." I returned to sucking his cock. I was surprised that he seemed to relax. I think the little break gave him a chance to get his bearings.

About five minutes later he lost it and flooded my mouth with his semen. I swallowed twice to take it all and kept his cock in my mouth taking the post orgasmic drool and late mini ejaculations. He was asleep.

The phone rang and I spent the next hour clarifying things in the report for my client. She understood it correctly and she sent it to those who needed to know on a secure server. Buckminster and I worked from home; He called his home the Lair. We had no regular hours, so sleeping all day was not a problem. I keep regular hours anyway, but Buckminster saw himself as a free spirit.

He woke at four-thirty in the afternoon. "I'm sorry about that," he said. "I've never done that before."

I smiled. "Are you sorry about sleeping through the day, or shooting off in my mouth?"

"It was the mouth thing," he said in a near whisper.

"I liked that part. I knew it was going to happen. I like tasting a man letting go," I said.

"It was so personal," Buckminster said.

"Don't worry, I swallowed all the evidence. No one will ever know," I said.

"I guess you are right about that," he conceded. He paused briefly. "Do I have to take yours?"

I smiled. "Nope, I liked it. You don't need to do anything that you don't like."

"I had to do that for a guy in high school," he said. "It wasn't good."

"There are some gay assholes, but all gay men aren't assholes. You were unlucky," I said. "Would it bother you if I sucked you off another time?"

Buckminster looked at me for a few seconds. "I wouldn't mind that."

"How about now?" I asked. I was not surprised when we were both naked in bed a few minutes later. Buckminster was just as hard as he had been in the morning. There was one major change. After five or six minutes he shifted so that he could lick my cock. After a few tentative licks he wrapped his lips around mt entire cock head and soon was trying to deep throat me.

After a while he said he needed to catch his breath. He was on the bed with his erect tool standing proud. I always admired the boy scout motto, "Be Prepared." I had lubricated my ass, just in case I got lucky.

His cock called me. I straddled it and sat back. It was huge, but I figured this might be my only chance to take a big one. There are there are little cocks that hit the wrong places and big ones that fit perfectly. Buckminster was a challenge, but it was worth it. He was in heaven and I was on for the ride. I felt like I was a hood ornament on a luxury car. His orgasm felt like a fire hose spurting in my ass.

He had never entered a man by the back door, and it was a success. I was tight enough to be in contact with every inch of his cock. The sensations were all new to him and the combinations of the intimacy and the orgasm were more than he had experienced. I squeezed my sphincter and induced several additional ejaculations. It was lovely.

I had an odd sense of achievement since the entire oversized organ fit. My ass must have adjusted to the huge organ and the sensations improved as I got used to it. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Oh yes!" he replied. "Are you okay?"

I told him I was fine. I took him out to dinner at a good restaurant. I suspected he was a pizza and burger man. He seemed to be shocked that the food tasted good. It was new experience for him. We went back to my apartment and sucked and fucked ourselves to bed.

The project was over, so I went home. He was in California and I lived on the East Coast. I called him to report on the reaction to our report. It was top secret, but arrests were being made on three continents. The action had been fast, and no one had a chance to destroy or hide records. I invited Buckminster to visit me. His reaction was strange, but then I realized he was leading a hermit's life. No one had asked him to visit or to have a cup of coffee. I told him we could visit the local sites and maybe have some fun.

"The same kind of fun we had before?" he asked.

"That and maybe we could try some other fun too." I said. "We can play it by ear." He said he would come. Two weeks later, I picked him up at the airport and took him home. We had a few drinks and I cooked a good dinner for him, and we talked. He relaxed some. I don't think that relaxing was his thing.

The doorbell rang. It was Everett and Oliver. They were jogging by and dropped in to say hello. I introduced them to Buckminster.

"Are you the computer genius Dennis was talking about?" Oliver asked as he shook hands. "He said you have a gift." Buckminster mumbled something that Oliver seemed to understand.

"Don't worry, my computer is working fine. I'm not going to ask you to fix a problem with my hard drive," Oliver said. Oliver was outgoing and friendly. He had a strange ability to talk with anyone and make them feel included in the conversation even if they didn't join in.

We had a few more drinks. No one had too much, but we were all mellow. Buckminster asked how long they had known me.

"We got to know him after the accident," Everett said. Buckminster looked puzzled.

"I hadn't mentioned the accident to him. We were working on a difficult project and we didn't have time to just chat and exchange personal histories," I said. Everett told the story of the accident and the concussion.

"Did it cause any damage?" Buckminster asked.

"It didn't cause damage," I said. "It seemed to cause some alteration to what was my normal approach to life. It was odd but seems to have changed my social life."

"How was that?" Buckminster asked.

"I became more friendly and social. I was a stick in the mud before. I am positively more outgoing and open to new experiences," I said. Buckminster was smart and he suspected my sex life was one of the new experiences. The conversation continued and Buckminster, Everett and Oliver all knew we had shared the same things.

"It's strange that men share the same drives and urges, but rarely share them," Everett said. "I didn't appreciate how sharing could enhance the experience. In some ways we all tend to play solitaire but playing with three or four men makes the card game more exciting."

"We also tend to think we are alone and no one else shares our feeling or concerns," Oliver said. "We are embarrassed about our urges and desires. We think they are unique. We don't everything, but there is usually someone shares some of our feelings."

"Even a computer Geek?" Buckminster asked.

"Everett smiled. "I can all but assure you that we share some basic anatomical features."

It's good to be in a group of gay men. While we were greatly varied, we shared some common traits. A slight whiff of sex is immediately noticed. That slight whiff caused a direct inspiration for our cocks. At one time I was good about ignoring my cock's needs, but that no longer happened.

Both Everett and Oliver were wearing light weight jogging shorts. They were tenting in response the slight sexual possibility. Buckminster's cock became firmer and made a good show.

"I like computer geeks," Oliver said. "I am also a bit of a size queen. I've never met a horse hung computer guy before." Buckminster's cock continued to grow.

Later Buckminster told me that he would have beaten them off with a stick, but he didn't have a stick and he succumbed to Everett and Oliver's advances. Luckily, he had enough cock for three. That was good for all of us. I guessed he wasn't used to having men compete to have sex with him, but Buckminster bravely rose to the occasion. His balls were oversized, and it seemed he had a recovery time of a half hour between orgasms. He did not lose his erection while recharging.

I think Buckminster liked being the center of attention. He was the sort of guy who hid in a corner trying to avoid contact. I hadn't realized that both Everett and Oliver were size queens. While Buckminster's cock was the center of attention, they remembered and liked the man attached to the cock. He was eccentric, intelligent and was knowledgeable.

Everett's cock fit his ass and his cock fit Oliver's behind. As they were going at it, I fed my cock to Buckminster. With his cock, ass and mouth engaged, he was a happy camper. At one point we had a triple orgasm and he took my load. During the night he fucked and shot off in each of us. We did the same to him.

When Everett and Oliver left the next morning, I asked if it was too much for him.

"It was so overwhelming. I don't really know what I think. Everything was so good. Oliver's cock was hard to take at first, but when he got in me, it was worth it. Your sperm tasted the best. Did it bother you to see me with other men?" he asked.

"I liked seeing you enjoying yourself. I like Everett and Oliver too, but seeing you get it on was exciting. Watching them react to your cock entering them was good. I could tell how deep you were and when you were ejaculating," I said.

"That's embarrassing," he remarked.

"I've been there, and I know what they were feeling. I'm not much of a voyeur, but it's hard for a rock-hard guy to shove his cock into a willing ass and not know what is going to happen," I said. "I think you impressed Everett and Oliver."

We had a long talk. Buckminster was a smart child brought up in a family that wanted a football star, not a computer genius. His father wanted to be a star football player, but he wasn't that good. His mom had been a cheerleader. While Buckminster was an academic overachiever, that didn't count in their world. As is typical of most High Schools, being brilliant was not considered a virtue. Since he couldn't please anyone, he withdrew into his protective shell.

My interlude with him was a new world of sensation and pleasure for him. He had not realized he could be regarded as sexually desirable. The sex was good but being with someone who could understand what he was doing was a new experience too.

It turned out that meeting Everett and Oliver was good too. I knew him because of work. They saw him as a sexually desirable man. In the next few days, Buckminster met most of my mutual pleasure society. At first, his cock was the main attraction. His accommodating ass next received attention. Somehow, the guys discovered his quirky personally either as they were squirming on his cock or you were squirting their sperm into the deepest recesses of his ass.

My friends became his friends. Sexual intimacy breeds friendships. Buckminster and I became business partners specializing in forensic accounting. We also lived together, and shared friends.

I returned to my old conventional self, with one major change. While, I had a sex life with Buckminster and my other friends, I wasn't as devil-may-care as I had been just after the accident. I admit that when I met new men, they were usually friends of friends, and often a cock-prostate interaction sealed the deal. My life was complete.

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